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Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our
side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not
perfectly right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that
friends play a vital role in shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need
to look for in a friend?

A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your
problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit
beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against you.
A friends empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make you
realize how important a friend really is.

Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any
worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friends honesty will enable you to trust his
or shes opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For example, an
honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder
while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall improvement in
yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend.

Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who
is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she
should also be generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. A true friend must be ever-
ready to help you when you are inept in certain subjects. A friend can easily guide you
towards understanding the subject matter better as he or she is often on the same page
as you. The only difference is that you cant quite grasp the content of the page per se.

Besides that, a friend must also be able to humour you. Humour plays a quintessential role
in making your day more lively and enjoyable. Friends who pull your leg and mess about will
indefinitely make life seem so much better. As they say, laughter is the best medicine and
a little levity on rainy days is always welcomed.

In conclusion, friends are people we spend most of our time with. Thus, we have to be
selective when it comes to choosing our friends

My Best Pal
Close friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people
striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your
true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We
were both enrolled at the same school and were at wits ends as we searched tirelessly for
our designated classes.

Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each
other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into
the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the
best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness.
There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother
owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like
I, was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual
smile. She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere
together and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as
we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was
not hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to
growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess.
The incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate

As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time
together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other
deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young
for all that emotional roller coaster.

Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at
first, but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge
the gap in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be
equivalent to waking up from a beautiful dream.
Describe an afternoon at the bus station

It was two oclock in the afternoon. I was heading towards the bus station with Mohan
after Mrs Wongs extra class. The sun was beating mercilessly on my back and I could feel
my sweat trickling down my spine. I have often wished that my mother would allow me to
ride a motorcycle to school. She says that I am not ready but we both know that she is
terrified that a car would knock me down.

When I reached the bus station, it was nearly empty except for a handful of boys. Mohan
and I strode to a bench near the stationmasters office. I could feel the tension on my
shoulders as the straps of my school bag ate into my shoulder. Where is the bus? I
sighed to myself. An elderly woman came and asked me where I was going. She started a
conversation but gave up after my monosyllable answers.

Suddenly, someone shouted and I saw a bus swerved into the station. I got up, thankful for
the chance to escape from the woman. . It was Mohans bus. The group of boys was jostling
each other to get into the bus. Masuk! Masuk! shouted the conductor but nobody seemed
to be moving. The black fumes made me nauseous. All of a sudden, people started appearing
from all directions to board their bus. In no time, the passengers were packed like
sardines in the bus. It started to move, leaving some unfortunate passengers behind. I
waved at Mohan when I noticed him dangling on the steps of the bus. The bus swerved out
of the station again. It left another trail of black smoke.

I decided to go to Panjangs ice stall. The iced sugar cane juice soothed my parched throat
as I sipped slowly, all the while keeping an eye on the bus. Then I saw the bus heading
towards the station. I paid for my drinks. See you tomorrow, I waved to Panjang.

Once more, the crowd began to swell near the bus. I noticed that the elderly woman was
being shoved around by the boys. She started hitting them with her umbrella. Then, I saw
Raja, my classmate at the back of the bus. I hurled my bag through the window and he
caught it. By the time I got into the bus, it had already started moving. I got into my seat
and told myself that I must really try to convince my mother about the motorcycle again.

Night Market
One of the most interesting places in Malaysia is the night market. You may visit and
experience the night market yourselves. Both locals and foreigners agree that the night
market is the most common feature in the local society.

The night market begins when the vendors arrive in the late afternoon. More and more
goods laden vans arrive to begin a brisk day of business. Most of the vendors busily set out
to set up their stalls respectively in order to get ready for a brisk day of business.

The sun gradually sets and the night market picks up momentum. More cars and vans are
arriving. By now, the stalls are neatly and strategically arranged to entice their customers.
There is an assortment of goods sold ranging from food, toys and clothes, to name a few.
A variety of goods is sold at low prices.

Large rainbow-coloured parasols are used to shade the people from rain and shine. A
concoction of blaring music can be heard in the night market background amidst the
constant shouting. It is an amazing kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, smells and colours.

The night market is known as a haven by local gourmets who can enjoy various kinds of
mouth-watering local cuisine. Still more people arrive, they come from all walks of life,
mingling freely and harmoniously. Crowds are walking up and down in an endless stream.
Some of them are stopping by the stalls and haggling before making purchases. Little
children tag along, amused and excited. Sprinklings of tourists join in to experience the
lifestyle of typical Malaysian folks.

When night falls, lighted lamps brighten up the place, they add gaiety to this atmosphere,
and it is like a funfair. The night wears on and the traffic of people recedes. Vendors get a
chance to rest their weary legs besides bantering with each other.

By 10.00 pm, all the stalls call it a day. The vendors pack up and close the van doors. One
by one, they leave, leaving behind pieces of papers, plastic bags and discarded boxes. It us
an eyesore! Finally, the night market disappears. The place becomes quite and still once

A Prominent Malaysian Leader
As the fourth and most dynamic Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
will indelible impression on the sands of Malaysia for many years to come. He held the post for 22
years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister, and one of the
longest-serving leaders in Asia.

Born on 20th December, 1925 in Alor Setar, Dr. Mahathir is the son of a teacher. He is the
youngest of nine children of a school teacher and a housewife. His father, Mohamad Iskandar, was
of Indian descent, being the son of a Muslim and a Malay mother, while Mahathir's own mother,
Datin Wan Tempawan Wan Hanafi, was Malay. He is married to Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji
Mohamad Ali, they have seven children, four sons and three daughters. From an early age, Tun
Mahathir had the importance of education drummed into him by his father, who was also a strict

After his early education at the Maktab Sultan Abdul Hamid in Alor Setar, he enrolled at
the King Edward VII College of Medicine in the University of Singapore. Armed with a MBBS
degree in medicine, he set up his own clinic, the Maha Clinic in Alor Setar. As a doctor, Tun
Mahathir came into close contact with people from variety of social strata and enjoyed a close
rapport with them. He understood their problems. Thus, when he was thrust into the politic
limelight, he strove to fulfil the needs of the people.

He was first catapulted into the world of politics when he became the Member of Parliement for
Alor Setar in 1964. After holding a number of portfolios, including Minister of Education, Minister
of Trade and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, he finally became the Prime Minister on 16th
July, 1981. The country flourished with Dr. Mahathir at the helm of the government. His
contributions to the nation are so immense and par excellence. He has left his mark in every aspect
in politics, economy or education.

Realizing that government-owned enterprises are neither efficient nor profitable, he initiated the
privation policy in 1983. This had immediate effect of cutting down bureaucratic ineptitude and
operational cost while at the same time generating more revenue.

With collapse of the prices of agricultural commodities in the eighties, Tun Mahathir decided that
it was time to shift the nations focus to more profitable areas. Thus, he started the
industrialization programme. Reputed as the countrys top salesman, he showcased Malaysia to
investors abroad in a bid to woo them. As a result of the heavy industrialization drive, major
projects like national car project or PROTON and the steel company, PERWAJA, together with
other mega project were launched one after another. Next, realizing that industrialization would
require a good infrastructure, he set about improving it. The Mahathir era saw a successful
completion of the North-South Highway, the East-West Highway, the Multimedia Super Corridor,
the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang and many more.

An astute politician, he charted the growth of the countrys progress from the day he took office.
He envisages that Malaysia can only attain the status of a fully developed country if it becomes an
industrialization one and this ambition has been his main agenda during his tenure. With this in
mind, he announced Vision 2020, his most ambitious vision.

Frank and outspoken by nature, Tun Mahathir speak without fear nor favour. This has been the
hallmark of thus much respected statesman. The inefficiency of local and international
organizations has always come under his scrutiny and criticism.

It has been almost two decades since Tun Mahathir took over reins of the government. It has
undoubtedly been the golden era for Malaysia with many notable achievements.

My Favourite Television Programme
The television (TV) is part and parcel of many households. Therefore, watching television
is a culture of todays modern society. It is a favourite past-time of many people, cutting
across the culture, creed, gender and age. I must admit that I too enjoy sitting glued to
the TV as mum often laments. Since I watch TV whole day long, I dont blame mum.
However, whenever I watch my favourite TV programme she doesnt complain. In fact, she
often sits together to watch it, the National Geographic.

The National Geographic is a well-known documentary programme, focusing mainly on the
ever-changing world, on Mother Earth and on nature and peoples and creatures that colour
it with. Just the press of a switch and a button and Hey Presto!, the whole world is
brought before me, for me to savour its beauty and wonders. Personally, I am often awed
and amazed with them.

I like this programme because it is very educational. It is a window to the world. By
watching it, I can travel, explore and discover the four corners of the world. I have
trekked up the highest peak and conquered Mt. Everest. I have dived down the deepest
trenches. I have walked through the wilderness and be amongst the wild beasts, big and
small. Thus, this programme has helped to expand my horizon and improve my knowledge
and experience. I can proudly say I am no more a frog in the well.

I also enjoy watching the National Geographic because it is entertaining, interesting and
stimulating. I never imagined that such an educational programme can be very enjoyable. I
get a chance to enjoy the kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and colours of the world and its
different peoples, all in the comfort of my own home.

In addition to that, this programme is of very high quality and it is produced by a team of
experts, all are authorities in their own field of interest. The photographic footage is
extremely breath-taking and inspiring. Besides, the narration is very accurate,
informative, vivid and descriptive. Thus, I have never felt restless, distracted or bored
watching this programme.

The National Geographic is my favourite programme as it has helped me to grow and
mature. I have watched it since I was a seven-year-old innocent child. Now, I am more
sensitive and aware of the world and Mother Earth. I learn to be more appreciative of
Mother Earth and its beauty and wonders. I am more concern about the preservation and
conservation of the world not only now but also for posterity. In short, the National
Geographic has converted me into a more responsible citizen of the world and a caretaker
of Mother Earth.

It is a touching and heart-warming TV programme and I will not hesitate to recommend it
to others so that they too have a chance to savour amazing moments and appreciate and
care for the one and only world we live in.

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