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Intro to Photography and Photoshop Syllabus

Mr. Reaume

Besciiption: In this class, stuuents will leain how use apeituie, shuttei speeu, IS0, anu
cameia angles to finu a point of inteiest. Stuuents will leain about the iule of
thiius, focusing anu uigital-piocessing techniques foi composition. Photoshop
will be utilizeu foi ietouching anu getting the most out of each inuiviuual image.
The class will also teach skills anu techniques foi shooting amazing poitiaits.
Stuuents will maintain an online poitfolio of woik of theii photogiaphy. It is
iecommenueu that stuuents have theii own BSLR oi uigital cameia foi class.

uiauing Scale This couise will use the uistiict's giauing scale in the Stuuent Banubook.

uiauing Ciiteiia: The final couise giaue will be calculateu using the following assessments:
Wiiting Assignments 1S%
0nit Piojects 6S%
Final Pioject 2u%

Attenuance Absences - If a stuuent is absent, it is theii iesponsibility to figuie out what they
misseu. If a stuuent misses a pioject oi wiiting assignment, they must set up a
time to come speak with me befoie school to complete the assignment.

Topic 0utline The following is a !"#!$!%&" outline foi the semestei.

Unit One Bio Poem in pictures
Unit Two "Words/letters" photo scavenger hunt
Unit Three Shape" photo scavenger hunt
Unit Four "10 photography tips" lesson
Unit Five "10 portraits" lesson
Unit Six Single Object
Unit Seven Landscapes
Unit Eight Architectural Photography
Unit Nine Night Photography
Unit Ten Pet Photography
Unit Eleven- Food Photography
Unit Twelve- "Photojournalism: Our School in Pictures"
Unit Thirteen- Color Photography
Unit Fourteen- Water Photography
Unit Fifteen- Picture of Picture

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