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Lecture 5

The TMS320C6x Family of DSPs

ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
High-Performance Fixed-Point Digital Signal
Processor (TMS320C6413/C6410)
2-ns Instruction Cycle Time
500-MHz Clock Rate
4000 MIPS
2.5-ns Instruction Cycle Time
400-MHz Clock Rate
3200 MIPS
Eight 32-Bit Instructions/Cycle
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Eight Highly Independent Functional Units
Six ALUs (32-/40-Bit), Each Supports Single 32-
Bit, Dual 16-Bit, or Quad 8-Bit Arithmetic per
Clock Cycle
Two Multipliers Support Four 16 x 16-Bit
Multiplies (32-Bit Results) per Clock Cycle or
Eight 8 x 8-Bit Multiplies (16-Bit Results) per
Clock Cycle
Load-Store Architecture
64 32-Bit General-Purpose Registers
Instruction Packing Reduces Code Size
All Instructions Conditional
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
L1/L2 Memory Architecture
128K-Bit (16K-Byte) L1P Program Cache (Direct
128K-Bit (16K-Byte) L1D Data Cache (2-Way Set-
2M-Bit (256K-Byte) L2 Unified Mapped RAM/Cache
1M-Bit (128K-Byte) L2 Unified Mapped RAM/Cache
Endianess: Little Endian, Big Endian
512M-Byte Total Addressable External Memory
Enhanced Direct-Memory-Access (EDMA) Controller
(64 Independent Channels)
16 prioritized interrupts
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Block Diagram
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University

ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Two 32-bit timers used as timers/event/counters/interrupt
Configuring a timer requires four basic steps:
If the timer is not currently in the hold state, place the timer in
hold (HLD = 0). Note that after device reset, the timer is already
in the hold state
Write the desired value to the timer period register (PRD).
Write the desired value to the timer control register (CTL). Do not
change the GO and HLD bits in CTL.
Start the timer by setting the GO and HLD bits in CTL to 1.

ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
16 interrupt sources
2 timer interrupts
4 external interrupts
4 McBSP interrupts
4 DMA interrupts

ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Interrupt control registers
CSR: control status register
IER: Interrupt enable register
IFR: interrupt flag register
ISR: interrupt set register
ICR: interrupt clear register
ISTP: interrupt service table pointer
IRP: interrupt return pointer
NRP: NMI return pointer
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Interrupt Priority
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Interrupt Service Table (single fetch packet)
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University
Interrupt Service Table (branch to
additional code)
ACOE343 - Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems -
Frederick University

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