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DANIEL MAGALHES DA SILVA BADIANI (55 21) 97229-0567 (55 21) 98586-0483

Personal Info
Nationality: Brazilian
Current City: Rio de aneiro
!ri"er #i$en%e: &e%

Career Objectives
'%e t(e %)ill% learned to (el* +y $o-,or)er% and +y $o+*any to a$(ie"e t(eir -oal% and to *ro"ide
)no,led-e and a %olid *artner%(i*. de"elo*in- +y%el/ and +y tea+0

About me
1//i$ient at ,or)in- under *re%%ure2 intera$t ,ell ,it( di//erent $ulture%2 +a)e /riend% ea%ily2 )no,
(o, to ,or) in a tea+2 )een eye /or detail%2 (i-( le"el o/ t(eoreti$al )no,led-e2 li)e to deal ,it(
$o+*le3 *ro4le+%

Academic Background
'nder-raduate in 5etroleu+ 1n-ineerin- (2011-2014) at Universidade Federal Fluminense

Computer Skills
7Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint
8%%e+4le and +ainten$e o/ $o+*uter%

Academic Activity
Cal$ulu% tutor %tudent at Universidade Federal Fluminense (2012-2013):
7Re%*on%i4le /or (el*in- and le$turin- to ot(er %tudent% ,it( di//i$ultie% in t(e %u49e$t
75arti$i*ation in a tutor %tudent *a*er $onte%t

International Experience
#ondon 6$(ool o/ 1n-li%(:
1n-li%( /or :il ; <a% =ndu%try > No"e+4er?2012

7 5ortu-ue%e @ Nati"e #an-ua-e
7 1n-li%( @ 8d"an$ed
7 6*ani%( @ =nter+ediate

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