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Term Paper on

Sustainable business practice of Square Hospital in

Health care
Prepared for:
Md. Nazmul Hossain
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Prepared y:
Millennium !tars
!ection: "
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Date: May %& %'#%
Mi l l enni um !t ar s
Name (D
Niaz Mehedi #)*
Md. Moshiur +ahman #)'
Mehedi Hasan !hakil '$,
Muhammad Hasan #$-
!yed !hahreaz .hmed ')-

Table of Contents

Contents Page no.
Letter of /ransmittal #
.ckno0ledgement %
12ecutive !ummary 3
Body Part of the Term paper
.out !4uare Hospital
6hat drives !4uare7
!ervices provided y !4uare Hospital
Patient 8acilities
!ervice !upport
!ocial& 1conomic 9 1nvironmental .ctivities of !4uare
!ocial& 1conomic 9 1nvironmental .ctivities of aroad
+ecommendations on sustainale usiness of !4uare
Let t er of /ransmi t t al
% May& %'#%
Md. Nazmul Hossain
Department of Marketing
University ;f Dhaka
Subject: /erm Paper on !ustainale "usiness Practice of !4uare Hospital in
Health care
Dear !ir&
Here is the term paper you re4uested on <!ustainale "usiness Practice in
Health :are=.
(n making this term paper& 0e got familiar 0ith different sustainale
usiness practices y the heath care units throughout the 0orld. 6e tried to
illustrate the green approaches of health care units on economic& social 9
environmental field. ;ur term paper also includes some recommends.
6e are pleased to provide you this term paper 0ith necessary notes&
references and 0e 0ill e availale for any clarification& if re4uired.
>ours truly
Millennium !tars
".".. #$
Department of Marketing
University ;f Dhaka
.ckno0l edgement
(n the different steps of preparing the term paper& 0e thank our course
teacher Md. Nazmul Hossain& 0ho provides us guidelines and materials to
prepare the term paper. 6e also thank him for assigning us such a practical
term paper.
(t 0as a great pleasure from our classmates from 0hom 0e received cordial
guidance& suggestions for preparing this term paper& specially our class
representative 0ho provided us information aout the procedure in making
this report.
.t last& 0e thank :omputer la assistant "appi 0ho provided us important
tips in using various computer applications& soft0are in preparing this term
paper. 6e also thank the la assistant of .ccounting Department.
12ecut i ve !ummer y
/he upcoming term paper is aout the sustainale usiness practices of
!4uare Hospital in Health :are.
8or this purpose& it 0as the first step to collect the necessary information
from the internet. Most of data is collected from secondary sources ut us
.lso discussed our matters to some professionals.
(n the ne2t step& 0e have determined the different aspects of sustainale

usiness practice in health care.
.n e2pert analysis in this purpose also conducted. "esides& 0e have focused
on some 0esites.
6e 0ere successful in highlighting the sustainale usiness practice in
Health care.
.t last 0e summarize ma?or findings of the term paper and a conclusion
0as provided in it
About Square Hospital
!4uare Hospitals Limited& a concern of !4uare @roup is a 3%'Aed tertiary
care hospital. /he hospital is an affiliate partner of Methodist Healthcare&
Memphis& /ennessee& U!.& !ing Health& !ingapore& "angkok Hospital
Medical :entre& /hailand and :hristian Medical :ollege& 5ellore& (ndia.

. lot of physicians have ?oined from :M:A5ellore& (ndia. "angladeshi
Physicians 0ith impeccale reputation are also part of the medical team.
Huge emphasis has een made on 4uality nursing services& as 0e have
trained over a hundred nurses for over a year. 6e have nurse educators from
.ustralia& UB& (ndia and the Philippines. Nurses and technicians have
already received training from :M:A5ellore 0hich continues to e an onA
going process.

!4uare Hospital is located in the heart of Dhaka and aims to serve greater
portion of the capital city. .t present it comprises of t0o uildings on either
side of Panthapath connected y an overAridge. /he main hospital uilding
is #, stories and is appro2imately *$'&''' s4.ft. /he second uilding
C.!/+.!D is located across the street and is #- stories 0ith #3-&''' s4.ft.
/he second uilding is e2pected to e operational y %'##. "oth facilities
are constructed in accordance 0ith U! 8ire and "uilding safety standards

/he outpatient department of this hospital can serve up to #%'' patients
daily& through -' e2amination rooms. /o ensure optimum healthcareA
hospitality& the patients are closely monitored in their 0aiting times in
outpatient clinics& emergency and admissions.
;ur vision is that !4uare Hospital 0ill ecome the location of choice for
"angladeshis and people of !outh and !outheast .sia for 4uality healthcare
and an integrated centre for clinical services& medical and nursing education
and research.
Deliver EU.L(/> health care 0ithin $ :;+1 standards
.dhering to high ethical and moral standards at all times
Making service 4uality top priority in all 0e do
/raining staff to 0ork 0ithin a 4uality care environment
Providing 4uality health care service in all processes

!hat dri"es Square#

/he relentless pursuit for e2cellenceF the urge to never stand still& to never
slo0 do0n and to never stop thinking.
SQUARE elieves in continuous innovation and progress. (ts endeavor is to
ring the est minds together in a uni4uely rich and stimulating
!trength in diversification:

/oday SQUARE is a corporate giant active in divergent usiness and
industrial fields. (ts present unassailale status is the outcome of its
successful diversification.
Ser"ices pro"ided by Square Hospital
!4uare Hospital aims to provide unparallel service to the people of
"angladesh y delivering the highest possile level of care. 8or this& huge
investment has een made on e4uipment and technology. 6e have
successfully recruited aout 3' consultants from U!.& UB and 4uality
hospitals from Middle 1ast.

.out half a dozen physicians are coming from :M:& 5ellore. "angladeshi
physicians 0ith impeccale reputation are also a part of the medical team.
Huge emphasis has een made on 4uality nursing services& for 0hich 0e
have trained over a hundred nurses for more than a year. 6e have nurses
educators from .ustralia& UB& (ndia and the Philippines. Nurses and
technicians have already received training from :M: 5ellore and it
continues to e an onAgoing process.

Medical services 0ill e provided as oth outpatient and inpatient services
as 0ell as .mulance !ervice. Dental services are also incorporated 0ithin
the medical services.
Patient $acilities
"ill of rights
Meal Provision
+oof /op @arden
+oom category
Service Support
Professional %SA&standard housekeeping 9 cleaning services
%*Ahours pharmacy services
:onvenient 9 secured car parking garage
8ullAservice cafeteria 9 snacks cafe
:omputer info access
U!.Astandard safety 9 security system
Prayer rooms
'round Ambulance Ser"ice: . fleet of total - amulances& 0hich
includes state of the art Mercedes "enz .mulances 0ith all cardiac
life support and (:U facilities
Square Air Ambulance Helicopter (a brand ne) Bell *+,- %SA.: (t
has een specially adapted for its purpose& to enale patients to e
treated to the standard of an intensive care unit in flight
/he only fully functional Helipad on the roof of !4uare Hospital and
an e2clusive entrance to 1mergency Department
.ll hospital services are carried out 0ith the support of the Hospital
(nformation system& especially tailored to meet the re4uirements of our staff
and patients.

Social- /conomic 0 /n"ironmental Acti"ities of Square
!4uare Hospital is one of the leading private medical service providers of
"angladesh. (t performs different social& economical 9 environmental
/he social activities of !4uare Hospital are of many types. /hey operate
their social actives through various campaigns. !uch as:
:reating health a0areness through ill oards 9 advertisements.
Daycare center for the infants of the employees.
Making prescription drugs affordale for seniors
:overing preventive services 0ith no deductile or coApay
+emoving lifetime limits on health enefits
:reating ne0 coverage options for individuals 0ith preAe2isting
1conomical activities of s4uare Hospital:
Provides discount for regular medical health care.
8air treatment for poor patients.
:ompensation packages for maltreatment patients.

1nvironmental activities !4uare Hospital:
/hey plant trees in road dividers
"eautification of the roads through uilding different sculptures.
"uilding a0areness against sound 9 air pollution
/hey maintain proper procedures for medical garage decomposition.
Maintains healthy environment 0ithin the hospital compound.

Social- /conomic 0 /n"ironmental Acti"ities of abroad
/he internationally reno0ned hospitals have used the good :orporate
:itizen model as a road frame0ork for activities in this area. /he model
includes si2 main areas:
8acilities Management
1mployment and !kills
:ommunity 1ngagement
/here are also some underlying themes 0hich e2tend across a numer of
these areas for e2ample G
caron reduction
partnership 0orking
reducing ine4ualities
Health improvement.
Support Programs
/he nurses and allied health professionals recognize the value of community
support services and are dedicated to facilitating their success through the
donation of their time& energy and e2pertise. /hese programs include:
Parkinson=s !upport @roup
Multiple !clerosis !upport @roup
/he Den for @rieving Bids
!ustance .use +ecovery Programs
Psychiatric /reatment :enter
:ancerH;ncology Programs
/he /ender "eginnings
Healthy Living :onnection
1ecommendations on sustainable business of Square
edical treatments for senior citi2ens: /here are many
old homes for senior citizens of the country. /he medical
facilities in these places are not up to the mark. Here the
!4uare hospital authority can sign an agreement 0ith the old
home authorities to take the medical responsiilities of the
senior citizens.
Under this agreement& they 0ill e responsile for any sort
of medical treatments 0ith a minimum cost.
/his 0ill help them to uild a positive image 9 chance to
contriute for the society.
/hey can access the ma2imum potential customers 0ithout
massive competition.
Blood 3onation )ai"er :
/he !4uare Hospital authority can offer 0aiver for the regular
lood donor. Under this 0aiver they can offer minor medical
services for lood donor in e2change of lood collection.
6e kno0 a man can donate lood four times a year. /he lood
of the regular donors 0ill e stored in the lood ank of the
!4uare Hospital. /his lood 0ill e availale for patients of this
(n return& the donors 0ill get minor medical facilities such as
8ever& :old& :ough etc. Moreover& they 0ill also get discount
for medical checkups.

4ncenti"es for ne) born child:
/he !4uare Hospital authority can introduces an incentive package
for the children orn in the hospital. Under this incentive package
the infant 0ill get necessary medical treatments and tips at a
reduced cost up to one year age.
.s 0e kno0 a ne0 orn infant needs utmost care and health tips
for etter gro0th. /his package can attract the pregnant mothers as
they are al0ays concerned aout the ne0 orn child.
/his 0ill attract a 0ide variety of customers.
A)areness build up 0 medical chec5 ups for female

/he teen age female student=s needs special counseling on the
change their ody undergoes. /he hospital can arrange such
/he hospital authority can introduce medical check up packages
for female student to diagnosis diseases like reast cancer&
uterus cancer 9 other feminine diereses.
:oncl usi on
!4uare Hospitals Limited& a concern of !4uare @roup is a 3%'Aed tertiary
care hospital. (t is located in the heart of Dhaka and aims to serve greater
portion of the capital city. /he outpatient department of this hospital can
serve up to #%'' patients daily& through -' e2amination rooms. /o ensure
optimum healthcareAhospitality& the patients are closely monitored in their
0aiting times in outpatient clinics& emergency and admissions.
(n the term paper& 0e have suggested some sustainale usiness
recommendations for !4uare Hospital. "y using these recommendations
they can uild a positive image through sustainale usiness practice.
1ef erences

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