Different Types of Waves

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Different Types of Waves

Waves can be classified into three types:

1. Mechanical waves
2. Electromagnetic waves
3. Matter waves.
Mechanical Waves act as the propagation of a disturbance through a material medium due to the repeated periodic
motion of the particles of the medium about their mean positions, the disturbance being handed over from one particle to
the next.

Electromagnetic Waves are the disturbance, which does not require any material medium for its propagation and can
travel even through vacuum. They are caused due to varying electric and magnetic fields.

Matter Waves are the waves produced in electrons and particles.
Mechanical Waves

The existence of medium is essential for propagation. The Method of energy propagation in which disturbance propagates
with definite velocity without changing its form is called Mechanical Wave.
Energy and momentum propagates by motion of particles of medium. But medium remains at previous position. The mass
transfer does not take possible here. The Propagation is possible due to property of medium like elasticity andinertia.
Examples: vibration of string, vibration of string, the surface wave produced on the surface of solid and liquid, sound
waves, tsunami waves, earthquake P-waves, ultra sounds, vibrations in gas, and oscillations in spring, internal water
waves, and waves in slink etc.

Mechanical waves are of two types:
1. Transverse Wave
2. Longitudinal Wave.
Transverse Waves

The medium has particles that vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of wave. This Kind of
wave produced is called Transverse Wave.

Here the formation of crust and trough takes place. Here the direction of propagation of energy is perpendicular to the
direction of oscillations. There are always two directions that are independent of each other that can be used as the
direction of wave.

For example: vibration of string.

Longitudinal Waves

Consider a wave moving. if the vibration of the particles of the medium are in the direction of wave propagation. We call it
as Longitudinal Waves.

A Longitudinal wave proceeds in the form of compression and rarefaction which is the stretched rubber band. For a
longitudinal wave at places of compression the pressure and density tends to be maximum, while at places where
rarefaction takes place, the pressure and density are minimum. Longitudinal waves are known as Compression waves.

Examples of longitudinal waves : Sound waves, tsunami waves, earthquake ,P - waves, ultra sounds, vibrations in gas,
and oscillations in spring, internal water waves, and waves in slink etc.

In gases only longitudinal waves propagate.

Electromagnetic Waves

The existence of medium is not essential for propagation. The Periodic changes takes place in electric and magnetic
fields hence it is called Electromagnetic Wave.

1. In vacuum E.M waves travel with light velocity.
2. E.M waves can be polarized.
3. E.M waves are transverse in nature.
4. Medium is not required for propagating the E.M waves.
5. E.M waves have momentum.
Example : Radio waves, light waves, thermal radiation, X ray etc.
Matter Waves

These are also called De Broglie waves. They show or depict the wave nature or wave like nature of all matter,
everything that makes up our body, the atoms etc.

Considering the quantum physics we have a proof that the wavelength of matter waves is very small. There are various
equations called the De Broglie equations which basically suggest the dual nature of matter. The frequency of these
waves is directly depends on their kinetic energy,
Momentum is not directly proportional to the wavelength of the particle and not inversely proportional.
Surface Waves

These waves can have mechanical nature. They can have an electromagnetic nature. Example is a ground wave
propagating close to the earths surface. It can propagate between two fluids with different densities. For example a diving
sea creature can create a surface wave. They are also called Rayleigh waves.
Elastic Waves

The body which is elastic in nature produces this Elastic wave.The elastic body is responsible for setting the vibratory
motion of particles. This vibratory motion basically causes the Elastic wave. For an elastic wave the particles always tend
to come back to their original positions when set in wave motion. This leads to the formation of the wave.

Thus Elastic Wave is a type of mechanical wave. Restoring force is provided causing the wave motion. It also propagates
in the visco-elastic medium. The study of the elastic waves is called Elastodynamics.

Example :
When gas which when compressed tend to come to its original position.
When sound is transmitted through the gas then it is transmitted as an elastic wave.
Sound Waves

For sound waves the existence of material medium is very necessary for the propagation of the waves. The propagation
of waves taking place in solid, liquid and gases which makes us hear the sound is called Sound wave.

Properties :
1. Sound waves are longitudinal in nature.
2. Material medium is necessary for the propagation of the sound waves.
3. The Speed of sound in air at N.T. P is 332 m/s.
4. The Sound is audible only between 20 Hz to 20 KHz.

Standing Waves
When a wave remains in a constant position it is called Standing wave. This is possible due to 2 reasons:
1. When the medium moves in a direction opposite to the direction of propagation of wave it is possible.
2. When the phenomenon of interference takes place between the two waves traveling in an opposite direction then
it is possible.
When two waves having equal frequency and amplitude overlap each other then we get a standing wave. This is possible
due to the obstruction of the wave by some boundary and hence the reflection of it back in the same medium.

Seismometers are instruments that measure motions of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated
by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other seismic sources.
crust is the outermost solid shell of a rocky planet or natural satellite, which is chemically distinct from the
underlying mantle.
lithosphere is the rigid,

outermost shell of a rocky planet, and can be identified on the basis of its mechanical
surface wave is a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media, usually
two fluids with different densities.
Primary-waves are a type of elastic wave, called seismic waves in seismology, that can travel through
a continuum.

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