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Lesson Focus: Institutions and the BBC

Your summer exam is 1hr 45mins and consists of two sections

Section A- Textual analysis of unseen moving image clip (Action adventure)
Section B - is based on a media topic (TV Comedy) and tests your
understanding of Institutions and Audiences.

Today we will be focusing on the Institution part of section B
A Media Institution is a large company which
operates within the Media. It can also be
referred to as a Media Conglomerate or a Media
Group. Fundamentally it is a company which
owns a large numbers of companies in various
mass media (such as TV, Radio, Film, Web-
based etc.)

5 questions to get your brains warmed up
What does the acronym BBC stand for?
Who founded the BBC? When was this?
What types of Media does the BBC produce?
How is the BBC funded?
Where are the official headquarters of the BBC?
There is a wealth of information available about the
BBC on the Internet, Wikipedia is a good place to
start ( ). Your task is
to produce a one page fact file on the BBC. You
should first collate all the information for your fact
file in your exercise books. Use headings and bullet
points to help you organise the information. Then
you should log onto to create
an infogram about the BBC (your audience are Y10
GCSE Media Studies students).

Make a list in your book in chronological order of the famous sitcoms which
the BBC have produced
What have been the top ten most successful sitcoms which the BBC have
produced (according to viewers)?
Looking at current schedules for all the BBC channels list which sitcoms are
currently being aired
What sitcoms do you watch? Why do you enjoy these?

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