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Low-Power Design of CML Drivers for On-Chip Transmission-Lines

Akira Tsuchiya

Takeshi Kuboki

Hidetoshi Onodera

Dept. Communications and Computer Engineering, Kyoto University

Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
{tsuchiya, kuboki, onodera}

Abstract In this paper, we discuss a design technique to reduce

the power dissipation of CML buers for on-chip transmissionlines. CML buers can operate in higher frequency than conventional static CMOS buers. On the other hand, the power dissipation is larger than that of the static CMOS buers. We reduce the
power dissipation by using an impedance-unmatched driver. From
the pole frequency analysis, our method can decrease the tail current without degrading the throughput of the CML buer. Experimental results show that our method can reduce the power dissipation by 25%.

I. Introduction
According to the continuous improvement of the LSI fabrication technologies, the performance of LSIs is rapidly accelerating. One of the big challenges in high-performance LSIs is the
interconnect bottleneck problem. The on-chip interconnection
is becoming a limitation of the whole chip performance because
the performance of on-chip wires does not improve by technology scaling. At the same time, the multi-core architecture is a
trend of microprocessor design [1]. In such LSIs, on-chip buses
have strong impact on the chip performance and on-chip interconnection is required to achieve higher bandwidth [2]. Thus
on-chip high-speed communication is one of the hot topics and
several methods are developed [37].
In high-speed communication, the primal elements of the signaling system are the driver, the receiver and the interconnect.
The on-chip interconnects can transmit 10Gbps or higher bit
rate [8] and the bottleneck is the driver circuit. To realize highspeed circuits, current-mode-logic (CML) is one of the solutions
[912]. However CML buers have more design parameters
comparing static CMOS inverter [13]. CML buers can operate in higher frequency and have tolerance to the common mode
noise, but CML buers require the static current ow and the
power dissipation is larger than that of the static CMOS buers.
Thus low-power design of CML buers is discussed [14].
This paper proposes a low-power design of CML buers
for on-chip transmission-lines. Conventionally, impedancematched driver is a common practice for transmission-line
drivers [13].
The proposed method use an impedanceunmatched driver to reduce the power dissipation. Impedanceunmatched driver cause reection of the propagating wave,
however the reected wave rapidly attenuates on on-chip
transmission-lines. Therefore the impedance-mismatch is not a
serious problem. We use a resistance larger than the characteristic impedance as the pull-up resistance. By using the larger resistance, we can reduce the tail current. From the pole frequency
analysis, we can reduce the tail current without degrading the









Fig. 1. CML dierential buer.

bandwidth of the buer. We experimentally verify the proposed

method. The contribution of this paper is a low-power design
method that does not degrade the bandwidth.
Section II explains fundamentals of CML buers for on-chip
transmission-lines. In Section III, we show a relationship between the pole frequency and the bandwidth of CML buer.
Section IV describes the proposed method and Section V shows
experimental results. Section VI concludes this paper.

II. Fundamentals of CML Buffer

In this section, fundamentals of CML buer are explained.
First, the basic operation of CML buers is explained. Next, the
design guideline of Ref. [13] is introduced.

A. Basic operation of CML buer

Figure 1 shows a basic CML buer. The CML buer is based
on the dierential architecture. The main components of the
CML buer are two pull-up resistors RD , two nMOS transistors
for switching and a current source Itail . NMOS transistors control
the current ow of each side of the dierential pair according to
the dierential input. CML buers can operate in high frequency
because no pMOS transistor is used and the nMOS transistors
are always in saturation region. Figure 2 shows a transfer characteristic of the CML buer. As the dierential input (Vin1 Vin2 )
varies, each output voltage varies from (VDD RD Itail ) to the supply voltage VDD . Thus the range of the dierential output voltage
(Vout1 Vout2 ) is from RD Itail to RD Itail . By assigning each condition to 0 and 1, the CML buer can transmit dierential signal.



N stages


RD Itail = Vout


2 nd

N th


VDD - RD Itail
Vin1 - Vin2

Vin, min

u N-1=X

Fig. 3. Tapered driver.

Fig. 2. Transfer characteristics of CML dierential buer.

B. Conventional design guideline of CML buer

The CML buer shown in Fig. 1 is the basic of dierential
amplier [15] and a design guideline to use as a driver is already
discussed [13]. From Fig. 1, design parameters of a CML buer
are the pull-up resistance, the size of the nMOS transistor and
the tail current.
Generally, the pull-up resistance RD is tuned to the characteristic impedance of the transmission-line to achieve impedance
The size of the nMOS transistor is determined by the constraint of CML buer operation. As shown in Fig. 2, a certain input voltage is needed to swing the output voltage from
(VDD RD Itail ) to VDD . When all of the tail current ows through
either nMOS transistor, the output voltage swing reaches RD Itail .
From the square law of nMOS drain current, the relationship between the tail current and the minimum input voltage Vin, min is
expressed by
Itail = Cox Vin,
min ,
where is the mobility, Cox is the gate capacitance par unit area,
W and L are the gate width and the gate length respectively. The
mobility and the gate capacitance Cox are determined by the
fabrication process and the gate length L is set to the minimum
value in the fabrication process. Therefore the freedom in the
nMOS transistor is only the gate width W. To drive the next
stage, the output voltage has to be larger than the minimum input
Vout Vin, min .
From Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), The gate width W is determined by

Cox Vout


Equation (2) is the lower limit of the output voltage. The upper limit of the output voltage depends on the threshold voltage
Vth . For high-speed operation, nMOS transistors should operate in the saturation. From this constraint, the maximum output
voltage is derived as [13]
Vout = RD Itail Vth .


The last design parameter Itail is determined from the output

voltage swing. The nal stage of CML driver has to drive the
transmission-line and the receiver. In on-chip transmission-line,
loss of the transmission-line is not negligible. Therefore the
lower bound of the output voltage Vout is larger than the minimum input voltage of the receiver. By considering the atten-

uation in the transmission-line, the output voltage Vout is expressed by

Vinreceiver , min
where and l are the attenuation constant and the length of the
transmission-line respectively.
According to this design guideline, the design parameters are
xed when the characteristic impedance of the interconnect and
the required voltage swing is given.
C. Tapered CML buer
On-chip CML driver has to drive a dierential transmissionline. The characteristic impedance of on-chip dierential lines
is typically in the range from 50 to 200. To drive such low
impedance load, the tail current becomes large and the size of the
switching transistor becomes large. Therefore tapered buers
are used and the number of stages and the taper factor are also
design parameters.
Figure 3 shows a tapered driver. In Fig. 3, the number of
stages is N and the taper factor is u. In this discussion, the input
stage of the tapered driver is written as the 1st stage. The last
stage is the N-th stage. The transistor size and the tail current
gradually scale up with the taper factor u. In opposite, the pull
up resistance scales down with the taper factor u. The relationship between the k-th stage and the k + 1-st stage is expressed

RDk+1 = RDk /u

Wk+1 = uWk

Itailk+1 = uItailk
the subscript k + 1 and k denote the (k + 1)-st stage and the k-th
stage respectively. The parameter X is the ratio between the rst
stage and the last stage and is equal to uN1 .
The latency of tapered CML buer is discussed in Ref. [13]
and Ref. [13] concludes that the delay of CML buer has similarity with static CMOS buer and the number of stages becomes
optimal when the number of stages N satises
N ln uN1 .
In other word, the optimal taper factor is Napiers constant e.
On the other hand, the bandwidth is also an important metric of CML driver. From the viewpoint of the bandwidth, the
taper factor and the number of stages change the gain curve
of the CML buer. As the taper factor u becomes small, the
pole frequency shifts toward high frequency because the load
capacitance becomes small. However as the number of stages
increases, the gain drops rapidly in high frequency region. An



5 stages


4 stages

Voltage gain [dB]


2 stages


3 stages






Frequency [GHz]






Fig. 4. Gain curve of tapered CML buers. (X = 5)

Fig. 5. Parasitic capacitances in CML buer.

example of gain curves is shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4 is the result

of circuit simulation. The nal stage of the buer is designed
to drive a dierential transmission-line whose dierential characteristic impedance is 100. The ratio of the rst stages and
the nal stage is xed to 5 and we change the number of stages.
As shown in Fig. 4, the gain of the 2-staged buer starts to drop
from the relatively low frequency. The gain curve of the 5-staged
buer remains to be at, however, the gain drops rapidly in the
higher frequency. Therefore on the bandwidth, it is not clear how
many stages or taper factor maximize the bandwidth of CML
III. Pole Frequency Analysis of Tapered CML Buffer
In this section, we propose the pole frequency as an indicator
of the bandwidth of CML buers. As mentioned in the previous
section, the design parameters RD , W and Itail are determined
by the characteristic impedance of wire and the required voltage
swing. Therefore in this section, the design freedoms are the
taper factor u and the number of cascade stages.
A. Pole frequency of CML buers
The voltage swing of CML buers is limited because it should
be smaller than the threshold voltage. Thus we can expect that
we can estimate the performance of CML buers by the small
signal analysis. The pole frequency of CML buer shown in
Fig. 1 is determined from the resistor and the capacitor connected to the drain of the switching transistor [15]. The pole
frequency p is expressed as
p =



if there is no parasitics. Without considering the parasitic capacitances, the load capacitance CL is the sum of the drain-backgate
capacitance and the gate capacitance of the next stage. Then the
pole frequency of tapered CML buers is expressed as
p =



where RDN , CDBN and CGN is the pull-up resistance, the drainbackgate capacitance and the gate capacitance of the nal stage
of tapered buer respectively.


N stages

random NRZ

2 nd

N th

bridge termination
(100 )

u N-1=X

Fig. 6. Experimental circuit for eye-diagram evaluation.

In reality, there are several parasitic capacitances as shown in

Fig. 5. The overlapping or adjacent wires and the polysilicon
resistor are the main causes of the parasitic capacitances. Therefore we have to take these parasitic capacitances into consideration.

B. Relationship between pole frequency and eye-diagram

To evaluate the performance of CML buers, we evaluate the
eye-diagram by circuit simulation. The experimental circuit is
shown in Fig. 6. The CML buer is designed in accordance with
the design guideline explained in Section II.. We use a 180nm
CMOS process whose supply voltage is 1.8V. The required voltage swing is set to 0.48V in dierential. The ratio between the
rst stage and the nal stage X is xed to 5 and the number of
stages is changed. The input is a random Non-Return-to-Zero
sequence. The input pulse shape of trapezoidal and the rise/fall
time is one tenth of the minimum pulse width. The output of
the buer is terminated by the resistor that represents the characteristic impedance of the transmission-line. We evaluate the
eye-diagram at the output of the buer.
Figure 7 shows the eye opening voltage and the input frequency. As the input frequency becomes higher, the eye opening
voltage degrades. In Fig. 7, the lowest pole frequency of each
conguration is also shown. We calculate the pole frequency
from the pull-up resistor RD , the drain-backgate capacitance, the
gate capacitance and the parasitic capacitances shown in Fig. 5.
From Fig. 5, the pole frequency indicates the frequency where
the eye opening voltage starts to degrade. Therefore we propose
the pole frequency as an indicator of the performance of CML


14.5 18.9 21.6


5 stages
(pole: 21.6GHz)


Pole frequency [GHz]

Eye opening voltage [V]


3 stages
(pole: 14.5GHz)


4 stages
(pole: 18.9GHz)

2 stages
(pole: 5.6GHz)



Frequency [GHz]




Fig. 7. Eye opening voltage and pole frequency. (X = 5)

IV. Low-Power Design of CML Buffer

This section proposes a design technique to reduce the power
dissipation of CML buers without degrading the bandwidth.
A. Power reduction by impedance-unmatched driver
According to Section II, the tail current is determined by the
pull-up resistance and the required voltage swing. Conventionally, the pull-up resistance is tuned to achieve impedance matching because impedance-matched drivers suppress the reection
of the electromagnetic wave and improve the signal integrity.
However on on-chip transmission-lines, the attenuation is signicant and the reected wave attenuates rapidly. Therefore
impedance mismatch does not cause serious problem in signal
transmission and we can use impedance-unmatched drivers [16].
From Eq. (4), the product of the pull-up resistance RD and
the tail current Itail have to be constant value because the output
voltage swing Vout is a given parameter. If we can increase the
pull-up resistance RD , we can decrease the tail current Itail . On
the other hand, tuning the pull-up resistance does not degrade the
bandwidth of the CML driver. From Eq. (8), the pole frequency
is expressed as the inversion of the product of the resistance RD
and the capacitance CL . The load capacitance CL is composed by
the gate capacitance, drain-backgate capacitance and parasitics
as shown in Fig. 5. We can classify the components of the load
capacitance as below;
CTr : Parasitic capacitance of the nMOS transistor.
This capacitance is proportional to the transistor size.
CRD : Parasitic capacitance of the pull-up resistor.
This capacitance is proportional to the resistance RD .
Cwire : Parasitic capacitance of metal wires.
This capacitance is independent to the design parameters.
In this paper, we assume that the pull-up resistance is realized
by polysilicon. Thus the capacitance CRD is proportional to
the resistance RD . To drive on-chip transmission-lines, the output impedance of the driver has to be comparable small to the
characteristic impedance and the transistor size has to be large.
Therefore in the CML driver for on-chip transmission-lines, the
component CTr is dominant and the load capacitance CL is approximately proportional to the size of the transistor.


Parasitics of Tr
Parasitics of wire
are dominant
are dominant
Pull-up resistance [Ohm]

Fig. 8. Pull-up resistance and the pole frequency.

From Eq. (3), the transistor size is proportional to the tail current. As explained in Section II, the product of RD and Itail is determined by the output voltage swing. Thus the pole frequency
can be rewritten as
p =


= const.
RD Itail


Therefore if the load capacitance CL is proportional to the transistor size, the pole frequency does not change by tuning the
pull-up resistance RD . As a result, the impedance-unmatched
driver can reduce the tail current without degrading the bandwidth. We experimentally verify the impedance-unmatched
driver in the next section.
B. Relationship between the pole frequency and the pull-up resistance
If the load capacitance CL is proportional to the gate width,
we can decrease the tail current by increasing the pull-up resistance. However the load capacitance includes the parasitic capacitance of wire and the pull-up resistance. The wire parasitics
is not depends on the gate width. If we realize the pull-up resistor
by polysilicon, the parasitic capacitance of the resistance is proportional to the resistance value. When the gate width is large
and the gate capacitance and the drain-backgate capacitance is
dominant, we can reduce the tail current without degrading the
bandwidth of the CML buer. As the size of switching transistor
decreases, the parasitic capacitance of wires and the resistance
becomes signicant. In this case, the pole frequency shifts to the
lower frequency as increasing the pull-up resistance.
Figure 8 shows the relationship between the pull-up resistance
and the pole frequency. The parasitic capacitances are extracted
from a CML buer designed in a 90nm CMOS process. When
the resistance is small, the switching transistor is large and the
gate capacitance and the drain-backgate capacitance is dominant. In this region, the pole frequency is almost the constant
even the pull-up resistance is changes. As the resistance becomes larger, the parasitic capacitance of wire and that of the
resistance becomes dominant. Thus the pole frequency becomes
lower when the pull-up resistance is large.
Therefore the proposed method is limited by the parasitic capacitance of wires and that of the resistance.


u N-2

1 u





eye opening voltage [V]


Fig. 9. Experimental circuit.



RD=50 Ohm
RD=100 Ohm


A. Simulation setup

B. Comparison between impedance-matched and impedanceunmatched driver

We x the ratio X to 9 and vary the number of stages N.
We assume that the dierential characteristic impedance of the
transmission-line is 100. Therefore the resistance of the terminator is 100. If we tune the driver to achieve impedance
matching, the pull-up resistance of the nal stage is 50. We set
the pull-up resistance 100.
Figure 10 shows the simulation result. The x-axis is the frequency of the input pulse and the y-axis is the eye-opening voltage. The number of stages is 4 and 5. The taper factor u is 2.08
and 1.73 respectively. From Fig. 10, the eye-opening voltage
is almost the same even if the pull-up resistance RD is changed.
The comparison of the total tail current is shown in Table I. From
Fig. 10 and Table I, impedance-unmatched driver reduces the total tail current by 25% without degrading the bandwidth.
VI. Conclusion
A design technique to reduce the power dissipation of CML
driver is proposed. Conventionally, impedance-matched driver
is a common practice of the driver design. We use a impedanceunmatched driver whose pull-up resistance is larger than that of
impedance-matched driver. By using larger pull-up resistance,
we can reduce the tail current of CML buers. From the pole

frequency [GHz]




eye opening voltage [V]



RD=50 Ohm
RD=100 Ohm


The experimental circuit is shown in Fig. 9. We evaluate the

bandwidth of the cascaded driver. The CML buer is scaled by
a constant taper factor u and the number of stages is N. The ratio X is the ratio between the rst stage and the last stage and is
expressed by X = uN1 . The input of the driver is a random NonReturn-to-Zero pulse sequence. To evaluate the performance of
the driver, we assume that the transmission-line is lossless and
the length is zero. Thus the output of the driver is directly connected to the bridge termination. A 90nm CMOS process is assumed as the fabrication process and the supply voltage is 1.0V.
We evaluate the eye-diagram at the output of the driver.



V. Experimental Results
In this section, we show some experimental results of the
impedance-unmatched driver. First, we explain the simulation setup. Next, the bandwidth and the power dissipation of
impedance-unmatched drivers are evaluated by circuit simulation.





frequency [GHz]




Fig. 10. Input frequency and the eye-opening (X = 9, N = 4, 5).

Total tail current of the driver.

#stages matched-driver
(RD = 50)
(RD = 100) ratio
: (ratio)=(proposed)/(matched-driver)

frequency analysis, our method can reduce the power dissipation

without degrading the bandwidth. Experimental results show
that the impedance-unmatched driver reduce the tail current by
25% and its bandwidth is almost the same as that of the conventional impedance-matched driver.

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