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Scientific Name: Malus pumila

Biological Background: Apple was originated in Asia Minor. It has been cultivated for thousands of years
and today is the most cultivated fruit tree in the world.
Nutritional Information: A typical medium-sized apple (212 g provides 12! calories (most from fructose" #.$
g protein" %.% g fiber" 2$$ mg potassium" 12 mg vitamin &" and traces of other minerals and vitamins.
Pharmacological Activity: Apple is one of the best sources of flavonoids and a good source of dietary fiber
(pectin" which are responsible for most of apple's disease-fighting properties. (lavonoids and pectin in apple
help fight heart diseases (stro)e and high blood cholesterol" cancers (breast and ovarian" and constipation.
Apples also have mild antibacterial" anti-inflammatory" and estrogenic activity. In addition" apple can suppress
appetite" thus having an apple before a meal can help control weight.
Eating Tips: Most of flavonoids and fiber are in the apple peel. And the colorfulness of an apple reflects the
amount of flavonoids. *herefore" to get the most health benefit from apples" eat two bright-colored and
unpeeled apples a day.
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Scientific Name: Asparagus officinalis
Biological Background: Asparagus is a vegetable with succulent shoots and scale-li)e leaves" belonging to
the lily of the valley family. It was )nown to the ancient civilization of +gypt and ,ome.
Nutritional Information: (our medium-sized spears (coo)ed" %# g contain -1! calories" 1.% g protein" 2.% g
carbohydrate" 1.1 g fiber" #.$ mg iron" 1.% mg potassium" !# ,+ vitamin A" #.%- mg niacin" 1% mg vitamin &"
and small amount of other vitamins.
Pharmacological Activity: Asparagus is an e/cellent source of glutathione and a good source of flavonoids"
saponins" folate" vitamin &" and dietary fiber. *hose food components in asparagus provide great power to
fight various cancers and heart diseases. Asparagus is also )nown for its antifungal" diuretic" and antiviral
activity. In addition" the low calorie content of asparagus ma)es it a good food for weight control.
Eating Tips: Asparagus deteriorates and loses its vitamin & 0uic)ly under room temperature. 1eavy coo)ing
may reduce asparagus' disease-fighting power by destroying some of its healing components. *o get the most
health benefits from asparagus" eat it fresh or lightly coo)ed.
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Scientific Name: Brassica aleracea
Biological Background: 2roccoli is a dar)-green vegetable with small" tight heads (curds mounted on
stem-li)e buds" and is a member of 2rassica family of the &ruciferous vegetables. It is one of the most
popular vegetables and was originated in Italy.
Nutritional Information: 3ne cup of chopped and coo)ed broccoli (1$% g provides $% calories" $.% g
protein" ..4 g carbohydrates" %.$ g fiber" 14. g calcium" 1.. mg iron" 22# ,+ vitamin A" #.1- mg thiamin" #.-2
mg riboflavin" 1.1. mg niacin" 5. mg vitamin &.
Pharmacological Information: 2roccoli is a spectacular and uni0ue pac)age of versatile disease fighters
and abundant in numerous strong" well-)nown phytochemicals and antio/idants" including indoles"
isothiocyanates (sulforaphane and 6+I*&" 0uercetin" glutathione" beta carotene" vitamin &" folate" lutein"
glucarate" and glutathione. 2roccoli is e/tremely strong in anticancer activity" particularly against lung" colon"
and breast cancers. 7i)e other cruciferous vegetables" it speeds up the removal of estrogen from the body"
helping suppress breast cancer. 2roccoli is rich in cholesterol-reducing fiber and has antiviral and antiulcer
activity. It is a super source of chromium that helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. 2roccoli is also a good
source of calcium" thus help fight osteoporosis. 1owever" broccoli is one of the leading intestinal gas
Eating Tips: 1eavy coo)ing and processing destroy some of the antio/idants and phytochemicals such as
indoles and glutathione. +at raw or lightly coo)ed as in microwave and stir-fry. *o reduce its gas production"
eat broccoli with ginger or garlic.
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Scientific Name: Cuminum cyminum
Biological Background: A seasoning that is the principal ingredient of curry powder" a blend of powdered
Indian spices. &umin is a member of the parsley family and cumin seeds resemble caraway seeds. *he
aromatic seed has a characteristic strong" slightly bitter taste. *raditionally cumin has been used to flavor
cheese" unleavened bread" chili" and tomato sauce.
Nutritional Information: 8ue to its use as a spice" cumin provides insignificant amount of nutrients.
Pharmacological Activity: 9tudies have indicated that cumin has strong anticancer activity" which may be
due to its phytochemical cuminaldehyde. &uminaldehyde also has strong antiinflammatory properties. In
addition" cumin contains two phytochemicals" cuminyl ester and limonene" which have been shown to stop
aflato/in from binding to 8:A to start the cancer process.
Eating Tips: ;se cumin to add an earthy flavor to Indian" Middle +astern " and Me/ican cuisines.
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Scientific Name: Allium sativum
Biological Background: *his bulbous plant is closely related to onions" lee)s" chives and is a member of
Allium vegetables. <arlic is native to &entral Asia" and has been cultivated for at least !"### years.
Nutritional Information: 8ue to its use as a spice" garlic provides insignificant amount of nutrients.
Pharmacological Activity: *he healing power of garlic is recognized through &hinese fol) traditions dating
bac) thousands of years. <arlic contains multiple compounds and antio/idants including organosulfur
compounds (diallyl sulfides" which are believed to be responsible for most of the pharmacological and
antimicrobial actions. <arlic is a proven broad-spectrum antibiotic that combats bacterial" intestinal parasites"
and viruses. It can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol" discourage dangerous blood clotting" lower
chances of cancers (especially stomach cancer. <arlic is a good cold medicine" acts as a decongestant"
e/pectorant" antispasmodic" and anti-inflammatory agent. It has antidiarrheal" estrogenic" and diuretic activity
and appears to lift mood.
Eating Tips: 1igh doses of raw garlic have caused gas" bloating" diarrhea and fever in some. *o fight
bacteria" raw garlic is better. 1owever coo)ing does not diminish garlic's blood thinning and other
cardioprotective capabilities" and in fact" may enhance them by releasing antithrombotic a=oene" As a cancer
fighter" raw garlic may be better than coo)ed ones. +at garlic both raw and coo)ed for all around insurance.
+ating garlic with parsley may reduce garlic breath.
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Olive oil
Biological Background: 3live oil is e/tracted from ground olives (Olea europaea.
Nutritional Information: A tablespoon of olive oil contains 1$ g of fat (mainly monounsaturated oleic acid"
e0uivalent to 12# calories.
Pharmacological Activity: 3live oil is rich in oleic acid" a monosaturated fatty acid" and phytochemicals
oleurpein and hydroo/ylorosol" potent antio/idants. 3live oil can lower blood levels of an undesirable form of
cholesterol" 787" while raising the level of 187" the desirable )ind of cholesterol and help )eep 787 cholesterol
from being converted to a to/ic or >o/idized? form" thus protecting arteries from the fatty plague. 3live oil can
also reduce blood pressure and help regulate blood sugars. 3leuropein and hydroo/ylorosol in olive oil help
fight cancers" especially breast cancer.
Eating Tips: ;se olive oil for salads and coo)ing.
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Scientific Name: Allium cepa
Biological Background: A vegetable with an underground bulb. 3nions are closely relates to garlic and lee)s
and belongs to the lily family of Allium vegetables. 3nions apparently originated in &entral Asia" and were
harvested in prehistoric times.
Nutritional Information: 3ne cup of chopped onions (1%# g provide !$ calories" 1.5 g protein" 11.4 g
carbohydrate" 2.%$ g fiber" #.!5 mg iron" 2$. mg potassium" 1- mg vitamin &" #.1 mg thiamin" #.#2 mg
riboflavin" and #.1% mg niacin.
Pharmacological Activity: 3nions are rich in organic sulfur compounds" (diallyl disulfides and flavonoids
(0uercetin (in yellow and red onions. 3nions have strong activity against cancers (especially stomach
cancers. *hey can thin blood" lower cholesterol" raise good 187 cholesterol" ward off blood clots" fights
asthma" chronic bronchitis" hay fever" diabetes" atherosclerosis and infections. 3nions are anti-inflammatory"
antobiotic" antiviral" and a sedative.
Eating Tips: 3nions may aggravate heartburn and promote gas. +at red and yellow onions raw or coo)ed to
get the most health benefits.
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Scientific Name: Citrus sinensis
Biological Background: A popular orange-colored citrus fruit.
Nutritional Information: 3ne orange (1-1 g provides %# calories" 1.2 g protein" 1!.$ g carbohydrate" 2.54 g
fiber" 2-4 mg potassium" 4# mg vitamin &" #.11 mg thiamin" #.#! mg riboflavin" and #.-4 mg niacin.
Pharmacological Activity: 3range has a pac)age of several classes of natural cancer inhibitions )nows as
carotenoids" terpenes" flavaniods" and vitamin &" thus has strong activity against cancers" especially
pancreatic" breast and stomach cancers. 3ranges may also help ward off asthma attac)s" bronchitis"
atherosclerosis" gum disease" and boost fertility and healthy sperm.
Eating Tips: 3range and orange =uice may aggravate heartburn and trigger allergic symptoms. +at oranges
with some inner peel attached because most flavonoids are in the inner peel.
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Scientific Name: Ananas cosmosus
Biological Background: A tropical plant with stiff" spiny leaves that yields a single large fruit. 6ineapple
originated in 2razil.
Nutritional Information: 3ne cup (1!! g of raw pineapple contains 4% calories" #.% g protein" 15.2 g
carbohydrates" 2.5! g fiber" 14! g potassium" 12$ mg vitamin &" #.1$ mg thiamin" #.#% mg riboflavin" #.%! mg
Pharmacological Activity: It suppresses inflammation due to 2romelain" an antibacterial enzyme. 6ineapple
aids digestion and helps to dissolve blood clots" and is food for preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures
because of its very high manganese content. It is also antibacterial" antiviral and mildly estrogenic.
Eating Tips: +at fresh. &anning destroys some pharmacological activities of pineapple.
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Scientific Name: Rosmarinus officinalis
Biological Background: ,osemary is a perennial evergreen that grows as a shrub. ,osemary is a member
of the parsley family.
Nutritional Information: 8ue to its use as a spice" rosemary provides insignificant amount of nutrients.
Pharmacological Activity: ,osemary contains antio/idants and phytochemical arnosol" which has been
proven to be a very effective anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic agent. ,osemary also contains
rosemaricine" which can stimulate the digestive tract" help with fat digestion and lessen =oint pain. It can
reduce garlic breath produced by garlic.
Eating Tips: ;se the herb as a seasoning with fish and poultry dishes.
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Scientific Name: Glycine max
Biological Background: 9oybean is an oil-rich seed of a bushy legume plant. It was originated in eastern
Asia and was cultivated in ancient &hina.
Nutritional Information: 3ne hundred grams of soybeans contain $1% )cal" -%.! g protein" 5.- g fibber" 1454
g potassium" % mg vitamin &" #..4 mg thiamin" #..4 mg riboflavin" and 1.% mg niacin.
Pharmacological Activity: 9oybean contains many types of phytochemicals" including protease inhibitors"
phytoestrols" isoflavones" and saponins. 9oybean is a rich source of protein" folate" thiamin" riboflavin" vitamin
2%" vitamin +" calcium" copper" iron" magnesium" phosphorus" potassium" and zinc. 9oybean is pac)ed with
pharmacological activities. It boosts estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. 9oybean has strong activity
against cancers (especially breast and prostate cancer and heart diseases (especially blood cholesterol
problem. It also has activity to deter and help dissolve )idney stones.
Eating Tips: +at tofu" a ma=or soybean product" with various spices to get a great taste as well as soybean's
health advantage.
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Scientific Name: Lycopersicon esculentum
Biological Background: *omato is a vegetable from an annual vine and is a member of nightshade family"
which also includes peppers" eggplant" and potatoes. *he modern tomato originated from an ancestor in the
region of 6eru and +cuador. It was first domesticated in Me/ico.
Nutritional Information: 3ne large red tomato (1.2 g contains -..2 )cal calories" 1.!! g protein" 2.# g fiber"
$#$ mg potassium" 11- mg vitamin A (,+" -! mg vitamin &" #.11 mg thiamin" #.#5 mg riboflavin" and 1.1$ mg
Pharmacological Activity: *omatoes are especially abundant in lycopene and rich in other carotenoids"
flavonoids (particularly 0uercetin" and vitamin &. It has strong activity against cancers (especially cancers of
the prostate" lung" and stomach" and heart diseases.
Eating Tips: +at tomatoes both raw and coo)ed (coo)ing helps to release lycopene to get the most health
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Scientific Name: Curcuma longa
Biological Background: A natural yellow food coloring. *umeric is obtained from the underground stem of an
+ast Indian herb related to ginger. *umeric is one of the marvelous medicinal spices of the world.
Nutritional Information: 8ue to its use as a spice" turmeric provides insignificant amount of nutrients.
Pharmacological Activity: Its main active ingredient curcumin" which gives tumeric its intense cadmium
yellow color" is an antiflammatory agent and has reduced inflammation and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It
can lower cholesterol" hinder platelet aggregation (blood clotting" protect the lover from to/ins" boost stomach
defenses against acid" and lower blood sugar in diabetes. It also has strong activity against cancers.
Eating Tips: *ry Indian recipes to use turmeric as a spice in coo)ing.
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Scientific Name: Citrullus Vulgaris
Biological Background: *he fruit of an annual vine belonging to the s0uash and melon family. @atermelon
originated in Africa and has been cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean region" +gypt and India.
Nutritional Information: 3ne slice of watermelon ($.# g contains 1!2 calories" - g protein" -$.% g
carbohydrates" 2.$ g fiber" !%# mg potassium" 14% mg vitamin A (,+" $4 mg vitamin &" #.- mg thiamin" #.1 mg
riboflavin" and #.5% mg niacin.
Pharmacological Activity: @atermelon is rich in lycopene" glutathione and vitamin &. It has great activity
against cancers and some antibacterial" anticoagulant activity.
Eating Tips: &hoose watermelon with a deep red color.
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