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Curriculam Vitae

Miss.R. Prabhnavathi
Mba (finance)65465459484
Career $b%ectives

To pursue in the field where I can use my knowledge, technical skills in
challenging atmosphere, which will provide me opportunity for learn and develop.
To experience and to rise at a successful managerial position in an organization
which believe in professionalism and development of the individual and encourages
sustained contribution.
To contribute all my efforts, skills and knowledge that will help me in achieving
organizations objectives.

!. "omputer knowledge# ms#office internet etc
$. Tally# %.&
'. (xcellent command over )arathi, *indi, (nglish
+. ,oliteness in speaking.
-. .illing to work as part of a team.

(chievments an) a*ar)s+

!. .inner of v#lle" ball t#urnament during schooling !///
$. .inner of ,a,er ,resentati#n a*ar) university of pune.$&&0
'. .inner of best mana-er c#ntest during mba.$&&1
+. 2rranged investage program for investors 3investage4 under the
sponsership of bombay stock exchange.$&&1
-. 2rranged blood donation camp in year $&!&.
0. (lected as the member of students concil# $&&1#$&!&
Pers#nal .nf#rmati#n
5ame6 )iss. 7. ,rabhavathi
2ddress6 38hanthi (nclave4,
$, 9ishnu 9ardhan *ousing 8ociety,
:ehind :ank of India,
5ew ;elhi < !&$&&1

2lternate address6 )r. 2nand ;. =al
:uilding no. !! T"" >uarters
?:7 hospital road,
5ew ;elhi.

?ender 6 @emale

;ate of :irth6 !'
)arch. !/1-

/)ucati#nal 0ualificati#n
1ame #f /2am 3
5#ar) 3 6niversit" 7ear #f Passin- Class
):2 A@inanceB Cniversity of ;elhi
:.8c. "hemistry Cniversity of ;elhi $&&1 @I7I8T
*8" ;elhi :oard $&&- @I78T
88" ;elhi :oard $&&' 8("D5;
Pr#%ect 8#r'
. 8inter Pr#%ect
Topic6 "ore :anking
Drganization6 "orp :ank, ;elhi
2. &#cial Pr#%ect
Topic6 "onsumers ?rievance 7edressal
Drganization6 "onsumer ?rievance 7edressal @orum, )8(;"=, ;elhi
3. &ummer Pr#%ect+
Topic6 7etail =ending 8chemes
Drganization6 :ank of India, 5ew ;elhi

4. 9eneral ,r#%ect+
Topic6 fixed assets management
Drganization6 glaxosmithline pharmaceuticals
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
7, ,rabhavathi

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