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The information search process(ISP) is a six-
stage process of information seeking behavior in
library and information scicence:

Stage 1-Initiation

Stage -Selection

Stage !-"xploration

Stage #-$orm%lation

Stage &-'ollection

Stage (-Search clos%re

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-%ring the first stage.the information seeker recogni/es the need for ne0
information to complete an assignment1
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In the second stage.the individ%al begins to decide 0hat topic 0ill be
investigated and ho0 to proceed1

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In the third stage.information on the topic is gathered and a ne0 personal
kno0ledge is created1
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-%ring the fo%rth stage.the information seeker starts to eval%ate the information
that has been gathered1 )t this point. a foc%sed perspective begins to form and
there is not as m%ch conf%sion and %ncertainty as in earlier stages1

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-%ring the fifth stage.the information seeker kno0s 0hat is needed to s%pport
the foc%s1
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In the sixth and final stage.the individ%al has completed the information
search1The information seeker 0ill s%mmari/e and report on the information that
0as fo%nd thro%gh the process1

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