Sip Kit 2012-14 Final

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Batch (2013 15)

New Delhi Institution of Management
F-13,Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I New Delhi-110020
E-mail : Website :

Check list for Summer Training Kit (STK)

1. Professional behavior at the work place

2. Guidelines for preparation of Training Report

3. Training Report format

4. Draft & Specimen of Cover page & Title page

5. Specimen of Declaration Certificate

6. Initial Information Report Form (IIR)

7. Mid Evaluation Form (MEF)

8. Final Evaluation form

9. Summer training Calendar

Summer Training Exhibiting Professional

Behaviour in a Corporate Environment

Try to maximize your professional approach & learning approach through

A. Understanding the role behind the job assigned and how it serves the overall
business purpose of the company

B. Understanding how other functional departments operate &co-ordinate amongst
themselves to achieve the overall purpose.

C. How theoretical concepts are applied to practical situations in a company setup

D. You can enhance your managerial skills by exhibiting a good team skills, positive
attitude, enthusiasm for the assignment , being courteous , polite and
supportive to others who may be working with you

E. Maintaining punctuality, sincerity and a good dress sense throughout

F. Exhibit seriousness to the assignment given to you by meeting all the deadlines
and targets given

G. By seeking as many meaningful answers as possible as to how complex situations
are handled

H. Attempting to build a cordial & beneficial relationship between the
institute as its ambassador and the company

Often when you exhibit professionalism & impressive performance, the companies
tend to give preference in their final selections and offer Pre Placement Offer (PPO),
which is commendable


Students who manage to secure such PPO and gets converted into
final placement acceptance will be eligible to be considered for
special recognition and award from the Institute

Originality & Creativity to be Appreciated
IMITATION--------------- INNOVATION-------------- INNOVISION
Create an impression - a lasting one.

Guidelines for Preparation of Training Report

i. Every Student will be assigned a faculty guide and a minimum contact of at least once in
a week to be maintained with faculty guides & report on the progress of your project,
take guidance, share issues / concerns through phone/ email etc.

Note: Faculty mentor will not sign your report if you do not get in touch with the faculty and
update about your internship. Minimum contact should be at least once in a week. Pls.
make sure that you will regularly email your project update to the faculty mentor.

ii. Student need to make 3 copies of their Report, one for submission to college (Spiral
Bound), one for the submission to the company (to Industry mentor Hard Bound), and
the other one will be your own copy (Hard Bound).

iii. Soft copy of the Executive Summary and Cover page should be forwarded to CRC at mentioning STP_Name_Roll Number in subject line

iv. Number the pages as mentioned in the table of content & give footnotes, wherever

v. The impression on the typed copies should be black in colour.

vi. Number of pages should be ideally between 40-50 pages

vii. Maintain uniformity in font size & font type. One and a half spacing should be used for
typing the general text. The general text shall be typed in the Font style Times New
Roman and Font size 14.

viii. The dimension of the report should be in A4 size. The report should be hard bound using
black cover of thick material. The cover should be printed in golden color letters and the
text for printing should be identical.

ix. A specimen copy of the Cover page & Declaration Certificate of the report is attached
after the training report format

x. Certificate from the company shall be in double line spacing using Font Style Times
New Roman and Font Size 14. The certificate shall carry the supervisors signature and
shall be followed by the supervisors name, designation, department and full address of the
organization. Certificate should be in the company letter head.

xi. Executive Summary should be one page of the report typed 1.15 line spacing, Font Style
Times New Roman and Font Size 14. A booklet containing all the executive summaries
will be printed and distributed to corporate and delegates coming to NDIM on various

xii. Table of Contents should list all material following it as well as any material which
precedes it. The title page, Declaration & Certificate will not find a place among the items
listed in the Table of Contents.

xiii. Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which is included in the
main text & should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.

xiv. The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author, e.g.
Ariponnammal, S. and Natarajan, S. (1994) Transport Phonomena of Sm Sel X Asx,
Pramana Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421-4 25.

Reference E.g.

Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the work. Place name: Publisher.
e- books:
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the work. Retrieved from http://...
Online Journal / Articles:
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Article title. Title of Periodical, x(x), pp-pp. Retrieved
from http://...
Online documents / web pages:
Author, A., & Author, B. (Year). Title of the webpage. Retrieved from http://...

Training Report Format

1. Cover and Title page

Cover page (College name, Project title, Company name)
Title page (Project Title, Company name, Duration, Submitted by,)
Certificate from the company
Declaration given by the student
Table of contents
Executive Summary (This will be a gist of your entire project, should be prepared at
the last), which should contain the following: (not more than 1 2 pages)

1. Objective of the project
2. How did you do the project / Methodologies involved
3. Your observations & findings
4. Limitations of your work / project
5. Relevance of the Project / Value Addition to the Organisation

2. Introduction to the Industry / Company (not more than 10 - 12 pages, not to be
copy pasted from the internet)

Overview of the Industry this should include

1. Major players in the space / Competitors
2. Scope & Impact of the Industry on Indian Economy

Company Background this must include (as per headings given)

1. Group Companies
2. Promoters / Senior Executives like Chairman & Managing Director, CEO, etc.
3. Hierarchy / Organisational Structure
4. Products & Services
5. Geographical Spread
6. Market / Customer Segment
7. Turn Over
8. Market Share
9. Positioning of your Company in the Industry Space
10. Any recent Mergers & Acquisitions
11. Future Plans of expansion
12. What is their Revenue Model?
13. According to you, is their Revenue Model the best, or if you would like to suggest
any modifications in their Revenue Model?
14. New Initiatives taken towards better Customer Satisfaction
15. What are the impacts of those new initiatives?
16. Whether any funding has been received by the organisation?
17. How do they intend to repay?
18. Organisation Budget for year 2014 15
19. Turn Around model by which Company has benefitted.
20. Strategy adopted by the Company for their Business Success in the domain they are
21. Leadership Model
22. CSR Practices / Activities / Steps / Initiatives & Projects undertaken
23. HR Practices:

o What is their attrition rate?
o What new initiatives have been taken towards Employee Satisfaction?
o Have they been able to retain their Key Employees? If yes, then How? If
o no, then Why?
o What Talent Management practices are followed?
o How do Trade Unions affect their business?

Government Policies or Taxation aspects
S.No. 1 & 2 are common for the 2 types of reports.
The rest of the report would vary as per the training i.e. On the Job Training or
Research based work.

3. Research Project or On-The-J ob-Training

(either of the two will be applicable after discussion with your faculty and industry

For Research Project

Objectives of the Study / Project
Literature Review
o Synopsis of at least 5 relevant research papers in the area of study
o Variables of the Study (Identified after literature review)

Research Methodology (No Theory)

o Actual details about Sample, Population, Scope, Type of Study, Tools used for
survey, Techniques used for Analysis

Findings and Analysis (using Questionnaires)

o Each question to be interpreted with Graph.

o Analysis of Findings
o Analysis of objectives of study
o Future Scope of study

Limitations & Constraints
Recommendations & Suggestions
References / Bibliography
o Direct references used in Literature Review, Research Methodology and
Company & Industry background in APA style of referencing
o Any Books, Magazines, etc.


o Questionnaire
o Company Brochure
o Daily / or Weekly formats of Reporting
o Any other relevant information

For On-The-Job-Training

Objectives of the Training / Internship
Details of work assigned / KRAs
Week wise description of activities (Project stages must be mentioned in detail)
Key Observations / Findings

o Summary of Work Done
o Analysis of findings with reasons
o Each objective of training to be interpreted or concluded

Limitations / Constraints faced
Recommendations / Suggestions
Major learning: About company, processes, professional attitude, behaviour, overall
experience during 8 weeks etc. (1 page)
References / Bibliography in APA style with complete Print and Online resources

o Product / Service Brochure
o Daily / weekly reporting formats
o Literature review pertaining to main area of Summer Training
o Any other relevant information

Cover Page


<Times New Roman><Font size 16><1.5 line spacing>


<Font size 20>



<Font Size 22>



<Font Size 20>

In Partial Fulfillment for the award of the degree

<Font Size 16><1.5 Line spacing><Italic>
Post Graduate Diploma In Management


<Font Size 16><1.5 Line spacing>

<Font Size 20>


Corporate Social Responsibility in public sector


Power Grid


Minakshi Sharma


In partial fulfillment for the award of

Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management


New Delhi Institution of Management
F-13,Okhla Industrial Area Phase-I New Delhi-110020
E-mail : Website :

Title Page


<Font Size 18><Times New Roman>

Project Title

<Font Size 22>


<Font Size 18>

Company name

<Font Size 22>

Under the supervision


<Font Size 18>

Name of Industry mentor

<Font Size 22>

Submitted By- Submitted to-

Student Name Name of Faculty guide

Roll number <Font Size 20>

<Font Size 20>


Corporate Social Responsibility in public sector


Power Grid

Under the supervision


Name of Industry mentor

Submitted By- Submitted to-
Minakshi Sharma Name of Faculty guide
Roll number A-135

<Font style Times New Roman><Size- 16><Bold>

I ..(student name).. student of New Delhi Institution of
Management ..Batch() declare that every part of the Project Report
..(title)that I have submitted is my original work.
I was in regular contact with the nominated faculty guide and contacted ____
times for discussing the project.
<Font style Times New Roman><Size- 14>

Date of project submission:______________

<<Signature of the Student>>

Facultys Comments :
<Font style Times New Roman><Size- 14>

<<Signature of Faculty guide>>



(to be submitted to Faculty Guide)

Name of Student: _________________________ Roll number: _______

Contact number:__________________________ Email ID:____________________

Date of Joining: __________________________ Reporting Timing:_____________

Name of the Organisation: __________________________________

Company Mentor: __________________________ Designation: _________________

Email Id: ___________________________ Phone No. ___________________

Project Title: _____________________________________________

Department: _______________________

Area / Territory Assigned:_____________________________________________

In house Training Imparted by Company: Yes No

Product Briefing:____________________________________________________

Process Briefing:____________________________________________________
Other Briefing: _____________________________________________________



Signature by Industry Mentor Students signature



(to be submitted to the Faculty Mentor by the student / Faculty Mentor will, in turn, submit to the

Name of Student: ____________________ Roll number: ______________

Contact number:__________________ Email ID:_________________

(Student Self- Assessment) Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Knowledge & Awareness:

(Companys Product, Industry & Competitor)

Codes of Conduct:
(Punctuality, Professional behavior, Team spirit, Dressing sense)

Coordination with Mentor:

Research Efforts:

Accuracy of Work Assigned :

Students Signature:______________________ Date: _________________


(To be filled by Industry mentor after students self assessment)

Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Knowledge & Awareness:
(Companys Product, Industry & Competitor & Domain Knowledge)

Employability Traits:

2. Professional behavior

3. Dressing sense

Initial of the Industry Mentor _____________

4. Team work

5. Coordination

6. Communication skills

7. Interpersonal Skills

8. Attitude towards project

9. Adaptability to the organizations culture

10. Ability to perform under stress

11. Mental Alertness :

12. Research Efforts:

13. Accuracy of Work Assigned :

Your valuable remarks on students attitude & areas of improvements:

Signature of Industry Mentor:___________________ Date: _________________

(To be filled by Faculty Mentor)

Knowledge & Awareness:
(Companys Product, Industry & Competitor)

Coordination with Mentor:

Research Efforts:

Growth/progress of the project:

Receptive to advice:

Signature of Faculty Mentor: ________________ Date: _________________

Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
(to be submitted in the CRC in sealed envelop)
Name of the Student: ________________________ Contact number:_________________

Name of the Company: ______________________ Duration: From ______ to___________

Project Title:_______________________________________________

Area/ Territory assigned: ______________ Name of the Industry Mentor _______________

PPO (Pre Placement Offer) can be considered : Y N

Assessment by Industry Guide / Mentor Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Knowledge & Awareness:(Companys Product,

Industry & Competitor & Domain Knowledge)

Employability Traits:


2. Professional behavior

3. Dressing sense

4. Team work

5. Coordination

6. Communication skills

7. Interpersonal Skills

8. Attitude towards project

9. Adaptability to the organizations culture

10. Ability to perform under stress

11. Mental Alertness:

12. Research Efforts:

13. Accuracy of Work Assigned :

Behavioural Improvements over last 6 8 weeks:

Initial of the Industry Mentor _____________
Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor

Employability factor :

Faculty Mentors involvement:
(Providing Feedback, Personal Visit applicable in case
of Delhi / NCR, Interaction over the phone, email etc. )

Overall conduct of the student during last 6 - 8 weeks
(Punctuality / Discipline / Learning approach/ etc)
(Kindly give marks out of 10, it will be added in the final assessment)

Remarks on employability factor of the student & areas of improvements (kindly provide
us with your valuable suggestion to improve the qualitative input of the student)


Name of the Industry Mentor: __________________ Signature

Designation ________________________________ Date:

Summer Training Calendar

Scheduled Duration: 16
May 2014 to 15
July 2014

Submission of Initial Information Report (IIR): 30
May 2014 (will carry 5 marks)

Submission of Mid Evaluation Report (MER): 15
June 2014 (will carry 10 marks)

Submit IIR & MER to your faculty mentor before the due date mentioned above.

Final Discussion / Guidance from Faculty Mentor: 16
July 2014 to 25th July 2014.

Submission of Final Report to CRC: 4
Aug 2014 (will carry 5 marks)

10 marks will be assigned towards overall conduct of the students in organization.
The traits covered are Personality, Learning approach, Attitude, Hard work,
Discipline, Ethical practices etc. These marks will be offered in consultation with the
respective industry guide.

Note: Format of all the Evaluation Report is attached is given in this
document. Pls. also make sure that you meet all your project deadlines.

Note: We will be assigning a college faculty mentor to every student and you are
required to get in touch with your concern faculty during the internship.

Faculty mentor will not sign your report if you do not get in touch with the faculty
and update about your internship. Minimum contact should be at least once in a
week. Pls. make sure that you will regularly email your project update to the
faculty mentor.

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