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On the very onset of this report, we would like to render our cordial thanks and gratitude to
all the persons who have helped us on our ways to complete this report. Things could have
not been this easier for us without their active, helpful and selfless support. The
encouragement, cooperation and information we received from them served as milestones in
completing this report.
We also offer our special thanks to various websites owners, bloggers and content writers
who shared their valuable information, statistics and analysis reports with us. Without their
support we would have faced extreme difficulties in understanding and analyzing the recent
trends and practices which were very important for us to perform our own analysis and to
take our own decisions.
And last of all, we thank all our friends and colleagues who helped us directly or indirectly to
complete this report.
Eventually, we sincerely express our gratitude once again to all who have helped us directly
and indirectly and we want to cite it with due respect that any omission of the names does
not mean our lack of gratitude.

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