Choir Welcome Letter 2014

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September, 2014

Dear Parent,
Your child has expressed an interest in being part of our Burks Honor Choir! The
Burks Honor Choir (BHC) is a privileged group of 4
and 5
Grade musicians who
consistently set a good example for the rest of our school.
Our rehearsals will be EVERY Monday after school from 3:00-4:15 (except the
days we dont have school) Please mark our performance dates, listed below, on your
calendar. I will send home more dates as they become available.

First Rehearsal: September 22nd


December 19
-Field Trip
May 5th Choral Celebration (5
grade choir members only)

Attached you will find our choir contract detailing the expectations of Burks Honor
Choir Students. Please read this information with your child and sign the contract together.
Contracts must be signed by a parent/guardian AND choir student. Students are asked to
return these contracts to Mrs. Arthurs no later than Monday, September 22nd so they can
participate in rehearsal that week.

This year I am using a service called Remind to notify parents of events through text or email.
If you would like to be reminded of important choir dates and information, please check the
box below. (Please note, I will not text to remind of our weekly rehearsals, only of
performances or other choir events)

Im looking forward to a great year with the BHC! Please contact me with any questions
you may have.

Mrs. Chase Arthurs
Music Teacher, Burks Elementary

Burks Honor Choir
Attendance and Expectations Contract

I, ___________________________________ and my parent/guardian ______________________________________

have read, understood, and agree to abide by the following expectations for the Burks Honor Choir.

As a member of the Burks Honor Choir I will:
express and demonstrate a joyful interest in singing and in being a part of the choir.
be willing to learn the music quickly and work hard for our success.
be well behaved and show respect to Mrs. Arthurs and my classmates at all times.

I understand that attendance will be taken at every rehearsal and concert and it is very important to be
present and on time. If I am absent due to illness, doctors appointment, etc. I will bring a note so the
absence may be excused.

I understand that I may be permanently dismissed from choir if:
I have more than 3 unexcused absences.
I am given three warnings for my conduct in choir or my regular classes.

Student signature _______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature _____________________________________________

Contact/Phone #:_______________________________________________________________

Contact/phone #: ___________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________

Yes, please add my email/cell phone so I may receive choir reminders

No, I do not with to be added at this time.

**DUE MONDAY, September 22nd**

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