2014 Syllabus

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World/Early American History Syllabus

7B Social Studies with Mr. Vogt

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:
Welcome!! I am very excited to work with all of you this year! This is just a short
introduction to get us off to a good start. We will be covering a lot of material this year
(essentially from the beginning of Medieval Times to the end of the Jefferson and
Jackson Eras), and I know we will have a lot of fun along the way.
The material will be covered in a variety of ways including projects, group work,
reading, movies, worksheets, quizzes, tests, research and games using many different
types of technology.
The following is a short syllabus explaining the overall mission of the Social
Studies Department at HMS, my grading policy, class rules, and a supply list.
Please detach, sign and return the form below to let me know that you received
this syllabus.
I am looking forward to a great year! Please contact me with any questions or
Spencer Vogt

Mr. Vogts Class Rules:
Be respectful (others, materials, and self)
Be prepared (Pencil AND pen and assignments)
Be on time
Be positive
Raise your hand
Cant remember all these rules? Just remember this: If it is disruptive or hurtful, it is
not ok!

Mr. Vogts Supply List (bring these to class everyday):
Pencils or Pens
Single subject notebook OR loose leaf paper
Student Planner (The school will provide these)

Grading Breakdown

Formal Assessments- 100%
Informal Assessments- 0%
Quarterly Total- 100%

Semester grades will be the average of the two grades earned in the quarters that
make up that semester.
HMS Grade Scale
(This grade scale will be applied to all assessment, quarter, and semester grades)
4 = Advanced: 90-100%
3 = Proficient: 75-89%
2 = Progressing: 60-74%
1 = Beginning: 0-59%

Hastings Middle School Social Studies Department
Mission Statement:
By the time students leave HMS, they will develop the skills and knowledge necessary
to be productive members of our democratic society, and lifelong learners in an
increasingly connected world.

Essential Learnings:

Students will demonstrate citizenship by expressing understanding of:
laws and government
the political process
current events
key events in history

Students will develop and apply critical thinking skills by:
Understanding and expressing cause/effect relationships among events in history
analyzing historical and geographical information, including current events
forming and expressing opinions based on evidence
Welcome to team 7B Social Studies! Lets have a great year!!
I have received and read the course syllabus for Mr. Vogts World/Early
American History class (Social Studies, Team 7B).

Student Signature ____________________________________ Date _______

Student Printed Name ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date _______

Parent/Guardian Printed Name ___________________________________

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