Critical Path Analysis

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Critical Path Analysis - 15B


Please note the edges/lines are the activities.

Doing Work:

Earliest Start Time (EST):

To calculate EST we need to add up all activities that pre-empt the start of the
activity outlined. This value belongs in the triangle, as below.

Float Time:

Float time is the difference in time between a path that can be delayed and one
that cannot.
o A path that cannot be delayed is the longest possible path, critical path.
D to E
o A path that can, will be a path that runs parallel but is shorter in time.
B and G
Float time is kind of like extra time, i.e. It will take 8 minutes to complete D and E
while it will only take 2 minutes to complete B and arrive at the same point.
This means that activity B has a float time of 6 minutes.
LFT LST and logic!

What is the float time for activity G?
Earliest Start Time (EST)
Latest Start Time (LST)
Start/End Node

Latest Start Time (LST):
Latest start time is the bit that allows for the slack, it identifies that activities
with float times dont have to start on time.
For example if the critical path or the longest activity takes 8 minutes and
another activity takes 2 minutes we have 6 minutes of float time. In this case we
dont need to start the task until 6 minutes in, this is the LST.
You will explore this further in 15B.

Why Question 9:
No idea, the answer is to a different question it gives the allowable delay which
is equal to float time, it shouldve given the LST which you will get to know
further in 15B, weird.

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