V5 CT Installation Guide

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Hng dn ci t Craft Terminal phc v cu hnh V5!

" Ci t #$dem % Craft Terminal ver&i$n !'(5

_ Chy file )etupe*e trong th mc CraftTerminal+,i&-" ca b ci ci t giao
din CT cho V!"! #$n ci t ny c% th &' dng tr(n )indo*& "+++ hoc )indo*& ,-!
Th.ng th mc /c ci &0 l 1t.n / 0a1234r$gram 5ile&36lcatel3
_ Co2y file Alcatel\ALCATEL FR2.5 CT20.6.5\data\hosts 3o th mc
Windows\system32\driers\etc 4i 35i )indo*& ,- hoc Win!T\system32\driers\etc
4i 35i )indo*& "+++ 6c% th $ver7rite file h$&t& c% &7n trong %8
_ Th9c hin :dd th(m modem cho h i;< hnh= modem /c ch>n b?ng c@ch ch>n
.ng dAn t5i file mdmche trong th mc Cra"terminal\#li$ ca b ci t
! Ci t C$nnecti$n 8 l$gin v$ thi9t :;
_ Vo !etwor% Connection 3 ch>n chBc nCng Create a !ew Connection
_ Ch>n !etwor% Connection Ty$e l Connect to the networ% at my wor%$lace
_ TiD2 tc ch>n &ial'($ Connection
_ EhF2 t(n &0 hin thG ca HialI<2 Connection= 3J d EKLC hoc MoginV" N!
_ Trong 2hOn )hone !(m*er to &ial= nhF2 gi@ trG +
_ Pa< Qhi to Rong HialI<2 Connection! #St O< cT< hUnh cho Connection ny!
Trong tag +eneral ch>n modem &' dng l modem cho CraftTerminal V /c add W
2hOn X!
Trong tag !etwor%in, ca Connection= ch>n #L-). /ni0 Connection cho 2hOn Ty$e
o" dial'($ serer - am callin,
t a ch IP cho connection ny l
_ Th9c hin connect 3o thiDt bG Y<a QDt n4i 3Za to! EhF2 6dmini&trat$r 3 2hOn
[&ername= 2a&&*ord tr4ng nh &a<\
_ Pa< Qhi c$nnected= chy ch]ng trUnh 6<C6T=< 5>!5 CT!'(5 35i &er3er
name l nehc th9c hin cT< hUnh V!" Y<a giao din ^[_

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