Lesson Plan Bullying

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Lesson Plan

Miss Katherine Dean

Year level(s)___1____ Learning area/ACARA focus Health
Date/Tie !!/"/1# 11$!%&1!$!% Lesson 'ocus (ull)ing
(ac*groun+ ,nforation
-tu+ents res.on+ /ell to usic an+ +ance
Also res.on+ /ell to 0eing a/ar+e+ Do1os
-oe stu+ents shoul+ not sit ne2t to each other3
Teaching/Learning 4ur.ose(s) (/ritten in ters of
Learn 5hat (ull)ing is3
Learn /hat the) can +o if the) are getting 0ullie+ or
see soeone getting 0ullie+3
6n+erstan+ ho/ .eo.le feel /hen 0eing 0ullie+3
,4a+ charge+ an+ stor) +o/nloa+e+ rea+) to rea+ to the
-li+e -ho/ an+ 7i+eos set u. an+ h).erlin*e+ so , +on8t
have to clic* 0et/een an)thing3
5or*sheet a0out feelings co.ie+ for 1 each rea+) for the
en+ of the lesson3 9ach stu+ent has there o/n colouring
.encils3 :lue into their health 0oo*s at the en+ (in the 0o2
un+er the /hite0oar+)3
-li+esho/ still u. at the en+ of the lesson for a reca. an+
0ull)ing song3
Learning 92.eriences$
13 Ho/ /ill , engage the learners;
The stor) of the three .igs is on the ,4a+ /ith clear
.ictures an+ refers to the three .igs /hile the) are at
school3 The stor) unfortunatel) can not 0e accesse+
unless +o/nloa+e+ so a ne/ stor) nee+s to 0e foun+ if the
,4a+ is not availa0le3 As*ing <uestions a0out /hat
ha..ene+ an+ /hat the) can +o if the) are 0eing 0ullie+3
-tor) of Mc:ru= on YouTu0e to sho/ /hat the stu+ents
can +o if the)> or soeone the) *no/ are 0eing 0ullie+3
Constant +iscussion an+ <uestions to *ee. the engage+
an+ re?ecting3 Colouring activit) a0out feelings then a
song to reca. at the en+3
!3 -tu+ent tas*s an+ activities (/hat /ill the stu+ents +o
to achieve the lesson .ur.ose(s);
Discuss /ith e /hat 0ull)ing is an+ the +i=erence
0et/een 0ull)ing an+ a one o= situation3 (learn /hat
0ull)ing is)3
Discuss /hat can 0e +one to sto. the 0ull)ing3 (Learn
/hat the) can +o if the) are getting 0ullie+ or see
soeone getting 0ullie+)3
'ill in the /or* sheet to sho/ un+erstan+ing of ho/ a
0ullie+ .erson a) feel an+ /hat the) can +o to sto. it3
(6n+erstan+ ho/ .eo.le feel /hen 0eing 0ullie+)3
(ost learning /ill 0e sho/n in the reca. an+ on the
activit) sheet3)
@3 Conclusion (ho/ +o )ou suarise the learning an+
relate it to the lesson .ur.ose(s);
The reca. at the en+ is /here the stu+ents all coe 0ac*
to the at an+ /e +iscuss /hat /e have learnt3 5e then
/atch a sesae street vi+eo/song a0out 0ull)ing3
Assessent an+ evaluation$ (Ho/ +o )ou *no/ the
stu+ents have achieve+ the learning .ur.ose(s)3 9valuate
)our o/n .erforance)
5hen the) can tell e /hat 0ull)ing is an+ ho/ the) can
sto. it3 This coul+ 0e si.le ans/ers or chanting A-to.>
Tal*> 5al*B3 Also loo*ing at their /or*sheets /hether the)
un+erstoo+ the feelings an+ /hat the) coul+ +o a0out it
.ro.erl)3 ,f , can hel. the to un+erstan+ the +i=erent
0et/een 0eing 0ullie+ an+ acci+entall) 0eing 0u.e+ in
the .la)groun+> the feelings of soeone 0eing 0ullie+ an+
ho/ to A-to.> Tal* an+ 5al*B to get a/a) fro it> , *no/
) lesson has 0een successful3

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