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All Hallows Elementary

34 North River Road, P. O. Box 520, Clarkes Beach, NL A0A 1W0 709-786-3691
TO: Parents
FROM: Kevin A. Giles, Ph.D., Principal
SUBJECT: Welcome Back!
DATE: September 3, 2014
It is wonderful to welcome you to All Hallows Elementary School for
another great year. A special welcome to students and parents who
are joining us for the first time.
We hope that you have taken the time to rest, play in the sun, visit with
friends, stay up late, and build a bank of refreshment for the busy and exciting
learning season ahead. It will be just that a very busy season of learning in an inviting and
exciting environment.
We all look forward to a very active, healthy, and rewarding year of learning together. As we
begin, please take time to check our school website for complete information and updates We are also @ Our new general email address is
Following are some things about life at All Hallows Elementary that we all need to know and
Daily Operating Schedule
Our day-to-day operating schedule is, as follows:
- 8:15 AM Busses arrive and students are admitted to the building at 8:15 AM. Students
should not arrive on the school grounds before 8:15 AM as the school and grounds
are unsupervised until that time. We are not responsible for students who arrive
before 8:15 AM
- 8:25 AM Students are required to be in their homerooms by 8:30 AM. Punctuality is a very
important habit. Students who arrive after 8:30 AM are required to stop at the
school office for a late pass.
- 8:30 AM Homeroom begins at 8:30 AM. Announcements are made, and lunch and recess
break orders are taken.
- 8:40 AM Classes begin at 8:40 AM each day.
- 10:00 AM Recess break begins at 10:00 AM and ends at 10:15 AM.
- 10:15 AM Classes resume following the recess break.
- 11:25 AM Kindergarten morning session ends.
- 11: 35 AM Lunch break for Primary students (Grade 1, 2, and 3) begins. Students move to
the cafeteria where they eat lunch. When lunch is eaten these students move out
of the cafeteria and get ready to go out to the playground if the weather is
suitable. Otherwise they are supervised in their classrooms or the gymnasium if it
is available.
- 12:15 PM Lunch break for Elementary students (Grade 4, 5, and 6) begins. Students move
to the cafeteria where they eat lunch. When lunch is eaten these students move
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out of the cafeteria and get ready to go out to the playground if the weather is
suitable. Otherwise they are supervised in their classrooms or the gymnasium if it
is available. Extra / co-curricular activities may be offered during this time.
Kindergarten students arrive and prepare for afternoon classes.
- 12:25 PM Lunch break for Primary students (Grade 1, 2, and 3) ends and afternoon classes
begin in this division. Classes begin for Kindergarten.
- 1:05 PM Lunch break for Elementary students (Grade 4, 5, and 6)
ends and afternoon classes begin in this division.
- 2:25 PM Classes end for all students including afternoon
Kindergartens and the end of day homeroom session
begins. Homeroom sessions for all students.
Announcements are made, memorandums are distributed,
homework is assigned, and students get their things
- 2:35 PM Students move to their school bus line-up positions inside
the school where they meet a supervising teacher.
Students are escorted to their respective busses by
supervising teachers.
- 2:45 PM Busses are released from the parking lot.
Adjustments or changes to this schedule will be announced before they are implemented.
After a relaxing summer break we are ready to welcome your child to a great learning
environment. Most of the regular staff is back and we welcome some new additions.
o Ms. S. Russell is returning to Kindergarten.
o Ms. J. Smith returning to Kindergarten.
o Ms. S. Myrden is returning to Grade 1.
o Ms. M. Barrett is returning to Grade 1.
o Ms. J. King is returning to Grade 1.
o Ms. H. Abbott-Young is returning to Grade 2.
o Ms. S. Sibley is returning to Grade 2.
o Ms. L. Coombs returning to Grade 2.
o Ms. P. Parsons / Ms. A. Humby joining us in Grade 3. Welcome!
o Ms. R. Whiffen is joining us in Grade 3. Welcome!
o Ms. C. Doyle is returning to Grade 3.
o Ms. J. Fillier-Mackey is returning to Grade 4.
o Ms. E. Rose is returning to Grade 4.
o Ms. N. Burton is returning to Grade 4.
o Ms. T. Drake is returning to Grade 5.
o Ms. D. Mercer is returning to Grade 5.
o Ms. P. Badcock is returning to Grade 5.
o Mr. S. Rose is returning to Grade 6.
o Ms. P. Thomas is returning to Grade 6.
o Ms. A. Dawe-Murphy is returning to Grade 6. Welcome back!
o Ms. L. Skanes is returning as Guidance Counselor.
o Mr. S. Wells is joining us in Instructional Support Welcome!
o Ms. L. Littlejohn is returning as Instructional Support.
o Ms. S. Atkinson is returning as Instructional Support.
o Ms. H. Norman is returning as Instructional Support Welcome Back!
o Ms. L. Mercer is returning for Music.
o Mr. E. Russell is joining us for Physical Education. Welcome!
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o Mr. R. Tarrant is returning as Assistant Principal and Instructional Support.
o Ms. S. Reid is returning as School Secretary.
o Mr. D. Flynn is our full-time custodian.
o Ms. I. Whelan is our part-time custodian.
o Ms. P. McCann is returning as a Student Assistant.
o Ms. E. Edmunds is returning as a Student Assistant.
o Ms. M. Snow is returning as a Student Assistant.
o Ms. S. Roberts-Dwyer is joining us as a Student Assistant. Welcome!
In accordance with the teacher allocation assigned by Government and the Newfoundland and
Labrador English School Board, there are three classes each of Grade 1 through 6.
School Office Hours
Our school secretary is assigned for seven-hours per day. The school office is open between the
hours of 8:00 AM and 12:00 NOON and from 1:00 to 3:30 PM. If you have to contact the school
please visit, email, or telephone us. If you cannot reach us, feel free to leave a voice mail
message. There may be times when someone will not be available to assist you on the
telephone. Our general email address is This file is open on the
secretarys desktop during the normal business hours listed above.
In the event of an emergency and you cannot reach us, please come to the school to have your
message delivered.
Parking and Traffic Control
Parking at the school is limited and restricted to specific areas when busses are arriving and
departing. Please note signage and parking available to those who transport children. Vehicles
are not permitted to pass school busses that are in position on the parking lot and are not
permitted to drive around the school between 8:15 AM and 2:45 PM. In the interest of safety for
each child, please respect our procedures.
Security Routines
We are a large school and take very seriously the safety and security of each individual student.
The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District has established a set of regulations
regarding Lockdown and Secure School Procedures. Using these regulations, in the next few days
we will develop procedures for All Hallows Elementary and begin the implementation of specific
A lockdown is an emergency course of action necessary when it is not possible to safely evacuate
the school building due to the presence of an armed intruder. Steps are required to isolate
students and staff from danger by requiring everyone to remain in secured areas of the building.
A secure school is a course of action necessary when incidents arise during the school day that
pose an immediate threat to student and staff safety and well-being requiring school
administrators to restrict student and staff movement throughout the building.
As we begin our secure school procedures, please note that ALL EXTERIOR DOORS are locked
each day at 8:45 AM and remain locked throughout the day. Students, parents, and visitors who
arrive after 8:45 AM are required to use the MAIN ENTRANCE only. Visitors are required to ring
the door bell for access.
Parents and visitors must check at the school office. Access to instructional areas is
restricted to students, teachers, staff, and invitees.
Students who arrive late or have to be picked up for some reason during the day, must be
SIGNED IN and SIGNED OUT at the school office by the accompanying adult.
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Books and Fees
In accordance with the policy of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the practice
established by the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District, fees for books and
educational materials are not charged to students at All Hallows Elementary.
While textbooks are issued free to students, if these become lost or willfully damaged, the cost
of replacement will be charged to parents.
Personal Items
We regularly find items lost by their owners and while we try our best to match them up it is
sometimes impossible. In the interest of protecting your childs personal equipment and
belongings, all items being sent to school should be clearly tagged with the students name and
grade. This includes learning materials, book bags, lunch
containers, caps, hats, boots, shoes, coats, sweaters, jackets,
shirts, shorts, mittens, and socks.
To help preserve and protect the personal health standards of your
children, please regularly sterilize the recorders being used by
students in the music program. These can be cleaned with soap and
water, wiped dry and stored in a zip-lock bag. Recorder is a
required component of the Elementary (Grade 4-6) music program
and is not optional. Recorders must be cleaned regularly and be
with the student when they come to the music classroom.
Parents are asked to routinely wash and clean caps, mittens,
jackets, and outerwear. Elementary children are encouraged to
take gym clothes home every day for cleaning. In addition, please
regularly inspect and disinfect lunch and book bags.
Head Lice
Head lice are a reoccurring problem and we receive routine reports from parents about this pest.
Vigilant parents are the best line of defense in controlling head lice. Please check your
children regularly and if you need assistance please contact Health and Community Services in
Bay Roberts at 786-5224.
Electronic Equipment & Toys
Electronic equipment and toys including iPods, cell phones, electronic games, and other personal
toys and games are not permitted at school. In the interest of personal safety it is
recommended that children keep these items home. Items of this nature are not permitted in
classrooms and students are not permitted to use them during the recess or lunch breaks. If any
of these items come to school, students are required to have them securely stored in their
lockers. We cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of electronic items and toys and
do not permit their use inside the school or during field trips and other school sponsored events.
Items that are brought at the request of a teacher for a specific activity, will be kept by the
teacher for as long as needed and then returned to parents.
Footwear and Clothing
When purchasing indoor footwear for your child (Grade 1 6), please consider a sneaker or
running shoe with a lace. We find that Velcro, zippered, and slip-on models present a danger
during physical education classes because they may not have a firm hold on the foot. We know
that these models are easy to put on and take off; however, in the interest of safety you may
want to consider the laced alternative. In any event, please make sure that all indoor footwear is
of the sneaker or running shoe type with non-marking soles.
In dressing your children for school and school events, please make sure that shirts and tops
completely cover the upper body. Strapless, spaghetti strap, single narrow-strap, off the
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shoulder, and belly tops are not appropriate and are not permitted. Short-shorts and miniskirts
are also not appropriate and not permitted. T-Shirts and articles of clothing that contain
inappropriate language, logos, and street slang are not permitted.
Indoor, laced running shoes are required footwear for inside the building and physical education
activities. As they can easily fall off the foot, Crocks and flips are not appropriate for children to
wear inside the school or when participating in school activities. Appropriate outdoor footwear
must be worn to school and for all school related outdoor activities and field trips.
Healthy Students, Healthy Schools
The government of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador continues its commitment to
improve the health outcomes for residents of the province and are accomplishing this through a
Provincial Wellness Plan. The Healthy Students, Healthy Schools initiative has three main goals
healthy eating, physical activity, and feeling good about ones self.
Here at All Hallows Elementary we have taken an active role in supporting the development of the
Healthy Students, Healthy Schools initiative. The type of food available in school is restricted and
we are continuously encouraging our students to eat healthy. We regularly offer opportunities for
exercise and movement and continue to explore ways of making more time for physical activity
available to students.
In this new school year, we are once again seeking your support for our Healthy Students,
Healthy Schools program. Parents are asked to not send or bring any junk food items to school
at any time. This includes special occasions birthdays, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas,
and Valentines, Easter, etc. On special occasions, teachers make plans for classroom, grade, and
division level celebrations that may include a snack item from the SERVE MOST / SERVE
MODERATELY items as outlined in the Healthy Students, Healthy Schools brochure.
Fast food and junk food is not available at school and we ask parents to refrain from bringing or
sending such products into the building. Potato chips, cheezies, candy bars, sugar drinks, and
pop are not healthy snacks and do not support the development of a healthy body and mind.
With the continued implementation of the Provincial School Food Guidelines, we
are required to restrict potato chips, bars, pop, and other junk food.
On occasion you may want to provide a meal from a fast food outlet for
your child. If this becomes necessary, we ask that you take your child
out for the meal and that the food not be brought into the school.
Increasing the amount and quality of physical activity for our students
is an important aspect of our active and healthy living initiative. This
school year we are committed to ensuring that each student is offered
some physical activity each day. This will be achieved through
programming in physical education, individual classroom activities, and
school-wide initiatives.
The Healthy Students Healthy Schools initiative supports a web site that contains information for
students, teachers, parents, and the larger school community on wellness. Here you can find
information on health snacks and lunches for school. We strongly encourage parents to consider
the suggestions provided for healthy snacks and lunches. Check it out on the Internet @
Rainbow Food Services operated by Ms. Lisa Percey is providing food services this school year.
The food provided is reasonably priced and is produced in accordance with the School Food
Guidelines administered by government. Food service will begin on Monday, September 8,
2014. A start-up menu with pricing information is circulated to students and parents with this
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Food Allergies
We routinely deal with a number of serious medical conditions and safety issues related to food
consumption. At present we have students registered with allergies to peanuts, fish, eggs, and
rice. Your support in recognizing these health concerns and providing your child with food
products free from these ingredients would be greatly appreciated.
Bussing services contractor for the children of All Hallows Elementary is
Mr. Donald Drake. Mr. Drake and his drivers provide transportation for
more than 400 children in seven registered school busses. Safety is our
number one concern; therefore, it is important that students and their
parents follow the rules of the school and the instructions of the
contractor and driver when children are riding busses.
Throughout the school year, we are constantly reminded of the necessity
to encourage students to practice good behavior while riding our school
busses. In the school setting, the ride on the bus is perhaps the only
time when students are largely unsupervised. Bus drivers are the only adults on school busses
and their first priority is the safe and secure operation of the bus to get students to and from
school safely. At all times, bus drivers must have their eyes on the road. However, this becomes
increasingly difficult if students are being disruptive, screaming, moving around, or picking at one
We have zero tolerance for behavior that disrupts the safe operation of our school busses.
Students found to be endangering the lives of others through their inappropriate behavior, will be
removed from the busses hence making parents responsible for their transportation. Please
discuss appropriate school bus behaviors with your child and reinforce the requirement to stay in
seats, to use quiet voices, and to follow the instructions of the bus driver at all times.
Bus Passes
For reasons of personal safety, we do not issue passes for students to travel on a bus other than
the one to which they are assigned and students cannot get off a bus at a stop that is not their
regular one. Parents are asked to make arrangements for a child who is not able to avail of
regular bussing services.
General School Rules and Student Behavior
General school rules exist for the sole purpose of making sure that each child learns in a safe and
secure learning environment. Teachers and school administrators will not tolerate any behavior
that interferes with a childs right and ability to feel safe. At school we work hard to help students
resolve their differences and to treat others with respect.
Our school values speak of honesty, friendship, sharing, morality,
hope, love, empathy, caring, beauty, compassion, tolerance, charity,
peacefulness, kindness, fairness, goodness, justice, respect, integrity,
and tolerance. Through the days and weeks, and in the year ahead it
is our hope that we will all work at practicing the golden rule doing
onto others, as we would have them do onto us.
Students who use inappropriate behaviors in the resolution of
problems between and among themselves fighting, inappropriate language, and bullying will
be counseled to seek other ways to solve a problem.
We have zero tolerance for fighting and bullying here at school and ask children to involve the
adults around them in the resolution of their differences with one another. Inappropriate
behaviors will result in parents being contacted and the use of mediation and corrective
strategies. Please talk with your child about fighting, pushing, shoving, name-calling, swearing,
etc. These are behaviors that will result in problems at school.
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If your child is riding a bicycle, please make sure that they are wearing helmets and practice
appropriate bicycle safety rules. They are not to arrive on the school grounds before 8:30 AM.
Upon arrival bicycles are to be parked and picked-up at the end of the day. For safety reasons,
students are not permitted to ride bicycles while on school grounds.
Inside and Outside Days
Students go outside on good weather days! In order to stay inside, we require a medical note
from a doctor. Please dress your child accordingly.
Information Up-Date and Media Consent Forms
Please complete the Student Information Update and Media Consent forms sent home with
this memorandum.
As you complete the EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN, please discuss it with your child so that
they understand what they have to do should they be sent home from school in an emergency
situation (fire, sewer back-up, water shut-off, road closure, weather, etc). They need to know
whom they have to contact, where they can find a key to their house, and other details. Please
include this in your plan. Please note that students are only permitted to travel on their regular
school bus.
In emergency situations, telephones will not always be available so it is very important for your
child to understand and be able to follow a specific procedure.
Please send the attached forms and return to your childs teacher by Monday, September 8,
Emergency School Announcements
Radio stations KIXX, CBC, VOCM, & COAST will post last minute reminders and emergency school
announcements. Information about school closures will be on the school website and the Newfoundland and Labrador English School Districts (
website. We use an automated calling system and are also on Twitter check us out at
www.twitter/allhallowse. Our general email address is Stay tuned!
Contact Us
Each child is unique and very important to all of us. Please contact us with your questions and
concerns - together we can make a difference in the life of your child.
Important Dates & Activities
September 3 - Classes Begin
September 8 - Food Services Begin
September 24 - Terry Fox National School Run Day
September 29 - Staff Development No classes for students
September 30 - School Pictures SMILE!
October 13 - Thanksgiving Holiday
November 6 - Veterans Week Assembly
November 10 & 11 - Veterans Week Holidays
November 26 - Term 1 Report Cards
November 27 - Term 1 Parent-Teacher Meetings
December 2 & 4 - Primary Holiday Musicals - Proposed Watch for details!
December 9 & 11 - Elementary Holiday Musicals - Proposed Watch for details!
December 19 - Classes end for the Christmas Holidays
January 6 - Classes Begin
June 25 - Last Day for Students
Postings are in the live calendar on our school website
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Notes, Questions, & Information for the Teacher

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All Hallows Elementary
34 North River Road, P. O. Box 520, Clarkes Beach, NL A0A 1W0 709-786-3691
Students Surname Please Print
Students First & Second Name Please Print
Childs Date of Birth
Childs MCP Number & Expiry Date
Contact Address, Names, & Telephone Numbers
P. O. Box or General Delivery
Town & Postal Code
Physical Address Street Name # House/ Apartment Number
Parent / Guardian Name(s) Please Print
Home Telephone Number & Cell Phone Numbers:
E-Mail Address:
A telephone number or numbers where I or somebody else (include the name) can be reached during the day:
During the day, should school have to close due to an emergency situation, my child:
Childs Name (Please Print)
will do, as follows.
[Please print a plan below and include all necessary information. In emergency situations telephone service may not always be available;
therefore, providing a list of telephone numbers for us to call cannot be the only plan.)




Parent Signature Date
This information is being collected for the purpose of school enrolment/registration, under authority of the Schools Act (1997). If you have
any questions regarding data collection or use, please contact
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All Hallows Elementary
34 North River Road, P. O. Box 520, Clarkes Beach, NL A0A 1W0 709-786-3691
TO: Parents
FROM: Kevin A. Giles, Ph.D., Principal
SUBJECTS: Media Consent Form photography,
audio, video, & media
DATE: September 3, 2014
As a normal part of our communication with parents we
have established an internet presence with a number of
social media outlets including KidsBlog, YouTube,
Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. We are also
reconstructing the school website and developing a school app.
Websites are used to publish information related to activities and events at school. This will
include student and teacher blogs, e-mail, written messages as well as pictures with descriptors.
From time to time, the local media may be invited to our school to videotape, photograph, record
and/or interview students involved in school-related activities. In addition, schools in the
Newfoundland and Labrador English School District promote involvement in curricular and co-
curricular activities by posting student photos and student artwork on its website, and/or
newsletters, brochures, or advertisements.
Schools in the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District work closely with Eastern
Health and the Healthy Students Healthy Schools Initiative to promote active and healthy living
activities. Images may also appear in Eastern Health newsletters, brochures, advertisements or
websites for Eastern Health and/or the Healthy Students Healthy Schools Initiative.
Please indicate your wishes regarding your childs involvement in the promotional activities
mentioned above by completing the form below and returning it to your child's homeroom teacher
on or before September 8, 2014.
Student names will not be used without express written permission from the parent.
___Yes, I permit the reproduction of images of my child for the promotional purposes listed
___No, I do not permit the reproduction of images of my child.
Students Name: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________
Parents Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________

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