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IBPS PO Previous Questions
IBPS PO Exam Date : 17-06-2012
1.Whih o! the !o""o#in$ #as issue over #hih In%ia %ei%e% to vote a$ainst Sri &an'a in the
meetin$ o! one o! the () $overne% *o%ies+a$enies , -In%ia . Wor"%/
a) Violations of human rights in Sri Lanka
b) Allowing china of human rights in Sri Lanka
c) Issue of subsidy on agricultural products in the meeting of the WTO
d) Allowing part of Sri Lanka to become an independent country goerned by LTT!"
e) Sri Lanka #s claim to become a permanent member of $% security council"
0ns : 0
2.Whih o! the !o""o#in$ statements is 12(E a*out 3o"itia" situation in 4a"i5 #here a mi"itar6
ou3 *urst out reent"6 -Internationa"/
a) &eneral elections were due there in 'arch ( April )*+) but did not take place
b) The ,ountry was under the control of $S army since last +- months
c) Army of the country was not happy as Amadou Toure was made president without elections for the ne.t
fie years
d) ,oup broke out in 'ali when Amadou Toure/ the military chief got seriously in0ured in a bomb blast"
e) %ATO and its associates had panned a coup there"
0ns: D
7. In the summit o! #hih i! the !o""o#in$ or$ani8ations+$rou3 o! )ations it #as %e"are% that a""
mem*ers shou"% en!ore Bu%$et %isi3"ine, -on!erenes/
a) &1-
b) O2!,
c) !uropean $nion
d) SAA3,
e) &1)*
0ns : 9
:. 0 3er ne#s3a3er re3orts5 In%ia is 3"annin$ to use ;SE(< as !ue" in its 700 4W nu"ear reators
*ein$ %eve"o3e% in ne# 3"ants. What is !u"" !orm o! ;SE(< as use% here , -siene . tehno"o$6/
a) Safe !lectrical $nits
b) Small !lectrical units
c) Slightly enriched $ranium
d) Sufficiently !nriched $nits
e) Safely enriched uranium
0ns : 9 Page 1
=. 1he >o"%en ?u*i"ee o! 0!ro-0sian Deve"o3ment or$ani8ation #as or$ani8e% in #hih o! the
!o""o#in$ 3"aes in 4arh 2012 , -9on!erenes/
a) 4haka
b) Tokya
c) ,airo
d) kualalumpur
e) %ew 4elhi
0ns :E
6. 1he 3resent @orei$n 1ra%e 3o"i6 o! In%ia #i"" ontinue ti"" - eonom6/
a) 4ecember )*+)
b) march )*+5
c) march )*+6
d) 7une )*+6
e) 4ecember )*+6
0ns : 9
7. What #as the reasons o#in$ Enria &exie 5 an Ita"ian shi3 #as %etaine% *6 the 3ort 0uthorities
in Aera"a an% #as *ou$ht to 9ohin 3ort !or ins3etion an% searh, -In%ia . #or"%/
a) It was carrying in ob0ectionable material
b) It was inoled in sea piracy
c) It was detained as the crew killed two India fishermen
d) The ship started sailing without making payments of Iron ore it loaded
e) It was detained as it was dumping nuclear waste in deep sea"
0ns : 9
B. Whih o! the !o""o#in$ a$enies+ or$ani8ations reent"6 $ave ;$o-hea%< ver%it to In%ia<s one o!
the most ontroversia" 3roCet o! Inter "in'in$ rivers,- some o! the rivers internationa" rivers /

-In%ia . Wor"%/
a) $% 8ood and Agriculture Organi9ation
b) World 'eteorological Organi9ation
c) International ,ourt of 7ustice
d) ,entral Water ,ommission
e) Supreme ,ourt of India
0ns : E
D. Who amon$ the !o""o#in$ #as the a3tain o! the 0ustra"ian 1eam #hih 3"a6e% : 1est mathes
a$ainst In%ia in ?anuar6 2012 an% #on a"" o! them , -s3orts an% $ames/
a) 3icky 2ointing
b) 'ichael ,larke
c) %athan Lyon Page 2
d) Stuart ,lark
e) Andrew Symonds
0ns : B
10. 1he ommittee on revie# o! Sma"" savin$ !un% -)SS@/ #as hea%e% *6 -ommittees/
a) 4r","3angara0an
b) 'r"$":"sinha
c) 4r";"V"3eddy
d) 'rs/shyamala &opinath
e) 4r" $sha thorat
0ns : D
11. 1he =th 0sian In%oor 0th"etis 9ham3ionshi3 #as or$ani8e% in @e*ruar6 2012 in -s3orts an%
a) <angladesh
b) India
c) =atar
d) ,hina
e) South :orea
0ns : D
12. Who amon$ the !o""o#in$ #as the hie! >uest at the three -%a6 Pravasi Bharati6a Divas he"% in
?anuar6 2012, -on!erene/
a) kamla 2ersad > <issessar
b) 3am <aran ;ada
c) Lakshmi 'ittal
d) Salman 3ushdie
e) <en0amini %etanyahu
0ns : 0
17. 0s 3er revise% 2BI >ui%e"ines5 Provision on seure% 3ortion o! "oan aounts "assi!ie% as
Dou*t!u" assets !or than one 6ear an% u3 to 7 -three/ 6ears is to *e ma%e at the rate o!
a) +?@ b) )*@ c) 6* @ d) )?@ d) 5*@
0ns : E Page 3
1:. 0s 3er the 3rovisions in the !oo% Seurit6 Bi"" -20115 3er month ho# muh !oo% $rain shou"%
*e $iven to eah 3erson o! the tar$et $rou3, -eonom6/
a) ?kg
b) A kg
c) Bkg
d) +* kg
e) )*kg
0ns : B
1=. Whih o! the !o""o#in$ states has "aunhe% ;3anh 3armes#ar EoCana< (n%er #hih
3ansha6ats are a""o#e% to use the !un% !or %eve"o3in$ in!rastruture an% *asi amenities in
vi""a$es , -states/
a) $ttar2radesh
b) 'aharastra
c) &u0arat
d) 'adhya 2radesh
e) Tamilnadu
0ns : D
16. )ationa" ta*"e tennis ham3ionshi3 #as or$ani8e% in ?anuar6 2012 in -s3orts an% $ames/
a) 'umbai
b) 4elhi
c) Cyderabad
d) Luknow
e) 7aipur
0ns : D
17. Who amon$ the !o""o#in$ is the author o! the *oo' ;)ir*asan<, - *oo's in ne#s/
a) 'ahasweta dei
b) Taslima %asreen
) Sunil &angopadhyay
d) Vikram Seth
e) :iran 4esai
0ns : B Page 4
1B.Who maon$ the !o""o#in$ In%ian &a#n 1ennis "a6er #on a Dou*"es o! 0ustra"ian O3en
2012 , -s3orts an% $ames/
a) 'ahesh <hupati
b) :amlesh 'ehta
c) Leander paes
d) Sania 'ir9a
e) Achanta sarath kamal
0ns : 9
1D.<0'u"a -11F"ass<A-1=2 )e3ra ; #as in"u%e% in In%ian )av6 reent"6. 1hese are -Siene .
a) Air crafts
b) 3adar System
c) Submarines 'issiles
d) Warships
e) Submarines
0ns : E
20. Whih o! the !o""o#in$ a#ar%s #as on!erre% u3on &ate 4ario De 4iran%a-Posthumous"6/in
?anuar6 2012, -0#ar%s an% Gonours/
a) 2adma Vibhushan
b) bharat 3atna
c) kalidas Samman
d) Saraswati Samman
e) 2admashri
0ns : 0
21. Whih o! the !o""o#in$ shemes in "aunhe% to 3rovi%e 3ension to 3eo3"e in unor$ani8e%
setors in In%ia - nationa"/
a) Swabhiman
b) 7eean 4hara
c) 7eean :alyan
e) Swaalamban
0ns : E Page 5
22. 1he 10th *asi 4inisteria" 4eetin$ on "imate han$e #as or$ani8e% in @e*ruar6 2012 in
a) Tokyo
b) <ei0ing
c) manila
d) 'oscow
e) %ew 4elhi
0ns : E
27. @inane 4inistr6 has as'e% the 2eserve Ban' o! In%ia to a""o# 9ommon 014<s taht #i"" *e
o#ne% an% mana$e% *6 non-*an'in$ entities ho3in$ to ut transation osts !or *an's5 suh
014<a are 'no#n as - eonom6 )
a) black Label AT'Ds
b) Offsite AT'Ds
c) On site AT'Ds or red AT'Ds
d) Third 2arty AT'Ds
e) White label AT'Ds
0ns : E
2:. 2an*ir Aa3oor #as a#ar%e% Best 0tor 0#ar% in =7th @i"m @are !untion !or his 3er!ormane
in - 0#ar%s an% Gonours/
a) %o One :illed 7essica
b) Stanley :a 4abba
c) A khoon 'aaf
d) 3ockstar
e) Eindagi na milendi 4obara
0ns : D
IBPS PO Exam Date : 1B-0D-2012
1/ Whih o! the !o""o#in$ ountries reent"6 on!erre% its Gi$hest State Gonour on &ate 4rs. In%ira
>an%hi !or her ontri*ution in its ;&i*eration War< ,
+) South Sudan
)) <angladesh
5) <hutan Page 6
6) Sloakia
?) ,roatia
Ans) )

2/ 1he >ovt. o! In%ia reent"6 %ei%e% to raise the 3rie o! oi" 3ro%uts "i'e5 %iese"5 3etro" an%
oo'in$ $as. Go#ever5 some taxes on these 3ro%uts #ere re%ue% or sra33e% a"" to$ether.
What #ere these taxes #hih #ere re%ue% or sra33e% ,
+) ,ustom 4uty
)) VAT
5) !.cise 4uty
Ans) <oth ) F 5
7/ 1he Presi%ent o! In%ia #as reent"6 on a visit to South Aorea an% 4an$o"ia. Durin$ her visit
some a$reements #ere si$ne% *6 *oth the ountries. Whih o! the !o""o#in$ #as a ommon area
on #hih In%ia si$ne% a$reements #ith South Aorea an% 4on$o"ia *oth ,
+) 2eaceful use of %uclear energy
)) !.port of edible oil to South :orea and 'ongolia
5) 2roiding technical help to become self sufficient in production of food grains
6) Willingness of both the countries to support IndiaDs bid to hae permanent seat in $% Security ,ouncil
Ans) +

:/ 1he Gome 4inister o! In%ia #as reent"6 on a visit to Ban$"a%esh #here *oth the ountries
si$ne% a 9oor%inate% Bor%er 4ana$ement P"an - 9B4P /. What are maCor 3oints o! this
a$reement ,
+) The plan will help in resoling long pending border dispute between both the nations
)) The head court of the people liing in enclaes on the border will be completed within ne.t si. monthDs
5) India assured that no <S8 7awan will open fire on the people crossing the borders unless there is an
attack on them
Ans) <oth + F 5 Page 7

=/ Ein$"u' Shina#atra has #on reent"6 he"% e"etions to *eome the !irst #oman Prime 4inister
o! HHI
+) 'yanmar
)) South :orea
5) %orth :orea
6) Thailand
?) ,hina
Ans) 6

6/ Iran reent"6 threatene% to sto3 su33"6 o! oi" to In%ia i! the 3a6ment issue is not sorte% out
Jui'"6. What is the 3ro*"em in 3a6ment to Iran , - 2 /
+) The oil supplied to India is of substandard Guality" Cence India suspended the supply and stopped the
)) Indian banks hae stopped transfer of money to Iran as $% has imposed sanctions on Iran
5) India is bound to purchase only from O2!, which has created a problem in payment
Ans) )

7/ 1he &o'a6u'ta o! #hih o! the !o""o#in$ States ha% su*mitte% a re3ort on i""e$a" minin$ o! iron
ore in the State ,
+) Andhra 2radesh
)) Tamil %adu
5) :arnataka
6) Odisha
?) %one of these
Ans ) 5 Page 8
B/ 0n$e"a 4er'e" #as reent"6 in In%ia to reeive ?a#ahar"a" )ehru 0#ar% !or Internationa"
(n%erstan%in$ !or the 6ear 200D. What has *een her ontri*ution in the Internationa" 3o"itis
#hih ma%e her the ;Best 9hoie< !or the a#ar% ,
+) She played a ma0or role in restarting negotiations between 3ussia and $SA on # STA3 # "
)) She initiated # Cealth ,are 3eforms # in &ermany and soled problems related to # future energy
deelopment # "
5) She played a crucial role in negotiation of the # Treaty of Lisbon # and <erlin declaration "
Ans > 5

D/ ?a3an #on the Women<s @oot*a"" Wor"% 9u3 2011 *6 %e!eatin$ H-
+) !ngland
)) &ermany
5) Argentina
6) $SA
?) ,hina
Ans > 6

10/ 1he #or"%<s hi$hest ; 2ai" Bri%$e ; is *ein$ onstrute% in the State o! ?ammu . Aashmir. 1his
*ri%$e #i"" *e on #hih o! the !o""o#in$ rivers ,
+) 7helum
)) ,henab
5) Indus
6) 3ai
?) %one of these
Ans > )

11/ Who amon$st the !o""o#in$ #on the Wim*"e%on 4en<s @ina"s 2011 #hih #as a"so his !irst
Wim*"e%on 1it"e , Page 9
+) 3afael %adal
)) %oak 40okoic
5) 3obert <ruce
6) Lleyton Cewitt
?) %one of these
Ans > )

12/ )E@1 meansHH-
+) %ational !lectronic 8unds Transfer system
)) %egotiated !fficient 8und Transfer System
5) %ational !fficient 8und Transfer Solution
6) %on !ffectie 8und Transfer system
?) %egotiated !lectronic 8und Transfer system
Ans > +

17/ Who amon$ the !o""o#in$ has *een a33ointe% as a %iretor on *oar% o! Ban' o! 0meria H-the
!irst non I 0merian on the *oar% o! the one o! the "ar$est !inania" institutions in the #or"% ,
+) A9im 2rem0i
)) 3atan Tata
5) 'ukesh Ambani
6) :" V" :amath
?) ,handa :ocher
Ans > 5

1:/ 1he Presi%ent o! #hih o! the !o""o#in$ ountries has *een ause% o! vio"ation o! ; War
Po#ers 0t ; o! his ountr6 #hen he %ei%e% to atta' &i*6a #ith other )01O ountries in ?une
2011. Page 10
+) $SA
)) 8rance
5) &ermany
6) Spain
?) Italy
Ans > +

1=/ In or%er to attrat more !orei$n exhan$e5 the >ovt. o! In%ia %ei%e% to a""o# !orei$n
investment in &&P !irms. What is !u"" !orm o! &&P as use% in this re!erene ,
+) Local Labour promotion
)) Low Labour 2ro0ects
5) Limited Loan parnership
6) Longer Liability partnership
?) Limited Liability partnership
Ans > ?

16/ 1he 1hir% Internationa" 9on!erene o! the 1ra%e (nions #as or$ani8e% in ?une 2011 in H
+) Vienna
)) 'oscow
5) London
6) 2aris
?) <erlin
Ans > 6

17/ POS9O is in the 3roess o! esta*"ishin$ 3"ants in In%ia. What %oes the "etter ; P ; %enote in the
name POS9O , Page 11
+) 2opular
)) 2allin
5) 2ohang
6) 2aradeep
?) 2etersburg
Ans > 5

1B/ ; >or'ha"an% 9ouni" ; #hih #as reent"6 in ne#s is a *o%6 set u3 !or a%ministration o! #hih
o! the !o""o#in$ %istrits ,
+) Siliguri
)) <agdogra
5) 'alda
6) 4ar0eeling
?) &angtok
Ans > 6

1D/ Who amon$ the !o""o#in$ is the #inner o! the 4an Boo'er Pri8e I 2011 ,
+) Andrea Ley
)) %icola <arker
5) Tom 'c,arthy
6) Linda &rant
?) 2hilip 3oth

20/ 1he >ovt. o! #hih o! the !o""o#in$ States has a$ree% to $ive a3tive mines o! iron ores to a""
the om3anies #ho are #i""in$ to esta*"ish 3"ants there ,
+) West <engal Page 12
)) Orissa
5) 7harkhand
6) <ihar
?) :arnataka
Ans > ?

21/ 1he >ovt. o! In%ia reent"6 %ei%e% to "i!t !our 6ears o"% *an on ex3ort o! #heat. What #as the
reason !or the same ,
+) India had a bumper crop of wheat in last two years" Cence it has e.cess stock of wheat"
)) As per the 8ood Secutity Act India is bound to proide +* million tones of Wheat to World 8ood &rain
stock eery year" India defaulted last year" This year it does not want to be one"
5) As adised by the Supreme ,ourt of India/ the money receied from e.port should be used to pay
subsidy to the farmers"
Ans > + Page 13

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