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Level I
F. Hello. How are you. See you later. Good morning. Fine.thanks. Okay. Goodbye
G. Listen. Whats that? Its a open the door. Whats this? his is a book.
!ir!le !er!" !i!lu" a in!on#ura !lose in!uiat" in!his" apropiat
listen a $i atent la" a as!ulta look pri%ire" uitatura
open a des!hide" des!his" a in!epe repeat a repeta
write a !ompune mu&i!a" a s!rie" s!riere my mea" mei" mele" meu
please a multumi" a satis$a!e thats
that !are" a!eea" a!ela" in!at" pentru !a" sa" !a the arti!ol hotarat
this a!easta" a!esta" asta whats
to !atre" in !omparatie !u" pana la" pentru" !a sa
what !are?" !e?" !e $el?" !um? twenty doua&e!i
alphabet al$abet book !arte" a ins!rie" registru"
a re&er%a !apital letter
!lo!k !eas" orologiu door usa
e'ample e'emplu letter litera" s!risoare
name nume" reputatie" a numi" a stabili" a alege notebook !aiet de notite" ma!ulator
number numar page pagina" pa#
pen ingraditura" stilou" tar! pen!il !reion" a s!hita
pi!ture tablou" $otogra$ie" imagine sir domnule
small mi!" ne(nsemnat table man!are" masa
window $ereastra" %itrina word !u%ant" %orba" a reda!ta
hallo a striga alo sau hei" alo" as!ulta)inter#*" hei
lab laborator" +artidul Laburist),nglia*" laborator)pres!*
!hair a instala)intr-o $un!tie*" !atedra uni%ersitara" s!aun
your dumitale" dumnea%oastra" ta" tale" tau" tai" %oastra" %ostru" %ostri" %oastre
go to a merge" a se du!e" a de%eni" energie" entu&iasm" mis!are" in!er!are" moda
is pers a III-a sing. indi!ati% pre&. de la be )a $i*
Good morning.
Whats your name?
.y name is.
How are you.
Fine thanks. See you later.
Okay.Good bye.
,.Good morning.
/. Good morning. How are you?
,. Fine0 thanks .How are you.
1. /. Fine thanks. Ou0 my tea!her is in the !lassroom.
2. See you later.
3. /.Okay.Goodbye.
,.Good morning.
/.Good morning. How are you?
,.Fine.Im ed.Whats your name?
/...y name is ,ldo.
his )that* is a pen!il. What is this? his is a book. What is that?
hat is a pen. What 4 is 5 Whats Whats that? hats a pen!il.
Whats this? Its a book.
hat4is 5 hat s Whats this? hat is my !hair. hats your pen.
It 4 is 5 Its
Open the window. 2lose the window.
his is my pen. hat6s your pen.

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