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1. The Lord of the Rings , JRR Tolkien

2. Pride and Prejudice , Jane Austen
3. His Dark Materials , Philip Pullman
4. The Hitchhiker's uide to the ala!", Douglas Adams
5. Harr" Potter and the o#let of $ire , JK Rowling
. To %ill a Mocking#ird , !a"pe" #ee
$. &innie the Pooh, AA %ilne
&. 'ineteen (ight")$our, 'eo"ge ("well
). The Lion* the &itch and the &ardro#e, *+ #ewis
1,. +ane ("re, *ha"lotte -"ont.
11. ,atch)22, Joseph !elle"
12. &uthering Heights , /mil0 -"ont.
13. -irdsong, +e1astian 2aulks
14. Re#ecca, Daphne du %au"ie"
15. The ,atcher in the R"e, JD +alinge"
1. The &ind in the &illo.s, Kenneth '"ahame
1$. reat (!/ectations, *ha"les Di3kens
1&. Little &o0en , #ouisa %a0 Al3ott
1). ,a/tain ,orelli's Mandolin , #ouis de -e"nie"es
2,. &ar and Peace, #eo Tolsto0
21. one .ith the &ind, %a"ga"et %it3hell
22. Harr" Potter 1nd The Philoso/her's 2tone , JK Rowling
23. Harr" Potter 1nd The ,ha0#er 3f 2ecrets , JK Rowling
24. Harr" Potter 1nd The Prisoner 3f 14ka#an , JK Rowling
25. The Ho##it, JRR Tolkien
2. Tess 3f The D'5r#er6illes , Thomas !a"d0
2$. Middle0arch, 'eo"ge /liot
2&. 1 Pra"er $or 3.en Mean", John 4"5ing
2). The ra/es 3f &rath, John +tein1e3k
3,. 1lice's 1d6entures 7n &onderland, #ewis *a""oll
31. The 2tor" 3f Trac" -eaker , Ja36ueline 7ilson
32. 3ne Hundred 8ears 3f 2olitude , 'a1"iel 'a"38a %9"6ue:
33. The Pillars 3f The (arth, Ken 2ollett
34. Da6id ,o//erfield, *ha"les Di3kens
35. ,harlie 1nd The ,hocolate $actor", Roald Dahl
3. Treasure 7sland, Ro1e"t #ouis +te5enson
3$. 1 To.n Like 1lice, ;e5il +hute
3&. Persuasion, Jane Austen
3). Dune, 2"ank !e"1e"t
4,. (00a, Jane Austen
41. 1nne 3f reen a#les, #% %ontgome"0
42. &atershi/ Do.n, Ri3ha"d Adams
43. The reat ats#" , 2 +3ott 2it:ge"ald
44. The ,ount 3f Monte ,risto, Ale<and"e Dumas
45. -rideshead Re6isited, /5el0n 7augh
4. 1ni0al $ar0 , 'eo"ge ("well
4$. 1 ,hrist0as ,arol, *ha"les Di3kens
4&. $ar $ro0 The Madding ,ro.d, Thomas !a"d0
4). oodnight Mister To0 , %i3helle %ago"ian
5,. The 2hell 2eekers, Rosamunde Pil3he"
1. The 2ecret arden, 2"an3es !odgson -u"nett
52. 3f Mice 1nd Men, John +tein1e3k
53. The 2tand, +tephen King
54. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy
55. 1 2uita#le -o", =ik"am +eth
5. The -$ , Roald Dahl
5$. 2.allo.s 1nd 10a4ons, A"thu" Ransome
5&. -lack -eaut", Anna +ewell
5). 1rte0is $o.l, /oin *ol>e"
,. ,ri0e 1nd Punish0ent, 20odo" Dosto0e5sk0
1. 'oughts 1nd ,rosses , %alo"ie -la3kman
2. Me0oirs 3f 1 eisha , A"thu" 'olden
3. 1 Tale 3f T.o ,ities, *ha"les Di3kens
4. The Thorn -irds, *olleen %3*ollough
5. Mort, Te""0 P"at3hett
. The Magic $ara.a" Tree, /nid -l0ton
$. The Magus, John 2owles
&. ood 30ens, Te""0 P"at3hett and ;eil 'aiman
). uards9 uards9, Te""0 P"at3hett
$,. Lord 3f The $lies, 7illiam 'olding
$1. Perfu0e, Pat"i3k +?skind
$2. The Ragged Trousered Philanthro/ists, Ro1e"t T"essell
$3. 'ight &atch, Te""0 P"at3hett
$4. Matilda, Roald Dahl
$5. -ridget +ones's Diar", !elen 2ielding
$. The 2ecret Histor", Donna Ta"tt
$$. The &o0an 7n &hite, 7ilkie *ollins
$&. 5l"sses, James Jo03e
$). -leak House, *ha"les Di3kens
&,. Dou#le 1ct , Ja36ueline 7ilson
&1. The T.its, Roald Dahl
&2. 7 ,a/ture The ,astle, Dodie +mith
&3. Holes, #ouis +a3ha"
&4. or0enghast, %e"50n Peake
&5. The od 3f 20all Things , A"undhati Ro0
&. :ick" 1ngel , Ja36ueline 7ilson
&$. -ra6e 'e. &orld, Aldous !u<le0
&&. ,old ,o0fort $ar0, +tella 'i11ons
&). Magician, Ra0mond / 2eist
),. 3n The Road, Ja3k Ke"oua3
)1. The odfather, %a"io Pu:o
)2. The ,lan 3f The ,a6e -ear , Jean % Auel
)3. The ,olour 3f Magic, Te""0 P"at3hett
)4. The 1lche0ist, Paulo *oelho
)5. %atherine, An0a +eton
). %ane 1nd 1#el, Je>>"e0 A"3he"
)$. Lo6e 7n The Ti0e 3f ,holera , 'a1"iel 'a"38a %9"6ue:
)&. irls 7n Lo6e , Ja36ueline 7ilson
)). The Princess Diaries, %eg *a1ot
1,,. Midnight's ,hildren , +alman Rushdie
1,1. Three Men 7n 1 -oat, Je"ome K. Je"ome
1,2. 20all ods, Te""0 P"at3hett
1,3. The -each, Ale< 'a"land
1,4. Dracula, -"am +toke"
1,5. Point -lanc, Anthon0 !o"owit:
1,. The Pick.ick Pa/ers, *ha"les Di3kens
1,$. 2tor0#reaker, Anthon0 !o"owit:
1,&. The &as/ $actor", 4ain -anks
1,). The Da" 3f The +ackal, 2"ede"i3k 2o"s0th
11,. The 7llustrated Mu0, Ja36ueline 7ilson
111. +ude The 3#scure, Thomas !a"d0
112. The 2ecret Diar" 3f 1drian Mole 1ged ;3<, +ue Townsend
113. The ,ruel 2ea, ;i3holas %onsa""at
114. Les Misrables, Victor Hugo
115. The Ma"or 3f ,aster#ridge, Thomas !a"d0
11. The Dare a0e , Ja36ueline 7ilson
11$. -ad irls , Ja36ueline 7ilson
11&. The Picture 3f Dorian ra", (s3a" 7ilde
11). 2hogun, James *la5ell
12,. The Da" 3f The Triffids, John 70ndham
121. Lola Rose , Ja36ueline 7ilson
122. :anit" $air, 7illiam %akepea3e Tha3ke"a0
123. The $ors"te 2aga, John 'alswo"th0
124. House 3f Lea6es, %a"k @. Danielewski
125. The Poison.ood -i#le , -a"1a"a Kingsol5e"
12. Rea/er Man, Te""0 P"at3hett
12$. 1ngus* Thongs 1nd $ull)$rontal 2nogging , #ouise Rennison
12&. The Hound 3f The -asker6illes, A"thu" *onan Do0le
12). Possession, A. +. -0att
13,. The Master 1nd Margarita, %ikhail -ulgako5
131. The Hand0aid's Tale, %a"ga"et Atwood
132. Dann" The ,ha0/ion 3f The &orld, Roald Dahl
133. (ast 3f (den, John +tein1e3k
134. eorge's Mar6ellous Medicine, Roald Dahl
135. &"rd 2isters, Te""0 P"at3hett
13. The ,olor Pur/le , Ali3e 7alke"
13$. Hogfather, Te""0 P"at3hett
13&. The Thirt")'ine 2te/s, John -u3han
13). irls 7n Tears , Ja36ueline 7ilson
14,. 2lee/o6ers , Ja36ueline 7ilson
141. 1ll =uiet 3n The &estern $ront, /"i3h %a"ia Rema"6ue
142. -ehind The 2cenes 1t The Museu0, Kate Atkinson
143. High $idelit", ;i3k !o"n10
144. 7t, +tephen King
145. +a0es 1nd The iant Peach, Roald Dahl
14. The reen Mile, +tephen King
14$. Pa/illon, !en"i *ha""ie"e
14&. Men 1t 1r0s, Te""0 P"at3hett
14). Master 1nd ,o00ander, Pat"i3k (A-"ian
15,. 2keleton %e", Anthon0 !o"owit:
151. 2oul Music, Te""0 P"at3hett
152. Thief 3f Ti0e, Te""0 P"at3hett
153. The $ifth (le/hant, Te""0 P"at3hett
154. 1tone0ent, 4an %3/wan
155. 2ecrets , Ja36ueline 7ilson
15. The 2il6er 2.ord, 4an +e""aillie"
15$. 3ne $le. 36er The ,uckoo's 'est, Ken Kese0
15&. Heart 3f Darkness, Joseph *on"ad
15). %i0, Rud0a"d Kipling
1,. ,ross 2titch, Diana 'a1aldon
11. Mo#" Dick, !e"man %el5ille
12. Ri6er od, 7il1u" +mith
13. 2unset 2ong, #ewis '"assi3 'i11on
14. The 2hi//ing 'e.s, Annie P"oul<
15. The &orld 1ccording To ar/, John 4"5ing
1. Lorna Doone, R. D. -la3kmo"e
1$. irls 3ut Late , Ja36ueline 7ilson
1&. The $ar Pa6ilions, %. %. Ka0e
1). The &itches, Roald Dahl
1$,. ,harlotte's &e#, /. -. 7hite
1$1. $rankenstein, %a"0 +helle0
1$2. The" 5sed To Pla" 3n rass, Te""0 =ena1les and 'o"don
1$3. The 3ld Man 1nd The 2ea, /"nest !emingwa0
1$4. The 'a0e 3f The Rose, Bm1e"to /3o
1$5. 2o/hie's &orld, Jostein 'aa"de"
1$. Dust#in -a#" , Ja36ueline 7ilson
1$$. $antastic Mr $o!, Roald Dahl
1$&. Lolita, =ladimi" ;a1oko5
1$). +onathan Li6ingstone 2eagull, Ri3ha"d -a3h
1&,. The Little Prince, Antoine De +aintC/<upe"0
1&1. The 2uitcase %id , Ja36ueline 7ilson
1&2. 3li6er, *ha"les Di3kens
1&3. The 3f 3ne, -"03e *ou"tena0
1&4. 2ilas Marner, 'eo"ge /liot
1&5. 10erican Ps"cho, -"et /aston /llis
1&. The Diar" 3f 1 'o#od", 'eo"ge and 7eedon '"ossmith
1&$. Trains/otting, 4"5ine 7elsh
1&&. oose#u0/s, R. #. +tine
1&). Heidi, Johanna +p0"i
1),. 2ons 1nd Lo6ers, D. !. #aw"en3e#i>e o> #aw"en3e
1)1. The 5n#eara#le Lightness of -eing, %ilan Kunde"a
1)2. Man 1nd -o", Ton0 Pa"sons
1)3. The Truth, Te""0 P"at3hett
1)4. The &ar 3f The &orlds, !. '. 7ells
1)5. The Horse &his/erer, ;i3holas /5ans
1). 1 $ine -alance, Rohinton %ist"0
1)$. &itches 1#road, Te""0 P"at3hett
1)&. The 3nce 1nd $uture %ing, T. !. 7hite
1)). The :er" Hungr" ,ater/illar, /"i3 *a"le
2,,. $lo.ers 7n The 1ttic, =i"ginia And"ews

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