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BreastOberfest 5K

Bcaus You Are Worth It

Saturday, October 4, 2014 at 9:30 am
Why: Judy Gelhaus, wife of Ron and mother of six children was recently
diagnosed with breast cancer. All roceeds from this e!ent will
hel co!er medical and tra!el exenses for treatment.
Where: "uggybear #amground, $%&5 Ringwald Rd, 'iddle (oint, Ohio
Course: )lat ashalt and gra!el roads around the camground
Cost: *+% with dri,fit shirt if re,registered before Set!2",2014
*-% with no shirt if re,registered before .et.+&, +%-/
*+5 #ace $ay #e%&strat&o'(be%&'s at ):30 am *&th 'o sh&rt %uara'tee
A*ards: to to 0 lacers in each age brac1et
+uest&o's,-orms: #ontact 2arry "eiing /-$,0%+,$&+/ or ldheiing&
.tic1 around after the 5K for a full wee1end of e!ents including a 4uarter auction,
beer tray relays, corn hole tournament, li!e bands, gosel music, and good food5
BreastOberfest ./ #u',Wa01 2'try -orm

3ame6666666666666666666666666666666Se4: 5 or - A%e666666666
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Sh&rt S&9e :C&rc0e O'e; Youth: S 5 < Adu0t: S 5 < =< 2=<:>2 e4tra;
7ai!er 8'ust be signed9
:n consideration of the accetance of my entry form, :, for myself,executors,assignees,; administrators, : do hereby release
"uggybear #amground,all sonsors,!olunteers, and e!erybody associated with the BreastOberfest 5K of all claims of damages
and actions whatsoe!er in any manner arising or growing out of articiation in the e!ent. : !erify that : ha!e fully read and
understand my own liability and do accet these restrictions at my own ris1.
S&%'ature6666666666666666:are't or %uard&a' &f u'der 1); $ate:666666666666
(lease ma1e chec1s ayable to BreastOberfest ; mail ayment and registration to<
BreastOberfest 5K, 5%- =. >hird .treet, ?elhos, Ohio /5@00
??O'(0&'e re%&strat&o' a0so a@a&0ab0e at ***!race*&re!com??

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