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Legoland Malaysia is Malaysia's first international theme park that has opened in

Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia on 15 September 2012 with oer !0 intera"tie rides, shows
and attra"tions# $t is the first %e&oland theme park in 'sia and si(th in the world upon its
+he offi"ial openin& of %e&oland Malaysia was made by Sultan $brahim
$smail, Sultan of Johor on 22 September 2012#
$t is the "entrepie"e of a 5,500,000 s- ft
.510,000 m
/ inte&rated "omple( in the Nusa 0emerlan& industrial park, within the
$skandar Malaysia e"onomi" re&ion, "onsistin& of a lifestyle retail "entre, offi"es, hotels,
seri"e apartments and residential units#
1esides the %e&oland Malaysia, other %e&o2themed attra"tions nearby will open
sometime# +he first one will be a %e&o2themed water theme park openin& in mid22012

and the other one is +he %e&oland 3otel, a %e&o2themed hotel lo"ated at the theme park
and also the first to open in Southeast 'sia whi"h will open in the first half of 201!# +he
hotel is built under a mana&ement a&reement between the "ompany and %% +hemed
3otel Sdn 1hd, a joint2enture "ompany owned by 4estination 5esorts and 3otels Sdn
1hd and $skandar 3arta 3oldin&s Sdn 1hd#
+he "ost of %e&oland Malaysia and the water theme park is 5M620 million, while +he
%e&oland 3otel "osts 5M170 million#
8nly halal2"ertified food sered at the Market 5estaurant of %e&oland Malaysia# +his
in"ludes lo"al and forei&n deli"a"ies#
%e&oland Malaysia tar&ets 1#5 million isitors when it opens its doors
and &enerate
more than 5M100 million in the first year of its operation#

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