English III A Syllabus - Fall 2014

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Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 1

Welcome to English III A,

My name is Ms. Marcus and I will be teaching this course. Although I just joined the Great
Lakes Cyber Academy amily in August !"#$, I ha%e been working as a teacher with
Connections Education or almost three years. &rior to teaching online, I was a brick and mortar
teacher and guidance counselor or iteen years. I am looking orward to getting to know all o
you through webmails, 'hone calls, Li%eLessons, ield tri's, and your work. My goal is to ha%e
a 'roducti%e, educational, un semester with this class(
I you ha%e any )uestions 'lease do not hesitate to ask. *ou are more than welcome to webmail
or call me at +#,-./#-+"0! e1t. .!# or !$/-,2,-//",.
In this document you will be 'ro%ided with3 general course inormation, s'eciic inormation
regarding 4nit #, !, and ., and an e1am'le i%e 'aragra'h essay or reerence.
&lease amiliari5e yoursel with the reerence documents located on our class message board and
the English 6e'artment Weebly. *ou can access the Weebly at www.glcaenglish.weebly.com
Li%eLesson attendance is not mandatory7 howe%er, Li%eLessons are an e1cellent way to ind
answers to many common )uestions and 'roblems. 8he English III A LL is on Wednesday at
Office Hours
8his is a time or you to come and ask )uestions about the class that you are in. 8hese count as a
teacher contact and can be %ery beneicial. 8hey will be e%ery 8uesday rom !'m-.'m.
Grading / Weighting
8y'e Weight
8est !+9
:ui5 #+9
&ortolio 0"9
8he 'ur'ose o resets is to hel' students learn and im'ro%e. :ui55es and unit tests may only be
reset once. ;inal e1ams will not be reset. &lease be aware that when assessments are reset you
must redo the entire assessment, not just the )uestions or sections you answered incorrectly the
irst time.
Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 2
Extra Credit
I will 'ro%ide e1tra credit o''ortunities or students who are on track with their lessons, and are
currently earning a < or abo%e. &lease be 're'ared to work hard or the e1tra credit through
knowledge building acti%ities.
Unit 1
=ome lessons and assessments ha%e been dro''ed rom 4nit #. I there is a ga' on you 'lanner,
or the lesson numbers are not se)uential, 'lease do not be alarmed.
Unit 2
8here will be a collaboration 'roject this semester, and it will be based on the 4nit ! custom
assessment. In 4nit ! you will be de%elo'ing a + 'aragra'h essay about ad%ertising and
teenagers, and your collaboration 'roject will be to gi%e eedback to another student on their
rough drat o this 'a'er.
For this assignment you will have to turn in:
#. *our rough drat to the custom assessment titled >4nit ! ?ough 6rat@ in your grade book
!. *ou will com'lete your collaboration 'roject with this rough drat and grade your 'artnerAs
work. *ou will also write a relection o the grade your 'artner ga%e you. <B8C o these
documents will be turned in to your >=emester Bne Collaboration assessment@ 'ortolio in 4nit
., Lesson #", 'age ..
Collaboration roduct ! Grade "our #artner$s rough draft
4se the rubric DbelowE to score your 'artnerAs rough drat, and then write a ew sentences about
why each score was gi%en. *ou must write a reason or the score in each o the 0 sections.
Collaboration Reflection
Write .-+ sentences relecting on the grade your 'artner ga%e you. Who was your 'artnerF 6o
you think it was airF Why or why notF
Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 3
Criteria Score Comments
Ideas and
A dominant impression comes
across throughout the riting
!lear main idea"s#$
Supporting details that are
&opic is e'plored / e'plained$
!lear se(uence ith paragraph
*e%eloped beginning and
*etails +t here they are placed$
*etails are placed at appropriate
spots ithin the essay$
!onsistent point o, %ie throughout
the piece$
A sense that the topic has come to
*escripti%e language "sensory
details- +gurati%e language- and
speci+c nouns- %erbs- ad.ecti%es-
and ad%erbs#$
Speci+c ords to e'plain and
energi/e riting$
A natural- 0uent sound1 it glides
along ith one sentence 0oing into
the ne't$
2ariation in sentence structure-
length- and beginnings that add
interest to the te't$
!orrect spelling- grammar/usage-
punctuation- and capitali/ation$
M3A style heading- title- and double
Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 4
Unit %
4nit . will be centered on reading Edgar Allan &oeAs >8he Cask o Amontillado@ short story, and
then writing a narrati%e essay related to this story. &lease see the inormation below or s'eciic
details o this writing assignment.
4nit . Garrati%e Essay &ortolio
=tudent Game
Ms. Marcus
English III A
!$ Bctober !"#+ Duse this ormat or the date, but change to the date you submit your 'ortolioE
English III A 4nit . Essay
;or this unit one narrati%e 'a'er you are going to 'ick one o the ollowing scenes and
narrate it how the 'rom't instructs.
&arrative 'o#ics(
#. In the short story, H8he Cask o Amontillado,H the reader is ne%er told what the e1act
insult was that caused Montresor to seek re%enge against ;ortunato. Write to tell what
ha''ened beore the story begins in H8he Cask o Amontillado.H
!. In the short story, H8he Cask o Amontillado,H the reader is ne%er told what becomes
o Montresor ater he com'letes his 'lot against ;ortunato. Write to tell what ha''ened
ater the story ends in H8he Cask o Amontillado.H
;or the irst to'ic, think about what might ha%e caused Montresor to seek such e1treme re%enge
against ;ortunato. *our 'a'er must use details rom the story to su''ort your statements.
;or the second to'ic, think about how Montresor might ha%e li%ed his lie ater the story ends.
;or e1am'le, since Montresor and ;ortunato li%ed in the same city, how would Montresor
interact with mutual riends who wonder about what ha''ened to ;ortunatoF
You need to submit the paper in the following steps:
#. *our rough drat is u'loaded to the custom assessment titled >4nit . ?ough 6rat@ in your
grade book
!. *ou will wait or my eedback Deedback will be attached to your rough drat commentsE and
you will a''ly this eedback to your 'a'er
&he topic in the last sentence o, one paragraph is related to the +rst
sentence o, the ne't paragraph or there is a clear transition$
Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 4
.. *ou will submit your 'olished 'iece by u'loading it to the 4nit ., Lesson 2 dro'bo1 in the
&eacher 5ame
!lass 5ame
*ate "e'ample6 27 May 2010#
8uc) Finn !opes by Sleeping
Earnest 8emmingay notes- 9I lo%e sleep$ My li,e has the tendency to ,all
apart hen I:m aa)e- you )no;< 8emmingay indicates that sleep is a place o,
sa,ety ,or him and this reali/ation is one that the character 8uc) Finn ould strongly
relate to$ In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- 8uc) Finn=s body and mind allo
sleep to o%erta)e him at crucial moments1 hen one ould thin) that sleep ould
be an impossible tas)$ 8uc) Finn in%oluntarily implements this learned coping
techni(ue o, sleeping in an attempt to eather the storms$ Sleep is 8uc) Finn=s
ay o, escaping his ,ear and it gi%es his problems a chance to or) themsel%es out
on their on$
8uc):s ,ather is a drun) ho )idnaps 8uc) and )eeps him loc)ed up in a
cabin in the oods lea%ing him trapped inside ,or stretches o, time ithout
ade(uate amenities$ 8uc) re0ects- 98e got to going aay so much- too- and
loc)ing me in$ >nce he loc)ed me in and as gone three days< "122#$ ?ith a drun)
,or a ,ather- 8uc) is ,orced to gro up (uic)ly- and in !hapter Si'- as he deals ith
8eader ith last
name and page
*ouble spaced
*ouble spaced &imes
5e @oman 12 point
8oo)6 this time it is a
(uote that relates to
the topic
o, the
(uote is
d and the
(uote is
by a
(uote is
by a
and then
Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 B
his ,ather1 8uc) is the one ho has to act more li)e the ,atherly +gure$ 8uc)
narrates in !hapter Si'- 9?hile I as coo)ing supper the old man too) a sig or to
and got sort o, armed up< "123#$ 8is ,ather as beginning his drin)ing ,or the day
as 8uc) as preparing dinner ,or both o, them$ 8is ,ather=s inability to deal ith li,e
and all o, its trails ithout alcohol is pain,ully apparent in !hapter Si' especially$
Cap- 8uc)=s ,ather- too) any money that 8uc) had on him spent it all on
alcohol$ 8uc) had si' thousand dollars hich as in the ton .udge=s possession
and it as also the ob.ect o, Cap=s attention$ 8uc)=s ,ather anted this money so
that he could buy enough alcohol to last him more than one day- but hen the
.udge as ma)ing it impossible ,or him- Cap came bac) to the cabin ,urious$ 8uc)
retells the scene- 98e dran)- and dran)- and tumbled don DEF byAandAby luc)
didn=t run my ay$ 8e didn=t go sound asleep< "124#$ It is important to note that
hen 8uc)=s ,ather as not ,ully asleep- 8uc) as orried and said that luc) didn=t
run his ay$ As the son o, an alcoholic- 8uc) as ell aare o, the sobering eGects
that sleep had on a person- and hen his ,ather as 9uneasy< in his sleep- he )ne
that it could mean that his ,ather=s drun)en episodes ere not done ,or the night
"124#$ 5e%ertheless- 8uc)=s body and mind attempt to escape the situation as 8uc)
remar)s- 9I got so sleepy I couldn=t )eep my eyes open- DEF and be,ore I )noed
hat I as about I as sound asleep< "124#$
8uc) ,ollos his ,ather=s misguided lead- and tries to sleep aay his ,ear in
an attempt to let his problems ith his ,ather or) themsel%es out$ Hn,ortunately-
,or 8uc)- his ,ather a)es up ,rom his light sleep and begins chasing 8uc) around
the cabin ith a )ni,e and 8uc) says that Cap as- 9calling him the Angel o, *eath
and saying he ould )ill DhimF< "124#$ 8is ,ather e%entually got tired- and 8uc)
obser%ed that his ,ather- 9put his )ni,e under him and said that he ould sleep and
- is the
e o, the
in third
?hen a
(uote is
ed and
part o,
it is
g is not
d and it
ed ith
and an
&he ord
9said< is
not o%er
used and
%es are
Marcus / English III A / Syllabus / Fall 2014 I
get strong- and then he ould see ho as ho< "124#$ 8ere 8uc) notices that
sleep can be a time to strengthen and deal ith things hen a body is more able$
8uc)- hoe%er- does not ta)e to his ,ather=s regimen right aay- but he goes and
gets his ,ather:s gun and points it at him saying that he ould 9ait ,or him to stir<
"214#$ At this moment- crucial to 8uc)=s sur%i%al- he ,alls asleep again in a second
attempt to sleep aay his troubles$
Sleep is 8uc) Finn=s ay o, escaping his ,ear and it gi%es his problems a
chance to or) themsel%es out on their on$ From atching his ,ather get 9blind
drun)< on a daily basis- 8uc) )nos better than to pic) up drin)ing- but he did-
perhaps subconsciously- pic) up on the obser%ation that hen his ,ather a)es up
a,ter ,alling asleep drun)- he a)es up sober and all better "124#$ It may seem
ridiculous ,or someone to ,all asleep at such a pi%otal moment- li)e pointing a gun
at one=s ,ather- but 8uc) has to deal ith situations that no one should ha%e to
encounter- and he has to deal ith them alone$ Sleep is 8uc)=s ay o, escaping his
problems- and it is a chance ,or him to rest- to get strong- and to handle some more$
&his shos that 8uc) has learned the sur%i%al techni(ue o, sleeping until things
or) themsel%es out ,rom his ,ather$ &his is also 8uc)=s ay o, doing hat he has
to do hen it comes to his ,ather- and as 8uc) said- I 9sa%ed mysel,< "214#$

&he last sentence o, the
concluding paragraph does not
introduce ne in,ormation$ It
dri%es home the point o, the
paper and it lea%es the reader

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