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Quotations: Life of Pi Yann Martel

I know zoos are no longer in peoples good graces. Religion faces the same
problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both.
Chapter 4, Page 21

Pi said that zoos are no longer in peoples good graces because some people
believe that its like locking animals up from the wild and zoos limit their freedom.
He has linked that with religion because if you believe in one religion you are only
supposed to believe what that one religion is teaching.

I asked myself every day, Where is God? Where is God? Where is God? God
never came.
Chapter 7, Page 30

This passage foreshadows an event further into the story where Pi tries to be
apart of multiple religions. Pi said that some people say God died during the
Partition, during the war or even in a Pondicherry orphanage. He asked himself who
God was because he wanted to know who he was in his life.

ZOO? There were so many eager, curious hands that pulled at the curtain that we
had to replace it regularly. Behind it was a mirror.
Chapter 8, Page 34

The mirror reflects an image of the person standing in front of it. This
passage explains how we think that animals are dangerous but its actually humans
that are even more dangerous. Pi learned that just because animals are classified as
human doesnt make them any different than us. Animals should still be respected
and treated as if they were one of us.

What are you doing here? How dare you enter this sacred place, you defiler?
Get out, right now!
Chapter 17, Page 57

As Pi entered the church, he had thoughts running through his mind of what
people would say to him because he is entering a sacred place of religion for
something he is not apart of. How dare you enter this sacred place, you defiler? He
called himself a defiler because he is polluting the church with the other religion
he believes in.

God is universal,
Chapter 23, Page 75

Pi and the religious people were having a dispute about God and who he was.
The priest said that God is universal, signifying that God is everywhere.

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