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Scientifc Method WebQuest

Visit Ms. Hall's website at: for the links to the webquest
I. Problem/Question
Science Fair Central
1. What is a testable question
!. What is the "ifference between a #$eneral interest science question% an" a #testable question%
Six Steps of the Scientific Method
&. What "oes this article tell you to use in or"er to make a $oo" question
II. Observation
Observation or Inference?
'. What is the "ifference between an obser(ation an" an inference
Qualitative vs. Quantitative
). What is the "ifference between qualitati(e an" quantitati(e obser(ations
*. +ro(i"e e,amples of a qualitati(e obser(ation an" a quantitati(e obser(ation
III. Hypothesis
Access Excellence
7. What is wron$ with the way that the hypothesis #.hocolate may cause pimples% is written
Writin in Science
/. How "oes this article su$$est you write a $oo" hypothesis
IV. Experimentation
Science !uddies
0. How many (ariables must be chan$e" in an e,periment 11111111111111111
"he #reat SM$ scroll to Testing Predictions
12. Why "o you ha(e to ha(e a lot of $eese in the control $roup an" the e,perimental $roup instea"
of only one webbe" $oose an" one web3free $oose
V. Results
%ata and Science
11. What are two ways that you can present "ata
VI. Conclusion
Science !uddies Scroll and click on Analyze your data and draw a conclusion
1&. What "o you "o if your results "o not match your hypothesis for an e,periment
%ra& Conclusions
1'. 5ist at least four important thin$s your conclusion shoul" "o.

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