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Scott Wilkey
Communications Director

Firefighters Announce the Resignation of HPFFA President Bryan Sky-Eagle

HOUSTON, Sept. 1, 2014 The following statement was released today by T.
Scott Wilkey, communications director of the Houston Professional Fire Fighters
Association (HPFFA):

Bryan Sky-Eagle, president of the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Associa-
tion, resigned today after a tumultuous year in office. During this past year:

The HPFFA Board of Directors filed more than 20 formal administrative charges
against him with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Mr. Sky-
Eagle faced an upcoming IAFF trial of the pending charges.

Mr. Sky-Eagle commenced litigation against the IAFF without the authorization
of the Board of Directors.

93 percent of our voting members rejected a contract proposal he negotiated with
the Parker Administration.

While we question Mr. Sky-Eagles explanation for his resignation, we support
his decision to resign. With this difficult year behind us, the 3,800 men of the
women of the HPFFA look forward to refocusing our Associations attention and
resources on protecting our members wages, benefits and workplace conditions,
and on delivering excellent service, being good stewards of city resources, and giv-
ing back in the community.


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