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3 Circle Venn Diagram

Name Teniola Adeniji Date 9/2/2014 Subject Science

Elements Compounds

Some compounds can be broken down into
their elements by chemical changes.
Compounds make up almost everything,
food, clothes, supplies, etc.
An element is a pure substance
that cant be separated into
simpler substances.
Each element can be identified
by its unique set of properties.
here are three unique set of
properties. hey are, !ron,
Cobalt, and "ickel.
# compound is a pure
substance composed of two
or more elements that are
chemically combined.
# mi$ture is a combination of two or more
substances that are not chemically combined.
"o chemical change happens when a mi$ture is
They both have
an element
A combination of
Physical Properties
They all have an element in
Elements are also grouped into
categories by the properties they
share. here are three ma%or
categories of elements& metals,
nonmetals, and metalloids.

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