Bandboostersminutes August2014

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NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

NHS Band Boosters Meeting Minutes

Thursday, August 28, 2014 7:oo p.m. Tiger Pride Band Room Attendees: 20
President Krystal Thibault
Vice President Lisa Smith
Treasurer Rusty Maynard
Secretary Susan Hall
Treas Treas Treas Treasurer Report urer Report urer Report urer Report
Rusty Maynard Contact:
Student Accounts
Treasury is establishing two accounts per student for 2014-2015 school year:
Student Holding Account; students earn extra money through fund raising, money will be held in this account
until needed
Student Bill; amount due / band shares
Last year the band incurred heavy expenditures (new uniforms) and band shares were slow coming in
Treasury is currently holding one outstanding bill from summer

Ways students can earn money for band:
Concession stand volunteering by students and families
Monthly Market Day sales
Fund raiser sales

Concession Stand Opportunities
These are the dates you may serve at Northwestern concessions:
Tuesday, September 9 5:15 volleyball game 2 helpers are needed
Thursday, September 18 4:45 boys soccer game 2 helpers are needed
Monday, October 13 6:15 JV football game 5 helpers are needed
Volunteer shifts last between 3-4 hours
Student band shares will be credited after the sports season ends and concession net profits have been
Please contact Rusty with dates and times youre available to help

Pit Crew Pit Crew Pit Crew Pit Crew
Name? Contact: ?
Pit Crew adult volunteers are needed
This is a very fun job!
12 volunteers are needed for each Friday football game
Volunteers are needed for competitions; 24 passes are available (this means free admission!)
2014 band T-shirts are to be worn by adult Pit Crew

Theatrical props
Band students are currently designing and building plywood props to use during competitions (details are top-
secret-wink-wink to be revealed later)
Students plan to carry props onto and off the field during competitions; parents will transport props to and from
bus for transport
Snack Committee Snack Committee Snack Committee Snack Committee
Lisa Smith Contact: 765-865-5929
Snack Committee provides snacks after competitions; this is not intended to be a complete meal
Students will take turns providing beverages, fruit, baked goods, etc.

Food Committee Food Committee Food Committee Food Committee
Lisa Smith Contact: 765-865-5929
Food Committee
Provides meals for students during competitions
Relies on food to be either donated by students, or obtained through sponsorship (donations from restaurants)
Leaders will coordinate requests so families arent asked to serve simultaneously on snack and food committees

September 20 Commitment
Competition at Lawrence Central in Indianapolis
Food committee is planning a cookout for the kids during this event
October 10 Commitment
Michigan State performs at Northwestern on Friday, October 10, Homestead game
Boosters have been asked to provide breakfast for Michigans band; details TBA

Uniform Committee Uniform Committee Uniform Committee Uniform Committee
Krystal Thibault Contact: 586-610-1579
Uniform Committee
Only one more student to be fitted, and band uniforms will all be ready!
Krystal, you are awesome!
Krystal, you are awesome!
Spirit Committee Spirit Committee Spirit Committee Spirit Committee
Susan Hall Contact:
Spirit Committee
Locker decorations are needed; 3 per year
Decorate band room as need
Posters needed to encourage kids
Before Regionals, provide goody bag for bus trip
93 band members; 55 in uniform with hats; 14 color guard members

Fundraising Opportunities Fundraising Opportunities Fundraising Opportunities Fundraising Opportunities
Personalized window decals
9 orders have been turned in, but the company requires a minimum of 12 ordersso profit is pending

Mikes Car Wash
This fundraiser is wrapping up

Stadium Blankets
10 stadium blankets are still available
Cost is $40 per blanket

Car Star Stickers
Car Stars are available
Stick one on your vehicle to show your Tiger Pride

Market Day
First pick-up is scheduled for September 18
10% of purchase goes toward band shares
New delivery system for Market Day: items now come pre-sorted and labeled
Just a few volunteers are needed to remove boxes from truck and alphabetize on delivery day this is a big

Fruit sales
Fruit sales are planned for October; band must agree to sell a minimum of 100 orders
First delivery: November 16-23
Second delivery: November 30-December 19

Pie Sales
Planned in conjunction with Market Day; details TBA
Little Caesars kit fundraisers were suggested
$5 profit per kit
Band Boosters will consider this fundraiser if a parent will agree to chair

Chilis Restaurant fundraiser was proposed
Date must be set up three weeks in advance
Band Boosters will consider this fundraiser if a parent will agree to chair

Laundry Soap and Fabric Softener Fundraiser
Band earned $620 profit
Krystal proposed that the band offer this sale every 6 months
Product is high quality; high probability that customers will want to reorder and continue use
Students earned $11 profit per unit sold

Dine-to-Donate at Orange Leaf
Band earned $100 profit

Snyder Report Snyder Report Snyder Report Snyder Report

Change in September 20 event:
Well be competing at Lawrence Central in Indianapolis instead of going to Maconaquah
Performance time is scheduled for 3:45 or 4:00
Band parents will provide lunch (cook-out);
Concessions or fast food will be available for dinner

Itinerary is now available for the Saturday event at Lucas Oil Stadium
$11 tickets for general admission - what a great deal! See Mr. Snyder to purchase tickets
Our band will play the national anthem

Items of general interest
Band Booster meetings usually include parents and band directors
If students must miss band rehearsal due to other after-school commitments, students must communicate with
band directors if schedule conflicts; participation is part of the grade, and students are responsible for
Student must arrive on time for performances and competition events
Students are free to sign-out and leave with parents after awards ceremonies
Sign up for text message service
Itineraries are usually available one week before an event
Contest events days usually last 12 hours for students (from departure to return trip

Football game etiquette
Spectators are encouraged to show enthusiasm at football games! Go team! Hooray, Tiger Pride Band!
Mr. Snyder endorses applause and whoop-and-hollerin from parents

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