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Vocabulario: Ch. 1\B and Ch.

Y t, cmo eres?/La escuela y tu sala de
Rememeber that @ at the end of a word
means the word will end in o if its
masculine and a if its feminine. Ex. bueno,
To ask people about themselves or others
Cmo eres? What are you like?
Cmo es? What is he/she like?
Cmo se llama? Whats his/her name?
Eres. . .? Are you. . .?

To talk about what you and others like
artistic@ artistic
atrevid@ daring
buen@ good
desordenad@ messy
estudios@ studious
gracios@ funny
impaciente impatient
inteligente intelligent
ordenad@ neat
paciente patient
perezos@ lazy
reserved@ reserved, shy
seri@ serious
simpatico@ nice, friendly
sociable sociable
talentos@ talented
trabajador, -ora hardworking
difcil difficult
fcil easy
favorit@ favorite
aburrid@ boring

To talk about what someone likes or
doesnt like
Me gusta I like
Te gusta You like
No me/te gusta I/you dont like
Le gusta. . . he/she likes. . .
No le gusta he/she doesnt like.
To describe someone
Soy I am
No soy I am not
Es he/she is

To tell whom you are talking about
el amigo male friend
la amiga female friend
el chico the guy/boy
la chica the girl
l he
ella she
Yo I

Other useful words
a veces sometimes
mucho a lot
para for
muy very
pero but


Definite Articles

Indefinite Articles

Subject Pronouns

Hablar=to talk

Estar=to be

To talk about your school day
el almuerzo lunch
la clase class
la clase de. . . . . . class
arte art
espaol Spanish
ciencia science
ingles English
matemticas mathematics
tecnologa technology
el horario schedule
en la . . . hora in the . . . period
(class period)

To talk about the order of things
primer@ first
segund@ second
tercer@ third
cuart@ fourth
quint@ fifth
sext@ sixth
sptim@ seventh
octav@ eighth
noven@ ninth
dcim@ tenth

To talk about things you need for school
Yo tengo I have
T tienes you have
Yo necesito I need
T necesitas you need
el diccionario the dictionary
el bolgrafo the pen
el lapiz the pencil
la silla the chair
el bulto the book bag
la basura/el zafacn the trash bin
el reloj the clock
el sacapuntas the pencil sharpener
el pupitre the desk
el libro the book
la hoja de papel the sheet of paper
el professor male teacher
la profesora female teacher

To indicate location
al lado de la/del next to, beside
all there
aqu here
debajo de la/del underneath the
delante de la/del in front of
detrs de la/del behind
Dnde? Where?
en in, on
encima de la/del on top of

To indicate possession
de of
mi my
para for
tu your

To identify who it belongs to
Qu es esto? What is this?
De quin es esto? Whose is this?

To identify gender and quantity of nouns
los, las the
unos, unas some

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