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End-Semester Examination July, 2013

Subject : Understanding il ! "as #usiness Semester: $

%ourse : E&#' (!") *ime: 3 +rs
%ourse %ode : &,S-01 &&: 100
*+is +as t+ree .ages/
SE%*$0 ' ('ll 1uestions are com.ulsory)
Eac+ 2uestion carries t3o mar4s eac+/ &ax &ar4s 20
Write the full forms of the following
2. MTU
3. FBE
4. PET
E!l"in the #on#e!t
$. %&'ro(finishing
). *!e#ifi# gr"+it& of " g"s
,. Fire tri"ngle
-. *toi#hiometri# r"tio
.. Pour Point
1/. *te"m reforming
SE%*$0- # ('ns3er any 5i6e)
Eac+ 1uestion carries 7our mar4s eac+ . &ax &ar4s 20
1. Wh"t "re the +"rious %*E "s!e#ts to 0e #onsi'ere' 0efore sele#ting " site for
!etro#hemi#"l in'ustr&1
2. %ow is g"s in2e#tion 'ifferent from g"s lift1
3. 3il 4 5"s E!lor"tion "n' Pro'u#tion is " %igh Ris67 %igh Return Business8 9omment
4. Wh"t is the 0oiling !oint of " miture of four li:ui's in e:u"l !"rts h"+ing 0oiling !oints
of 2//7 22/7 31$ "n' 41$ 'egree 9elsius1 *u0st"nti"te &our "nswer with ne#ess"r&
$. Write " 0rief note on #on+ersion !ro#esses in " refiner&
). Write " 0rief note on tr"ns!ort"tion of #ru'e oil 4 n"tur"l g"s through ro"' t"n6ers
SE%*$0- % ('ns3er any 5i6e)
Eac+ 1uestion carries 8 mar4s eac+/ &ax &ar4s 30
1. ;s there " #orrel"tion 0etween #ru'e oil "n' n"tur"l g"s !ri#es8 9omment1
2. 3il Fiel' f"#ilities re:uires " +"riet& of #hemi#"ls to 0e in2e#te' to the 3il 4 5"s stre"ms
in sm"ll 'oses8 *uggest 4 #hemi#"ls 0eing use' for the s"i' !ur!ose "n' wh& its 0eing
3. %ow 'oes the #onfigur"tion of " mo'ern refiner& 'iffer from " refiner& m"'e in sities1
4. For the s"fe o!er"tions "n' #ontrol of " !l"nt7 " num0er of s"fet& fe"tures "re !ut in "t the
'esign st"ge. <uote some t&!i#"l s&stems with their fun#tions whi#h is "'o!te' for the
s"fe m"n"gement of the !ro'u#tion !ro#ess
$. =r"w " 0lo#6 'i"gr"m showing the flow of >"tur"l g"s ?r"w m"teri"l@ in " !etro#hemi#"l
!l"nt till the gener"tion of fin"l !ro'u#ts1
). Wh"t "re the +"rious ;T "!!li#"tions th"t "re 0eing "'o!te' 'uring the !l"nt life #&#le1
SE%*$0- , ('ll 1uestions are com.ulsory)
%ase Study
Eac+ 2uestion carries 19 mar4s eac+/ &ax &ar4s 30
=uring !i!eline tr"nsfer of Motor *!irit from one of our refiner& to one of the lo#"tion7 it w"s
o0ser+e' from the m"nifol' s"m!le th"t the in#oming M* is not meeting the #riteri" of higher
limit of 'ensit&. ;mme'i"tel&7 the #h"rge(m"n in fiel' re!orte' the m"tter to #on#erne' shift
offi#er o+er w"l6ie(t"l6ie "n' without w"iting for " se#on' the shift offi#er rushe' to the s!ot7 re(
#he#6e' the 'ensit& "n' foun' the o0ser+"n#e of fiel' !erson #orre#t. The offi#er #onsulte' his
refiner& #ounter!"rt "n' "'+ise' him to sto! the !ro'u#t tr"nsfer imme'i"tel&. =uring "ll the
!ro#ess7 "roun' 3// AL of !ro'u#t w"s "lre"'& t"6en into the t"n6 so the offi#er on 'ut&
#olle#te' "ll le+el s"m!le of !ro'u#t from t"n6s "n' foun' the result s"me "s it w"s with
m"nifol' !ro'u#t. *in#e the t"n6 w"s #ont"ining 0efore re#ei!t !ro'u#t "lso7 so it w"s "ssume'
th"t the entire !ro'u#t h"s 0e#ome off(s!e# now. ;mme'i"tel&7 " lo#"l le+el #ommittee w"s
forme'7 #om!rising of 0oth offi#ers from M"r6eting "n' Refiner&. =ifferent s"m!les from
'ifferent !l"#es were #olle#te'7 "ll the registers were +erifie'7 "n' re#or' of the routing "n'
#ir#ul"tion !ro#ess of the !ro'u#t in refiner& t"n6s w"s +erifie'. ;n the me"ntime7 "n o!er"tor
re!orte' th"t7 now the s"m!le 'ensit& is m"t#hing with the origin"l 'ensit& gi+en 0& Refiner&.
All the te"m went to the s!ot7 "g"in #olle#te' the s"m!le "n' 'ensit& w"s #he#6e'7 off the utter
sur!rise to "ll the 'ensit& w"s well with s!e#ifi#"tion "n' it w"s m"t#hing with the origin"l
'ensit& ?"s !er mother t"n6 'ensit&@.After #lose o0ser+"tion7 it w"s foun' th"t the h&'rometer7
whi#h w"s 0eing use' !re+iousl& is not wor6ing "n' " f"ult& one. B& mist"6e the f"ult&
h&'rometer w"s 6e!t "long with the other h&'rometer "n' #h"rgem"n on 'ut& !i#6e' the wrong
1. Wh"t "re the +"rious lessons th"t &ou #oul' 'r"w from the "0o+e #"se1
2. ;s hum"n error "##e!t"0le in the in'ustr&7 <uote the "0o+e inst"n#e "long with other
inst"n#es to su!!ort &our "nswer1

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