Suede: Suede (Band) Suede (Disambiguation) / S W e Ɪ D / Leather Napped Jackets Shoes Shirts Purses Furniture

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the English rock band, see Suede (band). For other uses, see Suede (disambiguation).
Suede /s w e d / is a type of leather with a napped finish, commonly used for ackets,
shoes, shirts, purses, furniture and other items. !he term comes from the French "gants de
Su#de", which literally means "Swedish glo$es".
Suede acket detail
Suede leather is made from the underside of the skin, primarily lamb, although goat, calf
and deer are commonly used. Splits from thick hides of cow and deer are also sueded,
but, due to the fibre content, ha$e a shaggy nap. (ecause suede does not include the
tough e)terior skin layer, suede is less durable but softer than standard ("full*grain")
leather. +ts softness, thinness, and pliability make it suitable for clothing and delicate
uses, suede was originally used for women-s glo$es. Suede leather is also popular in
upholstery, shoes, bags, and other accessories, and as a lining for other leather products.
.ue to its te)tured nature and open pores, suede may become dirty and /uickly absorb
& 0lternati$es to suede
1 See also
2 3eferences
4 Further reading
Alternatives to suede
Fabrics are often manufactured with a brushed or napped finish to resemble suede leather.
!hese products often pro$ide a similar look and feel to suede, but ha$e ad$antages such
as increased li/uid or stain resistance, and may appeal to consumers who prefer a non*
animal product.
Sueded silk, sueded cotton and similar sueded fabrics are brushed, sanded or chemically
treated for e)tra softness. "Suede" yarns are generally thick and plush.
0lcantara and 5ltrasuede are trademarked terms for a microfibre plush with a hand
resembling the soft suede, but more durable, resistant to li/uid, stains and crushing and
can be used in upholstery, accessories, clothing or shoes.
6icrosuede is a microfibre knit blend fabric with a soft finish, but is easily
distinguishable from actual suede leather. +t has a great deal of stretch, and is $ery
popular in upholstery as well as garments.
See also
0rtificial leather
&. Suede at

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