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Course Description

Grade Two English 2014-2015

Teacher: Vinolia John
%ur English progra& is $ased on a curriculu& called 'tor(town! 'tor(town is a research-$ased progra&! )t includes
phonics* oca$ular(* spelling* +uenc(* and co&prehension! The Grade two English progra& also includes writing* use o,
technolog(* leeled readers* li$rar( ti&e* "ournal writing* ho&ewor-* pro"ects* .eldtrips and other actiities to go with the
the&e and lesson!
1! 'tor(town reading te0t$oo-s 12arcourt3
2! 4ractice 5oo- 12arcourt3
6! 4honics 5oo- 12arcourt3
4! 7riting Journal
5! /eading Journal
8! 'pelling and 9ui: 5oo-
;! '/< /eading 4rogra&
=! >eeled /eaders 12arcourt3
?! 'trategic )nterention @ 'tor(town 12arcourt3
10! Ga&es
Expectations: ) set high e0pectations ,or all o, &( students* encourage &( students to actiel( participate in indiidual* partner and
group tas-!
'tudents &ust carr( their English .le! 17ill $e proided3
Aour child will $ring ho&e a stor( $oo- ,ro& the class li$rar(! 2elp (our child read it seeral ti&es $e,ore co&pleting the
/eading Journal!
Ga&e .le will $e sent ho&e eer( other wee-! Aour child &ust pla( the ga&e seeral ti&es and co&plete the wor-sheet!
7ee-l( letter will $e sent ho&e that will -eep (ou in,or&ed o, the actiities and i&portant in,or&ation!
http:BBalra"aschool!wee$l(!co& the we$page will hae class songs* ,un online ga&es* ideos and stories! %n the we$page*
parents will also $e a$le to iew wee-l( letters* i&portant course and ho&ewor- in,or&ation!
%nce eer( wee-* grade 2 will isit the LIBRARY and $e a$le to choose a li$rar( $oo- to ta-e ho&e! 4arents are encouraged to read
the stor( with their child seeral ti&es a wee-! >i$rar( .les should $e returned on or $e,ore the due date to ensure that the child can
continue to c
Assessment: Grade 2 student will $e assessed in listeningBspea-ing* reading* writing* 'pelling Test* Classwor-* 4ro"ects* 5ehaior*
2o&ewor- 1 /eading JournalBGa&es C an( other3* and social s-ills regularl( graded in class! Each child will receie a grade at the
end o, each tri&ester!
Grade Breakdown: >isteningB'pea-ing 15 D /eading 60D 7riting 25D 'ocial 10D 'pelling Test C
4honics 20D
The grading scale is as follows:
AP+ Advanced Performance Plus 96-100 Achieved only by a select few who demonstrate exceptional ability
AP Advanced Performance 90-95 Achieved by those who exceed expected learnin oals
PP Proficient Performance !0-!9 Achieved by those who meet expected learnin oals
"P "asic Performance #0-#9 Achieved by those who nearly meet most learnin oals
$P $ovice Performance 60-69 %a&en by those who experience difficulty meetin learnin oals
$P- $ovice Performance 'inus (60 %a&en by those who did not meet learnin oals
Units of Std!:
E7e will $e connecting with classroo&s around the world!
Theme 1
Trimester Count On Me & Doing
Our Best
Theme 2
Trimester Doing Our Best, Changing
Times & Dream Big
Theme 3
Trimester Dream Big, Better
Genre: Fiction, Non
Fiction, Realistic
Fiction, Autoiogra!hy
"ro#ect: Flat Stanley
Arthur&s Rea'ing Race
Fiction, Toa' an' Frog
All (ear, )enry an'
Mu'ge, Dogs, *inners
Ne$er +uit
Genre: Realistic
Fiction, Fiction,

"ro#ect: ,etter *riting
to a "en !al -
Gus an' Gran'!a an' the
T%o *heele' Bi.e, Great
Ball Game, Clic. Clac.,
Moo: Co%s that Ty!e,
/amaica ,ouise /ames,
Rain Forest Baies, Mr0
"utter an' Tay *rite the
Genre: Non Fiction,
Game Sho%, Realistic
Fiction, 1nter$ie%

"ro#ect: Ma.e a
School2Class Calen'ar
Ah, Music3 , *hat&s My
/o4, A Chair 5or My
Mother, Serious Farm,
The Bee, To%n )all
Dear 4arents* 'ept! 2014
7elco&e $ac- to another school (ear! 7e hae a er( $us( and e0citing (ear in
store ,or usF
5e,ore ) gie (ou a short preiew o, our class and course o, this (ear* let &e .rst
introduce &(sel,! ) a& Vinolia John! This will $e &( eleenth (ear at <l /a"a 'chool*
and ) consider &(sel, er( ,ortunate to $e a&ong such a pro,essional ,acult(!
) reali:e that teaching (our child is a priilege* a $lessing* as well as a tre&endous
responsi$ilit(! ) will do &( $est this (ear to ensure that each student has a
&otiating and sa,e learning e0perience in the classroo&! ) cannot do this alone: )
need (our help! ) want (ou to encourage (our child at ho&e $( helping to ensure
that the( hae co&pleted their assign&ents* /eading Journal* Ga&es and
wor-sheets and an( e0tra wor- or pro"ects that ) send ho&e! 4lease help (our
child to learn the sight words* spelling* oca$ular( words and help the& use it in
their writing and dail( conersation! 4la( a ga&e with the&! <s- the& Guestions
etcH 4lease isit our we$site ,or wee-l( updates and other use,ul lin-s
7ee-l( routines:
Ionda( 7ee-l( letter sent ho&e! 'pelling test 1alternate
wee-Bpop Gui: @sight words3* /eturn /eading Journal
Tuesda( /eading Journal Jile will $e sent ho&e!
Ga&e Ga&e Jile 1al ternate wee-3 7riting Journal 1i, needed
will $e sent ho&e3 English .le will $e sent ho&e!
English "ile #st $e sent to school e%er! da!! /e&oe wor-sheet and -eep
the& awa( at ho&e ,or reiew!
Reading &ornal "ile: Aour child will choose a $oo- ,ro& the class li$rar(! 4lease
read with (our child or help (our child read eer( da( $e,ore (ou return the $oo-!
Co&plete the "ournal and return it along with the $oo-! School Li$rar!
"ile: 'tudents will isit the >i$rar( eer( other wee-! Encourage reading all the
Ga#e "ile: Aour child &ust pla( the ga&e as &an( ti&es as possi$le!
This (earKs highlight is our special Connecting Classroo& pro"ects! 7e will lin- with
our partner school 'itwell Junior 'chool* /otherha&* LM! ) a& er( e0cited and a&
sure with (our support and encourage&ent we will connect success,ull(! I(
students will write to the&* e0change pro"ects and '-(pe with the& eentuall(!
7e will tr( to connect with other schools ,ro& )ndia and )reland! This will help
students to $e a responsi$le glo$al citi:en and i&proe on their acade&ic s-ills!
Beha%ior Rewards: 4raise will $e gien as o,ten as possi$le! 'tudents will earn a
stic-er i, the( ,ollow our N10 7a(s to 5e a 2app( ClassO which are as ,ollowP
1! Ia-e ,riends
2! >earn* share* loe
6! /aise their hands
4! 5e in their seat
5! Meep their hands to the&seles
8! 7ait ,or their turn
;! Do not spea- during class ti&e
=! /espect each other
?! Do their 5E'T
10! 2ae lots o, ,un and 'I)>E
) will choose a girl and $o( eer( wee- to $e our class 'L4E/ 5%A and 'L4E/
G)/>! The( will get a 'L4E/ cape to wear ,or the wee-! 4lease go oer theses
2app( Class with (our child so the( understand $etter! ) will not encourage
chocolates and candies! 7e will sae the& ,or special occasions!
7e will $eginning to count our school da(s till we reach 100! This (ear we will
,eed our class &on-e( Ir! Iath with a $anana eer( da( to co&plete 100
$ananas! 2e will assist us learn JLQ Iath!
) -now with (our help we are going to hae great (earF ) loo- ,orward to a productie and
,un (ear o, acade&ic acco&plish&ent! 4lease ,eel ,ree to contact &e a$out an( concerns or
Guestions (ou &a( hae! I( classroo& is alwa(s open!
Irs Vinolia John
Grade 2
English >anguage Teacher
English >anguage Coordinator 1MG-Gr23
Bench 'arks for the !ear
$lend sounds to read diRcult words and understand using picture clues
picture clues
/eads regularl( ,or a ariet( o, purposes
Co&prehends sentences* paragraphs and stories
/eads >eelled /eaders at their leel in a s&all group
/eads sel,-select $oo-s at their own independent reading leel
Deelop oca$ular( to increase co&prehension
Can recogni:e* read and write sight words
2ear and produce rh(&es
/eads regularl( ,or a ariet( o, purposes
Co&prehends sentences* paragraphs and stories
/eads >eelled /eaders at their leel in a s&all group
/eads sel,-select $oo-s at their own independent reading leel
Deelop oca$ular( to increase co&prehension
Can recogni:e* read and write sight words
2ear and produce rh(&es
/ead with e0pression
Decode accuratel( phoneticall( regular &ulti-s(lla$le real words
Lnderstand title* author* characters and setting
'tudents should $e a$le to &a-e in,erences* draw conclusions* and su&&ari:e
/etell a stor(Ks $eginning* &iddle* and end!
Lnderstand diSerent genres
Lnderstand the use o, $asic punctuations
7rite the sight words correctl(
'tudents generate ideas ,or writing $( using prewriting techniGues* such as drawing
and listing -e( thoughts
Lnderstand and use correct nouns* pronouns* er$s and ad"ecties
Lse proper tenses in writing
Capitali:e all proper nouns* words at the $eginning o, sentences* letter salutations*
&onths and da(s o, the wee-* and titles and initials o, people!
7rite a paragraph using descriptie words
Creatie writing using pictures or o$"ects
Choral reading
/etelling a stor(
Ia-ing proper conersation using &agic words
4articipating in class discussion
%ral sharing
<nswers Guestions a$out a stor( or eent
>isten to a stor( and answer co&prehension Guestion
4articipate in readers theater
Jollow class rule
respects others and $ehaes appropriatel(
Co&pletes an( tas- gien in within an appropriate ti&e
cooperates with peers
4a(s attention in class
E0presses ,eelings
Lnderstand si&ple pro$le& soling strategies
Co&plete English ho&ewor-
Irs Vinolia John
Grade 2
English >anguage Teacher
English >anguage Coordinator 1MG-Gr23
.lease write legi$l! and retrn on Snda! /Sept0 1234567
+a#e of the Stdent: 888888888888888888888888888
Birthda!: 88888888888888888888888888888888888888
"a%orite *olor:888888888888888888888888888888888888
"a%orite Stor!:888888888888888888888888888888888888
"a%orite *artoon *haracter: 888888888888888888888888
9ne thing !o want !or child to acco#plish in Grade 3:
.ost Box : 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
"ather)s +a#e: 8888888888888888888888888888888888888
*ontact +o: 888888888888888 E#ail: 88888888888888888888
'other)s +a#e: 888888888888888888888888888888888888888
*ontact +o: 88888888888888 E#ail: 8888888888888888888888
An! other concerns !o wold like to share;
Than- (ou
Irs! Vinolia John
Grade 2
English >anguage Teacher
English >anguage Coordinator 1MG-Gr23
E#ail: %inolia 0<ohn=alra<a$ahrain0org

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