Confirmation Letter For Zonal Center

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Format for Confrmation of Zonal Center

Dated: ___________
The Manager
RoboFeast 2015
Subject: Confrmation for making our o!!ege as "ona! Center for hosting RoboFeast
2015 #$ent
Dear %ir,
This is to bring to &our kind notie that our o!!ege <Mention Name of the College>
onfrms to organi'e 2(Da&s )uad Co*ter +orksho* um ,re!ims of RoboFeast 2015 on
<Tentative Dates>- +e .i!! *ro$ide registration fees Rs- <mount> *er student as
*er *ro*osa! reei$ed b& &ou
+e .i!! *ro$ide &ou .ith the fo!!
1- /ood 0nfrastruture .ith a %eminar 1a!!2 Com*uter 3ab ha$ing enough a*ait& to ondut
1ands(on(session for a!! *artii*ants-
2- 4*en /round for 1and on e5*eriene of 6&ing )uad o*ter .ith Radio Contro!
7- 8ommodation and Food for Resoure Team from RoboFeast-
9- 8rrangement of minimum :0 students for the .orksho*-
5- ,ub!ii'e the e$ent in our region from the materia! *ro$ided b& RoboFeast 2015 team-
The .orksho* to be onduted .i!! be taken are b& the fo!! t.o student ; Fau!t&
oordinators .ho .i!! oordinate the entire e$ent at our am*us:
!Mention Name" #mail i$ % Contact number of &or'sho( Coor$inators)
Thanks and Regards
<ours Tru!&
=%igned and %ea! of Co!!ege>
<Name of the uthorit*>
Note: Kindly print the Confrmation Letter on your College Letter Head and mail us
back its Scanned copy to

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