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Lesson Plan

Katherine Dean
Year level(s): Year 8 Learning area/ACARA focus: English
Date/Time: erio! " #ri!a$ Lesson #ocus Revising
ersuasive !evises
%ac&groun! 'nformation
(ea&er grou) * Rea!ing is not a strong )oint+
,ust learnt a-out the )ersuasive !evices a fe.
lessons ago+
/ee! a -it of a )ush to un!erstan! a !i0erent
1ome !on2t -ring -ags or nee!e! e3ui)ment+
Teaching/Learning ur)ose(s) (.ritten in terms of
Revising the )ersuasive !evices (#act4 1tatistic4
5)inion4 E6)ert o)inion an! A!7ectives)+
'!entif$ing these !evises in a te6t+
hotoco)$ the te6t (89 co)ies)+
:ave s)are highlighters/)ens availa-le+
;a&e sure .e have enough teachers (one )er grou))
1)lit the class into " grou)s+
1ort the !es&s into grou)s -efore the lesson+
Learning E6)eriences:
<+ :o. .ill ' engage the learners=
During this >9 minute lesson there is onl$ 8 )arts to one
activit$ .e .ill -e running+
#irstl$ .e .ill engage the stu!ents -$ getting them to rea!
the te6t to each other (A sentence each )er te6t
!e)en!ing on the te6t that grou) gets)+
/e6t .e .ill -e engaging them -$ as&ing them 3uestions
to encourage res)onses an! un!erstan!ing .hile as&ing
them to ?n! an! highlight e6am)les in the te6t+
Lastl$ the$ .ill engage in !iscussion a-out the e6am)les
>+ 1tu!ent tas&s an! activities (.hat .ill the stu!ents
!o to achieve the lesson )ur)ose(s)=
Rea! a )art of the te6t each to ever$one in the
artici)ate in a 3uic& revision !iscussion a-out the
)ersuasive !evices+ (Revising the )ersuasive
'!entif$ the )ersuasive !evices in the te6t an!
highlight them (i!entif$ing these !evices in a te6t)+
8+ Conclusion (ho. !o $ou summarise the learning an!
relate it to the lesson )ur)ose(s)=
(e .ill summarise the learning -$ !iscussing as a grou)
.hat sentences or )arts .e highlighte! an! .hat
)ersuasive !evices .e thin& the$ are+ This .ill sho.
.hether the stu!ents un!erstan! the )ersuasive !evices
an! have achieve! the lesson )ur)ose+ (e coul! also
!iscuss ho. that sentence or )art of the te6t is
Assessment an! evaluation: (:o. !o $ou &no. the
stu!ents have achieve! the learning )ur)ose(s)+ Evaluate
$our o.n )erformance)
' .ill -e a-le to see that the stu!ents have achieve! the
lesson )ur)oses -$ the ans.ers the$ give !uring -oth
!iscussions an! -$ the e6am)les the$ highlight in the te6t
an! .hich !evices the$ connect those e6am)les too+

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