Intmicrosyl 14f B

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ECON 2101/2210B

Intermediate Microeconomics
Semester 2014-2015
Lecturer: Yujing Xu
Lecture: Thursday 13:30 16:20 in KK 202
Office Hours: Tuesday 16:30 17:30, Thursday 16:30 17:30
Office: KKL 1007
Tutor: Antony Cheung (
Course Description
This course offers a self-contained introduction to the theory and methods of microeconomics.
Topics include consumer theory, theory of the firm, market structures, game theory, general
equilibrium, welfare economics and economics of information.
To help students develop a solid background in microeconomic theory. To expose students to
different fields in microeconomics. To acquire the ability to apply microeconomic theory to real
world issues and problems.
ECON 1001 (Introduction to Economics) or equivalent. Prior knowledge of elementary calculus.
Required Textbook
Pindyck and Rubinfeld. Microeconomics, Eighth Edition. (P&R hereafter)
Recommended Reference
Varian, Hal R. Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, Seventh Edition.
Teaching Activities
This course is lecture-based. Slides will be posted on Moodle before each lecture.
Homework will be assigned weekly and is due by 12pm each Monday. Homework problems will
be discussed during the tutorials.
Course Requirements
Tutorials (10%) + 2 Midterms (Oct 7 and Nov 13 6:30-8:00pm, 20% each) + Final (50%)
All tests are closed-book.
Academic Conduct
University policies on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Students should be able to
attend all tests. No make-up test will be offered.
Students are not allowed to use mobile phones during lectures, tutorials and exams.
Course Outline
Week Topic
1-3 The theory of consumer choice and the demand for goods: P&R, ch. 3-4
4-5 Theory of the firm and the supply of goods: P&R, ch. 6-8
6 Equilibrium in the competitive product market: P&R, ch. 9
7 Reading/field trip week
8 Monopoly and monopsony: P&R, ch. 10-11
9-10 Monopolistic competition, oligopoly, game theory: P&R, ch. 12-13
10 Demand in the factor market: P&R, ch. 14
11 General equilibrium and economic efficiency: P&R, ch. 16
12 Externalities and public goods: P&R, ch. 18
(Economics of information and uncertainty: P&R, ch. 5, 17; Intertemporal
consideration: P&R, ch. 15 )

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