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Kemps Landing Magnet School

CLASS EXPECTATIONS ________________________________

Mrs. Futrell Student signature
648-4650, Voice Mail: 62629
Visual Arts is a co#$re"ensie course designed to introduce t"e artist to #a%or as$ects of t"e art &orld. 'rt su!%ects, st(les and for#s
&ill !e e)a#ined, as &ell as i#$ortant artist and #oe#ents. The Language of Art is a unit of stud( t"at $re$ares t"e (oung artist for a
successful isit to an( art #useu#.
*ac" lesson &ill "ae s$ecific o!%ecties. 2rades &ill !e deter#ined !( t"e degree t"at eac" o!%ectie is reac"ed, and student effort
&ill !e considered. 5ro%ect grades &ill !e &eig"ed eenl(, and student $artici$ation &ill count as one $ro%ect grade. ' test &ill e6ual
one $ro%ect grade. +etter grades &ill !e used and aeraged using t"e 4.0 scale.
'7*)cellent 894-900: 4.0
;72ood 886-9<: <.0
=7'erage 8>8-85: 2.0
475oor 8>0->>: 9.0
*7Fail 869and !elo&: 0.0
Students &ill rarel( !e assigned "o#e&orB. ?o&eer, if t"e student is !e"ind on class $ro%ects, unfinis"ed art &orB #a( need to !e
co#$leted at "o#e.
M'A*-,5 @/3A
.t is t"e studentCs res$onsi!ilit( to re6uest and !egin #aBe-u$ &orB &it"in t"ree da(s of an e)cused a!sence. Students #a( use t"e art
roo# an( ti#e during t"e da( and1or after sc"ool on @ednesda(s &"en $re-arranged &it" t"e teac"er. -"e due date for &orB &ill ar(
according to $ro%ect co#$le)it(.
S-,4*0- =/04,=-
Students are asBed to ad"ere to t"e ?onor =ode and to s"o& res$ect for ot"ers at all ti#es. 'rt su$$lies s"ould !e $ro$erl( cared for
and "andled safel(. ' disregard for suc" considerations #a( !e reflected in t"e studentCs $artici$ation grade.
=+'SS3//M 53/=*4,3*S
-"e art studio &ill !e #aintained !( all students. *ac" artist is res$onsi!le for roo# organiDation, $ro%ect $re$s and clean-u$. Students
are encouraged to $artici$ate in class discussions and to #aBe fre6uent entries in t"eir sBetc"!ooBs. *ac" of t"ese factors &ill !e
reflected in t"e studentCs $artici$ation grade.
S5*=.'+ 53/E*=-S1'SS.20M*0-S
Students #a( !e asBed to !ring in su$$le#entar( #aterial 8i.e. #agaDines, scra$ fa!ric, $"otogra$"s, etc.: so t"at uni6ue and $ersonal
art &orBs can !e created.
*F-3' =3*4.-
*)tra credit o$$ortunities are not offered. For e)tra &orB ti#e, t"e student #a( isit t"e art studio &"en t"e teac"er is aaila!le.
Students are re6uired to "ae:
a. spiral, 9H)92H sBetc" !ooB c. ot"erGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
!. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG d. $lanner 8to !e sta#$ed !( teac"er &"en students "ae
&orB or #aterials to !ring in:

Parent/Guardian Signature
5arents are re#inded t"at all student $a$ers, tests, etc. are t"e $ro$ert( of Ae#$s +anding Magnet Sc"ool and t"e instructor. -"ese
ite#s #a( !e sent "o#e at t"e teac"erCs discretion. 'n( $arent &is"ing to ie& an( #aterials s"all contact t"e teac"er.
Students are e)$ected to do t"eir o&n &orB, including ti#es t"e teac"er assigns grou$ &orB.

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