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Chapter 1: Introduction: Matter and Measurement, Completed urin! the Summer

Study of chemistry, classifications of matter, properties of matter, units of chemistry, uncertainty in measurement,
dimensional analysis.
Chapter ": Atoms# Molecules# and Ions, Completed urin! the Summer
Atomic theory, structure of the atom, atomic number, mass number, isotopes, chemical formulas, naming
Chapter $: Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions, Completed urin! the Summer
Atomic mass, Avogadros number, mole concept, molar mass, percent composition, empirical formulas, chemical
reactions and chemical equations, stoichiometry, limiting reactant, percent yield.
%all Term
Re&ie' o( Chapter 1)$#*+, 'ee-s
Chapter .: Reactions in A/ueous Solution, 1+, 'ee-s
Electrolytic properties, precipitation reactions, spectator ions, net ionic equations, acid-base reactions, oxidation-
reduction reactions, balancing equations for redox reactions, concentration of solutions, gravimetric analysis,
acid-base titration, redox titration.
Chapter ,: Thermochemistr0, "+* 'ee-s
Enthalpy changes, specific heat, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, calorimetry, heat of formation, heat of
reaction, esss la!, heat of solution, state functions, !or", heat, first la! of thermodynamics.
Chapter 1: Electronic Structure o( Atoms, 1+, 'ee-s
#ave nature of light, quantized energy and photons, line spectra and the $ohr model, !ave behavior of matter,
quantum mechanics and atomic orbitals, many-electron atoms, electron configurations.
Chapter 2: Periodic Relationships Amon! the Elements, 1+* 'ee-
%evelopment of the periodic table, classification of the elements, periodic variation in physical and chemical
properties &for example, atomic radii, ionization energies, electron affinities, oxidation states'.
Chapter 3: Chemical 4ondin!, 1+* 'ee-
(e!is dot symbols, ionic bonds, lattice energy, covalent bonds, electronegativity, (e!is structures, bond polarity,
formal charge, resonance, bond energy.
Chapter 5: Molecular 6eometr0 and H07ridi8ation o( Atomic 9r7itals, 1+* 'ee-
)alence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory &)SE*+', electron-pair geometry, molecular geometry, geometry of
polyatomic ions, dipole moments, hybridization of atomic orbitals, sigma and pi bonds.
Chapter 1*: 6ases# "+* 'ee-s
,haracteristics of gases, pressure, gas la!s, ideal-gas equation, gas mixtures and partial pressure, "inetic
molecular theory, effusion and diffusion.
:inter Term
Chapter 11: Intermolecular %orces and Li/uids and Solids, "+* 'ee-s
-ntermolecular forces &hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, and (ondon dispersion forces', properties of liquids and
solids, ho! the "inetic molecular theory relates to liquids and solids, crystal structure, lattice energy, phase
changes, phase diagrams, triple point, critical point.
Chapter 1$: Ph0sical Properties o( Solutions, 1+* 'ee-
.ypes of solutions, concentration units, effect of temperature on solubility, effect of pressure on the solubility of
gases, colligative properties &vapor pressure lo!ering, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, osmotic
pressure', +aoults la!.
Chapter 1.: Chemical ;inetics, 1+, 'ee-s
+eaction rate, reactant order, rate constant, rate la!, half-life, activation energy, temperature dependence of rate
constants, Arrhenius equation, reaction mechanisms, rate-determining step, catalysis, use of experimental data and
graphical analysis to determine reactant order, rate constants, and reaction rate la!s.
Chapter 1,: Chemical E/uili7rium, 1+, 'ee-s
,oncept of a dynamic equilibrium, equilibrium constants for gaseous reactions &/p, /c', equilibrium constants for
reactions in solution, using an equilibrium constant to predict the direction of a reaction, factors that affect
equilibrium, (e ,hateliers principle.
Chapter 11)12: Acid)4ase E/uili7ria and Solu7ilit0 E/uili7ria, "+, 'ee-s
Acid and base concepts, p, Arrhenius acids and bases, $r0nsted-(o!ry acids and bases, (e!is acids and bases,
acid and base strengths, !ea" acids and /a, !ea" bases and /b, amphoterism, diprotic and polyprotic acids,
molecular structure and strength of acids, salts, hydrolysis, common ion effect, buffer solutions, acid-base
indicators, solubility product constants &/sp' and their application to precipitation reactions and the dissolution of
slightly soluble compounds.
Chapter 15: Chemical Thermod0namics, 1+, 'ee-
.he three la!s of thermodynamics, entropy, enthalpy, 1ibbs free energy, free energy of formation, free energy of
reaction, free energy and equilibrium, spontaneity
Sprin! Term
Chapter "*: Electrochemistr0, 1+* 'ee-
+edox reactions, electrochemical cells, half-cell reactions, standard reduction potentials, spontaneity of redox
reactions &free energy and electrode potentials', effect of concentration on cell emf, 2ernst equation, galvanic
versus electrolytic cells, electrolysis.
Chapter ".: 9r!anic Chemistr0, 1+* 'ee-
,lasses of organic compounds, aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, functional groups, structure,
nomenclature, chemical properties.
AP E<am Re&ie': $). 'ee-s
Post A+P E<am %inal La7 Pro=ect: . 'ee-s

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