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Stenslies Social Studies Class

-- Units & Chapters --

Quarter 1
REVIEW continents, oceans, hemispheres, latitude & longitude, globes & maps
Unit 1 Early Humans (textbook, chapter 3)
Unit 2 Ancient Egypt (textbook, chapter 5)
Unit 3 Ancient Mesopotamia (textbook, chapter 4)
Unit 4 The Middle East Today

Quarter 2
Unit 5 Ancient Greece (textbook, chapters 7 & 8)
Unit 6 Ancient India (textbook, chapter 9)
Unit 7 South Asia Today

Quarter 3
Unit 8 Early China (textbook, chapter 10)
Unit 9 Imperial China & Medieval Japan (textbook, chapter 17)
Unit 10 East Asia Today
Unit 11 Ancient Rome (textbook, chapters 11 & 12)
Unit 12 Barbarians & the Empire
Unit 13 Christianity (textbook, chapters 13)

Quarter 4
Unit 14 Islamic Civilization (textbook, chapter 14)
Unit 15 Medieval Europe (textbook, chapter 19)
Unit 16 Renaissance & Reformation (textbook, chapter 20)
Unit 17 Ancient America (textbook, chapter 16)
Unit 18 World War II

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