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Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2

Edition ERRATA

Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Note: Human error is possible. Kindly let us know if you find some mistake(s).
If you have DOWNLOADED our previous ERRATA file, make sure to check
Options Highlighted in RED color as these are either new addition or

General: 6D (X-ray), 10B (Increase in length of bone in adolescent), 11A (Costochondral),
25C (Scapula is irregular bone but classified in FLAT bones Snell), 27B (Sphenoid bone is
special type of irregular bones Pneumatic bone), 29B (12-18 months). 30B [Every spinal
nerve Without exception, from C1 to the coccygeal, carries Postganglionic (unmyelinated,
grey) Sympathetic fibers RJ Last 11
Ed Page 14]

Thorax: 14 (Key answer is correct: Oesophageal opening lies in the fibers of the LEFT crus,
but a sling of fibers from the right crus loop around it. RJ Last 11
Ed Page 192) 57 (In
Option C replace Both a & b with Right Middle Lobe) 72A, (Central part of Diaphragm is
supplied by Phrenic Nerve, Peripheral part is by Lower 6 inter-costal nerve Long Snell, 7

Ed Page 64) 82A, 95A, 102D, 131, (change Serous pericardium to Fibrous pericardium in
question stem) 132A,

Upper Limb: 8, (Replace Suprascapular nerve with Suprascapular artery in question), 20D,
45 (Change Axillary artery into Axillary nerve in option C, otherwise both option A & C will
be correct/same) 57B, (Compare it with MCQ number 52) 81D, (Latissimus dorsi converges
towards the posterior axillary fold, of which it forms the lower border. RJ Last 11
Ed Page

Lower Limb: 11A, 30B, 53A (Remember this Mnemonic: N[-erve]A[-rtery]V[-ein]E[-mpty
space]L[-ymphatics] from lateral to medial), 60B, (Refer Long Snell 7
Ed Page 196, Clinical
Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

Notes) 62A, 64B,

Abdomen: 22A, (Refer Page 241, RJ Last 11
Ed). 86A, (Refer RJ Last 11
Ed, Page 262)

Pelvis & Perineum: 9E, 19E (Perforating Cutaneous Nerve from Posterior division of S2, S3
while Posterior cutaneous nerve is from Posterior division (S1, S2) & Anterior division of S2,
S3 RJ Last 11
Ed Page 321) 45 (Change option A from S2, L3, L4 to S2, S3, S4) 46
(Change option D from sensitive to touch to sensitive to stretch), 63A, 99B,

Head & Neck: 65D, 95B, 105D,
Back & Vertebral Column: Everything is right.
Neuroanatomy: 162A

Histology: 39D, 60 Both A & B, 94A

Embryology: 25D, (Palatine Tonsil Endoderm. Testis/Ovaries - Mesoderm - The Developing
Human Clinically Oriented Embryology 8th Ed Page 111). 60B, 106C

Cell & General: 28A (Intermediate filaments for cellular scaffolding that helps cell to resist
external pressure NO ROLE in CELL or FLAGELLAR MOVEMENT]

Nerve and Muscle: 14E (Resting membrane potential is DUE TO Potassium outward
current & Resting membrane potential is MAINTAIN BY Na/K-ATPase pump) 22 & 28
(Option B is correct but replace Myosin with Actin in this option), 24 (Option A is correct but
replace Myoglobin with Actin For contraction both myosin & actin are necessary) 34B,
35A, 36D, 38C (Increasing the amplitude of action potentials in the motor neurons. Action
potential is an all or none phenomenon. Increasing the amplitude beyond the threshold
level does not influence the outcome), 39B, 41B

Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

Blood: 3E, 20D (When osmotic fragility is normal, red cells begin to hemolyze when
suspended in 0.5% saline; 50% lysis occurs in 0.400.42% saline, and lysis is complete in
0.35% saline. Ganongs Review of Medical Physiology 24
Ed Page 560, Clinical Box 31.1 |The
question is about General Red Blood Cells NOT RBCs in Hereditary Spherocytosis ) 22C, 38A,
40B (Clot retraction is the index of Fibrinogen/factor XIII NOT Platelet. COMPARE it with
SPECIAL PATHOLOGY Section, Blood chapter, MCQ 39), 51A (Hematocrit is a blood test that
measures the percentage of the volume of whole blood that is made up of red blood cells.)
CVS: 13A, 20A (Reynolds number is directly proportional to Velocity, Density and
Diameter, INVERSLY proportional to Viscosity. Increase in Reynolds number mean Viscosity
will be Decreased NOT Velocity) 30B, 31C (Severe pulmonary stenosis will result in
significant RIGHT (NOT left) axis deviation), 37C, 38D (Semilunar valves open in Rapid
Ventricular Ejection NOT in IsoVolumetric Contraction first heart sound produced here as
AV valves close),59D (ONLY if we change this option into Mobitz1 Mobitz 1 = Prolong PR
interval with drop beat, Mobitz 2 = NO PR prolongation ONLY dropped beat), 81B, 119C
(SA node pacemaker potential is more important than sympathetic stimulation), 148
(Option D is correct but change Heart rate increases to Heart rate Decreases in option B as
Cushing reflex = Inc B.P + Irregular Breathing + Reduced Heart Rate) 131D (compare with
125), 179E, 187A,

Neurophysiology: 57C, 62C (Question asked Isoelectric segment which is ST segment and
represents COMPLETELY depolarized Ventricles, QRS = 1
: is complex NOT a segment, 2

: represents Depolarizing ventricles NOT DepolarizED Ventricles), 85A, 148D, 164A
(Meissners = 2 point discrimination + Velocity. Merkels = Location -Compare it with 79)

Endocrinology: 7C, 48A, 52 (D is correct but you have to change Insulin Excess into
Insulin Deficiency in option D compare it with 17), 67C (Compare it with 62), 73B (ALL
others are produced by brain. ONLY Cartisol is from Agrenal glands) 84A, 105A & D (2
HYPERParathyroidism = LOW Calcium + High PTH + High Phosphorus),
Reproduction: 5E, 8A (The main reason that why post-menopausal women are at risk of
osteoporosis is LOW ESTROGEN) 24D (BRS Physiology page 252 Figure, 5
Ed), 25C, 38B,
(For LH surge there must be Menstrual cycle and Menopause = Pause button of Menstrual
Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA


GIT: 14D (Range is from 200-500 meter square but the most appropriate value is 350),
15C, 63A,

Respiration: 23C, 44B, 48B (BOTH V & Q are high at base while V/Q ratio is Higher at
apex), 56E, 69B 70A, 71A 50A (Compare with 83 Central Chemoreceptors respond
directly to H+ and indirectly to CO2 changes BUT H+ will NOT cross Blood Brain Barrier so
readily as CO2 does that why Respiratory center is MORE SENSITIVE to change in pCO2
than H+ Guyton & Hall 12
Ed, Chapter Chemical Control of Respiration)

Kidney and body fluids: 11C (Angiotensin II, Increase in Plasma Osmolarity, Decreased
Blood volume & Decrease Blood Pressure these are the stimulus for thirst Refer Guyton :
Table 28.3), 30E (Not given in Book options Renal -> Interlobar -> Arcuate -> Interlobular
-> Afferent -> Glomerular -> Efferent) 39A (Glucose & HCO3 will be High), 40B, 63 A & B
(BOTH are inappropriate as Kidney receive 25% of Cardiac Output & Medulla is more
Vascular than Cortex), 71A, 110C, 115C (Albumin will not be filtered to the normal
Bowman Capsule), 124C, 129 B/C? (Vasoconstriction option C is short transient action,
Aldosterone option B, the main function of Angiotensin II. Plz do confirm from your
seniors), 113C.

Metabolism, Temperature & Others: 20A,
Cell injury: 5 (Option B is correct but you have to remove Increase in size from option,
Correct statement will be like Increase No of cells), 19B 35E (MS. Murad), 41A, 83B

Inflammation: 7B? (plz do confirm Macrophages & Lymphocytes are the primary cells of
chronic inflammation), 31A,
Hemodynamic Disorders: 2D, 3D, 5A, 52C,
Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

Immune System: 40A (T cell produced by Bone Marrow Maturation occur in Thymus NOT
production), 73 (Change the question stem into: All are Type 1 Hypersensitivity reactions
Genetics: 11C [Polycystic kidney: Both Autosomal Dominant (Adult type) & Autosomal
Recessive (Infantile type) if we have to accept Option A then we will change question from
Regarding Polycystic kidney to Regarding Adult Polycystic kidney], 29E (Compare with 23
& also refer to Goljan Pathology, Genetic Disease Chapter Margin Notes)
Environment and Nutrition: 26C 27C (compare it with 29), 28A, 32D (Smoking is the most
common cause)

Neoplasia: 31C, 10 & 37A (Alcohol & Cyclophsophamide both are Carcinogen but if you
have to Select among these two with all given options then select Alcohol), 34D (Compare
it with 24) 61C (Both B & C are benign but one subtype of fibroadenosis, namely atypical
ductal or lobular epithelial hyperplasia is associated with significant risk of malignancy. So
best option to select will be C) 77A (Peak incidence of isolated medullary carcinoma of the
thyroid (MTC) occurs in the fifth or sixth decade of life, and the peak incidence of MTC
associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) 2A or 2B occurs during the second or
third decade of life. MEN syndromes = Familial) 78E (Ref BRS Pathology Reproduction
chapter) 83E.
Tissue and Wound Repair: 10C, (Initially Type 3 then Type 1 but the type which increases
strength is Type 1)

Special Pathology
Blood: 30B (Compare with 76), 114B (Compare with 56 CLL in old age. The leukaemia
cells found in the blood smear are characteristically small, mature lymphocytes with a
narrow border of cytoplasm and a dense nucleus lacking discernible nucleoli and having
partially aggregated chromatin), 140B (Reduced or Absent Beta & relative excess of Alpha
CVS: 13E, 20B (Poly Arteritis Nodusa with Hepatitis B & Cryoglobulinemia with Hepatitis C
Refer BRS Pathology/Goljan Pathology Vascular Diseases Chapter). 31 (Replace MI with
Rheumatic Fever in question stem). 43C. 47C, [Libmann sac endocarditis with SLE in which
Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

both sides of the heart (Lft Mitral & Right Tricuspid) will be equally effected.]. 48B
(Aschoff cells = Giant cells).
GIT: 58E, 59B, (quack gave him some drugs and drug induced hepatitis will increase AST
more than ALT AST for alcohol & drugs while ALT for viraL induced hepatitis. Both ALT &
AST will be high in either type but ALT will be more in viraL while AST in drugs/alcohol
induced) 62A, (PlummerVinson syndrome). 63A, 64C, 66A, 67B, 70C, 94D, (HCV = 80-
90%, HBV = adult 1-10% & neonates 90%: Refer to Harrison Manual of Medicine 17
Ed Page
855, Table 16.1)
Respiration: Thanks God. Everything is right.

Renal: 10D (Urea will be excreted, Na re-absorbed), 11A, [Renal Plasma Flow via PAH &
GFR via Inulin & Creatinine (Clinically)]. 14D, 15B, 16A, 17B, (ProteinUria = Protein lost in
Urine = Low Plasma Osmotic Pressure = Edema). 49C. 50D
Bone & Soft Tissue: 3A, [Knee Join the 2
most common site for GOUT, ALL given
presentations can also occur with GOUT Low grade fever, hot, red & tender joint, Fluid
Analysis will also show Leukocytosis (more than 50,000/uL with majority of Neutrophil) as
Urate crystal will induce inflammation in effected joint. The strong point for GOUT is
Negative Birefrengnent Confirmatory of Gout.] 7B,
Skin: 4C
Neuro-Pathology: Everything is right.
Endocrinology and Reproduction: 26B (Addisons = Low Aldosterone = HYPERkalemia NOT
HYPOkalemia, BRS Physiology 5
Ed Page 241). 32B, 56B, (Neutrophil Increased,
Lymphocytes Decreased).

2D (Klebsiella is opportunistic Jawetz Review of Microbiology & Immunology by Warren
Levinson 9
Ed, Page 147),
5A, (found in the vagina of approximately 60% of women. - Jawetz Review of Microbiology &
Immunology by Warren Levinson 9
Ed, Page 150 & 137).
Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

32A, (N. Meningitides is the 2
most common cause. ONLY in teen it is No 1 cause.
Correct answer is S. Pneumonae BRS Pathology Respiratory Diseases Chapter/First Aid
Microbiology chapter).
48 (Key answer is correct BUT here is ONE Important point to understand. If question ask
about Streptococcus diagnosis like this question then select Blood culture BUT if question ask
about diagnostic test for Streptococcus complications Rheumatic Fever or Post-Streptococcal
GN then select ASO titer blood culture will be negative in majority of cases).
73C, (Simple explanation is: If it doesnt cause bone disease then option D Jaw will also
be incorrect as it is a Bone)
100A, (Filariasis will presents with Lymphedema. The given presentations are highly
suggestive to Leishmania infection Kala-azar)
109A & C (EBV is associated with BOTH Burkitts lymphoma and Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Levinson 9
Ed Page 257),
122B?, (Up to 10% of untreated patients with typhoid fever excrete S. typhi in the feces
for up to 3 months, and 14% develop chronic asymptomatic carriage, shedding S. typhi in
either urine or stool for >1 year. Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine 18
Ed Page 1276.
So option A ALL pts become carrier is incorrect, Correct Option will be B if we change Roth
spot into Rose spot | Rose spot is evident in ~30% of patients at the end of the first week
and resolves without a trace after 25 days.)
129C? (Stool cultures, while negative in 6070% of cases during the first week, can
become positive during the third week of infection in untreated patients. - Harrison
Principles of Internal Medicine 18
Ed Page 1276)

11 & 69 D, (All other options are Anti-androgenic),
14, (Exophthalmos is auto-immune process & drug that suppress T cells will help, Anti-
thyroid drugs has No role. Replace Option B with Administration of drugs that inhibit the
production of T lymphocytes),
Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

98A & B (Both A & B are centrally acting drugs but methyldopa is a pro-drug Converted
into methylnorepinephrine in the brain. Go with Key answer - A)
103B (The first sign of salicylate toxicity is often Hyperventilation & Respiratory
Alkalosis Basic & Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung 9
Ed, Page 991. But we dont have
these two in any option. So the best among given options would be Tinnitus. Gastric upset
with Therapeutic/usual doses. With higher doses signs of salicylism vomiting, tinnitus,
vertigo, reversible with by reducing the dosage. At Toxic salicylate level respiratory alkalosis
followed by metabolic acidosis. BOTTOM LINE: If you have Hyperventilation/Respiratory Alkalosis
in Options then select that one but if you have options like in this question then go with Tinnitus),
175B (Cyclosporine is peptide antibiotic & exhibits erratic bioavailability, serum level should
be monitored - Katzung & Trevors Pharmacology Examination & Board Review 7
Ed, Page 478.
Compare this MCQ with 266).
195 (A, B, C all are COX-1 & COX-2 inhibitors. ONLY D is selective COX-2 inhibitor,
Change question stem into Following are the COX-1 as well as COX-2 inhibitors EXCEPT)

18A, [Chylomicron is Richest in TriGlycerides (87%), 2
richest in TG is VLDL (55%),
Cholymicron REMNANT is TG deficient NOT Cholymicron Goljan Pathology 4
Ed Page 215-
216 | Compare with 52] 24D, 25D, 26C, 35D, 85C (Both C & D are essential, Go with
Key answer - C)

Biostatistics: 2B, 4C, 5B, 8D, 12B (Key answer is Correct but value will be 27.5 |
Compare with 16), 50A

Secrets of FCPS Part-1 by Dr Rabia Ali 2
Edition ERRATA

Thanks to Dr Asma Ghani

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Good Luck for Your FCPS-1 exam.

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