Bassriversheilamant Worksheet2

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The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant NAME: ___________________________________ Pd.


ASSIGNMENT: Silent Sustained Reading (on own, no talking!) & Story Analysis Questions (below).
You have one-and-a-half class periods (Thursday and short early-release Friday) to finish reading, so stay
focused. Do not take home the textbook. You can probably find the story on-line, IF necessary/possible.
1.) First, just READ: The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant (silently to yourself )
in orange literature book, on pages 306-312. Leave book in classroom.
2.) Next, ANSWER the story analysis questions below AFTER finishing story. You can take them home, but bring these
questions/answers back to class (finished) on Monday. Use all your class time to read, then answer as much as possible!
3.) Be prepared for a READING COMPREHENSION QUIZ Monday over what happens in the story. So really read it, closely.
4.) Do the 75-work free-writing assignment below on the back of the page. Count your words & record how many at top.

STORY ANALYSIS QUESTIONS: Remember to refer to your yellow list of literary terms/definitions if needed.
1. Name and/or briefly describe the NARRATOR of the story:

2) a) What is the specific type of POINT-OF-VIEW the narrator uses in telling the story? (Refer to
your yellow list of literary definitions for the different types of point-of-view.

b) How do you know? (List or explain evidence/proof.)

3) a) Name and/or describe the PROTAGONIST (one main character):

b) How do you know? (List or explain evidence/proof.)

4) List and explain the MAIN CONFLICT the protagonist faces. Man vs. ____________________________
EXPLAIN against whom or what:

5) a) Briefly list the most important PLOT EVENTS (in order) that occur in the story, as suspense builds.
b) THEN, write the word CLIMAX & draw arrow to event you think represents protagonists turning point.

6) EXPLAIN the RESOLUTION (denouement) of the protagonists main conflict. Is it resolved? How? When?

7) a) Describe the TONE the writer uses about the story. (HINT: The writers tone is often shown through the
narrator, but not necessarily. Tone can usually be described as an emotion of some sort about the story/topic.)

b) How do you know? (List or explain evidence/proof.)

75-word WRITING TASK/PROMPT. Answer on back. Count your words and record the number at the top.
WRITE about a time when you (or someone you know) did something silly or embarrassing to impress someone you (or
he/she) had a crush on.

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