80 Ways To Say

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80 Ways to say "Very Good!

1. Good for you!

2. Superb
3. You did that very well
4. You've got it made
5. Terrifi
!. That'" #ot bad!
$. %ould#'t have do#e it better my"elf.
&. 'arvelou"!
(. You're doi#g fi#e.
1). You're really improvi#g.
11. You're o# the right tra* #ow!
12. +ow you've got it figured out.
13. ,ut"ta#di#g!
14. That'" omi#g alo#g #iely.
15. - *#ow you a# do it.
1!. Good wor*.
1$. You figured that out fa"t.
1&. - thi#* you've got it #ow.
1(. -'m proud of the way you wor*ed today.
2). Treme#dou"!
21. You ertai#ly did well today
22. .erfet!
23. +ie goi#g
24. You've got your brai# i# gear today
25. +ow you've got the ha#g of it
2!. /,/!
2$. /o#derful!
2&. You're getti#g better every day
2(. You're lear#i#g fa"t
3). You ma*e it loo* ea"y
31. That'" muh better
32. +ie try
33. Super!
34. You did a lot of wor* today
35. 0eep it up!
3!. %o#gratulatio#"
3$. 12atly right!
3&. +ie goi#g
3(. 12elle#t!
4). Se#"atio#al!
41. You're doi#g beautifully
42. You've 3u"t ma"tered that!
43. That'" the be"t ever
44. That'" great!
45. /ay to go!
4!. That'" the way to do it!
4$. That'" 4uite a# improveme#t
4&. Good thi#*i#g
4(. 0eep up the good wor*
5). That'" it!
51. That'" better
52. You have#'t mi""ed a thi#g
53. 5a#ta"ti!
54. You outdid your"elf today
55. You're doi#g a good 3ob
5!. That'" the right way to do it
5$. That'" better
5&. 6ight o#!
5(. That'" the be"t you've ever do#e!
!). That'" 6-G7T!
!1. You mu"t have bee# pratii#g!
!2. Great!
!3. 0eep wor*i#g o# it... you're getti#g
!4. You remembered!
!5. That *i#d of wor* ma*e" me very happy
!!. You're really wor*i#g hard today
!$. - *#ew you ould do it!
!&. -'m very proud of you
!(. ,#e more time a#d you'll have it
$). 5i#e!
$1. That'" good
$2. Good 3ob
$3. You really ma*e thi" fu#
$4. Good rememberi#g
$5. You are doi#g muh better today
$!. 0eep o# tryi#g
$$. You are really lear#i#g a lot
$&. You've 3u"t about got it
$(. -'ve #ever "ee# a#yo#e do it better!
&). You are very good at that.

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