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Spanish 2

Mrs. Maisano
Course Syllabus
Course Description: Students continue to learn to communicate and comprehend Spanish.
They continue to develop competencies in writing, speaking, reading, and understanding
spoken Spanish. The themes used to expand these skills revolve around daily lives; friends,
preferences, families, school activities and classes.
Grading: Students marking period grades are determined through assessments and
assignments. Assessments include; tests, quizzes, and projects. Assignments include;
homework, classwork, binders and class participation. Marking period grades account for 80%
of the students semester grade. Final Exams account for the remaining 20%.
Requirements: Each student needs to have a three ring binders to organize class materials.
This binder is graded periodically. Students binders need to be brought to class each day. This
will be a component of their participation grade along with actively engaging in the classroom.
Late assignments are limited to 3 per marking period for full credit. After the first three, I may
only accept each for half credit. A late assignment must be submitted within a week of the
original due date or it may not be accepted.
Absent work is due two days after the absence for full credit. After the first week, it is
considered late.
Classroom Rules:
1. All school rules apply.
2. ALL Electronic devices are not allowed. If I see it, it may be confiscated.
3. Be on time, be prepared, and be positive.
4. Be polite, respectful and responsible.
Contact: The best way to contact me is through school e-mail.
School email address:
Classroom website
Classroom twitter account @maestramaisano
Textbook website

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