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Grade Homework Policy

grade is a year of growth in responsibility. Homework helps students establish
habits of study, develop self-discipline, responsibility, and organizational skills. It also
provides parents with an insight into what is being taught in the classroom and the
progress their child is making.

Homework will be recorded in the student planner, which is located in the C.A.D.E.T.
Binder. It is the students responsibility to write down their homework nightly as well as
completing it each night. Students may ask their parents or peers for help on their
homework, however, it must be completed by the child.

Failure to complete a homework assignment will result in the student belonging to
the Homework Club for the day. Students who have incomplete work will take their work
outside during recess and complete it at this time. This will continue until all unfinished
work is handed in.

If a child is absent, they will be allowed time to make up their work. More
information will follow on this at the time of the absence.

To help reinforce what has already been taught in school, homework will be assigned
periodically. Please look in the student planner, located in the C.A.D.E.T. binder for
homework assignments or projects.

When your student finishes their homework, please check it over and sign their
planner. Teachers will be checking for a parent signature. This is also a great way for
teachers and parents to communicate each night.

Please sign below with your student to show you and your student have read and
understand the 4
grade homework policy.

_____________________________ __________________________________
Parent Signature Student Signature

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