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OOBE Research Center presents:
A Practical Guidebook
(Former School of Out-of-Body Travel)
(Verson !."# October !"$$)
By %chael Radu&a
Translated by 'eter Oran&e
'ctures: %.Radu&a# E.(eontye)a# *.Burya+
%odel: %ara For,a
Ths boo+ s free onlne# so feel free to dstrbute t-
*end t to all your frends-
'ost t on your .ebstes and blo&s-
PART I: GET PHASE WITHIN 3 DAYS.......................................................5
PART II: 100 PHASES.............................................................................25
PART III: A PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK..................................................174
PART IV: CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION 2.0................................................476
FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................508
(Ths eboo+ on Spanish# Portuguese# Russian# Czech)
'roposals re&ardn& translatn& and publshn& ths boo+
and other .or+s of %. Radu&a may be sent to
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0 bele)e that e)erybody s &on& to e1st n t.o .orlds
The practce of phase states of the mnd s the hottest
and most promsn& pursut of the modern a&e. 2nl+e n the
past# the notons of 3out4of4body e1perence5 and 3astral
pro6ecton5 ha)e already lost ther mystcal halo# and ther
real bass has been studed n mnute detal from the most
non4nonsense approach. 7o.# ths phenomenon s accessble
to e)eryone# re&ardless of ther .orld)e.. 0t s no. +no.n
ho. to easly master t and apply t effect)ely.
Ths &udeboo+ s the result of ten years of e1tremely
act)e personal practce and study of the out4of4body
phenomenon (the phase)# coupled .th ha)n& successfully
tau&ht t to thousands of people. 0 +no. all of the obstacles
and problems that are usually run nto .hen &ettn& to +no.
ths phenomenon# and ha)e tred to protect future
practtoners from them n ths boo+.
Ths &udeboo+ .as not created for those .ho prefer
l&ht# empty readn&. 0t s for those .ho .ould l+e to learn
somethn&. 0t contans no speculatons or stores# only dry#
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hard facts and techn8ues n combnaton .th a completely
pra&matc approach and clear procedures for acton. They
ha)e all been successfully )erfed by a )ast number of
practtoners that often had no pror e1perence. 0n order to
ache)e the same result# t s only necessary to read throu&h
each secton thorou&hly and complete the ass&nments. 0t
&)es each and e)ery person somethn& that pre)ously could
only be dreamt about 4 a parallel realty and the possblty of
e1stn& n t.o .orlds.
The boo+ s benefcal not only for be&nners# but also for
those .ho already +no. .hat t feels l+e to ha)e an out4of4
body encounter and ha)e a certan amount of e1perence# as
ths &udeboo+ s de)oted not only to entern& the state# but
also e8ually dedcated to controlln& t.
Contrary to popular opnon# there s nothn& dffcult
about ths phenomenon f one tres to attan t .th re&ular
and r&ht effort. On a)era&e# results are reached n less than
a .ee+. %ore often than not# the techn8ues .or+ n lterally a
couple of attempts.
(Sponsors and investors are needed for translation into
other languages this free ebook and other our books, videos,
etc. Also we need financial support to proote the phase
worldwide. !et"s change the world together# Take a part in it#$
%ichael &aduga
'ounder of the OOB( &esearch )enter
*anuary ++, ,--.
obe4u@obe4u. com
(Table of Contents)
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Quick I!tructio! "or No#ice!
*uccess Rate:
For $49 attempts ($4: days) 4 9";
For <4$" attempts (!4= days) 4 >";
For $$4!" attempts (:4$4 days) 4 ?";
(Table of Contents)
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@ay bac+ .hen# people dd not ha)e conscousness. Aet
once t de)eloped# t &radually started occupyn& more and
more of the .a+n& state. Bo.e)er# no.adays conscousness
s out&ro.n& the .a+n& state# and has be&un contnun& ts
e1panson nto other states. Conscousness ncreasn&ly
sprn&s up durn& RE%4phase sleep# &)n& rse to the most
astoundn& phenomenon of human e1stence 4 feeln& oneself
n an out4of4body e1perence. 0t s probable that men and
.omen of the future .ll ha)e a conscous e1stence n t.o
.orlds. For no.# ho.e)er# ths can only be accomplshed
usn& the specal techn8ues descrbed n ths boo+.
Bnts at the occurrence of ths phenomenon may be
found n the Bble and other ancent te1ts. 0t les at the
foundaton of other phenomena such as near4death
e1perences# alen abductons# sleep paralyss# and so on. The
(Table of Contents)
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phenomenon s so e1traordnary that many occult mo)ements
consder e1perencn& t to be an accomplshment of the
h&hest order. *tatstcal research has sho.n that one person
n t.o .ll ha)e an ntense encounter .th t. %ean.hle# the
e1stence of the phenomenon tself has been scentfc fact
snce the $?="s.
The phenomenon s .ell4represented n many dfferent
+nds of modern practces# albet under )arous names
ran&n& from Castral pro6ectonC and Cout4of4body e1perenceC
to Clucd dreamn&C. @e shall use the pra&matc term Cthe
phaseC or Cphase stateC to refer to all the abo)e phenomena#
as there s no dfference at all bet.een them n ther usual
practce. @e .ll also ta+e as materalst an approach as
possble# castn& asde all theoretcal trpe and concernn&
oursel)es only .th .hat .or+s n practce.
Ds re&ards sensory percepton of the phenomenon tself#
ths s not a mere )sual,aton e1ercse. Realty tself s but a
dull daydream n comparson to the phase state- Aou .onEt
feel your physcal body on the bed there# and all of your
senses .ll be fully mmersed n a ne. .orld of percepton.
Aou can touch and behold anythn&# .al+ and fly# eat and
drn+# feel pan and pleasure# and much# much more. Dnd all
ths .th e)en more realsm and lucdness of percepton than
daly lfe- Ths s the reason many no)ces e1perence shoc+ 4
or e)en mortal fear 4 upon entern& ths state. 0tEs a true
parallel .orld n terms of percepton.
The practcal sde of the phenomenon holds e)en &reater
opportunty. 0n the phase# you can tra)el the Earth# the
2n)erse# and tme tself. Aou can meet any person you .ant:
frends and famly# the deceased# and celebrtes. Aou can
obtan nformaton from the phase and apply t to.ards
mpro)n& your daly lfe. Aou can nfluence your physolo&y
and treat a number of alments. Aou can real,e your secret
desres and de)elop your creat)ty. %ean.hle# people .th
physcal mparments can release themsel)es from all fetters
and obtan anythn& lac+n& for them n the physcal .orld.
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Dnd all ths s 6ust the tp of the ceber& of .ays to apply the
phenomenon n daly lfe-
Aou may thn+ that tEs dffcult to learn f youE)e read that you need spend months# f not years# on t.
Fet those old .)esE tales out of your head 4 .eEre n the !$st
century- The nstructons lad out n ths secton .ll help most
people to e1perence ths ama,n& state .thn only ! to :
days of tryn&. Remember: the techn8ues descrbed n ths
boo+ are the result of many years of e1permental research at
the OOBE Research Center. Thousands ha)e partcpated frst4
hand n de)elopn& and perfectn& the techn8ues presented
here# and ha)e pro)en that they can be used by absolutely
e)eryone% All t&at 'ou eed to do i! "ollo( t&e!e !i)*le
i!tructio! a! e+actl' ad care"ull' a! 'ou ca% Then#
youEll be able to lterally l)e n t.o .orlds-
There are three prmary methods for lea)n& the body.
They are used at dfferent tmes of the day: after sleepn&#
.hle sleepn&# and .thout sleepn& beforehand. @e .ll
be&n &ettn& e1perence usn& the techn8ues by startn&
from the easest ones 4 the ndrect techn8ues# .hch are
performed mmedately upon a.a+enn&. They are 8ute
smple. Dfter mastern& those techn8ues# you can then try to
lea)e your body n the e)enn& or durn& the day# .thout
sleepn& beforehand.
*o# you ha)e decded to e1perence out4of4body
sensatons and .ant to ache)e ths as 8uc+ly as possble. To
that end# here .e present a bref descrpton of the easest
method 4 cycles of ndrect techn8ues. Ths s a un)ersal and
most effect)e .ay to obtan a phase e1perence. 0t has been
refned by the OOBE Research CenterEs .or+ .th thousands
of people all o)er the .orld. The secret to ndrect techn8ues
s to perform them upon a.a+enn&# .hen the human bran s
physolo&cally 8ute close to the phase state# or stll n t.
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Interesting Fact!
/ndirect techni0ues are ainly to
thank for our 1-2 success rate over only ,
days of attepts at three-day seinars,
even in groups of 3- people and ore.
Once, ore than half of the group had a
phase e4perience by the second day, and
ost had two or ore e4periences.
Cycles of ndrect techn8ues consst of attempts to
separate mmedately upon a.a+enn&# and f that s
unsuccessful# then 8uc+ly cycln& throu&h techn8ues o)er
the course of a mnute untl one of them .or+s# after .hch t
s possble to separate from the body. 2sually# $ to 9 properly
performed attempts are all that s necessary to obtan results.
T&e tec&i0ue! de!cribed belo( (ork e+tre)el'
(ell bot& (&e a(akei1 "ro) a daytime nap2 a! (ell
a! i the middle of the night% Bo.e)er# .e .ll be
concentratn& on the optmum strate&y 4 the deferred ethod
4 .hch allo.s for numerous attempts to be had n a sn&le
day. Ths substantally ncreases the probablty of success
occurrn& n only $ to : days.
A4AR$ ,4O,6
On a n&ht before a free day .hen you .onEt ha)e to
.a+e up early# &o to bed at your usual tme and set your
alarm so that youEll only sleep for about < hours. @hen the
alarm &oes off# you must &et up to drn+ a &lass of .ater# &o
to the bathroom# and read these nstructons once a&an. Go
not attempt any techn8ues before &on& to bed the n&ht
before# no matter .hat the case. Aou 6ust need to le do.n
and &et some sound sleep. The sounder you sleep o)er these
< hours# the better your chances of &ettn& results.
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Dfter : to 9" mnutes of ben& a.a+e# &o bac+ to bed
and concentrate your attenton on ho. you .ll perform cycles
of ndrect techn8ues upon each subse8uent a.a+enn& n
order to lea)e your body and mplement your prepared plan
of acton. 7o need to set the alarm cloc+ ths tme. Each
subse8uent a.a+enn& should occur naturally. 0f tEs too
br&ht n the room# you can .ear a specal eye4mas+. 0f tEs
loud 4 use earplu&s.
%ean.hle# focus your attenton on ho. youEre &on& to
try to .a+e up .thout mo)n& your physcal body. Ths snEt
mandatory# but t .ll substantally ncrease the effect)eness
of the ndrect techn8ues.
7o.# sleep for ! to 4 hours# but ta+e ad)anta&e of
natural a.a+enn&s that occur durn& ths perod of tme. They
.ll happen much more often than usual. Dfter each attempt 4
.hether successful or not 4 you must fall bac+ asleep .th
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that )ery same ntenton of .a+n& up and tryn& a&an. 0n
ths .ay# you can ma+e many attempts o)er the course of a
sn&le mornn&. 2p to a 8uarter of those attempts .ll be
successful# e)en for no)ces (=" to ?9; of them .ll be
successful for e1perenced practtoners).
Each tme you .a+e up a&an# try not to mo)e or open
your eyes. 0nstead# mmedately try to separate from your
body. 2p to 9"; of success .th ndrect techn8ues comes
durn& ths smple frst step 4 one that s so smple that people
donEt e)en suspect that t could .or+.
0n order to separate from your body# smply try to stand
up# roll out# or le)tate. Try to do t .th your o.n perce)ed
(.e. subtle) body# but .thout mo)n& your physcal muscles.
Remember that t .ll feel 6ust l+e normal physcal
mo)ement. @hen the moment comes# donEt thn+ too hard
about ho. to do t. Gurn& those frst moments after
a.a+enn&# stubbornly try to separate from your body any
.ay that you can and no matter .hat. %ost l+ely# youEll
ntut)ely +no. ho. to do t. The most mportant thn& s not
to thn+ too hard and not to lose those frst seconds of
Interesting Fact!
5uring the second lesson at School of
Out-of-Body Travel seinars, participants
are asked to e4plain in their own words how
they were able to separate, but without
using the words 6easily7, 6siply7, or 6as
usual7. They are usually always unable to
coply with this re0uest, as separation
nearly always occurs for the 6easily7,
6siply7 and 6as usual7 when the oent
is right.
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0f mmedate separaton doesnEt .or+ out 4 .hch .ould
become apparent after :49 seconds 4 start r&ht then and
there to alternate bet.een ! to : of the techn8ues that are
most stra&htfor.ard to you# untl one of them .or+s. @hen
ths happens# you can try to separate a&an. Choose ! to : of
the follo.n& f)e techn8ues so that you can alternate
throu&h them durn& a.a+enn&s:
For : to 9 seconds# try to ma&ne rotatn& to ether sde
alon& your head4to4toe a1s as ))dly as possble. 0f no
sensatons arse# s.tch to another techn8ue. 0f a real or
e)en sl&ht sensaton of rotaton arses# focus your attenton
on ths techn8ue and rotate e)en more ener&etcally. Ds soon
as the sensaton of rotatn& becomes stable and real# you
should try to separate a&an usn& t as a startn& pont.
S(i))er tec&i0ue
For : to 9 seconds# try to ma&ne as decdedly as
possble that you are s.mmn& or smply ma+n& s.mmn&
motons .th your arms. Try to feel t no matter .hat# and as
))dly as you can. 0f nothn& happens# s.tch to another
techn8ue. There s no need to s.tch techn8ues f the
sensaton of s.mmn& arses. 0nstead# ntensfy the
sensatons that arse. Dfter.ards# the real sensaton of
s.mmn& n .ater .ll come to you. ThatEs already the phase
4 and thereEs no need for separaton .hen youEre already n
the phase. Bo.e)er# f such sensatons occur .hle youEre n
bed nstead of a body of .ater# then you .ll need to employ
a separaton techn8ue. 2se the s.mmn& sensatons as a
startn& pont.
(Table of Contents)
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Ob!er#i1 i)a1e!
'eer nto the )od before your closed eyes for : to 9
seconds. 0f nothn& occurs# s.tch to another techn8ue. 0f
you see any +nd of ma&ery# peer nto t untl t becomes
realstc. Once t s# separate from the body r&ht then and
there# or allo. yourself to be pulled nto the ma&ery. @hen
peern& at ma&ery# tEs mportant not to scrutn,e detals#
lest the ma&e .ash a.ay. AouEll need to loo+ throu&h the
pcture# .hch .ll ma+e t more realstc.
Had #i!uali9atio
For : to 9 seconds# ma&ne ))dly and decdedly that
you are rubbn& your hands to&ether close to your eyes. Try
no matter .hat to feel them n front of you# to see them# and
e)en to hear the sound of them rubbn&. 0f nothn& happens#
s.tch to another techn8ue. 0f any of the abo)e sensatons
start to arse# then +eep .th the techn8ue and ntensfy t
untl t becomes totally realstc. Dfter.ards you can try to
separate from the body# usn& the sensatons arsn& from the
techn8ue as a start4off pont.
P&ato) (i11li1
Try to .&&le your perce)ed hands or feet for : to 9
seconds. Go not mo)e a muscle under any crcumstances# and
do not ma&ne the mo)ement tself. For e1ample# try to
ntens)ely press do.n and then up# .&&le to the left and
r&ht# and so on. 0f nothn& occurs# s.tch to another
techn8ue. 0f a sl&ht or slu&&sh sensaton of real mo)ement
suddenly arses# then focus your attenton on the techn8ue#
tryn& to ncrease the ran&e of moton as much as you can.
Once you can mo)e by at least 4 nches# mmedately try to
separate from your body startn& off from the sensatons
arsn& from the techn8ue.
Dll that you need to do for each attempt s alternate
bet.een ! to : techn8ues for : to 9 seconds each. Ths leads
to ndrect techn8ues cycles# .here the practtoner alternates
(Table of Contents)
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one techn8ue after another o)er the course of a mnute n
search of the one that .or+s. 0t s )ery mportant to do no
less than 4 cycles of ! to : techn8ues durn& an attempt.
Remember 4 e)en f a techn8ue doesnEt .or+ mmedately#
that doesnEt mean that t .ll not .or+ on the )ery ne1t cycle
of techn8ues# f not 6ust a bt later. ThatEs precsely .hy tEs
necessary to stubbornly alternate techn8ues# performn& no
less than 4 complete cycles# but all .thn no lon&er than a
For e1ample# the entre process may ta+e place as
follo.s: a phaser &oes to bed at $$::"pm and sets hs alarm
for <:""amH at <:"" he .a+es up to hs alarm cloc+# &oes to
the bathroom# drn+s some .ater# and recalls the ndrect
techn8ues as .ell as hs nterestn& plan of acton for the
phase (for e1ample# to loo+ n the mrror and fly to %ars)H at
<:"9am the phaser &oes bac+ to sleep .th the clear ntenton
of entern& the phase upon each subse8uent a.a+enn&H at
=::9am (or .hene)er natural a.a+enn& occurs) the phaser
a.a+es une1pectedly and mmedately tres to separate from
hs body then and thereH not ha)n& separated .thn : to 9
seconds# the phaser be&ns to try to do rotatons# but those
also do not .or+ .thn : to 9 secondsH the phaser performs
the s.mmer techn8ue# but that does not .or+ .thn : to 9
seconds# the phaser does phantom .&&ln&# but t doesnEt
.or+ .thn : to 9 seconds# the phaser does rotaton a&an#
then the s.mmer techn8ue and phantom .&&ln& for : to 9
seconds eachH then he once a&an does rotaton# s.mmn&#
and phantom .&&ln& for : to 9 seconds eachH on the fourth
cycle he be&ns to do rotaton and t une1pectedly starts
.or+n& 4 the feeln& of rotaton arsesH the phaser +eeps .th
ths techn8ue# and spns as hard as he can and separates
from hs body r&ht then and there usn& the sensaton of
rotaton: he then runs to the mrror# all the .hle act)ely
palpatn& and scrutn,n& e)erythn& around hm from a close
dstance# .hch ntensfes hs sensatonsH ha)n& already
loo+ed n the mrror# the practtoner employs the
translocaton techn8ue and fnds hmself on %ars# but he s
(Table of Contents)
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une1pectedly returned to the bodyH the phaser then
mmedately tres to lea)e hs body a&an# but s unable toH he
falls bac+ asleep .th the clear ntenton of repeatn& the
attempt upon the ne1t a.a+enn& and stayn& lon&er on
%arsH and so on.
Iust repeat the abo)e usn& the techn8ues that come
most naturally to you# and youEll open yourself up to a .hole
ne. un)erse-
(Table of Contents)
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0f you ta+e !" to :" mnutes out of your day to smply
tran the techn8ues and the procedure# the method .ll be
remembered and .or+ better. Ths .ll substantally ncrease
the success of attempts upon a.a+enn&.
Gream conscousness s also consdered to be a phase
e1perence. 0f you suddenly real,e that youEre dreamn& .hle
asleep# then thatEs already the phase. Aou should therefore
proceed to mplement your plan of acton and stabl,e the
state. 0f dream conscousness does arse# t .ould be a sde
effect of don& techn8ue cycles upon a.a+enn&s. Ths sde
effect s 8ute common 4 al.ays be ready for t.
Fall bac+ asleep f you can after each attempt (.hether
successful or not) n order to ma+e another attempt to lea)e
your body upon your ne1t a.a+enn&. That .ay youEll not
only be able to lea)e your body n one day# but also to do t
se)eral tmes on the )ery frst day-
Interesting Fact!
At a School of Out-of-Body Travel
seinar, a novice was able to leave his
body for the first tie in his life in 8 of 1
attepts upon awakening the very first
E)en the most unsuccessful attempt should last no
lon&er than a mnute. 0f nothn& happens o)er that perod of
tme# tEs much more effect)e to fall asleep and catch the
ne1t a.a+enn&# as opposed to stubbornly tryn& to s8uee,e
results out of the current attempt.
(Table of Contents)
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Before entern& the phase# you should clearly outlne
.hat you are &on& to do there mmedately after separaton.
Ths .ll ncrease both the 8ualty of the e1perence and the
l+elhood of t occurrn&. Belo. s a lst of the most
nterestn& (f not the most stra&htfor.ard) phase act)tes
for novices (choose no more than ! to : act)tes and
remember them .ell):
!ook in a irror (a ust for the first phase#$
(at or drink soething you like
9isit any tourist attraction
'ly over the (arth
'ly throughout the :niverse
'ly to neighbors, friends, and faily
%eet a lover
%eet a deceased relative
%eet any celebrity
Take edicine for treatent
Obtain inforation fro phase ob;ects
Travel to the past or the future
<alk through a wall
Transutate into an anial
5rive a sports car
&ide a otorcycle
Breathe underwater
=ut your hand inside your body
'eel vibrations
/nhabit two bodies at once
/nhabit another person>s body
%ove and set fire to ob;ects ;ust by looking at the
5rink li0uor
%ake love and reach orgas
(Table of Contents)
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For your frst phase# be sure to set yourself the &oal of
ma+n& t to a mrror and loo+n& at your reflecton. Aou
should specfcally pro&ram yourself to do ths act)ty# as t
.ll substantally facltate your frst steps n con8uern& the
phase. Aou may then complete other tems on your plan of
acton and ne)er return to the mrror a&an.
0f your sensatons n the phase are dull (.e. poor s&ht or
numbed bodly sensatons)# try to touch e)erythn& around
you act)ely and scrutn,e the mnute detals of ob6ects from
up4close. Ths .ll allo. you to ha)e a more realstc
e1perence. The same act)tes should be performed n order
to mantan the phase .hen the frst symptoms of a return to
the body occur (for e1ample# .hen e)erythn& becomes dm).
Returnn& to the body s somethn& you neednEt .orry
about. The state .ll not last more than se)eral mnutes n
any case# especally for no)ces .ho are lttle4ac8uanted .th
techn8ues for mantann& the phase.
*et yourself ths &oal: ma+e 9 to $" attempts to lea)e
your body upon a.a+enn&. Ths procedure# .hen follo.ed
correctly# s suffcent for 9" to >" percent of no)ces to &et
ther frst results. Turn bac+ to ths secton f you run nto a
problem# as t descrbes the msta+es encountered n ??; (-)
of unsuccessful attempts.
7e)er try these techn8ues e)ery day# the
success rate of your attempts .ll drop drastcally- *pend no
more than ! to : days of the .ee+ on t# preferably only on
days off. 0f you donEt ha)e an opportunty to sleep n lon& and
.th nterrupton# then donEt for&et that cycles of ndrect
techn8ues can also be used after any other a.a+enn& 4 n
the mddle of the n&ht for e1ample# or better yet# durn& a
mdday nap. @hatEs most mportant s to establsh the clear
ntenton of tryn& them before falln& asleep.
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Gespte the smplcty of these techn8ues# no)ces
stubbornly de)ate from the clear nstructons# follo.n& them
n ther o.n .ay or only half4.ay. Remember .hatEs most
mportant beforehand: the more carefully and lterally you
follo. the nstructons n ths boo+# the better your chances
for success. 7nety percent .ll obtan results .thn one to
three a.a+enn&s f they do e)erythn& correctly from the
Interesting Fact!
At School of Out-of-Body Travel
seinars, the ain task consists not in
e4plaining the proper procedure, but erely
in getting participants to follow it to-the-
letter. (ven if that goal is only half-way
accoplished, success is inevitable.
Typcal msta+es .hen performn& ndrect techn8ues
- 4ack o" a atte)*t to !e*arate
'orgetting to siply try to separate iediately
after awakening before cycling techni0ues, even though
this ay lead to up to 3-2 of all e4periences.
(4ception? awakening to oveent, after which one
ay iediately proceed to the techni0ues.
- 4ack o" a11re!!io
A desire to get a techni0ue to work no atter
what and really get into it is the ain criterion for
success in eploying the indirect techni0ue procedure.
%eanwhile, deterination should not be superficial, but
intensely focused on the actions to be copleted. !ack
of deterination can also anifest itself in passively
falling asleep during an attept.
- Fe(er t&a 8 c'cle!
@o atter what happens and no atter what
thoughts occur, you should perfor no less than A
(Table of Contents)
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cycles of techni0ues, assuing none have worked so
far. @ot following this siple rule will scuttle ore than
half of your opportunities to enter the phase.
- /ece!!ar' ,&a1e o" Tec&i0ue
5espite the clear instructions given, novices will
stubbornly switch techni0ues after B to 3 seconds, even
when a techni0ue has started working in one way or
another. This is a serious error. /f a techni0ue has
started working - however so slightly - you need to
keep with it and try to intensify it in any way possible.
- /ece!!ar' ,otiuatio o" a Tec&i0ue
/f a techni0ue hasn>t begun working in the least
after B to 3 seconds, it should be changed for another.
The point of cycling is to 0uickly alternate between
techni0ues until one of the starts working.
- For1etti1 to Se*arate
<hen any techni0ue starts working upon
awakening - no atter to what degree - the
practitioner is nearly always already in the phase, and
is siply lying on his body while in it. That>s why you
should always try to separate iediately upon there
being stable signs that a techni0ue is working. /f that
doesn>t work out, then you need to return to
intensifying the techni0ue and try to separate again. /f
you don>t use the first seconds of a techni0ue working,
then the phase usually ends 0uite 0uickly and the
necessary state goes away. 5on>t lie in your body while
in the phase#
- E+ce!!i#e Aal'!i!
/f you analyCe what>s going on when cycling
through techni0ues upon awakening, then you are not
concentrated on the techni0ues theselves and are
sidetracking yourself. This will cause you to iss nearly
all chances of obtaining results. The desire to
e4perience the techni0ue working should fully consue
you, leaving no place in the ind for analysis or
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- E+ce!!i#el' Alert A(akei1 =o Atte)*t or a
Slu11i!& Oe>
5ue to the perception of an e4cessively alert
awakening (which will be not actually be alert, but only
see to be fro D- to .-2 of the tie$ the
practitioner will either forgo trying anything, or will
ake attepts 0uite unassuredly, which is e0uivalent
to not trying at all. Eou ought to follow the instructions
autoatically, and not pay attention to such
perceptions upon awakening.
- Atte)*ti1 "or 4o1er t&a a $iute
/f no result is obtained after one inute of cycling,
then your odds of success will be uch greater if you
go back to sleep right away and catch the ne4t
awakening in order to ake a new attept, as opposed
to stubbornly trying to continue on with the techni0ues.
- Ico)*lete Se*aratio
<hen attepting to separate, soeties it
doesn>t coe easily or copletely. Sluggishness, stuck
body parts, and being stuck in two bodies at once are
soe things that ay occur. @ever give up under any
circustances and do not stop separating if this
happens. 'ull separation will occur if you counteract
such probles with all your strength.
- Not Reco1i9i1 t&e P&a!e
=ractitioners often enter the phase but then return
back to the body because they feel that what occurred
is not what they had e4pected. 'or e4aple, when
observing iages they are often pulled into the
scenery, or they are spontaneously thrown into another
world when rotating. =ractitioners often think that they
have to e4perience the feeling of separation itself,
which is why they ight return back to their bodies in
order to obtain it. The sae applies to becoing
conscious while dreaing, as the practitioner is already
in the phase and it only reains to deepen and
ipleent his plan of action.
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- A(akei1 to $o#e)et =o Atte)*t or a Slu11i!&
Awakening without oving is desirable, but not
andatory. There>s no sense in forgoing ost
opportunities by waiting for the right awakening. Eou
ust take advantage of every awakening that you can.
- Wa!ti1 t&e Fir!t Secod!
Try to develop the habit of iediately and
refle4ively proceeding to the techni0ues upon
awakening, without losing a second. The ore tie
that elapses between awakening and the attept itself,
the lower the odds of success. /t>s best to learn to
catch not so uch the very second of awakening, but
rather the transitional oent when 6surfacing7 fro
sleep. Separation is alost always successful during
that transitional oent.
- Selectio o" Sa)e-T'*e Tec&i0ue!
There>s no point in selecting techni0ues for your
practice that are siilar to one another or focused on
the sae sensation (when using techni0ues fro other
parts of this book$.
- /!e o" a Si1le Tec&i0ue
)ycling indirect techni0ues upon awakening is a
universal ethod that can work for anybody provided
they alternate several techni0ues. )opletely different
ethods ay work over different attepts. That>s why
using only a single techni0ue upon awakening instead
of cycling through at least two leads to substantially
lowered odds of entering the phase.
- Fal!e P&'!ical $o#e)et
Soeties separation is so indistinguishable fro
ordinary physical oveent that novices are unable to
believe their own success. They perceive separation as a
physical oveent and then disappointedly lie back
down into their body. /n such cases, one ought to
carefully evaluate the situation and possibly perfor
reality checks.
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Do It No $atter W&at% @hen performn& phase
entrance and separaton techn8ues# put your all nto them
and concentrate on them as f they .ere your lfeEs &oal and
msson. Chomp at the bt to lea)e your body.
.e A11re!!i#e% 'ut all of your enthusasm and desre
nto the techn8ues. The desre to &et the techn8ues to .or+
should be coupled .th full a&&resson n ache)n& that result.
.e Sel"-A!!ured% Gurn& attempts# be as sure as
possble of the results. @hen ma+n& attempts# lac+ of
assuredness n yourself and the results .ll substantally
your probablty of phase entrance. 7early all phase entrances
are accompaned by self4assured thou&ht l+e C0Em &on& to do
t no.C# .hle unsuccessful attempts n)ol)e thn+n& C0 &uess
0Ell try# but 0 doubt tEll .or+C.
Do it Roboticall'% GonEt thn+ about anythn& .hen
completn& the techn8ue procedure. Aou already ha)e the
nstructons. Iust carry them out# not matter .hat thn&s may
seem to you or .hat thou&hts enter your mnd. Robotcally s
also understood to mean e1actly. The ndrect techn8ue
procedure has been honed by .or+ .th thousands of
practtoners all o)er the .orld# ne&lectn& any detal snEt
.orth t.
0f you .ere successfully able to employ the ndrect
techn8ues and enter the phase at least : to 9 tmes# then
you can &radually mo)e on to the ad)anced te1tboo+ n order
to flesh out your practce. 7o. youEre a man or .oman of the
future# and all that remans s to hone your ne. ablty-
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We believe that everyboy i! "oi#" to e$i!t
i# t%o %orl! !oo#
Sponsors and investors are needed for
translation into other languages this free ebook
and other our books, videos, et! "lso #e need
finanial support to pro$ote the phase
#orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together'
(ake a part in it'
obe4u@obe4u. com
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Real E+*eriece! to Guide ad $oti#ate
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,&a*ter 3% $' Fir!t Out-o"-.od'
Our nbo1es rece)e a daly flood of phase entrance
testmonals at the OOBE Research Center# *chool of Out4of4
Body Tra)el semnars around the .orld# and all of our many4
lan&ua&e .ebstes and forums. D small selecton of them are
featured n ths part of the boo+ n order to ))dly
demonstrate ho. out4of4body e1perence occurs n practce.
Of course# mere .ords can hardly con)ey e)en a tenth of the
emoton people e1perence. Bo.e)er# they are enou&h to
demonstrate ho. mportant and fascnatn& ths can be for
absolutely e)eryone. Thousands of phase e1perence accounts
are also freely a)alable on the C'racttoner Blo&sC secton of
our forums.
@e start .th frst4tme no)ce phase e1perences
presented n order of entrance method and techn8ue.
=resented here are testionials describing first-tie
phase e4periences achieved during the first step in cycling
indirect techni0ues? attepting to separate iediately upon
Ao&' A!)u!!e
Silkebor12 De)ark
0 .o+e up one mornn& .thout mo)n& or openn& my
eyes# and t .as a )ery &ood feeln&. 0 then thou&ht to myself
that 0 should do my ndrect techn8ue. But nstead# 0 sad to
myself# 3Try to lea)e your body5# and 0 thou&ht that 0 .ould
st up on my bedsde. 0 .as lyn& on my bac+# but 0 had not
yet mo)ed at all# and so 0 decded to &)e t my all and
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thou&ht# CIust do t-C Dlmost mmedately# 0 .as sttn& up on
my bedsde.
0 +ne. that 0 hadnJt mo)ed at all because 0 ne)er &et
out of my bed that fastH t happened n a bln+ of an eye.
0n my en6oyment of total freedom# 0 for&ot my plan of
acton# and 0 for&ot the most mportant thn& to do ne1t K
deepenn&. @hle sttn& there# 0 turned my head to loo+ at
my body# 6ust to be $!"; sure that 0 .as out of my body.
Iust before# 0 had loo+ed do.n at my bed (%.&.? wrong
reality check). 0 .o+e up loo+n& at the celn& n my CrealC
body (%.&.? no re-entering).
0t .as short# t .as 8uc+# but it was the phase. 0 am
hoo+ed for lfe-
Ale+ader D'reko#
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
%y frst entry happened at n&ht. 0 .as lyn& n bed and
thn+n& about the phase# as 0 had been unable to fall asleep
for a .hle. 0 do,ed off for a moment and then a.o+e a&an#
ths tme already n the proper state# and then easly rolled
out (more or less unconscously and refle1)ely). 0 .ent
deeper by means of touchn& and then falln& headfrst. 0t s a
pty that 0J)e already for&otten a lot of the e1perence# but 0
do remember that after deepenn& 0 fell r&ht do.n onto the
yard of my &randmotherJs house# but then lost conscousness#
and so 0 returned nto my body and rolled out of t se)eral
tmes (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 .as unable to sharpen all
my senses: @hen 0 deepened one sense (touch# for e1ample)#
another (.e. s&ht) .ould fade a.ay. Dfter that# 0 ha)e a &ap
n my memory concernn& my tra)els (conscousness and
lucdty .ere .ea+# and 0 fell asleep and 3resurfaced5 se)eral
tmes)# but 0 remember ha)n& been to a lot of places.
BereEs ho. the epsode ended: 0 do)e headfrst nto
.ater from a h&h board (after frst ha)n& deepened a bt)#
and then my sense of touch &re. sharper: 0 felt 3.ater5 and
ht my head a&anst a )ery soft 3bottom.5 0 resumed the
nterrupted fall throu&h but then t occurred to me
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that my &randmother .anted to .a+e me up. %y le)el of
a.areness .as not 8ute ade8uate# as t dd not occur to me
that 0 .as actually sleepn& n a dormtory# and not at my
&randmotherEs house. ThatJs .hy 0 decded that 0 needed to
return to my body. D sharp fall occurred r&ht after that
thou&ht# and .as follo.ed by sensatons smlar to those one
e1perences .hen hun&4o)er.
At&o' Pucci
0 had 6ust had a sl&htly dsturbn& dream. (0 canEt recall
.hat t .as no.# but t left me a lttle sha+en.) 0 .o+e up#
eyes stll closed# and completely stll. 3@ell# 0Ell &)e t a shot#5
0 thou&ht to myself. 0 tred to mo)e my arms .thout usn&
muscles. %y r&ht arm rose sl&htly# and 0E)e had some
e1perences n the past that helped me remember the tn&ln&
sensatons present durn& separaton 4 holy cow, it>s finally
0 .as stll a lttle doubtful .hen t came tme to &et up#
but 0 tred ne)ertheless and that Celectrc shoc+C sort of
feeln& coursed throu&h me after total separaton. C0 dd t#C 0
sad aloud. C0 can &o see her no..C @ho she s may be
e1planed later f 0 feel up to t# but for no.# 0 .ll call her %a#
snce she s rele)ant and that name s easer for me to type. 0
re&aned my composure and recalled that 0 had to deepen#
and dd so. 0 felt the .alls# the bed posts# and my clothes. 0
.as .earn& a )ery lon& shrt (do.n past my .ast) and some
bo1er4brefs# nstead of .hat 0 had &one to sleep n.
@hen 0 fnally &ot my )son to return# e)erythn&
seemed lar&er than t shouldE)e been# and 0 felt sl&htly
an1ous# sort of l+e that paranoa you feel after .atchn& a
scary mo)e. Re&ardless# 0 pushed throu&h t. 0 .ent to my
door. 3%aEs behnd ths door#5 0 thou&ht to myself. 0t ddnEt
lead unusual# 6ust out nto my hall. D&an# thn&s
.ere a lttle lar&er than they shouldE)e been and a fe. places
.ere co)ered n a )ery dm &reensh l&ht. 0 called her name#
bec+onn&# 3%aL7 %y )oce .as 8uet and sha+en. 0 couldnEt
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seem to re&an my composure for some reason. 0 contnued
calln& her name# and as+ed# C@here are youLC
0 heard her )oce n my head respondn&# CBuhL 0Em r&ht
here.C 0 .ent do.n the hall n a half4panc# chec+n& )arous
places n the house for her. E) 0 .ent .as e1tra4
lar&e and dmly lt n &reen. C@here s hereL-C 0 cred. Ber
)oce ans.ered me a&an# Cthe usual place.C 0 .as &ettn&
frustrated no.. 0 .anted to see %a badly# as+n&# C@hereEs
the usual placeL-C 0 retraced my steps. %aybe she .as behnd
2nfortunately# thatEs .here my story ends# because 0
returned to my body soon after.ards. 0 tred to lea)e t a&an#
but 0 couldnEt bud&e. The resdual doubt and fear n my mnd
may ha)e held me bac+. 0 +no. 0 made a fe. msta+es n my
techn8ues# namely not ben& absolutely $""; con)nced that
my door .ould lead me to %a# and not mantann&.
S#'ato!la# .arao#
Per)2 Ru!!ia
0 .o+e up on my sde. 0 ddnJt feel l+e sleepn&
anymore# but 0 closed my eyes any.ay. @hen 0 lay do.n on
my bac+# 0 mmedately felt the sensaton that 0 .as about to
fall from the couch (0 .as lyn& on the ed&e)# and some +nd
of lapse occurred# as f 0 .as ben& pulled 0 lay
do.n once a&an# and ths bu,,n& started# and a &reen l&ht
appeared before my eyes. 0 lay bac+ e)en further# and my
eyelds started to flutter. 0 thou&ht that 0 m&ht fall from the
couch at that moment# but then my )son came to me# and 0
obser)ed that 0 .as already lyn& on the floor ne1t to the
couch- 0 &ot up on my feet and notced that the room .as
3spnnn&5 as f 0 .ere drun+# but e)erythn& 8ute 8uc+ly
.ent bac+ to normal. Dt that )ery moment# 0 understood that
ths .as t- The phase tself (%.&.? no deepening)-
0n ecstasy# 0 for&ot about all the techn8ues and .ent to
loo+ about the room (%.&.? no plan of action). E)erythn& .as
6ust l+e n realty# but some thn&s .ere out of place. 0 tred
to le)tate and bent bac+.ards# and .as someho. thrust
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outsde. 0t .as dus+ out there# and there .as a lot of sno. on
the &round. 0 .ent around the house and tred to le)tate. 0
.as able to soar up.ards# and sa. the hor,on and sunset.
But then 0 be&an to lose alttude. Dfter ha)n& flo.n to the
.ndo. on the other sde of the house# 0 .anted to &o up to
the roof# but then a foul occurred (%.&.? no aintaining). 0n a
fracton of a second# 0 had the sensaton that 0 .as
3no.here5. But then# my real eyes opened (.th dffculty)
and there .as once a&an the feeln& of some sort of lapse
(%.&.? no re-entering). D.areness .as dm durn& the phase#
apparently due to not ha)n& &otten enou&h sleep.
/f separating upon awakening is unsuccessful or for
soe reason no such attept is even ade, then 0uick
alternation through techni0ues is eployed. Separation ay
be attepted once one of the alternated techni0ues starts
Dodd Stol(ort&'
Betura2 /SA
0 .ent to bed at $" '%. 0 .o+e at 9::"# used the
bathroom# and .ent bac+ to bed. 0t too+ me a .hle to fall
asleep. Once 0 dd# 0 .o+e up a couple of tmes and chan&ed
postons each tme. 0 felt )bratons come on and heard
people tal+n& as they came n my house. 0 also heard lttle
footsteps near my bed and thou&ht t m&ht be one of my
+ds. (uc+ly# 0 remembered that ths type of phenomenon
happens .hen entern& the phase (%.&.? no separation). 0
stayed stll and straned the bran to ncrease the )bratons.
Ths .or+ed really .ell (%.&.? no separation). 0 then used
phantom .&&ln& and &ot my left arm out. Dt ths pont 0
tred to separate by rolln& out# but .th no success. 0 then
&ot my r&ht arm out# but 0 thou&ht 0 had actually mo)ed my
real arm. 0 .as .orred 0 had blo.n the .hole thn&# but
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decded to contnue any.ays. 0 tred to see both arms n front
of me. They 8uc+ly appeared and 0 sa. them throu&h closed
eyes- 0 started s.n&n& my arms from sde to sde and rolled
out of my body.
0 .as no. on the floor ne1t to my bed. 0 .as so e1cted.
0 had 6ust done .hat 0 had been readn& about for $" months-
0 remembered to stabl,e the e1perence by rubbn& my
hands to&ether. Ds 0 .as don& ths# 0 loo+ed do.n and
notced my hands loo+ed fat and s.ollen. 0 then sa. my .fe
lea)e the bedroom and &o do.nstars (%.&.? no plan of
action). 0 follo.ed her and notced the sun shnn& n throu&h
the .ndo.s. 0t .as stll dar+ n real lfe. %y .fe then .ent
bac+ upstars# so 0 decded to &o outsde. 0 started for the
front door but decded to fly throu&h the .ndo.. 0 landed n
the street and .al+ed around for a bt. 0 started to &o up to
my ne&hborJs house# but notced that e)erythn& .as fadn&
(%.&.? no aintaining). 0 had lost the e1perence and .as
no. bac+ n bed. 0 8uc+ly spun around (n my mnd) and
notced myself r&ht bac+ n the same spot 0 had left- 0 .al+ed
up to my ne&hborJs door# ran& the doorbell# and .ated for
her to come. 0 then lost t a&an and tred spnnn&# but t dd
not .or+.
$a+i) S&#et!2
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
0 .ent to bed .th the ntenton of entern& the phase
.hle dreamn& or upon a.a+enn& n the mornn&. 0 .o+e up
at about <::" am# and decded to try the method of
)sual,aton# as phantom .&&ln& had not .or+ed o)er the
past ! days (%.&.? no separation). Va&ue ma&es &radually
created a scene n front of me# .hch 0 then found myself
partcpatn& n. 0 felt myself separatn& from my body# and
rolled out of t. 0 opened my eyes. *ome &uy &rabbed me by
the shoulder and sad# CAouE)e left your body# be cool.C 0 told
hm that 0 .as ready. Be turned me around# and 0 sa. my
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%y body .as lyn& on ts bac+ .th open eyes# e)en
thou&h 0 had started )sual,n& .hle lyn& on my stomach.
7ot ass&nn& any partcular s&nfcance to ths# 0 decded to
deepen r&ht a.ay. 0 s8uatted do.n and be&an to 8uc+ly
palpate the floor and the .alls .th the palms of my hands. 0
then loo+ed at my nde1 fn&er# and could dscern the lnes n
the s+n. F&urn& that ths .as all .onderful# 0 .ent to the
+tchen n order to fly (%.&.? no plan of action). Bo.e)er# 0
remembered that t .as best for no)ces not to attempt ths. 0
returned to my bedroom door and pctured there ben& a
sunny beach behnd t. 0 opened the door and mmedately
.o+e up lyn& on my bac+ (%.&.? no aintaining and no re-
Pl')out&2 /6
0 .o+e up (%.&.? no separation) and mmedately appled
phantom .&&ln& on my left arm for f)e seconds# and my
arm be&an mo)n& freely (%.&.? no separation). 0 could at ths
pont ha)e had an OBE# but 0 .anted a lucd dream (%.&.?
wrong logic). Dfter f)e seconds of phantom .&&ln& 0
s.tched to f)e seconds of lstenn& n (%.&.? wrong action).
Dfter about t.o seconds of lstenn& n to the h&h ptched
natural sound nsde my head# t started to ncrease n )olume
(%.&.? no separation). Dfter f)e seconds 0 stll hadnEt entered
a dream# and so 0 s.tched to f)e seconds of obser)n&
0ma&es. 0 ddnEt see anythn&# so 0 s.tched to strann& the
bran. 0mmedately the h&h ptched sound n my head
became )ery loud# and so 0 mmedately s.tched to lstenn&
n a&an (%.&.? no separation). 0 sa. a purple pool of .ater
and felt that ts clarty .as )ery &ood. Then# 0 found myself
fully mmersed n a lucd dream.
0 .as n a deep# beautful )alley .th lambs frolc+n&
about. 0 loo+ed around and mar)eled at the ablty to be able
to ha)e a lucd dream n a matter of seconds (%.&.? no
deepening). 0 en6oyed my lucd dream...
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Arte) Arakc&ee#
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
0 dd ndrect techn8ues. @hle peern& at ma&es# 0
cau&ht s&ht of the same dream epsode that 0 had been
.atchn& untl 0 frst .o+e up. The pcture .as )ery realstc.
0t seemed to me that 0 could chan&e e)erythn& n ths dream.
0 tred to &et out of my body# and mmedately fle. throu&h
my head r&ht nto that dream. 0 landed at the door of the
home that 0 &re. up n. 0 then found myself at a .ndo. on
the second floor.
Ba)n& remembered about the deepenn& techn8ues# 0
8uc+ly be&an to scrutn,e the .ndo. tself. %y attenton
then shfted# and 0 peered out throu&h the .ndo..
E)erythn& .as n ts place# l+e n real lfe. *ome man
approached the door. 0 donEt +no. .hy# but 0 .as sure that 0
needed to .atch .hat he .as up to. 0 nstnct)ely too+ off
from the second floor .ndo.# &on& r&ht throu&h the &lass. 0
lo.ered to the le)el of the &round floor. The man .al+ed n
throu&h the front door. 0 follo.ed hm# fle. n throu&h the
door# and be&an to pursue hm.
0 then remembered that 0 had a plan for the phase. Dt
precsely that moment# the phase space be&an to fade and
dsappear. 0 real,ed that 0 should apply the mantann&
techn8ues# but dd not mana&e to do so n tme. @thn a
moment# 0 .o+e up to myself lyn& n bed. %y body
temperature .ent up. %y breathn& and heartbeat became
more fre8uent. D second attempt to separate .as of no use.
Porto Ale1re2 .ra!il
0 .as a.o+en by my cat and ended up accdentally
employn& the deferred method snce 0 had slept some hours
before ths OBE. Then 0 dd forced falln& asleep# then cycled
rotaton# obser)n& ma&es# lstenn& n# phantom .&&ln&
etc. 0 canJt remember .hch one led to )bratons. 0 amplfed
the )bratons once 0 felt them (they .ere an un+no.n
sensaton to me untl then)# but 0 couldnJt remember .hat 0
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.as supposed to do then: to .at for sleep paralyss or try to
separate. Then 0 decded to do 6ust anythn& and tred to
separate by floatn& up.ards# as f me and my body had the
same ma&netc char&e and .ould repel each other# because
0J)e runed some attempts before by tryn& to roll out and
mo)n& my actual body.
0t .or+ed# to a pont. 0 felt as f 0 .as floatn& about one
foot h&h. %ean.hle# my plan .as to separate# turn around#
see my body and thn+# C@o.# man-C Then 0 .ould start
rubbn& my hands# palpatn&# peern& and do a lst of thn&s
.hle mantann&. But nstead# 0 floated .thout seen&
anythn&# 0 6ust felt the CthrustC pushn& me up# .hch too+
about half a second or less and .thout s&ht. 0 smply C.asC
n a place that 0 hadnJt conscously chosen# and 0 +nd of
for&ot that 0 could ma+e decsons at that pont and started
.atchn& thn&s pass)ely. Earler 0 had remembered all the
techn8ues that 0 should employ# but at the moment t slpped
my mnd.
0 .ent to a place .here someho. 0 +ne. only muscans
.ent to n order to fnd other muscans and play alon& .th
them. 0t had a &reat post)e C)beC to t# 0 then heard )oces
of people tal+n& around. There .as a female )oce# and ths
&rl .al+ed from r&ht to left behnd me but someho. 0 Csa.C
her Dll *tar shoes. *he .as commentn& about .hat a cool
and frendly place t .as. There .as a &uy .th a blac+ trench
coat and a sha)ed head playn& somethn& bet.een a pston
and a trombone 4 t .as deep dar+ blue# and he played t .th
one hand and a &utar .th the other# producn& a.esome
musc. The pstonJs +eys .ere actually chromed Fender4type
Celephant earC bass tuners. Be ddnJt put hs mouth on the
thn& at any moment and played t pontn& t to.ards hs foot
the .hole tme. The &utar .as suspended out n front of hm
by a strap on hs left sde .th ts nec+ pontn& up.ards. 0t
sometmes sounded l+e a pano. There .ere no amplfers#
pedals or cables at all.
@hen 0 felt he .as about to fnsh hs musc# 0 .anted to
applaud hm and tell hm that t .as a.esome# but he
(Table of Contents)
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dsappeared to 0 donJt +no. .here. Ths .as stran&e because
t .as as f the musc .as stll soundn&# and 0 .ouldnJt dare
open my mouth .hle he .as stll playn&. 0t .as beautful.
Then# a man about <" years old .ho .as dressed
some.hat l+e a salor (at least that .as .hat 0 thou&ht)
approached another &uy .ho .as playn& some un+no.n
nstrument# restn& the thn& on hs left shoulder l+e a )oln.
0 thn+ t .as not an actual nstrument# but rather somethn&
l+e a se.n& machne or somethn& onerc n nature l+e that.
The salor stopped by the sde of the se.n& machne man
and from nsde of a .orn out blac+# cheap loo+n& plastc ba&
for .hch most people .ouldnJt &)e a penny# nether .ould 0#
pulled a barbed ed&ed transparent acrylc plate .hch loo+ed
as f t .as 6ust sa.n off of a 6&sa.# as f t .as a randomly
cut plate .hch had fallen off .hle the actual pece# .hate)er
t could be# .as ben& made. The plate .as about $ foot by $
foot 4 nches and .as not e1actly rectan&ular. 0Jd ne)er
suppose that thn& .ould play musc.
Dctually# .hen he played perfectly accompanyn& the
se.n& machne &uy# 0 as+ed myself# C.hat .ll he be playn&
.th...C 0 lurched for.ard and opened my mouth n complete
surprse: 0t .as a Fle1n& 0nstrument. 0 had ne)er thou&ht of
ths ob)ous concept before# and probably .ouldnJt ha)e
.thout that e1perence. E)erybody +no.s the bass# Cpoo+C or
C.o+C sound that an M4Ray plate or some lar&e plate l+e that
4 e)en made of dfferent materals 4 ma+es .hen fle1ed# and
most people +no. the h&h ptched# sound of tny
steel lds about ! nches n dameter that come n small cans
of se)eral types 4 the nose they ma+e .hen folded n and
out. @ell# .hen the salor held the plate .th the tps of hs
fn&ers near the ed&es of the plate# the foldn& area .as
.der# and so the sound .as basser. @hen he held t .th hs
fn&ertps close to the center# the foldn& area .as smaller
and so the sound .as h&her ptched. Be could &et hs hands
closer or farther as fast as choosn& notes on any other
nstrument# and could play alon& .th e)ery note of the
(Table of Contents)
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se.n& machne man. 0t .as mpress)e. 0 donJt remember
ho. ths phase ended (%.&.? no aintaining).
5uring soe awakenings, the ind sends hints in the
for of various sensations that can be easily used to enter
the phase. Eou need only intensify those sensations and
separate fro the body. Such hints usually consist of iages,
sleep stupors, vibrations, noise, drea figents and real or
false nubness.
I#a Yako#le#
At(er*2 .el1iu)
0 donJt +no. .hat .o+e me up# but 0 +ne. r&ht a.ay
that somethn& .as out of order. 0 could not open my eyes#
and my body .as almost 6ust as+n& to rse up. 0 understood
.hat .as &on& on K all of ths ndcated that 0 .as ha)n& an
out4of4body e1perence. The frst thn& 0 tred .as to lft my
left hand up# and t .or+ed. 0 understood that ths .as an
astral hand# because 0 could see throu&h t. 0 mo)ed hastly
and carefully to the other sde of the bed (There .as a
stran&e sensaton n my head at that tme). 0 calmed do.n
and tred to do somethn& a&an. 0 le)tated about half a
meter abo)e the bed. Vson came bac+ to me r&ht then and 0
sa. .hat appeared to be my room# but not e1actly t# as the
ru& on the floor .as of a dfferent color pattern and the door
.as closed for some reason (%.&.? no deepening and no plan
of action).
0 could not comprehend .hy e)erythn& .as lt from
behnd my bac+. Then# 0 loo+ed o)er my left shoulder and
sa. a small br&ht .hte ball behnd my shoulder blade at a
dstance of > nches. 0t .as l&htn& up the room up. Then 0
tred to &o throu&h the door# but .as unable to (%.&.? no
aintaining). Out of the fear that 0 .ould ne)er return to my
(Table of Contents)
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real body (%.&.? wrong logic)# 0 .o+e up n the e)eryday
.orld (%.&.? no re-entering).
Natal'a 6o9&eo#a
S&c&elko#o2 Ru!!ia
@hen 0 .as about $= or $> years old# 0 read some
esoterc artcles on astral pro6ecton. They seemed 8ute
nterestn& to me# but no more than a curosty K 0 dd not
partcularly bele)e n such thn&s.
One e)enn&# 0 .ent to bed as usual. 0 .o+e up n the
mddle of the n&ht# but .as unable to mo)e my body and
there .as a loud nose n my head. Ba)n& been remnded of
those artcles# 0 smply tred to le)tate and 0 mana&ed to do
so# as f throu&h my forehead someho.. The sensaton of
flyn& .as )ery realstc# to my &reat surprse. The frst
thou&ht that occurred to me .as# C@o.# these astral &uys
.erenJt lyn&-5 0 ho)ered abo)e my body for some tme n the
dar+. 0 thou&ht of )son# and t started to appear. 0 then fle.
to.ards the .ndo.# and upon turnn& around n to face my
body (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action)# 0 sa. t n
ts proper place. 0 decded to fly bac+ to t and touch t. @hen
0 fnally po+ed t# t suc+ed my bac+ nto t# causn& a 8ute
stran&e sensaton (%.&.? no aintaining and no re-entering).
Ale+ader Fur)eko#
Sait Peter!bur12 Ru!!ia
0 .o+e up at early n the n&ht after some dffcultes
.th falln& asleep. Blurred ma&es started to float before my
eyes and 0 real,ed that 0 could enter the phase. 0 started to
dscard unnecessary ma&es# and after &ettn& ahold of one of
them# 0 emer&ed n some +nd of a yello. corrdor. The le)el
of &eneral realness and a.areness of the e1perence .as
about >"; to ?"; of that of realty. 0 remembered about the
methods for deepenn&# .hch s .hy 0 started to loo+ at
e)erythn& &on& on around me# but ths dd not yeld any
serous results. 0 started to touch myself# but all sensaton
seemed some.hat dampened. 0 real,ed that 0 .as losn&
(Table of Contents)
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a.areness. 0 came round# but ne)ertheless fell asleep n
about !" seconds (%.&.? no plan of action and no
/f you becoe aware that everything around you is but a
drea while you are in one, then everything fro that
oent on is already the phase. All that reains is to ake
it a full phase e4perience by enhancing your sensations and
carrying out your plan of action.
0 .as sttn& on a bench# 6ust thn+n& and don& nothn&#
.hen suddenly a .oman sho.ed up and sad to me# C%aybe
you are dreamn&C. 0 .as n shoc+. 0t struc+ me l+e l&htnn&:
3Oh my Fod- 0 am n the phase-5
D plan# a plan# 0 had a plan. @hat should 0 do ne1tL
*nce 0Ed 6ust fnshed readn& %chaelEs boo+# 0 +ne. all about
deepenn& and mantann&# and so 0 touched e)erythn&
around me# loo+ed closely at my hands and rubbed them. %y
)son and other senses &ot stron&er and so 0 mo)ed on to my
0 .anted to try flyn&# .al+n&# teleportn&# d)n& nto
the &round and 6umpn& throu&h .alls. Frst of all# 0 tred
flyn&. 0 6umped up as h&h as 0 could and then floated do.n.
0 6umped a&an and started flyn&. 0 felt the .nd and the sun.
0 could see far nto the dstance. @hen my )son &ot blurry# 0
decded to teleport nto my room and do some mantann&
and deepenn&.
0n my room 0 found that same .oman# and she told me:
3try &on& throu&h .alls5. 0 touched the .all and .as a lttle
bt afrad. Dfter for&ettn& my fear 0 started runnn& to.ards
another .all and 6umped throu&h t. The feeln& .as ama,n&.
The .oman ad)sed me a&an: 3Try d)n& nto the &round#
(Table of Contents)
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but donNt for&et to ma&ne .here you .ant to end up3. 0
.al+ed nto the mddle of my room and started falln& do.n. 0
closed my eyes and ma&ned a beautful rce feld. 0t felt l+e
0 .as falln& fore)er# and then 4 BOO%- 0 .as falln& do.n
from a )ery far he&ht. 0 .as falln& to.ards a hu&e table full
of delcous dshes .hch had rce as the man n&redent. 0
started lau&hn& and thou&ht: 3@o.# my subconscous played
a hell of a 6o+e on me5. ThatJs .hen 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no
aintaining and no re-entering).
ReCiDa2 Ro)aia
0 donEt thn+ that 0 needed to real,e that 0 .as dreamn&
because as soon as 0 fell asleep# 0 became lucd. 0 couldnEt see
anythn& but the screen of an 'hone and 0 +ne. 0 had to
choose the place 0 .anted to be n. 0 chose a .erd place that
0 had ne)er seen before and then 0 sa. a .hte door. 0
opened the door# .ondern& .here t .ould brn& me to
(%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action). 0 &ot n a .erd
room and there .ere a lot of s+eletons on the floor# so 0
frea+ed out and then teleported else.
0 remembered ha)n& been n many other places .hen 0
.o+e up ne1t to my bed. 0 .asnEt sure .hat had actually
happened# 0 thou&ht t .as stll a lucd dream.
0 .as ne1t to my bed and could see almost e)erythn& n
my room# e)en the turned4out TV 4 but 0 couldnEt brn& myself
to loo+ n my bedEs drecton. 0 ddnEt .ant to do that at all.
Dfter a .hle# 0 started to feel my breath. 0 .as scared
because 0 .as breathn& too and 0 thou&ht 0 .as &on&
to de f 0 ddnEt start breathn& faster (%.&.? wrong logic).
0 .anted to .a+e up# but each tme 0 tred 0 &ot bac+ n
my body but only for a second (n *') and then a&an ne1t to
my bed. 0 had tred to .a+e up about = tmes before 0 fnally
.o+e up (%.&.? wrong action). 0 .as scared but also ama,ed
of .hat had happened to me. Bo.e)er# 0 could consder
myself Cluc+yC because 0 had e1perenced sleep paralyss
before and 0 +ne. ho. to &et out of t.
(Table of Contents)
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Dfter the e1perence 0 ddnEt e)en bother tryn& lucd
dreamn& a&an# 0 &ot all nterested n OOBEs.
Ro!to#-o-Do2 Ru!!ia
%y frst tme entern& the phase. 0 dreamt that 0 .as
hurryn& and constantly thn+n& about
somethn&. Dt a certan .onderful moment# 0 ht upon the
dea that 0 .as dreamn&# and decded to try to e1t (%.&.?
wrong action and no deepening). 0 lay on the &round and
be&an to e1t# ma&nn& ho. 0 .as separatn& from the body.
Gurn& the transton# 0 nearly .as thro.n out of the phase
due to tenson and fear. 0 .as nonetheless successful. 0 sa.
myself at a door.ay after ha)n& cra.led throu&h a .all. 0t
.as l+e comn& out of a bo&. The sensaton of separatn& .as
)ery ))d.
0 suddenly notced a person there. Be helped me to &et
completely out (%.&.? no plan of action). Be ntroduced
hmself# and started telln& me some partculars about the
.orld that 0 had landed n (0 donEt recall .ell .hat he sad# as
0 .as loo+n& around the .hole tme and couldnEt tear my
eyes off my surroundn&s 4 0 .as spellbound). 0n the end# 0
became .orred about my body# and decded that t .as tme
to return bac+ (%.&.? wrong logic). Returnn& .as l+e a
n&htmare. There .ere )oces# sounds# and stran&e
sensatons. 0 had the feeln& that tme had stood stll... 0 .as
so happy upon .a+n& up that 0 couldnEt sleep for the rest of
the n&ht.
One n&ht 0 .as dreamn& of tra)elln& n a car .th a
frend and thou&ht she .as dr)n& .ay too fast and then 0
&ot b,arre rushn& sensatons that en)eloped my entre
physcal body and t felt l+e 0 .as ben& turned nsde out.
The sensatons stopped# and then 0 .as fully a.a+e and
completely a.are and 0 opened my eyes. 0 .as n my
(Table of Contents)
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bedroom lyn& on my bac+ and my body had a blue hue or
tnt to t (%.&.? no separation and deepening). 0 felt my arms
mo)n& around and 0 real,ed .hat had happened and
panc+ed. 0 as+ed to &o bac+ to my body and then .th a
sl&ht tn&ln& 0 opened my eyes for real (%.&.? wrong action)
and 0 .as actually lyn& on my sde facn& my partner.
Then 0 +ne. the e1perence .as real.
Ale+ei .ak&are#
Soc&i2 Ru!!ia
Ths .as the frst tme that 0 mana&ed to become
conscous .hle dreamn&. Before falln& asleep# 0
concentrated on the dar+ness before my eyes and tred to
reman conscousness as lon& as 0 could. Dll of a sudden# 0
dreamt that 0 .as le)tatn& to the celn&# .hch resulted n
my becomn& conscous that 0 .as dreamn&. %y phantom
body responded poorly to attempts to control t# and smply
ho)ered beneath the celn& (%.&.? no deepening). There .ere
t.o people sttn& on the floor belo.. They .ere loo+n& n my
drecton# but t seemed that they dd not see me (%.&.? no
plan of action and aintaining). Dt ths pont 0 .o+e up and
felt some sort of tn&ln& and tchn& n my le&s (%.&.? no re-
5irect entrance into the phase without prior sleep (or
after a period of full awareness$ is achieved by bringing about
shallow dips out of conscious awareness. All that reains is
to separate fro the body on the way back up fro such a
P&il .%
Ne( York2 /SA
0 .o+e up at < D% today# .ent to the bathroom# and
then lay bac+ do.n mmedately to try to sleep. 0 usually ha)e
(Table of Contents)
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dffculty falln& asleep# so ths tme# for the frst tme# 0 put n
earplu&s and .ore a facemas+. Dfter about an hour# 0 .as stll
8ute a.a+e and runnn& throu&h deas for my class n my
Dfter an hour 0 .asnEt falln& asleep yet# but 0 .as )ery
rela1ed physcally# and so 0 tred forced falln& asleep. Dfter
about $"4$9 seconds# 0 felt a stran&e dslocaton and
numbness settle o)er my body (%.&.? no separation)# .hch
felt unusual. 0 mmedately tred lstenn& n# and heard a )ery
loud rn&n& sound# l+e fre alarms &on& off. 0 lstened to t
and t &ot louder and then seemed to pea+. 0t .as )ery loud
(%.&.? no separation)# but nothn& else .as happenn& and so
0 s.tched to obser)n& ma&es for a fe. seconds. *tll
nothn&. The rn&n& &ot e)en 8ueter# and so 0 .ent bac+ to
lstenn& n. 0t &ot louder a&an# and a&an t seemed to pea+.
Then# 0 real,ed that t .as so loud that 0 .as probably
already n the phase but ddnEt real,e t. 0 tred rolln& o)er
.th a sudden 6er+# and BD%- 0 .as out of bed# standn& on
the floor- 0 canEt descrbe ho. une1pected ths .as: 0 had no
dea .hat rolln& out .ould feel l+e# and t turned out to be
+nd of l+e clmbn& out of a pool# about that much
resstance. %chaelEs ad)ce to not .orry and 6ust GO 0T .as
r&ht on the money.
0 .as )ery e1cted# but 0 remembered the *OBT ad)ce
to mmedately deepen. E)erythn& .as &rey and 0 felt
nothn&# heard nothn&# sa. only &rey slhouettes around me.
0 started rubbn& my hands to&ether frmly n front of my face
and they came nto )e.# alon& .th e)erythn& else n
my room. 0 started peern& at my hands and fn&ers# and my
)son became crystal clear. %y room came nto perfect lfel+e
focus. 0 .al+ed around my room peern& and palpatn&
e)erythn& 0 could fnd. *nce t .as my frst tme n the
phase# 0 e1amned all the random ob6ects lyn& around on my
shel)es and table and they all appeared perfectly real# e)en
the .rtn& on them (0 ddnEt stop to try to read the nd)dual
.ords because 0 ddnEt .ant a foul). 0 contnuously remnded
(Table of Contents)
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myself that 0 .as phasn&# so as not to lose conscousness
and fall asleep (%.&.? no plan of action).
Dfter spendn& about a mnute loo+n& at e)erythn& and
ben& ama,ed by the smulacrum of realty# 0 decded to try to
do somethn& .th the e1perence. 0 ddnEt ha)e any plans
beforehand because 0 .as not really e1pectn& success# but 0
decded on the spur of the moment to try flyn&. 0 loo+ed up
at my celn&# then do.n at my feet# too+ a deep breath and
tred to le)tate .hle loo+n& at my feet. They rose a
fe. nches off the floor# and as 0 e1haled they .ent bac+
do.n. 'erfectly controlled# as 0 e1pected. 0 tred a&an# .th
another deep breath and ths tme a 6ump# and 0 launched
myself throu&h my celn& l+e superman# fsts e1tended. 0
ddnEt .ant to pass throu&h my celn& nsubstantally# 0
.anted to blast out# and 0 dd# throu&h about $" floors of
brc+ and plaster .hch e1ploded n front of me l+e a
multstory pratfall n re)erse.
Then 0 .as out# abo)e my house. 0 .as not n my
ne&hborhood# but n some +nd of hu&e ca)e that housed an
entre cty. 0 ddnEt reco&n,e anythn& and ddnEt ha)e any
plans of .here to &o# so 0 6ust fle. around a lttle bt and
e)entually ,oomed n on a .ndo. .here some CfrendC of
mne (0 donEt +no. .ho t .as# they .ere 6ust labeled CfrendC
n my dream conscousnessC) .as .atchn& a mo)e on
tele)son. Dt ths pont# snce 0 ddnEt ha)e anythn& to do#
and 0 .as 6ust ho)ern& outsde the .ndo. .th a pause n
my actons# 0 fouled and .o+e up n bed.
0 hadnEt mo)ed and 0 .anted to mmedately try to enter
the phase a&an# but 0 .as 6ust too e1cted and 0 felt my
physcal body )ery clearly. 0 decded to &et up and record my
e1perence# and .hen 0 stood up t confrmed that 0 .as
completely a.a+e and not the least &ro&&y or rela1ed snce 0
.as able to turn on my computer and .rte clearly and lucdly
r&ht a.ay.
.araul2 Ru!!ia
(Table of Contents)
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0 .as n my bed ma&nn& that 0 .as lea)n& my body
and soon 0 felt that 0 .as pulled by someone out of my body.
0 decded not to resst t thou&h the )bratons .ere stron&
and fr&htened me a lttle. Dnd n less than no tme 0 found
myself standn& on the floor out of my body. The room .as
lumnous .th sunl&ht. 0 felt free and e1tremely happy# as f 0
&ot rd of somethn& unnecessary .hch al.ays troubled me.
%y ne. body had no le&s but there .as no need n them
(%.&.? no deepening). Dnd 0 had thou&ht that t .as
necessary to brn& somethn& from the other room as the fact
confrmn& that 0 .as n Dstral (%.&.? wrong logic and no plan
of action). 0 flounced out of the room# se,ed a ba& and
brou&ht t to my bedroom. (0n the mornn& the ba& .as n ts
former place a&an).
Then 0 .atched somethn& stran&e: my ne. bed and
room e1sted smultaneously .th my old bed and room.
E)erythn& had m1ed up and 0 hastened to return to my
body. 0 sa. my body lyn& n my bed and became suddenly
)ery upset. 0 thou&ht: 3Bo. such a youn& soul can return to
such an ColdC bodyL5. Then# 0 felt a pty to myself and 0 tred
to 6on my body (%.&.? wrong action)# but dd not mana&e t.
Fear o)er.helmed me.
Dt once 0 recollected# that 0 had read that
one should ma+e a turnabout to 6on hs body. 0 dd so and
soon found myself n my physcal body.
Ao& $erritt
Hou!to2 /SA
D frend of mne found A =ractical Fuidebook on the net
and sent me the ln+. 0 read the boo+# and soon t fnally
0 .ent to sleep around $" or $$ and .o+e up at 4. 0
stayed up for :" mnutes and lay bac+ do.n. 0 started
medtatn&# and then &on& o)er the techn8ues and
separaton n my mnd. 0 fell nto a free floatn& state# &on& n
and out of conscousness. 0 started obser)n& ma&es. Dnd
soon )bratons started. 0 had already e1perenced )bratons
(Table of Contents)
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once or t.ce. The frst tme 0 felt them 0 .as scared and they
.ent a.ay after a fe. seconds. The second tme 0 tred to
ntensfy them and t seemed to .or+ for a fe. seconds# but
then a&an nothn&. Ths tme 0 used strann& the bran and
the )bratons &ot stron&er and stron&er. Dnd ths tme 0
ddnEt lose them. They ntensfed and came to a crescendo#
and .hen they .ere o)er# 0 felt dfferent. %y ne1t thou&ht
.as 0 .as already separated from my body. Dll 0 had to do
.as 6ust stand up- Dnd 0 .as r&ht.
0 rose up out of my body and sat up and stepped off the
bed and 0 .as out- 0 hadnEt really planned .hat 0 .ould do
(%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action). The room .as
dar+# and my frst thou&ht .as to turn on a l&ht. 0 .as n my
bedroom so 0 .al+ed nto the bathroom n my bedroom and
flpped the l&ht s.tch on. 7othn&. 0 )a&uely thou&ht to
myself# 3maybe the l&ht s burned out5# so 0 .al+ed out nto
the hall.ay and nto the other upstars bathroom and turned
on that l&ht s.tch. D&an nothn&. But 0 remembered then
from readn& lucd dreamn& boo+s that l&ht s.tches donEt
.or+ n dreams. Dnd snce 0 .as n my astral body turnn& on
the l&ht s.tch .asnEt &on& to .or+ ether.
0 decded to &o bac+ to my bed and loo+ at myself. 0 ran
nto the room sa. my bed and lterally 6umped up on the
footboard and loo+ed. Dnd there 0 .as. Or there my body
.as. Dnd t .as the most ncredble feeln& 0Ed e)er
e1perenced n my lfe. 0 .as outsde my body and 0 +ne. t. 0
.as .de a.a+e# fully conscous# .th all my essence#
memores# all of me. But there t .as asleep on the bed. %y
physcal body. 0 e)en sa. one of my arms 6er+ a lttle. Dfter
that 0 felt the need to )erfy .hat had 6ust happened# and see
f 0 could remember t. *oon 0 .as bac+ n my body and .de
a.a+e (%.&.? no re-entering). Dnd t .as true. 0t had really
happened. Dt last 0 had done t. Dnd t .as real. Dnd 0
remembered e)ery second of t.
Arte) $i1a9o#
/l'ao#!k2 Ru!!ia
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0 lay on the couch and tred to drectly e1t. E)erythn&
.as &on& alon& .ell .hen my conscousness suddenly
Cchec+ed outC for a moment. @hen 0 returned# 0 real,ed that
0 .as lyn& on the bed and felt a phantom body. 0 tred rolln&
out to the sde# .hch .or+ed# albet .th some dffculty.
Bere 0 be&an to palpate the bed and myself (0 dd
e)erythn& a bt hurredly). 0 couldnEt see yet. 0 decded that 0
could deepen and 0 do)e head4frst nto the floor (that s#
more e1actly# nto the )od). 0 fle. do.n a lttle bt# and found
myself n my ne&hborEs apartment belo.. 0 then fle. bac+ up
to my o.n apartment and stood on the floor. Tryn& to
restore )son# 0 opened my eyes. 0t felt l+e tryn& to open
the eyes after a lon& perod of sleep depr)aton# my eyelds
.ere hea)y and yelded &rud&n&ly. 0 loo+ed around: 0 .as
standn& n my room# t .as sunny outsde. 0 decded to try to
fly (.ell# 0 lo)e flyn&) (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 .as able to
fly up to the celn&# but mmedately be&an to &ently fall bac+
do.n# ben& pulled bac+.ards. 2pon touchn& do.n on the
floor# 0 bounced bac+ up. Ths .as comparable to .hen a
balloon falls and hts the floor# sprn&s bac+ up# falls a&an#
and then bounces up a&an. 0 .as only able to reman
standn& on the floor after repeatn& ths process se)eral
*uddenly t became dffcult to breathe# and 0 tred to &o
bac+ to my body (%.&.? wrong action)# but .as someho.
unable to. Dt frst panc arouse# but then 0 real,ed that &)n&
n to the fear .ould do me no &ood# and that 0 .ould ha)e to
stc+ t out. But as soon as 0 calmed do.n and rela1ed (%.&.?
no aintaining)# 0 had a foul (%.&.? no re-entering). Dll of the
abo)e sensatons lasted for about a mnute.
$att&ia! Hol9er
Biea2 Au!tria
%arch $:th# !""$ 4 Ths .as my frst OBE. There .ere
t.o e1perences .th the C)bratonal stateC before# but 0
ddnEt ha)e the &uts to &o throu&h .th t snce at the tme 0
bele)ed the essental soul .ould lea)e the body# .hch could
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be dan&erous. 7e)ertheless# ths tme 0 decded to do t for
real. 0 .as !" years old at the tme. 0 a.o+e at f)e oEcloc+ n
the mornn&# but felt )ery tred and +ne. that 0Ed fall asleep
a&an as soon as 0 le do.n. Ds soon as 0 rela1ed the
)bratonal state set n# my body felt paraly,ed l+e t .as
asleep and 0 heard the roarn& nose 0 already +ne.. The
state seemed to be not )ery deep because as soon as 0 tred
to mo)e# 0 mo)ed the physcal body and a.o+e.
Bo.e)er 0 mmedately started a second attempt# .hch
.or+ed. 0 .ated a bt lon&er ths tme# suddenly my Cbody
perceptonC chan&ed and then 0 6ust carefully mo)ed l+e 0
.ould &et up n my physcal body. The ne1t moment 0 .as
standn& up and +ne. 0 .as out of body. 0 couldnEt see )ery
.ell# only a bt (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action). 0
.as curous f the Csl)er cordC 0 had read about really e1sted
(%.&.? wrong logic). 0 felt for t and true enou&h# there t .as#
e1tendn& out of my astral bac+. 0 tred to loo+ at my physcal
body on the bed# but 0 couldnEt see t. Then 0 tred to loo+ at
myself# my astral body# and could see my left hand
shmmern& n a l&ht purple color. Dt ths pont 0 decded to
end the e1perence and &ot bac+ nto the bed n order to
reenter my physcal body (%.&.? wrong action). Ths ddnEt
.or+ at frst# but there .as no fear# my conscousness faded
nto a dream and 0 a.o+e about an hour later .ell rested and
)ery satsfed.
Ole1 6udri
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
0 .o+e up. 0t .as stll dar+# 0 ans.ered CnatureEs callC#
and 0 loo+ed at my .atch: 4:$9 am. 0 &ot nto bed and lay on
my left sde# closed my eyes# and... 0t felt l+e somethn& .as
shnn& nto my eyes. 0 real,ed that that .as mpossble: t
.as 4:$9 am# and 0 .as the only one a.a+e. There .as no4
one else n the room besdes my .fe. %ean.hle# the l&ht
steadly ntensfed. 0 e1perenced some sl&ht fear# m1ed
to&ether .th curosty 4 .hat .ould happen ne1tL Dnd then
the l&ht became br&hter and br&hter# 0 felt 0 .as n dan&er
(Table of Contents)
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(%.&.? no separation). But at the same tme# an nstnct to
n)est&ate too+ the upper hand. 0 +ne. that somethn&
unusual .as happenn&# but +ne. that all ths .as mpossble
4 a br&ht l&ht of an un+no.n nature percn& my eyes
throu&h closed eyelds- Then# the dea occurred on ts o.n
that they .ere comn& to chec+ on me. Dnd after that 4 0E((
The ne1t moment# 0 found myself n a small# rectan&ular
room .th subdued l&ht. There .ere led&es alon& the .all
that you could st on (0 f&ured they .ere benches). One .all
had round portholes of about three feet .de. 0 loo+ed
throu&h them and real,ed that 0 .as n deep outer4space
(%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action). There .as an
mpress)e constructon outsde the room that 0 .as n. @hat
0 sa. there could not e1st n e)en the most fantastc
en)ronments on Earth. 0t .as a lattce constructon# but the
elements had no lo&cal structure and &a)e the appearance of
a beeh)e. 0t seemed to be a dual tube constructon of such
colossal proportons that the dameter of only one of those
tubes could be compared to the dameter of a stadum.
Bustln& and scurryn& around the structure .ere small
spacecraft# .hch appeared to be don& some +nd of .or+.
C0tEs a doc+n& portalC 4 sounded the n my head.
0 turned around# and n the far corner of the room sat a
beautful youn& .oman dressed completely n Earthln&
fashon# .earn& a s+rt and 6ac+et. *tran&e as t may be# she
loo+ed l+e a famous pop sn&er# althou&h the smlarty .as
ncomplete. Ths .oman .as much more nterestn& than that
0 shall formulate the one 8ueston do&&n& me at the
tme as follo.s: 3@hat s the emptness that the Buddhst
masters spea+ ofL5 0 framed that 8ueston to the &ood4loo+n&
person n the room .th me. For some reason# 0 ddnEt come
up .th the dea of don& somethn& else... Besdes# 0Em
marred. But my 8ueston .as heard# and the follo.ed
(Table of Contents)
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@hat 0 then e1perenced has no parallels n e)eryday
lfe. %oreo)er# those feeln&s cannot be e1pressed n .ords 4
human lan&ua&e smply lac+s the ablty to communcate such
concepts# but 0Ell try. 0t .as as f 0 .ere turned nsde4out.
E)erythn& outsde of me turned out to be nsde of me#
ncludn& the stars# &ala1es# and other .orlds 4 n short# the
entre materal 2n)erse. Dnd ths D(( .as collapsed to such
small proportons that t all could ha)e ft nto the eye of a
needle. Dnd 0# ben& outsde ths materal un)erse# .as
loo+n& at t smultaneously from all sdes# e)en thou&h 0 do
not ha)e hundreds of mllons of eyes. 0 .as one lar&e feld
encompassn& the space around ths compressed un)erse#
and able to ta+e t all n at once )sually- 0 myself .as
endless# 0 had no boundares n space or tme. Dll around .as
stllness# and 0 myself .as ths stllness. Contemplatn& ths
un)erse brou&ht the real,aton that throu&h effort# 0 could
turn nto 7OTB07F7E**. 7e1t thou&ht 4 but then there .ould
be nothn& to do the contemplatn&L
Then# 0 became l+e a funnel collectn& n from the
permeters of my un)erse# .hrln& nsde t# pulln& all n
deeper and deeper# untl 0 lay on the bed as 0 had been after
ha)n& Cans.ered natureEs callC (%.&.? no re-entering). Ths
)son mo)ed me so much that 0 already couldnEt sleep# 0 6ust
.anted to run outsde and 6ump for 6oy and del&ht. 0 .anted
to tell e)eryone about my e1perence# and smply share t 4
but 0 real,ed 0 .ould be ta+en for a sch,ophrenc.
Dnd thatEs more or less ho. 0 l)ed from that pont on#
often recalln& that ))d e1perence# and treasurn& t n the
depths of my soul. 0 dreamt nearly e)ery day about ha)n& a
smlar e1perence a&an 4 untl 0 dsco)ered the ndrect
Ro)a Reuto#
Sa)ara2 Ru!!ia
Truly# the most nterestn& thn&s almost al.ays happen
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Dfter a suffcently lon& brea+ n my attempts to &o to
the other .orld# ton&ht 0 decded to try t a&an. 0 thre. n
the to.el after yet another unsuccessful attempt# rolled to my
other sde# and decded to smply &et a &ood n&htJs sleep. 0
do not +no. e1actly ho. much tme passed .hle 0 lay do.n
and thou&ht about .hat 0 .as stll don& .ron& .hle
obser)n& nterestn& ma&es that my ma&naton .as
dra.n&. But at one fne moment# 0 suddenly felt the
phenomenon that s commonly referred to as )bratons. 0
started to ntensfy them (0 should add that the feeln& s
ndescrbable)# but 0 could not le)tate# thou&h 0 really .anted
to ta+e a loo+ at myself from the outsde. 0 decded to smply
stand up# and thatJs .hen t all became most nterestn&- The
entre process of transtonn& from a hor,ontal poston to a
)ertcal one .as accompaned by ncreasn&ly palpable
)bratons and a louder and louder roarn& sound n my head.
The sensaton .as the same as that e1perenced after &on&
to bed after not ha)n& slept for !4 hours and then ben&
suddenly roused by somebody: my head spun# e)erythn&
started crac+ln& nsde of t# and 0 .as about to lose
conscousness. Then# a flc+ern& pcture started to appear. 0t
stabl,ed after one or t.o seconds# the roarn& n my head
ded do.n# and 0 real,ed that 0 .as sttn& on my bed.
0 .as n my apartment# thou&ht t .as notceably
altered. %y room seemed more or less the same# thou&h the
nteror .as ndeed dfferent upon detaled e1amnaton
(%.&.? no deepening). For e1ample# my moble phone# .hch
s al.ays .thn a reach# .as someho. an older and dfferent
model. 0t turned out to be the frst ob6ect that 0 tested# as 0
suddenly .anted )ery much to fnd out .hat tme t .as and
chec+ .hch day of the month t .as (%.&.? no plan of
action). 0 dstnctly felt the phone n my hand# but upon
attemptn& to concentrate on and loo+ at the dsplay# 0 .as
thro.n bac+ nto the realty.
0 mmedately clmbed bac+ out of my body and decded
to smply pace around the apartment .hle tryn& to
remember .hat 0 could e1perment on. 0 tred to con6ure an
(Table of Contents)
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ob6ect# but that ddnJt .or+ and resulted n some mental
act)ty. Ths caused the phase to fade and my ben& thro.n
bac+ nto realty. 0n total# there .ere about f)e success)e
entres nto the phase that lasted for ! to : mnutes each. The
e1perences .ere not stable at all# .hch s .hy 0 .as
e1amnn& my surroundn&s n a hurry# al.ays tryn& to &et
ahold of anythn& 0 could &et my hand on. Bo.e)er# there
.ere a &ood amount of mpressons# consdern& that t .as
my frst entry.
Soeties a person does nothing to reach the phase or
even knows nothing about it - but it nonetheless occurs
spontaneously for hi. This usually happens during
rela4ation, sluber, awakening, a drea episode, or the like.
Analysis of istakes in these accounts has been kept to a
iniu in consideration of the fact that their authors lacked
prior knowledge regarding the phase.
Aai)e $uo9 4ud0ui!t
Ora1e ,out'2 /SA
%y frst out4of4body e1perence .as )ery dramatc. 0 fell
asleep around 449am. 0 e1perenced a sensaton all o)er my
body# 0 .as n a medtat)e state of sleep# but at the same
tme 0 .as a.are of .hat .as &on& on .th me. 0 had ths
feeln& of a tn&ln& sensaton all o)er my body follo.ed by
*uddenly 0 found myself le)tatn& from the bed and
.ound up n a standn& poston. 0 &ot )ery scared and started
prayn&# as+n& the lord to protect me. Then 0 &ot bac+ nto
my body# 8uc+ l+e a flash. @hen 0 .o+e up 0 had ths feeln&
l+e 0 needed to understand .hat 6ust happened to me. 0 dd
some research and 0 .as told that you can tra)el places# and
&o to the moon so 0 couldnJt .at to try a&an. That day# 0 .as
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feeln& so &ood .th myself# 0 felt 0 ha)e dsco)ered
somethn& ne. and e1ctn&-
Ok!aa R'abo#a
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
0 seemed to me that my deep mornn& slumber had been
nterrupted by the dscomfort and mld pan of numbness n
my left arm# .hch my head had been lyn& on .hle 0 slept.
The desre arose .thn me to &et rd of that dscomfort. 0
mo)ed my numb arm n front of me and opened my eyes. But
0 couldnEt see the physcal arm n front of me# e)en thou&h 0
clearly felt t there and could curl and uncurl my f)e fn&ers
and bend the arm at the elbo.. Ths all made me some.hat
confused. 0 clearly understood that somethn& l+e ths could
not happen n the normal physcal .orld. 0 decded that ths
.as a )ery realstc dream# and that n order to .a+e up# 0
.ould smply need to close my eyes and stran my bran .th
the desre to a.a+en. That thou&ht .as follo.ed by acton. 0
opened my eyes shortly thereafter# thn+n& that 0 had fnally
.o+en up.
Before me .as the daly realty that 0 al.ays obser)e
upon a.a+enn&: a lar&e .ndo. throu&h .hch sunl&ht
pours onto my bed n the center of the room# a des+ and
char# a boo+case of academc lterature# and a .ardrobe .th
clothn& n t. Iust l+e al.ays. 0 decded to spend ths
.ee+day4off (0 had a lot of days off that .ee+) &ettn& calm#
easy rest.
0 sat up 0ndan4style n bed .th my elbo.s on my
+nees. 0 s8unted# en6oyn& the rays of %ay sun massa&n&
my face. 0t .as .arm# and the ar .as fresh. Dnd 0 felt a
sense of peace pour throu&h my body l+e a sort of unearthly
s.eet nectar. 0 turned to loo+ around. Dnd suddenly# that
state of rela1aton abruptly chan&ed nto cold and sh)ern&#
the sense of peace transformed nto terrble fear 4 my body
.as lyn& behnd me- 'anc. 0 &lanced at those hands n front
of me that 0 could feel but not see. They .ere lyn& peacefully
on the bed alon&sde my body. 0 touched them and felt ther
(Table of Contents)
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)el)ety s+n# yet not feeln& the sensaton .th my physcal
hands. 0 tred to return to my body. 0 lay do.n nto t# closed
my eyes# strann& n an attempt to .a+e up. 0 opened my
eyes and &ot up# but the body .as stll lyn& there. Fear#
other.orldly mortal fear. Tears. 'erple1ty. 0ncomprehenson.
The 8ueston# C.hat ne1tLC Dnd all around me .as that br&ht
and sunny day.
0 became more and more afrad. The desre to lea)e that
state &re. e1ponentally. Dll of my attempts to return to my
body brou&ht no result. Fr&htened and scared# 0 sat on the
bed l+e a f&urne. *uddenly# out of the slence# 0 heard
steps n the room. But 0 couldnEt see anybody. The fear &re.
.orse and .orse. 0 be&an to scream at that n)sble man
.andern& n my room# bddn& hm to stay a.ay from me. 0
then as+ed the 8ueston# C@ho s he and .hat does he .ant
here# and .hy canEt 0 see hmLC 0 &ot an CGonEt be
afrad# ths s all normalC. Be appeared a moment later#
standn& besde my bed. Be .as about < feet tall and a lttle
o)er :" years old# .th a stoc+y muscular phys8ue. Bs har
.as drty4blond and cut short# hs eyes .ere &ray4blue. Be
.as .earn& only a blac+ bathn& sut. Dround hs nec+ .as a
thc+ &old chan. Be be&an to e1plan somethn& to me about
a certan cty# calln& t a transfer pont. Then he sad that
many &o throu&h such a state and that t .as a normal thn&.
Be too+ my hand and sad# CletEs &o.C D moment later# .e
found oursel)es on some sort of old4to.n street. The house
that .e stood n front of had a blue rectan&le on ts corner
.th the name of the street and house number. 0 .as easly
able to read e)erythn&# and .as surprsed at .hat 0 sa..
@e stood almost na+ed n the mddle of the street# but
passersby pad us no attenton. 0 real,ed that they ddnEt see
us. 0 ddnEt stop loo+n& around# shoc+ed and scared by .hat
.as happenn&. %y head .as flled .th .hat .as at the tme
a terrble 8ueston: ho. to returnL
The youn& man abruptly ran to.ards the corner of the
house n front of us. Entern& throu&h ts .all# he sad that t
.as tme for hm to return# as hs frend .as due to arr)e. Be
(Table of Contents)
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dsappeared. 0 stood n same place for some tme# .atchn&
people pass me by. 0 ddnEt +no. ho. to &et bac+ to my
room# because the place from .hch .e entered the street
turned out to be a .all. @hat a bad brea+# ho. .as 0 to &o
throu&h the .allL 0 closed my eyes thou&ht about my room#
and rected# C.hate)er .ll be# .ll be#C stepped for.ard# and
found myself on my bed.
*.eepn& my eyes o)er the room# 0 dsco)ered that
nothn& had chan&ed n t. The sun shone nto t 6ust as t had
before. Breathn& n a s&h of relef and closn& my eyes n
&reat hope that 0 .ould .a+e up# 0 rushed to open them. To
my horror# 0 nstead found a table .th medcal nstruments
on my bed. @a)es of fear s.ept o)er my body .th rene.ed
ntensty. 0 &ulped that 0 .ould not ma+e t throu&h f they
put me under the +nfe. 0 closed my eyes once a&an# and
started to pray. The fear &radually receded# 0 calmed
do.n..... and fnally .o+e up. The frst thn& that 0 dd .as to
ma+e sure that the table .th the medcal nstruments .as
not there. 0 6umped up and started +noc+n& on the dresser#
the .all# and on the .ndo. n order to ma+e sure that t
really .as all o)er.
Adre Sac&e9
0 .as n my bed and 0 notced t.o plastc ob6ects n my
r&ht hand. 0 thou&ht t .as .erd for them to be there so 0
&ot up and thre. them on the floor. The frst one dd not
ma+e any +nd of sound. The second dd# l+ely because 0
started e1pectn& t after notcn& that the frst one ddnJt. 0
thou&ht t .as odd so 0 .ent to the l&ht s.tch near the door
and tred turnn& the l&ht on. 0t ddnJt .or+. 0 had t.o
thou&hts: 3)ery stran&eO could 0 be n Ethe phaseEL5H and#
3dd the &o outL5
0 left the room and .ent nto the hall.ay# .al+n&
to.ards the l)n& room# but t .as )ery dar+ (.hch .ould be
normal f the had &one out durn& the n&ht). 0 .as
thn+n& about ho. ths .as all some.hat odd# but felt too
(Table of Contents)
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3real5. 0 started to .orry and tred calmn& myself do.n by
thn+n& that f somethn& really stran&e andPor scary
happened# 0 could be sure 0 .as n the phase# and shouldnJt
.orry. 0 )a&uely remember a .ea+ yello.4&reensh l&ht
startn& to appear from the l)n& room# but 0 dd not see
D)itr' $arko#
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
%y frst tme .as the most terrble e)ent n my lfe. 0 had
ne)er e1perenced such terror. 0t happened n Gecember#
$??". 0 .as falln& asleep n my bed at home. *uddenly# 0
heard someone enter my room# but 0 dd not pay attenton to
the 3ntruder5. Then# t.o female hands &rabbed me from
behnd# and .hle pressn& my belly# started to lft my body
up. 0 dstnctly felt thn fn&ers .th lon& nals on my belly# but
.as completely paraly,ed and absolutely unable mo)e any
part of my body or put up any +nd of resstance. 0 felt my
body &o throu&h the celn&# but then .as pulled stll h&her
and h&her.
0 &ot scared that ths could be death. 0 .as afrad not so
much of death as of the un+no.n. Dll of ths happened so
s.ftly that 0 found myself unprepared for such a crosso)er. 0
started to pray. 0 as+ed Fod to help me free myself and &o
bac+. 0 panc+ed. 0 canJt say ho. many seconds my forced
le)taton lasted or ho. h&h 0 .as lfted abo)e my house# but
the moment came .hen 0 nstantly returned to my bed.
A*ril 4% Al!to
Ralei1&2 /SA
0 had my frst OBE e1perence by accdent. Dfter my
mornn& .or+out at the &ym# 0 felt e1hausted and came home
to my dorm for a nap. @hen 0 .as a.a+n& from the dream# 0
felt a tr4locaton of myself. 0 .as a.are and could feel
e)erythn& n my dream# and 0 could also feel e)erythn& n
my body lyn& on the bed. 0 also felt a thrd conscousness
falln& throu&h the bed. %y thrd one .as .hat 0 bele)ed to
(Table of Contents)
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be an OBE to the 3real4tme ,one (RTQ)5. %y ener&y body felt
l+e t .as separatn& from my physcal body by falln&
throu&h the bed. Ths happened by accdent.
0 felt l+e 0 no lon&er had a body# but that 0 .as a
floatn& sphere of conscousness. 0 could sense thn&s :<"
de&rees around me but 0 couldnEt see .th my eyes because 0
had no eyes. 0 could perce)e .here thn&s .ere around me
thou&h. 0 had an ntense burnn& sensaton n my head and
the more 0 tred to focus my a.areness nto the astral body#
the more the pan .orsened. E)entually# 0 .o+e up from the
e1perence. 0 +ept lyn& stll and tred to reenter the trance
but 0 .as unsuccessful.
Tat'aa 6i!ele#a
Bacou#er2 ,aada
That partcular e)enn&# 0 fnally decded to deal .th the
outsde nose that had runed a fe. pre)ous attempts and &ot
myself a set of nce# br&ht oran&e ear plu&s.
0 plu&&ed my ears and .ent to bed .th an ntenton to
.a+e up n the mornn& and practce the deferred method.
Dlso# 6ust before &on& to bed# 0 read a fe. forum posts on
%chaelEs .ebste about peopleEs frst e1perences. Dll of ths
led to the follo.n&:
0 .o+e up n the mddle of the n&ht because of a )ery
loud CthumpC 0 heard n the buldn&. 0 .as sttn&
n my bed# thn+n& that the thump must ha)e been really
loud because 0 could hear t perfectly e)en .th my ears ben&
plu&&ed. 0 decded to &o to the front door and pee+ nto a
peep hole n hopes of seen& .hat .as &on& on. 0 heard the
loud CthumpC a&an. 0t sounded a bt scary. 0 lo.ered my feet
to the floor# stood up and .al+ed out of my bedroom to.ards
the front door. 0 could feel the cold floor .th my bare feet. Ds
0 .as approachn& the front door and could see the br&ht
peep hole n the dar+ness# t ht me: C0 am n the 'hase-C
0 dd not bele)e myself. C0 dd not do any techn8uesC# 0
thou&ht# doubtn&.
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*o 0 decded to test f t .as ndeed a phase. 0 lfted both
of my feet up 4 that made me Esttn&E n the ar 4 then 0
&rabbed# .th my r&ht hand# the ed&e of a sldn& door of a
closet and pushed a&anst the door .th my both le&s. 0 fle.
bac+.ards# all the .ay to the other sde of my l)n& room#
really surprsed that 0 .as stll feeln& my hand holdn& the
closet door- %y arm must ha)e stretched l+e $" feet (%.&.?
no deepening and no plan of action)-
0 .as floatn& r&ht by my freplace# seen& both of my
feet n the ar n my pa6ama pants. Dnd 0 stll dd not bele)e
that 0 .as n the phase# so 0 decded to fly up# but 0 could not
push a&anst the floor because my feet .ere n the ar. *o 0
concluded that tEs not the phase (%.&.? wrong logic) and 0
decded to &o bac+ to sleep.
Dt that moment 0 found myself sttn& on my bed# a&an
real,n& that my plu&&ed ears .ere bothern& me
tremendously# and so 0 too+ the plu&s out. Bo.e)er# a second
later 0 real,ed that my ears .ere stll plu&&ed. CBmmC# 0
thou&ht# CthatEs .erd. 0 6ust too+ the plu&s out# ddnEt 0LC
Dnd thatEs .hen 0 real,ed 0 .as lyn& n my bed and
feeln& my real ears. 0 6umped n e1ctement# as 0 real,ed
.hat had 6ust happened. 0t .as my frst real out4of4body
e1perence# althou&h 0 dd not bele)e t- 0 .as $""; a.are
of the e1perence# but 0 .as about ?"; conscous#
0 .ould clearly +no. that 0 .as ndeed out4of4body.
0 too+ a notepad and as 0 .as .rtn& e)erythn& do.n# 0
))dly remembered the )bratons that 0 felt before lea)n&
the body. 0t .as e1actly as they are usually descrbed 4 l+e
ben& electrocuted .thout pan.
Ao!&ua Rac&el!
.elle#ille2 /SA
0 found myself stru&&ln& to fall nto a full sleep# .th
.hat felt l+e CnapsC and the last reco&n,able tme occurrn&
n realty .as at 4::" a.m.
0 had once a&an rested my head bac+ do.n and .hat
felt l+e almost mmedately after don& so the ne1t thn& 0
(Table of Contents)
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.as Ca.areC of s that 0 am n a feld .al+n& to.ard .hat 0
had reco&n,ed as an old comc shop 0 used to )st. 7ot
ha)n& any noton as to ho. 0 may ha)e &otten there# 0
remember starn& at the &round of the feld beneath my feet
and 8uestoned f 0 had been dreamn&. 0 then tred 6umpn&
as h&h as 0 possbly could# .hch ntated a leap se)eral feet
h&h and lon&# cuen& the real,aton that 0 .as n fact
7o. ths s .here thn&s &et a lttle bro+en (se8uence4
.se) for me# so please bear .th me:
The ne1t thn& 0 recall s ben& nsde of the buldn& 0
.as headn& to.ards n .hat 0 .as told .as a rehabltaton
center. E)eryone around me .as dressed n .hte. 7one of
the faces .here completely reco&n,able e1cept for t.o: a
&ood frend of mne named Gan and a .omen .th no name
(n the phase 0 referred to her as Cthe one 0 lo)eC) and e)en
the .omanEs face blended bac+ and forth bet.een .hat 0 can
only descrbe as a m1 bet.een 7atale 'ortman and one of
my e14&rlfrends.
0 remember Gan leann& a&anst a door.ay ne1t to me
.hle 0 .as starn& nto a mrror (0 could see myself# but my
hand +ept touchn& my face as t .as blurred K the only
)sble porton .as my .hte clothes and har) as he be&an
ans.ern& .hat 0 can only assume .as my subconscous
8ueston of .hy 0 .as there and for ho. lon&. 0 told hm 0
could not remember ho. 0 &ot there or .hy 0 .as there and 0
remember hs response as clear as day:
Gan: CGo you +no. .hy youEre here manLC
%e: C0 canJt e)en tell you ho. 0 &ot here. %ar6uanaLC
(+eep n mnd 0 .as n a Crehab centerC)
Gan: CBaha 4 you canJt rememberL ThatJs probably .hy
youEre here n the frst place. AouJre here for l+e a month
dude. Fo chec+ the schedule.C
Dt ths pont 0 bele)e my subconscous be&an to panc
about possbly becomn& stuc+# because tme n the phase
seemed to be&n to narro.. 'eople be&an cro.dn& me
around the CscheduleC. 0 remember specfcally an Dfrcan4
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Dmercan man shoutn& besde me# C.hoEs Iosh# .hoEs Iosh-C
soon after leadn& me out.ard to.ard the front door .here
Cthe one 0 lo)eC had been leann&# &esturn& me to come
0 then remember .al+n& .th Cthe one 0 lo)eC .hen she
be&an cryn&# be&&n& me not to .a+e up# screamn& that .e
could be happy there to&ether f 0 stayed. Gurn& ths
tantrum# chans de)eloped on her arms and le&s and 0 be&an
to feel hea)y.
0 then be&an thn+n& of my famly# my mother
specfcally and thou&hts of &ettn& stuc+ n a coma# .hch 0
do bele)e led to my subconscous to panc further because
tme seemed to narro. e)en further.
CThe one 0 lo)eC then led me nto a bac+ room and .ell#
not to &et )ul&ar# but .e be&an ha)n& se1 and r&ht before
my Cor&asmC she started screamn& at me not to &o# at .hch
pont 0 felt myself ben& pulled a.ay 4 and n fact 0 .as ben&
pulled a.ay.
7o. hereEs .hat really ble. my mnd about the .hole
e1perence: 0 then a.o+e to dayl&ht and rushed out of my
room to fnd my mother and stepdad standn& n the l)n&
room. 0 be&an e1plann& my e1perence to them both.
Bo.e)er# my stepdad be&an pre4&uessn& my .hole
e1perence dead on# .hch 0 8uestoned. 0 then too+ out my
phone and notced there .ere scratches and dents all o)er t.
0 handed my phone to my mom to loo+ at the dama&e and as
she ht the bac+ l&ht button 0 @ORE 2'--
0 shot up almost mmedately after openn& my eyes# t
.as stll dar+ outsde 0 loo+ed at the tme..9:$= a.m.
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,&a*ter 7% Full-Fled1ed Tra#el! i t&e
Bere .e .ll concentrate not on the fact of out4of4body
e1perence tself# but on the act)tes carred out durn& t:
translocaton .thn the phase space and controlln& t# fndn&
ob6ects# and e1permentaton.
These practtoners occasonally apply ther out4of4body
e1perence to.ards some &oal or another# and these
e1perences are on a .holly other le)el than smply appearn&
n the phase. The phase tra)els ntroduced here e1hbt a
&reater de&ree of s+ll 4 and n some cases luc+ 4 than those
of the frst secton. Ths# ho.e)er# does not sa)e the
practtoners from ma+n& a sle. of msta+es# .hch often
pre)ent them from e1perencn& ma1mum success. Dnaly,n&
these msta+es .ll allo. the reader to a)od them n hs o.n
T&e Rock' $outai!2 /SA
0 .as mo)n& .hen 0 .o+e up# and 0 tred )arous
postons for FFD (forced falln& asleep) and they dd not .or+
so fnally 0 lay out flat on my bac+ and be&an &on& throu&h
the rela1aton routnes and then .hen t felt r&ht 0 started
the bran s8uee,e# phantom .&&le# lstenn& n# etc.
@thn three to f)e mnutes 0 found myself mmedately
n a phase. 0 .as at a mall. 0 decded to &et up from the
bench 0 .as sttn& on and &o to the menEs room (%.&.? no
deepening and no plan of action). Ds 0 .as .al+n& 0 notced
as the tles on the .all started chan&n& from a dn&y .hte to
a spar+ln&# br&ht .hte and blac+ chec+erboard. %y feet
dssol)ed and 0 floated up a fe. feet and be&an float4flyn&. 0
.ent past a rounded .all and thou&ht# Cthere should be a
chocolate shop behnd ths .allC. But as 0 started to &o
(Table of Contents)
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throu&h t 0 stopped and thou&ht 0 .anted to &et out of there
and do somethn& better.
0 .ent to the front entry.ay and t .as a fne pece of
archtecture .th shny marble reachn& to much h&her
he&hts than .ould be e1pected for a mall. 0 .as floatn& up
to the top but &a)e up and 6ust .ent throu&h the .all to the
outsde. 0 had tunnel )son so 0 started don& my S Fon&
and then CClarty 7o.-C e1clamatons and my )son
mpro)ed. 0 then remembered my Eto doE lst and be&an flyn&
off nto the clouds (ths tme .as a *uf le)el of Bea)en). 0
reached a place of oran&ey# creamscle l+e clouds and there
.as a blac+ spec+ sort of shaped l+e the 'olo lo&o &uy n the
mddle of t and 0 thou&ht# CthatEs meC.
7othn& else .as happenn&# so 0 came bac+ to my body
(%.&.? wrong action) and started .rtn& t do.n.
T&e Rock' $outai!2 /SA
0 thn+ 0 may ha)e had three )ery lon& OBEs last n&ht. 0
.o+e up around ::49am and be&an the bran s8uee,e and
then phantom .&&ln& and suddenly t .as as f 0 had
pro6ected nto the phase. 0 spent a lon& tme .th my brothers
en6oyn& a nce )st. Then# 0 landed bac+ n my body. 0 .as
thn+n& about &ettn& up to .rte t do.n but 0 .anted to
pro6ect a&an and 0 dd. 0t only ta+es a fe. seconds once 0
ha)e mana&ed the frst e1t. 0 mmedately landed bac+ n the
e1act same place .th my brothers as thou&h nothn& had
chan&ed (%.&.? no deepening). @e .ere don& a pro6ect
to&ether but 0 told them 0 had other thn&s to do and that 0
.as &on& to ta+e off alone (%.&.? wrong action). They
nodded to me and 0 turned to run and then be&an flyn&.
0 .ent to a lar&e buldn& and nteracted .th some
attract)e .omen (%.&.? no plan of action) for a .hle but
local securty came to stop me and 0 fle. up to an upstars
room (%.&.? wrong action) and 0 .anted to fly throu&h a
.ndo. but t felt )ery real 44 so real 0 .ondered f 0 .ould be
able to &o throu&h t. 0 affrmed to myself that 0 .as OBE but
(Table of Contents)
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slo.ed do.n as 0 approached t and then fle. throu&h .th no
Then 0 .ent to a room .th a lar&e table .here men
.ere &athered and tal+n&. 0t felt l+e an e1clus)e club of
sorts. There .as a ban8uet lad out .th delcous food
prepared n .ays 0 had ne)er seen before and 0 do)e n and
.as ha)n& a &reat tme. 0 .as con)ersn& .th a couple &uys
and 0 mentoned that 0 .as OBE and that 0 had a body far
a.ay n another state. They 6ust loo+ed at me .th blan+
stares and one 8uc+ly loo+ed do.n and .al+ed a.ay. Then 0
be&an spea+n& .th the man across the table from me and
he mentoned somethn& that remnded me of one of my
CDcton 'lanC tems. 0 told hm .hat 0 .anted to do and he
motoned to a .oman standn& behnd me and 0 could hear
her tal+n& to someone. Be sad# C@ell then# she s the one
you should tal+ toC. 0 turned around and tred to ntroduce
myself but landed bac+ n my body (%.&.? no aintaining). 0
made the decson to lea)e the 6ournal asde and pro6ect
a&an# hopn& that 0 .ould remember all ths n the mornn&.
0 pro6ected a&an and arr)ed mmedately at a busy
street corner. 0 as+ed someone f he +ne. ho. 0 could fnd
ths .oman 0 had been drected to n the pror OBE and he
ponted her out n the cro.d. 0 .ent o)er to her and .e sat
do.n on the curb and be&an spea+n& and she &a)e me a
nc+name that 0 could call her and t .asnEt untl after 0 had
&otten up and .as ha)n& coffee that 0 lau&hed and made the
connecton to somethn& 0 had 6ournaled on a fe. days a&o.
%y alarm .ent off and 0 &ot up... 0 thn+ 0
could ha)e &one on for another hour or more.
Aor1e Atoio .ecerra Perea
Hidal1o2 $G+ico
Dfter .a+n& up around >:"" D% (on a holday# of
course)# 0 had brea+fast and .ent bac+ to sleep. Then# after
ha)n& an e1tremely .erd dream# 0 mana&ed to a.a+en
.thout mo)ement. 0 mmedately tred to separate by rolln&#
and faled. Then 0 tred forced falln& asleep (FFD) follo.ed by
(Table of Contents)
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phantom .&&ln&# but ths tme 0 tred to mo)e my le&s and feel the mo)ement. *uddenly# 0 notced that 0 .as
already standn& ne1t to my bed# but .th my blan+et stll
o)er my body. Dfter ta+n& t off# 0 started to deepen n the
phase# touchn& and peern& at e)erythn&# and mmedately
after feeln& myself n a hyper4realstc en)ronment# 0 started
to e1plore my o.n house (%.&.? no plan of action).
The tme .as chan&n& constantly bet.een day and
n&ht# and n the ne1t room 0 found my uncle# .atchn& TV. 0
.as so e1cted about the phase and so curous that 0 tred to
e1plan to hm that e)erythn& .as non4physcal# 6ust to
.atch hs reactons. Be sad 0 .as cra,y# &nored me and
contnued .atchn& the TV. Then 0 thre. the TV. throu&h the
.ndo. and contnued to the ne1t room.
*uddenly# 0 came bac+ to my body (%.&.? no
aintaining) and started the separaton a&an. 0 separated
a&an n my room. Ths tme# t .as n&ht. 0 started to call a
.oman 0 .as loo+n& for by name# but 0 started to ha)e
problems .th my )oce# so 0 decded to trans4locate to my
school. 0 closed my eyes# and ma&ned the place. *uddenly 0
started to feel a sensaton of fl&ht# and after openn& my
eyes 0 .as already there. The place .as pretty dfferent than
n realty# but 0 en6oyed t a lot more than f t .ere as usual. 0
spent a lot of n4phase tme loo+n& for that .oman# as+n&
people# calln& her name# .th no results.
0n the end# 0 lost conscousness and fell nto a normal
dream. Dny.ays# t .as a .onderful e1perence.
Aor1e Atoio .ecerra Perea
Hidal1o2 $G+ico
0 &ot conscous durn& a dream .hen 0 .as about to &o
upstars at home# 6ust after a false a.a+enn&. The stars
.here so frea+n& scrambled that 0 mmedately &ot lucd.
*uddenly# the phase faded out# and before 0 could real,e
.hat .as happenn&# 0 .ent bac+ to the dream. 0 appeared n
the mddle of a hu&e street (%.&.? no deepening). 0 ddnEt
ha)e any plan# because 0 .as not e1pectn& ths e1perence#
(Table of Contents)
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and so nstead of thn+n& about t 0 decded to e1plore
runnn& and 6umpn& bet.een cars and buldn&s n a +nd of
e1treme par+our style.
0t had been one of the most ))d and fun phase
e1perences 0 ha)e e)er had. 0 ha)e no .ords to descrbe the
feeln& of complete freedom 0 had at those moments. Dfter
e1plorn& half of the entre cty (0 .as runnn& really fast) 0
started to ha)e some serous problems .th the phase
stablty# and so 0 decded to a.a+en by myself before falln&
nto a normal dream and losn& the precous memores of ths
e1perence (%.&.? wrong logic).
Aor1e Atoio .ecerra Perea
Hidal1o2 $G+ico
E)erythn& started as a normal dream. 0n my dream# 0
.as tryn& to fall sleep n my bed# .th no success. *uddenly#
0 started to hear stran&e and loud noses outsde# so 0 turned
my head to the .ndo. n order to see .hat the hec+ .as
happenn&# and .hat 0 sa. really scared me.
There .as a 2FO flyn& throu&h the cty# as f t .ere
loo+n& for people to abduct. 0t stopped r&ht o)er my house.
0 closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. *uddenly# 0
a.a+ened# .th absolutely ,ero mo)ement# and 0 had the
dea of tryn& the abducton method or the fear method. 0
started to recall the fear 0 .as ha)n& a fe. seconds earler
and also tred to ma&ne the abducton. *ounds and
)bratons started to arse and 0 mmedately tred to separate
by 6ust standn& up.
0t .or+ed.
Dfter deepenn& by palpaton# 0 notced that three of my
best frends .ere .th me. They .ere .atchn& TV. 0tEs funny
that althou&h my nat)e lan&ua&e s *pansh# the TV pro&ram
.as narrated n En&lsh# and 0 could understand e)erythn&.
Then 0 mo)ed nto the l)n& room# and# follo.n& my
acton plan# 0 tred to translocate to (ondon. 0 had a lot of
problems .th translocaton ths tme. 0 started to )sual,e
B& Ben n front of me# and .hle the ma&e .as formn&
(Table of Contents)
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behnd my eyelds# t stopped and the morphed nto a
.erd Iapanese buldn&.
D lot of samura solders started to 6ump out of the
buldn& n order to attac+ me. 0 thou&ht that t .as because 0
.as losn& lucdty# so 0 used peern& to deepen the phase#
closed my eyes# and suddenly the ma&e of a s.tch appeared
before them.
0 focused my attenton on the l&ht s.tch# and .hle
translocatn& 0 tred to )sual,e (ondon# but 0 ended up n a
+nd of formal meetn& on the coast.
7o. 0 real,e that 0 .as at The Ba&ue# Bolland. 0 tred to
do an e1perment. 0 too+ out my 'od Touch and suddenly t
morphed nto my cellphone. 0 too+ a loo+ to the screen and
the only thn& 0 .as able to see .ere stran&e symbols. Then#
0 .al+ed throu&h the cro.d of people. %y father came and
as+ed me .hat 0 .as loo+n& for. 0 told hm that 0 .as loo+n&
for a person )ery mportant to me. 0 +ept loo+n& for Vctora
(thatEs her name) .th no luc+# and suddenly the phase
)anshed. Once bac+ n my body# 0 separated a&an. One of
my frends .as stll n my room.
0 translocated myself to my school# and 0 suffered such a
loss of lucdty that 0 entered my classroom# sat n my des+#
and pad attenton to the class lesson. *uddenly# 0 stood up
and sad to myself C@BDT TBE BE(( DRE AO2 GO07FL-C 0 left
the classroom# dd some deepenn&# and thre. my bac+pac+
a.ay. D frend came up to me and sad# Chey# your
bac+pac+-C 0 told hm# Cyou can ha)e tC.
0 canEt remember .hat happened ne1t. 0 probably fell
asleep (%.&.? no aintaining). The ne1t thn& 0 remember s
that 0 .as at a car4.ash staton. 0 had a bottle n my hands
and started to e1perment .th t. 0 poured the bottle onto the
floor .hle tryn& to feel the bottle stll flled up .th .ater. Ds
a result# 0 had a bottomless bottle n my hands...
A*ril 4% Al!to
Ralei1&2 /SA
(Table of Contents)
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0 .as sleepn&# mndn& my busness n a dream one
day# .hen all of a sudden lots of nn6as started attac+n& me
thro.n& +n)es at me. 0 deflected one of the +n)es and then
0 real,ed 0 .as dreamn&. 7o. lucd# 0 be&an flyn& around
and deflectn& +n)es# ha)n& fun (%.&.? no deepening). 0
ddnEt ha)e tme to e1perment n the astral plane because 0
.as busy deflectn& +n)es. %ore and more nn6as started
attac+n& me. @hen 0 ran a.ay and came to an openn&
outsde (%.&.? no plan of action)# a lar&e army of nn6as
stared me do.n# and 0 +ne. there .ere too many. 0 started
shootn& ce balls out of my hands n a flo.n& moton as 0
be&an to free,e the entre army of nn6as. Ds 0 .as free,n&
them# 0 felt a sharp pan perce my bac+. 0 had been stabbed
by a s.ord. The fun .as o)er. 0 forced myself to .a+e up
(%.&.? wrong action).
Dfter a.a+enn&# my boyfrend called me. Before sayn&
hello# he sad# CDprl# please &o bac+ to sleep so 0 can ta+e my
s.ord out of your bac+.C 0 told hm about my dream# and he
sad that he sent the nn6as nto my dream to dstract me so
that he could put a s.ord blade nto my bac+ to test my
ntentons re&ardn& hm. Ths pro)es to me that the mo)e#
/nception# s VERA 'O**0B(E-
Tat'aa 6i!ele#a
Bacou#er2 ,aada
Geferred method. Dbout = D%. Ears plu&&ed# .earn& a
mas+. Tryn& to do the techn8ues: phantom .&&ln&#
obser)n& ma&es# lstenn& n. 7othn& s .or+n&. 0 feel too
a.a+e but 0 am stll tryn& and alternatn& each techn8ue
.th forced falln& asleep.
Dt certan pont 0 real,e that 0 am stll n my bed
.atchn& TV. 0 ha)e a TV set n my bedroom but not ths one
and at a dfferent spot. The TV that 0 see s my old one and
no. s at my momEs house.
Ds soon as 0 see ths 0 real,e that 0 am n the phase. 0
am loo+n& at the screen and thn+n& about my plan (%.&.?
no deepening). 7o.# one of the tems on my Ephase to4do lstE
(Table of Contents)
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s to fnd out .hat happened to my dad .ho dsappeared a
lon& tme a&o and 0 donEt e)en +no. f he s al)e or not. *o
on TV 0 see a person .al+n& a.ay. The person loo+s l+e one
of the sn&ers my dad l+ed )ery much and also resembled a
lot. *o 0 start calln& hm# dad# dad. The person on the screen
turns hs head and start transformn& nto my father and 0
feel the sensaton of ben& pulled nto ths pcture. 0n a second
he and 0 are standn& n front of each other n the mddle of
my bedroom. Be s .earn& a cap and a l&ht colored 6ac+et
.th a yello. s.eater stc+n& out of the 6ac+et. (ater 0 as+ed
my mom f he e)er .ore anythn& l+e that. *he sad no#
ho.e)er she mentoned that ths descrpton matched more
my dadJs brother# my uncle# .ho 0 ne)er met. *o 0 am
hu&&n& my dad and telln& hm that 0 am so happy to see
hm and startn& to e1plan that 0 learned to lea)e my body.
7o dalo&# ho.e)er# too+ place. Be .as there but that .as t#
he .asnJt respondn&# .asnJt don& anythn& and fnally he
Then 0 remember loo+n& at myself n the mrror# there
.as me e1actly as 0 .as at that tme n realty# n a t4shrt
and pa6ama pants.
0 remembered that 0 need to do deepenn& techn8ues#
but frst 0 decded to fnd a pen and notepad and .rte
e)erythn& do.n# r&ht there n the phase# so 0 .onJt for&et. 0
found a notepad (0 ha)e t n realty) and a thc+ red pen
(donJt ha)e t n realty). 7o.# because 0 .as .earn& a sleep4
mas+# n the phase 0 sometmes had normal )son# and
sometmes my s&ht .as bloc+ed by the mas+. *o as soon as
0 .as all set to .rte e)erythn& do.n# 0 real,ed that my
sleep4mas+ .as bloc+n& my )son. 0 started to pull t off my
face thn+n& that 0 should not open my eyes because 0 m&ht
.a+e upO and bn&o# 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering).
Tat'aa 6i!ele#a
Bacou#er2 ,aada
0 am n (D r&ht no.# partcpatn& n an e1perment at
the OBE Research Center that %+e s leadn&.
(Table of Contents)
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TodayEs ass&nment .as: usn& the dffered method and
cycles of ndrect techn8ues# roll (or le)tate# or clmb) out of
the body and meet the alens that are .atn& for us there
(ths .as a &oal for ths e1perment).
D&an# 0 .o+e up a bt dsapponted because t .as tme
to &et ready for our second sesson and none of the
techn8ues .or+ed. 0 .as n my (D hotel room. 0t loo+ed
dfferent from ho. my room loo+s n realty but 0 &uess n my
mnd t .as 6ust a dfferent room (not my bedroom at home)#
so 0 .as not really payn& attenton to the fact that the man
door and .ndo.s had s.tched places# t .as much l&hter n
color and o)erall amount of l&ht n the room# there .ere
some staff around# a camera that 0 donEt ha)e# and
+nc++nac+s e)
*o 0 started becomn& a.are .hen 0 .as n the
and notced that the .ater drops on the .alls .ere
dar+ n color. 0 decded to stop sho.ern& and then .hen 0
.as bac+ n the room# &ettn& ready# e)erythn& felt so real
that 0 donEt e)en +no. .hy 0 decded to chec+ f t .as the
(Table of Contents)
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0ma&ne t yourself: yesterday you .ent to bed# then you
.o+e up ths mornn&# sho.ered# &ot ready# dd ths# dd that
and then decded to chec+ f t .as the phase 4 and t turned
out that 0T 0* (-)
*o 0 decded 6ust for the hec+ of t to test f t m&ht be
the phase by 3breathn& .th the nose pnched5 techn8ue and
of course t dd not .or+ at frst# because 0 had been don& t
.th the 3ho. can t be the phase# e)erythn& s so real5
thou&ht. But 0 +ept tryn& and after a thrd attempt ar &ot out
from behnd my ears and 0 happly confrmed for
myself that 0 .as totally n the phase.
0 felt )ery happy. 0 started rsn& n the ar and fle. n a
couple of crcles under the celn&. Then# 0 felt the need to
deepen and 0 really focused on that. 0 loo+ed a fe. tmes at
my palms. 0 loo+ed at myself and notced 0 .as .earn& a
to.el .rapped around me. Then 0 started touchn& e)erythn&
n the room. 0 too+ a camera and put t on the floor# thn+n&
that 0 .ll chec+ later t tEs &on& to be on the floor n realty.
(donEt +no. .hat had &otten nto me# thatEs a pontless test# 0
&uess 0 6ust remembered someone don& ths once) Dt frst t
felt that my hands .ere numb# but as 0 .as touchn&
e)erythn& 0 &ot bac+ my sense of touch.
*nce percepton .as bac+ to $"";# t .as tme to &o
loo+ for alens. They .ere not n the room. 0 loo+ed outsde of
the hotel .ndo. and sa. some road .th hu&e fallen
branches on t# a chan4ln+ fence and some &reenery and
trees behnd t. Dlens .ere not there ether. *o 0 decded to
&et nto the corrdor# 0 opened the door# t .as really dar+
nsde# e)en the l&ht from the room could not penetrate t. 0
thou&ht# alens must be there# so 0 stepped nto the
dar+ness... Dt least : tny hands touched my shoulder... 0
totally frea+ed and .o+e up... (%.&.? no re-entering)
,rai1 P%
4o! A1ele!2 /SA
0 too+ a nap from $":4" am to $$:!" am. 0 tred to fall
asleep so 0 could practce upon a.a+enn&. 0 .as ha)n&
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dffcultes n falln& asleep so 0 thou&ht nothn& .as &on& to
happen. Dfter a.hle 0 must ha)e fallen asleep as 0 notced a
floatn& type of sensaton. 0 then decded to separate ho.e)er
0 felt l+e nothn& .as happenn&. Then 0 notced 0 .as loo+n&
do.n at some drn+n& &lasses that are on the top shelf. 0
real,ed 0 .as out of the body.
Thn&s .ere not )ery clear so 0 tred to start loo+n& at
ob6ects and feeln& them. 0 told myself to &o see alens. The
ne1t scene 0 .as near a mountan n a clearn& .th trees
around t. There .as a space shp. There .ere t.o alens .th
helmets on. They also had a type of robot .th them. 0t .as
about = ft tall and .as sl)er n color. The alens dd not
appear to be frendly. @hen the alarm .ent off 0 felt l+e 0
.as $"" mles a.ay and t .as dffcult to come bac+ to the
physcal body.
At(er*2 .el1iu)
0 entered the phase ths mornn&. %ore or less l+e the
pre)ous tmes# only ths tme 0 rolled delberately o)er to the
other sde of the bed. 0 came do.n on the floor# .hch
became )sble .hen 0 opened my eyes.
0 touched the sheets. E)erythn& turned )ery real and 0
thou&ht to myself# am 05 because 0 .as
so o)er.helmed by the ))dness.
The l&ht .as dm and 0 as+ed for more l&ht but t ddnJt
chan&e. The room .as a combnaton of our room no. and
my room .hen 0 .as a chld.
0 pnched my nose and bloc+ed my ar.ays but 0 could
breathe normal. 0 stood up and .ent to the door (%.&.? no
plan of action). 0 opened t. 0t .as dar+ outsde. Then 0 sa.
that there .as a dra.n& on the outsde of the door. 0t .as a
lttle f&ure and .hen 0 loo+ed more closely t be&an to mo)e
hs head.
0 .anted to touch t# but 0 felt paraly,ed. %y arms felt
)ery hea)y. Once 0 had almost touched t# 0 .o+e up (%.&.?
no re-entering).
(Table of Contents)
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At(er*2 .el1iu)
Ths mornn& 0 had a dffcult phase entrance. @thout
feeln& much 4nearly no )bratons4 0 tumbled out of bed. 0t
.as )ery dar+ and my conscousness .as unstable. 0 made
se)eral .erd mo)ements# stll half unconscous. Dfter a fe.
moments 0 ended up sttn& a&anst the bed (%.&.? no
deepening). 0t .as stll dar+# but conscousness .as better
and 0 spo+e to myself# sayn& somethn& about the envelope.
0 cra.led on my hands and +nees to the other sde of
the bed .here my bedsde table .as. E)erythn& loo+ed
realstc and the envelope .as n ts place. 0 pc+ed t up and
felt that there .as somethn& small and thc+ n t. 0 rpped t
open and n t .as a shny pac+a&n& of a coo+e or somethn&
l+e that.
0 opened t and found that t .as a chocolate. 0 bt nto t
and t .as delcous. 0t had coconut n t.
Ds 0 .as che.n& on the chocolate# 0 closed my eyes for
a moment to concentrate on ts taste. The taste remaned the
same and there .as of course my smac+n&# but 0 felt
pressure n my head# .hch .as buldn& up. 0 opened my
eyes a&an and the pressure dsappeared.
0 no. came across a lttle dlemma. *hould 0 eat the
.hole chocolate# or should 0 start my msson of
translocatonL 0 decded to do the latter and thre. the
chocolate a.ay.
0 stood up and started runnn& .th eyes closed. The
runnn& ddnJt feel natural but 0 .as mo)n& any.ay. 0 felt no
.alls# no resstance of any +nd.
Because of the closed eyes# 0 a&an felt a foul comn& so
0 opened my eyes 4 but e)erythn& remaned )ery dar+ and 0
.as afrad of losn& t.
7ormally# my e1perence .ould ha)e ended there.
0nstead of &)n& up# 0 +ept runnn& and opened my eyes as
.de as 0 could.
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Ths apparently helped# because suddenly a l&ht
appeared at the end of some tunnel (no 7GE tunnel). @hen 0
came out of the tunnel 0 .as flled .th 6oy-
0 sa. a blue ocean .th b& .a)es str+n& a&anst the
roc+s. 0 .as on a road hu&&n& a beautful roc+y coastlne.
The s&ht .as ma&nfcent.
0 .as on a bus or somethn& 4 0 sa. truc+s on the road
that had problems because of the b& .a)es. *hortly after ths
0 .o+e up (%.&.? no aintaining).
@hen 0 .as runnn& n order to translocate# 0 ddnJt thn+
of a partcular locaton. D fe. days a&o 0 fantas,ed about
.here 0 .ould translocate. 0n my fantasy# 0 .ould end up n a
$=th century saln& shp on the blue ocean.
Ne( York2 /SA
0 .o+e up not tryn& to mo)e but that .as unsuccessful.
0 decded to try some cycles any.ay and be&an .th phantom
.&&ln&. To my surprse 0 felt my body &o nto sleep paralyss
and &et numb (%.&.? no separation). Then 0 s.tched to
lstenn& n# but then 0 decded to try and separate by rolln&
o)er. There .as resstance# but t ended up .or+n& and 0
stood up. 0 .as s+eptcal as to .hether 0 .as really n the
phase# e)en thou&h 0 ha)e had lots of e1perences before. 0
&uess t .as because the transton bet.een .a+n& and
dreamn& ne)er felt so conscous and self4nduced before. 7ot
to menton that t only too+ about one mnute.
0 hear my mother n the +tchen. 0 dd a realty chec+ by
tryn& to put my r&ht nde1 fn&er throu&h my left palm. 0t
.as a stru&&le# but t .or+ed 4 so 0 +no. 0 am n the phase. 0
.al+ out nto the +tchen and my mother says &ood mornn&#
0 &)e her a +ss on the chee+ and contnue do.n the hall.ay
(%.&.? no plan of action). 0 touch the .alls as 0 am .al+n& to
stabl,e the e1perence# e)en thou&h 0 donEt need to. 0tEs
pretty dar+ nsde the house but 0 can see that t s sunny
(Table of Contents)
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outsde. 0 am n my shrt and bo1ers# althou&h normally 0 6ust
&o outsde and clothes appear on me .thout me notcn&.
0 open the front door and see all of the upstars
ne&hbors outsde on the porch. 0 close the door bac+ 6ust to
double chec+ that 0 am phasn& before 0 &o outsde n my
bo1ers# 0 do the realty chec+ and t .or+s a&an# so 0 &o
outsde. By ths tme the ne&hbors .ere &on& upstars. 0t s
ndeed sunny outsde and there s a lttle +d outsde sort of
na&&n& me# but 0 &nore hm. 0 half4heartedly try to create a
portal and teleport by &on& throu&h the floor but nether of
those .or+. 0 .al+ do.n the bloc+ and 0 try ths hoppn& thn&
that 0 read about to &et around faster# but 0 donEt l+e t. 0 fly
up.ards and donEt ha)e much control... 0 +eep &on& h&her
and h&her and ha)e to &rab on to these lnes to
pre)ent me from lea)n& the atmosphere.
0t .as a lon& phase and for some reason 0 lost a chun+
of memory here (%.&.? no aintaining). 0 donEt remember
.here 0 landed# 0 remember bts and peces but my memory
+c+s n .hen 0 am n a department store and 0 see a &uy that
loo+s famlar. 0 as+ hm# CdonEt 0 +no. youLC Be sha+es hs
head 3no5 and +eeps .al+n&. Be loo+s suspcous so 0 +eep
an eye on hm. Be meets .th another &uy and he ponts at
me and they start runnn& after me. 0 duc+ behnd some
people as they run by and 0 &o the other .ay. 0 &o out of an
emer&ency e1t e1pectn& the alarm to sound# but t doesnEt.
There are t.o loc+ed &ates leadn& to stars that &o to the
roof. 0 melt throu&h both &ates and &o to the roof. 0 fly a.ay
and they come out and start flyn& after me. 0 use mental
ener&y to fly faster but t snEt enou&h. @e battle for a .hle#
and then 0 end up n a portal nsde some sort of spaceshp.
0 am dr)n& t throu&h these tunnels that remnd me of
the %atri4. 0 crash nto the .alls a lttle but for the most part
0 am &ood. 0 pull up nto the place that these tunnels lead to.
Ths part s born& so 0 .ll s+p t.
0 .al+ out of ths buldn& and 0 am n a ctyscape full of
people. 0 .al+ do.n ths bloc+ and my )son &ets sort of
dfferent# almost mo)e l+e. 0 .al+ n ths hotel lobby and
(Table of Contents)
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people are sttn& around. 0 decde to loo+ for someone to
ha)e to se1 .th to end the e1perence because 0 .ant to
remember e)erythn&. Dll of the females around are ether not
attract)e or too youn&. 0 loo+ bac+ at the hotel door and
there s a lady loo+n& at me but she turns a.ay 8uc+ly. 0
.as curous .hy she .as loo+n& at me and .ho she .as so 0
&o outsde. *he s +nd of n a panc runnn& to.ards a blac+
)an. 0 run after her and pull open the door before they pull
off. There s a &uy n the dr)erJs seat and she s cryn& n the
passen&erJs seat. *he sad that .hen my frend &ot hs
promoton (from the born& part of the e1perence 0 s+pped
earler) she .as forced to set hm up and that ths s the &uy
that made her do t. 0 started punchn& hm n the phase and
ths caused me to lose my proper frame of mnd to mantan
and 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering).
Ne( York2 /SA
0 .a+e up to sl&ht conscousness and 0Em unsure f 0
ha)e mo)ed or not. %y frst thou&ht s to &o bac+ to sleep#
but then 0 decde to try to enter the phase. 0 apply forced
falln& asleep and mmedately start to feel )bratons. They
fluctuate bet.een stron& and mld and 0 start to feel them
subsde. 0 then remember .hat 0 al.ays tell myself: f 0 &et
)bratons# then 0Em already n the phase. *o 0 try to roll out
of my body... There s resstance# but 0 am able to do t.
0 stand up n my current apartment and t s completely
dar+. Ds 0 am .al+n& to the front door# 0 try to put my r&ht
nde1 fn&er throu&h my left palm to ma+e sure 0 am n the
phase. 0t .or+s# and so 0 open the door to the hall.ay but t
loo+s nothn& l+e my actual hall. 0t s stll )ery dm and there
s another &entleman there. 0 pont to dfferent areas and say
the .ord 3l&hts5# and sure enou&h# one4by4one they come
on. 0 +eep touchn& thn&s to en&a&e the senses as 0 am
.al+n&. 0 .al+ nto a room .th a youn& boy n t and he s
.atchn& TV. 0 thn+ about my plan of acton and remember
that 0 .anted to try the teleportaton techn8ue n *OBT. 0
(Table of Contents)
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had pre)ously been teleportn& by meltn& throu&h the floor
but t .as unrelable and 0 .ould end up n dar+ness
sometmes. 0 had read n Exploring the World of Lucid
Dreaming that closn& your eyes n a dream can cause you to
.a+e up# but 0 f&ured that f %chael does t all the tme then
ths snJt fact.
0 as+ the boy .here should 0 &o... to a football &ameL Be
says yes# but then 0 f&ure that snce 0 ha)e ne)er actually
been to a football &ame# 0 should &o to a bas+etball &ame
nstead. 0 close my eyes and concentrate on .here 0 .anted
to &o. 0 start to feel mo)ement and e)en &et the feeln& you
&et .hen &on& do.n a hu&e drop on a rollercoaster. @hen
the mo)ement stops# 0 open my eyes. 0t has .or+ed# and 0
am standn& n the mddle of an arena .hle a bas+etball
&ame s &on& on. 0 ta+e a step onto the court and
mmedately the referee blo.s the .hstle to stop the &ame
and &et me off of the court. 0 &o st n the stands and be&an
tal+n& to one of the pretter &rls. 0 donEt remember .hat .e
.ere tal+n& about# but after a short .hle she .ants to e1t
the man arena and &o to.ards the concesson stands and
bathrooms. Aou can &uess .here the rest of the e1perence
$att&ia! Hol9er
Biea2 Au!tria
0 had a lucd dream. 0t .as a dream 0 ha)e 8ute often:
&on& home from .or+ and real,n& 0Em mssn& my sutcase.
Ds soon as 0 &ot home n my dream# sure enou&h my sutcase
.as standn& there. 0 then became a.are of a dscontnuty: 0
remembered that 0 had punched the fle1tme cloc+ at .or+
.hen lea)n&# but the card for ths .as n my sutcase. Bo.
could 0 ha)e done ths f my sutcase .as at homeL Ths must
be a dream- 0 became lucd# and as usual at ths occason 0
mmedately .o+e up n my e1ctement. Bo.e)er# 0 nstantly
entered the )bratonal state# .hch seemed )ery stron& and
stable. 0 tred the rolln& out method and t .or+ed perfectly.
(Table of Contents)
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Ds usual# 0 reached for the sl)er cord# but only felt
somethn& l+e mld electrcal ener&y n my nec+ .here the
cord s usually located (%.&.? no deepening). Frst off# 0
decded to .al+ nto my motherEs room .th .hom 0 .as
l)n& at the tme (%.&.? no plan of action). 0 e1pected to see
her n bed and for an nstant 0 thou&ht 0Ed see e1actly ths#
her face on the pllo. (0 couldnEt see )ery .ell ho.e)er)# but
then 0 real,ed that she must ha)e been n the l)n& room
snce she al.ays &ot up )ery early and must surely ha)e been
a.a+e at ths tme 4 t must ha)e been a realty fluctuaton.
7e1t# 0 loo+ed nto one of the mrrors n my motherEs room#
.ondern& .hat 0 .ould see. @hat 0 sa. .ere se)eral
dstnctly separated body parts of mne floatn& around 4 l+e a
photo&raph of me had been cut nto a 6&sa. pu,,le-
Then 0 loo+ed at my hands# they started to melt untl the
stumps loo+ed cut off# 6ust l+e the pcture n the mrror. 7e1t
0 contnued nto the l)n& room# loo+n& for my mother# but 0
ddnEt see her. 7o. 0 decded that 0 fnally had to lea)e my
apartment# somethn& 0 had ne)er accomplshed n all my
years of OBEs. @thout any dffculty 0 .al+ed throu&h the
closed man door and out nto the corrdor. The l&ht out there
seemed to be on# but 0 real,ed that 0 .as ha)n& some sort
of tunnel )son# a )ery narro. feld of )e.. 0 demanded
more ener&y and better s&ht# but ths ddnEt help much. Ds 0
.al+ed do.n the corrdor# physcal realty dsappeared more
and more to.ards the end of the hall.ay (.here n realty the
door to my &randmotherEs apartment .as located# .here 0
.anted to &o)# there .as 6ust some +nd of rectan&ular portal.
7o. only half conscous# 0 decded to return to my body and
end the e1perence because 0 ddnEt .ant to rs+ losn& my
memory of t (%.&.? wrong logic). That )ery nstant# 0 a.o+e
physcally n my bed (%.&.? no re-entering).
Ole1 Su!&c&eko
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
(ast n&ht 0 spent about an hour de)elopn& the nterplay
of ma&es n my mnd after 0 no left felt any feeln& of
(Table of Contents)
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+nesthetc sense. 0 .as lyn& on my bac+ n an uncomfortable
poston. Dfter sldn& to.ards sleep for some tme# 0 felt sl&ht
)bratons and echoes of sounds from the dream .orld# but
the uncomfortable poston stll hndered me. 0n the end# 0
thou&ht the hec+ .th t# and decded to le do.n ho.e)er
.as comfortable# and turned o)er to le on my stomach.
Gespte the fact that the mo)ement upset the process# after
about f)e mnutes the state be&an to return and buld up. 0
.as able to &et a lttle )braton ths tme# althou&h 0 .as
unable to amplfy t. 0 dre. a pcture of my +tchen n my
mnd# and because the ma&es n that state .ere really ))d#
stron&# and realstc# after some tme 0 understood that not
only .ere my attenton and a.areness there# but so .ere my
bodly sensatons. 0 .as 8ute surprsed that the phase had
been so easy to fall n to (there .as no doubt that ths .as
the phase).
0 6umped out throu&h the .ndo. and be&an to fly
around the courtyard. Dctually# t .as the frst tme that 0 had
flo.n only upon a sn&le mental command# .thout any
physcal effort (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action).
The courtyard bore only $"; smlarty to ts real4lfe
counterpart# but 0 .as not at all surprsed by ths# and 0
smply en6oyed t as much as 0 could# as 0 .as able see and
.as not mmedately thro.n out. But# after ha)n& loo+ed at
and ta+en n the cty# the thou&ht of .hether or not ths .as
the phase and not 6ust a lucd dream occurred. 0 .as so
conscous n the dream that 0 .as able to +no. about and
comprehend such terms# and dfferentate bet.een them 4
can you ma&neL- 0 ha)e to add that 0 &a)e lttle attenton to
my memory# so 0 canJt say ho. much of my 3self4a.areness5
.as there# but 0 .as a.are enou&h to be able to dfferentate
bet.een the phase and a lucd dream (or at least thn+ about
the dfference).
0 e)en .ent and as+ed people around f t .as the phase
or a lucd dream. *ounds funny# doesnEt tL The funnest thn&
.as that they ans.ered that t .as a dfferent .orld# and they
refused to dscuss the topc any further .th me. Then# 0
(Table of Contents)
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decded to not &et my mnd all m1ed up and 6ust &o .th the
plot# .hch turned out to be 8ute lon& and unnterrupted- 0
recalled a moment from the day before ho. 0 had lan do.n
and nduced the phase .hle lyn& on my bac+# and ho. 0 had
turned o)er and flo.n a.ay. 0 recalled all ths perodcally
durn& the course of the phase# and real,ed that 0 should try
to as+ about .hat had been &on& on .th me on the forum
Then# later n the phase# 0 found myself n a basement.
Ds there .as 6ust a really nasty smell there# 0 decded that 0
had already had enou&h and that t .as tme to &o bac+. That
happened e)en more easly# as soon as 0 thou&ht about &on&
bac+ (%.&.? wrong action)# a )braton as l&ht as a bree,e
.ent throu&h me and then 0 .as bac+ n my body .th full
a.areness and a .ell4rested body and mnd. 0 .as completely
refreshed- Dnd thatJs despte the fact that 0 remember
e)erythn&# e)ery second of the dream# from the moment 0
started flyn&-
Aai)e $uo9 4ud0ui!t
Ora1e ,out'2 /SA%
0 &ot up at = am# made coffee then 0 .ent bac+ to bed
around =::" am. 0 started rela1n& and puttn& myself n a
medtat)e state and don& the breathn& techn8ues (from
%chael Radu&aJs boo+) to nduce myself nto falln& asleep.
*uddenly 0 felt a 6olt# r&ht there and then 0 +ne. that t .as
the moment 0 ha)e been .atn& for to be a.are of the
phenomenon. 0 contnue to rela1# nhaln& and e1haln&.
*uddenly# 0 &ot up from my bed# loo+ed around# and
proceeded to scan my bedroom. 0 then started to do the
deepenn& techn8ue that 0 had learned and .as startn& to
apply: touchn& the .alls# te1tures# rubbn& the palms of my
hands# loo+n& at my arms# and sayn& to myself# 3s ths a
dream# or am 0 out of my bodyL5 (%.&.? wrong logic)
The te1ture of the fabrc of the thermo 0 .as .earn&
.as real# 0 touched the .all and t .as sold (%.&.? no plan of
action). 0 +ne. from hearn& t that you can &o throu&h .alls#
(Table of Contents)
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but ths ddnJt happen. 0 loo+ed a&an around my room and
suddenly e)erythn& turned &reen# l+e a forest4&reen color#
e)en my thermo shrt. 0t .as a )ery ntense emerald4&reen
color. 'eaceful and yet so ntense# 0 .as fully a.are of .hat
.as &on& on# and at the same tme )ery e1cted.
0 remembered that 0 needed to be )ery a&&ress)e n my
deepenn& techn8ue# and so 0 contnued touchn& e)erythn&
n my surroundn&s and contnued to rub my hands# touchn&
my arms and tryn& to loo+ at myself. 0 +ne. t .as me. 0t
.as so real# t .as a.esome- 0 donJt understand .hy# but 0
.as thn+n& of my brother and out of he appeared
n my room. 0 ddnJt panc# 0 then proceeded to open the door
n my bedroom and e)erythn& .as so dfferent. 0 .as &on&
do.nstars and e)erythn& .as stll &reen around the house.
0t loo+ed l+e an old $?!"s house.
0 contnued &on& to the ne1t le)el and sa. : blac+ do&s
and ther har .as lumnatn& l+e neon blue l&hts# t .as
ncredble. 0 .as thn+n& to myself# 3o+ay# ths s enou&h
(%.&.? wrong logic) of the e1perence for r&ht no.#5 and .ent
bac+ to my body. @hen 0 .o+e up# 0 started to .rte do.n
e)erythn& as 0 ddnJt .ant to for&et anythn&# snce 0 .as
told to document my e1perence and pro&ress.
Ne( York2 /SA
%eetn& .th OBE frends n Calforna and sharn& ther
e1ctement mot)ated me to .ant to try somethn& ne. and
see f 0 could &et OOB .hle tra)eln& on the plane to home#
snce 0 +ne. t .ould be a lon& trp and 0 could sleep. 0 .as
concerned t m&ht not happen# as 0 ha)e ne)er attempted
ths n a nosy# bumpy# mo)n& en)ronment# but stll .anted
to try.
0 used my usual affrmatons and )sual,aton before
sleep# and remember ben& surprsed to feel my left +nee
floatn& up as 0 sat n the plane seat. (0 .as n a .ndo. seat#
ne1t to the .n& of the plane.) 0t ddnJt brn& me to
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a.areness of possbly ben& OOB# as my mnd re&stered t as
somethn& nterestn& but not that unusual.
0t .as at that pont that .e had to ha)e ht some
turbulence# or maybe my seatmate mo)ed sl&htly to bump
me# but 0 felt my astral le& 8uc+ly and hea)ly sn+ bac+ nto
my physcal body# enou&h to startle me to more a.areness.
0 real,ed# 3hey .o.- 0 @D* startn& to &et OOB-5
@thout .a+n& completely# 0 settled bac+ n and soon found
both +nees no. floatn& up# to the pont .here 0 felt totally
s8ushed n the seat- 0 .ondered ho. do 0 &et out fully .hle
sttn& n ths plane seatL-L
0 thou&ht a chan&e n poston m&ht help# so 0 leaned
bac+# falln& throu&h the bac+ of the seat# and then used a
3floatn&5 )sual,aton to try to lft. %y ne1t memory s of
seen& the celn& of the plane only nches from my face-
0 no. real,ed 0 .as out-- 0 .as so thrlled# yet 0 told
myself not to &et too e1cted. 0 remember thn+n& 0 should
)erfy t by mo)n& my hand throu&h the roof of the plane
(%.&.? no deepening). Ds 0 placed my hand partally throu&h
the celn& successfully# 0 fearfully remembered 0 .as n a
mo)n& arplane and maybe shouldnJt dsturb some mportant
3.rn&5 or such and so pulled my hand bac+ n 8uc+ly- (Ths
sho.s me ho. stron& my belefs .ere that you 6ust donJt &o
outsde or mess .th a mo)n& arplane-)
7e1t# 0 .as don& handstands on the bac+ of the seats#
floppn& myself nto unsuspectn& passen&ersJ laps# and then
mo)ed to the front of the plane. 0 found t.o open seats ne1t
to a youn& male and thou&ht 0Jd 6ust stop here to chec+ out
frst class. @hle there# the ste.ardess made some
announcement# and 0 real,ed that no one .as too happy
about her dsturbn& ther 8uet. 0 could feel the passen&ersJ
NrrtatonJ and e)en sensed some NdscontentJ from the
ste.ardess as she performed her 6ob.
Dt that pont .e dd ht turbulence# and 0 a.o+e fully
from my e1perence. 0 .as so happy to ha)e succeeded- 0
+ne. 0 had felt NconfnedJ to the nsde of the plane by my fear
of causn& problems should 0 ha)e e1ted t.
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Ne( York2 /SA
0 found myself 3a.a+e5 lyn& on the couch# and ben&
a.are of a sense of FEDR- 7ot so much a sense of me ben&
fearful# but fear that .as assocated .th someone 8ute close
to my body as t lay on the couch (%.&.? no separation)-
0 ddnJt really see ths person at frst# 0 6ust felt the fear
ener&es emanatn& from hm or her# .hch of course# to be
honest# made me 6ust a lttle bt concerned. %y fear
dsspated mmedately .hen 0 real,ed ths .as a )ery small
chld standn& ne1t to me- (Be couldnJt ha)e been more than
! years old# l+ely lessO)
0 .as at frst cau&ht off4&uard# .ondern& 37o. .hat do
0 doL-5 (%.&.? no deepening and no plan of action) Then 0
sensed an adult presence also nearby at the bottom of the
couch area. Ths .as a female# clearly seen# short sandy4
colored har and small &lasses and a pette frame. 0 someho.
+ne. she .as .atn& for ths chld to +no. she .as there.
0Jm not sure ho. 0 dd t# but turnn& to face the chld# 0
sent lo)e and e)en tred to hu& hm .th my ener&es. Be
calmed mmedately and 0 told hm# 3loo+ .hoJs here-5 as 0
pc+ed hm up and handed hm to ths .oman. 0 ha)e no dea
ho. 0 +ne. .hat to do# or f 0 .as don& the r&ht thn&# 0 6ust
dd .hat felt to be r&ht.
The .oman smled# the chldJs ener&es calmed and
chan&ed# and then they both dsappeared-
0 .as on my one4and4a4half .ee+ dry spell and 0 .as not
tryn& to &et nto the phase. But 0 bro+e my dry spell by
becomn& conscous .thn a dream. Once 0 understood that 0
.as n the phase# 0 mmedately tred to do deepenn&# but 0
faled and &ot thro.n bac+ nto my body. Refusn& to
surrender# 0 someho. mana&ed to reenter my phase 4 ADA-
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*o# after successfully reentern& my phase# 0 performed
deepenn& and throu&hout all of the phase 0 dd mantann&.
%y plan .as to tal+ .th my subconscous and as+ for
my talents and a 8uc+ .ay to earn money. Dfter summonn&
my dream character to tal+ .th me# 0 started the
con)ersaton. 0t .as a )ery stran&e con)ersaton# because
she +ept as+n& non4related thn&s .hch 0 canEt remember.
Dfter fnally as+n& the 8ueston 0 had .anted to as+# she
ans.ered# CEatn&C. *he sad ths and nothn& more after
that. ThatEs .hen my phase ended (%.&.? no aintaining and
re-entering)# after about $" mnutes of ben& n t.
%y brea+ from the phase .as stll on# so 0 decded not to
try ndrect techn8ues. 0 found myself a.a+e after about <
hours of sleep but .thout usn& an alarm# althou&h 0 &nored
ths and .ent to sleep a&an. Then# 0 had a conscous
a.a+enn& and t already felt l+e 0 .as n the phase. 0ndeed#
a )ery stran&e feeln&. 0 thou&ht# C@ell# 0 should try usn& a
separaton techn8ueC. Dnd 0 dd. 0t .or+ed and 0 separated.
0 .as standn& n my room# but my body .as not n bed#
so 0 started doubtn& f 0 .as really n the phase# e)en thou&h
separaton had felt )ery real. 0 mmedately pnched my nose
and 0 could breathe n throu&h t. 0 rubbed my hands and
touched e)erythn& around me. Once 0 felt that my phase had
&ood 8ualty# 0 started actn& as planned. 0n the end# t .as
)ery nce phase e1perence # but 0 had for&otten to do
mantann& and .o+e up after about $" mnutes.
The alarm cloc+ on my phone bro+e (donEt as+ ho. that
happened)# so lately 0E)e been tryn& to .a+e up after < hours
of sleep .thout any +nd of de)ce to help me. Dnd 0
succeeded today. 0 .o+e up# .ent to the bathroom and .ent
bac+ to sleep. The thou&ht of conscous a.a+enn& .as &on&
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throu&h my head as 0 drfted nto a dream. 0 mana&ed to e1t
that dream# and so 0 .o+e up .thout mo)n& (%.&.? no
separation). Dnd then 0 had to face my b&&est dffculty 4
loud noses (my famly .as up )ery early preparn& to &o to
.or+ and they .ere shoutn& for no &ood reason). 0 decded
not to let ths chance slp a.ay and performed obser)n&
ma&es. 0t .or+ed mmedately and there .as no need to
perform separaton techn8ue. 0 ended up n the phase.
Dfter successfully entern& the phase# 0 mmedately
performed deepenn&. 0 also performed mantan& throu&hout
the phase. %y plan .as to try shapeshftn& and turn nto a
.olf. 0 tred ma&nn& myself becomn& one and started
runnn& on my hands and le&s l+e a do&# but 0 faled# and so
0 tred a&an. Dfter a fe. unsuccessful tres# 0 started hearn&
loud noses and thou&ht that t .as my parents# so 0 had to
do somethn&. 0 performed deepenn&# but to no end... 0 lost
control and .o+e up. 0 tred to re4enter# but faled.
$iea*oli!2 /SA
Dfter a.a+enn& .thout mo)n&# 0 be&n ndrect
techn8ues. 0 am stll )ery sleepy. 0n an Cma&ned
mo)ementC cycle 0 be&n to feel )ery real sensatons and lose
all connecton .th my physcal body. 0 am blnd
n the phase.
0 rub my hands# arms# le&s# and face untl 0 &et s&ht.
Oddly# at frst t s only ma&ned s&ht l+e n a normal dream#
but t 8uc+ly becomes complete s&ht l+e n real lfe. The
phase s stll )ery .ea+# but 0 be&n my plan of acton. 0
should ha)e deepened further throu&h peern& or other
optons# but ddnEt. 0 .ll pay for ths shortly.
0 am n my bedroom. %y .fe s there but# than+fully# no
one else s. 7o stran&ers mlln& about l+e usual. 7ormally
she snEt there. 0Em stll &ro&&y so 0 be&n to tal+ to her# but
then remember my plan of acton and &o do.nstars.
0 .al+ throu&h my l)n& room on my .ay to the +tchen
and touch the .all to chan&e ts color. 0t turns yello.# e)en
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thou&h 0 had meant the .alls to turn blue. 0 should ha)e
deepened snce ths .as an ndcaton 0 ddnEt ha)e complete
control. 0nstead# 0 contnue nto the +tchen.
There are t.o stran&ers n my +tchen at our brea+fast
noo+. Ths snEt uncommon. They &nore me.
0 open the refr&erator .th the ntenton that a small )le
of a l8ud .ll be n t. Ths l8ud .ll help deepen and
len&then the phase (0 tell myself ths to nduce a placebo type
effect). The frd&e s full of food# but the only drn+s are =42p
and ml+. @e ne)er ha)e = 2p. 0 close the refr&erator and
open t a&an .th the placebo ntenton. Once a&an# t s full
of food and the = 2p and ml+. 0 drn+ the = 2p telln& myself
t s my Cphase poton.C
0 should ha)e deepened further once a&an snce my lac+
of control o)er my refr&erator tems and &eneral &ro&&y state
sho.ed a )ery .ea+ phase.
0 contnue my plan of acton by &on& outsde to our
&arden. @hen 0 step outsde# my )son &oes a.ay. 0Ed ne)er
lost )son before n the phase. 0 then be&n rubbn& my hands
and try to deepen# but 0 am so &ro&&y and the phase s so
.ea+ 0 am already close to e1tn& nto sleep l+e 0 do all too
0n the end 0 do restore )son# but no. t snEt as realstc
as t normally s. 0t s near real lfe.
0 .al+ to one of my &rape)nes and ma+e t &ro. out the
full yearJs & and produce rpe frut. The frut s )ery
sc+ly loo+n& and tasteless. Ths lac+ of control should ha)e
s&naled me to deepen# but 0 contnue on.
*uddenly# 0Em not n my yard. 0 am n a random place
.th t.o people 0 +no. from my past. They are tal+n& to me.
0 ha)e almost entrely lost lucdty and no lon&er ha)e
control o)er my phase. @e are by a pool and one frend
thro.s the other n. Ths s )ery dream4l+e and not )ery
lucd# but 0 do ha)e a lttle lucdty.
0 do fnd a tree that loo+s l+e my cho+echerry and t has
mature frut. 0 ta+e a berry and eat t. 2nl+e the &rapes# t
tastes 6ust l+e a cho+echerry# .hch s to say t tastes )ery
(Table of Contents)
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btter and a.ful. 0 start spttn& t out e) and
thn+n&# C.hy .ould 0 taste ths and not my &rapes# ths s
a.ful# but my &rapes are a.esome-C
Then 0 return to my body. 0t s no. > D% (%.&.? no re-
entering). %y memory of the entre e1perence s some.hat
dmnshed. 0 am farly certan 0 had slpped nto a complete
dream state n there because t ddnEt 8ute feel
completely real l+e a normal phase e1perence should.
$iea*oli!2 /SA
0 had a re&ular separaton# but no )son. 0 felt around#
but the furnture 0 felt .asnEt my furnture. 0 thou&ht t .ould
be cool to be n a mountan cabn# and .hen 0 &aned )son 0
.as n an unfamlar mountan cabn. D&an# 0 .as alone.
0t .as completely real a&an# l+e my last e1perence. 0
.as so e1cted 0 started runnn& around (after don&
deepenn&). 0 ran around the house e1plorn& for a .hle untl
0 .as out breath (%.&.? no plan of action). Then# 0 .as afrad
that all the hea)y breathn& .ould .a+e me up.
Ths tme# the thou&ht of ha)n& a real body nstantly
made the phase e1perence .ea+en# so much so that 0 .as
afrad 0 .ould fall asleep. 0 be&an to deepen.
Then 0 sa. a 6u& of a drn+ n the +tchen and told myself
t .ould help me deepen.
0t .as the most delcous thn& 0E)e e)er tasted. 0E)e
eaten and drun+ n the phase before# and t al.ays tasted l+e
.hate)er 0 thou&ht t .ould. 0 ddnEt ha)e any e1pectatons#
only that of deepenn&. 0t .as l+e a s.eet carbonated drn+#
only .thout any bte. 0t .as truly ndescrbable.
*tran&ely# the drn+ dd deepen me bac+ to complete
realsm# and 0 .as so e1cted that 0 ran around e1plorn&
a&an. Then# once a&an# 0 became afrad of .a+n&. Ths
tme# that thou&ht brou&ht me bac+ to bed.
0 attempted to separate# but then my .fe called for me
and so 0 &ot r&ht up. Dfter a fe. moments 0 real,ed that 0
.as stll n the phase. 0 actually only &ot up n the phase# but
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t too+ me a fe. moments to real,e ths. 0 .as bac+ n my
Dfter some tme n my house# 0 a.o+e n my bed for
real# but 8uc+ly re4entered the phase nto my house once
0 .as &on& to do a fourth reentry# but my real .fe
shoo+ my arm durn& separaton to &et me up for the day#
because t .as .ell past the tme 0 normally &et up.
0Em not sure ho. lon& 0 had slept for before 0 entered
the phase the frst tme. 0 do remember ha)n& a )ery ))d
normal dream durn& that tme. 0 may ha)e also fallen asleep
bet.een phase e1perences# but 0 stll remember them ben&
so real that 0 doubt t.
0 &ot up for the day $.9 hours after frst .a+n& up for
the deferred method (the phase l+ely happened 6ust n the
last fe. mnutes).
Ale+ader 4eleko#
Sait Peter!bur12 Ru!!ia
@hen 0Em dreamn& 0 usually mo)e by ta+n& &reat
leaps# much further than a +an&aroo# about $""4:"" yards.
Ths happens re&ularly n my dreams# and 0 usually
mmedately real,e that 0Em n a dream. Gurn& one of the
leaps# 0 real,ed .hle arborne that 0 .as dreamn& and also
real,ed that 0 .as able to land n a small drty pond. Ds
e1pected# 0 landed r&ht n the pond and .ent deep under the
.ater (%.&.? no deepening). Dnd at that )ery moment# 0
found myself n the stencl# .th my hands and head half
stuc+ n t.
0 &ot a lttle ner)ous that ths attempt .ould also be
unsuccessful# and so 0 mmedately tred to separate from my
body. 0 .as unable to &et my head or hands out# and for the
frst tme 0 tred to turn around round my a1s and mana&ed
to &et out. Then 0 ether slpped do.n or fell from the bed#
but 0 dd not feel any pan. 0 cra.led for $4! meters and then
felt that 0 could &o bac+. 0 started to touch the ru& and some
other thn&# thou&h 0 donJt +no. e1actly .hat t .as as t .as
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dar+# and# lo and behold: .thn !"4:" seconds 0 probably felt
.hat small +ttens feel .hen ther eyes open for the frst tme.
E)erythn& .as fo&&y and blurry at frst# but then a pcture
started to appear# the room flled .th l&ht# and colors
became br&ht and ))d. 0 tred )ery hard to restran my
e1ctement# and# to my surprse# .as able to.
0 .al+ed around my apartment thn+n& about .hat 0
should do (%.&.? no plan of action). Real,n& that 0 dd not
ha)e that much tme# 0 decded to tal+ to an elderly man .ho
.ould my 8uestons. 0 decded that there .ould be an
omnscent elderly man behnd the apartmentEs front door#
.hch 0 .as about to open. Dnd there he .as# half4bald#
about <" years old# n a &rey coat .atn& for me. 0 as+ed hm
the 8ueston# 3@hat should 0 do to &et nto the phase more
oftenL5 But he started to tell me about ho. he .as raped as a
chld. Dnd to be more precse# ths .as already not an elderly
man# but an elderly .oman. 0 .as not )ery nterested n
hearn& her story# thus 0 tred to mo)e a.ay from her#
su&&estn& that .e could tal+ later. But the elderly .oman
.as persstent# and 0 dd not .ant to offend her# because 0
thou&ht that ths .as an unusual phase .th ts o.n set of
rules# and namely that once you ha)e as+ed an old .oman a
8ueston# you are supposed to be courteous and lsten to the
entre (%.&.? wrong logic).
0 .ent .th her to the +tchen of my apartment. The
telephone suddenly ran&. 0 &ot scared that the telephone .as
rn&n& n my apartment and .ould .a+e me up# .hch s .hy
0 mmedately started to loo+ at my hand n order to mantan.
But the sensatons .ere 8ute stable# and 0 stopped don&
that. Then# me and ths lady .anted to coo+ somethn& n my
+tchen. *he sad that 0 could heat a fryn& pan .thout &as.
But 0 nstead decded to try the techn8ue of puttn& the
hands to&ether and blo.n& on them# and returned bac+ nto
my body (%.&.? no re-entering).
.i!trita2 Ro)aia
(Table of Contents)
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0 set my alarm for 9 D%# as 0 had &one to bed at
mdn&ht- The alarm .ent off# 0 slenced and &ot out of bed at
9:$" D%# .ent to the +tchen# ate somethn&# smo+ed a
c&arette# and then &ot bac+ to bed .th intention.
*o# 0 do not +no. ho. 0 &ot nto the phase a&an# 0 thn+
0 6ust .o+e up nto t.
0 remember )ery .ell ben& n a stran&e room a&an# and
my )son .as blurry. 0 remember the place as ben& )ery
colorful. 0 had shouted aloud# 30 need clear )son5# and then
repeated myself. Dnd as 0 had shouted# 0 found myself
peern& at the .alls of the room before me. Dfter fe.
seconds# e)erythn& .as a crystal4clear as the pcture from a
Bluray dsc.
0 deepened by punchn& the .alls. Ths tme# l+e e)ery
other tme 0 obser)ed the detals of my fst entern& nto the
.all# 0 felt t so realstcally. 0t .as as f the .all .as made
from rubber. 0 sa. and felt ho. t moulded tor my fst. The
.all e)en chan&ed color: t .ent from yello. to blush. Ds s
typcal of me# 0 had no plan of acton. E)en .hen 0 ha)e a
plan of acton# 0 do not recall t )ery .ell .hen n the phase.
*o 0 found a mrror. 0 loo+ed at my reflecton# e)erythn&
.as normal. Then 0 closed my eyes and ntended to see my
muscles as ben& lar&er. @hen 0 opened my eyes# my chest
seemed pretty b&# but t loo+ed l+e t .as the chest of a ="
year old. 0 thou&ht# 3.hat the hec+L5
0 closed my eyes a&an and created my ntenton# more
ntensely ths tme. @hen 0 opened them a&an# to my
surprse 0 .as l+e Vn Gesel: b& chest# .ell defned# b&
arms etc. 0 sad# 3damn 0 loo+ a.esome-5
*o from there on 0 thn+ 0 pretty much lost t (%.&.? no
aintaining). But t .as &reat any.ay...
0 had an a.a+enn& and mmedately attempted to roll
out. That ddnJt .or+# so 0 tred bran stran# but stll
nothn&... *o 0 phantom .&&led# not sure .hch part of my
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body# 6ust somethn& 4 anythn&# as 0 .as determned to
0t .or+ed# and 0 felt myself mo)n& up.ard and for.ard
and then 0 seemed to &et a lttle stuc+# and so 0 thou&ht# 3Oh#
0 am 6ust &on& to stand up 4 they say that .or+s .hen you
are stuc+.5 0 mmedately stood up# my le&s from the +nees
do.n .ent throu&h my bed. 0t .as )ery pleasant to be free of
my body. The .hole mo)ement of separaton had a sl&ht#
effer)escent tn&ln& sensaton (as you see on *tar Tre+ .hen
they are translocatn&# .e. 3Beam me up *cotty.5)
0 mo)ed to the sde of my bed# but 0 hadnJt opened my
eyes yet as 0 .as a teeny bt an1ous (e1cted) about .hat 0
.ould see .hen 0 dd. 0 naturally started touchn& e)erythn&
.thn reach: the .all# the bed# and the stool at the end of my
bed. 0 then opened my eyes.
0 mmedately felt and sa. a small dar+ shado. at my
feet. 0 +ne. t .as Tsar# my %otherJs Blue Russan cat.
Dlthou&h he does not l)e .th me at the moment# 0 +ne. t
.as hm. Ds 0 mo)ed a.ay from room# 0 cau&ht a &lmpse of
my body lyn& n my bed: my mouth .as sl&htly open and 0
could hear myself softly snorn&. 0 had no desre to loo+
drectly at my body.
0 .as thrlled to be out. 0 stepped nto my l)n& room
(%.&.? no plan of action). To my left .as a lamb and a sheep
and se)eral bro.nsh4blac+ &eese. 0 .as del&hted to see
them there n my l)n& room. 0 felt Tsar at my feet a&an.
%y attenton .as dra.n to .hat .as outsde throu&h the
.ndo.. There 0 sa. colorful# t.rln& carn)al rdes. The
colors .ere not brllant as 0 had hoped they m&ht be#
ho.e)er .hen 0 loo+ed drectly at one t t.rled faster. There
.ere a multtude of brds n the s+y# passn& o)erhead. 0t .as
8ute surreal. 0 &ot the same feeln& as 0 &ot .hen .atchn&
the scene .hen brds fle. by n the mo)e *urassic =ark.
Bac+ n my l)n& room# the anmals had &one but 0
notced .et# sloppy brd droppn&s on the carpet (nau&hty
&eese-). 0 loo+ed at my hand t .as not normal. Balf .as
natural flesh# and the other half .as l+e moulded# s+n tone
(Table of Contents)
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plastc# as n the mas+ the 'hantom of the Opera .ears. 0 .as
not at all perturbed at ts appearance. 0 6ust thou&ht# 3oh#
thatJs nterestn&.5 %y ne1t thou&ht .as# 30 am &on& po+e
my fn&er throu&h my hand.5 0 dd# and then 8uc+ly remo)ed
t# thn+n& to myself# 3ee...- 0t .or+s.5 D&an# 0 .as not
0 mo)ed nto the +tchen. 0t .as as f bur&lars had been
there. There .as bro+en &lass.are and croc+ery all o)er the
bench. 0 am presumn& t .as those nau&hty &eese a&an.
Dny.ay# 0 turned to the refrd&erator and sa. a bro+en mrror
on the floor and .ondered .here t had come from. The
refrd&erator door .as a6ar# 0 opened t further and dsco)ered
that the )e&etable crsper had a mrrored front and t
had been smashed. 0 opened the free,er door to see about >
cups of ce cream (the commercal +nd# somethn& l+e
Cornetto). Ther lds had been peeled off and stc+y ce cream
had run and drpped e) @as t those brds a&anL
0 turned bac+ nto the l)n& room to see more runny brd
droppn&s than there .ere before. 'u,,led# 0 .ondered ho. 0
.as &on& to clean up ths mess.
0 then heard people outsde and loo+ed do.n throu&h
the .ndo.. (0 l)e upstars.)
There .ere half a do,en people dressed n dar+ blue
.or+manJs clothes do.n there tal+n&. One of them .as a
.oman .ho shot me an unpleasant loo+ and sad somethn&
that 0 couldnJt hear. 0 felt threatened. D lttle ner)ous# 0
.ated for them to pass underneath my apartment# but they
ddnJt appear on the other sde of the buldn&. 'he.- (0n
realty# my apartment s suspended bet.een t.o buldn&s#
cars and pedestrans pass under.)
*tandn& on the threshold of the l)n& room and +tchen#
0 decded to fly and see ho. that felt. 0 ,oomed around the
celn& a couple of tmes.
7o. standn& n the l)n& room# contemplatn& .hat 0
should do ne1t# 0 felt a lttle bored. 0 f&ured 0 m&ht as .ell
&o bac+ to my body (%.&.? wrong logic). 0 mo)ed to my bed
and cra.led nto my body. 0 felt a lttle dshe)eled and
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crumpled n there# but as soon as 0 felt smooth and
comfortable 0 opened my eyes.
.ri!bae2 Au!tralia
0 .o+e up. 0 needed to &o to the bathroom# but decded
to &nore the need. 0 felt l&ht )bratons and dd forced falln&
asleep. 0 +ne. 0 .as n the phase. 0 could feel myself mo)n&#
but the )bratons .erenEt there anymore. 0 thou&ht to
myself# CthatEs odd... oh .ell# 6ust roll out-C *o 0 dd-
0 .as on my husbandJs sde of the bed and 0 couldnEt see
properly. %y eyes felt stuc+ to&ether. Dfter some strann&# 0
could see out of my left eye fne and notced a .hole lot of
pllo.s and blan+ets pled on the floor. 0 thou&ht# Cho. dd all
that &et thereLLC
0 tred to open my r&ht eye# but the eyelds .ere stuc+
to&ether. 0 tred physcally openn& t .th my fn&ers# but t
.as stuc+ l+e &lue. 0 thou&ht# C.hat f 0 rp my eyeld#C but
+no.n& full .ell 0 couldnEt. Then# 0 real,ed that the reason
my eye .as not openn& .as because 0 had to deepen- 0
closed my eyes and frantcally started touchn& e)erythn& 0
could. 0 touched the .alls# my husbandJs bedsde table# and
+noc+ed o)er e)erythn&. 0 could hear &lass httn& the table.
0Ed +noc+ed o)er a &lass of .ater. 0 stll couldnEt see- 0 sort of
stalled# and ddnEt +no. .hat to do.
Then# 0 remembered that .hle n the phase# 0 had
.anted to stc+ my head out of my closed bedroom .ndo.#
loo+ out# and 6ump- (my bedroom s on the !nd floor) 0 ran
e1ctedly to the .ndo. and stuc+ my head out- Argh## /t
works# So cool#
0 6umped out# and before 0 ht the &round 0 sad# C0 .ant
to fly.C 0 too+ off and fle. around my house and the others
around t. Ahhh so this is what it feels like. 0t .as ama,n&-
Then all of a sudden 4 *'(DT- 0 fell out of the s+y- Gow rude#
0 6umped up and tred a&an. 0 ddnEt ta+e off# but sort of
ho)ered and then fell a&an. 0 dd ths t.ce# and on the thrd
tme 0 too+ off. 0 fle. do.n the road. 0 stll couldnEt see out of
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my r&ht eye# and thou&ht# 30 .onder f 0 can ma+e t ranL5 0
sad# C0 .ant t to ran#C and t started rann&- Ds soon as t
had started rann&# 0 could see out of both eyes. 0 .ped my
face. There .ere beautful cool ran drops as 0 .as flyn&- 0t
.as so peaceful. 0 ddnEt .ant t to end.
0t dd ho.e)er end# and 0 found myself sttn& on the
sde of the road a bloc+ o)er from my house. 0 real,ed 0
needed to &o to the bathroom- 5an it# 0 .o+e up.
Ths .as the coolest thn& 0 ha)e e)er e1perenced n my
lfe 4 so much fun- 0 canEt .at for more OBEEs 4 brn& t on-
.ori! .eder
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
0 became conscous n my dream almost mmedately
after falln& asleep. 0 .as n my apartment standn& n the
corrdor. Ben& surprsed by ha)n& so suddenly found myself
n the phase# 0 started to touch the .alls .th my hands to
test ther frmness or# Crealness#C as .ell as to ntensfy the
phase by touchn&. 0 entered the room (%.&.? no plan of
action). There .as a bed standn& ne1t to the .all# .th my
mother sleepn& on t. 0 could not see her face# only her body
under the blan+et. The room and corrdor .ere e1act replcas
of ther real4lfe counterparts.
@hle thn+n& about my sleepn& mother# 0 suddenly
started to feel some.hat uneasy. @hen 0 approached the
.ndo.# 0 sa. a &rotes8ue landscape behnd t that .as
smlar to pctures from mo)es about catastrophes: a
.asteland# houses n runs# odd pleups of buldn& materals#
slabs of concrete# &arba&e# craters from e1plosons here and
there# and 0 notced human f&ures n some places.
Fearn& a foul caused by the fact that 0 .as ta+n& n a
panoramc )e. (the )e. from the .ndo. spanned $>"
de&rees and cut off at the hor,on# .hch s n fact almost
e1actly as the )e. from my apartment s n real lfe)# 0
turned bac+ nto the room and started to touch the .ardrobe#
and then +nelt do.n to touch the floor. Dll the .hle# my fear
had been &ro.n& stron&er and stron&er: both out of thn+n&
(Table of Contents)
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about my sleepn& mother and due to the )e. from the
.ndo.. Dn1ety turned nto real fear .thn a matter of
se)eral seconds# and then &raduated nto terror and panc. 0
lost the ablty to thn+ crtcally. 0 had only one thou&ht: 0
had to &o bac+ to my body (%.&.? wrong logic). 0 darted bac+
to my bed and suddenly found myself lyn& on t. 0 closed my
eyes# but could not understand f 0 .ere n my real body or
stll n the phase. %y terror &re. e)en stron&er .hen 0 half4
opened my eyes and sa. that my mother .as &ettn& up from
her bed. *he loo+ed l+e a character from a horror mo)e and
apparently .as hostle to me.
0 .anted to dsappear# dssol)e# and .a+e up- 0
hectcally tred to recall the techn8ues for an emer&ency e1t
from the phase# but .th poor results: 0 tred to free,e# rela1
and touch my fn&ers to my toes n order to feel a connecton
.th my real body. Dt some moments 0 felt l+e 0 had t#
thn+n&# 3The connecton had been restored-5 0 opened my
eyes# but real,ed that 0 .as stll n the phase .hen 0 sa. that
the room had chan&ed# and .as no. a.ash .th &arba&e.
The fact that the attempts +ept endn& .th false
a.a+enn&s .as dr)n& me cra,y. 0 .as especally shoc+ed
.hen 0 &ot up after one of the false a.a+enn&s and sa. my
mother standn& at my bed# stll loo+n& threatenn&ly at me#
l+e a )ampre or a ,ombe from a horror mo)e. 'lus# she
started to reach out to.ard me .th her hands-
0 ne)ertheless +ept on and tred to free,e and .&&le my
toes# ths tme .thout openn& my eyes# and not chec+n&
.here 0 .as. 0 started to calm do.n after some tme# but 0
.as unable to feel my real body# .hch .as confrmed by the
fact that sounds .ere comn& n from the phase: 0 heard
sparro.s chrpn& outsde the .ndo.# thou&h t realty t .as
too late for sparro.s to be out. Bo.e)er# the chrpn& and the
assocatons that t brou&ht (.e. day# .armth# sparro.s# and
sun)# probably helped me a lot and calmed me do.n# as 0
fnally mana&ed to sense my real body and found myself n
realty. 7e)ertheless# after 0 &ot up# 0 mmedately started to
)erfy for about half a mnute that 0 .as no lon&er n the
(Table of Contents)
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phase by touchn& ob6ects# ma+n& sure that they .ere hard#
and feeln& all of my bodly sensatons.
Dll my entres nto the phase .ere spontaneous )a lucd
dreamn& or n a state of )ery dm conscousness. Ths .as
my frst fully conscous separaton. Because of ths# t felt l+e
RED( F27.
0 returned from a busness trp and .ent to bed .th an
eye4mas+ on at : '%. 0 attempted to enter the phase by drect
methods# but fell asleep. 0 .o+e up n about : hours .thout
mo)ement# but .th a feeln& that 0 had .o+en up completely
(%.&.? no separation). 7e)ertheless# somethn& told me to try
to mo)e my arm 4 n case t .as my phantom arm. The arm
started to rse to&ether .th the du)et. 0 had a feeln& that
the du)et .as co)ern& my head as .ell (.hch .as not true)#
and therefore decded to rase the arm h&her to test .hether
t .as my phantom arm or not# as at some pont there .ould
be l&ht from the .ndo. f t ndeed .as my real arm. 7o#
there .as no l&ht and 0 real,ed t .as my phantom arm. 0
tred to roll out .th the arm. Dt frst# separaton .as partal. 0
tred a&an and rolled out from the bed and ended up on all
fours on the floor. Vson appeared almost mmedately. 0
started palpatn& the floor# .alls# and .ndo. shades# feeln&
the te1ture. Then 0 rose and started clappn& my hands.
There .as sound. Then 0 .ent to e1plore the rooms (%.&.? no
plan of action). 0 passed by a mrror. 0 loo+ed at myself and
sa. myself there .th dar+ &lasses and a .de smle#
althou&h 0 .as not smln& at the tme. 0 .ent nto a room
and sa. a beautful partton .all made nto an a8uarum. 0
sa. people behnd the partton and .ent there K and then# a
foul- (%.&.? no aintaining)Dn attempt to separate a&an dd
not .or+.
%y man msta+e n the phase .as n not ta+n& the
clues that the deepenn& .as not suffcent. The clues .ere:
no chan&e n percepton of realsm after applcaton of
(Table of Contents)
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deepenn& techn8ues# the .ea+ sound of my hands clappn&#
and the stran&e reflecton of myself n the mrror.
Ao& $erritt
Hou!to2 /SA
0 already had a fe. successes .th astral pro6ecton# but
they hadnEt lasted lon&# and 0 had ne)er made t out of my
house. 0 consulted .th a frend and she told me there .as a
sort of &ra)ty that tended to pull you bac+ nto your body f
you stayed too close to t# and that .hat she dd .as try to
mmedately lea)e the locaton of the physcal body so that
the pull .ould be .ea+er.
*o# 0 set my ntentons on lea)n& my house as 8uc+ly
as possble on my ne1t successful attempt. Dfter a fe. days 0
had a pro6ecton. Dnd 0 remembered that 0 had .anted to &et
out of the house ths tme# and so as soon as 0 rose up off the
bed 0 started runnn& do.n the hall# do.n the stars# and to
the front door. 0 opened the door (or at least t felt l+e 0
opened the door) and ran outsde. 0 had done t. @thn
seconds of lea)n& my body# 0 made t outsde the house. 0
hadnEt really planned .hat 0 .ould do once outsde and 0 6ust
started runnn& throu&h the yard and to.ards the street. 0
happened to loo+ bac+ to.ard the house# and 0 sa. a couple
of lttle red eyes n the dar+ness. Dnd those eyes .ere mo)n&
too- 0 could see that t (.hate)er t .as) .as runnn& too# and
0 .as afrad that t .as runnn& after me- 0 &ot scared and
mmedately found myself bac+ n my body (%.&.? no
aintaining and no re-entering).
Ths pro6ecton .as specal because t .as the frst tme 0
.as able to lea)e the house and the frst tme 0 encountered
another entty .hle outsde my body.
Ale+ei Te!leko
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
Dctually# 0 .as not plannn& to tra)el that n&ht# but
.hen 0 .o+e up around mdn&ht 0 decded to try to enter the
phase ne)ertheless. 0 started to perform phantom mo)ements
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.th my arms# but then a stron& sleepy lethar&y o)ercame
me and 0 suddenly .anted to &)e up my attempts to enter
the phase and smply fall asleep. Bo.e)er# 0 .as persstent
and contnued to perform phantom mo)ements .th my arms.
0nstead of feeln& the usual )bratons that occur .hen ths
techn8ue s performed# 0 smply fell asleep and contnued the
phantom mo)ements .hle dreamn&. Because of that# my
conscousness apparently dd not fall asleep completely# and 0
became a.are that 0 .as dreamn&.
0 mmedately clmbed out of my body. There .as no
)son# conscous a.areness .as no more than 9";# so the
phase .as not that deep. 0n order to mantan the phase# 0
mmedately started chaotcally touchn& e)erythn& around
me. 0t helped. Vson came# thou&h t .as mur+y. 0 then
found myself n my apartment. 0 decded to str)e to deepen.
Dfter 0 had ache)ed a stable phase# 0 decded that t .ould be
&ood to &rab a snac+ and headed for the frd&e (%.&.? no plan
of action).
0 should add that 0 .as on a strct det at the tme and
.as cra)n& somethn& s.eet or fred. Bo.e)er# .hen 0
opened the frd&e# 0 .as 8ute dsapponted. There .as a lot
(Table of Contents)
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of food n the frd&e# but all of t re8ured preparaton (ra.
meat# fsh# dll# etc.). Bo.e)er# there .as a bottle of spar+ln&
mneral .ater on a specal shelf n the frd&e. @thout
&)n& t any thou&ht# 0 too+ the bottle and started to chu& t.
Dll of the sensatons .ere 6ust as n real lfe: 0 felt the
bubbles from the carbonaton# that pecular taste that mneral
.ater has# and also ho. the .ater .ent do.n my throat. 0n
&eneral# e)erythn& .as 8ute realstc# thou&h there .as no
sensaton of my stomach flln& up .th .ater and# moreo)er#
the .ater felt some.hat dry. 0t sounds funny# but that )ery
feeln& of .aterJs dryness spoled my o)erall mpresson
some.hat. Dfter a foul# 0 real,ed that a possble reason for
ths m&ht ha)e been dryness n the mouth of my real body.
2sually# f there are# for e1ample# candes n the +tchen
or n the frd&e# 0 actually ta+e a handful of them and
consume them .hle tra)eln& throu&h the phase.
Dfter &on& to the frd&e# 0 .anted to see somethn&
nterestn&. 0 decded to employ the techn8ue for creatn&
ob6ects and people# and so 0 closed my eyes and focused on
the ma&e of a &rl .hom 0 .anted to see at that )ery
moment. 0 affrmed my desre# and 0 then opened my eyes#
concentratn& on the area to my sde. The ar &re. msty at
frst# and then the person 0 .as e1pectn& materal,ed out of
the ar# and came to lfe# seemn&ly fully autonomous and
.th free .ll 4 she had the same manner of spea+n& as n
real lfe# and acted n the same .ayO
Dodd Stol(ort&'
Betura2 /SA
0 set my alarm to &o off n < hours# but 0 .o+e up to
)bratons after 9 hours of sleep (%.&.? no separation).
*trann& the bran .or+ed really .ell and the )bes &ot
stron&er and stron&er (%.&.? no separation). @hle they .ere
&ettn& stron&er# 0 told myself that f 0 heard any +ds comn&
n the room or felt the bed sha+e# that t .as fa+e- Ths s
because 0E)e been fooled too many tmes.
(Table of Contents)
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%y body started &ettn& loose and floaty and before 0
+ne. t# 0 .as 6ust out- GdnEt ha)e to separate-
%y nec+ has been messed up snce Dprl and the last
couple .ee+s 0E)e made t my &oal to do somethn& about t n
the phase (0 &ot the dea from the thread CBealn& n the
phaseC by Ieff on the forum). 0 .anted to try
some +nd of manual stmulaton# but 0 dd not see my body
on the bed. 0nstead# 0 notced my sster4n4la. .as sleepn&
.th my .fe n my bed.
0 .anted to accomplsh my &oal before 0 fouled. *nce 0
ddnEt see my body# 0 recalled %chael tal+n& about ta+n&
plls. 0 .as a lttle .orred about ta+n& random plls# so 0 dd
a realty chec+ frst and then .ent for t.
@hen 0 .o+e up 0 notced .erd tn&ln&# )bratons n
my nec+ and 0 feel pretty &ood today-- 0Ed say a !";
mpro)ement- D@E*O%E-
Dodd Stol(ort&'
Betura2 /SA
0 .as .a+n& up and felt a stran&e feeln& n my hands
and feet. 0 also notced 0 .as sleepn& n the babyEs bed but#
l+e most dreams# dd not thn+ anythn& of t. %ean.hle# /
felt the presence of soeone standing by y bed. 0t .as a
stran&e feeln& and the presence that made me 8ueston
lucdty# so 0 stuc+ my hand throu&h the .all# and BD%- 0 .as
no. lucd.
*o 0 &rabbed my = year old son# put hm on my
shoulders and told hm .e .ere &on& flyn&. 0 6umped up but
nothn&. *o 0 decded to .al+ throu&h the .all. Ds 0 dd so#
e)erythn& .ent blac+ and 0 +ne. 0 .as losn& the phase. 0
rubbed my hands to&ether and .ated patently for the phase
to return. To my surprse# t dd- 0E)e been able to reco)er
phases before# but none after losn& them as lon& as 0 had
here. *o ths tme 0 decded to not do anythn& untl 0 .as
able to ma+e the phase more stable. 0 rubbed my hands some
more and e)erythn& became so ))d- 0 stll had my son on
my shoulders# and decded to 6ust 6ump throu&h the .all and
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0 &ently floated do.n to the street 4 man# .hat a rush- 0 then
too+ another hu&e leap and floated do.n a&an (%.&.?
no plan of action). E)erythn& faded and 0 dd not feel any
hands that 0 could rub to&ether# and so t ended (%.&.? no
0E)e heard of people lyn& stll after phases and ben&
able to re4enter the phase# but 0 .as not able to do t.
$att&e( S&ea
0 .as ha)n& a dream# and at the end of the dream# 0
could feel the shft n conscousness as 0 came bac+ to my bed
(%.&.? no separation). 0 attempted rubbn& my hands
to&ether# and 0 decded to ncorporate rubbn& my face as
.ell. 0t be&an to start to feel realstc# so 0 startn& puttn&
more .or+ nto t. Then# 0 tred to &et up. 0mmedately after
tryn& to &et up# 0 8uestoned .hether ths .as the physcal
.orld or not. Re&ardless# 0 +ept on tryn&. 0 had to put n a
lar&e amount of effort nto t# but 0 e)entually mana&ed to &et
myself out of bed.
0 couldnJt open my eyes. 0 tred to force them open .th
my hands and &ot a lttle bt of l&ht n. Then 0 remembered
that sometmes you donJt ha)e )son# and that you need to
do &roundn& techn8ues. 0 be&an feeln& the .alls and soon
enou&h my )son be&an to come to me. 0n the process# 0
could hear a .oman 0 +no. &)n& orders to someone. @hen
my )son came# she .as &one. 0 pro6ected nto my brotherJs
room nstead of my o.n# but no. the .hole house .as
dfferent. There .ere people e) dressed n huntn&
unforms. 0 .al+ed nto one room and there .as a des+ .th a
&rl 0 +no. behnd t (%.&.? no plan of action). *he seemed to
be n char&e of .hat .as &on& on around there. @e tal+ed
for a mnute and then someone came n .th a dead moose n
a hu&e ba&. 0t .as 8ute stran&e.
0 proceeded to .al+ else# but 0 donJt +no.
ho. 0 &ot there. 0t .as a hu&e room# .th shel)es full of VB*
tapes on one sde and someone playn& the pano. They .ere
(Table of Contents)
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playn& musc# 0 thn+# and people .ere all around#
lstenn&. @e .al+ed nto another room and someone started
dancn&. 0 be&an to dance .th them# 6ust fooln& around.
E)erybody came nto the room and .atched us dance or
6oned us. 0 started to lose the phase# and could partally feel
myself lyn& n my bed. 0 felt around tryn& to &round myself
a&an but t .as too late. 0 could feel the sdes of my bed. 0
tred to &et out of my body once a&an but t ne)er .or+ed.
$att&e( S&ea
0 felt as f 0 .as lyn& n my bed at frst# but at the same
tme 0 felt l+e 0 .as n a dream. 0 could hear a &ame sho. or
somethn& on a tele)son# so t .as defntely n my head. 0
rela1ed and +ne. 0 .as ether n a dream# or about to be. Dll
of a sudden# 0 .as thrust nto the phase. 0 landed n a &rassy
feld n a place l+e my to.n# but ha)n& a bt of a dfferent
appearance. 0 .al+ed alon&# and felt the &rass and other
thn&s as 0 dd. 0 crossed a road as a hu&e )ehcle came do.n
the road. The )ehcle ht me and +noc+ed me do.n# but
luc+ly t ddnJt hurt. 0 felt as f 0 .as obser)n& a mo)e. 0t felt
&reat. *uddenly# 0 real,ed .hat my plan .as.
0 really .anted to try and fly and &o )st someone that 0
+no.. 0 6umped a couple tmes to no a)al. Then# 0 6umped
and be&an to fly a lttle. Dll of a sudden# the polce came and
pulled me out of the s+y (%.&.? wrong action) and accused
me of terrorsm- 0 ended up ben& let off because they really
donJt +no. .hat the hec+ they .ere tal+n& about. 0 .ent
home after ths. 0 really .anted to try and )st my frend
a&an# so 0 .ent and put my shoes on. Dt that pont# 0 started
thn+n& about my physcal body# and so 0 mmedately
stopped thn+n& about t and contnued .th the shoe thn&.
0 .al+ed outsde# and then 0 start thn+n& about .hat
the .orld around me loo+ed l+e. 0 &a,ed up behnd my
house# .here there are usually a fe. hlls. They .ere hu&e
no. and )ery &rassy nstead of roc+y. Ths amused me and 0
loo+ed around some more. 7o. there .ere hlls n my front
(Table of Contents)
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yard. Ds 0 &a,ed up at the s+y# 0 notced somethn& ama,n&.
There .ere moons of e)ery dfferent shape and s,e# dffern&
from the normal color. *ome .ere pale blue. *ome of them
.ere o)al and some .ere round. 0t .as a really fantastc
s&ht. Dfter ths# 0 contnued on my .ay to )st my frend. 0
started .al+n& do.n the road# tryn& to fly a&an and a&an.
%y brother sho.ed up and 0 told hm .hat 0 .as don&.
Be su&&ested that he &)e me a boost. 0 told hm that 0 m&ht
end up hurtn& myself l+e that# and so he doesnJt do t. 0 +ept
tryn&. 0 e)en 6umped off someoneJs head .hen 0 sa. them
comn& up the road. 0 &uess 0 fnally &a)e up on t. There .as
a small lapse bet.een then and .hen 0 ended up n my house
(%.&.? no aintaining). Once 0 dd end up n my house# .e
.ere ha)n& somethn& to eat. Ds 0 .as sttn& at the +tchen
table# 0 all of a sudden .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering). 0t
feels really nterestn& to 6ust .a+e up peacefully n your bed
after an e1perence l+e that.
0 .o+e and started to apply the ndrect techn8ues after
an attempt to separate. 7othn& happened...
0 remembered to +eep don& cycles# and once 0 reached
the fourth cycle and .as really stru&&ln& to not fall asleep# 0
notced that 0 .as hearn& a beepn& nose# and so 0 started
lstenn& n. 0 donEt really remember# but 0 thn+ 0 tred to
separate n my bedroom at that pont. 0 teleported and
suddenly found myself standn& n a shoppn& mall.
0 sort of +ne. t .as a dream# but my mnd couldnEt
accept t# and so 0 .as both a.are and una.are at the same
tme. But then my 3a.are half5 decded to touch the &round
and e)erythn& 0 sa. around. The dream .as no. perfectly
0 tred to summon a person.0 thou&ht# Caround that
corner 0 .ll meet my frend Iohanna.C Once 0 .al+ed past t#
0 sa. her- *he had on dfferent clothes than usual# but her
face loo+ed all the same. 0 tal+ed to her .hle smply admrn&
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the ))d .orld and pro6ectons of people 0 +no.. *he then
&a,ed at me for se)eral seconds and +ssed me- 0 .as
shoc+ed# because 0 donEt ha)e feeln&s for her. Bo.e)er# here
0 lost lucdty (%.&.? no aintaining)...
D)itr' .olotko#
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
The follo.n& all occurred after 0 .o+e up# and then
be&an to do,e off a&an. 0 lay on my sde and .as be&nnn&
to fall asleep# .hen 0 sa. some fu,,y ma&es from a pre)ous
dream. %y body be&an to fll .th hea)ness# 0 practcally
stopped feeln& t. %ld )bratons arose. 0 mmedately
remembered about the phase# and 6ust rela1ed... 0ma&ne my
surprse .hen 0 felt that 0 .as separatn&. %y heartbeat
abruptly ncreased durn& the process. 0 separated# and found
myself suspended n the ar (0 stll couldnEt see yet). *o 0
started flaln& my arms and le&s# spnnn& n the dar+ness#
tryn& to fly as far a.ay as possble from my body. 0 came up
a&anst somethn& sold (the celn&# 0 thn+). %y le&s then
s.un& do.n to the left# and 0 assumed a )ertcal poston. 0
started rubbn& my hands# tryn& to see them. %y )son
&radually came to me.
0 fnally sa. my o.n hands. They .ere smaller than n
realty# and seemed to ha)e a &reen hue to them. Then 0
re)e.ed the stuaton: 0 .as n my old apartment# but the
furnture .as chaotcally arran&ed. 0 be&an to palpate and
scrutn,e e)erythn&. %y )son .as ncredbly sharp# much
clearer than n realty (0E)e become 8ute nears&hted o)er the
last t.o years). *tran&ely enou&h# 0 felt as f my eyes .ere
closed# but that 0 could ne)ertheless see. 0 then .as
someho. able to turn off my )son. 0 do)e nto the floor
(%.&.? no plan of action).
0 fle. do.n for some tme. Then# 0 stopped and turned
my )son bac+ on. 0 .as n outer space# and sa. totally
stran&e planets. Because 0Em afrad of he&hts# 0 turned off
my )son a&an and .shed to fnd myself n another place#
one .here 0Ed ha)e somethn& sold to stand on. Dfter a fe.
(Table of Contents)
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moments# 0 felt 0 .as standn& on somethn&. 0 turned my
)son bac+ on. 0 .as n the desert. *tran&e anmals .ere
&ra,n&# there .ere p&eons e) and po+er chps
scattered all o)er the sand. For some reason# 0 f&ured 0 .as
near (as Ve&as. 0 .al+ed around a bt. Once 0 started loo+n&
around# my feld of )son be&an narro.n&. Ds soon as there
.as nothn& but a small peep4hole of )son left# 0 be&an
rubbn& my hands to&ether and loo+n& at them. %y )son
returned after se)eral seconds. Then# a p&eon ran up to me
.th the clear ntenton of btn& my le&. 0 be&an runnn&
a.ay# +c+n& up sand at the brd (%.&.? wrong action). ThatEs
.hen t all ended. 0 found myself bac+ n my body# and
opened my eyes (%.&.? no re-entering).
Ya G#o9de#
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
@hen mplementn& the countn& techn8ue# 0 thou&ht
about par+s# and an ma&e of a photo&raph of an autumn
par+ appeared before me. 0 tred to brn& the ma&e to lfe# as
f 0 .ere mo)n& the detals of t. 0nsde# 0 felt that 0 .as n a
state sutable for tryn& to enter the phase# and .as able to
d)e nto the pcture upon my frst attempt.
0 no. found myself n that autumn par+# t .as )ery
beautful. 0n an effort to deepen# 0 started to palpate
e)erythn& around me: lea)es# the bar+ on the trees# and my
o.n hands. The state stabl,ed# and 0 .ent for a .al+ around
the .onderful par+. 0t .as full of brds sn&n& and crsp
Ds pre)ously planned# 0 decded to play t by ear.
The frst thn& that came to mnd .as the 8ueston of
ho. my future home .ould loo+# somethn& that 0 had been
thn+n& a lot about. 0 concentrated# and transported to that
home usn& the method of closed eyes.
0 found myself near a )ery beautful house. 0 had ne)er
e)en daydreamed about so beautful a house n real lfe. 0
.al+ed to.ards t# rubbn& my hands to&ether all the .ay n
order to deepen the state. Once 0 &ot closer# the home be&an
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to chan&e and ta+e dfferent forms at a speed commensurate
.th the thou&hts n my head.
Then# .al+n& around the house for some tme# peern&
at and touchn& the furnture# 0 had the thou&ht that the
house someho. remnded me of a beautful hotel# and then
the house turned nto a hotel. 0t stood before me l+e one of
those hu&e beach4sde tourst resorts n E&ypt.
0 entered the enormous hotel. 0t .as full of &uests. 0
.al+ed amon& them# tal+n& .th some# and touchn& at
others out of curosty. Then 0 .ent nto the restaurant# and
sa. there a )arety of dshes. 0 sampled some of them. Then#
0 .ent out for a .al+ nsde the hotel# contnun& to tal+ to
people 0 encountered alon& the .ay.
0nternally# 0 had been as+n& myself about the near
future n real lfe# and tryn& to f&ure out .ho or .hat could
tell me about t. %y .fe Dle1andra appeared# and .e started
to .onder to&ether about our near future# as .e .ere 8ute
nterested to +no. about t. %y .feEs double beha)ed e1actly
l+e my spouse n real lfe# .th the same character trats.
Dle1andra proposed that .e try to en6oy oursel)es# and
thn+ of somethn& to do by the sea. For e1ample# .e could
&o do.n the &reat .ater4slde at the hotelEs .ater par+.
@e .ent up to the h&hest .ater slde# .hch .as so
h&h up that 0 became short of breath. 0 real,ed that &on&
do.n such an enormous .ater slde .ould be &ood for
mantann& and stabl,n& the phase state. 0t absolutely
.asnEt clear .hy there .asnEt a s.mmn& pool at the end to
land n. 0 f&ured that t perhaps .asnEt such a &ood dea to
slde do.n# as .e .ere 8ute h&h up. But Dle1andra .ent
frst# and 0# l+e a real &entleman# sld do.n after her. But
then# as 0 had &uessed# the slde ended 9" yards from the
&round. Dt the bottom .as asphalt. There .as no tme left to
concentrate and ma&ne that there .ould be a s.mmn&
pool at the end of the slde. 0 fle. r&ht onto the asphalt.
$$"; Realsm. @hle 0 .as stll flyn&# 0 f&ured that the
landn& .ould be 8ute panful. 0 landed .th a thud r&ht on
my feet. The pan ran up my entre body# especally my shns
(Table of Contents)
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and +nees. Once the real,aton came that 0 had modeled that
pan before my descent merely by thn+n& about t# the pan
mmedately )anshed.
Then Dle1andra decded to ha)e more fun 4 she .as
already n a panfully playful mood. *he found some +nd of
amusement4cannon that .ould shoot us 8ute far nto the
*he a&an decded to &o frst# and 0 .ent r&ht after her.
0t shot us :""44"" yards out from the shore. @hle 0 .as
flyn& behnd Dle1andra# 0 became 8ute afrad. @hy so far
out nto the seaL @ould .e be able to s.m bac+ to shoreL
0 often mentally compare the phase space to the real
.orld# and can state that they are often ndstn&ushable
from each other. Ths s especally true of a )ery realstc
phase .hen you as+ yourself the 8ueston# CDnd e1actly
.here am 0 r&ht no.LC Dt such moments# the only thn& that
helps s a deep analyss of the stuaton and thn+n& about
the body# but don& so rs+s fouls occurrn&.
*he .ent frst nto the .ater# and 0 after her. Gue to the
he&ht and speed from .hch 0 fell# 0 do)e 8ute deeply nto
the .ater. 0 felt l+e 0 .as suffocatn&. 0 could not breathe
under.ater# and started loo+n& for Dle1andra. 0 spotted her
coura&eously s.mmn& do.n n the ocean depths.
0 came to my senses# and started concentratn& on
breathn& under.ater. 0 .as successful# but the .e&ht and
depth of the .ater unner)ed me. 0 do.n to catch up
.th Dle1andra. @e deeper and deeper# o)ercomn&
the .ater pressure .th dffculty. @e .ent do.n to $9"" feet
belo. sea4le)el. 0mpressed by .hat 0 sa.# 0 .as at loss for
thou&hts# as the e)ents ta+n& place .ere completely
ndstn&ushable from realty.
@e e)en deeper# and somethn& cau&ht our eye.
@e up closer# and sa. somethn& l+e a ca)e n the
coral reef. @hen .e .ent do.n a lttle deeper# the seabed
.as clearly )sble.
@e spotted a tunnel that led nto a ca)e# and
to.ards t. Dle1andra seemed to ha)e already +no.n the
(Table of Contents)
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.ay. 0 follo.ed behnd her# not 8ute understandn& .here .e
.ere &on&# but trustn& her completely. @e nto the
ca)e# and surfaced nsde the pool of .ater nsde t nto an
ar4flled space. The chamber had .ndo.s l+e those of an
a8uarum. One could .atch all +nds of beautful fsh
s.mmn& r&ht past ths sea4ca)e. @e .ere &reeted by four
.omen n the ca)e# .ho appeared to ha)e been .atn& for
us. They sat us do.n ne1t to each4other. They loo+ed l+e
6ournalsts and anchor.omen.
0 stopped mo)n& once 0 sat do.n# and started to fade
out. 0 be&an to focus on ssues concernn& our future#
for&ettn& to mantan the phase.
0 started as+n& them my 8uestons once the ne.scast
started. Then# 0 accdentally thou&ht about my body# and a
foul occurred (%.&.? no re-entering). 0 ne)ertheless obtaned
a lot of )sual nformaton# .hch 0 later dstlled nto e)ents
and ma&es.
T.o .ee+s later# 0 .ent on )acaton to a b& hotel n the
real .orld# .here 0 sa. the same ma&es that .ere descrbed
abo)e and occurred n ths phase. Of course# the
correspondence .as not $"";# but the o)erall pcture of the
stuaton completely concded n terms of meann& and
*o last n&ht after about 4 hours of sleep# 0 .o+e up and
dd a fe. lttle thn&s# .ent to the bathroom# lt some ncense#
and then .ent bac+ to bed. Ds 0 .as falln& asleep# 0 started
to obser)e dream ma&es comn& n and out of my a.areness.
Once 0 felt that one .as stron& enou&h# 0 6ust &ot up and fell
off the end of my bed. 0 .as no. n the phase.
0 .as n complete dar+ness# .hch happens to me a lot
.hen 0 e1t my body# and so 0 started deepenn& techn8ues
untll 0 could see. BereEs the nterestn& part: 0E)e been
.antn& to do an OBE 3test5 for a .hle# and so before &on&
to bed that n&ht 0 had shuffled a dec+ of cards and put one
(Table of Contents)
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h&h up n my room .here 0 couldnEt see t (0 hadnJt loo+ed at
t). Ds soon as 0 could see after deepenn&# 0 clmbed up and
loo+ed at the card. @hat 0 sa. .as the > of damonds.
Dfter don& ths 0 6umped out my .ndo. and e1plored a
3phase5 &arden. T.o alen4l+e creatures dro)e up and pulled
out &uns on me# but 0 dsarmed them 8uc+ly. 0 stole ther car
and dro)e around crashn& nto thn&s for fun. Then 0 had a
false a.a+enn&. 0 .as bac+ n my room# but had .o+en up n
a standn& poston# and 0 so nstantly +ne. 0 .as stll n the
Ths tme# 0 decded to try somethn& else 0 had .anted
to try. 0t m&ht sound a bt cra,y# but 0 spo+e to the plants n
my room# 0 made them &ro. hu&e and they flled my room. 0t
loo+ed spectacular. Then# the sprt of the plants manfested
as my ba&# .hch .as stran&e# and he spo+e l+e an old
En&lsh man. 0 donEt really remember .hat he sad.
*hortly thereafter 0 .o+e up for real# and t too+ me a
lttle .hle to remember .hat 0 had done n the phase# but
once 0 dd 0 6umped up and chec+ed the card to see f 0 .as
r&ht. 0t turned out to be the > of clubs# so 0 &ot the sut
.ron& but the number r&ht- 0 .as stll pretty happy 4 e)en
thou&h 0 ddnEt &et t $""; correct# t .as close enou&h for
*o 0 .o+e up at <::" ths mornn&# dd a fe. thn&s# and
.ent bac+ to bed. 0 ddnEt do any techn8ues as such# but t
too+ me so lon& to &et bac+ to sleep that 0 felt myself enter
sleep paralyss# and so as soon as 0 felt the moment .as r&ht
0 &ot up and fell off the end of my bed (seems to be becomn&
my standard e1t procedure these days). Dfter some
deepenn& 0 .al+ed out my room and sa. my reflecton n a
mrror: 0 .as .earn& a hat# .hch .as confrmaton for me
that 0 .as no. n the phase# as 0 ha)enEt .orn a hat n years.
*o 0 .anted to repeat my pre)ous test n a sl&htly
dfferent manner. 0 &ot my sster to .rte do.n a : d&t
(Table of Contents)
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number and put t n her room to see f 0 could read t n the
OBE state. 0 .al+ed n her room and her boyfrend .as
asleep# 0 called out hs name a fe. tmes and tred to
con)nce hm t .as a phase but he seemed sleepy and ddnJt
respond. The results from loo+n& at the number .ere
nconclus)e# as 0 perhaps hadnEt deepened enou&h and t
.asnEt )ery stable. Dny.ay# after also telln& my sster that
ths .as a phase and they could both do .hat they .anted# 0
d)ed throu&h the floor to relocate.
0 ended up n an old lbrary and tred some deepenn&#
and the normal method of touchn& e)erythn& .or+ed. There
.as also a CG on the floor# 0 .anted to use more senses than
touch to deepen further# and so 0 lc+ed the CG. Dt frst t
ddnJt taste of anythn&# but after a fe. lc+s t +nd of tasted
ho. 0 suppose a CG .ould. Ths dd seem to ma+e my
surroundn&s more realstc.
(ast n&ht before bed# 0 .as readn& a h&hly nterestn&
.ebste on the 0llumnat# actually made by some members. 0
f&ured 0 .ould try to fnd out more about them n the phase#
and so 0 called out# 30llumnat5. Before 0 fnshed the .ord# :
chars mo)ed by themsel)es nto a small ro. and a )oce
sad# 3ta+e a seat5# and so 0 dd. The .alls of the lbrary
opened up nto a sta&e and many robed f&ures be&an to put
on a sho. and sn& (nothn& l+e 0 .as e1pectn&-). *hortly
after t be&an# 0 thou&ht to myself# 3f 0 6ust st here and
.atch 0 .ll probably .a+e up soon5# and lo and behold after
thn+n& that 0 pretty much .o+e up stra&ht a.ay (%.&.? no
'erhaps 6ust ha)n& the thou&ht of .a+n& up made me
lose the phase 8uc+erL
Dlso# 0J)e notced that f 0 ha)e an dea of .hat 0Jm &on&
to do n the phase# t &enerally comes .th some e1pectatons
of .hat .ll occur .hen 0 try t. 7ot on one occason has
tryn& an dea out e)er met my e1pectatons (0Jm not sayn& t
has been better or .orse# but 6ust completely dfferent to
.hat .ould e1pect). 0n the phase 0 .ould e1pect happenn&s
(Table of Contents)
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to occur based on e1pectatons# but clearly ths snEt 8ute the
(ast n&ht 0 had .hat seemed l+e a )ery lon& phase
e1perence. 0 .ent to bed at $:"" D% and as 0 .as falln&
asleep 0 started to notce some )suals# and e)entually found
myself n a room that .as dar+ and dull. 0t seems my
e1perences from falln& stra&ht asleep al.ays seem to be
ths .ay. 0n addton# t felt )ery unstable and 0 felt some
n)sble force pulln& me around l+e t .as tryn& to &et hold
of me.
*nce 0 ha)enEt had luc+ usn& sensory amplfcaton to
enhance my )suals n pre)ous drect e1perences# 0 decded
to try somethn& sl&htly dfferent. 0 sat n my normal
medtaton poston and too+ some deep breaths. Ds 0 frst sat
do.n# the 3force5 .as stron& and 0 +ept mo)n& around# l+e
on a shp n a storm# but after a fe. deep breaths the force
.ea+ened and my )suals enhanced. 0 fle. out the .ndo.
and shortly thereafter a.o+e a&an n dar+ness.
0 real,ed t .as a false a.a+enn&# and remember
feeln& uncomfortable a&an and so 0 started to sn& my
fa)orte Bob %arley son&. 0 remember a man n a sut .ho
.as 3comn& after me5 as f 0 ddnEt belon& there and .as
tryn& to ta+e me a.ay. 0 tred to ma+e hm dsappear# but t
ddnEt .or+# and so 0 .ent for hm. Be then deflated l+e a
balloon and fell to the floor.
0 .as n .hat seemed l+e a club# and 0 as+ed one
.oman 3.hat s the truth about ths realtyL5 *he repled#
30tEs all statstcs.5 0 found ths confusn&# and so .al+ed
around a lttle tryn& to decde .hat to do (%.&.? no plan of
action). 0 remembered a .ebste someone posted on a .hle
a&o .th some 3tests5# one of .hch .as to dra. the nfnty
s&n on a door then .al+ throu&h t. 0 found a door and
scratched the 3ome&a5 s&n on t and .al+ed throu&h. 0t .as
6ust another room n the club# .th a bar# and t.o men. One
(Table of Contents)
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of them seemed )ery busy (0 assumed he .as the mana&er)
and the other .as sttn& and drn+n&. The mana&er .al+ed
past me and 0 as+ed hm to tell me somethn& .se. Be sad#
3bad soc+s5-
0 spo+e to the other man brefly but canEt really
remember the con)ersaton. 0 .ent out of the room and sat
.th some people. 0 pc+ed up a tssue and transformed t nto
a cheeseca+e# t tasted so delcous# so &ood n fact n made
me .ant to ha)e se1# and so 6umped on a nearby lady# as .e
be&an .e started to fly throu&h the ar# 0 remember flyn&
throu&h trees and could feel the lea)es caressn& my s+n as
.e fle.. Dt the pont of clma1 0 a.o+e a&an# n dar+ness.
0 .as stll n the phase# ths tme n some sort of factory#
.th a hu&e &reen machne# 0Jm not sure .hat ts purpose
.as. The phase characters told me that t re8ured a specal
co& to .or+H 0 thn+ they called t a trigadore (L)co&. Dfter
ths# 0 remember a frend of mne comn& nto the room#
upset# and 0 &a)e hm some ad)ce. 0 told hm that sometmes
you ha)e to for&)e yourself and not be too hard on yourself.
Ths seemed to cheer hm up.
D&an 0 .as shfted nto dar+ness# almost hopn& 0 .as
a.a+e ths tme 4 but no# 0 .as stll n the phase. 0 decded to
attempt to .a+e myself up (0 thou&ht t m&ht not .or+# but 0
tred any.ay)# and 6ust ended up feeln& a sensaton of
mo)ement and re4appearn& n dar+ness. 0 found myself bac+
n the club .here 0 .as pre)ously# at ths pont 0 .as startn&
to &et concerned as t had felt l+e 0 had been n the phase for
too lon&. 0 .al+ed around the bar and as+ed a .oman# 30f 0
.as lucd for the .hole n&ht# ho. lon& .ould t feel l+eL5 0
then real,ed t .as a foolsh 8ueston# as tme n the phase
cannot really be establshed. 0 re4phrased the 8ueston#
as+n& .hen 0 m&ht .a+e up# and she sad 3sometme
today5. *hortly after ths# 0 a.o+e for real.
Ths phase felt l+e t .ent on for a&es# and more
happened that 0 ha)enEt .rtten here or ha)e for&otten. @hen
0 e)entually .o+e for real# 0 loo+ed at the tme: $:4: D%. 0
had only slept for about 4" mnutes but t felt l+e much
(Table of Contents)
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lon&er. 0 tred my hardest to remember as much as 0 could# 0
.anted to .rte t do.n then# but 0 ddnEt .ant to .a+e my
&rlfrend# and so 0 decded a&anst t.
Arlido .ati!ta
4odo2 /6
Ths s my )ery frst OOBE n .hch 0 could seemn&ly
see the physcal .orld as t s. 0 sa. myself and my partner
lyn& n bed and e)erythn& .as crystal clear. 0 had the
sensaton of ben& catapulted out of my body as 0 heard a
nose l+e a stone +noc+n& the nsde of a buc+et. 0 .atched
my .hte celn& approachn& me )ery 8uc+ly# and 6ust as 0
thou&ht 0 .as &on& to crash nto t# 0 slo.ed do.n r&ht up
a&anst t. 0 ne)er actually remaned n one locaton. 0 mo)ed
constantly. The mo)ement .as &radual# as thou&h 0 .ere
mo)n& n frames of space 4 f ths ma+es any sense to the
reader. Then 0 could see e)erythn& n my bedroom. 0 .as
near the celn&# and a feeln& of e1ctement caused me to
bounce all o)er the place at ama,n& speed# .thout actually
touchn& any ob6ects.
0 .shed to nspect my body closely# and nstantly 0
found myself ne1t to t as f by teleportaton (%.&.? no plan of
action). 0t .as )ery .erd. 0ntally 0 had felt l+e 0 .ere 6ust a
3floatn& head5# but upon seen& my physcal body# 0 started
to loo+ around for my ne. body. *uddenly# a transparent
)erson of my hands and arms could be seen. 0nsde my ne.
lmbs# 0 could see mo)n& patterns and could ma+e out
somethn& l+e transparent )ens and .hat loo+ed l+e a flud
runnn& throu&h them. Bo.e)er# ths .as unl+e .hat 0 ha)e
seen thorou&hly llustrated n human anatomy boo+s.
0 then fle. out of my bedroom .ndo.# and sa. the
landscape outsde n the early hours of the mornn&. 0 .as
ho)ern& $9 feet abo)e the &round and as 0 mo)ed 0 sa. a
lttle &rl n my ne&hborJs .ndo. loo+n& at me. 0 fle.
to.ards her# a bt confused because she could see me# and 0
as+ed her# 3can you see meL5 0t seemed l+e 0 had pro6ected
ths to her as a thou&ht form. *he shoo+ her head n denal#
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.hch contradcted the fact that she had responded. *he
seemed terrfed# so 0 ho)ered a.ay and bac+ to my room.
@hen 0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering)# 0 thou&ht to myself#
C@as t an ntense lucd dreamL @as t )ery accurate about
the realty 0 +no.LC
Dfter all# 0 +ne. my ne&hbors and had ne)er seen that
lttle &rl (she seemed to be about 9 years old) before. Then#
n the follo.n& days# 0 notced that my ne&hborJs dau&hters
had frends around and they seemed to stay o)er. On one
partcular day# my partner sent me to the fsh4and4chp shop.
On the .ay there 0 .ent past our local Baptst church. 0 sa.
my ne&hbor tal+n& to some people outsde# and suddenly 0
sa. the lttle &rl- *he .as real as she came runnn& out of
the church .th other chldren. *he ne)er sa. me as she .as
ha)n& fun runnn& around the adults .th her frends. Then 0
real,ed that 0 .as probably seen& her for the frst tme .th
my physcal eyes. But ho. could 0 ha)e a )sual memory of
Arlido .ati!ta
4odo2 /6
Dfter an e)entful day at the par+ .th our chldren#
*tacey and 0 .ent to bed around $!::" D%. 0Jd had a &lass of
ml+ and a couple of chocolate d&est)e bscuts before &on&
to bed. 0 .as so tred that t ddnJt ta+e me lon& to fall asleep.
0 .o+e up at :.9" D% to use the bathroom. %y sleep nerta
symptoms .ere stron& and t felt l+e the perfect opportunty
for an out4of4body e1curson. 0 lay do.n feeln& l+e a dead
.e&ht and 6ust rela1ed. *oon 0 entered a famlar state of
clarty and the hssn& pulsaton returned. 0 remember
thn+n& that perhaps the 3pneal en&ne5 had &nted and .as
re))n& up to a rollercoaster of rushn& sounds. @hat follo.ed
.as a sensaton of detachment from e)erythn&# but 0 .as
stll conscous of lyn& n bed .thout )sblty.
*uddenly# 0 could hear )oces as thou&h a rado had
been s.tched on n my head. 0 couldnJt understand .hat
they sad# but someho. the audo focused on a partcular
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female )oce .hch spo+e as thou&h t .ere del)ern& a
lecture (%.&.? no separation). The sub6ect4matter appeared to
be conscousness tself# and a sentence stuc+ out to me: 3The
N0J s the center of conscousnessH therefore .e are all centers
of conscousness.5 The )oce then proceeded to d)ul&e a
deep secret about realty that made me e1perence an
epphany# and yet 0 donJt recall .hat .as sad. The )oce
turned nto a .hsper and .as dro.ned out by orchestral
musc and clappn&. Ths .as follo.ed by a )bratonal sur&e#
and subse8uently 0 appeared to ha)e separated from my body
solely by .lln& myself out.
Vson .as ha,y# but 0 could dstn&ush my bedroom
en)ronment (%.&.? no deepening). 0 shfted n mdar nto the
hall.ay and to.ards the mrror on the .all# .hch loo+ed &rey
and absolutely non4reflect)e. 0 &lded throu&h t as 0 .shed
to see %ar&e# *taceyJs deceased &randmother. @hat s
unusual about .hat follo.ed s that 0 .as not tra)eln&
throu&h a dar+ )od as s typcal .hen 0 plun&e nto the
hall.ay mrror. 0nstead# 0 .as ,oomn& past treetops#
rooftops# roads and )ehcles. @hen 0 came to a halt# 0 sa.
that 0 .as at &round le)el# s+ttern& throu&h an alley lttered
.th rubbsh n broad dayl&ht. The colors of the en)ronment
.ere dull and 0 tred to ma+e them br&hter .th my mnd#
but to no a)al. 0n)oluntarly# 0 teleported to another settn&.
0ntally# t .as hard for me to see .here 0 .as because 0
+ept laterally ,appn& from surface to surface# unable to f1ate
on a partcular locaton. 0 mana&ed to slo. do.n my
mo)ement near the celn& of .hat loo+ed l+e a lar&e
bathroom. 0 sa. a lttle &rl# .ho appeared to be e&ht or nne
years of a&e# n a tub full of drty .ater# and her &ro&&y face
.as barely stc+n& out. 0 could see her s.allo.n& .ater and
lots of hars untl her head .as completely mmersed. D
sco.ln& man entered the room. Be .as tall# stoc+y# and hs
har .as short# dar+ and sp+y. @de4eyed and n a fren,y#
ths character dro.ned the chld by pressn& her head further
do.n usn& a plun&er. 7ether characters too+ any notce of
my presence. The ntensty of the e1perence .as alarmn&
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and 0 .as lterally n f&ht4or4fl&ht mode as 0 .tnessed that
%y perspect)e chan&ed &al)ancally and 0 appeared to
be n the tub no.. The room .as the same but the l&htn&
.as dfferent. The same sco.ln& man came n and proceeded
to.ards me. 0n a refle1 acton# 0 ascended to the celn& and#
.hen 0 loo+ed do.n# 0 obser)ed a na+ed boy n the tub#
screamn& n sheer horror. %erclessly# the man dro.ned the
boy# and# as he dd so# he blamed the chld for .hat .as
happenn& to hm and accused hm of ben& the reason .hy
he .as a monster. Be &ro.led and shoo+ the boy under.ater.
The chldJs efforts to brea+ free .ere futle. 0 mo)ed about the
room uncontrollably as 0 attempted to see .hat else .as
&on& on.
0 re&aned physcal a.areness n sleep paralyss# hopn&
that .hat 0 had e1perenced .as ma&ned. %y head hssed
a&an. 0 heard more )oces n my head as thou&h they .ere
en&a&ed n dalo&ues .th classcal musc nter)als. 0
separated a&an# but ths tme# nto a dar+ )od. 0 .shed to
see %ar&e and felt hands &rppn& me on ether sde and
leadn& me 0 sa. l&ht ahead and found myself n
a crsp en)ronment. *harp colors defned a surreal scenery
composed of .hat appeared to be Roman runs n a forest. 0
set out to loo+ for %ar&e there but encountered a bald blac+
man nstead. 0 as+ed hm .ho he .as and he told me hs
name .as ether *mTo or IoTo F&o. @e spo+e n 'ortu&uese.
0 as+ed hm .here .e .ere and he told me that .e .ere n
the same place all the tme. The con)ersaton then became
more )a&ue and dreaml+e. Dt tmes 0 had the mpresson
that he could say .hat 0 .as thn+n& and )ce )ersa. 0t .as
as f .e .ere someho. connected. 0 .as unsure .hether 0
could at tmes control hs speech# or f the fact that 0 .as
thn+n& .hat he sad at tmes .as concdental.
Ds 0 re&aned physcal a.areness# 0 heard mld sho.ers
n my head and my body felt cold. 0t .as =::" D%.
D)itr' Plotik
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$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
Returnn& from a n&ht out# .e .andered nto a shop
called CThe %a&c *toneC. @e bou&ht a druse pece (small
crystals encrusted on the surface of a roc+ or mneral# n our
case# amethysts). Dccordn& to my &rlfrend# the roc+ helps
one to Ctune n to oneEs dreamsC. To that end# one smply
needed to put the pece on the headstand of oneEs bed# and
6ust &o to sleep. ThatEs 6ust .hat .e dd. @e had to &et up
really early the ne1t mornn& (at about 9 am) n order to
ma+e t for an e1curson. Ds t .ere# .e ddnEt ha)e tme to
.aste# but 0 ne)ertheless made an attempt to Ctune nC to my
dreams. 0 feel asleep at some pont# but contnued on to
dream that 0 .as lyn& on the bed and tryn& to tune4n for an
e1t from the body. Dt that )ery moment# 0 felt a l&ht tn&ln&
n my bac+# a +nd of lfe ener&y. 0 e)en tred to facltate the
sensaton# thn+n&# C&reat# tEs comn&# so act-C. 0t ntensfed#
and no. felt l+e .a)es &on& up and do.n my spne (%.&.?
no separation). D characterstc sensaton# lon& for&otten#
.ent throu&h my body. The sensaton could not be consdered
pleasurable n any .ay# and thatEs .hen 0 thou&ht to myself#
Cno. 0 remember .hy 0 had stopped ntentonally tryn& to
enter the phase.C Bo.e)er# t .as already too late to turn
bac+. Dt some moment 0 .as lfted up# barely ha)n& tme to
loo+ bac+ at the couch.
0 soon found myself n a spacous room (%.&.? no
deepening). 0t .as so lar&e that the only thn& that 0 could
see clearly .as the .all ne1t to me. There .ere also some
people n the room. They all .anted somethn& from me and
+ept comn& up to me .th stupd prete1ts. 0 +ept telln& them
to Cbu,, offC# and tred to dr)e them a.ay. 0 had only one
thou&ht n my head: C0E)e &ot to fnd my &rlfrendC. 0 tred as
hard as 0 could to remember .here .e had fallen asleep# but
my memory +ept faln& me. Gfferent characters constantly
dstracted me the .hole tme# one of them .as especally
persstent. Dt one pont# he e)en nssted that 0 help hm to
open hs bottle of .ne .th a cor+scre.. 0 decded to help
hm# and once 0 had opened the bottle# 0 thou&ht: C@hy notL
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0E)e ne)er tred out .ne n phase#C and put the bottle r&ht to
my lps. The .ne tasted really funny# more l+e .atered4
do.n blac+berry 6am .th peces of frut floatn& around. The
unfnshed bottle someho. .as no lon&er n my hands# and 0
contnued tryn& to &et out of that room.
The only thn& 0 could fnd to deepen .th .as the .all of
a stran&e constructon made of .ooden plan+s. 0t .as
.hte.ashed .th .hat seemed to be an ol4based pant
(more than anythn& else# t remnded me of an outhouse). 0
.as about to po+e my head n .hen an assert)e type .arned
that# C... tEs a portal from .hch unn)ted &uests are able to
crash n...C 7ot ea&er myself to clmb n there# 0 contented
myself .th ta+n& off a small dar+ mrror from the outer .all.
0 played around a bt .th my reflecton (.hch dd not al.ays
.ant to follo. .hen 0 mo)ed my head)# but those characters
mlln& about stuc+ to me l+e &lue. 0 then decded to ha)e
some fun# and be&an loo+n& nto the mrror to&ether .th
those companons# n par .th one at a tme. Bo.e)er# ther
reflecton .as 8ute dfferent from ther out.ard appearance.
0 &ot 8uc+ly bored .th ths &ame# and told e)erybody to &o
a.ay a&an.
0 fnally decded to &et out of that buldn&# concentratn&
on .here the place at .hch .e .ere sleepn& m&ht be. 0
abruptly opened a door# but .as dsapponted. There .as an
unfamlar outdoor scene on the other sde. 0t seemed to be
6ust before da.n outsde# the dar+est hour. *n&le cars .ent
do.n the street. 0 be&an to peer at the cars par+ed at the
curb. They had 8ute a funny4loo+n& appearance. *uddenly# a
car off the street and to.ards me. 0t dro)e up to me#
and 0 could see an nterestn&4loo+n& .oman sttn& behnd
the .heel. *he .as .earn& mostly &reen. @e tal+ed# and 0
couldnEt &et past the dea that she .as spea+n& Cboo+shlyC#
as f 8uotn& the lnes from a character n $?th century
lterature. 0 told her# C7o. youEre sayn& all that and so on...C
*he loo+ed at me# and 0 notced her stran&e eyes. *he had
&reen ladybu&s nstead of ordnary pupls. 0 real,ed that 0
.as be&nnn& to return to realty (%.&.? no aintaining).
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0 .o+e up (%.&.? no re-entering). 0 real,ed that 0 .as
lyn& on my bac+ .th my arms at my sdes# and holdn& my
&rlfrendEs hand n mne. *he suddenly .o+e up too# and
be&an to relate her e1perence...
Nade9&da $a!lo#a
$o!co(2 Ru!!ia
@e .ere already a bt stressed out on the n&ht that t
happened# because .e had to .a+e up )ery early the ne1t
day n order to &o on an e1curson. @e .ere afrad that .eEd
o)ersleep. 0 had .o+en up se)eral tmes o)er the course of
the n&ht# and fnally decded to use the nocturnal a.a+enn&s
to enter the phase.
0 successfully Ce1ted the bodyC# and stood up on the
pull4out bed (%.&.? no deepening). 0 .as n the same room
that 0 had fallen asleep n# but dsco)ered that there .ere t.o
mrrors on the .all that .erenEt there n real lfe. 'eern& nto
one of the mrrors# 0 notced that 0 .asnEt .earn& the same
clothes that 0 had fallen asleep n. 0 then recalled my Cdee
f1eC 4 to .hs+ my boyfrend nto my o.n phase e1perence. 0
.ent o)er to the couch he .as sleepn& on# pulled hm up by
the arm# and too+ hm up to the mrror. 0 .as then thn+n&#
C*o maybe heEll see hmself n the mrror and become
conscous .hle n my phaseLC
@e stood n front of the mrror# and 0 sa. our reflectons
dffusn&. 0 f&ured that 0 had been unsuccessful once a&an#
and so 0 let hm &o. But 0 resol)ed to cra.l nto the mrror
myself n order to translocate. 0 &ot up onto the table# put my
hand nto the mrror# and started mo)n& n head4frst. 0
suddenly real,ed that the mrror .as CclosedC 4 that there
.as nothn& but dar+ness and a .all behnd t# and thus 0
.ouldnEt be able to translocate 0 then opted to
employ the techn8ue of CrotatonC. 0 started turnn& and
ma&nn& a fa)orte brch4tree forest from one of my tra)els
n the phase. 0 really .anted to &o there a&an.
0 turned and turned# but could not enter nto the forest#
e)en thou&ht t .as ))dly flashn& before my eyes. 0 .as
(Table of Contents)
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unable to come to a halt n tme. 0n the end# 0 landed n my
motherEs apartment. There .as a toy stuffed rabbt lyn& on
the floor. 0 too+ t by the hand# f&urn& that f 0 started to
lose the phase# 0 .ould fddle .th t n order to stay n. Then#
0 sa. another mrror on the .all# and decded to ha)e a loo+
at my reflecton. 0 loo+ed# but the reflecton .as not of me#
but of some blurred creature# l+e a &host. 0 e)en became
some.hat fr&htened. That fear returned me bac+ to the body
(or so 0 thou&ht .hle stll n the phase)# .th the stuffed
anmal stll n my hands.
0 found myself bac+ on my bed# but 0 ddnEt &)e up
there. 0 decded to try another .ay to &et my boyfrend to
6on me n the phase (after all# t &ets lonely .al+n& around
all alone there-). 0 &rabbed hs hands and started sldn& out
of bed. @e actually fell off the bed# but dd not land on the
floor. 0t .as as f .e had fallen from a clff# and .ere
suspended n ar. E)en thou&h t .as dar+ n the room that
.e .ere sleepn& n# there .as dayl&ht all around us durn&
our fall. E)erythn& .as really br&ht# much br&hter than n
the e1perence that 0 had 6ust had. 0 .as sure that 0 had been
successful n pulln& hm nto the phase .th me- But then 0
sa. that the arms holdn& me .ere clearly not hs. 0 lo.ered
my eyes# and sa. that 0 .as embracn& another man-
Be loo+ed some.hat l+e my boyfrend# but hs face .as
more a&ed and a bt dfferent# .hle hs har .as lon&er and
&athered n a ponytal. 0 push hm a.ay and as+ed# C@ho are
youLC Dnd he responded# C@ell# 0E)e already told you my
name. Or maybe youEre 6ust seen& the futureLC 0 calmed
do.n a bt and told hm# C0 need a dress# 0 donEt .ant to run
around half na+ed.C Be repled# C*o letEs &o buy oneC. 0 turned
around# and sa. a shop. @e .ent n 4 actually# .e ho)ered n
about a foot off the &round. @e .ere &reeted by a mulatto
shop+eeper# he sho.ed me all the dresses han&n& on the
rac+. 0 .as n ecstasy- 0 stepped to.ards the rac+... and
nstantly found myself bac+ n my body (%.&.? no re-
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@hat a shame# not to ha)e been able to .ear those cute
dresses at least n the phase-
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,&a*ter 3% Aoure'! o" Well-6o(
'resented ne1t are out4of4body e1perence accounts
from the most famous authors and researchers n the feld:
%uldoon# (aBer&e# %onroe# Castaneda# and Bruce. Bo.e)er#
f ther e1perences are to be compared .th some of those
from the pre)ous secton# t .ould turn out that some humble
freshman from the countrysde s able to e1ceed all of them n
terms of understandn& ho. to use techn8ues to control and
apply the phenomenon 4 .th the possble e1cepton of
*tephen (aBer&e.
The e1planaton for ths s smple: the +no.led&e .e
ha)e no. could only ha)e arsen than+s to the foundaton
they lad# .hate)er ts 8ualty. 0t s no e1a&&eraton to state
that ther .or+ .as re)olutonary for ts tme. But no. .e l)e
n a completely dfferent era# .th contemporary ad)ances n
technolo&y and techn8ue. D tme .ll come .hen our
currently up4to4date +no.led&e becomes ant8uated.
0n order to &)e the reader practce at ndependent
analyss# these e1perences are pro)ded .thout commentary
re&ardn& msta+es. Father your coura&e and# usn& the
analyses n pre)ous sectons of ths boo+ as a &ude# comb
the e1perences of the authortat)e f&ures for .hat modern
+no.led&e no. reco&n,es as the most typcal and common
- no separationH
4 no deepeningH
4 no plan of actionH
4 no aintainingH
4 no re-enteringH
S'l#a A% $uldoo
The projection of the Astral Body =3H7H>
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D fe. mornn&s a&o# 0 a.o+e at about s1 oEcloc+ and lay
a.a+e for about t.enty mnutes. Then 0 do,ed off to sleep
a&an# and dreamed that 0 .as standn& on the same spot
.hch 0 occuped n the metronome dreams4n the nstances 0
told you about before.
0 dreamed that my mother .as sttn& n a roc+n& char#
and she sad to me: CGo you +no. youEre dreamn&LC 0
repled: CBy &osh# 0 am# arenEt 0LC That ended the dream# and
t seemed that 0 had no sooner sadC By &osh# 0 amC than 0
a.o+e n the physcal body# n bed. 0 .as conscous# but
unable to mo)eH 0 could not utter a sound# could not mo)e
my eyelds. Ths condton pre)aled for about three mnutes#
and all the tme my entre body +ept t.tchn&# especally the
lmbs . Then 0 suddenly became normal.
Dbout t.o seconds later a loud rap sounded4as f some
one had struc+ the ron of the bed a blo. .th a hea)y mallet.
The nose .as so loud that 0 Cduc+ed#C as t rather fr&htened
meO Remember# 0 .as perfectly conscous for about t.o
seconds before ths rap sounded. 7o one .as near#
and ths occurred n full l&ht. These physcal manfestatons
are certanly nterestn& to me# at least4as 0 ne)er before
ha)e e1perenced such thn&s. But then# nether ha)e 0 e)er
tredH these thn&s came about by themsel)esO
Robert A% $oroe
Journeys Out of the Body =3HJ3>
O0 .o+e up early and .ent out to ha)e brea+fast at
se)en4thrty# then returned to my room about e&ht4thrty and
lay do.n. Ds 0 rela1ed# the )bratons came and then an
mpresson of mo)ement. *hortly thereafter# 0 stopped# and
the frst thn& - sa. .as a boy .al+n& alon& and tossn& a
baseball n the ar and catchn& t. D 8uc+ shft# and 0 sa. a
man tryn& to put somethn& nto the bac+ seat of a car# a
lar&e sedan. The thn& .as an a.+.ard4loo+n& de)ce that 0
nterpreted to be a small car .th .heels and electrc motor.
The man t.sted and turned the de)ce and fnally &ot t nto
the bac+ seat of the car and slammed the door. Dnother 8uc+
(Table of Contents)
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shft# and 0 .as standn& besde a table. There .ere people
sttn& around the table# and dshes co)ered t. One person
.as dealn& .hat loo+ed l+e lar&e .hte playn& cards around
to the others at the table. 0 thou&ht t stran&e to play cards at
a table so co)ered .th dshes# and .ondered about the
o)erlar&e s,e and .hteness of the cards. Dnother 8uc+ shft#
and 0 .as o)er cty streets# about f)e hundred feet h&h#
loo+n& for ChomeC Then 0 spotted the rado and
remembered that the motel .as close to the and
almost nstantly 0 .as bac+ n my body. 0 sat up and loo+ed
around. E)erythn& seemed normal.
0mportant aftermath: The same e)enn&# 0 )sted some
frends# %r. and %rs. D&ne. Bahnson# at ther home. They
.ere partally a.are of my Cact)tes#C and on a sudden
hunchr 0 +ne. the mornn& e)ent had to do .th them. 0
as+ed about ther son# and they called hm nto the room and
as+ed hm .hat he .as don& bet.een e&ht4thrty and nne
that mornn&. Be sad he .as &on& to school. @hen as+ed
more specfcally .hat he .as don& as he .ent# he sad he
.as tossn& hs baseball n the ar and catchn& t. (Dlthou&h 0
+ne. hm .ell# 0 had no +no.led&e that the boy .as
nterested n baseball# althou&h ths could be assumed.) 7e1t#
0 decded to spea+ about the loadn& of the car. %r. Bahnson
.as astounded. E1actly at that tme# he told me# he .as
loadn& a Van GeFraff &enerator nto the bac+ seat of hs car.
The &enerator .as a lar&e# a.+.ard de)ce .th .heels#
an electrc motor# and a platform. Be sho.ed me the de)ce.
(0t .as eere to see physcally somethn& you had obser)ed
only from the *econd Body.) 7e1t# 0 told about the table and
the lar&e .hte cards. Bs .fe e1cted at ths one. 0t
seems that for the frst tme n t.o years# because they had
all arsen late# she had brou&ht the mornn& mal to the
brea+fast table and had passed out the letters to them as she
sorted the mal. (ar&e .hte playn& cards- They .ere )ery
e1cted o)er the e)ent# and 0 am sure they .ere not
humorn& me.
(Table of Contents)
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0n ths mornn& )st to %r. Bahnson and hs famly# the
tme of )st concdes .th actual e)ents. Dutosu&&eston
hallucnaton# ne&at)eH no conscous ntent of )st# althou&h
unconscous mot)aton possble. 0dentcal reports .th
condtons of actualO
Robert A% $oroe
Journeys Out of the Body =3HJ3>
OThe )bratons came 8uc+ly and easly# and .ere not
at all uncomfortable. @hen they .ere stron&# 0 tred to lft out
of the physcal .th no result. @hate)er thou&ht or
combnaton 0 tred# 0 remaned confned r&ht .here 0 .as. 0
then remembered the rotatn& trc+# .hch operates 6ust as f
you are turnn& o)er n bed. 0 started to turn# and reco&n,ed
that my physcal .as not Cturnn&C .th me. 0 mo)ed
and after a moment 0 .as Cface do.n#C or n drect opposton
to the placement of my physcal body. The moment 0 reached
ths $>"U poston (out of phase# opposte polartyL)# there
.as a hole. ThatEs the only .ay to descrbe t. To my senses#
t seemed to be a hole n a .all .hch .as about t.o feet
thc+ and stretched endlessly n all drectons (n the )ertcal
The perphery of the hole .as 6ust precsely the shape of
my physcal body. 0 touched the .all# and t felt smooth and
hard. The ed&es of the hole .ere relat)ely rou&h. (Dll ths
touchn& done .th the non4physcal hands.) Beyond4throu&h
the nothn& but blac+ness. 0t .as not the blac+ness
of a dar+ room# but a feeln& of nfnte dstance and space# as
f 0 .ere loo+n& throu&h a .ndo. nto dstant space. 0 felt
that f my )son .ere &ood enou&h 0 could probably see
nearby stars and planets. %y mpresson# therefore# .as of
deep# outer space# beyond the solar system# far n an
ncredble dstance.
0 mo)ed cautously throu&h the hole# holdn& onto ts
sdes# and po+ed my head throu&h carefully. 7othn&. 7othn&
but blac+ness. 7o people# nothn& materal. 0 duc+ed bac+ n
hurredly because of the utter stran&eness. 0 rotated bac+
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$>"U# felt myself mer&e .th the physcal# and sat up. 0t .as
broad dayl&ht# 6ust as .hen 0 had left .hat seemed a fe.
mnutes before. (apsed tme: one hour# f)e mnutes-..
Robert A% $oroe
Journeys Out of the Body =3HJ3>
OThs .as a most unusual and ))d e1perence# and 0
donEt +no. f 0 .ant any more l+e t. 0 .ent to bed late# )ery
tred# around t.o n the mornn&. The )bratons came n
promptly .thout nducton# and 0 decded to Cdo somethn&C
n spte of the need for rest. (%aybe ths s rest.) Dfter mo)n&
out easly# and )stn& se)eral places n 8uc+ se8uence# and
remembern& the rest need# 0 attempted to &et bac+ to the
physcal. 0 thou&ht of my body lyn& n bed# and almost
mmedately# 0 .as lyn& n bed. But 0 8uc+ly real,ed
somethn& .as .ron&. There .as a bo1l+e contrapton o)er
my feet# e)dently to hold the sheet off my le&s. There .ere
t.o people n the room# a man and a .oman dressed n .hte
.hom 0 reco&n,ed as a nurse. They .ere tal+n& softly a
short dstance from the bed.
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Dfter a moment# the t.o stopped tal+n& and the .oman
(nurse) turned and .ent out of the room# and the man
approached the bed. 0 &re. panc+y because 0 ddnEt +no.
.hat he .as &on& to do. 0 became more so as he bent o)er
the bed and held &ently but frmly onto each of my arms at
the bceps# and loo+ed at me .th bul&n&# &lstenn& eyes.
@orst of all# 0 desperately tred to mo)e# but could not. 0t .as
as f e)ery muscle n my body .ere paraly,ed. 0n.ardly# 0
.rthed n panc# tryn& to &et a.ay as he brou&ht hs face
do.n closer to me.
Then to my utter astonshment# he bent o)er further and
+ssed me on each chee+# and 0 actually felt hs .hs+ersH the
&lstenn& n hs eyes .as tears. Be then stra&htened up#
released my arms# and .al+ed out of the room.
Throu&h my terror# 0 +ne. that my .fe had not ta+en
me to the hosptal# that ths man .as a stran&er# that 0 .as
a&an n )ery much the .ron& place. 0 had to do somethn&#
but all the .ll 0 could muster ddnEt ha)e any effect. * 0
became a.are of a hssn& n my head# much l+e a stron&
steam or ar hss. Throu&h some dm +no.n&# 0 concentrated
on the hss and be&an to pulsate t# .e.# modulate t soft and
loud. 0 made the pulsatn& &o faster and faster n fre8uency#
and n a fe. moments t had accelerated to a h&h4order
)braton. 0 then tred to lft out and succeeded smoothly.
%oments later# 0 .as con)er&n& .th another physcal body.
Ths tme# 0 .as cautous. 0 felt the bed. 0 heard famlar
sounds outsde the room. The room .as dar+ .hen 0 opened
my eyes. 0 reached for the place .here the l&ht s.tch should
be# and t .as there. 0 turned on the l&ht and s&hed .th
&reat# &reat relef# 0 .as bac+O
Ste*&e 4a.er1e
Lucid Dreaming =3HK:>
ODs 0 .andered throu&h a h&h4)aulted corrdor deep
.thn a m&hty ctadel# 0 paused to admre the ma&nfcent
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*omeho. the contemplaton of these ma6estc
surroundn&s stmulated the real,aton that 0 .as dreamn&-
0n the l&ht of my lucd conscousness# the already mpress)e
splendor of the castle appeared e)en more of a mar)el# and
.th &reat e1ctement 0 be&an to e1plore the ma&nary realty
of my Ccastle n the ar.C @al+n& do.n the hall# 0 could feel
the cold hardness of the stones beneath my feet and hear the
echo of my steps. E)ery element of ths enchantn& spectacle
seemed realVn spte of the fact that 0 remaned perfectly
a.are t .as all a dream-
Fantastc as t may sound# 0 .as n full possesson of my
.a+n& facultes .hle dreamn& and soundly asleep: 0 could
thn+ as clearly as e)er# freely remember detals of my .a+n&
lfe# and act delberately upon conscous reflecton. Aet none
of ths dmnshed the ))dness of my dream. 'arado1 or no# 0
.as a.a+e n my dream-
Fndn& myself before t.o d)er&n& passa&e.ays n the
castle# 0 e1ercsed my free .ll# choosn& to ta+e the r&ht4
hand one# and shortly came upon a star.ay. Curous about
.here t m&ht lead# 0 descended the fl&ht of steps and found
myself near the top of an enormous subterranean )ault. From
.here 0 stood at the foot of the stars# the floor of the ca)ern
sloped steeply do.n# fadn& n the dstance nto dar+ness.
*e)eral hundred yards belo. 0 could see .hat appeared to be
a fountan surrounded by marble statuary. The dea of bathn&
n these symbolcally rene.n& .aters captured my fancy# and
0 proceeded at once do.n the hllsde. 7ot on foot# ho.e)er#
for .hene)er 0 .ant to &et n my dreams# 0 fly. Ds
soon as 0 landed besde the pool# 0 .as at once startled by the
dsco)ery that .hat from abo)e had seemed merely an
nanmate statue no. appeared unmsta+ably and omnously
To.ern& abo)e the fountan stood a hu&e and
ntmdatn& &ene# the Fuardan of the *prn&# as 0 someho.
mmedately +ne.. Dll my nstncts cred out CFlee-C But 0
remembered that ths terrfyn& s&ht .as only a dream.
Emboldened by the thou&ht# 0 cast asde fear and fle. not
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a.ay# but stra&ht up to the apparton. Ds s the .ay of
dreams# no sooner .as 0 .thn reach than .e had someho.
become of e8ual s,e and 0 .as able to loo+ hm n the eyes#
face to face. Real,n& that my fear had created hs terrble
appearance# 0 resol)ed to embrace .hat 0 had been ea&er to
re6ect# and .th open arms and heart 0 too+ both hs hands n
mne. Ds the dream faded# the &eneEs seemed
to flo. nto me# and 0 a.o+e flled .th )brant ener&y. 0 felt
l+e 0 .as ready for anythn&...
,arlo! ,a!taeda
The Art of dreaming =3HH3>
ODs 0 .as .atchn& a .ndo. n a dream# tryn& to fnd
out f 0 could catch a &lmpse of the scenery outsde the room#
some .ndl+e force# .hch 0 felt as a bu,,n& n my ears#
pulled me throu&h the .ndo. to the outsde. Iust before that
pull# my dreamn& attenton had been cau&ht by a stran&e
structure some dstance a.ay. 0t loo+ed l+e a tractor. The
ne1t thn& 0 +ne.# 0 .as standn& by t# e1amnn& t.
0 .as perfectly a.are that 0 .as dreamn&. 0 loo+ed
around to fnd out f 0 could tell from .hat .ndo. 0 had been
loo+n&. The scene .as that of a farm n the countrysde. 7o
buldn&s .ere n s&ht. 0 .anted to ponder ths. Bo.e)er# the
8uantty of farm machnery lyn& around# as f abandoned#
too+ all my attenton. 0 e1amned mo.n& machnes# tractors#
&ran har)esters# ds+ plo.s# thrashers. There .ere so many
that 0 for&ot my or&nal dream. @hat 0 .anted then .as to
orent myself by .atchn& the mmedate scenery. There .as
somethn& n the dstance that loo+ed l+e a bllboard and
some telephone poles around t.
The nstant 0 focused my attenton on that bllboard# 0
.as ne1t to t. The steel structure of the bllboard &a)e me a
fr&ht. 0t .as menacn&. On the bllboard tself .as a pcture
of a buldn&. 0 read the te1tH t .as an ad)ertsement for a
motel. 0 had a pecular certanty that 0 .as n Ore&on or
northern Calforna.
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0 loo+ed for other features n the en)ronment of my
dream. 0 sa. mountans )ery far a.ay and some &reen#
round hlls not too far. On those hlls .ere clumps of .hat 0
thou&ht .ere Calforna oa+ trees. 0 .anted to be pulled by
the &reen hlls# but .hat pulled me .ere the dstant
mountans. 0 .as con)nced that they .ere the *erras.
Dll my dreamn& ener&y left me on those mountans. But
before t dd# 0 .as pulled by e)ery possble feature. %y
dream ceased to be a dream. Ds far as my capacty to
perce)e .as concerned# 0 .as )ertably n the *erras#
,oomn& nto ra)nes# boulders# trees# ca)es. 0 .ent from
scarp faces to mountan pea+s untl 0 had no more dr)e and
could not focus my dreamn& attenton on anythn&. 0 felt
myself losn& control. Fnally# there .as no more scenery# 6ust
,arlo! ,a!taeda
The Art of Dreaming =3HH3>
O0t seemed at that tme that e)ery brea+throu&h n
dreamn& happened to me suddenly# .thout .arnn&. The
presence of nor&anc ben&s n my dreams .as no e1cepton.
0t happened .hle 0 .as dreamn& about a crcus 0 +ne. n
my chldhood. The settn& loo+ed l+e a to.n n the mountans
n Dr,ona. 0 be&an to .atch people .th the )a&ue hope 0
al.ays had that 0 .ould see a&an the people 0 had seen the
frst tme don Iuan made me enter nto the second attenton.
Ds 0 .atched them# 0 felt a s,able 6olt of ner)ousness n the
pt of my stomachH t .as l+e a punch.
The 6olt dstracted me# and 0 lost s&ht of the people# the
crcus# and the mountan to.n n Dr,ona. 0n ther place stood
t.o stran&e4loo+n& f&ures. They .ere thn# less than a foot
.de# but lon&# perhaps se)en feet. They .ere loomn& o)er
me l+e t.o &&antc earth.orms. 0 +ne. that t .as a dream#
but 0 also +ne. that 0 .as seen&. Gon Iuan had dscussed
seen& n my normal a.areness and n the second attenton
as .ell. Dlthou&h 0 .as ncapable of e1perencn& t myself# 0
thou&ht 0 had understood the dea of drectly perce)n&
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ener&y. 0n that dream# loo+n& at those t.o stran&e
appartons# 0 real,ed that 0 .as seen& the ener&y essence of
somethn& unbele)able.
0 remaned )ery calm. 0 dd not mo)e. The most
remar+able thn& to me .as that they ddnEt dssol)e or
chan&e nto somethn& else. They .ere cohes)e ben&s that
retaned ther candlel+e shape. *omethn& n them .as
forcn& somethn& n me to hold the )e. of ther shape. 0
+ne. t because somethn& .as telln& me that f 0 dd not
mo)e# they .ould not mo)e ether.
0t all came to an end# at a &)en moment# .hen 0 .o+e
up .th a fr&ht. 0 .as mmedately bese&ed by fears. D deep
preoccupaton too+ hold of me. 0t .as not psycholo&cal .orry
but rather a bodly sense of an&ush# sadness .th no
apparent foundaton.
The t.o stran&e shapes appeared to me from then on n
e)ery one of my dreamn& sessons.
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E)entually# t .as as f 0 dreamt only to encounter them.
They ne)er attempted to mo)e to.ard me or to nterfere .th
me n any .ay. They 6ust stood there# mmoble# n front of
me# for as lon& as my dream lastedO
,arlo! ,a!taeda
The Art of Dreaming =3HH3>
O0 had a most unusual dream. 0t started .th the
appearance of a scout from the nor&anc ben&sE .orld. The
scouts as .ell as the dreamn& emssary had been stran&ely
absent from my dreams. 0 had not mssed them or pondered
ther dsappearance. 0n fact# 0 .as so at ease .thout them 0
had e)en for&otten to as+ don Iuan about ther absence.
0n that dream# the scout had been# at frst# a &&antc
yello. topa,# .hch 0 had found stuc+ n the bac+ of a
The moment 0 )oced my ntent to see# the topa, turned nto
a blob of s,,ln& ener&y. 0 feared that 0 .ould be compelled
to follo. t# so 0 mo)ed my &a,e a.ay from the scout and
focused t on an a8uarum .th tropcal fsh. 0 )oced my
ntent to see and &ot a tremendous surprse. The a8uarum
emtted a lo.# &reensh &lo. and chan&ed nto a lar&e
surrealst portrat of a be6e.eled .oman. The portrat emtted
the same &reensh &lo. .hen 0 )oced my ntent to see.
Ds 0 &a,ed at that &lo.# the .hole dream chan&ed. 0 .as
.al+n& then on a street n a to.n that seemed famlar to
meH t m&ht ha)e been Tucson. 0 &a,ed at a dsplay of
.omenEs clothes n a store .ndo. and spo+e out loud my
ntent to see. 0nstantly# a blac+ manne8un# promnently
dsplayed# be&an to &lo.. 0 &a,ed ne1t at a saleslady .ho
came at that moment to rearran&e the .ndo.. *he loo+ed at
me. Dfter )ocn& my ntent# 0 sa. her &lo.. 0t .as so
stupendous that 0 .as afrad some detal n her splendorous
&lo. .ould trap me# but the .oman mo)ed nsde the store
before 0 had tme to focus my total attenton on her. 0
certanly ntended to follo. her nsdeH ho.e)er# my dreamn&
attenton .as cau&ht by a mo)n& &lo.. 0t came to me
char&n&# flled .th hatred. There .as loathn& n t and
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)cousness. 0 6umped bac+.ard. The &lo. stopped ts char&eH
a blac+ substance s.allo.ed me# and 0 .o+e up.
These ma&es .ere so ))d that 0 frmly bele)ed 0 had
seen ener&yO
Robert .ruce
Astral Dynamics =3HHH>
O0 a.o+e at about t.o n the mornn&# lyn& on my bac+
.th my .hole body )bratn&. 0 could feel myself about to
spontaneously pro6ect. %y arms and le&s .ere already
startn& to float out. Bo.e)er# 0 dd not .ant to pro6ect. 0 .as
tred and had a busy day ahead of me# and 6ust .anted to &o
bac+ to sleep. 0Ed been ha)n& a )ery nterestn& dream up
untl then and .anted to &o bac+ nto t f 0 could. 0 felt hea)y
and slu&&sh but mana&ed to roll onto my left sde. The
)bratons stopped mmedately and the hea)y sn+n& feeln&
soon left me. Bappy no.# 0 snu&&led do.n and rela1ed bac+
nto myself# concentratn& on the dreamscape 0 had 6ust left
and the name 0 had &)en t: CDd)anta&eC. 0 hoped ths .ould
ta+e me bac+ nto t# as ths trc+ often seemed to .or+.
Dfter only a fe. seconds# 0 popped drectly nto the
dream 0Ed left earler. The transton .as breathta+n&. There
.as a full contnuance of .a+n& conscousness. 0 dd not fall
asleep and then .a+e up .thn the dream# but pro6ected
drectly nto t from the full .a+n& state. 0 suddenly appeared
n a busy# br&htly lt department store# 6ust l+e the one 0Ed
been dreamn& of earler.
0n front of me# a dar+4hared youn& .oman .as settn&
up a dnn& room dsplay. 0 sa. people e) shoppn&#
ser)n&# pac+n& shel)es# etc. E)erythn& loo+ed and felt real#
stable# and sold. 0t .as smply mnd4blo.n&- 0 6umped up
and do.n fe. tmes to feel the .e&ht of my body# then
pnched myself# COuch-C Ths hurt 6ust as t .ould n real lfe#
and my body .e&ht felt normal. 0 .as fully dressed and could
e)en feel the te1ture of my soc+s .hen 0 .&&led my toes
nsde my shoes.
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0 &lanced at my hands. They loo+ed normal and dd not
melt. 0 tred creatn& an apple n my hand# but nothn&
happened. The dreamscape 0 .as n dd not .a)er n the
sl&htest. Curous# 0 thou&ht# n a normal lucd dream the
en)ronment can be altered and anythn& can be created by
ma&nn& t. Re&ardless# 0 .as fully a.are that 0 .as
0 .al+ed o)er to the youn& .oman and as+ed her .hat
she .as don&. *he told me they .ere &ettn& ready for the
b& day# .hate)er that .as. 0 pc+ed up a lar&e )ase of
flo.ers from the table n the mddle of her furnture settn&.
The chna felt l+e real chna and the flo.ers smelled l+e real
flo.ers. 0 pulled a rose petal off and ate t. 0t tasted dry#
scented# and fantly btter# 6ust as a rose petal should taste#
but the taste dd not ln&er n my mouth as t normally .ould#
0 tpped the )ase and splashed some of the .ater nto my
hand. 0t felt cold and .et# 6ust l+e real .ater.
0 braced myself# hopn& that 0 .as truly nsde a lucd
dream as 0 bele)ed. 0 yan+ed the lnen tablecloth from under
the man table settn& n the dsplay. 0t almost .or+ed# but
the )ase and a couple of plates smashed nosly on the floor.
D fe. people loo+ed# but no one seemed to care about the
brea+a&e# not e)en the shop assstant .hose dsplay 0 had
6ust runed. *he .ent on unpac+n& and arran&n& thn&s as f
nothn& had happened# sha+n& out another lnen tablecloth
as she bused herself resettn& the table.
%ore confdent no.# 0 .al+ed do.n an asle and pushed
o)er se)eral lar&e peces of cheaploo+n& pottery from the top
shelf# one at a tme. 0 loo+ed around to see f anyone notced.
These made )ery loud smashn& sounds and bro+en peces
fle. n all drectons. D fe. people loo+ed o)er# but no one
seemed to care. Reassured by ths# 0 .al+ed o)er to the
chec+outs and 6umped up onto one of the benches. D fe.
people loo+ed at me# but no one seemed to care and no one
sad anythn&.
0 slpped bac+ nto my body and rolled onto my bac+
thn+n&# C@o.- That .as ncredble ... so real-C 0 fou&ht to
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control my e1ctement and settled bac+ nto myself a&an#
tryn& to &et bac+ nto the dream. Ths .as &ettn& really
nterestn&. 0 held the store and ts name n mnd a&an and
tred to sn+ bac+ nto t# but to no a)al. The )bratons
started up a&an and 0 felt myself startn& to pro6ect. Ths
tme the pro6ecton refle1 cau&ht hold and bu,,ed me out of
my body. 0 came to rest at the foot of my bed. The house .as
dm and 8uet as 0 floated around my bedroom decdn& .hat
to do. 0 too+ a 8uc+ loo+ at my hands. They loo+ed stran&ely
elon&ated and started meltn& a.ay.
7ot .antn& to contnue the OBE# 0 do)e bac+ nto my
body and opened my eyes. 0 lay there for a moment# then
closed my eyes and tred to &et bac+ nto the dream. The
)bratons started up a&an and another .a)e of falln&#
floatn& hea)ness came o)er me as 0 started pro6ectn&
a&an. 0 fou&ht t off and rolled o)er onto my r&ht sde. The
pro6ecton symptoms stopped# but 0 couldnEt &et bac+ nto my
dream. 0 rolled o)er onto my left sde and settled bac+ nto
myself a&an. Ths poston felt much better. Boldn& the
ma&e and name of the dreamscape n mnd a&an# 0 soon
found myself bac+ there.
0 reappeared n the store .here 0 had started durn& my
last )st# se)eral mnutes a&o. The same shop assstant .as
busly settn& up the same dnn& dsplay. The )ase 0Ed bro+en
earler .as .hole a&an and bac+ on the table .here t had
been earler. 0 .al+ed throu&h the store# loo+n& for s&ns of
dama&e from my earler )st. E)erythn& 0 had bro+en earler
.as .hole and bac+ on the shel)es a&an. 0t .as l+e nothn&
had e)er happened. Ths .as ncredble- 7o matter .hat 0
dd# the scenaro restored tself.
0 slpped bac+ nto my body a&an and rolled o)er to my
bac+# tryn& to settle myself and &et bac+ nto my dream. 0
thn+ my e1ctement had nterrupted t. The )bratons started
a&an# so 0 rolled o)er to my left sde a&an. 0 .as &ettn& the
han& of ths no.# and real,ed that pro6ectn& nto the dream
.as much easer from my left sde. *ettln& bac+ nto myself
and holdn& the storeEs ma&e and name n my mnd a&an# 0
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slpped bac+ nto the store. E)erythn& .as normal and 0 .as
bac+ .here 0 had or&nally started from a&an# .th the same
youn& lady busly settn& up her dnn& dsplay. *he
loo+ed up and smled as 0 .a)ed# then happly .ent
about her .or+. 0 decded to e1plore further afeld before
anythn& else happened# and .al+ed out past the ser)ce des+
nto the mall. 0 .al+ed for some tme# e1plorn& the hu&e
mall. There .ere a far number of people around.
E)eryone seemed )ery busy shoppn&# or preoccuped
.th .hate)er they .ere don&. Of note# all the chldren 0 sa.
.ere )ery 8uet and .ell beha)ed# .al+n& l+e polte lttle
robots besde ther mothers.
There .as some l&ht bac+&round or&an musc playn&
and the usual nose of people 8uetly bustln& about. D fe.
people .ere tal+n& on telephones here and there# but no one
seemed to be chattn& or tal+n& to each other. 'eople
ans.ered .hen 8uestoned# but ther reples .ere
unnterestn& and not )ery helpful. 0t seemed mpossble to
start a con)ersaton that dd not n)ol)e tal+n& about the
personEs mmedate tas+ at hand.
E)eryone seemed to lac+ personalty# l+e bac+&round
characters n a mo)e. On the surface ths dreamscape .as
ncredbly real# maybe too real# but beneath the surface t
lac+ed somethn&.
Ths loo+ed l+e real lfe# but .as defntely not the same
type of real lfe 0 am famlar .th.
0 had decded to loo+ for a .ay out of the mall and do
some further e1plorn& .hen 0 suddenly felt .ea+ and hea)y.
The stren&th flo.ed out of me and 0 felt l+e 0 .as mo)n& n
slo. moton. %y le&s floated up.ard as 0 fell e)er so to the floor# settln& there .ea+ and paraly,ed.
'eople stepped o)er and around me as 0 lay there# but
no one pad any attenton to me. 0 felt l+e a chldEs balloon
bobbn& about on the floor. 0 .as .ea+ and hea)y and could
no lon&er feel the normal .e&ht of my body# nor could 0 feel
the floor beneath me.
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0 slpped bac+ nto my body a&an# comn& .de a.a+e
ths tme. 0 rolled o)er to my bac+ and lay there pondern&
the s&nfcance of these e1perences. The )bratons dd not
start up ths tme# probably because 0 .as pretty much .de
a.a+e no.. 0t .as ob)ous to me that my restn& poston had
been affectn& the dfferent types of e1perences 0Ed been
ha)n&. 0 .as far too e1cted and .de a.a+e by no. to do
any +nd of further e1ploraton .th ths phenomenon# so 0
&a)e up and .ent to &et a drn+ and record ths e1perence n
my 6ournalO
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We believe that everyboy i! "oi#" to e$i!t
i# t%o %orl! !oo#
Sponsors and investors are needed for
translation into other languages this free ebook
and other our books, videos, et! "lso #e need
finanial support to pro$ote the phase
#orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together'
(ake a part in it'
obe4u@obe4u. com
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,&a*ter 8% T&e Aut&orL! E+*eriece!
Belo.# the author presents the most nterestn& e1cerpts
from hs phase tra)el lo&: t happened to hm for the frst tme
n the fall of $???# .hen he .as a senor n h&h school. One
of the nterestn& thn&s about these e1cerpts s that they
descrbe the de)elopment of a personal practce from the
teena&e years throu&h the present day.
0tEs .orth notn& that my many years of e1perence and
thousands of phases lo&&ed ha)e had a stron& effect on the
practcal sde of my practce. 0 lon& a&o real,ed those desres
and .ants that e)eryone has# and at that 4 many tmes o)er.
7o.adays# 0 mostly do techncal e1perments# research# and
hone my s+lls# all .hle obtann& elementary satsfacton
from the practce tself and the ))dness of sensaton n t.
ThatEs .hy e)en the most recent e1cerpts from my lo& are
not characterstc of the phase as t s usually practced. They
are merely the most llustrat)e e1amples. Dn unprepared
audence .ould smply not understand ordnary phases.
Ds .th the pre)ous secton# the reader s encoura&ed to
e1ercse hs theoretcal +no.led&e by underta+n& an
ndependent and crtcal analyss of the e1perences
October 3HHH
Fal!e Alie Abductio
0 .ent to bed .th a feeln& that 0 had lost another $!
precous hours of my lfe. Then 0 suddenly .o+e up.
2nfortunately 0 canJt say e1actly for ho. lon& 0 had been
asleep# but# probably# for t.o or three hours. %y mnd .as
clear. Dnd there .as somethn& else.
Before 0 could determne anythn& else# a sudden
thou&ht paraly,ed me: 0 .as ben& ta+en a.ay# 0 .as ben&
abducted by TBE%- That thou&ht struc+ me. @hat 0 felt that
moment could be compared to the &reatest shoc+# the only
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dfference s that 0 had all the symptoms of shoc+ at once. %y
.orld turned upsde do.n# as dd my nsdes. Dt that moment
0 couldnJt e1plan e)en to myself .hy 0 .as so sure that 0 .as
ben& abducted by e1traterrestrals# but 0 had no doubt that
my &uess .as r&ht. 0 +ne. t# 0 smply +ne. t. Dnd .hat
happened ne1t pro)ed that 0 .asnJt &on& mad. @hen that
thou&ht came to my mnd# 0 &ot a feeln& that h&h4tenson
current .ent throu&h my body. 0t ddnJt harm me# but made
e)ery cell of my body )brate. Dnd# the most mportant thn&
.as that 0 could not mo)e. Only my eyelds obeyed me. 0 had
ne)er been so scared n my lfe. Dll the sensatons .ere more
than real# and so my last doubts dsappeared.
0n my mnd 0 +ept as+n& those creatures to postpone
my 6ourney# sayn& that 0 .asnJt n the mood# and that
e)erythn& .ould be fne the ne1t tme. Dt the same tme# 0
damned myself for my .ea+ness. 0 understood that such
thn&s do not happen e)ery other day. 0 .as lyn& on one sde
facn& a .all# and so 0 could not see the rest of the room#
althou&h 0 ddnJt hope to see anybody because 0 decded that
they .ere don& t from ther shp# but for all that 0 .as sure
that they dd hear my thou&hts. %ean.hle# t seemed that
my mood ddnJt bother them as somethn& lfted me up from
my bed.
%y heart could not ha)e been beatn& faster. 0 pleaded
them to stop. Dnd they dd. Ds cautously as they had lfted
me up# they put me do.n. 0 couldnJt ha)e been happer. 0 felt
that 0 .as born a&an. D s&h .th relef escaped my lun&s.
But t .as too early for champa&ne.
7ot &)n& me a chance to en6oy my luc+y escape# they
lfted me up a&an and carred me to the .ndo.. 0 stll could
not mo)e# no matter ho. hard 0 tred. Then somethn& roused
my nterest and 0 almost for&ot ho. fr&htened 0 .as. 0 .as
mo)n& feet frst to.ards the .ndo. but 0 could see that t
.as closed. *o# 0 became curous about ho. they .ere &on&
to dra& me outsde. E)erythn& .as so real that 0 dd hope
that they .ouldnJt use me for &lass brea+n&. Dnd 0 +ne. that
they .ouldnJt do t. Ben& the representat)es of an ad)anced
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+nd# they .ould fnd the .ay to spare me from unpleasant
e1perences and sa)e the .ndo.s. @hen 0 .as near the
.ndo. 0 closed my eyes n order to ntensfy the ne.
sensatons and not to brea+ the .ndo. (0 donJt +no. or .hy
0 decded ths .ould help). But 0 felt almost nothn&# only
some mperceptble plane .ent throu&h my body from toes to
0 opened my eyes. 0 .as outsde# on the le)el of the
thrd floor 6ust opposte my .ndo.. The cloudless s+y .as
studded .th stars. 0Jd ne)er loo+ed at the stars from that
poston# and t .as unfor&ettable. By that tme 0 had
mana&ed to beat my fear# and so .hat .as the pontL 0
decded to ma+e the most of t. 0 .as e)en &lad that the
alens hadnJt lstened to me and had dra&&ed me out of bed#
because 0 .ould ne)er ha)e dared to do t myself.
%y fear subsded and 0 mana&ed to rela1# and e)en
complaned about the .eather# as t .as rather cold and 0
.as .earn& DdamJs costume. 0 6ust mana&ed to reconcle
myself .th destny and started to loo+ at the br&ht sde. The
ne1t moment# 0 .as already n my room and n my bed.
Only after $ to ! years .ould 0 start to understand that
t .as 6ust my frst spontaneous phase e1perence# and that t
had nothn& to do .th alens.
Februar' 7@@3
A Gla!! o" Auice
0 a.o+e at n&ht and thou&ht of the phase. That thou&ht
e)o+ed stron& e1ctaton bordern& on fear# than+s to .hch 0
fell r&ht nto the phase. 0 be&an e1permentn& .th
)bratons# but .as stll afrad to separate. The )bratons
&radually became so po.erful that they smply thre. me out
of my body. Dfter ha)n& o)ercome my fear .th &reat
dffculty# 0 then floated about the room. Ds my s&ht
returned# n&ht turned to day. 0 then came bac+ do.n and
stood on the floor# e1tremely fr&htened by the realness of
e)erythn& &on& on.
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Bo.e)er# there .as a table at the .ndo. of the room
that shouldnEt ha)e been there. But 0 ddnEt e)en stop to thn+
about that# as 0 .as ne)ertheless stll n shoc+ o)er .hat .as
&on& on. Concentratn& on the stuaton at hand# 0 notced a
&lass .th some +nd of l8ud n t on the table. 0 &ot the dea
of testn& out ho. real the sense of taste .ould be. *tll
totally surprsed by the realness of e)erythn&# 0 .ent up to
the table# pc+ed up the &lass# and held t up to my eyes n
order to &et a better loo+ at t. 0 then hestantly brou&ht t to
my lps# and too+ a sp. %y Fod- 0 ddnEt e1pect t to be that
realstc. 0t .as a &lass of tomato 6uce. 0 could feel ts te1ture
.th my lps# ton&ue# and palate. By the tme t ht my throat#
0 .as already sa)orn& the taste. 0 felt the cold from the &lass
on my hands and lps 4 e)erythn& .as ndstn&ushable from
real lfe.
Relshn& both the taste of the 6uce and my trumph n
entern& the phase# 0 8uetly thou&ht about the ne. fronters
openn& up before me .hle 8uenchn& my thrst. Bo.e)er# 0
completely for&ot about the need for concentraton# and had a
foul. 0 .as n a &reat mood all the ne1t day after ha)n&
dsco)ered ths e1perence.
$a' 7@@3
$a+i)u) Dee*ei1
R&ht after dnner# 0 decded to enter the phase usn& the
drect method. To that end# 0 started mplementn& the
dottn& techn8ue (concentratn& my attenton on dfferent
parts of the body). Bo.e)er# 0 encountered dffcultes durn&
rela1aton: 0 could not stop my mnd from &ettn& dstracted
.th other thou&hts. Only .th &reat dffculty .as 0 able to
concentrate on the tas+. 0 +ept to rela1aton. Then# 0 once
a&an employed dottn& for about !" mnutes# but nothn&
.or+ed. Bo.e)er# .ea+ )bratons arose from tme to tme.
%ean.hle# 0 became more and more sleepy. Dt one pont my
conscous a.areness chec+ed out# but then 8uc+ly came bac+
(ths ddnEt seem to last more than a mnute# .hch .as
confrmed by my alarm4cloc+ upon returnn& to the body)
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under the nfluence of my prelmnary ntenton not to fall
asleep. 0 then be&an to feel alert and .as en)eloped by
)bratons# .hch occurred on ther o.n n amd the transton
bet.een physolo&cal states. 0 .as easly able to amplfy the
Then 0 rolled out. Bo.e)er# the )bratons be&an to de
do.n# and 0 .as returned bac+ to my body. 0 tred to
separate a&an by clmbn& out. 0 .as able to do ths despte
&reat dffculty. 0 .as no. suspended n an ndetermnate
space of )a&ue sensaton. @hle separatn&# 0 felt a stron&
feeln& of dscomfort that nearly persuaded me to cut the
attempt short. Bo.e)er# 0 +ne. that that ths sometmes
happens and al.ays occurs before plun&n& nto a more stable
phase. 0n order to deepen ths phase# 0 decded to employ
0t succeeded# and 0 der)ed real pleasure from ths
process. For some reason# the le)taton dd not lead me nto
the deepest phase# and so 0 be&an to fall head4frst n order
to further deepen t.
The mo)ement and deepenn& brou&ht a feeln& of sl&ht
uneasness that bordered on fear# but 0 .as able to +eep t
under control from the outset. 0 soon real,ed that 0 .as n
the deepest state that 0 had e)er been n. Ths ncreased my
an1ety. For the sa+e of e1perment# 0 +ept &on& deeper and
deeper. 0 be&an to ha)e thou&hts about the mpossblty of
returnn& to the body from such depths. %y )son faded n
and out# because 0 .as made uncomfortable only by my
feeln&s# and not by .hat 0 could see around. Once my )son
came to me# .hat 0 sa. cannot be descrbed n .ords. ThatEs
ho. uncommon# ndescrbable# and realstc t .as. 0t .as as
f 0 .ere seen& .th some other or&an of s&ht# one far more
ad)anced than the human eye. 0 couldnEt feel my body
(nether my real or phantom one).
For the frst tme n my lfe# 0 physcally felt my
thou&hts: .hen 0 started thn+n& about somethn&# 0 be&n to
automatcally mo)e throu&h space. %ean.hle# 0 could clearly
tell that my thou&hts .ere causn& ths mo)ement. %y brans
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.ere someho. ben& .rac+ed by thou&ht. (ths .as the frst
tme 0 had e)er had ths e1perence# and so 0 canEt say ho.
realstc t .as# or f t could actually be e1perenced n a
normal state. 7onetheless# the sensaton .as 8ute realstc).
Real,n& ho. deep 0 .as n the phase# 0 decded to &et out of
there# as 0 .as afrad for my lfe. Ds t s easy to suppose# ths
.as# to put t l&htly# not easy. 0 be&an to feel fear. 0 .as
completely unable to enter my body or &et control of t. Once
.as fnally able to feel t# t felt l+e someone elseEs. Contrary
to my e1pectatons# e)en concentratn& on my b& toe dd not
help. 0nstead of &ettn& me out of that state# rela1aton
deepened t. Then# 0 &ot completely lost: .hat normally
helped .asnEt .or+n&# and there .ere no other effect)e
methods to employ. Dfter lon& desperate attempts# 0 fnally
mana&ed to enter my body. Ths only happened than+s to
attempts to mo)e any body part 0 could# n addton to
concentratn& on breathn&.
Aue 7@@3
A Do)ed Paradi!e
0 suddenly became a.are that 0 .as n a dream. 0 felt
6oy and satsfacton. The post)e emotons .ere so plentful
that# ha)n& become a.are of my presence n a .orld outsde
of realty# 0 tred to share my emotons .th passersby. 0
ddnEt e)en care that there .as no pont n don& ths. 0t
should be noted that 0 dd not ha)e to return to my body n
order to deepen the state and separate once a&an# as s
normally to be done# as there .as an mmedate and atypcal
realsm to my surroundn&s. 0t .as that )ery realsm that had
led me to become a.are that 0 .as dreamn& n the frst
0 .as n a )ery nterestn& place: there .as no s+y 4
nstead of t there .as a lo.# lar&e blue dome# .hch
dstrbuted a stran&e l&ht across the entre spaceH the
scenery all about recalled a corner of paradse: there .ere a
lot of fountans# streams# and numerous archtectural
curostes of un+no.n purpose. There .ere flora and fauna
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e) all the streams .ere teemn& .th myrad types
of fsh# all the trees .ere al)e .th the chrpn& of floc+s of
e1otc brds (from smple &reen parrots to those of fantastc
appearance). There .as so much to ta+e n all around.
@here)er one loo+ed# there .ere beautful flo.ers and trees
of all dfferent shapesH many people mlled about on all +nds
of busness# payn& not the sl&htest de&ree of attenton to
me# and there .ere many ob6ects .th unfamlar ob6ects
Dll .as dstn&ushed by a rch dsplay of lfe n all ts
manfestatons. E) .as cro.ded# peopled# and there
.as practcally no free place to stand. E)erythn& lterally
teemed. Bo.e)er# there .as room enou&h to mo)e about. 0
.as se,ed by ntense emoton arsn& from such an
uncommon# and# most mportantly# realstc and ))d
landscape. E)erythn& could be ta+en n )sually# and n
mnute detal. There .as a lot of e)erythn& around to
obser)e# 0 dd so .th relsh. 0n other .ords# 0 performed the
techn8ue of concentraton# 0 ddnEt e)en ha)e to thn+ about
procedures for mantann&. 0 ddnEt feel at all l+e carryn& out
my pre)ously planned tas+s. 0 ddnEt need anythn& else but
to en6oy the smple pleasure of obser)n& ths lttle corner of
paradse. 0 felt l+e a stran&er n a stran&e .orld# and .as
)ery happy to ha)e landed n such a place# and been able to
e1perence t frsthand. For ths# 0 .as sncerely &rateful for
the phase. *omethn& l+e ths .ould ne)er ha)e happened n
real lfe. The thou&ht occasonally came to me that ths .as
not smply my nner .orld# but actually some real one.
Bo.e)er# the la.s accordn& to .hch t operated .ent
a&anst ths. The only thn& that could ha)e startled me .as
the realness of the stuaton. %y nner .orld could not accept
such thn&s# as 0 had already &ro.n accustomed to thn+n&
about realty n a dfferent .ay o)er the course of my lfe.
%y presence n ths paradse .as threatened by the
possblty of my conscous a.areness chec+n& out# and me
subse8uently falln& asleep. 0 started to become 8ute .orred
about ths# and so had to perform some act)e e1ercses n
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order to +eep my a.areness from submer&n&. @thout
thn+n& t.ce# 0 decded to start tal+n& .th people there#
because ths .as al.ays one of the most nterestn& thn&s to
do. 2nfortunately# e)eryone present there .as unfamlar .th
me from realty. But that dd not bother me too much#
because an nterestn& scene started to de)elop before my
The t.o men started sn&n& some son&s# before that
they had been 8uetly sttn& on a bench and en6oyn& some
un+no.n l8ud from .nes+ns. From the tone of ther )oce
and ther appearance# one could easly &uess at the alcoholc
nspraton for ther )ocal concert. Dfter sn&n& the refrans of
some .ell4+no.n son&s# they &raduated to obscene lmerc+s
and 6o+es. ThatEs .hen t &ot really nterestn&. 0 e1pected
them to recte only thn&s that 0 already +ne.# but to my total
surprse# ths .as not to be the case. 0 stood there and
lstened )ery carefully to e)erythn&. E)en thou&h the
lmerc+s .ere funny# 0 .as more shoc+ed than amused# as 0
had ne)er heard any of them before. Ths meant that at that
moment# my bran .as lterally composn& 8ute h&h 8ualty
stuff on the fly# .thout any nter)enton n the process on my
part. 'erhaps 0 had once been un.ttn&ly e1posed to
e)erythn& that 0 heard n that .orld# and smply not pad
attenton to t# and no. t .as comn& bac+ to me n ths
Then# 0 suddenly &ot the dea that 0 should en6oy myself
n a more act)e and unusual .ay. Dfter all# one ou&ht l)e n
the moment...
$arc& 7@@7
Heali1 $'!el"
Dfter one of many mornn& a.a+enn&s# 0 hadnEt mo)ed
at all physcally# and mmedately be&an tryn& to separate
from the body. 0 real,ed after a couple of seconds of tryn&
that separaton .ould not happen r&ht then# and so 0 peered
nto the )od before my eyes# tryn& to dscern any ma&es.
There .erenEt any# and so after a fe. seconds 0 started .th
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phantom .&&ln&# .hch manfested tself some.hat n the
feet: both feet nched up some.hat# and them came bac+
do.n. %ean.hle# my ears .ere flled .th a soft nose# and
there .as a sl&ht 3bu,,5 n my body.
0 tred to ncrease the ampltude of the moton for 9 to
$" seconds# but .as stll unable to ache)e anythn&. 0n order
to o)ercome ths barrer of some sorts# 0 decded to s.tch to
the techn8ue of obser)n& ma&es for some tme# and then
contnue .th phantom .&&ln&. Bo.e)er# the ma&es came
on so stron& that 0 real,ed that 0 could s+p phantom
.&&ln&# as t .ould be much easer to smply use the
ma&es. Before my mndEs eye appeared a r)er# and behnd t
a steep hll .ooded .th tall trees. 0 be&an to peer nto t#
tryn& to ta+e n the .hole pcture. 0t mmedately became
sharper and sharper. 0 real,ed after ! to 4 seconds that 0 .as
)e.n& the pcture 6ust as f from a .ndo. n real lfe. Ds
soon as that real,aton came# 0 rolled out of my body and
nto the room.
0 8uc+ly &ot to my feet and started palpatn& and tryn&
to see. %y )son returned at once. The phase .as suffcently
deep that 0 could see e)erythn& as clearly as n realty.
%ean.hle# usn& the deepenn& techn8ues led to e)erythn&
becomn& much more )sually ntense and colorful than 0 .as
accustomed to n real lfe. Ths startled me a bt. The thou&ht
of returnn& to the body e)en flashed throu&h my mnd# but 0
.as able to o)ercome t# and mmedately concentrated on
the &oals that 0 had set: treatn& h&h blood pressure#
conductn& an e1perment on the )scosty of fluds# and some
tems of fun to mpro)e my mood.
0 opened the door of my .ardrobe# .hch n realty
contaned a bo1 of medcnes. 0 loo+ed for the dru& that .as
to help me my blood pressure or at least ma+e t easer
to deal .th my condton. Gel)n& nto the pac+a&e# 0 too+
out the )arous tubes of ontments# pac+a&es# and spray4
cans# peern& at them n order to mantan the phase. 0 also
tred to f&ure out .hat the medcnes .ere# and .hether or
not 0 needed them.
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0t too+ some tme# as for $9 to !" seconds 0 couldnEt fnd
anythn& .orth.hle. Then 0 suddenly pulled out some blue
bottle .th plls. On t .as .rtten# C(fe%1 4 (fe .thout
Bypertenson. Dll the best products n oneC. Ths .as )ery
close to .hat 0 .as loo+n& for# so 0 mmedately too+ t.o
tablets# che.ed them# and s.allo.ed. They .ere a.fully
btter and dstasteful. Dt one pont# that btter taste e)en
made me for&et that 0 .as n the phase and that 0 defntely
needed to do somethn& to +eep t from ben& o)er. 0nstead of
lettn& that happen# 0 bent do.n and co)ered my face .th
my hands.
*uddenly# a stran&e .a)e of unusual sensatons coursed
throu&h my body. %y head and entre face started to fll up
.th blood# causn& s.elln& n my lps# nose# chee+s# and
eyelds. 0t &oes .thout sayn& that ths .as an unpleasant
sensaton. 0t .as more than unusual. Ths .as especally true
of the sensatons 0 felt nsde my head. 0t .as as f t .ere
heatn& up and e1pandn&. 0 f&ured at that pont that 0 had
done somethn& .ron&.
Ds soon as 0 thou&ht that# 0 felt as f a balloon flled .th
cold .ater had burst n my head. Bere the heat turned to
cold# and my head and body CdecompressedC bac+ do.n to
s,e. 0 felt an uncommon l&htness and freshness nsde. 0 had
the sensaton of ha)n& tapped a ne. reser)e of stren&th and
0n order to not ha)e to search for that blue bottle a&an#
0 set t on the r&ht corner of the shelf. Dfter.ards# 0
decded to cement the effect by performn& a physcal
e1ercse that had al.ays caused pan n my head due to
he&htened blood pressure. 0 ran nto the hall.ay and sat on
the floor# .th my bac+ a&anst one .all and feet to.ards the
other. 0 pushed off .th my le&s .hle pressn& my bac+
a&anst ths .all# thus smulatn& bearn& a physcal load. Dll
the .hle# 0 tred to peer at all around me# concentratn& on
my poston. The .all .ouldnEt &)e# and 0 had to ma+e
Berculean efforts to someho. stra&hten my le&s. 0 bent my
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le&s bac+ a&an# and then returned to tryn& to stra&hten
them out.
0 had physcally e1erted myself more than once n the
phase# .hch had al.ays been accompaned by ncreased
blood pressure n the head. Ths .as often panful# and the
dscomfort .ould e)en last throu&hout the mornn& after
a.a+enn&. Ths tme# my head felt easy and l&ht. 0 6ust
concentrated on the physcal effort# and not on ho. hard ths
e1ercse .as to perform. 0n addton# 0 tred to delberately
rele)e my head of that hea)ness and pressure# tryn& to
create subconscous pro&rammn& for the physcal .orld. 0n
addton to all of the abo)e# 0 dd my best to &)e myself
hypnotc su&&estons.
That done# 0 mo)ed on to the ne1t tems n my plan of
A*ril 7@@7
A P&a!e Goe to Wa!ted
ODfter another a.a+enn&# 0 decded to try to enter the
phase. E)en thou&h there .ere no symptoms of the phase
ben& close# 0 .as mmedately able to roll out. *urprsed at
ho. easy t had been to roll out# 0 be&an to deepen by
palpaton: frst 0 ran my hand alon& the len&th of the bed#
and then started pattn& do.n ob6ects near t. The sensatons
&radually became ncreasn&ly real. But stll 0 could not see.
*o# 0 decded to contnue .th palpaton# hopn& that )son
.ould come by tself# as t al.ays had before n such cases.
Dfter ta+n& se)eral footsteps about the apartment# )son
came bac+ to me some.hat blurrly. 0 .as easly able to
deepen t by concentratn& on my hands.
0nstead of don& anythn& product)e l+e conductn&
research# 0 decded to ha)e some fun. To start .th# 0
s+yroc+eted throu&h the apartments abo)e mne#
e1perencn& the unfor&ettable feeln& of flyn& throu&h
concrete floors. 0 then repeated the moton n the opposte
drecton# all the .ay do.n to the &round floor. 0 could see
ho. my ne&hbors had decorated ther homes throu&h that
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fl&ht up and do.n the apartment comple1. There .as a &reat
temptaton to cause ha)oc n the apartment on the frst floor#
but 0 .as e)en more nterested n flyn&. *o# 0 blasted off
headlon& at an an&le up throu&h the .all and out nto the
open ar. 0 fle. about 9" yards out and ho)ered o)er the
apartment comple1Es play&round. 0n order to stay n the
phase# 0 .ould loo+ at my hands from tme to tme# and only
then ta+e n the landscape n bet.een don& so. %y heart
leaped at the he&ht. 0 could feel .afts of ar comn& from
brds flyn& by. Ths all &a)e me a real h&h. Dt one pont 0
faded some.hat and almost lost the phase# but mana&ed to
create )bratons throu&h strann& the bran. 0 .as lon& able
to mantan the phase after that by controlln& the )bratons#
.thout ha)n& to resort to concentraton.
0 then came up .th a brllant dea 4 0 decded to try to
test myself n the role of a f&hter plot. 0t .as not easy to
concentrate on ths &oal. 0 8uc+ly pc+ed up speed# and
ya.ed to the sde. The h&her the speed 0 fle. at# the louder
the screamn& n my ears. 0 felt the maddenn& )elocty and
F4force .th e)ery cell n my body. Of course# 0 could ha)e
chosen to feel only the mo)ement tself# but 0 delberately
tuned n to the sensaton of all the aerodynamc effects. Dr
.hstled by .th ncreasn& .armth as t flo.ed around me. 0t
.as only .th dffculty that 0 o)ercame nstnctual fear that 0
had brou&ht n .th me from the real .orld. Clouds .h,,ed
by abo)e# and belo. me .ere homes# forests# and people 4
e)erythn& .as so real that 0 had to really ponder .hat .as
&on& on# and .hat to ma+e of t...
Aauar' 7@@8
A Aoure' ito Outer S*ace
%y body .as stll )ery tred# e)en thou&h 0 had already
been able to sleep for se)eral hours that n&ht. Ds soon as 0
lay do.n# 0 almost mmedately felt )bratons occurrn&# but
.as not rela1ed enou&h to brn& them up to full force. Dt the
moment# the best .ay to rela1 and enter the phase seemed
to me to be throu&h Ctrans4a.a+enn&C (the free4floatn&
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state of mnd). 0 turned out to be r&ht# as after the ffth or
s1th tme 0 felt ntense )bratons en)elopn& me from all
sdes. 0n ths case# there .as no need to amplfy the
)bratons or deepen the phase# as my body .as tred# and t
.ould create a most deep state all on ts o.n n order to more
8uc+ly restore ts )tal ener&es. 0 6ust lay for some tme and
obser)ed the chan&es occurrn& .thn me. Bo.e)er# 0 could
not reman dle for lon&# lest 0 unntentonally fall asleep.
0 spent some tme on f1n& my secondary attenton on
a)odn& falln& asleep and n)oluntary e1t from the phase. 0
rolled out. Ds usual# 0 rolled out of the bed as f for real# but
not httn& the floor. 0nstead# 0 ho)ered abo)e the floor as f 0
had fallen on a one4foot h&h n)sble ar mattress. 0 ha)e
rolled out hundreds of tmes# but 0 al.ays e1perence doubt n
the bac+ of my mnd that 0 am actually falln& out of bed n
D multtude of deas flashed throu&h my mnd on ho. to
use ths poston. 0 mmedately formulated an appro1mate
plan of acton# .hch ncluded those senseless thn&s that 0
sa)e for a rany day. Bo.e)er# 0 frst decded for the
umpteenth tme to obser)e outer space scenes. 0 too+ up my
&oal: the Cosmos. Bere 0 .as mmedately pc+ed up by a
mysterous force that .hs+ed me a.ay at brea+nec+ speed.
%y )son 8uc+ly came bac+ to me# and 0 found myself
floatn& n an un+no.n part of the Cosmos. 0 donEt +no. ho.
true4to4lfe the sensatons .ere# as 0 ha)e ne)er been n outer
space. 7onetheless# 0 probably e1perenced t 6ust l+e t
.ould be n real lfe. *&ht .as the predomnate sense here# 0
stopped payn& attenton to the other four. Ta+n& n the
&ala1y .thn my feld of )e. brou&ht fantastc pleasure. The
unusualness n the )sual percepton conssted n the
uncommon .ay that my eyes had to focus# as .e rarely use
our eyes n that .ay n real lfe. Ta+n& n the &ala1y re8ured
my eyes to fully uncross and loo+ at the s&ht n parallel. The
&ala1y seemed as f t .ere al)e# and 0 sad to myself that
ths .as probably the most beautful thn& that 0 had e)er
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Bo.e)er# 0 couldnEt stay there for lon&# as there .as
nothn& to concentrate my sense of s&ht on# because the
ob6ects .ere )ery far a.ay. 0 returned to the )od# and#
suspended n a statc poston# created stron& )bratons. For a
.hle# 0 smply en6oyed ths uncommon sensaton. 0t .as
nterestn& to obser)e the characterstcs of ths phenomenon.
@hen 0 rased my arms and brou&ht my palms to.ards my
face# 0 felt stron&# .arm .nd streamn& from them to my
face. 7ose flled my ears. @hen 0 palpated my head .th my
hands# t seemed as f 0 .as touchn& my unprotected bran#
but there .as no pan.
0 en6oyed ths state for some tme# plun&n& n some
un+no.n drecton. Dfter a short fl&ht# 0 .as e6ected bac+
nto my room at home. Ths tme e)erythn& n t
corresponded $""; to realty# enou&h thou&h 0 had not set
myself that &oal. 7othn& nterested me n the room# and so 0
.al+ed throu&h my bedroom door nto the other rooms# .th
e)erythn& as n real lfe. 0 ddnEt ha)e to loo+ lon& for
ad)enture# as 0 found my mother and brother n the other
room# both of .hom 0 had not seen for a .hle. 0 spo+e .th
them about anythn& that came to mnd# 6ust for the sa+e of
hearn& ther )oces and &ettn& a chance to loo+ at them.
Ths .as a real &ft for me. But 0 faded out a bt# and .as only
able .th &reat dffculty to re&an control o)er the state
throu&h the nfamous techn8ue of falln& head4frst O
October 7@@5
A $urdered Fried
GonEt .atch the mornn& ne.s and eat at the same tme.
0 )omted all todayEs brea+fast nto the tolet after .atchn&
the ne.s report that someone 0 +ne.# far from a passn&
ac8uantance# had been brutally +lled that n&ht. Be had
tred to call me a couple of .ee+s before# but 0 hadnEt been n
the mood to accompany hm on another one of hs drn+n&
bouts. For my o.n peace of mnd# 0 decded to someho. try
to ma+e amends.
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0 lay do.n. @th &reat dffculty# 0 calmed do.n and
be&an to focus my attenton on phantom .&&ln& .th my
arm. 7o .&&ln& occurred at frst# but once t came# t started
8uc+ly ncreasn& n ampltude. D short lapse n
conscousness occurred after about $" mnutes# and 0 .as
able to easly &et up out of bed.
0 ddnEt need to deepen. Dfter closn& my eyes# 0
mmedately focused my attenton on the ma&e of my frend.
Then# somethn& pc+ed me up and mo)ed me n an un+no.n
drecton. Dfter se)eral seconds# 0 .as lterally thro.n nto the
+tchen of hs apartment. Ds usual# he sat n a char at a table
cluttered .th co&nac. Be ddnEt pay any attenton to me. Be
ddnEt loo+ &ood# .th many bruses and cuts on hs face and
arms. Dlthou&h there .as almost no blood# t .as all a.ful to
loo+ at due to the hyper4realsm# and 0 be&an to feel
nauseated a&an. @hen 0 came closer# he turned to me and
sobbed... 0 tred to as+ hm .hat had happened# because they
ddnEt say e1actly .hat had occurred on the ne.s. 0t turned
out that hs lfestyle lay at the cause of t all. Be started
shoutn& that he .anted to l)e# and that he .ould no lon&er
act l+e that f he could only l)e a&an. 0 apolo&,ed for not
ha)n& pc+ed up the phone. 0 loo+ed at hm for the last tme.
Dnd# actn& a&anst my belefs# 0 returned to my body.
By e)enn&# hs e1planaton of .hat had happened .as
confrmed. Ds for hs beha)or and e1ternal appearance# they
.ere understandably tr&&ered by my stll ra. emotons. 0
thn+ that f 0 meet hm n se)eral months# heEll loo+ and act
Dece)ber 7@@K
T'rao!auru! Re+
0 .o+e up durn& a daytme nap. @hle stll n a
state# 0 tred to roll out of my body and fly up nto the ar# but
nothn& happened. Bo.e)er# 0 felt that 0 .as n a state )ery
close to that of the phase. 0 tred forced falln& asleep# and
then felt lapses of conscousness# durn& .hch ma&es
flc+ered before my eyes. D fe. seconds later# 0 decded to try
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separatn& from my body a&an. %ean.hle# 0 +ne. that f
that ddnEt .or+# 0 could s.tch to obser)n& ma&es# as they
.ere already there. Bo.e)er# that turned out not to be
necessary# as 0 .as easly able to smply &et up out of my
body. %y )son mmedately came to me. 0 .as 8uc+ly able
to ma+e the state that 0 .as n e1tremely realstc by
palpatn& and peern& at ob6ects around me. 0 also mana&ed
to 8uc+ly palpate my body# all the .hle creatn& and
amplfyn& )bratons n order to cement myself n a deep
@hle 0 had a clearly4formulated plan of acton re&ardn&
studyn& the phase# 0 had already re4thrashed ts detals
se)eral tmes that .ee+. Dt that moment# 0 really 6ust .anted
to use the phase for my o.n personal en6oyment# and do
somethn& 0 .as loo+n& for.ard to for a .hle. Dt one of my
semnars about a .ee+ before# 0 had told my students about
ho. t .as possble to &o for a .al+ amon& dnosaurs. D
desre to do so no. burned .thn me# as 0 had not done
anythn& of the sort for a lon& tme. *o 0 scrapped my
pre)ous plan of acton# closed my eyes# and concentrated my
attenton on the Tyrannosaurus re1. 0 then felt the sensaton
of mo)ement. The translocaton too+ lon&er than usual. Ths
.as normal for such a stuaton# because t .as smply
psycholo&cally dffcult to bele)e one .ould see dnosaurs#
e)en thou&h 0 had succeeded n don& so many tmes before.
The ratonal bran tends to ha)e dffcultes .th thn&s l+e
encountern& dnosaurs.
0 ne)ertheless mana&ed to &et myself to&ether and
concentrate my attenton. Then# 0 landed on somethn& soft.
0t .as a patch of moss n the forest. 0 be&an to scrutn,e the
moss and palpate t .th my hands. Vson almost
mmedately came to me# and became ncredbly sharp. 0
crouched on all fours and stared for a .hle at e)erythn&
r&ht n front of me 4 manly small t.&s of )arous shapes and
decayed lea)es. There .ere also all +nds of nsects cra.ln&
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0 then focused my attenton on my o.n feeln&s and
perceptons. 0 .as stll .earn& the same t4shrt and shorts
that 0 had fallen asleep n. %y body tself seemed unusually
pale. Bo.e)er# 0 .as most surprsed at ho. hard t .as to
breathe. 7ot only .as the ar saturated .th ndescrbably4
repu&nant odors# t also turned out to be 8ute hot and humd.
Tryn& to breathe n only throu&h my nose made me d,,y.
%ean.hle# the ar .as so hot that breathn& n throu&h my
mouth hurt my throat. 0n the end# 0 decded to breathe n
throu&h my mouth# and .as able to bansh the pan.
0 turned my attenton to my surroundn&s. There .as
forest all around. Very lttle sun made t throu&h the canopy.
The trees .ere )ery tall# and had lon& stra&ht trun+s. There
.ere plants all around that loo+ed l+e ferns# but they .ere
nearly my he&ht. 0 had found myself n a small clearn&
.thout trees. The .hole place .as flled .th sounds that
.ere unnatural for a forest. 0nstead of brds chrpn&# 0 heard
.hstln& and croa+n&. 0 heard roarn& from tme to tme
comn& from n the dstance. 0 +ept hearn&
crac+ln& and then somethn& crashn& to the &round. 0 could
hear a lot of rustln& and dull thuds comn& from
behnd the bushes about thrty yards a.ay from me. 0
mmedately understood that thatEs .here my ob6ect)e .as.
By the tme 0 decded to head for my dnosaur# 0 .as
already tchn& from constant attac+s by e1otc nsects of all
colors and s,es# both terrestral and arborne. @hle headn&
for the tar&et# 0 all the .hle scrutn,ed my arms and the
lea)es that 0 had rpped off .th my hands. 0 ntentonally
made r&ht for the tree trun+s ahead. 0 +ept specal tabs on
the hyper4realsm of the e1perence# as ths .as the most
mportant factor here. The )bratons ddnEt de do.n one bt#
as 0 constantly +ept them &on& r&ht from the start.
0 .ent up to the bushes and cautously peered throu&h
them. There .as a stream flan+ed by a muddy ban+# from
.hch an enormous patch of horsetal shot up. %y ob6ect)e
.as .adn& r&ht n the mddle of the stream# 0 almost
shouted out n ecstasy at the s&ht of t. 0 +ept 8uet only out
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of a desre to not attract ts attenton. That could ha)e runed
e)erythn&. 0 tred to a)od dra.n& ts attenton not so much
because 0 .as some.hat afrad# but more out of a desre to
smply .atch ths ma&nfcent creature from the sde# and
feast my eyes on ts beauty.
0 had already seen a T. re1 at least f)e tmes before# but
ths one .as much lar&er than all of the pre)ous ones. E)en
the the color of ts s+n .as dfferent 4 sl&htly dar+er and
.th spots. For some reason# ths one seemed to be a
female. The &ant paused at some pont# apparently reactn&
to me. 0 mmedately returned my attenton to peern& at the
lea)es and the nsects on them# so as not to nterfere n the
stuaton .th the dnosaur# and also reman n a deep phase.
0 .as 8ute afrad that ths phase m&ht not be suffcent
for more sensatons 4 and so nstead of stc+n& t out# 0
8uc+ly ran up behnd the T. re1. 0t mmedately turned n my
drecton# but 0 concentrated as much as 0 could on the
thou&ht that t .ould see me as a frend and not a foe.
Rs+n& the phase# 0 e)en stopped n order to pro&ram the
stuaton. 0ts hu&e head loo+ed at me for se)eral more
seconds# and then calmly bent do.n. 0t seems that t had a
)ctm there.
0 ran up to ts mass)e tal. 0 8uc+ly peered at t up
close# and then mo)ed to ts face. 0 .as mean.hle n a panc
o)er the phase and ts depth# and so made &reat effort to
amplfy the )bratons 0 .as feeln&. Dlso# 0 petted the reptle
the .hole tme# for no. mo)n& my hands do.n ts sde# and
steppn& nto the cool .ater up to my an+les. E)erythn& .as
already so e1traordnary# and 0 ddnEt .ant to be e6ected nto
realty by ma+n& a stupd mo)e. Fear of the monster had
already completely subsded# but 0 started to &ro. a lttle
concerned o)er the &reat depth of ths phase. The
un.holesome dea of stayn& there fore)er suddenly came
o)er me. Bo.e)er# the nstnct of self4preser)aton +ept me
to my senses.
'ulln& up the reptleEs mass)e and muscular frame# 0
&ot up to the front of t. 0 had not seen tyrannosauruses up so
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close that often before# so 0 .as a bt amused by ho.
helplessness ts forearms appeared# almost l+e puny
un.ebbed flppers (Tyrannosauruses only ha)e t.o cla.ed
lmbs). They are &enerally consdered to be )est&al# but ths
reptle .as clearly usn& them to help tself to the carcass of
another b& l,ard# holdn& t up. 0n turn# the prey seemed to
be 8ute u&ly and bony. 0ts nnards .ere han&n& out of the
lar&e 6a.s of the dnn& reptle. 0 s8uatted do.n 6ust a yard
a.ay from the dnosaurEs mu,,le and .atched the scene. 0t
ddnEt pay me any attenton# e)en .hen 0 &rabbed the &narled
le& of ts )ctm (t loo+ed l+e a chc+en4le&# but a hundred
tmes lar&er)# and thre. t asde. The T. Re1# stll &norn&
me# rased ts head and .ent stra&ht for the delcacy. 0ts
mo)ement seemed to re8ure a lot of effort# and all the
muscles of ts haunches smply pushed for.ard .hen e1erted.
0 could see that the beast .as ncredbly stron&.
Dfter &on& half.ay to.ards ts pr,e and scannn& ts
surroundn&s# the l,ard turned a&an to the carcass. 0t be&an
to &o at t a&an. 0 had already made up my mnd to feed hm
by hand# but then some +nd of alarm .ent off. Suc+ly
real,n& that t .as comn& from outsde the .ndo. n the
physcal .orld# 0 mmedately dun+ed my head under.ater n
order to &et rd of that sound by pro&rammn& the 8ualtes of
the space around. 0t .as ndeed 8ueter under.ater# but the
alarm .as stll audble. @hle obser)n& the pebbles at the
bottom of the clear .ater# 0 plu&&ed my ears .th my fn&ers.
The sound became e)en 8ueter. Employn& the strann& the
bran techn8ue made the )bratons stll stron&er# creatn& a
nose that 0 be&an to lsten n to. The alarm sound .ent a.ay.
0 surfaced# too+ my fn&ers out of my ears# and then t
occurred to me that t could ha)e been a car alarm. CDnd
.hat f that .as from my carLC 4 0 thou&ht. Cursn& all earthly
matters# 0 recalled my body n order to return bac+ nto t.
Dnd t .as only 6ust upon feeln& the physcal body that 0
remembered that my car had already been at the mechancEs
for se)eral days no.... 0 heard the alarm a&an# but t .asnEt
comn& from my car. Dnd so# there .as no pont n cuttn& the
(Table of Contents)
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phase e1perence short. 0 tred to &et bac+ nto the phase
once a&an# but the .al of the alarm dd not stop# and so all
of my attempts to return to the phase .ere n )an.
Au1u!t 7@@K
A E+*eri)et ad a 4o#e Stor'
0 .o+e up at about >:"" am and too+ a cold but
.as stll unable to &et nto .or+ mode. 0 decded to &o bac+
to sleep. F)en that ths .ould be a &ood tme ma+e attempts
to enter the phase# 0 decded to try ma+e a &o of t. Bo.e)er#
0 .asnEt n the mood to try anythn& but phantom .&&ln&.
7ot really e1pectn& anythn& to come of t# 0 half4heartedly
and monotonously tred to Croc+ the boatC .th one hand.
That hand# n turn# 8uc+ly yelded and started mo)n&#
thou&h ntally .th lttle ampltude. Dlready ha)n& practcally
fallen asleep# 0 notced that the ampltude had ncreased
dramatcally and my hand be&an to lterally slp out of my
body. 0 decded to montor the stuaton more closely# and
.as able to mo)e my forearm further and further to each
sde. Dt some pont# 0 .as able to trace a full crcle .th t. 0t
then occurred to me that there had been a mar+ed chan&e n
my sense of bodly percepton. *omethn& clearly started to
occur. 0 tred to roll out. That dd not .or+# but )bratons
arose upon attemptn& t. Ths ser)ed as a s&nal to try more
act)ely to roll out. 0 tred a&an 4 and t .or+ed. Franted#
there .as some dffculty and slu&&shness n)ol)ed# but t
0 rolled out off the bed# but the state .as unstable: there
.ere no dstnct sensatons# and 0 .as dra.n bac+ nto my
body. 0 be&an erratcally palpatn& e)erythn&. The pull on my
body &radually dsappeared# and after 9 to $" seconds my
s&ht started to return. 0 used t to deepen by peern&. That
pro)ed to be the decs)e factor. The phase became hyper4
0 remembered r&ht then and there .hat needed to be
tred n ths phase# and 0 be&an from the most mportant tem
4 e1permentn& .th translocaton. 0 had .anted to chec+
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once a&an ho. dffcult t .as to translocate n space usn&
the door techn8ue. Frst# 0 closed the door. 0 focused my
attenton on there ben& an audtorum behnd t n .hch 0
.as to &)e a lecture. 0 opened the door# .al+ed nto the
audtorum# and closed the door once a&an behnd me. 0 then
focused my attenton on the other sde of the door ben& the
.e&ht4room of the &ym that 0 &o to. 0 opened the door# and
loo+ed n to the .e&ht4room. Then# 0 shut the door and
opened t a&an 4 the .e&ht4room .as stll there. 0 .ent nto
t and closed the door behnd me. 0 then focused on deep
outer4space ben& behnd the door. 0 opened the door# .hch
led nto the hall.ay that .ould ha)e been there f 0 .ere
really n the .e&ht4room. 0 closed the door and concentrated
e)en harder on outer4space ben& behnd t. 0 started to open
the door# but somethn& seemed to be holdn& t bac+ from
the other sde. 0 had to use force to &et the door to bud&e.
Dfter that# t opened all the .ay easly. Dt that pont# 0 notced
that the phase space be&an to blur. Bo.e)er# 0 mana&ed to
concentrate and restore ts realsm by strann& the bran.
Behnd the door .as deep outer4space.
0 stood at the entrance to the .e&ht room# and lterally
a step n front of me .as endless e1panse .thout be&nnn&
or end. 0 could breathe freely. Dn cy draft came n throu&h
the door. E1perments ha)e sho.n that unless one s smply
&on& from one room nto another# translocatn& usn& doors
s one of the more dffcult methods. *uch dffculty s
probably only due to the nternal psycholo&cal bloc+s that
people ha)e. @hle standn& and analy,n& .hat .as
happenn&# 0 .as suc+ed nto a stencl. The only thn& that 0
could do at that )ery moment .as &rab at the door handle#
.hch 0 dd almost automatcally.
0 then felt myself lyn& n my body. Bo.e)er# my hand
.as clearly stll &raspn& the door handle. 0 be&an mo)n& the
phantom hand on e)ery plane# and soon felt that 0 .ould be
able to separate. 0 easly rolled out and found myself n my
(Table of Contents)
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0 8uc+ly brou&ht the state to a le)el of hyperrealsm
throu&h peern& nterspersed .th palpaton. Real,n& that 0
had already ache)ed my prmary ob6ect)es# 0 &a)e n to a
desre to meet .th a &rl .hom 0 had not seen for a .hle#
but stll had feeln&s for. 0 .ent to the bathroom door# and
opened t .thout a shred of doubt that she .ould be on the
other sde. Dnd thatEs 6ust ho. t happened. 0 opened the
door and sa. behnd her the nteror of my old apartment
.here she used to )st me. 0 had of course hoped to ha)e
seen her na+ed n the bathtub# but ths scenaro .as not bad
at all.
*he .as sttn& on the couch and loo+n& out the
.ndo.. 0 felt that she understood that 0 .as close4by. 0 .ent
up and sat do.n on the floor ne1t to her. 0 cuddled up to and
started ben& affectonate .th her. Than+s to the hyper4
realsm of the e1perence# the sensatons .ere ncredbly
ntense and ama,n&. *mply stro+n& her s+rt and 6ac+et .as
a stunnn& e1perence# as t once .as n realty. 0t .as
e1tremely pleasant to feel her soft and .arm body under her
clothes# pantyhose# and +nee4h&h stoc+n&s.
Once 0 brou&ht my hand to her head and be&an ta+n&
her har a.ay from her face# she turned to.ard me and
smled. Dfter seen& the &a,e of those same )ery eyes and
that same smle# there .as nothn& 0 could do n response but
smle. 0 contnued to mo)e my hands o)er her face# head# and
body n order to mantan the phase. Ber eyes .ere sad# her
smle seemed to be amd tears. But all the .hle# her
e1presson .as more open and sncere than t had e)er been
n realty.
*he also started to smooth my face and hands. *he then
came to as+ me ho. 0 .as don& and .hat 0 had been up to.
2nderstandn& that such communcaton .as only a formalty
of secondary mportance n the phase# 0 ans.ered only n
monosyllables# all the .hle en6oyn& the fact that 0 .as ne1t
to her# could feel her touch# see her eyes# and hear her
panfully famlar )oce. *urprsn&ly# 0 .as not o)er.helmed
(Table of Contents)
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by the unbrdled se1ual nstncts that usually arse .hen
contactn& the opposte se1 n phase.
Dfter spendn& some more tme .th her# 0 decded that
t .as tme to brn& the meetn& to a close# as 0 could see her
another tme. Before me stll remaned the tas+ of entern&
and e1tn& my body multple tmes. 'ractcn& that s+ll had
been a part of my prelmnary plan of acton.
0 ntentonally returned to my body and mmedately
be&an tryn& to e1t t. 0 .as easly able to roll out. 0 returned
bac+ to my body# and then rolled out of t a&an. Bo.e)er# my
connecton to realty &reatly ncreased after that last return#
and t too+ a far amount of effort to lterally fly out of my
body. 0 .ould also ha)e to employ the techn8ue of forced
falln& asleep.
Ba)n& found myself floatn& once a&an n the center of
the room# 0 clearly understood that there .as no pont n
returnn& bac+ a&an to the body. @thout e)en bothern& to
stren&then the phase throu&h deepenn&# 0 ne)ertheless
ntentonally rushed bac+ to my body n order to dsco)er the
lmt of my o.n capabltes# and further refne my s+ll at
e1tn& the body. Cau&ht n a stencl# 0 .as at frst barely able
to mo)e# but then 0 .as se,ed by a .a)e of a.a+enn&. 0
s.tched to forced falln& asleep# and then on to obser)n&
ma&es .hen forced sleep dd not .or+. 7o ma&es appeared.
0 a&an be&an to try to d)de# but then arose the feeln& of
ha)n& fully a.a+ened.
0 started tryn& to mo)e my hands do.n alon& my body
and bac+. 'hantom mo)ement arose after se)eral seconds#
and my conscousness mmedately submer&ed deeply#
sn+n& a.ay from the outsde .orld. 0 focused e)en more on
mo)ement# and t occurred e)en further. 0 started to try to
&et up. 0 .as able to# but )ery slu&&shly. %y body seemed to
be se)eral tmes hea)er than t really .as. Dny rela1aton on
my part mmedately naled me bac+ to the stencl. Dt some
pont 0 mana&ed to completely separate# and found myself
ne1t to the bed. 0 tred chaotcally to use all a)alable
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deepenn& techn8ues# but nothn& helped# and 0 .as returned
to my body. 0 .as done for that sesson.
Aauar' 7@@H
Obtaii1 I"or)atio
Once 0 &ot nto bed# 0 found myself n the mood to try
entern& the phase usn& a drect techn8ue. Dfter ha)n& lad
do.n for a bt and some end4of4the4day reflecton# .hch
calmed and rela1ed me to some e1tent# 0 be&an to
concentrate my attenton on ma&ned rotaton alon& my
head4to4toe a1s. 0 .as unable to rotate more than half.ay
for the frst mnute. But then 0 .as able to rotate all the .ay
around# and t &ot easer and easer .th each mnute. 0
rotated n one drecton# and then another. 0 perodcally
lapsed nto sleep and shallo. dreamn&. 0 dd not e)en try to
attempt separaton .hen surfacn&# because 0 dd not feel any
phase symptoms. Dt one pont# conscous a.areness san+
nto unconscous for a lon&er perod of tme than before (0
almost completely fell asleep). @hen 0 came to# the rotaton
.as some.hat slu&&sh. 0 ntensfed the rotaton# .hch then
spun me around l+e an electrc motor: my .hole body .as
abu,, .th )bratons# e)en thou&h the rotaton .as stll
ma&nary# and not as perceptually real as usual. 0 also heard
nose. 0t became clear that f 0 .as not already n the phase#
then 0 .as close to t# and so 0 tred to roll out for the frst
tme. 0t .or+ed l+e a charm. Bo.e)er# 0 dd not fall onto the
floor# but floated an nch or t.o abo)e t# as t seemed to me.
@astn& no tme# 0 abruptly stood up n the mddle of the
room. 0 couldnEt see the room around me# but clearly
understood that 0 .as n t. 0 8uc+ly be&an to palpate the
floor# closet# bed lnen# my o.n torso# and so on. On the
.hole# 0 could mmedately tell that the phase .as deep# e)en
thou&h 0 couldnEt see. 0 dd e)erythn& more out of habt# and
n order to ensure a lon& and confdent phase. %oreo)er# the
lapse n conscousness .as recent# and t .ould be necessary
to fully re&an conscousness before &on& nto acton# 0 m&ht easly drft out of the phase. Dfter 9 to $"
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seconds of palpaton# my )son returned. Ds soon as t dd# 0
stared at my hands# peern& at all the lnes on my palms and
fn&ers. The phase became not only real n terms of
percepton 4 t became hyper4real.
Dt that moment# 0 8uc+ly defned my &oals: to obtan
nformaton about phase trann&# and to conduct an
e1perment on the connecton bet.een the body perce)ed n
the phase and the physcal body left behnd on the bed. 0
ddnEt ntally recall .hat else had 0 .anted to do# but f&ured
that 0Ed remember the other tas+s .hle completn& the frst
Dll that thou&ht on my plan of acton dd not ta+e more
than t.o seconds. 0 then closed my eyes and concentrated on
fndn& a .se old man. 0 abruptly fle. off# and 8uc+ly
enou&h found myself n a hut# entern& as f sta&&ern& n
after flyn& throu&h the .all. The .se man sat facn& a.ay
from me# so 0 8uc+ly .al+ed around to face hm# and then
as+ed hm ho. 0 could mpro)e my teachn& methodolo&y at
semnars. 0 e1pected that he .ould once a&an propose
certan trc+s4of4the4trade and specal techn8ues. 0nstead# he
une1pectedly sad that t .as .orth .or+n& more act)ely on
the emotonal factor and especally mot)aton# as many
smply do not ma+e the necessary effort# manly because they
donEt understand .hat a.ats them and ho. nterestn& t s.
E)en thou&h ther techn8ue should be corrected# thereEs not
pont n don& so .hen they arenEt al.ays mot)ated and do
not perform the techn8ues thorou&hly.
Ba)n& obtaned .hat 0 needed and ha)n& set ts
analyss asde for later# 0 too+ ad)anta&e of the opportunty
and as+ed a 8ueston concernn& my personal relatonshps
.th people that 0 care about n my lfe. Bo.e)er# the
response caused me to fade out# and my mnd .andered for a
couple of moments# .hch .as enou&h for e)erythn& to
become blurred. Real,n& that drectly employn& mantann&
techn8ues .ould be useless at ths pont# 0 6ust tred to
mantan the phase by &rabbn& the sa&eEs beard. 0 ended up
n my body# but .th my hand stll holdn& hs beard# .hch 0
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stron&ly clutched n my hand n order to amplfy the flo. of
sensatons as much as possble. Rubbn& my hand .th the
beard# 0 .as able to almost effortlessly &et out of bed. Dfter
palpatn& the nearby space .th my free hand and real,n&
that the state .as stable enou&h# 0 be&an tryn& to scrutn,e
the hand .th the beard# holdn& t close to my eyes. %y
)son started to return# and .thn se)eral seconds 0 .as
already able to see the space and my hand tself 8ute clearly.
0n t lay a thc+ clump of &ray har. Ths made me lau&h. 0
tred not to &et dstracted# and .as able to contan myself.
Then# 0 be&an to study the connecton bet.een the body
that s )sble on the bed from the phase# and the real
physcal one. 'erhaps the phase space tself came to my ad#
because t .as precsely at that tme that 0 sa. my body
ndeed lyn& on the bed. 0 had been en6oyn& ths s&ht less
and less fre8uently# thou&h at the be&nnn& of my practce 0
e1perenced t .th nearly e)ery e1t from the body.
@atchn& myself from the outsde .as once a&an not
)ery pleasant# somethn& 6ostled me nsde and aroused
m1ed feeln&s. Ths .as perhaps because the person 0 .as
loo+n& at dd not e1actly correspond to ho. 0 e1perence
myself to be. 0 be&an to touch hs feet# stomach# and head.
Contrary to old .)esE tales# ths dd not cause any &ettn&
pulled nto a stencl 4 ths process deepened and mantaned
my phase# as t .as a type of sensory amplfcaton. Dt some
pont# touchn& and e1amnn& the face# 0 all too clearly
real,ed that t .as me. E)erythn& faded for a moment# and 0
e)en felt someoneEs hands on my face. But 0 .as then able to
&o bac+ to .hat 0 .as don&# and contnued on .th the same
clarty of purpose. 0 .rapped up the e1perment.
Bere t da.ned on me that 0 could not remember .hat
else 0 had .anted to do. Sute dsapponted# 0 no. had to &o
on .th don& the frst thn& that popped nto my head# so as
not to .aste the rest of the phase as a result of my poor
$arc& 7@@H
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A /e+*ectedl' 4o1 P&a!e
0 had put a lot of .or+ nto the boo+ the day before#
.rappn& up a three4day sesson. %y bran .as stll )ery tred#
and .ould need more than the pre)ous n&htEs sleep to
recuperate. Dfter .or+n& another hour from > to ? am# 0 fell
asleep. 0 .o+e up around dnnertme# ate# and .as once a&an
unable to resst falln& asleep. Dfter about another hour or
t.o of sleep# 0 .o+e up motonlessly to partal conscous
a.areness after a ))d dream. 0 real,ed that my mnd .as
clear and rela1ed enou&h to try to enter the phase. %oreo)er#
0 had an ntense desre to do so. 0 tred separatn& 4 and
nothn&. 0 be&an obser)n& ma&es. Dt frst they .ere 8ute
dull. 0 could ma+e out a forest landscape n the
dstance. 0t 8uc+ly became more and more realstc# and
seemed to be suc+n& me n. Bo.e)er# 0 ddnEt feel l+e
.atn& for t to pull me n# and so 0 tred once a&an to roll
out. 0 .as only able to ma+e se)eral de&rees of mo)ement#
and then 0 .as stuc+ a&an. 0 returned to my body# and once
a&an rushed to force myself to roll out. 0 .as able to mo)e
s&nfcantly farther# but .as stll stuc+. 0 returned a&an# and
e)en more forcefully started rolln& out# ths tme meetn& no
0 felt the phase to be farly .ea+. E)en deepenn&
techn8ues hardly helped. 0 had no )son# and the sensatons
had less than 9"; the stablty of those of real lfe. 0 .as
nearly pulled bac+ nto my body. 0 tred palpaton on the
ob6ects n my room .th double effort# and mean.hle ran
around n order to obtan more sensatons. 0t too+ effort# but
the stuaton started to stabl,e. Once 0 could feel that 0 .as
stably n the phase# 0 put my hands to my eyes and
a&&ress)ely tred to see throu&h the dar+ness. *&ht 8uc+ly
came# and 0 could see the .hole room no less ))dly than n
real lfe.
*nce the phase stll seemed unstable to me and
destned to be short4l)ed# 0 decded to put asde my plan of
acton and nstead practce s+lls that 0 had not used n a
.hle. Frst# 0 .ent up to the .all and started to forcefully
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+noc+ on t .th my +nuc+les. 0 mmedately felt sharp and
unpleasant pan. 0 concentrated my attenton# and the pan
8uc+ly subsded. 0 +noc+ed e)en harder. There .as no pan. 0
punched the .all se)eral tmes .th all my stren&th# brea+n&
the surface of the dry.all and lea)n& a dent. There .as no
pan at all.
0 then loo+ed at my slpper lyn& ne1t to the bed# and
tred to mo)e t 6ust by loo+n& at t. Dfter some hestaton#
the slpper started to mo)e a bt# thou&h reluctantly. 0 notced
that the realsm of the space around me sa&&ed some.hat
and e)erythn& seemed to fade a bt 4 after.ards# the slpper
bent to my e)ery .ll. 0 mo)ed t across the floor and made t
mo)e throu&h the ar. 0 fnally dashed t a&anst the .ndo.#
shattern& t. D cold draft ble. n. 0 then tele+netcally flpped
the bed o)er and nstalled t on the celn&# all by starn& at t.
0 then focused my attenton on the l&ht4bulb of the lamp#
tryn& to turn t on by force of .ll. The l&ht bulb flc+ered on#
and then off. 0 ncreased the depth of the phase to a hyper4
realstc state throu&h peern& and palpaton# and then tred
llumnatn& the l&ht4bulb a&an. Ths pro)ed to be more
dffcult. 0t ddnEt partcularly .ant to obey my .ll. But after a
fe. seconds# t &ently reddened# and then lt up.
0 fnshed my phase s+lls trann& sesson by
concentratn& on the bed# .lln& t to catch fre. 0t
mmedately started smoldern&. Then# small ton&ues of fre
erupted here and there. @thn a fe. seconds# the .hole bed
.as on fre# flln& the room .th a sulphurc smell and a lot of
Rubbn& my hands to&ether n order to deepen the state#
0 .ent up to the bro+en .ndo.# startled that the phase had
lasted so lon&# as t had ntally been so unstable. 0 decded
to use the last moments of t to ta+e off nto outer4space n
one of those ultrafast machnes featured n the mo)e C*tar
@arsC. 0 focused my attenton on the dea# closed my eyes n
antcpaton# and mmedately felt myself mo)n&. 0 &radually
felt the sensaton that 0 .asnEt standn&# but sttn& on and
sn+n& nto a comfortable char that had 6ust appeared. 0 no.
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felt that 0 .as dressed n some +nd of spacesut# and holdn&
a plotEs 6oystc+ n my &lo)ed hands. Ds soon as 0 focused my
attenton on that tactle sensaton and had already decded to
brn& bac+ my s&ht# a horrbly loud sound started blarn&. D
force of ttanc proportons pulled me from the char and
coc+pt that 0 .as n# ts safety restrants nearly tearn& me
apart. The shoc+ forced my eyes open.
Fortunately# my eyes dd not open to the physcal .orld.
But unfortunately# 0 sa. that 0 .as approachn& a hu&e
spaceshp at h&h speed# .th spar+s flyn& about all around
me. There .as already nothn& that 0 could do. Dfter another
second# there .as nothn& but dar+ness# and 0 .as
.e&htless. Ve1ed at the nterrupton of such an nterestn&
ad)enture# 0 totally for&ot to employ further techn8ues# and
soon real,ed that 0 .as lyn& n bed# and could feel dayl&ht
throu&h my eyelds. 0 f&ured that t .as tme to &et up and
contnue .rtn& the boo+. @thout attemptn& to &et bac+
nto the phase# 0 .ent to the bathroom to .ash up#
mean.hle reflectn& on .hat had happened. 0 loo+ed n the
mrror# and dd not mmedately real,e .hat .as happenn&:
0 had hu&e beer4belly. Dt frst 0 .as n shoc+# because 0 had
de)oted so much ener&y to &ettn& rd of ths CtrophyC that 0
&ot from Cbul+n& upC and hea)y .e&ht trann&. Ta+n& the
belly n my hands# 0 s8uee,ed and rolled the layers of fat. 0
then real,ed that 0 had ne)er had a belly l+e ths before. Dnd
then came the epphany 4 0 .as stll n the phase- One can
only ma&ne my relef ...
Aauar' 7@3@
A 4o1 Wa' "or a S&ort P&a!e
0 .o+e up sometme at about ? am# and my frst thou&ht
.as that 0 had .o+en up too alertly to do anythn& .th the
phase. Ds al.ays# 0 forced myself to stll try to do somethn&.
The a.a+enn& .as so alert that t .as some.hat dffcult to
con)nce myself to ths end. The stuaton .as a&&ra)ated by
physcal mo)ement 4 0 .as lyn& do.n uncomfortably on my
(Table of Contents)
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0 mmedately performed forced falln& asleep for a fe.
seconds# causn& me to feel a sharp plun&e n my mental
state# as f 0 .ere retreatn& deep nto myself. 0 tred to
separate r&ht then# but nothn& happened: nether le)taton#
nor rolln& out# nor &ettn& up. 0 started performn& one of my
fa)orte techn8ues: phantom .&&ln&. 7o mo)ement arose.
D fe. seconds later# 0 tred )sual,n& my hands. Then
obser)n& ma&es. There .as no result# but 0 noted that my
hearn& .as fadn& out: 0 already couldnEt clearly hear sounds
comn& from outsde the .ndo. or the room. That defntely
meant somethn&. 0 a&an tred phantom .&&ln&# but nothn&
happened after se)eral seconds of tryn&.
0 decded to do )sual,aton of the hands to&ether .th
forced falln& asleep. 0 started .a)n& my hands n front of my
face# and then rubbn& may palms to&ether# tryn& to
dstn&ush all ths )sually. %ean.hle# 0 feel nto a deeper
state# leadn& my conscous a.areness nto the )od. 0t .as
r&ht then that 0 notced that 0 sensed my hands to be less
under the pllo.# and more n front of my face. Once my
conscous a.areness &ot dstracted by ths# e)erythn&
stopped r&ht then and there. 0 a&an be&an to fade out# and
then tred to feel and see my hands n front of me. @th my
remann& remnants of a.areness# 0 be&an to notce that my
handsE presence n front of my face .as ncreasn&ly palpable#
and 0 e)en be&an to be able to ma+e them out )sually. Ds
soon as 0 real,ed that 0 could see them# 0 react)ated my
conscous a.areness# and started tryn& to dscern the hands
as clearly as possble. Dnd after a couple of seconds# they
became as clearly )sble as they .ould be n realty. 7o. 0
could feel them $"";# and e)en for&ot about .here they
.ere lyn& n realty. 7ot more than :" seconds had elapsed
so far from the moment of ntal a.a+enn&.
Dfter that# 0 6ust &ot up off the bed# 8uc+ly mentally
runnn& o)er my plan of acton. But then# the telephone lyn&
on the floor ne1t to the bed une1pectedly started rn&n&. 0
pc+ed t up# and could feel not only ts physcal features# but
e)en ho. t )brated out the rn&4tone. %y collea&ue from
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.or+ flashed on the caller 0G. 0 .ondered .hat he .ould say
to me n the phase# and so 0 pressed the button to ta+e the
call. To my surprse# the phone +ept on rn&n&. 0 became
confused. 0 a&an pressed the button to ta+e the call# but to
no end. 0 real,ed that the phone .as probably also rn&n& n
Ds soon as that real,aton ht me# 0 .as nstantly bac+ n
my body. The phone .as really rn&n&. Dnd ndeed# t .as
my collea&ue from .or+ calln&. The 8ueston remans as to
.hy that sound ddnEt mmedately +noc+ me out of the
phase. 'erhaps because the phase space .as o)erlappn& the
real .orld n a completely lo&cal .ay.
Dece)ber 7@3@
Turi1 ito 4ei;! $u))'
0t .as an e1haustn& day: flyn& nto *eattle from (D#
and then dr)n& out to Aelm 6ust n tme for the frst sesson
of a semnar. ThatEs .hy the plan .asnEt to enter the phase#
but to at least catch up on some sleep.
0 a.o+e 8ute early the ne1t mornn&# and .ent r&ht for
the +tchen to &et a taste of the delcous treats that my
hostess had ba+ed. 0t .as already farly l&ht outsde# and 0
&ot a chance to en6oy the beauty of the broo+ and pne forest
outsde the .ndo.. 0 thou&ht about ho. nce t must be to
l)e n a place .th such scenery. Dfter ha)n& en6oyed some
tasty treats .th a &lass of ml+# 0 .ent to &o bac+ to bed. Ds
0 lay do.n# 0 nearly mmedately heard some nose. Ths .as
pu,,ln&# as the phase rarely comes to me so 8uc+ly and
.thout lapses n conscousness. %ean.hle# such nose s a
defnt)e s&n that a phase s already n pro&ress. *omethn&
.asnEt r&htO
Then# t fnally da.ned on me: up n these northern
parts at ths tme of the mornn&# t smply couldnEt ha)e been
as l&ht outsde as t had seemed to me .hen 0 .as .al+n&
about the &uest story of the house. 0t had all happened n the
phase- The treats# the ml+# and ta+n& n the landscape. Dnd
e)en 0# .th all of my e1perence# .ould ha)e ne)er f&ured
(Table of Contents)
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that out f t .erenEt for that nose .hch betrayed the fact
that 0 .as n the phase once 0 returned to my body.
0 rolled out of my body r&ht a.ay and &ot on .th a
seres of e1permentsO
Ds soon as my obl&atory plan of acton had been
completed# 0 .as returned bac+ to my body. 0 rolled out a&an
.th ease and decded to 6ust run throu&h the beautful
en)rons of the fabled lttle to.n of Blueberry Bll# upon
arr)n& there by force of .ll. The place .as 8ute mpress)e.
0 rushed throu&h the .ndo. and be&an sprntn& around the
house from a dstance of $"" yards# ntently scrutn,n&
e)erythn& 0 came across.
%y secondary plan of acton complete# 0 .as returned
bac+ to my body. 0 couldnEt recall anythn& else mportant to
do. But 0 had to s8uee,e e)erythn& out of ths phase# and
use t for stll more. For some reason# out of the blue 0 &ot the
stran&e dea of turnn& up nsde Vladmr (ennEs mummfed
body at hs tomb n %osco.Es Red *8uare. @thout frst
separatn&# 0 be&an tryn& to feel myself ben& hm. %y body
mmedately shortened n stature. 0 be&an to feel myself n
the e1act body poston that hs mummy les n# as .ell as n
ts clothn&. For the frst tme n a lon& .hle# once 0 be&an to
feel the surroundn& en)ronment# ben& n the phase felt )ery
scary. The ncredble realness of sensaton e)o+ed some
stran&e terror that made me decde to cut the phase short#
a&anst my o.n ad)ce. 0 returned to my body .th only
mnor dffculty. 0 opened my eyes. 0t .as ptch blac+ all
around me. The tme .as ! am.
0 .ent bac+ nto (ennEs body# but the terror dd not
return. Ths .as unfortunate# as 0 .ould l+e to e1perence
such e1traordnary feeln&s a&an. *een& as the nearly
dumbfoundn& account of my ad)enture .as llustrat)e of
many tems on the currculum# 0 decded to share t and
e)eryone at the ne1t dayEs semnar &ot a &ood lau&h out of t.
$a' 7@33
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A T'*ical I#e!ti1ati#e P&a!e
0 a.o+e at < D%# turned on C77# and had a bte to eat#
as s my custom. Dfter catchn& the latest ne.s# 0 turned off
the tele)son. 0 then be&an to attent)ely re)e. my plan of
acton for the dayEs upcomn& phases and add n ne. detals.
The mornn&Es frst phase .as to be de)oted to an e1perment
on mantann& by means of assumn& an e1tremely
uncomfortable or e)en panful poston .th the perce)ed
(subtle) body. The second phase .ould be needed to
underta+e an e1perment on the consstency of bodly
percepton: someho. separate or cut off an arm and see .hat
happens .th sensatons. Other tems on the plan of acton for
ths and subse8uent phases conssted of more do.n4to4earth
and e)eryday &oals.
Dt <:!" D% 0 closed the balcony door# nserted earplu&s#
and put on a sleepn& mas+ to +eep sunl&ht from nterfern&.
Dfter lyn& do.n n a comfortable poston on my stomach# 0
once a&an thou&ht about my plan of acton. 0 decded to
enter the phase usn& a drect techn8ue. 0 ddnEt start off .th
the techn8ue r&ht a.ay. 0nstead# 0 decded to reach the
ed&e of sleep frst. 0 &ot lost n thou&ht at some pont# and
my ma&nn&s turned nto epsodes that en)eloped me. %y
mnd .as then abruptly returned to the body# and 0 tred to
separate# but unsuccessfully. 0 then be&an to do the rotaton
techn8ue 8ute and pass)ely. %y a.areness once
a&an be&an to fade# and another shallo. lapse n
conscousness too+ place. On the .ay bac+ up# nether
standn& up# nor le)tatn&# nor rolln& out .ere successful as
separaton techn8ues. %ean.hle# 0 could clearly sense an
approachn& phase. 0 started don& sensory4motor
)sual,aton# ma&nn& that 0 had already separated and .as
.al+n& about the room .hle deepenn& the phase. Those
ma&ned sensatons started becomn& real after another
mcro4lapse n conscous a.areness about three mnutes n.
Ds soon as the sensatons had become true4to4lfe# 0
rapdly made them hyper4realstc throu&h a m1 of palpaton#
peern&# and focused ntenton. Then# 0 fell bac+.ards to the
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floor and folded my le&s underneath# tryn& to recreate a
pulln& feeln& n my hps that had once helped me to stay n
the phase for a lon& tme. Ths tme# ho.e)er# my le&s bent
8ute fle1bly# and so no pan or stran arose. Feeln& that the
phase .ould soon end any.ay# 0 be&an to my le&s e)en
more ntensely. %ld pan fnally came. Real,n& that 0
couldnEt hope for much more at that pont# 0 decded to see
.hether such .ea+ sensatons .ere enou&h for mantann&
the phase. 7o. fadn&# 0 +ept my le&s n as panful a poston
as possble. 0 started countn& the seconds that .ent by# all
the .hle en6oyn& a tran8ulty uncharacterstc of the phase.
Dfter all# stayn& n the phase for as lon& as possble usually
re8ures chaotc acton n order to stmulate all of the senses.
Dt !< seconds n# the sensatons abruptly be&an to dsspate#
as dd the pan. *e)eral seconds later# 0 .as bac+ n my body.
0 .as unable reenter the phase state# .hch meant that t had
fully run ts course.
0 be&an falln& bac+ asleep .th the ntenton of
repeatn& the test durn& my ne1t phase e1perence# and only
then mo)n& on to the other act)tes on my plan of acton.
The ndrect method .ould brn& me t.ce more nto the
phase that mornn&# allo.n& me to contnue on .th the
e1perment. Aet another phase .ould come than+s to
becomn& conscous .hle dreamn&# and all ths by ?::" D%.
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Ol' "or E+*erieced Practitioer!
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Eteri1 t&e P&a!e State
,&a*ter 3 M Geeral .ack1roud
The term phase state (or smply phase) encompasses a
number of .dely +no.n dssocat)e phenomena# many of
.hch are referred to by )arous terms# such as astral tra)el
or out4of4body e1perence. Ths concept also ncludes the
more pra&matc term lucd dreamn&# but s not lmted to the
sense and form mpled by that e1presson. Bence# the term
phase has been ntroduced to ease the study of phenomena
that e1st beyond habtual K and often naccurate4
assocatons and stereotypes. The term out4of4body
e1perence s accurate to the e1tent that t descrbes the
sensaton felt by a person e1perencn& the phase
A phase has two priary attributes? +.$ practitioners
possess full, conscious awareness during the e4perience, and
,.$ practitioners recogniCe a genuine separation fro the
physical body.
*multaneously# the de&ree to .hch practtoners
perce)e the phase en)ronment affects the le)el of sensory
e1perences theren# .hch often occur n a h&her form than
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the sensory e1perences of .a+efulness. Ths concept s
dffcult to ma&ne .thout frsthand e1perence of the phase.
Dnd so# t s not .thout reason that ths practce s
consdered to be a h&her state of self4hypnoss or medtaton#
and s often referred to under dfferent names as the h&hest
possble human ache)ement n )arous rel&ous and mystcal
mo)ements (yo&a# Buddhsm# etc.).
0n essence# the phase s an une1plored state of mnd
.here one s unable to control or feel the physcal body.
0nstead# space percepton s flled .th realstc phantom
Interesting Fact!
Sensations in the phase state can be
so realistic that practitioners who
unintentionally enter it often believe they
are still in the physical body, and that the
e4perience is occurring in the waking state.
These types of unintended e4cursions ost
often occur at night or early in the orning.

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0t s bele)ed that one person n t.o on ths planet .ll
encounter ths phenomenon at least once n hs lfe. Bo.e)er#
.hen the )arablty and dffern& le)els of depth of the state
are ta+en nto consderaton# practcally e)eryone has
encountered t n one .ay or another. *nce the phase s a
rare sub6ect of study# many .ho nad)ertently enter t do not
real,e .hat has ta+en place once they return to .a+efulness.
%any do not ass&n any s&nfcance to the occurrence of a
phase en)ronment that s not fully formed because shallo.
phases donJt lea)e the same 6oltn& mpresson as deep
states. Elus)e as the phase may seem# ths s an e1tremely
common phenomenon# accessble to anyone .lln& to
conscously learn and apply the correct methods of ache)n&
and mantann& t.
Interesting Fact!
. and D3 year-olds have studied at
School of Out-of-Body Travel seinars.
%eanwhile, even as any trouble
theselves over the issue of how uch age
hinders or helps in the practice, these
people deonstrated soe of best results
in their groups.
E)en a scentfc approach to the phenomenon states
une8u)ocally that the phase s accessble to all# barrn&
serous bran patholo&es. Ths has been unamb&uously
confrmed by e1permental research. Therefore# thereEs no
sense n reasonn& that the phase s somethn& dffcult#
accessble only to a small crcle of people# or out of anyoneEs
reach. Gffcultes n mastern& t attest only to techn8ue4
related msta+es# and not to the naccessblty of the
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*cence frst accepted the possblty of the phase state
.thn the dream conscousness conte1t .th Reth BearneEs
$?=9 e1perment at En&landEs Bull 2n)ersty. O)er the course
of the e1perment# practtoner Dlan @orsley .as able to
ma+e delberate and pre)ously a&reed eye mo)ements at the
same that an ERF montor ndcated hs bran .as n a state
of sleep. *e)eral years later# *tephen (aBer&e .ould perform
a smlar e1perment at *tanford 2n)ersty that became .ell
+no.n due to hs act)e contrbuton to the de)elopment of
ths feld of study.
Sute a number of
scentfc e1perments ha)e
been conducted to
pro)e the e1stence of the
phenomenon and n)est&ate ts
nature. For e1ample#
e1perments on three phasers
at the %a1 'lan+ 0nsttute n
Fran+furt (!"">) demonstrated
the follo.n&: the lar&est
dfference bet.een the states
of .a+efulness# the phase# and
rapd4eye4mo)ement (RE%)
sleep s obser)ed at the 4" B,
fre8uency# and s concentrated
n the frontal parts of the bran.
Essentally# t .as
demonstrated that the phase s
somethn& n4bet.een
.a+efulness and RE% sleep.
7otably# those )ery parts of the
bran that are )ery much
responsble for conscousness
and .hose de)elopment
dstn&ushes humans from prmates turn out to be the most
act)e .hle n the phase. Ths .or+ .as underta+en by I.
Dllan Bobson# 2rsula Voss# Roman Bol,mann# and 0n+a Tun.
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They are credted .th demonstratn& the dfference bet.een
states of conscousness at 4" B,.
%ore n4depth e1planatons of the nature of the phase
state phenomenon reman to be dsco)ered. @th each
passn& year# the scentfc communty ncreasn&ly real,es
ho. mportant the study of ths state s# reco&n,n& that t
enables a better understandn& of the mechansms
responsble for conscousness and ho. )aryn& states of
.a+efulness and sleep arse.
There s also a theory .hch states that the phase s a
product of the e)oluton of human conscousness:
conscousness frst arose n and occuped .a+efulness# and
then &radually be&an to seep nto the RE% state# the ne1t4
closest state stll free of conscous a.areness. 'ossbly#
conscous e1stence n t.o .orlds 4 .a+efulness and the
phase 4 .ll be as commonplace for men and .omen of the
future as ben& a.are only durn& .a+efulness s today.
Bo.e)er# there s also a completely opposte theory .hch
mantans that phase ablty used to be nherent# but s
&radually dsappearn&. 0t ponts to the fre8uent ease .th
.hch youn&er chldren enter the phase# but later lose the
ablty .th a&e due to ts ne&lect.
Dlthou&h the &eneral tone of ths learnn& materal has
so far +ept to a suffcently materalst tac+# t s not theor,n&
about the phase that brn&s people to&ether# but ts practce.
'ractce s ndsputable# .hle theory al.ays leads to
contenton. For that reason# t ma+es no dfference at all .hat
the practtoner consders the nature of the phenomenon to
be# ncludn& f he sees esoterc or mystc motfs n t.
E)eryone has the r&ht to ther o.n outloo+ and t s by no
means the am of ths boo+ to nfluence any lfe phlosophy or
encoura&e t to.ards some theoretcal bent. @hatEs most
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mportant s that the reader be able to &et real practce .th
the phenomenon.
2nfortunately stll# there s no clear defnton of the
phenomenon n esoterc culture# nor an unamb&uous term for
t. Gependn& on the esoterc practce# the phase state s
alternat)ely lumped n .th astral pro6ecton or out4of4body
tra)el# and sometmes .th lucd dreamn&. 'ostulated s
some essence (the soul or astral body) lea)n& the physcal
plane and fndn& tself n a) the physcal .orld# b)
the dream .orld# or c) the astral plane# etc. %ean.hle# the
number of .orlds that can be )sted )ares dependn& on the
mystcal school. For e1ample# the astral plane can be the
h&her one or the one# or also the mental plane# etherc
plane# and so on and so forth. 0n some mystcal schools ths s
consdered a h&her e1perence n terms of oneEs personal
practce and state of ben&# .hle n others t s e8uated to the
physcal .orld# and s but a layer bet.een more ethereal
realms. Iust the same# e1planatons of the nature of the
phenomenon and ts s&nfcance also )ary .dely.
0t s also often consdered to be the same state that
people e1perence .hen dyn&. 0n many Eastern practces and
rel&ons# l+e Buddhsm for e1ample# .here the man &oal s
to stop the cycle of rencarnaton throu&h remann& conscous
.hle dyn&# t s bele)ed that conscous dyn& can only be
accomplshed throu&h ablty to enter the phase# .hch .ould
be a form of trann& for the moment of death and remann&
conscous durn& t.
There are endless dsa&reements re&ardn& ho. lucd
dreamn& (.e. dream conscousness) actually dffers from so4
called Cout4of4body tra)elC and .hether ts classfcaton under
the phase s 6ustfed. The same contro)ersy e1tends to
another esoterc term 4 astral pro6ecton. Gowever, such
doubts only trouble novices and those whose ac0uaintance
with the phase is superficial. @ot a single e4perienced
practitioner can une0uivocally differentiate these phenoena,
although e4planations for this ay vary. For e1ample# .hen
classfyn& all these phenomena to&ether# one practtoner .ll
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conclude that tEs ndeed a parallel .orld# .hle another m&ht
mantan that tEs all &enerated by the mnd.
There are many reasons to classfy lucd dreamn& (.e.
dream conscousness) to&ether .th out4of4body tra)el. Ths
s not only because e1stn& research and a mass)e number
of peoplesE e1perences easly pro)e t. There are a number of
8uestons that adherents of d)dn& phase phenomena nto
)arous states cannot Frst# .hy do lucd dreamers
and out4of4body tra)elers use the )ery same techn8ues to
ache)e ther states# but merely call the result by dfferent
namesL *econd# .hy are the fundamental propertes of the
out4of4body plane and lucd4dreamn& .orld e1actly the
sameL Thrd# f the .orld of dreamn& can ta+e on any
e1ternal form .th any propertes# then ho. does one
dfferentate real e1t of the soul from the body nto the
physcal .orld 4 or a parallel astral one 4 from a smulated
dreamscapeL %any can offer theoretcal e1planatons# but not
one that can be appled or pro)en n practce.
'eople usually encounter e1treme physolo&cal dffculty
n lea)n& behnd the dea of there ben& a myrad of .orlds
that they can fall nto. Ths s usually t&htly nter.o)en .th
ther lfe phlosophy and .orld)e.# .hch can be pulled at the
seams by such 8uestonn&. Bo.e)er# e)en opponents of
classfyn& phase e1perences to&ether can easly use the
techn8ues to ache)e them n a .ay compatble .th ther
outloo+. Ths a&an demonstrates the secondary role of theory
and the o)errdn& mportance of practce.
*uch a 8ueston can only arse from not fully
understandn& the propertes of the phenomenon and ts
nature. @hen one suddenly understands at a certan moment
that he s 6ust as real as he normally s# and s standn& that s not n the physcal .orld .th hs same
hands and body# and can touch e)erythn& around hm and
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dscern fne detals# such much emoton strs up nsde hm
that no 8uestons arse at all. This is the ost aaCing
e4perience that a person can attain#
The ntal phase encounter s al.ays 6oltn& and
sometmes fr&htenn&. Gependn& on the nd)dual# fear
e1perenced durn& ntal encounters .th the phase occurs n
about one4thrd of all cases. E)en )eteran practtoners
encounter fear# .hch spea+s to the profound nature of the
phase state.
@th tme# as rapture ebbs and emotons .ane# thou&hts
turn from the fact of the phenomenon tself to.ards ho. to
someho. use t. Dnd here# a fantastcally d)erse feld of
practcal applcaton opens up before the practtoner. These
applcatons K .hch ths boo+ communcates K are not to be
assocated .th the many unpro)en and dubous methods
often descrbed n sundry esoterc lterature. The nformaton
presented heren s )erfable# practcal# and attanable.
@hate)er the nature of the phase 4 a state of mnd# or
perhaps an e1ternal e1perence 4 ths s the sole opportunty
to: )st any part of the .orld or un)erseH see people .ho are
out4of4reach n real lfe# ncludn& relat)es# the deceased#
celebrtes# and )arous creaturesH communcate .th the
enormous resources of the subconscous mnd and obtan
nformaton from tH real,e desres that are unattanable n
real lfeH model artstc productonsH nfluence physolo&y# and
more. These are not dull e1perences. They are emnently
personal and real.
0t must be sad that )arous dets# e1ercses# rtuals# and
so forth do not produce notceable supplementary effects to
proper practce of the phase. 7aturally e1stent psycholo&cal
and physolo&cal comfort s of the utmost mportance. Thus#
methods recommendn& o)ereatn&# under4eatn&# or
tormentn& oneself .th )arous dets and stran&e e1ercses
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are useless and ultmately detrmental to a practtonerJs
.ellness and balance# n)arably producn& a ne&at)e mpact
on the effect)eness of techn8ues tau&ht n ths &udeboo+.
Dddtonally# no meann&ful assocaton has been found
bet.een practce of the phase and .hat may be construed as
3bad habts5. Re&ardless of a lfestyleJs null effect on phase
ache)ement# a healthy# act)e lfestyle .ll al.ays be
recommended to en6oy a &ood 8ualty of l)n&.
Interesting Fact!
/f one believes that it is necessary to
position one"s bed with the headboard
facing the northwest or soe other
direction in order to have ore effective
out-of-body e4periences, then doing so will
invariably have a positive effect on results.
Gowever, the issue at hand is not the
positioning of the body, but a belief that is
akin to an intention, which in turn is
enorously iportant.
0t has been obser)ed that a re&ular and orderly lfestyle
ncreases the fre8uency of &enune# lastn& phase
e1perences. *leepn& normally and soundly s the most basc
e1ample of a lfestyle choce that produces drect# post)e
mpact on results# especally .hen a practtoner commts to a
full n&htEs rest se)eral tmes a .ee+.
0n order to better understand the proper approach to the
practce# tEs .orth enumeratn& four types of people .ho
usually ha)e the 8uc+est and best results. Frst# people .ho
are mathematcally nclned. The more e1actly the nstructons
&)en n ths te1tboo+ are follo.ed# the &reater ther
effect)eness. 'eople .th mathematcal mnds mmedately
&et and clearly understand the .hole procedure n ts
entrety# .hch s .hy they ha)e better success n carryn& t
out. 7e1t are the athletes. Ther practce s facltated by ther
clarty of purpose as .ell as ablty to focus and push
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themsel)es. Thrd are those .ho lo)e to sleep. D successful
practce can defntely be predcted for a person .ho falls
asleep easly and can slumber for $" to $! hours# often
.a+n& up and then falln& bac+ asleep throu&hout. Fnally#
chldren. Ther success s ensured not only by physolo&cal
factors# but also n much part by a clarty of mnd yet to be
encumbered .th useless +no.led&e and hamstrun& by
e1cess)e analyss. 'ractcal nstructons reach ther mnds
unhndered and are easly follo.ed unerrn&ly.
There s absolutely no re8urement to fall nto the abo)e
cate&ores n order to ta+e up the practce of phase states.
Aou need only separate out and understand .hat e1actly
helps these types of people# try to fnd smlar trats n
yourself# and then accentuate them n your o.n practce.
*mlarly# certan types can be sn&led out .ho often
ha)e dffcultes n be&nnn& ther practce of the phase. Frst
are those .ho ha)e l&ht# bref# or ftful sleep due to
physolo&cal trats# lfestyle# or ther .or+. 7e1t are act)e
practtoners of esoterc techn8ues .th many years of
e1perence. The mnds of such people are so .e&hed do.n
by )arous theores and practces that t can be smply
mpossble to con)ey e)en the bascs re&ardn& techn8ues to
them# as they mmedately nterpret e)erythn& n ther o.n
dosyncratc .ay and synthes,e t .th other accumulated
+no.led&e. Then there are people .ho are smply nattent)e.
Ther problem conssts n fre8uently focusn& on secondary
matters# all .hle blatantly &norn& .hatEs most mportant.
0f a practtoner fts nto one of the abo)e cate&ores#
that doesnEt mean that nothn& .ll .or+ for hm or that heEs
better off not ta+n& up ths practce. The truth s that ths
practce .or+s for e)erybody# tEs 6ust that some of the habts
of the abo)e &roups can nterfere .th ther de)elopmental
path. 0f you reco&n,e such tendences n yourself# all that you
ha)e to do s to try to o)ercome or mt&ate them.
One of the ain criteria for a successful start to one>s
out-of-body practice is to approach it with a blank slate. /f a
practitioner has read, heard, or tried out even soething
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having to do with this phenoenon, he>s better off forgetting
about it or at least putting it aside for now. And that blank
slate should be carefully and e4actly inscribed with these
instructions, which have been proven to work by thousands
across the globe.
D number of practces and pastmes ha)e been found to
ha)e a post)e effect on the practce of out4of4body tra)el.
Sports help one learn to focus on &oals# push oneself# and
o)ercome .ea+nesses. The practce of stopping internal
dialog allo.s one to concentrate ntensely and a)od needless
analyss .hen desred. Self-hypnosis and editation also
allo. one to learn to concentrate# as .ell as ha)e control o)er
the mnd and body. Bo.e)er# you should ne)er e1haust your
ener&es and enthusasm by ta+n& up an e1cess)e number of
practces at once. That usually leads to o)erall lac+ of results.
There should be no neurotcsm or obsess)eness n
approachn& the phase 4 as they reduce odds of success to
,ero. Dll actons should be cool and self4assured# .thout
lettn& the mportance of the end4&oal str one up nto a
*ound sleep s one ndcator of correctness of approach
and follo.n& the nstructons. 0f all of the methods are
mplemented correctly# the practtoner .ll al.ays en6oy
sound sleep. Con)ersely# ftful and chroncally l&ht sleep# as
.ell as nsomna# al.ays ser)e as symptoms of errors n oneEs
)ery approach to the practce. OneEs &eneral feeln& of .ell4
ben& s also a &ood ndcator. Correct practce of the phase
.ll ne)er cause fat&ue# nor brn& out emotonal or physcal
e1hauston. To the contrary# the phase should be emotonally
n)&oratn& and ener&,n&. To put t smply# the practce
should not cause any dscomfort# e)en durn& unsuccessful
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/t is never recoend to practice the phase state ore
than , or B days a week# Ths s cate&orcally forbdden for
no)ces and s mot)ated by e1ternal factors# n addton to a
.hole sle. of other reasons# manly psycholo&cal. 0deally#
o)er the frst months or e)en years# tEs best to only
concentrate on attempts before days off from .or+# .hen
thereEs no need to .a+e up early or tEs possble to ta+e
afternoon naps. @ever ake any attepts at leaving the body
on other days. 5uring the, try to divert yourself fro the
phase and busy yourself with atters and other practices far
reoved fro it.
Of course# f the phase starts to occur spontaneously
durn& such brea+s# then thereEs no need to run a.ay from t.
Ta+e ad)anta&e of those opportuntes# ma+n& use of your
entre techn8ue repertore and practcal s+ll.
O)er tme# only e1perenced practtoners .ll be able to
set themsel)es an deal schedule that does not affect the
8ualty of ther attempts. *ome may e)en do t e)ery day.
Bo.e)er# thereEs no sense n forcn& yourself to that le)el. 0tEs
smply not possble for the a)era&e no)ce# no matter ho.
.ell he has pc+ed up on the all the most mportant aspects of
the practce.
Interesting Fact!
(ven the School>s beginner seinars
take the for of B-days of lessons with two
nights of practice in a row. 'or a large
nuber of reasons, this is ;ust as effective
as if the seinar lasted for an entire 3
days, for e4aple.
0f a practtoner has been tryn& phase entrance
techn8ues e)ery day or almost e)ery day# he should ta+e a
brea+ for $ to ! .ee+s n order to start don& them on the
r&ht schedule4 t.o or three tmes per .ee+.
Aou should try to enter the phase only ! to : days a
.ee+# re&ardless of .hether or not your attempts are
(Table of Contents)
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successful. Ths should be a smply mandatory rule# so that
you donEt suffer from emotonal e1hauston or ht a .all .th
your practce. @hen correctly follo.n& t# you can ha)e many
phase e1perences o)er a sn&le day# .hch s .hy e)en ! to :
days a .ee+ s totally suffcent for ma+n& constant pro&ress.
0&norn& ths rule can lead to 8ute se)ere conse8uences
for oneEs practce: phase entrance .ll smply not happen at
all# and a bloc+ n oneEs practce may arse due to the lac+ of
success. That bloc+ .ll .orsen untl complete loss of fath n
oneEs o.n abltes or e)en the phenomenon tself occurs. The
only cure s an e)en lon&er brea+ durn& the .ee+# .hch t s
helpful to ta+e perodcally any.ay# e)en .hen oneEs practce
s successful. To put t bluntly# a phaser should +eep to a
certan rhythm and cycle durn& &ood tmes and bad# as does
the rest of the .orld.
D no)ce practtoner must understand the procedure for
learnn& and mastern& phase entry. Ths procedure conssts
of se)eral prmary steps# each of .hch s a un8ue scence
unto tself.
$. The frst and most mportant step addresses the
techn8ues used to enter the phase state. 0t s not
necessary to master e)ery type of entrance techn8ue
(drect# ndrect# dream conscousness). (earnn& and
applyn& the easest techn8ues pro)des the necessary
prere8ustes to more ad)anced methods.
!. Contrary to popular opnon# the need for conscous
techn8ues does not cease upon phase entrance. 0t s
absolutely necessary to learn and apply methods for
deepenn& the phase to ache)e a consstently hyper4
realstc en)ronment. Faln& to apply deepenn&
techn8ues almost &uarantees that e1perences .ll be dull#
unnterestn&# and subse8uent practce short4l)ed.
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'racttoners should mmedately learn and apply
deepenn& techn8ues after mastern& any one entrance
:. The thrd step n)ol)es mastern& techn8ues for
mantann& the phase# as .thout them the a)era&e
person .ould ha)e phase e1perences of much shorter
duraton than s possble. @hen n the phase# the 8ueston
of ho. to lea)e t almost ne)er occurs. On the contrary#
one s normally thrust from t n the course of se)eral
seconds f one smply does nothn&.
4. Dfter learnn& all the necessary techn8ues for mastern&
the phase state# t s tme to learn and apply methods of
control# .hch encompass the ablty to translocate# fnd
and nteract .th ob6ects# nfluence surroundn&s# and so
9. Once the pre)ously noted steps ha)e been accomplshed#
a practtoner may proceed to apply phase e1perences to
enhance e)eryday lfe. O)er the course of ths &udeboo+#
.e .ll e1amne do,ens of these )aluable applcatons n
&reat detal.
@th basc s+lls mastered# remember that practcn& the
phase s .orth.hle and effect)e only .hen the results are
consstent. 0f a practtoner enters the phase only once a
(Table of Contents)
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month# the e1perence .ll be too emotonal to allo. for
obser)aton of mportant prncples and methodolo&es. The
phase should be encountered at least once a .ee+. @or+n&
to.ard a le)el h&her than a .ee+ly phase entry s ambtous#
e)en benefcal. Realstcally# t.o to four phase e1perences
per .ee+ m&ht be consdered the le)el of a master# but ths
s far from the up.ard boundary (!4< phases per one day-).
Ds a rule# no)ce practtoners ache)e the phase less
often than s desred. Bo.e)er# .th re&ular attempts#
success occurs more and more fre8uently# .hch should help
alle)ate any frustraton resultn& from faled attempts.
E)ery buddn& phaser should real,e that the nstructons
&)en n ths te1tboo+ are the best tools for the a)era&e
person to ache)e the phase state. Bo.e)er# many ha)e ther
o.n physolo&cal and lfestyle dosyncrases# and so
somethn& m&ht not sut them or m&ht be counter to ther
nature. %nor ad6ustments to the nstructons are permssble
from the )ery be&nnn&. Ds lon& as theyEre mnor. *ubstantal
chan&es are only for people .th substantal e1perence# and
should only be made usn& tred and true methods. The
methods .or+ for e)eryone n any case# but for the
e1perenced practtoner they are merely a template that can
be fne4tuned to further mpro)e results. 0f nothn& at all
.or+s for a practtoner# then tEs not a 8ueston of method
but a 8ueston of ho. .ell the method s ben& appled. Ths s
.hy ntroducn& substantal chan&es at be&nnn& sta&es s
cate&orcally forbdden.
The am of ths boo+ s to lay a stron& foundaton for
nd)dual practce that s de)od of any dubous elements.
*ome thn&s m&ht not be as fancy or fantastcal as one m&ht
.sh. On the other hand# e)erythn& descrbed here s bac+ed
up by the facts. E)eryone has the r&ht to choose ther o.n
path# personal4& phlosophy# and nterpretaton of .hat
s &on& on .hen buldn& the foundaton of ther nascent
(Table of Contents)
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There are three prmary types of techn8ues that ma+e t
possble to enter the phase: direct# indirect and drea
consciousness. These methods are performed .hle lyn&
do.n or reclnn&# eyes closed# and the body n a state of total
Interesting Fact!
Often, people have an out-of-body
e4perience without prior knowledge or belief
in the phenoenon. /t ;ust happens, and a
large body of evidence has been gathered
to support this fact. (ven ore interesting
is that spontaneous e4periences often occur
after a brief study of aterial about the
topic, like this guidebook...

5irect techni0ues are perfored without any noticeable
lapse in consciousness. <hile practicing direct techni0ues, a
lapse into sleep for less than 3 inutes is not considered a
breach of the techni0ue.
By defnton# drect techn8ues encompass the
performance of specfc actons for a pre4defned nter)al of
tme. *uccessfully appled# drect methods result n a phase
entrance .thout passn& throu&h any ntermedary states.
For ?"; of the populaton# these techn8ues are the most
dffcult because the mnd naturally e1sts n an e1cess)ely
act)e state. 0t has been clearly pro)en .thn the *choolJs
student body that no)ce practtoners do not beneft from
be&nnn& a trann& re&men .th drect techn8ues. Ths s
because drect techn8ues re8ure a thorou&h understandn&
and masterful applcaton of ndrect techn8ues n order to be
effect)e. The ncorrect noton that the phase state s
e1tremely dffcult to enter s due to the fact that people are
more often dra.n to the more dffcult drect techn8ues. 0t s
(Table of Contents)
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al.ays better to approach drect techn8ues only after
becomn& e1pert n the use of ndrect techn8ues.

/ndirect techni0ues are techni0ues that are put into
practice upon awakening fro sleep.
The effect)eness of ndrect techn8ues s not dependent
on the len&th of the prere8uste sleep cycle. 0ndrect
techn8ues can be used .hle e1tn& a full n&htJs sleep# after
a daytme catnap# or follo.n& se)eral hours of deep sleep.
The most mportant thn& s that there s a lapse of
conscousness nto sleep before mplementn& the techn8ues.
0ndrect techn8ues are the easest techn8ues to
practce# .hch s .hy many practtoners use them to enter
the phase. *leep naturally pro)des the mnd .th deep
rela1aton# .hch s often dffcult to ac8ure by other
methods. *nce sleep s re8ured to perform ndrect
techn8ues# t s a con)enent# oft4occurrn& means to conduct
e1perments .th the phase. 7o)ce practtoners beneft
&reatly from the use of ndrect techn8ues# and learn
frsthand the possblty of phase entrance.

5rea consciousness is ac0uired by techni0ues that
allow entrance to the phase through what is coonly
referred to as lucid dreaing.
0n ths case# the phase be&ns .hen the a.areness that
a dream s occurrn& happens .thn the dream tself. Dfter
becomn& conscous .hle dreamn&# se)eral types of actons
can be performed# ncludn& deepenn& or returnn& to the
body and rolln& out# .hch .ll be descrbed later. @hen
deepenn& techn8ues are appled n the conte1t of a
conscous dream# the sensory perceptons of the phase
surpass those of normal .a+efulness.
Techn8ues that facltate dream conscousness are
usually cate&or,ed separately from methods used to perform
out4of4body tra)elH n practce# ho.e)er# t s apparent that
the characterstcs of dream conscousness and out4of4body
tra)el are dentcal# .hch places both phenomena drectly n
(Table of Contents)
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the phase. These practces are dffcult because# unl+e other
techn8ues# they do not n)ol)e specfc actons that produce
nstantaneous results. D lar&e measure of preparatory steps
must be obser)ed that re8ure tme and effort .thout any
&uarantee of results. Bo.e)er# dream conscousness
techn8ues are not as dffcult as drect techn8ues. %oreo)er#
the ma6orty of practtoners# .hether usn& ndrect or drect
techn8ues# e1perence spontaneous a.areness .hle
dreamn& .thout ha)n& to apply techn8ues amed at dream
E)ery phaser fnds ther o.n balance bet.een all of the
methods for entern& the phase based on ther abltes to
.or+ on them# ther nd)dual predspostons# and ther )ery
understandn& of ho. to perform them. *ome .or+ .th only
one type of techn8ue. %ost often tEs the ndrect method or
dream conscousness. Bo.e)er# .hene)er possble tEs best to
str)e for balance and d)ersfy phase entrances as much as
possble. %oreo)er# practcally e)erythn& becomes ache)able
.th practce# and n ths feld nothn& s mpossble. @th a
balanced approach and all thn&s ben& e8ual# the drect
method .ll account for about $9; of all e1perences# the
ndrect method 9"; (half of those ben& mmedate
separatons upon a.a+enn&# and the other half usn& the
techn8ues)# .hle the remann& thrd of e1perences .ll be
had than+s to dream conscousness. Bo.e)er# at tmes the
boundary bet.een methods s so hard to pn do.n that t
sometmes appears mpossble to ass&n a phase entrance to
a specfc method.
0n addton to the techn8ues descrbed abo)e# there are
also non4autonomous means and tools: )arous de)ces#
pro&rams# e1ternal nfluences# and so forth# .hch can be
used to enter the phase. 0t s necessary to menton that these
are only useful to practtoners .ho are able to enter the
phase .thout supplementary assstance.
Varous chemcal substances and herbal supplements
ha)e been recommended to assst phase entrance# thou&h
(Table of Contents)
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usn& them s unl+ely to do any &ood# and use of these has
ne)er yelded the effect that can be ache)ed throu&h
unadulterated practce. Ds such# the use of a chemcal crutch
s re&arded here as completely unacceptable.
E1act scentfc proof that entern& the phase s
dan&erous K or e)en safe 4 does not e1stH there has ne)er
been an e1haust)e# controlled study to pro)e ether
supposton. Bo.e)er# snce the phase e1sts at the frn&es of
naturally4occurrn& states of mnd# t can hardly be assumed
dan&erous. 7otably# the phase s accompaned by rapd eye
mo)ement (RE%)# .hch e)ery human e1perences for up to !
hours each n&ht# and ths be&ns to e1plan the phase
e1perence as entrely safe and natural.
Dlready confrmed are the psycholo&cal nfluences of the
phase on the physcal mnd and bodyH namely# the emotonal
effects that can occur durn& the onset of the phase state.
'hase entry s a )ery profound# ncredble e1perence
that may nduce fear# .hch s n)o+ed by a natural nstnct
for self4preser)aton. The phase can create stress. Ths s
especally true for no)ces and those poorly ac8uanted .th
the nature of the phenomenon and techn8ues used to control
t. @thout +no.led&e and proper practce# a fear4nduced
reacton can escalate nto full4blo.n terror. Dfter all# .hle n
the phase# fantasy 8uc+ly becomes realty# and retcent fears
can ta+e on hyper4realstc 8ualtes. @hen ths occurs# tJs not
the phase en)ronment# but the fear that s treacherous. 0t
&oes .thout sayn& that fear s a to1c nfluence# especally to
senst)e souls# the elderly# and people .th physcal alments#
l+e certan cardo)ascular condtons. Ths does not mean that
persons n these &roups should abstan from practcn& the
phase. The soluton s to learn about and a)od common
stressors assocated .th the practce# +no. the mechancs of
(Table of Contents)
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controlln& ob6ects# and understand the prncples of ma+n&
an emer&ency e1t.
F)en the possblty of ne&at)e phase e1perences# t
could be ad)sed that practtoners lmt the tme n phase to
ffteen mnutes# thou&h t s 8ute e1ceptonal to mantan the
phase for such duraton. 'roposed tme lmts are entrely
theoretcal and mot)ated by the fact that natural RE% does
not normally last lon&er than ffteen mnutes# and# at the rs+
of sde effects due to the alteraton of natural cycles#
e1perments drected at unnaturally prolon&n& RE% are not
Gurn& classroom nstructon at the *chool of Out4of4
Body Tra)el# se)eral +ey factors are +no.n to produce
post)e and ne&at)e effects on the l+elhood of success
durn& nd)dual practce:
Po!iti#e E""ect o
Ne1ati#e E""ect o
Dttent)e# thorou&h study
of the course materal.
Basty and nattent)e study
of course materals.
Consstent .or+ .th
practcal elements.
0nconsstent applcaton of
Gl&ent completon of
techncal elements.
Dppro1matn& the techn8ues
outsde of recommended
D rela1ed approach to the
sub6ect matter.
D hystercal approach to the
matter# 3dWe f1e5.
Reepn& a 6ournal of all
ntal attempts# follo.ed by
recordn& successful phase
D lac+ of personal analyss
.hen problems or a lac+ of
success are encountered.
(Table of Contents)
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Ddhern& to the
recommended number of
daly entrance attempts.
E1cess)e number of
attempts per day.
Re&ular attempts and
*poradc practce re&men.
2nderstandn& that the
author +no.s hs feld .ell.
30 also +no. e)erythn& 0
need to and .ll do as 0
.antC. Ths atttude s &ood
only for those .ho ha)e a
&reat amount of real practcal
e1perence. Readn& a lot on
the sub6ect or smply ha)n&
+no.led&e of t s not
@hch alternat)e states are ncluded n the term
Bo. does the phase dffer from out4of4body tra)elL
0s the percepton of realty dfferent n .a+n& lfe than
n the phase .orldL
Goes the phase ha)e applcatons for day4to4day lfeL
@hat s+lls must be learned before proceedn& to
practcal use of the phaseL
Bo. many types of autonomous phase entrance
techn8ues are thereL
@hat s the dfference bet.een drect and ndrect
@hch techn8ues are easest for the ma6orty of
(Table of Contents)
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0s t .orth trustn& )arous de)ces and pro&rams that
promse to be able to help one enter the phase stateL
@hy or .hy notL
*hould one eat meat .hen practcn& the phaseL
$. Try to remember f you ha)e e1perenced phase
encounters n the past.
!. 0f you ha)e encountered the phase# .hat type of
techn8ue &aned entranceH drect# ndrect# or
conscous dreamn&L
:. 0f possble# as+ some frends and ac8uantances about
the sub6ect of out4of4body tra)el or conscous
dreamn&. Go any of them remember a smlar
e1perenceL @hat .as t l+eL
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 7 M Idirect $et&od
Fenuine practice of phase entrance is best begun with
the easiest, ost accessible ethods? indirect techni0ues,
which are conscious actions perfored upon awakening fro
sleep. *ome crtcs ncorrectly assume that ndrect techn8ues
are not deal# and prefer to start .th drect techn8ues.
Bo.e)er# don& so pro)des no &uarantee of success and
results n a lar&e amount of .asted tme and effort. Starting
practice with indirect techni0ues guarantees entrance into the
D specfc un)ersal techn8ue that suts e)ery
practtoner s a myth snce nd)duals dffer .dely n
personalty# psycholo&y# and learnn& speed. Bo.e)er# there
s a relat)ely easy un)ersal al&orthm# or procedure# that
accounts for the characterstcs of each person and allo.s for
the most ratonal# effect)e .ay to attan the ntal phase
entrances. Ths al&orthm encompasses cyclc practcn& of the
ndrect techn8ues co)ered n ths chapter. @thout
e1cepton# these techn8ues 4 despte ther )aryn& de&rees of
dffculty 4 are sutable for e)ery practtoner .ho .shes to
e1perence the phase.
Results can be e1pected mmedately follo.n& the frst
fe. attemptsH ho.e)er# to ache)e measurable results# an
a)era&e of f)e conscous attempts must be made. %a+n&
more than f)e attempts e)en o)er the course of a sn&le day
s fne# too. There s nothn& dffcult to understand about
performn& the techn8ues snce they are clearly lad out and
(Table of Contents)
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based on real nternal processes. &earkably, due to
correctly practiced indirect techni0ues, ore than half of
students at the live school attain phase entrance after only
two days.
Interesting Fact!
%any e4perienced practitioners prefer
to bypass the effort associated with direct
techni0ues and hone their skills through the
sole use of indirect techni0ues.

0n order to ensure that oneJs efforts are most frutful and
product)e# .e are &on& to nd)dually e1amne each step
and prncple behnd the actons n &reat detal. (et us start
from a descrpton of the techn8ues themsel)es# .hch .ll
actually apply practcally 6ust as much to drect techn8ues as
to ndrect techn8uesH as they only dffer n character and
len&th of applcaton.
There are plenty of techn8ues# so after practcn& all of
the ndrect techn8ues presented n ths chapter# a
practtoner should be able to choose three or four of the most
stra&htfor.ard# nd)dually effect)e methods.
*eparaton techn8ues .ll be e1amned later. They are
completely dfferent from usual techn8ues# .hch only brn&
one nto the phase# but do not necessarly themsel)es lead to
separaton from the body. 0t s often also necessary to +no.
ho. to stop perce)n& oneJs physcal body after employn&
these techn8ues.
0t s necessary to understand .hen to employ these
techn8ues# and the mportance of .a+n& from sleep .thout
openn& the eyes or mo)n& the body. Dttemptn& to enter the
phase mmedately upon a.a+enn& must be learned and
practced to mastery snce t consttutes the man barrer to
successful practce.
Dfter e1amnn& the perpheral nformaton surroundn&
ndrect techn8ues# the cycles of ndrect techn8ues .ll be
e1amned# ncludn& .hat they are# ho. they .or+# and ho.
(Table of Contents)
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they are best used. *uccessful phase entrance s the drect
result of performn& these cycles. Bo.e)er# there are
e1ceptons# and t s not completely necessary to proceed .th
these cycles f oneEs o.n mnd someho. hnts .hat e1actly
one should start from# .hch .e .ll also e1amne separately.
@ota Bene# The techn8ues descrbed belo. are the
smple components of ndrect techn8ue cycles. %erely
mplementn& each techn8ueJs descrpton s far from
effect)e. Of the lst &)en belo.# t behoo)es the nd)dual
practtoner to choose the most comprehensble and
nterestn& techn8ues# then act)ely study and apply the
nstructons for use.
Ob!er#i1 i)a1e!
Te!ti1 Idi#idual E""ecti#ee!!% 0mmedately after
.a+n& from sleep# reman motonless# eyes closed. Obser)e
the blan+ space before the eyes for : to 9 seconds and try to
(Table of Contents)
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locate reco&n,able pctures# ma&es# or symbols. 0f nothn&
appears durn& ths e1ercse# the techn8ue should be
substtuted. 0f somethn& appears# contnue to pass)ely
obser)e the ma&es. %ean.hle# the ma&es .ll become
ncreasn&ly realstc# lterally en)elopn& the practtoner. Go
not a&&ress)ely e1amne the detals of the ma&e# or t .ll
)ansh or chan&e. The ma&e should be e1perenced as a
panorama# ta+n& e)erythn& n. Obser)e the ma&es as lon&
as the 8ualty and realsm ncreases. Gon& so yelds t.o
possble results: the practtoner becomes part of the
surroundn&s# and has ache)ed the phase# or the ma&e
becomes borderlne or absolutely realstc# and separaton
from the physcal body s possble.
Traii1% To tran the use of ths techn8ue# le do.n n
the dar+# eyes closed# and obser)e the blac+ness for se)eral
mnutes# dentfyn& any specfc ma&es that may arse from
smple spots or floaters# and then &radually transton to
.hole pctures# scenes# or scenaros. @th practce# ths
techn8ue s )ery easy and stra&htfor.ard. D common
msta+e made durn& practce of ths techn8ue s .hen the
practtoner a&&ress)ely attempts to con6ure ma&es )ersus
pass)ely obser)n& .hat s naturally presented.
P&ato) (i11li1 =)o#e)et>
Te!ti1 Idi#idual E""ecti#ee!!% 0mmedately after
.a+n& from sleep# reman motonless# eyes closed. Try to
.&&le a part of the body for : to 9 seconds# but .thout
usn& any muscles. 0f nothn& mo)es durn& the attempt# try a
dfferent techn8ue. 0f a sensaton of .&&ln& occurs# e)en n
the sl&htest# contnue to employ the techn8ue# str)n& to
ncrease the ran&e of mo)ement as much as possble. Ths
techn8ue should be performed )ery a&&ress)ely# not
pass)ely. Ds soon as the ran&e of mo)ement nears or
e1ceeds four nches 4 .hch may ta+e 6ust se)eral seconds 4
the follo.n& stuatons may arse: one momentarly fnds
oneself someho. n the phase# or the .&&led part of the
body be&ns to mo)e freely. The occurrence of mo)ement
(Table of Contents)
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durn& practce of ths techn8ue allo.s the practtoner to
transton to a separaton techn8ue and attempt to lea)e the
@hle practcn& phantom .&&ln&# stron& )bratons
may occur# amd .hch separaton may be attempted. *ounds
also often arse# allo.n& the opportunty to practce lstenn&
n# .hch can lead to phase entrance.
The phantom .&&ln& techn8ue s not meant to produce
an ma&ned mo)ement by a phantom body. The pont of the
techn8ue s to attempt the mo)ement of a physcal body part
.thout usn& muscular acton. That s# the focus should rest
upon an nternal ntenton of mo)ement .thout physcal
acton. @hen the sensaton occurs# t dffers lttle from ts
real counterpart and s often accompaned by hea)ness and
resstance. Fenerally# there s )ery lttle ran&e of mo)ement
at frst# but .th concentrated effort the ran&e of mo)ement
notceably ncreases.
0t does not matter .hch part of the body s used to
e1ercse phantom mo)ement. 0t may be the .hole body or
6ust one fn&er. 7ether s the speed of the mo)ement
(Table of Contents)
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mportant. 0ncreased ran&e of perce)ed mo)ement s the am
of the techn8ue.
Traii1% To tran the techn8ue of phantom .&&ln&#
rela1 a hand for se)eral mnutes .hle lyn& do.n# eyes
closed. Then# a&&ress)ely en)son the follo.n& hand
mo)ements# .thout mo)n& any muscles# for t.o to three
mnutes each: rotatn&# up4do.n# left4r&ht# e1tendn& the
fn&ers and dra.n& the fn&ers to&ether# clenchn& and
unclenchn& a fst. 7o sensatons .ll occur at frst. Fradually#
the sensaton of muscular acton .ll become so apparent that
the perce)ed mo)ement .ll be ndstn&ushable from real
mo)ement. Gurn& the frst trann& attempts# practtoners
are often tempted to open ther eyes to see f actual
mo)ement s occurrn& K thatJs ho. real the sensaton feels.
Te!ti1 Idi#idual E""ecti#ee!!% 2pon a.a+enn&
.thout mo)n& your body or openn& your eyes# try to peer
at somethn& pre)ously determned and close (44< nches
from the eyes) for : to 9 seconds. For e1ample# ths may be
your o.n hands rubbn& to&ether# or an apple. 0f no ma&ery
arses .thn 9 seconds# s.tch to another techn8ue. 0f e)en
dull ma&ery arses# +eep .th the techn8ue and try to
scrutn,e t as best you can. The ma&e .ll then become
more ))d and color saturated. Ds soon as t s becomes
perceptually real# you can separate from the body.
@hen performn& the techn8ue# a)od the most common
msta+e: only ma&nn& seen& the ob6ect# nstead of ha)n& a
real )son of t. The +ey dfference bet.een obser)n& ma&es
and peern& s n the act)e desre to see somethn&
pre)ously determned# nstead of pass)ely peern& nto the
)od n search of some spontaneous ma&ery.
Traii1% 0n order to practce the techn8ue# lay do.n
.th your eyes closed n a dar+ room and try to spot )arous
predetermned ma&es n the )od before your eyes# startn&
from the smple (apples# candles# an M# etc.) and mo)n& on
to the complcated (landscapes# room nterors# acton scenes#
(Table of Contents)
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and so on). Try to be able to see all of the detals of the
)sual,ed ob6ects as clearly as possble. The more ))d and
the more detaled they are# the better the end result. 0tEs also
desrable to try to see ob6ects that are 6ust abo)e eye4le)el#
across from the forehead.
I)a1ied )o#e)et
Te!ti1 Idi#idual E""ecti#ee!!% 2pon a.a+enn&#
.thout frst mo)n& your body or openn& your eyes# try to
feel some ma&ned mo)ement for : to 9 seconds. For
e1ample# ths may be runnn&# pulln& a rope# etc. 0f no result
occurs after se)eral seconds# s.tch to another techn8ue. 0f
the sensaton of mo)ement s feeble# or the feeln& of ben& n
t.o bodes at once arses# +eep .th the techn8ue and
ncrease the de&ree of realsm of the sensaton as h&h as
possble: to the le)el of real feeln&. Dt that moment# the
ma&ned sensaton .ll become domnant# and you can try to
separate from your body# as youEll be already n the phase.
@hen mplementn& ths techn8ue# spontaneous translocaton
often occurs to some place or another 4 after .hch separaton
s already unnecessary.
Traii1% 0n order to practce the techn8ue# le do.n
.th your eyes closed n a dar+ room and try to feel# as
authentcally as possble# ma&ned mo)ement of )arous
+nds: s.mmn& freestyle# runnn&# pedaln&
.th your hands and feet# pulln& rope# rubbn& your hands
to&ether n front you# etc. *uch trann& .ll help you to learn
to 8uc+ly create the ntenton of feeln& a specfc sensaton#
.hch .ll play a +ey role r&ht .hen t counts.
4i!tei1 i
Te!ti1 Idi#idual E""ecti#ee!!% 0mmedately after
.a+n& from sleep# reman motonless# eyes closed. Try to
lsten to nose n your head. Go ths for : to 9 seconds .thout
mo)n& and .thout openn& the eyes. 0f nothn& happens
durn& ths perod of tme# s.tch to another techn8ue. 0f any
sounds l+e bu,,n&# hummn&# ra)n&# hssn&# .hstln&#
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tn+ln&# or melodes occur# lsten attent)ely. @th results# the
sound .ll ncrease n )olume. (sten n as lon& as there s
some dynamsm n the )olume of the sound. @hen the sound
stops# or the nose becomes loud enou&h# a separaton
techn8ue may be attempted. *ometmes# the nose tself
thro.s one nto the phase .hle lstenn&. Dt a certan sta&e#
sounds may be e1tremely loud and ha)e e)en been descrbed
as comparable to the roar of a 6et4en&ne.
The acton of lstenn& n conssts of act)ely and
attent)ely e1plorn& a sound# the .hole of ts tonalty and
ran&e# and ho. t reacts to the lstener.
There s an optonal techn8ue +no.n as forced lstenn&
n# .here t s smply necessary to stron&ly .ant to hear
nose# and mean.hle ma+e ntut)e nternal efforts# .hch#
as a rule# are correct. 'erformed correctly# forced sounds .ll
ntensfy the same .ay as those perce)ed .th the standard
lstenn& n techn8ue.
Traii1% 0n order to practce lstenn& n# le do.n n a
slent place# eyes closed# and lsten for sounds or&natn& n
the head. These attempts are usually cro.ned .th success
.thn se)eral mnutes of tryn&# and one starts to hear that
nose that absolutely e)eryone has .thn. One smply has to
+no. ho. to tune n to t.
Te!ti1 Idi#idual E""ecti#ee!!% 0mmedately after
.a+n& from sleep# reman motonless# eyes closed. 0ma&ne
the physcal body s rotatn& alon& an a1s for 9 to $"
seconds. 0f no unusual sensatons occur# try another
techn8ue. 0f )bratons occur durn& rotaton or the
mo)ement suddenly feels realstc# then contnue the rotaton
techn8ue as lon& as there s pro&ress n the sensatonJs
de)elopment. There are se)eral possble outcomes .hen
rotaton s practced. The ma&ned rotaton s replaced by a
)ery real sensaton of rotatn& alon& an ma&ned a1s. @hen
ths occurs# a practtoner may easly lea)e the body. The
other outcome s the sudden presence of stron& )bratons or
(Table of Contents)
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loud sounds# amd .hch separaton from the body s possble.
Gurn& rotaton# separaton has been +no.n to spontaneously
occur and the practtoner enters the phase.
Traii1% To practce rotaton# ma&ne re)ol)n& around
the head4to4foot a1s for se)eral mnutes .hle lyn& do.n#
eyes closed. 0t s not necessary to focus on the )sual effects
of rotaton or mnute sensatons n the body. The +ey factor s
the )estbular sensaton that arses from nternal rotaton. Ds
a rule# many practtoners e1perence dffculty performn& full
rotaton. One person may be lmted to ?" de&rees of
mo)ement .here another e1perences $>" de&rees. @th
consstent# correct practce# full :<" de&ree rotaton .ll

Several doCen secondary and i4ed techni0ues are
presented in a separate section at the end of the te4tbook
()hapter +,$.
The ne1t step to mastern& ndrect techn8ues s
choosn& the r&ht techn8ues that sut nd)dual
predspostons. There s no pont n &on& for one techn8ue
or another only because they loo+ nterestn& and because
someone .rote a lot or spo+e a lot about them. The choce
should be based strctly upon .hat suts an nd)dual
Out of all of the enumerated prmary ndrect techn8ues#
practcally only strann& the bran .or+s easly and 8uc+ly for
?9; of practtoners. Dll other techn8ues .or+ mmedately
for only about !9; to 9"; of practtoners durn& ntal
trann&. Bo.e)er# after se)eral trann& sessons# each
techn8ue yelds results for =9; of en&a&ed practtoners.
One .ay or another# e)ery practtoner should dentfy a
certan set of techn8ues that .or+s best. D set should consst
of no less than three techn8uesH four or f)e s e)en better to
(Table of Contents)
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allo. more optons and practcal combnatons. 7on4.or+n&
techn8ues should not be dscarded .holesale by the
nd)dual# because they afford an opportunty to ache)e
success throu&h ne.# pre)ously unrespons)e e1perences.
To ensure the correct selecton of techn8ues# each
should be separately practced o)er a perod of at least three
days. To ths end# one should e1perment .th each of the
prmary techn8ues for ! to $" mnutes durn& the day. Ths
re&men allo.s a precse determnaton of the techn8ues that
.ll yeld the best results for the practtoner. Gurn& the
process of selectn& personal,ed techn8ues# a practtoner
learns and retans the techn8ues n an ntmate# personal
.ay# .hch post)ely affects ho. techn8ues are used durn&
crtcal moments. GonEt put off attempts to enter the phase on
.ee+s .hen youEre trann&. 0nstead# do both n parallel.
Bo.e)er# before &on& to sleep# ne)er e)er tran f that
you plan to use techn8ues the ne1t mornn&. 0n ths case# tEs
much better to tran techn8ues durn& the day or n the
mornn&. Ths s one of the most crtcal errors that no)ces
commt. Trann& the n&ht before an attempt brn&s nternal
e1hauston n ts .a+e and dsspates ntenton. Dfter a result#
a practtoner .ll ha)e far attempts at n&ht and n the
mornn&# and they .ll be much less focused and of
0t s .orth notn& that the fnal selecton of techn8ues
should be )ared. For e1ample# choosn& both strann& the
bran and strann& the body .thout usn& muscles s
pontless because they are practcally one and the same. %ore
often than not# they .ll both ether .or+ or not .or+. Ths s
.hy techn8ues should n)ol)e )arous types of sensory
percepton: )sual# audo# +nesthetc# )estbular# ma&nary
sense percepton# and nternal stran. Remember that
prortes and &oals chan&e .th tme# and that a techn8ue
that fell flat durn& ntal attempts may une1pectedly pro)e
)aluable later on. Be fle1ble. 7o set of techn8ues should be
car)ed n stone. 0n fact# the set may chan&e se)eral tmes
(Table of Contents)
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o)er the frst fe. .ee+s as the practtoner dsco)ers .hat
produces the best nd)dual results.
To close ths secton# a lst detaln& the most effect)e
ndrect techn8ues has been pro)ded. Ths lst .as compled
.th classroom data from the *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el
and may pro)e helpful n determnn& an effect)e set of
ndrect techn8ues.
T&e $o!t E""ecti#e Idirect Tec&i0ue! at Sc&ool o"
Out-o"-.od' Tra#el Se)iar!
*.mmn& Techn8ues (0ma&ned %o)ements) !9;
'hantom @&&ln& !";
Obser)n& 0ma&es !";
Rotaton !";
Other Techn8ues $9;
(et us be&n .th a totally shoc+n& fact: durn& 9";(-)
of successful ndrect entres nto the phase# t s not
necessary to perform any specfc phase entry techn8ues# as
separaton techn8ues are mmedately successfulO Ths has
been statstcally pro)en at *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el
semnars and n the analyses of other sources. Con)ersely# an
ncorrect understandn& of separaton techn8ues may lead to
undesrable conse8uences. 0t s possble for a practtoner to
enter the phase state and be unable to separate from the
body. Therefore# t s )ery mportant to understand ho.
separaton techn8ues .or+ snce they are often a +ey to
Interesting Fact!
&elatively often, a practitioner will try
to eploy separation techni0ues to no
effect. Gowever, he will later une4pectedly
(Table of Contents)
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understand that he had been lying in a
different position than he sensed that he
was in, and in fact, it had only been
necessary for hi to stand up. This happens
ostly aong beginners and is indicative of
an incorrect understanding of separation

Dt tmes a practtoner need only thn+ about separaton#
and t happens. Ths s a rarty# .hch e1plans the e1stence
of a .hole seres of au1lary techn8ues. The most mportant
separaton techn8ues are rolln& out# &ettn& up# clmbn&
out# and le)taton.
Rolli1 out
@hle a.a+enn&# attempt to roll o)er to the ed&e of the
bed or the .all .thout usn& any muscles. GonJt .orry about
falln& out of bed# httn& the .all# or be concerned .th the
detals of ho. ths techn8ue should feel. Iust roll.
Getti1 u*
2pon a.a+enn&# attempt to &et out of bed .thout
physcal e1erton. Ths should be performed n a .ay that s
most comfortable for the practtoner.
,li)bi1 out
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@hle a.a+enn&# try to clmb out of the body .thout
usn& any muscles. Ths techn8ue &enerally comes to mnd
.hen a partal separaton has been ache)ed throu&h the use
of other techn8ues# or one part of the body has completely

2pon a.a+enn&# attempt to le)tate up.ard# parallel to
the bed. @hle attemptn& to le)tate# do not .onder ho. t
should be accomplshedH e)eryone ntut)ely +no.s ho. to
le)tate from ther e1perences n dreams.
Falli1 out
'ractcally the same as le)taton: upon a.a+enn&# try
to sn+ do.n throu&h the bed.
Pulli1 out
Bere# upon a.a+enn&# try to e1t the body throu&h the
head# as f escapn& from a ldded cocoon.

.ack(ard! roll
Dfter a.a+enn&# try to perform a bac+.ards somersault
o)er the head .thout usn& any physcal muscles.
.ul1e t&e e'e!
2pon a.a+enn&# bul&e out or .den the eyes .thout
openn& them. Frontal mo)ement to.ard separaton may
I)a1ii1 Your!el" Alread' Se*arated
Aou can ma&ne yourself already separated and nsde
your room# tryn& to feel your separated body as ntensely as
possble. Aour sensatons .ll &radually flo. nto your subtle
body from your physcal one# and become 6ust as realstc.
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Aou can try to employ the translocaton techn8ue
.thout frst separatn&# .hch .ll lead to both translocaton
and separaton occurrn& at once. Teleportaton .th eyes
closed .or+s best for ths.
Aou can try to feel yourself flyn& at h&h speed.
*eparaton techn8ues are unted by a sn&ular dea:
nothn& should be ma&ned# mo)ement should be attempted
.thout the use of physcal muscles. The techn8ues produce
the same sensatons of mo)ement felt n real lfe. 0f nothn&
happens mmedately after tryn&# then the techn8ue s not
&on& to .or+# thou&h t may del)er results at a later tme. D
practtoner .ll nstantly be able to reco&n,e f the techn8ue
has .or+ed. Bo.e)er# people are often unprepared for the
realness of the sensatons and thn+ that they are ma+n& a
physcal mo)ement nstead of real,n& that a part or all of the
body has separated. Dfter ths unfortunate falure# careful
analyss helps to understand .hat happened and plan for a
successful retry.
0f separaton .as ncomplete or too+ place .th some
dffculty# ths s a s&nal that the techn8ue s ben&
performed correctly# but that stren&th and a&&ress)e effort
are re8ured from ths pont to ache)e complete separaton.
For e1ample# f some mo)ement be&an and then stopped
after ha)n& made some pro&ress# then one should &o bac+
and mo)e e)en harder once a&an n the same drecton.
0n order to practce separaton techn8ues# le do.n .th
the eyes closed and attempt all of them o)er the course of
se)eral mnutes. D separaton attempt has l+ely been
accomplshed f no muscles t.tch or stran and a sensaton of
mo)ement occurs. There .ll be a stron&# almost physcally
palpable nternal effort to perform a mo)ement. 7aturally# no
physcal mo)ement actually occurs and the practtoner
remans prone and mmobleH ho.e)er# at the r&ht moment#
these actons .ll lead to an easy entrance nto the phase.
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Interesting Fact!
Appro4iately +2 to B2 of the tie
that the phase is practiced, one realiCes
iediately upon awakening that one has
already separated. This eans that one
ay already go soewhere and stand, lie
down, sit down, etc. This is not however
becoing conscious in a drea, but an
actual awakening.
0t s also .orth dscussn& ho. to conduct yourself upon
separaton f one of the phase creaton techn8ues starts
.or+n&. 0n such a stuaton# tEs mportant to real,e that
separaton should be done .th the same body and same
sensatons that .ere obtaned .hen performn& the
techn8ue. For e1ample# .hen rotatn&# you need to stand up
usn& the same sensatons of rotatn&# and .hen obser)n&
ma&es you need to separate usn& the same body that sees
the ma&es# etc.
Dddtonally# tEs mportant not to completely return bac+
to the body f your phase creaton techn8ue n)ol)es the
sensaton of partal separaton from the body. For e1ample 4 f
rotaton .or+ed# then before tryn& to separate# there s no
need to fully turn bac+ nto the body and mer&e .th t.
*eparaton .ould mmedately become much more dffcult.
0tEs better to do t on the fly after haltn& rotaton n a poston
perpendcular to your physcal body. The same temptaton
can arse durn& phantom .&&ln&# .hen separaton should
be&n from the arm that be&an to mo)e 4 .e. do not mo)e t
bac+ nto the physcal body. The same &oes for all of the
partal separaton techn8ues.
0f a no)ce has learned throu&h practce .hat phantom
.&&ln& s and ho. t feels# then he may proceed to
separaton l+e he .ould to phantom .&&ln&# but ths tme
mo)n& hs entre body. That s# ths s an attempt to mo)e
(Table of Contents)
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.th the perce)ed (.e. subtle) bodyH not a muscle s to be
mo)ed n the physcal one.
The ost iportant thing is to iediately realiCe that
logically speaking, if indirect techni0ues have worked or
awakening has ;ust occurred, then the practitioner is already
in the phase. All of his sensations are no longer coing fro
his physical body, although it ay see that they do. All that
reains is to stand up, roll out, and levitate, as if doing so
with the physical body.
7o)ces and the ne1perenced often try to dsco)er
some tell4tale s&n of separaton# and e1pect to encounter t n
practce. Dctually# there are a .hole )arety of sensatons that
occur durn& ths process. Those .ho do not +no. ths often
.aste a lar&e number of e1perences .hen they encounter
une1pected stuatons. ThatEs .hy tEs &ood to al.ays be
prepared for any e)entualty and +no. the prmary separaton
scenaros obser)ed n ??; of all cases.
Types of 'hase Entrances (*eparatons) (sted by
- Ordiar' )o#e)et
Gere, separation usually sees like a copletely
ordinary oveent, as if it were ade with the
physical body. The practitioner siply stands up, rolls
out, or levitates as if he were doing so in reality.
- Se*aratio
Actual direct separation of the subtle body fro
the physical one, as if the practitioner were actually
e4iting soething. 5espite the fact that this sensation
gave its nae to the entire process of entering the
phase (6separation7$, direct separation occurs 0uite
rarely and the ter is inaccurate in ters of sensation.
- Pulli1
A feeling of a ass of guy rubber stretching
fro every part of your subtle body and pulling it back
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into your physical one. 'orcefully overcoe that feeling
of being pulled in, and it will dissipate.
- Slu11i!&e!!
The subtle body becoes 0uite heavy, as if it
weighed several ties ore. The sluggishness will
dissipate in proportion to the counteracting force
- A(akei1 to Se*aratio
The practitioner awakens or surfaces fro a lapse
in consciousness in an already separated state, and
does not need to separate or use a phase creation
techni0ue. Siply get up and go forth.
- Stuck .od' Part!
Soe parts of the subtle body can becoe stuck
in a physical stencil during the process of separation.
'or e4aple, this often occurs with the legs, trunk,
head, and pelvis. /n such situations you need to fully
break free with all your ight by changing the direction
of your e4ertion.
- .ei1 i T(o .odie! at Oce
A feeling arises of not really being in the phase
and not really lying in bed, but of truly being in the
phase and also truly lying in bed at the sae tie. Eou
need to try to press on through with the situation,
transferring all of your sensations into your phase
body, which will becoe the only one perceived.
- S*otaeou! Full Se*aratio =W&e Per"or)i1
<hen perforing any techni0ue, you ay
spontaneously find yourself having already fully
separated into your roo or into any other place in the
phase. There>s no need to return back into your
physical body in order to 6properly7 separate.
- .ei1 Pulled Out b' So)eoe or So)et&i1
/n this case, separation occurs not fully by one>s
own will, but due to help fro a phase ob;ect. 'or
e4aple, soeone starts pulling at your legs or lifting
(Table of Contents)
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up your entire body. The iportant thing in this
situation is not to rela4, but to start oving on your
own as soon as possible. Such a situation often occurs
with so-called 6Ialien abductions7, which are actually
spontaneous and unrecogniCed phase e4periences the
a;ority of the tie.
- Suctio
<hen perforing techni0ues like observing
iages or visualiCation, practitioners are often
copletely sucked in to the iagery being observed,
with all the accopanying sensations. This iagery
then becoes a full-fledged phase space of its own.
There>s no need to return back into your physical body
in order to 6properly7 separate.
- Putti1 Your All ito a Tec&i0ue
<hen perforing sensory-otor visualiCation and
several other techni0ues, a convergence between
separation and the techni0ue itself occurs. This leads to
there no longer being a need for separation in the
traditional sense. 'or e4aple, during sensory-otor
visualiCation, the practitioner initially begins by actively
iagining that he is walking about a roo, but that
iagined perception gradually orphs into the real
sensation of actually being in the roo. %eanwhile,
when phanto wiggling it only reains to stand up
fro the body in which wiggling is felt, and so on.
There>s no need to return back to the physical body in
order to separate 6properly7.
- Drea) ,o!ciou!e!!
Becoing fully consciousness while dreaing with
full cogniCance of what is occurring is also a separate
phase entrance ethod, but one that does not involve
direct or indirect techni0ues. There>s no need to return
back to the body in order to separate 6properly7,
although any do so in order to obtain ore vivid
(Table of Contents)
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The +ey to practce s the 8uantty and 8ualty of
attempts made that hone a practtonerJs s+lls. There are
se)eral .ndo.s of tme best suted for employn& ndrect
To be&n# t should be stated that sleep follo.s a cyclcal
pattern. @e a.a+en e)ery hour4and4a4half and then 8uc+ly
fall asleep a&an# .hch &)es rse to sleep cycles.
Furthermore# .e e1perence t.o prmary sta&es of sleep:
rapd eye mo)ement (RE%) sleep# and non4rapd eye
mo)ement (7RE%) sleep. 7RE% sleep ncludes many nternal
sta&es. The more .e sleep# the less the body needs deep
7RE% sleep# and the more tme .e spend n RE% sleep. 'hase
entrance s most l+ely to occur durn& RE% sleep.
The best .ay to mplement ndrect techn8ues s by the
deferred ethod. The am of the method s to nterrupt a
sleep cycle durn& ts fnal sta&e and then dsrupt t a&an
after falln& bac+ to sleep# .hch ma+es sleep l&ht durn& the
rest of the sleep cycle. *leep accompaned by fre8uent
nterruptons can be put to product)e uses.
Interesting Fact!
<hen the deferred ethod was first
ade andatory at a B-day School of Out-
(Table of Contents)
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of-Body Travel seinar in *une ,--1, the
overall success rate iediately doubled.
For e1ample# f a practtoner (letJs call hm Iac+) &oes to
sleep at mdn&ht# then Iac+ should set an alarm for < oJcloc+
n the mornn&. 2pon a.a+enn&# Iac+ should en&a&e n some
sort of physcal act)ty# l+e &on& to the bathroom# &ettn& a
drn+ of .ater# or readn& a fe. pa&es of ths boo+.
Dfter.ard# Iac+ should &o bac+ to bed thn+n& about ho.#
.thn the ne1t t.o to four hours# he .ll .a+e up multple
tmes and ma+e an attempt to enter the phase durn& each
0f Iac+ &oes to bed earler# then hs alarm cloc+ should
be set bac+ by that amount of tme# snce s1 hours of ntal
sleep s the optmal len&th of tme. 0f Iac+ sleeps less than s1
hours# then the second half of hs n&htJs sleep .ll be too
deep. 0f Iac+ sleeps lon&er than s1 hours# then there .ll be
lttle tme remann& for attempts# or Iac+ may not e)en be
able to fall asleep.
0f a practtoner naturally .a+es up n a forceful manner#
t .ll be dffcult to re&an sleep. Thus# t .ll not be necessary
for the practtoner to &et out of bed .th the ad of an alarm.
The practtoner should attempt to &o r&ht bac+ to sleep.
0f a practtoner s able to fall bac+ asleep after as much
as 49 mnutes of ben& a.a+e# then tEs better to +eep to that
)ery nter)al# as t allo.s one to obtan the h&hest probablty
of success durn& subse8uent a.a+enn&s.
7aturally# the deferred method s most applcable n
cases .here t s possble to sleep as lon& as a practtoner
desres# .thout ha)n& to .a+e up early. 7ot e)eryone
en6oys such lu1ury on a daly bass# but nearly e)eryone has
days off .hen tme may be set asde to practce the deferred
method. /t is in large easure due to the deferred ethod
that classroo courses at the School of Out-of-Body Travel
allow up to ,JB of class participants to enter the phase in the
course of a single weekend#
(Table of Contents)
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The second most effect)e .ndo. of tme for entern&
the phase s ordinary orning awakening. Ths &enerally
occurs durn& l&ht slumber follo.n& a full n&htJs sleep.
Dnother effect)e tme to practce ndrect techn8ues s
after a.a+enn& from a daytme nap. Once a&an# ths type of
sleep .ll be l&ht and short# .hch pro)des the body needed
rest .hle allo.n& memory and ntenton to be +ept ntact
throu&h the moment of a.a+enn&. D&an# not e)eryone has
the lu1ury of ta+n& daytme naps# but f such a chance arses#
then t .ould be )ery benefcal to ta+e ad)anta&e of the
@ighttie awakenings are the least effect)e tmes for
phase e1permentaton because the bran stll re8ures a lot of
deep sleep at ths tme. D.a+enn& at n&ht# the mnd s 8ute
.ea+ and hardly capable of any effort. E)en f some results
are obser)ed# a.a+enn& often ends .th 8uc+ly falln& bac+
asleep. Ths s not to say that normal practce of the phase
cannot occur at n&htH t 6ust .onJt be as effect)e as at other
tmes. The n&httme opton s best for those .ho lac+ an
opportunty to use other .ndo.s of tme for practcn& the
2nderstand that .e a.a+en at n&ht e)ery ?" mnutes#
.hch s .hy a mnmum of four a.a+enn&s s almost
&uaranteed .hen sleepn&# e)en for 6ust s1 hours. @hen the
practtoner +no.s about ths and str)es to se,e those
moments# .th tme he .ll actually se,e them and ta+e
ad)anta&e of them.
)onscious awakening s .a+n& up .th a partcular
thou&ht n mndH deally# a thou&ht about ndrect techn8ues.
0n order to start usn& ndrect techn8ues upon a.a+enn&# t
s not suffcent to ha)e a cursory +no.led&e of the
techn8ues to be used .hen .a+n&. Gue to the peculartes
of the human mnd and ts habts# t s not al.ays easy .hen
(Table of Contents)
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.a+n& to recall any partcular mot)e or dea. The &oal of
conscous a.a+enn& s to practce nstant acton .thout
ben& dle after .a+n& up.
Interesting Fact!
There e4ists a belief that the
phenoenon of out-of-body travel is
practically unattainable, and is accessible
only to an elect few through practices that
re0uire secret knowledge. Gowever, the
greatest difficulty when trying to e4perience
out-of-body travel in a short period of tie
lies only in iediately reebering about
the techni0ues upon awakening without
oving. This is all siple and
straightforward. But it is precisely this trifle
that is the largest stubling block when
trying to e4perience such an uncoon
Ths s not dffcult at all for appro1mately =9; of the
populaton. Bo.e)er# for the other one48uarter of the
populaton# ths s a dffcult barrer to entry that can e)en
seem nsurmountable. 0f such thou&hts arse# one should
smply understand that ths cannot be so# and that persstent
attempts and trann& are the +ey soluton.
The reasons .hy people are unable to remember
practcn& the phase upon a.a+enn& are: not ben& n the
habt of mmedately don& anythn& upon a.a+enn&# a desre
to sleep lon&er# a desre to &o to the bathroom# ben& thrsty#
a desre to suddenly start sol)n& day4to4day problems# and
so on.
Conscous a.a+enn& .th the ntent of attemptn& an
ndrect techn8ue should be a practtonerJs prmary &oal#
.hch should be pursued at e)ery cost. The speed at .hch
the phase s learned and e1perenced depends on ths.
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There are se)eral effect)e trc+s to learnn& conscous
Itetio u*o "alli1 a!lee*: Ths s the )ery
mportant to successfully ache)n& conscous a.a+enn&. D
)ery clear scentfc fact has been pro)en by somnolo&sts
(scentsts .ho study sleep): upon a.a+enn&# people usually
thn+ about .hat they had been thn+n& about before falln&
asleep. Ths phenomenon s easy to obser)e f the sleeper s
e1perencn& a serous lfe problemH they fall asleep .th the
problem and .a+e .th t. *o# n a case l+e ths# f dffcultes
at the front of the mnd are replaced .th a desre to practce
the phase# ths .ll produce the desred effect. 0t s not
necessary to thn+ solely about conscous a.a+enn& .hle
falln& asleep. 0t s suffcent to smply affrm the ntenton
clearly and dstnctly# e)en statn& the ntenton out loud.
'ractcn& these types of conscous actons .hle entern&
sleep .ll do much to promote the success of ndrect
techn8ues upon a.a+enn&.
Geeral itet: The more clearly a practtoner
concentrates on the mportance and necessty of .a+n& up
and mmedately remembern& to practce the techn8ues# the
more sold the ntent .ll become# and the more l+ely the
process .ll fulfll ts role and actually lead to results.
A""ir)i1 de!ire!: *ometmes an nternal ntenton s
smply not enou&h for some people# or they are unable to
properly affrm one by )rtue of nd)dual characterstcs. 0n
ths case# an affrmaton of desres should be ntroduced at
the physcal le)el. Ths could be n the form of a note .th a
descrpton of a &oal placed ne1t to the bed# under oneJs
pllo.# or hun& on the .all. 0t could be a con)ersaton .th
frends or famly about the partcular desre# or by repeatedly
)ocal,n& the actons that need to be performed upon
a.a+enn&. 0t could e)en be an entry n a dary# blo&# or
te1tn& on a moble phone.
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Interesting Fact!
There are known incidences of
practitioners 6prograing7 food and water
to induce phase entrance. They are
essentially eploying both auto-suggestion
and the placebo effect by prograing
their subconscious ind to perceive that
food as bringing not only satiation, but also
a high probability of entering the phase.
Aal'9i1 u!ucce!!"ul a(akei1!: Dnaly,n&
unsuccessful attempts at conscous a.a+enn& s e1tremely
mportant. @hen remembern& the faled attempt after
se)eral mnutes# se)eral hours# or e)en later n the day# focus
on t and resol)e to succeed durn& the ne1t attempt. Geep
e1ploraton of the falure s h&hly effect)e and practcal snce
the practtoner s learnn& .hat .or+s# .hat doesnJt .or+#
and ma+n& healthy resolutons to.ard success.
,reati1 )oti#atio: The &reater the desre to enter
nto the phase to accomplsh a &oal there# the 8uc+er
successful conscous a.a+enn& s ache)ed. %ot)aton s be
created by a &reat desre to do or e1perence somethn& n
the phase. 0n &eneral# pre)ous )sts to the phase are &reat
mot)aton# but an unntated person does not +no. t and
.ll need somethn& to .hch they can relate. For some# ths
could be a chldhood dream of flyn& to %ars# for others t
could be the opportunty to see a lo)ed one .ho has passed
a.ay# for another t could be the chance to obtan specfc
nformaton# or nfluence the course of a physcal llness# and
so forth.
Dsde from natural methods to ache)e conscous
a.a+n&# there are )arous de)ces and tools that facltate a
measure of success. These .ll be co)ered n Chapter 9 n the
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secton descrbn& non4autonomous .ays of entern& the
The best oent for conscious awakening is while
e4iting a drea. This is the ost effective and productive
tie to attept separation or perforing the techni0ues. Dt
ths moment# physcal a.areness of the body s at a
mnmum. D.areness at the )ery end of a dream often occurs
after n&htmares# panful e1perences n the dream# falln&
dreams K any dream that causes a sudden a.a+enn&.
@th tme# one should de)elop a refle1 that enables one
to perform planned actons at the moment of a.a+enn&# but
.hen conscousness tself has not yet had tme to return. Ths
type of refle1 s h&hly benefcal to se,n& the most frutful of
opportuntes to enter the phase.
Gue to )arous psycholo&cal and physolo&cal factors# t
s not possble for e)ery person to ache)e conscous
a.a+enn& after e)ery sleep cycle. Thus# there s no pont n
becomn& upset f conscous a.a+enn& does not occur e)ery
tme. E1perencn& only ! to : a.a+enn&s per day s normalH
ths s suffcent enou&h to attempt phase entrance ! to 9
tmes per .ee+ .hen practced daly.
0t s not .orth &ettn& carred a.ay .th an e1cess)e
number of attempts. Gurn& the *choolJs courses# t has been
noted that don& $" conscous a.a+enn&s or more (some
students try !" or e)en :") o)er the course of one n&ht and
mornn& rarely yelds results. Ths s due to the fact that f
one sets oneself a &oal that s desred so much that ts
real,aton brea+s the natural rhythms of the body# one
depr)es oneself of the ntermedate# transtonal states that
ma+e the phase effect)e. D practtoner may also 8uc+ly
become emotonally e1hausted from the lar&e number of
attempts and be unable to push lmts n the r&ht drecton.
The upsde s that one .ll smply tre out. 0f that starts to
happen# t s better to calm do.n and try to approach the
matter n a more rela1ed manner# e)enly and &radually.
(Table of Contents)
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Dlon&sde remembern& the phase mmedately upon
.a+n&# another mportant re8urement s a.a+enn& .thout
mo)n&# .hch s dffcult snce many people .a+e up and
mo)e. 2pon a.a+enn&# scratchn&# stretchn&# openn& the
eyes# and lstenn& to real sounds should be a)oded. Dny real
mo)ement or percepton .ll )ery 8uc+ly dsnte&rate the
ntermedate state and ntroduce realty# the act)aton of the
mnd and ts connecton to the sensory or&ans.
Dt frst# a.a+enn& .thout mo)n& seems dffcult or
e)en mpossble. Bo.e)er# t has been pro)en that ths s
remeded for throu&h act)e attempts and the desre to
ache)e set &oals. 'eople often clam that they cannot a.a+en
.thout mo)n&# that tJs an mpossble e1perence. Bo.e)er#
after se)eral attempts# t .ll happen# and t .ll occur more
and more fre8uently .th practce.
Thus# f there s dffculty n a.a+enn& .thout
mo)ement# do not despar# 6ust +eep tryn&. *ooner or later#
the body .ll yeld to the practce# and e)erythn& .ll happen
D.a+enn& .thout mo)n& s )ery mportant because#
for the ma6orty of people# e1perments .th the phase are
not possble e1cept n the frst .a+n& moments .here .a+n&
.thout mo)n& sets the sta&e for successful ndrect
techn8ue cycles. Often# a practtoner .ll ma+e $"
unsuccessful attempts and mo)e .hle a.a+enn&. Once the
practtoner learns to consstently .a+e calmly and &radually#
success 8uc+ly follo.s.
Ho(e#er2 i" a a(akei1 i! co!ciou!2 but (it&
)o#e)et2 t&at doe! ot )ea t&at t&e *ractitioer
caot i))ediatel' )ake a atte)*t to "all ito t&e
*&a!e% Suc& atte)*t!2 alt&ou1& t&e' (ill be about 7
ti)e! le!! e""ecti#e t&a u!ual2 !&ould e#ert&ele!! be
)ade% A' o**ortuit' to *ractice (&ile (aki1 !&ould
ot be (a!ted% It )u!t ol' be ke*t i )id t&at oe
(Table of Contents)
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)u!t "ir!t eutrali9e t&e e""ect! o" t&e )o#e)et i
order to oce a1ai "all ito a iter)ediate !tate% I
t&e ca!e o" )o#e)et2 it i! e+tre)el' &el*"ul to be1i
*ractice (it& "orced "alli1 a!lee*% 4i!tei1 i al!o
(ork! (ell2 a! doe! ob!er#i1 i)a1e!% A"ter *er"or)i1
t&e!e2 c'cli1 )a' be1i%
Dfter physcal mo)ement# the success rate for attempts
usn& ndrect techn8ues s usually substantally merely
due to the fact that practtoners lose confdence n both
themsel)es and the success of the current attempt. Ds a
result# the attempt tself smply becomes poor n 8ualty and
lac+luster. Bo.e)er# f the attempt s ne)ertheless performed
self4assuredly and as f no mo)ement had occurred# then
odds of success .ll reman practcally undmnshed.
D.a+enn& .thout mo)ement# despte all ts
mportance# s not a &oal n and of tself# and also not .orth
suffern& o)er. @hen a.a+enn&# f there s &reat dscomfort#
somethn& tches# a need to s.allo. arses# or any manner of
natural refle1# t s better to deal .th t and then act
accordn& to practces recommended .hen mo)ement upon
a.a+enn& happens.
7ot all mo)ements upon a.a+enn& are real and# f only
for ths reason alone# .hen mo)ement occurs# ndrect
techn8ues should follo..

Interesting Fact!
:p to ,-2 of sensations and actions
that happen upon awakening are not real as
they see, but are phanto.

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False sensatons occur n .dely d)erse .ays. 'eople
often do not understand .hat s &on& on .th them .thout
ha)n& e1perenced the phase. For e1ample# a person may
thn+ they are scratchn& ther ear .th ther physcal hand
.hen they are really usn& a phantom hand. D person may
hear pseudo4sounds n the room# on the street# or at the
ne&hborJs .thout notn& anythn& unusual. Or# a person may
loo+ around the room .thout +no.n& that hs eyes are
actually closed. 0f a practtoner reco&n,es such moments for
.hat they are# they may mmedately try to separate from the
Thus far# ndrect techn8ues used for phase entrance
and techn8ues for separaton n the phase ha)e been
co)ered. Conscous a.a+enn& and the best tmes to practce
t ha)e also been e1amned. 7o.# a specfc al&orthm of
acton for ndrect techn8ues .ll be presented. Follo.n& ths
al&orthm promses 8uc+ and practcal results.
0t ou&ht to be clearly understood that the more natural
and sound sleep precedn& an attempt s# the better the effect
from a.a+enn& and the h&her the odds of success. @hat s
needed s to fall soundly asleep and sleep sound thereafter#
after .hch a sound a.a+enn& can be put to &ood use. Cycles
of ndrect techn8ues can occasonally be successfully used
durn& ftful sleep# but n most cases ths s a pure .aste of
tme and ener&y. @hen sleepn& poorly# tEs better to do no
techn8ues at all and sound sleep# as opposed to
spendn& all your tme tryn& to snatch the phase from the
6a.s of a .earsome and hardly sal)a&eable stuaton.
Dl&orthm of Dcton upon D.a+enn&:
3 Te!ti1 Se*aratio Tec&i0ue! (it&i : Secod!
Ds noted abo)e# 9"; of success .th ndrect techn8ues
s mmedate due to the fact that the frst seconds after
(Table of Contents)
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.a+n& up are the most useful for entern& the phase. The
less tme that has elapsed after a.a+enn&# the better.
Con)ersely# f one les do.n e1pectn& somethn& to happen#
chances 8uc+ly dsspate.
Thus# upon a.a+enn&# preferably .thout frst mo)n&# a
practtoner should mmedately try )arous separaton
techn8ues# l+e rolln& out# &ettn& up# or le)taton. 0f a
techn8ue has suddenly started to yeld results for
appro1mately for :49 seconds# then separaton from the body
should be attempted up to full separaton. *ometmes nerta#
dffculty# or a barrer .ll arse durn& a separaton attempt.
7o attenton should be &)en to these problems. 0nstead#
resol)e to separate 4 decdedly and a&&ress)ely clmb out of
the body.
Reep n mnd that tryn& to mmedately separate upon
a.a+enn& s a s+ll of the utmost mportanceH one that s
.orth honn& from the )ery be&nnn&# ne)er for&otten.
Interesting Fact!
'or soe practitioners having trouble
reaching the phase, one otivation for
separating without using any techni0ues is
an unwillingness to 6bang their heads
against techni0ues7 any further. This forces
the to catch the right oent of
awakening uch earlier on and push
theselves uch harder during it. The
result is that they are practically always
able to achieve the phase upon that first
7 T&e ,'cle o" Idirect Tec&i0ue! to /!e i" Oe i!
/able to Se*arate
0f separaton does not occur after se)eral seconds# t
most l+ely means that separaton .ll not occur# re&ardless of
elapsed tme n effort. Ths s .here the practtoner must
resort to other techn8ues.
(Table of Contents)
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The practtoner should already ha)e chosen a mnmum
of three prmary or secondary techn8ues that sut a practcal
repertore. Bere s .here the techn8ues are put nto acton.
@ota Bene# /n order to give a specific e4aple, we will
e4aine the use of three specific techni0ues, which should be
replaced with a tested and chosen set of techni0ues. The
follo.n& operatonal techn8ues shall be used as e1amples:
obser)n& ma&es (a)# phantom .&&ln& (b)# and lstenn& n
Dfter an unsuccessful attempt at separatn&# the
practtoner mmedately starts obser)n& the )od before the
eyes. 0f ma&es be&n to appear .thn : to 9 seconds#
obser)aton should contnue .thout scrutn,n& the ma&es n
detal# or the ma&e .ll e)aporate. Ds a result of ths acton#
the ma&e .ll 8uc+ly become more and more realstc and
colorful# en&ulfn& the practtoner. 0f e)erythn& comes
to&ether correctly# a sudden translocaton nto the pcture .ll
occur# or# .hen the pcture becomes )ery realstc# attempt to
separate from the body. 0f nothn& happens after : to 9
seconds# then the practtoner should transton to the
techn8ue of phantom .&&ln&.
For : to 9 seconds# the practtoner 8uc+ly searches the
entre body for a part that can be .&&led. Or# the entre
perod of tme s spent n an attempt to .&&le a specfc body
part: a fn&er# hand# or le&. 0f the desred effect occurs# then
the practtoner should contnue .th the techn8ue and
ache)e the ma1mum possble ran&e of mo)ement. Gurn&
ths process# a number of thn&s can happen# ncludn&
spontaneous separaton# a successful separaton attempt# free
mo)ement of the .&&led part# or the presence of sound or
)bratons. Dll of these e)ents are of &reat ad)anta&e. 0f
nothn& .&&les o)er the course of : to 9 seconds# then the
practtoner should mo)e on to lstenn& n.
The practtoner should try to detect an nternal sound. 0f
the sound s there# lsten and try to amplfy t. Ds a result# the
nose may &ro. nto a roar and spontaneous separaton .ll
occur# separatn& throu&h the use of a techn8ue .ll be
(Table of Contents)
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possble# or )bratons .ll occur. 0f no nose occurs o)er the
course of : to 9 seconds# then the entre cycle should be
0t s benefcal to e1amne the reason behnd the use of a
set of three ndrect techn8ues. Ths s mot)ated by the fact
that the body often reacts to techn8ues n )ery pecular
.ays. For one person# a techn8ue may .or+ one day and not
.or+ on another day# .hch s .hy f only one techn8ue s
used# e)en a )ery &ood techn8ue that .or+s often# a
practtoner can mss out on a lot of dfferent e1perence
throu&h the lac+ of )arety n practce. Thus# a practcal
repertore should consst of se)eral techn8ues.
Interesting Fact!
Soeties, the first techni0ue that works for
a practitioner never results in a repeat of phase
entrance again, although other techni0ues that
were not iediately effective at the novice
stages of practice later begin to work regularly
and successfully.
0t s also mportant to understand that the techn8ues
themsel)es .ll .or+ 8ute poorly and rarely f performed
merely for the 3sa+e of appearances5. Aou need to &)e them
your all# tryn& to &et nto them .th all of your sensatons
and all of your ben&. Try no matter .hat to ha)e all of your
sensatons become one .th the techn8ues. D phaserEs mnd
must be fully focused on e)ery aspect of each techn8ue ben&
performed. 0n ths case cycln& ndrect techn8ues s an easy
.ay to e1t the body# as e)erythn& starts off 8ute r&ht and
.or+s .th ease. 0f the practtoner doesnEt reman a.are of
ths# he rs+s .astn& hs tme and ener&y.
3 Re*eati1 t&e ,'cle o" Idirect Tec&i0ue!
0f the frst cycle of : techn8ues does not yeld any clear
results# ths does not mean that all s lost. E)en f the
techn8ues do not .or+# they stll dra. the practtoner closer
(Table of Contents)
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to the phase state and t s smply necessary to contnue usn&
the techn8ues by a&an obser)n& ma&es# phantom .&&ln&#
and lstenn& n K and repeatn& ths process at least three
Ba)n& performed one cycle of techn8ues# one can
easly &o on to don& a second cycle# a thrd one# a fourth
one# and so on. 0t s 8ute probable that durn& one of these
cycles# a techn8ue .ll suddenly pro)e tself# e)en thou&h t
had not been .or+n& at all 6ust a fe. seconds beforehand.
D serous practtoner should commt to a mnmum of 4
cycles. The problem les n the fact that t s psycholo&cally
dffcult to do somethn& that has sho.n tself not to .or+#
and one may &)e up ta+n& further acton# e)en thou&h one
could be at the cusp of falln& nto the phase. Reep tryn&# and
then try a&an# and a&an- There ha)e been cases .here t
too+ ten cycles to produce results. D monumental effort# yes#
but one .orth the outcome. But donJt do t for more than one
8% Falli1 A!lee* (it& t&e Po!!ibilit' o" Tr'i1
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0f a practtoner s unable to enter the phase after
performn& cycles and attempts to separate# or e)en f
e)erythn& .or+ed out# t s stll better to &o bac+ to sleep to
facltate subse8uent attempts. D&an# t s )ery mportant to
&o to sleep .th a clearly defned ntenton of actually
performn& the cycles upon a.a+enn&. *uch ntenton )astly
ncreases the probablty that the ne1t attempt .ll occur
soon. That s# one should not fall asleep .th an empty head
and the desre to smply &et a &ood n&htJs sleep. @hen usn&
the deferred method# clear ntenton s mandatory# as se)eral
attempts are possble o)er the course of a sleep cycle.
E)en f only a fe. attempts are made accompaned by
decded and concentrated effort# then the four steps descrbed
n the al&orthm .ll undoubtedly produce entrance nto the
0t must al.ays be +ept n mnd that one of the most
common msta+es no)ces ma+e s smply lyn& n bed .hle n
the phase. Fenerally spea+n&# for each successful attempt
no)ces ha)e# there are ! to : attempts .here the phase had
also occurred# but they ddnEt ta+e ad)anta&e of the moment
and mssed separatn& by the s+n of ther teeth. For e1ample#
any techn8ue .or+n& e1tremely .ell mmedately after
a.a+enn& s a sure s&n of the phase. 0nstead of contnun&
to le do.n n the phase and play .th one techn8ue or
alternate throu&h other ones# try as hard as you can to &et
out of your body. Dny possble e)dence of a techn8ue
.or+n& should be tested n the same .ay.
0t s also mportant to mmedately ta+e ad)anta&e of a
techn8ue .or+n&. @hen somethn& starts .or+n&# a no)ce
.ll often# for some reason# fal to ta+e mmedate ad)anta&e
of the moment. The phase s then already o)er .thn se)eral
seconds# and the techn8ues no lon&er .or+. 0f an opportunty
to enter the phase snEt ta+en ad)anta&e of as soon as occurs#
the .ndo. of tme for lea)n& the body .ll smply close
.thn se)eral seconds. ThatEs .hy t s necessary to try to
(Table of Contents)
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lea)e your body mmedately upon any techn8ue .or+n&
substantally .ell. the moment .ll be lost.
0n order to more effect)ely use the system of ndrect
cycles# t s necessary to dscuss .hat to do f one techn8ue
starts .or+n&# but pro&ress then ceases durn& the cycle and
phase entry does not occur.
Frst# understand that f a techn8ue has be&un to .or+#
only lac+ of e1perence and s+ll .ll pre)ent the phase.
*econd# barrers are o)ercome by temporarly s.tchn&
to other techn8ues. (et us suppose that nose arsn& .hen
lstenn& n &ro.s louder and louder and then pea+s n
)olume. 0t .ould surely be benefcal to s.tch to forced
falln& asleep or obser)n& ma&es for se)eral seconds# and
then return to lstenn& n. The sound may then become much
louder and pro)de an opportunty to proceed .th the
techn8ue. *ometmes# t ma+es sense to brea+ off se)eral
tmes nto )arous techn8ues and then return to the prmary
techn8ue that yelded some results.
The most mportant thn& s to ne)er &)e up on a
techn8ue that has be&un .or+n& e)er so sl&htly. 0n
(Table of Contents)
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essence# t s a road s&n to the shortest path to the phase#
and should al.ays be follo.ed.
0t s often possble to smultaneously perform t.o or
e)en three techn8ues and e1perence no ne&at)e effect on
results. 0t s also normal and natural to s+p around from
techn8ue to techn8ue# de)atn& from a specfc plan of
acton. For e1ample# sounds often arse durn& phantom
.&&ln&. 0n ths case# a practtoner may 6ust smply s.tch
o)er to lstenn& n. Other oft4encountered results parn&s
are: ma&es from sound# sound from rotaton# sound from
strann& the bran# a stran on the bran from lstenn& n#
)bratons from rotaton# )bratons from phantom .&&ln&#
and so forth.
5uring initial attepts at using cycles of indirect
techni0ues, the proble of confusion during a critical oent
ay arise, when a novice practitioner suddenly forgets
e4actly what to do and how to do it. This is noral, and the
solution is to iediately do whatever coes to ind.
&esults can be achieved in this anner. <hen a practitioner
is ore rela4ed about the practice, such probles will no
longer occur.
Vared cycles of ndrect techn8ues s an almost
mandatory precondton for &ettn& the best result. There are
some e1ceptons. *ometmes# throu&h ndrect ndcators# a
practtoner may be nclned to be&n .th certan techn8ues#
re&ardless of .hat had been planned. These are a sort of hnt
from the body and the ablty to use such cues plays an
e1tremely mportant role n the use of ndrect techn8ues
because they enable a practtoner to substantally ncrease
the effect)eness of hs practce.
Hit No% 3: I)a1e!
(Table of Contents)
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0f the practtoner becomes a.are upon a.a+enn& that
some ma&es# pctures# or remnants from dreams are before
hm# then he should mmedately proceed to the techn8ue of
obser)n& ma&es# .th all of the results that arse from t. 0f
ths does not lead to anythn&# then cycln& .th a set of
techn8ues should be&n.
Hit No% 7: Noi!e!
0f the practtoner real,es upon a.a+enn& that he hears
an nternal nose# roarn&# rn&n&# .hstln&# and so forth#
then he should mmedately be&n from the techn8ue of
lstenn& n. 0f ths has no effect# then cycles of ndrect
techn8ues ou&ht to commence.

Hit No% 3: Bibratio!
0f a practtoner feels )bratons throu&hout the body
.hle a.a+enn&# they should be amplfed throu&h the use of
strann& the bran or strann& the body .thout usn&
muscles. @hen the )bratons reach ther pea+# the
practtoner can try to separate. 0f nothn& happens after
se)eral attempts# ndrect techn8ue cycles should start.

Hit No% 8: Nu)be!!
0f a practtoner .a+es to numbness n a body part#
phantom .&&ln& of that part should be attempted. 0f no
result s ache)ed after se)eral attempts# cycln& should be
tred. Of course# t s better to refran from techn8ues f the
numbness s )ery ntense and causes substantal dscomfort.
Hit No% :: Paral'!i!
0f the practtoner feels that hs body s mmobl,ed and
that he s unable to mo)e a muscle upon a.a+enn&# then he
has encountered sleep paralyss (sleep stupor). Ths
phenomenon s a s&n that one s n the phase# and t only
remans for the practtoner to someho. separate from the
body no matter .hat# as .ell as o)ercome the n&ht terror
that often arses durn& sleep paralyss.
(Table of Contents)
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These hnts may arse not only mmedately upon
a.a+enn&# but also upon an attempt to perform cycles of
techn8ues. 0f the hnts are more pronounced than the results
of the techn8ues themsel)es# then t ma+es sense to turn
oneEs attenton to them or e1plot them concurrently .th
0t s also necessary to smply understand .hat the hnt s
tryn& to tell you: for e1ample# f some unreal sensaton
suddenly arses on ts o.n upon a.a+enn&# then t s
necessary to smply ntensfy t and lea)e the body r&ht then.
0f you follo. ths &eneral prncple# then you donEt need to
+no. e1actly .hat the hnts are or .hat e1actly to do .hen
they occur. E)erythn& should happen ntut)ely and easly.
The pont s that there are a lar&e number of other phase
manfestatons n addton to the f)e hnts abo)e that one
should be al.ays ready for. Bo.e)er# t .ould be smply
mpossble to descrbe them all# let alone remember them.
Gurn& the practce of ndrect techn8ues# ncludn&
techn8ue cycles# unsuccessful attempts may result n falln&
asleep or becomn& completely a.a+e. These results ndcate
a defcency or e1cess of a&&resson.
0f a practtoner usually falls asleep .hle attemptn& to
enter the phase# then more a&&ress)e acton s needed .hle
performn& ndrect techn8ues. 0f# on the other hand# most
attempts end n a full and alert a.a+enn&# then a&&resson
should be curbed and techn8ues should be conducted more and n a more rela1ed manner. Balance bet.een
pass)ty and a&&resson s mperat)eH the phase state s
easly attaned by those practtoners .ho fnd a stable
medum bet.een pass)ty and a&&resson.
The ssue of a&&resson re8ures a closer e1amnaton.
Kuite often, attepts at indirect techni0ues are ade
(Table of Contents)
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leisurely, without desire or real effort, to 6check the off the
list7. &esults are ore easily realiCed if the practitioner
possesses an aggressive desire to enter the phase. %ore
often than not, practitioners lack aggressive desire, instead of
having too uch of it. Thus, each effort re0uires a distinct
want to succeed.
*uccess at entern& the phase depends on t.o factors:
8uantty and 8ualty of attempts. Dccordn&ly# the &reater the
8uantty of h&h48ualty attempts# the &reater the odds of
ha)n& a phase e1perence. Bo.e)er# practcally all
practtoners encounter certan psycholo&cal dffcultes that
depr)e them of :" to =9; of all attempts. That s# phasers
often e1perence only half of .hat they could due to certan
patterns of thou&ht.
Ths manly occurs durn& t.o common stuatons n
.hch practtoners smply lose all desre to e)en try: a)
e1cess)ely alert a.a+enn& b) a.a+enn& to physcal
mo)ement. E)en f a phaser suddenly decdes to &)e t a try
n such stuatons# hs attempts are understandably performed
.a)ern&ly and poorly# .hch s e8u)alent to not tryn& at all.
Bo.e)er# n the absolute ma6orty of such cases# no attempt
s e)en made.
The hlarty of the stuaton conssts n the probable
falseness of the sensatons of both e1cess)ely alert
a.a+enn& and a.a+enn& to physcal mo)ement. For
e1ample# the thou&ht# C0 .o+e up .ay too alertly# nothn&Es
&on& to .or+ no.C s usually mmedately follo.ed by falln&
bac+ asleep. Bo.e)er# a substantal porton of mo)ements
upon a.a+enn& are false# e)en thou&h t may seem that they
are made .th the physcal body. But e)en f there s an
actual alert a.a+enn& and actual physcal mo)ement# the
l+elhood of entern& the phase does not actually decrease as
much as one m&ht thn+. ThatEs .hy t s not only possble try
(Table of Contents)
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to enter the phase n such stuatons 4 t s a must. Those .ho
follo. ths smple prncple alone may en6oy t.ce as many
phase e1perences as those .ho do not.
Bo.e)er# mndfulness of ths prncple alone s often
nsuffcent to compensate for psycholo&cal certanty that
nothn& .ll .or+ durn& a specfc attempt. 0n order to sol)e
ths problem# one may use one a most effect)e psycholo&cal
trc+ based on self4decepton. 0f t seems to the practtoner
that there s no sense n ma+n& an attempt as nothn& .ll
.or+ any.ay# he ou&ht thn+ e1actly as follo.s: CDlr&ht#
entern& the phase .ll hardly .or+ out# but no. 0Em &on& to
smply practce for future attempts and do e)erythn& as f
these .ere deal condtonsC. Dfter.ards# a h&h48ualty
3practce sesson5 .ll occur# durn& .hch t m&ht be easy to
ha)e a real phase e1perence. *o# f t seems that nothn& at
all .ll happen upon an a.a+enn&# then smply &)e t a &o
and practce cycln& ndrect techn8ues# .thout .orryn&
about the outcome.
0t should also be noted that a phaser .ll often lose out
on an attempt throu&h the belef that he has to catch the
r&ht moment of ben& half4a.a+e. %any thn+ that catchn&
that moment s a mandatory prere8uste for the ndrect
method. 0t &enerally s# but that moment of transton usually
doesnEt be&n at the second one a.a+ens 4 rather# t arses
r&ht .hen performn& cycles of techn8ues- That s# the
moment of ben& half4a.a+e s not so much somethn& to
catch upon a.a+enn&s# but more somethn& to nduce usn&
the techn8ues themsel)es 4 .hch s actually e1actly .hat
theyEre there for. ThatEs precsely .hy thereEs no sense n
&)n& up a chance for an attempt.
E)ery practtoner smply needs to be .ell a.are that
one may fall nto the phase upon any a.a+enn&# no matter
.hat t may seem and no matter .hat thou&hts may cross
oneEs mnd. ThatEs .hy you need to not o)er4analy,e or o)er4
thn+ t# but smply to mechancally try# try# and try a&an.
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There s a trc+ techn8ue for ma+n& most phase
entrances successful: forced falln& asleep. 0t can be used
.th the follo.n& stuatons and )aratons: as an
ndependent techn8ueH .hen no other techn8ue .or+sH upon
e1tremely alert a.a+enn&H .hen a.a+enn& to physcal
mo)ementH n case of ntense physcal stmul from oneEs
physcal surroundn&sH .hen &ettn& a poorly .or+n&
techn8ue to yeld results# and so on. 0n essence# ths s a
lfesa)er techn8ue for all those stuatons .hen somethn&
snEt .or+n& as one .ould l+e t to# or not as one had
Interesting Fact!
)orrectly using forced falling asleep in
con;unction with indirect techni0ues can
realistically bring odds of success to near +--
percent. That this, practically all attepts to e4it
the body upon awakening can becoe successful.
Odds of entern& the phase dmnsh .th e)ery second
.hen usn& cycles of ndrect techn8ues upon a.a+enn&.
Forced falln& asleep# to put t smply# s a .ay to reel that
recedn& lfelne to the phase bac+ to.ards you. 0t trc+s the
bran# .hch .ll react automatcally to all your actons and
8uc+ly thrust you nto an ntermedate state that s easy to
use to enter the phase.
@hat the practtoner does s try to fall asleep as
decdedly and as 8uc+ly as possble# but .hle mantann&
the ntenton of not losn& conscousness. The most mportant
thn& s to not &et cau&ht up n ho. to do t. E)eryone
ntut)ely +no.s ho. to do t# because e)eryone has had to
force themsel)es to fall asleep at one pont or another. Aou
need only to &et pulled n to a .a)e of sleepness and catch t
at the last second. 0tEs 8ute smlar to real lfe stuatons .hen
(Table of Contents)
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there s )ery lttle tme to sleep# and one ne)ertheless has to
catch some rest. Ths techn8ue s to be performed .th that
)ery determnaton to fall asleep 8uc+ly 4 but of course# here
you do not fall completely asleep.
Ide*edet Tec&i0ue
Ths techn8ue s used as an alternated techn8ue .hen
cycln& upon a.a+enn&. O)er the course of : to 9 seconds#
the practtoner tres to abruptly# determnedly# and forcbly
fall asleep# mantann& the ntenton of ether not actually
falln& asleep or of comn& bac+ to hmself at the last moment
before losn& conscousness. Dfter.ards# separaton can often
easly be successful. 0n addton# the follo.n& sensatons may
arse# .hch only need be ntensfed n order to defnt)ely
fall nto the phase: )bratons# ma&ery# nose# and so on. 0n
case of alert a.a+enn& or a.a+enn& to mo)ement# t s
recommend to be&n cycln& techn8ues from forced falln&
Interesting Fact!
Soe practitioners get forced falling
asleep so well that they use nothing else
besides alternating it with separation
techni0ues upon awakening.
Periodic AdNu!t)et o" t&e State
Ths s used n4bet.een any techn8ues or n4bet.een
full cycles of techn8ues. 0t s also called the Gnepropetro)s+
method. 0n ths case# the dea s that : to 9 seconds of
credbly mtatn& falln& asleep can not only con6ure the
phase all on ts o.n# but also cause a +nd of thro.bac+ to a
more transtonal state# thus ncreasn& the effect)eness of all
subse8uent actons. Each tme before performn& techn8ues
or full cycles of techn8ues# the practtoner smply thro.s
hmself bac+ nto a sleeper state )a forced falln& asleep n
order to ncrease ther effect)eness. Thus# n correctly
mplementn& forced falln& asleep# a stuaton occurs n .hch
(Table of Contents)
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all actons are performed as f mmedately upon a.a+enn&#
.hen odds of success are h&hest.
Interesting Fact!
At an e4periental seinar held
August ,+-,B, ,--. in 5nepropetrovsk
(:kraine$, A- participants were asked to
perfor andatory cycles of all the indirect
techni0ues together with the techni0ue of
forced falling asleep. The success rate for
the whole group reached D32 after only
two nights, not counting those participants
who ade no attepts at all. This was the
ost successful seinar into ,-++, and the
syste first tested out there took on the
nae IThe 5nepropetrovsk %ethod7.
.ackdro* "or All Tec&i0ue!
Ths s to be employed smultaneously .th all ndrect
techn8ues# as a bac+drop to them. @hle performn& any
techn8ue# the phaser should try to fall asleep smultaneously#
as f the techn8ue ben& performed (phantom .&&ln&#
rotaton# etc.) .ere necessary not for phase entrance# but for
acceleratn& falln& asleep. D phaser should smply try to fall
asleep to the techn8ue ben& performed .thout actually
falln& asleep. Dny techn8ue .ll usually be&n to .or+ at that
moment# and t can be easly brou&ht to the phase. One no
lon&er needs to employ or contnue on .th concurrent forced
falln& asleep at ths pont. For e1ample# f a practtonerEs
hand dd not start mo)n& .thn a fe. seconds of a&&ress)e
phantom .&&ln&# he .ll then be&n tryn& to .&&le hs hand
.hle tryn& to fall asleep at the same tme. The hand .ll
usually yeld to .&&ln& .thn se)eral seconds# and the
ran&e of moton .ll be&n to ncrease. Bac+drop forced falln&
asleep may be ncluded n the routne both from the start of
attempts# as .ell as only .hen the techn8ues themsel)es are
(Table of Contents)
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not .or+n&. Such an approach often guarantees the greatest
odds of success for indirect techni0ues.
Interesting Fact!
<hen perfored properly, backdrop
use of forced falling asleep akes the
choice of techni0ue perfored upon
awakening inconse0uential, as any
techni0ue will iediately start working.
.ri1i1 t&e Tec&i0ue! to ,o)*letio
Ths s to be used n cases .hen some ndrect techn8ue
has be&un .or+n&# albet 8ute .ea+ly or nsuffcently. Bere#
n order to brn& the .or+n& techn8ue up to the r&ht de&ree
of manfestaton# the practtoner should be&n to perform
forced falln& asleep n parallel to t# 6ust as s done .th
bac+drop forced falln& asleep. That s# the phaser should try
to seemn&ly fall asleep to the techn8ue ben& performed. Ds
a result# the partally manfestn& techn8ue .ll start to .or+
much better r&ht then# and allo. for the phase to be reached
much sooner.
Gespte all the merts of forced falln& asleep and
opportuntes t offers# t 8ute rarely .or+s at *chool of Out4
of4Body Tra)el semnars for be&nners. 0t s often put for.ard
as an element for ad)anced practtoners .ho ha)e reached
the ne1t le)el of sophstcaton. The problem conssts n the
fact that forced falln& asleep s nearly al.ays dffcult for
no)ces to conceptual,e. 0n addton# nformaton o)erload
leads to an nablty to d&est addtonal nformaton# and rs+s
cro.dn& out more elementary tas+s at the start of oneEs
Ths s prmarly .hy forced falln& asleep must be
approached carefully. 0deally# the phaser hmself should start
to feel t approach on ts o.n. Ths often occurs after one has
already had a frst e1perence. ThereEs no sense n ncludn& t
n the frst thn&s to be learned. Rather# t should only be used
(Table of Contents)
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to fne4tune the effect)eness of attempts usn& ndrect
techn8ues. The e1cepton .ould be stuatons .here forced
falln& asleep s the last tool that hasnEt yet been tred# and
nothn& else can be made to .or+ upon a.a+enn&.
The most mportant thn& s to ne)er try ths techn8ue f
you donEt understand t. D practtoner may lose out on real
e1perence n search of a sl)er bullet. Be .ould .aste tme
and ener&y on thn&s obscure to hm# and therefore# that
.hch s bound to be neffect)e. Con)ersely# f a practtoner
mmedately understands forced falln& asleep and s famlar
.th t# then he may d)e r&ht nto tryn& t n hs practce.
@hat follo.s s a )ery characterstc e1ample of ho. ths
techn8ue can be ncorrectly understood: (et us assume that
a phaser tres to perform forced falln& asleep n some .ay#
but that t doesnEt .or+. Dt the end of the attempt# the
dsapponted practtoner decdes to fall fast asleep n order to
catch the ne1t a.a+enn&. Dnd tEs 6ust at that moment that
he be&ns to feel an mmnent approach of the phase
()bratons# ma&ery# nose). On ths the second try# he has
done e)erythn& the r&ht .ay 4 naturally and unaffectedly.
@hereas before he had o)er4thou&ht and o)er4complcated
hs actons .hen tryn& to do the techn8ue# no. he has been
don& e)erythn& correctly 4 he smply be&ns falln& asleep#
as forced falln& asleep should be done.
/t>s worth paying close attention to the fact that novices
often get results fro indirect techni0ues not while cycling
the, but only when they want to fall asleep 0uickly after a
failed attept in order to catch one ore awakening.
The man problem .hen performn& forced falln& asleep
s the rs+ of easly falln& asleep for real# no matter ho.
a.a+e oneEs mnd seems before usn& ths techn8ue. Ths
should al.ays be remembered# and the len&th of tme that
ths method s carred out should be carefully )ared. 0n most
cases# only se)eral seconds are necessary n order to &et
results. *ometmes t needs to be done for lon&er# and
sometmes the phaser falls asleep after t.o seconds of
performn& the techn8ue# althou&h t may seem to hm that
(Table of Contents)
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he had a.o+en too alertly and that nothn& at all .ould .or+
for hm.
*ome msta+enly bele)e that ndrect techn8ues .ll
produce 8uc+# easy results# l+e a pll. Gespte the fact that
the techn8ues descrbed n ths &udeboo+ are the best
means to entern& the phase# stron& effort stll needs to be
e1erted. Ths s not mportant for some# as e)erythn& comes
8ute easly to them# but for others ths s of &reat
0ndrect techn8ues .ll defntely .or+ f practced
consstently and as descrbed. 0t has already been noted that
n the ma6orty of cases# ma+n& se)eral concentrated
attempts upon a.a+enn& .thout mo)ement s suffcent
enou&h to produce results. 0t may ta+e a lot of tme and effort
to ache)e phase entrance# so practtoners .ho set &oals and
.or+ dl&ently .ll be presented .th a cro.n of success.
Dttempts are mportant n lar&e measure not only for the
fnal result# but also for the process tself. Gurn& practce# the
practtoner ndependently learns and sol)es ssues that may
not ha)e been understood n the &udeboo+. Other tmes# the
practtoner .ll encounter stuatons that ha)e ne)er been
descrbed at all. 0tJs mpossble to prepare a student for e)ery
possble scenaro# so as a practtoner mo)es deeper nto
practce# a un8ue# nd)dual perspect)e and portfolo of
e1perences de)elops# .hch .ll certanly pro)e useful n the
future. 2ntl then# dl&ent practce of the nformaton
presented n ths boo+ .ll ready a practtoner for that
personal fronter.
Dctons n practce re8ure strct attenton. *tudy the
techn8ues and select those that .or+ best. *et the &oal of
consstent# conscous .a+n& .thout mo)ement. *et an
ob6ect)e of performn& cycles of ndrect techn8ues .hle
.a+n& up# day n and day out. <ith such a clear course of
(Table of Contents)
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action, the practitioner should never defocus his attention or
dissipate his energy on other related actions, like, for
e4aple, on direct techni0ues for entering the phase. 0f the
ndrect techn8ues do not .or+ n the course of se)eral days#
contnue tryn&. Dt latest# results occur n a matter of .ee+s 4
not months or years# l+e some sources mantan. Foals are to
be stubbornly pursued 4 step4by4step# frmly# and dl&ently.
0f no results occur after $" to !" attempts# t s better to
cease practce for a .ee+ and ta+e a rest# and then return
.th a fresh resol)e to master the practce. 0nterestn&ly
enou&h# t s e1actly durn& such a brea+ that spontaneous
entrances nto the phase throu&h the most d)erse methods
0f success s stll elus)e e)en after ! .ee+s of tryn&#
then a thorou&h analyss of the re&men should be conducted
to root out any ob)ous msta+es or defcences. 0f
o)ercomn& them pro)es dffcult or mpossble# s.tchn&
o)er to drect techn8ues s not recommended snce they
pro)e much more dffcult than ndrect techn8ues. 0nstead#
techn8ues for entern& the phase throu&h conscous
dreamn& should be practced.
0t s also not .orth s+ppn& o)er problematc areas and
tryn& to ma+e up for msta+es by e1pendn& e)en more
effort. For e1ample# &norn& the precondton of a.a+enn&
.thout mo)n& .ll pro)e frutless. Bypassn& ths
re8urement .or+s for )ery fe. people. Facn& e)ery problem
head4on and .or+n& hard to brea+ throu&h .ll be rchly
re.arded .th unfor&ettable# treasured e1perences. Reep
0nternal certanty that nothn& .ll happen nstead of
bele)n& n post)e results.
(Table of Contents)
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*toppn& the performance of techn8ues after an
unsuccessful cycle .hen a mnmum of four cycles
should be practced.
Constantly a.a+enn& to mo)ement nstead of
remann& stll.
'erformn& drect techn8ues n the e)enn&. 'erformn&
ndrect techn8ues n the e)enn&# nstead of upon
.a+n& up n the mornn&.
'erformn& ndrect techn8ues for an e1tremely lon&
perod of tme (! mnutes or more). Ths s a complete
.aste of tme n most cases.
*.tchn& from techn8ues that ha)e be&un to .or+
nstead of follo.n& them throu&h to the end.
'ass)ely performn& techn8ues nstead of ben&
determned and a&&ress)e.
'erformn& each techn8ue separately for too lon& a
perod of tme# e)en f the techn8ue does not .or+#
nstead of s.tchn& to another techn8ue .thn se)eral
E1cess)e thn+n& and analyss .hle performn&
ndrect techn8ues# .hch re8ure mental tran8ulty
and nner stllness.
*toppn& and concentratn& on unusual sensatons
.hen they arse )ersus contnun& the techn8ue that
brou&ht them about n the frst place.
E1tremely lon& antcpaton upon a.a+enn& nstead of
mmedately performn& techn8ues.
'remature attempts at separatn&# nstead of
performn& phase creaton techn8ues throu&h to the
end of pro&ress.
Boldn& the breath .hen unusual sensatons appear. Be
calm nstead.
Openn& the eyes .hen the only recommended
mo)ement s breathn& or mo)n& the eyes behnd
closed lds.
Ben& a&tated nstead of rela1ed.
(Table of Contents)
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Ceasn& attempts to separate e)en .hen partal
success s met.
*trann& the physcal muscles .hle performn& the
techn8ues )ersus remann& physcally motonless.
7ot practcn& after an alert a.a+enn&# .hen
techn8ues are best appled 4 especally n the e)ent of
.a+n& .thout mo)ement.
%erely ma&nn& the techn8ues nstead of really
understandn& them and performn& them# f# of course#
one s not performn& rotaton or other ma&ned
*mply .&&ln& phantom lmbs nstead of employn& a
f1ed determnaton to ncrease the ran&e of mo)ement
Falln& r&ht asleep durn& forced falln& asleep# nstead
of ha)n& the frm ntenton of contnun& efforts .thn
only 9 to $" seconds.
*crutn,n& the detals of ma&es .hen usn& the
techn8ue of obser)n& ma&esH the .hole ma&e should
be obser)ed panoramcally lest t dsappear.
0ntentonally tryn& to force pctures .hen obser)n&
ma&es# nstead of loo+n& for .hat s naturally
*mply hearn& nose .hen employn& the techn8ue of
lstenn& n# nstead of attent)ely tryn& to pay
attenton# catch somethn&# and lsten n.
$. @hy are ndrect techn8ues the easestL
!. @hy .ll one techn8ue .or+ for some people and not for
:. Bo. many attempts are necessary n order to enter the
(Table of Contents)
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4. @hen obser)n& ma&es# should a pcture be con6uredL
9. Bo. s phantom .&&ln& dfferent from ma&ned
<. @here does sound come from .hle lstenn& nL
=. Bo. s forced lstenn& n dfferent from normal lstenn&
>. @hen employn& the techn8ue of rotaton# should one try
to rotate or smply ma&ne the rotatonL
?. @hat s physcally straned .hen usn& the techn8ue of
strann& the branL
$". Bo. s strann& the bran dfferent from strann& the
body .thout usn& musclesL
$$. *hould a practtoner fall asleep .hen usn& the forced
falln& asleep techn8ueL
$!. Dccordn& to statstcs from classes held at the *chool
of Out4of4Body Tra)el# .hch ndrect techn8ues are the
most effect)eL
$:. @hy should one practce all of the prmary techn8ues
n a rela1ed stateL
$4. @hat helps practtoners to enter the phase one4thrd of
the tme .hle usn& ndrect techn8uesL
$9. 0s le)taton the most popular separaton techn8ueL
$<. @hat s the essental dfference bet.een ndrect
techn8ues and separaton techn8uesL
$=. Bo. does the separaton techn8ue of rolln& out dffer
from the ndrect techn8ue of rotatonL
$>. 0s t necessary to ma&ne anythn& .hle tryn& to
$?. @hen s the best tme to use ndrect techn8uesL
!". Can techn8ues that are tradtonally used upon
a.a+enn& be attempted durn& the dayL Bo. effect)e are
these techn8ues durn& the dayL
!$. 0s becomn& conscousness .hle dreamn& the same as
conscous a.a+enn&L
!!. @hen employn& ndrect techn8ues# does an nablty
to a.a+en .thout mo)n& ha)e an effect on oneEs
(Table of Contents)
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!:. @hat are the components of the al&orthm of cycln&
ndrect techn8uesL
!4. @hat frst step must be ta+en .hle cycln& throu&h
ndrect techn8uesL
!9. Bo. many dfferent techn8ues should a cycle consst
!<. @hat s the mnmum number of cycles that must be
!=. 0f a lot of tme has passed after a.a+enn&# s ths &ood
or bad for cycles of ndrect techn8uesL
!>. @hat must be done f a techn8ue &ets stuc+ at an
unsatsfactory le)el of resultsL
!?. 0f the cycles do not .or+# .hat should be doneL
:". @hat are hnts from the mndL
:$. 0n .hat cases s t necessary to ntroduce a&&ress)e
effort .hen performn& ndrect techn8uesL
$. 2pon a.a+enn&# perform a full cycle of ndrect
techn8ues# and repeat ths e1ercse untl phase entrance
s ache)ed.
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 3 M Direct $et&od
5irect techni0ues for entering into an out-of-body
e4perience are used without prior sleep by perforing specific
actions while lying down with the eyes closed. The ad)anta&e
of drect techn8ues s that# n theory# they can be performed
at any moment. Bo.e)er# a lar&e dra.bac+ e1sts n the
len&th of tme t ta+es to master the techn8ues. Only 9"; of
practtoners ache)e success after ma+n& attempts o)er a
perod of ! to : .ee+s. For some# an entre year may pass
before results are real,ed. The dffculty n ache)n& results
.th drect techn8ues s not a problem of naccessblty# but
the natural psycholo&cal characterstcs of the nd)dual. 7ot
e)eryone s able to clearly understand the specfc nuances
n)ol)ed# .hch s .hy some .ll contnually ma+e msta+es.
%any practtoners str)e to master drect techn8ues
r&ht a.ay because they appear to be the most con)enent#
stra&htfor.ard# and concrete techn8ues. Bo.e)er# t s a
&ra)e msta+e to be&n attemptn& and mastern& phase
entrance from ths le)el. 0n ?"; of cases .here no)ces be&n
ther trann& .th drect techn8ues# falure s &uaranteed.
%oreo)er# a )ast amount of tme# effort# and emoton .ll be
.asted. Ds a result# complete dsllusonment .th the entre
sub6ect of phase e1perences s possble.
5irect techni0ues should only be practiced after astery
of the easiest indirect techni0ues or how to becoe conscious
when dreaing. /n any case, difficulties will not wear one
down afterwards, as it will be e4ceedingly clear fro one>s
(Table of Contents)
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own e4perience that the phase is not a figent of the
iagination. Also, an advanced knowledge of indirect
techni0ues will ake it considerably easier to achieve direct
entry into the phase.
0t s also .orth al.ays +eepn& n mnd the a)era&e
amount of tme phasers spend on drect and ndrect
techn8ues to ache)e results. For e1ample# a no)ce e1pends
an a)era&e of 9 mnutes(9 attempts) on ndrect techn8ues
for each phase e1perence (a)era&n& both successful and
unsuccessful attempts)# but :"" mnutes(!" attempts) on
drect techn8ues for each phase e1perence. Dn ad)anced
phaser a)era&es less than a mnute($4! attempts) performn&
ndrect techn8ues for each phase e1perence# but :" mnutes
on drect techn8ues(!4: attempts).
Sualty of the phase e1perence s not dependent upon
the chosen entrance techn8ue. Grect techn8ues do not
necessarly pro)de a deeper# more lastn& phase o)er ndrect
Grect techn8ues are better suted for some practtoners
and not others# but ths can only be sad for a mnorty of the
practcn& populaton. %ean.hle# ndrect techn8ues are
accessble to absolutely e)eryone all of the tme.
Interesting Fact!
/n order to obtain best results at
traditional B-day School of Out-of-Body
Travel seinars, instructors either
copletely oit the direct techni0ues, or
wait until the last day to teach the, so as
not to tept novices to use the and
subse0uently ruin the group>s success rate.
0f a practtoner has decded to be&n practce .th drect
techn8ues or has &aned the necessary e1perence .th
ndrect techn8ues# the underlyn& prncples of the
techn8ues must stll be learned. @thout these# nothn& .ll
occur# e1cept concdentally and n rare cases. The +ey to the
(Table of Contents)
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successful use of drect techn8ues rests n ache)n& a free4
floatn& state of conscousness. Bo.e)er# .e .ll frst
e1amne a lar&e )arety of )ery useful aspects and factors
that ma+e drect entry nto the phase much easer.
Frst# .e .ll e1amne .hen t s best to perform the
techn8ues and ho. ntens)ely to e1ercse ther practce.
Then# .e .ll e1amne the )ery mportant factor of body
poston# and the no less crucal ssue of ho. lon& the
techn8ues should be performed. Then# .e .ll brefly
n)est&ate the ssue of rela1aton# and then .e .ll
mmedately mo)e on to the actual drect techn8ues. Only
after co)ern& all of the abo)e are .e able to del)e nto the
ssue of .hat a free4floatn& state of conscousness s and ho.
to ache)e t.
The ssue of tme s not mportant .th ndrect
techn8ues snce the ma6or prere8uste s that they are
performed mmedately after a.a+enn& occurs. 0n the case of
drect techn8ues# the ssue of tmn& s much more crtcal.
7aturally# the best method for fndn& the r&ht tme to
perform drect techn8ues s the same as ndrect techn8ues K
the deferred ethod. Bo.e)er# there are some serous
dfferences here. Frst of all# one may nterrupt oneJs sleep at
practcally anytme of the n&ht or early mornn&. *econd#
after ha)n& .o+en up (94$9 mn.)# one should not fall bac+
asleep# but should mmedately proceed to the techn8ues.
Grect techn8ues are many tmes more effect)e .th
the deferred method than at any other tme. Ths s due to
the fact that .th the deferred method# the mnd does not
ha)e tme to become $""; alert# and t s easy to fall nto the
altered state of conscousness that .ll allo. results.
@hen t comes to specfc steps# one should a.a+en n
the mddle of the n&ht ether on oneEs o.n or .th the help of
an alarm cloc+. Then# one should &et up and do somethn& for
(Table of Contents)
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: to $" mnutes# and then le do.n a&an n bed and perform
the techn8ues. 0f t s probable that the practtoner .ll .a+e
up n too alert a state# and thus not e)en be sleepy# then the
nter)al bet.een a.a+enn& and performn& the drect
techn8ue should be shortened# and thn&s should be
done durn& that perod of tme. 0t should be noted that .th
ths setup# a free4floatn& state of mnd plays a far lesser role
that .th other procedures.
The second most effect)e .ndo. of tme s before
falln& asleep at n&ht# .hen the practtoner &oes to bed.
Gurn& ths perod of tme# the bran needs to shut do.n the
body and mnd n order to rene. ts stren&th# .hch has been
e1pended o)er the course of the day. Ths natural process can
be ta+en ad)anta&e of by ntroducn& certan ad6ustments to
Dttempts at performn& drect techn8ues durn& the day
are less effect)e. Bo.e)er# f fat&ue has already had a
chance to buld up by ths tme# ths can be ta+en ad)anta&e
of because the body .ll try to fall nto sleep. Ths s especally
suted for those .ho are accustomed to nappn& durn& the
Fenerally# other .ndo.s of tme produce a substantally
.orse result# .hch s .hy one should start .th performn&
drect techn8ues n the mddle of the n&ht# or before a
n&htEs sleep. Only after such techn8ues ha)e been mastered
.ll t be possble to e1perment .th daytme attempts.
The de&ree of enthusasm that s de)oted to any pursut
s drectly related to successfully reachn& a &oal. Bo.e)er# t
s )ery mportant to +no. .hen to ease up# especally .th
the delcate matter of phase entry. One attempt per day usn&
a drect techn8ue s suffcent. 0f more attempts are made#
the 8ualty of each attempt .ll suffer consderably.
(Table of Contents)
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Interesting Fact!
%any approach direct techni0ues as if
digging a ditch? the ore - the faster and
the better. The result? doCens of attepts
that yield no fruit.

D lot of practtoners bele)e that do,ens of attempts
o)er the course of a day .ll yeld the phase. Ths s not the
path to success and .ll 8uc+ly lead to dsllusonment .th
the practce. E)en f after a .ee+ or a month no results are
seen# drect techn8ues should be attempted only once daly
(!4: days per .ee+). 'ersstent# analytcal# and sensble#
stubborn resol)e to practce properly .ll produce the desred
0t s useless to attempt entern& the phase usn& a drect
techn8ue by lyn& n bed and resol)n& nether to sleep nor
&et up untl the phase occurs. *uch coarseness n handln&
the delcate nature of the mnd .ll produce nothn& besdes
rapd emotonal e1hauston.
R&d tmeframes apply .hle performn& drect
techn8ues before a sleep or n the mddle of the n&ht. Grect
techn8ues attempts should only last $" to !" mnutes.
(on&er duratons nhbt sleepness because the mnd .ll
concentrate too lon& on the techn8ues# and the desre to fall
asleep .ll dsspate# resultn& n nsomna that often lasts
se)eral hours. O)erdone efforts ne&at)ely affect natural
enthusasm due to lost sleep and ben& tred the follo.n&
day# .hch s compounded by the realty of a &ro.n& number
of faled attempts.
0f drect techn8ues produce no effect o)er the course of
$" to !" mnutes before sleep or n the mddle of the n&ht#
then t s better to &o to sleep .th the thou&ht that
(Table of Contents)
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e)erythn& .ll .or+ out another tme. Ths s the post)e
outloo+ a practtoner ou&ht to al.ays mantan.
@th ndrect techn8ues body poston snJt mportant
snce conscous a.a+enn& re&ardless of body poston s the
&oal. Bo.e)er# the poston of the body s crucal .hle
practcn& drect techn8ues.
There s not an e1act body poston that each practtoner
should assume snce# once a&an# nd)dual characterstcs
and nstncts dffer .dely. There are specfc rules that allo.
one to select the r&ht poston# based on ndrect ndcators.
%any hold a belef that the correct pose s that of a
corpse K lyn& on the bac+ .thout a pllo.# le&s and arms
stra&htened. Ths noton has probably been borro.ed from
other practces clamn& that t helps ache)e an altered state
of mnd. Bo.e)er# ths poston serously mpars the efforts of
the ma6orty of practtoners. The corpse pose should only be
used .hen t s probable that a practtoner .ll 8uc+ly fall
asleep .hle performn& techn8ues n ths pose# e)en thou&h
t &enerally pre)ents sleep.
0f a practtoner e1perences dffculty falln& asleep and
s constantly a.a+e .hle performn& drect techn8ues# then
the most comfortable poston for the nd)dual should be
/f sleep coes 0uite easily to a practitioner, a less
natural position should be taken. /f a practitioner e4periences
fewer gaps in consciousness when the techni0ues are
perfored and has a harder tie falling asleep, a ore
cofortable a position should be used. Gependn& on the
stuaton# there are many possble postons: lyn& do.n on
the bac+# on the stomach# on the sde# or e)en n a half4
reclned poston. 0t s possble that a practtoner .ll ha)e to
chan&e postons from one attempt to another# ntroducn&
ad6ustments related to a free4floatn& state of mnd.
(Table of Contents)
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%oreo)er# no more than : days per .ee+ should be spent on
the drect techn8ues. The same &oes for the practce of the
phase tself. Ths lmt may only be rased n case of a h&h
le)el of e1perence and nearly all of oneEs attempts ben&
By nature# one should clearly understand that drect
techn8ues are n and of themsel)es rela1aton methods#
nasmuch as no phase can occur .thout one ben& rela1ed.
Dccordn&ly# one can &o mmedately nto the phase .thout
any pror rela1aton.
*nce the most effect)e .ndo. of tme for usn& drect
techn8ues occurs before sleep and at n&ht# and lasts only $"
to !" mnutes n any case# addtonal tme should not be
.asted on tryn& to rela1# nor should tme for rela1aton be
subtracted from the re8uste $" to !" mnutes.
Correct and 8ualty rela1aton s a dffcult pursut and
many &o about t n ther o.n .ay# producn& an effect
opposte to that of natural rela1aton. For e1ample# many
endea)or to rela1 ther bodes to such a de&ree that n the
end the mnd s as act)e as t .ould be .hle tryn& to sol)e a
dffcult mathematcal e8uaton. 0n ths type of stuaton#
entern& the phase s mpossble.
The body automatcally rela1es .hen the mnd s
rela1ed. The body# n turn# .ll ne)er rela1 f the mnd s
act)e. Therefore# t s better for be&nners refran from the
trouble of the nuances of rela1aton and sa)e ther ener&es
for more elementary matters.
0nstead of forcn& a techncal rela1aton# a practtoner
should smply le do.n for se)eral mnutes and ths .ll
pro)de the best rela1aton. (yn& do.n act)ates natural
rela1aton processesH the most po.erful +nd.
Complete# peaceful rela1aton may only be coerced by
those .th specal,ed# n4depth e1perence. Fenerally# these
(Table of Contents)
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are people .ho ha)e spent a &reat amount of tme and effort
mastern& trance and medtat)e states. Rela1aton n these
cases should ta+e no more than $ to : mnutes and no lon&er#
as .hen a practtoner s e1pert at rela1aton t s suffcent to
6ust thn+ about t# and t occurs.
Dll 8ualty rela1aton techn8ues may .ell ser)e as drect
techn8ues# f a free4floatn& state of mnd occurs .hle they
are e1ercsed. Dfter &ann& the necessary e1perence .th
trance and medtaton# a practtoner of these mental arts
may proceed to mastern& the phase.
Techn8ues used to &an drect entrance to the phase are
e1actly the same as those used durn& ndrect attempts. The
only dfference s n the method of mplementaton. Bo.e)er#
snce drect techn8ues mostly re8ure pass)ty# not all
techn8ues .or+ e8ually .ell for both drect and ndrect
entres nto the phase. For e1ample# act)e techn8ues l+e
strann& the bran cannot be used to &an a smooth entrance
nto the phase.
Grect techn8ues dffer from ndrect techn8ues n ther
mplementaton because of the slo.# haltn& producton of
results that occurs from the be&nnn& of a drect attempt
throu&h the end of t. 0f upon a.a+enn& somethn& happens
to .or+# then ths can practcally al.ays lead to entrance nto
the phase. For e1ample# the same phantom .&&ln& before
sleep can be&n 8uc+ly enou&h# but ran&e of mo)ement .ll
not be easy to ncrease# and the entre mplementaton of the
techn8ue .ll rely on protracted# rhythmc mo)ement. Results
ta+e much lon&er: ten mnutes nstead of ten seconds. These
dfferences also apply to e)ery techn8ue descrbed n ths
(+e .th the practce of ndrect techn8ues# to be&n the
practce of drect techn8ues# a practtoner should choose ! or
(Table of Contents)
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4 of the most sutable techn8ues from those that pro)e most
effect)e for the nd)dual.
The prmary dfference n .or+n& .th drect techn8ues
s the tme that t ta+es to e1ercse each. 0f testn& a specfc
ndrect techn8ue ta+es only : to 9 seconds# then n ths case
se)eral mnutes .ll be spent. Guraton )ares dependn& on
certan factors.
There are three prmary .ays of performn& the
techn8ues: classcal# se8uencn&# and cycln& 4 smlar to the
cycln& used .th ndrect techn8ues. To understand .hch
)arant should be used# consder the follo.n& table:
Bariatio! o" /!i1 t&e
W&e to /!e It
,la!!ical =*a!!i#e>
One attempt of $
techn8ue. The techn8ue
may be alternated after
each attempt.
4 .hen learnn& drect
4 .hen a practtoner
&enerally sleeps poorlyH
4 f attempts lead to .a+n&
4 f attempts .th other
)aratons occur .thout
lapses n conscousnessH
4 f the body and
conscousness are n a
rela1ed stateH
Se0ueci1 =)iddle>:
One attempt .th ! to :
techn8ues for $ to 9
mnutes. Techn8ues are
alternated nfre8uently.
D&&resson fluctuates .th
the len&th of tme that the
techn8ues are performed.
4 used f falln& asleep occurs
.hle usn& the classcal
)araton# or f cycln& results
n becomn& .de a.a+eH
4 .hen a practtoner
&enerally falls asleep 8uc+lyH
,'cli1 =acti#e>:
Dl&orthm of cycln& :
4 f the classcal and
se8uencn& )aratons put
(Table of Contents)
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techn8ues l+e .th ndrect
entry to the phase# but
performn& each techn8ue
for $" seconds to $ mnute#
and not : to 9 seconds.
one asleepH
4 .hen one &enerally falls
asleep )ery 8uc+lyH
4 can also be employed .hen
e1hausted or sleep depr)edH

D practtoner should al.ays be&n .th the classcal
)araton# .e. usn& one techn8ue o)er an entre attempt.
Gue to the unusual nature of the efforts n)ol)ed# a be&nnerJs
enthusasm may sustan a completely alert state. (ater#
ho.e)er# stron&# prolon&ed lapses of conscousness nto sleep
may occur. Bere# t may be necessary to ncrease the le)el of
act)ty by transtonn& to the se8uencn& )araton.
*e8uencn& s the prmary )araton used for drect
techn8ues because of ts elastcty n applcaton. 0t can be
pass)e f a practtoner alternates t.o techn8ues for f)e
mnutes each o)er the course of $9 mnutes. 0t may also be
a&&ress)e f three techn8ues are se8uenced for one mnute
each. E)erythn& bet.een these t.o e1tremes allo.s for
proper practce of the techn8ues and selecton of the best
)araton to ache)e a free4floatn& state of mnd.
0f falln& off to sleep stubbornly occurs e)en .th the
act)e form of se8uencn&# then one should start cycln&
throu&h ndrect techn8ues# but performn& each techn8ue
for $" seconds to $ mnute.
Ds .or+ o)er many months .th the techn8ues s
mpled# one should not torment oneself f on one day one
does not .ant to do somethn&. one may 8uc+ly
tre out. E)erythn& should be a pleasure to do and not cause
any e1cess)e emotonal tenson.
There are almost nfnte descrptons of drect entry
techn8ues offered n lterature# stores# on the 0nternet# and
(Table of Contents)
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at semnars. *ometmes# one descrpton fundamentally
dffers from another. 0n the ma6orty of cases# ho.e)er#
common threads e1st that unte almost e)ery descrpton of a
partcular techn8ue: short lapses n conscousness# memory
&aps# and drftn& n and out of sleep# all of .hch are
hallmar+s of the free4floatn& state of mnd. Dfter any of these
phenomena occur# all manner of unusual pre4phase or phase
sensatons arse.
(apses n conscousness may last for seconds# se)eral
mnutes# or more than an hour. They may ran&e from a
smple loss of conscousness to entrance nto a full4fled&ed
dream. They may be sn&ular and rare# or may occur se)eral
tmes o)er the course of a mnute. @hate)er a lapse entals#
the mnd attans a mode of operatn& that s deal for phase
e1permentaton# pro)ded the practtoner s able to refran
from deep sleep and 8uc+ly return to a conscous# .a+n&
7ot e)ery lapse of conscousness leads to the phase. The
lapse must ha)e suffcent depth to be effect)e. Thus# .th
e)ery unsuccessful lapse# another deeper lapse should be
(Table of Contents)
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The prmary practcal dra.bac+ of the free4floatn& state
of mnd s the possblty of falln& completely asleep durn&
lapses nstead of only temporarly dppn& nto sleep.
Techn8ues are defntely necessary to ensure the desred
result. *uch techn8ues more or less fulfll an au1lary
functon# and thus one need not be strct about them.
Interesting Fact!
/t does not atter which direct
techni0ue is usedH as long as it leads to
lapses in consciousness, success is possible.

@hen performn& the )aratons of the techn8ues# a
practtoner can be&n to )acllate bet.een full alertness and
complete asleep# comn& to# and then noddn& off a&an.
To a)od falln& asleep re8ures a stron& desre to return
to .a+efulness. Ths s accomplshed by a stron& resol)e on
the part of the practtoner# e)en f# .hle performn& a drect
techn8ue# drftn& n and out of sleep occurs. The practtoner
must frmly assert that at the moment conscousness tapers
off# a.a+enn& .ll mmedately occur.
On the other hand# f lapses do not occur# and are
replaced by complete alertness# the follo.n& trc+s of the
trade may help: full concentraton on mental actons or#
con)ersely# musn& and daydreamn& n parallel .th the
techn8ue ben& used. 0t should be noted that these are only
effect)e at the ntal sta&es of .or+n& .th drect techn8ues
snce such techn8ues ha)e a stron& sleep4nducn& effect.
0f drect techn8ues do not lead to l&ht sleep or sn&ular
lapses after a lon& perod of re&ular practce# then t must be
assumed that the practtoner s dealn& .th some
apprecable error n techn8ue or n the len&th of
The number of lapses that occur may be re&ulated by
body poston durn& practce or by chan&n& the )araton
used .hle performn& techn8ues.
(Table of Contents)
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Entern& the phase .th a free4floatn& state of mnd
most often occurs as the result of three +ey factors. Frst# one
techn8ue or another may be&n to .or+ .ell durn& a lapse.
*econd# nearness to the phase may une1pectedly manfest
tself throu&h sounds or )braton after a lapse. Gurn& ths#
transtonn& to techn8ues that correspond to the abo)e
symptoms (lstenn& n# strann& the bran) may be appled.
Thrd# .hen e1tn& a lapse# t s sometmes easy to separate
or 8uc+ly fnd a .or+n& techn8ue by payn& attenton to
ntal ndcators.
Interesting Fact!
There is a theory that there is no such
thing as a direct phase entrance ethod,
and that all direct ethods are actually a
subcategory of the indirect ethod. The
only difference would be that direct
techni0ues involve inducing icro-sleep,
which authentically iics falling asleep,
creating a physiological state closer to
natural awakening, when it is easy to enter
the phase.
(apses n conscousness are not bound to occur n $"";
of cases. Bo.e)er# str)n& to ache)e lapses plays a )ery
mportant role snce they are not al.ays perce)able# and a
lapse occurrence s not al.ays ob)ous. They can be )ery
short n duraton or shallo.. Or# they may not occur at all.
7onetheless# properly appled techn8ues to produce lapses
may &)e entrance to the phase. Ths s especally true of the
deferred method for drect phase entrance. 0t s also .orth
notn& that lapses n conscousness can be so shallo. and
bref that a phaser may smply be unable to reco&n,e them.
(Table of Contents)
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0t can be cate&orcally stated that there s one stuaton
n .hch a practtoner .ll constantly ha)e problems .th the
drect method# or ne)er &et t to .or+: e1cess)e desre to &et
results r&ht here and no.. 0f a practtoner lays n bed .th
the thou&ht that he .ll enter the phase no matter .hat usn&
the drect method# then he m&ht as .ell not ma+e any
attempt at all. *uch e1cess)e desre ne)tably fnds
physolo&cal e1presson n the form of a lac+ of lapses n
conscousness# or ther .ea+ depth. The problem s that
practcally e)ery ne. practtoner ma+es ths msta+e. Grect
techn8ues are often consdered dffcult due to ths seemn&ly
nconse8uental and barely perceptble msta+e.
Interesting Fact!
'or ost practitioners, a key piece of
advice is to let go of a burning desire to
enter the phase no atter what when using
the direct ethod.
ThatEs .hy there should be an element of nner stllness
and ndfference to the end result before be&nnn& an
attempt# let alone durn& t. Aou need to let &o of tryn& to
control t# and smply commt yourself to entern& the phase.
OneEs mnd should be completely stll and almost completely
ndfferent as to ho. successful the attempt .ll be: f t .or+s
4 &reat. 0f not 4 .ho caresL There should be ntenton to enter
the phase# but that ntenton ou&ht be +ept nsde# and not
fnd e1presson n e1cess)e desre or control o)er the
2ntl a practtoner learns to ha)e stllness n hs
approach to drect phase entrance methods# he cannot hope
to obtan any real practcal e1perence. 0n the best case# only
one attempt n ffty .ll result n the phase# e)en thou&h most
of hs attempts could ha)e met .th success. 0tEs enou&h to
consder that all ad)anced users of the drect techn8ue
beneft from amb)alence to.ards the result# .hether or not
delberately. Con)ersely# all attempts by no)ces are
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accompaned by e1cess)e desre to obtan a result that they
ha)e to ha)e# and ths s the man reason for lac+ of success.
Dnaly,n& a typcal e1ample of ho. the drect techn8ue
can .or+ should ma+e the stuaton clearer: say someone
accdentally descrbed the drect techn8ues r&ht a.ay .hen
telln& another about the phase. Bs nterest per+ed# the
ne.ly4ntated &oes home and be&ns ma+n& an attempt 6ust
for lau&hs# .thout e1cess)e desre. 0t turns out that ths
.or+s on the frst try. Be e1perences a turbulent and hyper4
realstc phase. 7o. that he +no.s .hat all of the fuss s
about# he lon&s to &o there a&an. On the ne1t day# he &oes
bac+ to bed .th a clear recollecton of those electrfyn&
e)ents that he so desres to re4e1perence. But no.# hs mnd
cra)es results so much that hs body s physolo&cally unable
to fall nto the state that had preceded hs frst successful
attempt 4 an attempt made .thout any e1cess)e effort. Ds a
result# those same drect techn8ues no lon&er brn& the
phase. Dnyone bele)n& that &ettn& results s a matter of
techn8ue (and not real,n& tEs a matter of atttude to.ards
the process) .ould be dumbfounded.
2sn& drect techn8ues n the e)enn& or n the mddle of
the n&ht ta+e ad)anta&e of the bodyJs natural state of fat&ue
and for practcal purposes ths natural tredness may be
amplfed. For e1ample# drect techn8ues more easly lead to
success f the practtoner s consderably sleep4depr)ed.
%oreo)er# n such a state# nducn& a free4floatn& state of
mnd may be for&one. The most mportant thn& s smply not
to fall asleep mmedately# n addton to employn& the
approprate )aratons .th the techn8ues. @llful depr)aton
of sleep s torturous and useless e)en thou&h &reat results
may be ache)ed by an e1perenced and +no.led&eable
practtoner n a se)erely fat&ued state. Be&nners are better
off approachn& all forms of practce n a natural# balanced
Dn ntense lon&n& to sleep s not lmted to lon& perods
of sleep depr)atonH physcal and emotonal fat&ues also play
mportant roles. 0n that case# the most mportant thn& s not
(Table of Contents)
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to fall asleep .hen performn& the techn8ues# and thus one
must select a more act)e techn8ue )araton than usual.
The abo)e not.thstandn&# factors such as fat&ue and
sleep depr)aton are only to be used on those rare occasons
caused by e1ternal crcumstances. ThereEs no sense n puttn&
your body throu&h ntentonal msery by tryn& to force
fat&ue or e1tended perods of sleep depr)aton. *uch
stuatons are practcally the e1clus)e doman of no)ces 4 an
e1perenced phaser .ould al.ays &o to sleep .hen
e1hausted. *acrfcn& the health n such a .ay s pontless
.hen already ha)n& re&ular and easly4entered phases.
The drect techn8ues# after all# should only be
performed .hen n a normal physolo&cal state# and .th
en6oyment. D practtoner should ta+e pleasure n the )ery
process of usn& the method# and not re&ard t as a tresome
chore needed to enter the phase. Ths s the man reason .hy
a practtoner should perform hs fa)orte techn8ues .hen
heEs most n the mood for them. The phase should ne)er be
sou&ht by tryn& oneEs .ll or body. @th the drect method#
there s a drect relatonshp bet.een en6oyment and
effect)eness: the more the process ma+es you rrtable# the
.orse the free floatn& state of mnd arses and the the
odds of success 4 and )ce4)ersa.
There are se)eral s&nposts that .ll clearly ndcate
.hether or not a phaser s on trac+ to reach hs &oal of
mastern& the drect method. Frst# an unsuccessful attempt
should not cause one to feel rrtable or feel one s .astn&
tme. ThatEs the frst s&n of a strate&c msta+e re&ardn& the
process. There can be no tal+ of a ha)n& a sold drect4
entrance phase e1perence as lon& as ths happens. 7e1t s
en6oyment of the )ery process of performn& the techn8ues.
0f a practtoner en6oys .or+n& .th the techn8ues he s
don& and fnds them pleasant# then they .ll also .or+ much
better and be much more l+ely to lead to the phase. 0n
addton# dsappontment rarely accompanes unsuccessful
attempts .hen one has such an atttude. One must al.ays
sho. respect for the techn8ues# and not treat them as a
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born& chore necessary to &et nto the phase. 0f such a
problem e1sts# one should reconsder oneEs atttude to.ards
the techn8ues and try to become nterested n the mere
performance of them. Dlthou&h the techn8ues are not e)en
of secondary mportance for drect phase entrance# they can
ser)e as a relable &au&e of the 8ualty of the attempt.
0f a no)ce be&ns hs practce from the drect
techn8ues# then he does so at hs o.n rs+ and perl# ha)n&
shunned recommendatons based on .or+ .th thousands of
people. @hen unsuccessful# practtoner hmself .ould be
solely to blame for the .asted tme and effort. 0t should
al.ays be remembered that many e)en 8ute4accomplshed
practtoners try to a)od usn& the drect method to enter the
Grect techn8ues seldom produce 8uc+ and clear
results# unl+e entern& the phase )a becomn& conscous
.hle dreamn& or throu&h the use of ndrect techn8ues. Dt
frst# drect techn8ues produce sporadc results# .hch s .hy
the path of practce should not be&n .th drect techn8ues
hopn& for fast re.ard. 0t s better to systematcally practce a
techn8ue# .or+n& to.ard mastery on a consstent bass.
There s no cause for .orry f results are not ache)ed
after a month of attempts. D contnual effort to analy,e
practce and mpro)e should be the prmary focus because
falures are al.ays caused by dstn&ushable msta+es.
Dlthou&h dffcultes may arse .th drect techn8ues#
one should ne)er abandon .hat .or+ed untl then (.e.
ndrect techn8ues)# as ths could temporarly depr)e one of
the e1perence that one has en6oyed so far.
D combnaton of drect and ndrect techn8ues should
ne)er be used durn& the course of a sn&le day snce ths
.ould be detrmental to practcal focus and enthusasm. 0t s
(Table of Contents)
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better to separately perform each type of techn8ue on
dfferent days.
(ac+ of a free4floatn& state of mnd# e)en thou&h t s
Dssumn& an ncorrect poston .hen lyn& do.n.
'erformn& drect techn8ues durn& the day .hen a
practtoner s ne1perenced# nstead of n the e)enn&
or at n&ht.
'erformn& more than one attempt per day.
'erformn& protracted rela1aton before the techn8ues#
e)en .hen ths may play a ne&at)e role.
'erformn& the techn8ues for too lon& .hen they
should be e1ercsed for no more than !" mnutes.
For&ettn& to affrm a stron& ntenton of a.a+enn&
durn& a lapse of conscousness.
Falln& asleep durn& lapses n a free4floatn& state of
mnd# nstead of .or+n& to.ard multple lapses .hle
For&ettn& separaton techn8ues and a.atn& some
un+no.n e)ent upon emer&ence from a lapse# nstead
of ta+n& ad)anta&e of the moment.
E1cess)ely alternatn& the techn8ues n a prmary
repertore# nstead of testn& them n a planned and
systematc manner.
Boldn& the breath .hen unusual sensatons are
encountered. Dl.ays be calm.
Baltn& practce .hen unusual sensatons occur .hen t
s necessary to contnue .hat brou&ht about the
E1cess)e e1ctement .hle performn& drect
(Table of Contents)
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(ac+ of a&&resson durn& attempts due to fat&ue and
sleep depr)aton.
(ac+ of a clear plan of acton. 2nderstandn& and
plannn& the use of dstnct )aratons of the techn8ues
beforehand s crucal to the analyss of subse8uent
errors n practce.
$. @hch techn8ues should be mastered before proceedn& to
drect techn8uesL
!. *hould results from the use of drect techn8ues be
e1pected after se)eral days or a .ee+L
:. 0s t better to practce drect techn8ues durn& the day or
n the e)enn&L
4. 0s t correct to perform three drect attempts per dayL
9. @hch body poston should be assumed .hen suffern&
from nsomnaL
<. @hch body poston should be used by a person .ho falls
asleep 8uc+lyL
=. Bo. much tme should be spent on a sn&le drect
>. @hen can drect attempts be made for a lon&er perod of
tme than usualL
?. @hat s the best .ay for an ne1perenced practtoner to
$". Can drect techn8ues substtute rela1aton techn8uesL
$$. Can rela1aton techn8ues substtute drect techn8uesL
$!. Bo. many )aratons for performn& drect techn8ues
are thereL
$:. 0n .hat case s the )araton of se8uencn& .th drect
techn8ues employedL
(Table of Contents)
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$4. @hch techn8ue may not be used for drect entrance to
the phase .th the &oal of creatn& a free4floatn& state of
$9. @hat happens to conscousness .hle n a free4floatn&
state durn& drect techn8uesL
$<. *hould a.a+enn& be attempted f falln& asleep
occurred .hle usn& drect techn8uesL
$=. @hat s the probablty of entern& the phase .thout a
free4floatn& state of conscousnessL
$>. @hat do unsuccessful attempts usn& drect techn8ues
most often end nL
$?. 0s se1ual act)ty before an e)enn& attempt usn& a
drect techn8ue benefcalL
$. @hen performn& drect techn8ues# try to ache)e no
less than three lapses n conscousness before !"
mnutes elapse# or before you fall asleep. Repeat ths
challen&e untl phase entrance s ache)ed.
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 8 M .eco)i1 ,o!ciou! W&ile
The techni0ues for phase entrance via becoing
conscious while dreaing are based on reaching
consciousness and self-awareness during a drea, which,
regardless of drea 0uality, can be transitioned into a fully
realiCed phase e4perience. Contrary to popular opnon#
ha)n& an out4of4body e1perence throu&h dreamn& dffers
lttle from other techn8ues. The outcome s stll cate&or,ed
as a dssocat)e e1perence: ben& fully conscous .hle
remo)ed from the percepton of a physcal body.
The realsm of a phase nduced throu&h becomn&
conscous n a dream does not dffer from phases entered
usn& other techn8ues# and# .hen deepened# the phase offers
more ))d and lucd e1perences than those of e)eryday lfe.
0f a practtoner becomes a.are of a dream .hle n t
(usually accompaned by a clear real,aton that t s 36ust a
dream5)# then the phase s e1perenced from that moment
Be&nners often confuse the noton of becomn&
conscous .hle dreamn& .th nduced dreamn&. Dn nduced
dream s the dream of a specfc topc# pro)o+ed on demandH
ths does not presuppose conscousness. %oreo)er# not all
practtoners clearly understand .hat t means to be fully
conscous .hle dreamn&. Conscousness .hle dreamn& s
al.ays present to some e1tent# but t s necessary to be as
(Table of Contents)
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conscous as one .ould be n a .a+eful state. D.areness s
not possble as lon& as the plot of the dream contnues. @hen
full understandn& occurs that e)erythn& around s 6ust a
dream# a person drops the dream and starts don& only .hat
he .ants to do at that )ery moment. Dnd after a.a+enn&# he
should not thn+ that .hat happened .as absurd or
Gurn& the process of becomn& conscous n a dream# a
practtonerJs actons must be completely subordnated to the
desre to e1perence a 8ualty phase. Ths s .hy# upon
becomn& conscous n a dream# proceedn& to techn8ues
related to deepenn& and mantann& s crucal.
Techn8ues for becomn& conscous n a dream dffer
)ery much n nature from other techn8ues# and there are
&ood reasons .hy these methods are dfferentated from
other practces# l+e so4called astral pro;ection or out-of-body
e4perience (OBE). Bo.e)er# ther characterstcs dffer )ery
lttle n terms of results.
The techn8ue4related peculartes rest n the fact that
specfc actons are not re8ured to produce mmedate#
concrete results. Dll techn8ue4related elements are
performed outsde of .hen conscousness .hle dreamn&
occurs. Ths s because t s mpossble to ta+e some acton f
you are not conscous and do not real,e that you are
dreamn&. Dll efforts are drected at ma+n& that )ery
real,aton someho. occur.
Interesting Fact!
(ven if a practitioner pays no heed to
the techni0ues for becoing conscious
while dreaing, but applies direct or
indirect techni0ues, on average each third
phase will still occur through becoing
conscious in a drea. This has been
statistically proven at seinars of the
School of Out-of-Body Travel.

(Table of Contents)
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%any str)e to ache)e conscousness durn& each dream
o)er the course of an entre n&htH ho.e)er# ths s rarely
possble due to physolo&cal barrers. There s a &ood reason
that sleep and dreams are an mportant part of a human lfe.
There s an mportant need to s.tch off not only body# but
also conscousness# so that t may unconscously sft and
process the )ast )olume of nformaton obtaned n e)eryday
The tmeframe for ache)n& conscous dreamn& s )ery
dffcult to estmate due to the nature of re8ured actons.
0ntensty and ntenton defntely e1ert hea)y nfluence. D
practtoner may become conscous n a dream .hen frst
lapsn& nto sleep# re&ardless of .hen t occurs. Or# .th
re&ular attempts# ths could happen n t.o .ee+s to a month.
7e)ertheless# these techn8ues promse a much h&her
l+elhood of success than drect methods# and can be
compared .th ndrect techn8ues 4 nferor to the latter only
n terms of the speed at .hch results are ache)ed and the
amount of effort re8ured.
Techn8ues used to attan dream conscousness should
not be combned .th other types of techn8ues. 0t s better to
focus on one thn& at a tme. /nterestingly, when a techni0ue
is practiced on a regular basis, there is nearly a +--2
guarantee that drea consciousness will spontaneously
occur. A practitioner ust know how to react when this
Ds .th other phase entrance methods# the best tme for
becomn& conscousness .hle dreamn& occurs .hen usn&
the deferred method. That s# tEs necessary to sleep for 9 to =
hours# then .a+e up and perform physcal act)tes for : to
9" mnutes n order to consoldate the effect of the
a.a+enn&# and fnally &o bac+ to sleep .th the ntenton of
(Table of Contents)
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becomn& conscousness durn& dream epsodes to follo.. The
lon&er the nterlude before &on& bac+ to sleep# the h&her the
odds of success. There are some practtoners .ho are able to
fall bac+ asleep after a lon& nterrupton. %ean.hle# others
are unable to fall asleep after only se)eral mnutes of ben&
a.a+e# and so they should ma+e the brea+ as bref as
Conscousness .hle dreamn& also arses easly durn& a
daytme nap. 0t can also occur n the mddle of the n&ht# but
for physolo&cal reasons such e1perences tend to be bref
and are usually mar&nally lucd.
0t s possble to smultaneously practce se)eral
techn8ues for becomn& conscous n a dream snce e)ery
techn8ue s drectly compatble .th and complementary to
Re)e)beri1 Drea)!
There s a .ell4+no.n and .despread of fallacy that
supposes that dreams do not occur for some people.
E)eryone dreams# but not e)eryone remembers ther dreams.
E)en those .ho act)ely dream remember only a small
fracton of these n&htly e1cursons. Bence# one should not
thn+ that t s mpossble for someone .ho does not
remember dreams to become conscous n one. *uch a person
should smply try to use the techn8ues.
Dt the same tme# there s a drect correlaton bet.een
the number of dreams remembered and the probablty of
becomn& conscous .hle dreamn&. That s .hy de)elopn&
the ablty to remember dreams s crucal. 0n essence# the
ablty to ache)e dream conscousness rests .th the
conscous mnd# .hch s )ery much nterconnected .th
memory4related processes.
(Table of Contents)
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Conscousness s naturally nherent n dreams# but t
lac+s rapd# operat)e memory. Greamers may +no. .ho they
are# ther names# ho. to .al+# and ho. to tal+# but may not
+no. ho. surroundn& e)ents are related# or the nature of
ther s&nfcance.
By ncreasn& the fre8uency of remembered dreams#
short4term dream memory becomes more de)eloped# .hch
enables more realstc dream e1perences follo.ed by a h&her
probablty of dream conscousness.
There are three techn8ues dedcated to ncreasn& the
number of remembered dreams.
The frst s to smply recall the detals of dreams upon
a.a+enn&. @thn the frst fe. mnutes of .a+n& up# try to
remember as many dreams from the n&ht before as possble.
Ths should be done .th a &reat amount of attenton and
dl&ence because ths e1ercse stren&thens the memory. 0f
possble# durn& the day# or# better yet# before &on& to sleep
at n&ht# recall the pre)ous n&htJs dreams once a&an as t s
h&hly benefcal.
@rtn& dreams do.n n a specal dream 6ournal s much
more effect)e than smple recall. Record dreams n the
mornn& .hle memores are stll fresh. The more detals
recalled .hen recordn& the dream# the better the ultmate
results. Ths s a )ery attent)e approach that demands a
h&her a.areness than smple recollecton. @rtn& dreams n
a 6ournal s&nfcantly ncreases a.areness of actons and
Dnother .ay of remembern& dreams s to create a map
of the dream .orld. Ths s called dream carto&raphy and s
smlar to +eepn& a 6ournal# thou&h an enhanced le)el of
a.areness s de)eloped by connectn& dream epsodes on a
Frst# record one dream# descrbn& locatons and e)ents#
.hch are plotted on the map. Ths carto&raphc process s
repeated .th each subse8uent dream# and after se)eral
dreams an epsode .ll occur that s someho. related to the
locaton of a dream that has already been recorded. The t.o
(Table of Contents)
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dreams that too+ place near each other are plotted ne1t to
each other on the map. O)er tme# more and more
nterrelated dreams .ll occur and the map .ll become
ncreasn&ly concentrated rather than dsconnected. Ds a
result# the fre8uency and realstc 8ualty of remembered
dreams .ll ncrease# and the dreamer .ll ncrease the ablty
to ache)e conscousness .hle dreamn&.
0t s best to set remembered dreams to memory after
temporary a.a+enn&s )ersus .atn& untl mornn&. To
accomplsh ths# t helps to ha)e a pen and a pece of paper
nearby so that a practtoner may 8uc+ly 6ot do.n a phase or
se)eral +ey .ords from the plot of the dream before falln&
bac+ asleep. 2sn& ths nformaton# the ma6orty of dreams
are 8uc+ly and completely recalled.
The ntal result from e1ercsn& these techn8ues s a
rapd ncrease n the number of remembered dreams. @hen
ths number becomes s&nfcant ( bet.een f)e and
ten per n&ht)# dream conscousness follo.s on a re&ular
0ntenton s crucal to the success of any techn8ue. @th
re&ard to dream conscousness# ts s&nfcance s multpled.
The creaton of ntenton s ne1trcably ln+ed to the creaton
of nternal aspraton# .hch has re)erberatons n both
conscous and unconscous states. 0n realty# an ele)ated
de&ree of ntenton operates as a po.erful method of mental
Ths techn8ue s performed before falln& asleep by
affrmn& a stron& desre to become conscous .hle
dreamn&. For best results# alon&sde a stron&# clearly defned
ntenton# thn+ throu&h .hat actons .ll be ta+en .hen
dream conscousness s ache)ed.
,reati1 a Ac&or
*nce dream conscousness s not ln+ed to specfc
actons that ta+e place .thn a dream and sensory percepton
(Table of Contents)
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contnues to operate n the dream state# t s possble to
de)elop and use an artfcally condtoned refle1 to ache)e
conscousness. The essence of ths techn8ue s to tran the
conscousness to unformly react to certan stmul that occur
.hle ben& a.a+e and .hen dreamn&# establshn& a habt of
specfc response e)ery tme a certan stuaton occurs.
For e1ample# .hle a.a+e# a practtoner may as+# 3Dm 0
dreamn&L5 e)ery tme they see an anchor. Dn anchor s any
ob6ect that s often encountered .hle a.a+e and .hle
dreamn&. E1amples of anchors nclude a practtonerJs o.n
hands# red ob6ects# or runnn& .ater. @hen frst usn& ths
techn8ue# a practtoner .ll be unable to 8ueston .hether a
dream s n pro&ress e)ery tme a pre4establshed anchor s
encountered. Bo.e)er# .th trann& and a stron& desre ths
techn8ue 8uc+ly produces results. O)er tme# subconscous
8uestonn& of the practtonerJs state becomes habt#
happenn& .hle a.a+e and dreamn&. The end result s
dream conscousness.
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Natural Ac&or!
0n addton to creatn& delberate anchors that nduce
conscous dreamn&# natural anchors should be &)en focused
attenton. These are ob6ects and actons that re&ularly cause
dream conscousness# e)en .hen conscousness s not
desred. Ben& a.are of the e1stence of natural anchors
actually doubles the chances of ther appearance.
The follo.n& e1perences are common natural anchors
that are present n dreams: death# sharp pan# ntense fear#
stress# flyn&# electrc shoc+# se1ual sensatons# and dreamn&
about phase entrance or the phase en)ronment. @hen
attemptn& dream conscousness# dentfyn& natural anchors
produces results nearly $""; of the tme.
One may try to start flyn& each tme that one ans.ers
the 8ueston. Ths s of course pontless .hen n .a+n&
realty. Bo.e)er# .hen dreamn&# ths .ll most l+ely lead to
fl&ht and once a&an pro)e that e)erythn& around s 6ust a
Consstent analyss of dreams helps to ascertan reasons
for an absence of conscous a.areness: these analyses are
s&nfcant to attann& dream conscousness. O)er the course
of a lfetme# the mnd &ro.s accustomed to the parado1cal
nature of dreams and pays less attenton to them. Ths
becomes apparent .hle tryn& to understand that a red
crocodle s not only unable to tal+ to us# but that t also
cannot be red# nor can t rent an apartment. @hle dreamn&#
these mpossbltes are ne)er called nto 8ueston. The
essence of self4analyss s remembern& dreams and thn+n&
hard about .hy ther parado1cal features had not been
ade8uately reco&n,ed n the dream state.
@th e1perence# the e)eryday analyss of the
correspondence of dreams to realty be&ns to ha)e an effect
on a practtonerJs reasonn& .thn the dream state. For
e1ample# that red crocodleJs presence n a rented apartment
could cause doubts that &)e pause for reflecton# .hch could
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n turn lead to the understandn& that e)erythn& happenn& s
6ust a dream.
To ensure that dream conscousness leads to a fully
de)eloped phase e1perence# one of three specfc actons
must be ta+en.
The best s the techn8ues for deepenn&# .hch should
be mmedately appled once dream conscousness occurs.
Geepenn& must be performed .thn the dream epsode
before all other techn8ues. Gon& so )rtually &uarantees
entrance to the phase. The choce of actons that follo.
deepenn& s dependent upon a practtonerJs predetermned
plan of acton n the phase.
@hen becomn& conscous .hle dreamn&# t s 8ute
dan&erous to try to return to oneJs body n order to roll out of
t r&ht a.ay unless one has deepened beforehand. Ths could
result n a stuaton .here# after ha)n& easly returned to
oneJs body# one .ould not be able to separate from t# as the
phase becomes s&nfcantly .ea+er .hen physcal sensatons
concde .th the poston of a real body. 0f one s to employ
such an opton# then n order to return to oneJs body one
should smply thn+ about t# .hch s often suffcent to ma+e
the transton occur almost mmedately.
Dnother opton s the use of translocaton techn8ues to
arr)e at a desred place .thn the phase .orld. 0t s also
dan&erous to employ ths )araton .thout frst deepenn&H
translocatn& n a shallo. phase ma+es a return to the
.a+eful state )ery l+ely. Translocaton s often accompaned
by a substantal decrease n the depth of the phase state.
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To ache)e dream conscousness# constant practce s
h&hly necessary because sporadc practce .ll fal to de)elop
the re8uste bac+&round thou&ht processes.
Ds a rule# employn& phase entry techn8ues .thn the
conte1t of dream conscousness produces results after se)eral
.ee+s# and the effects of the techn8ues are ncreasn&ly
pronounced .th tme. 0f there are no results .thn a month
or t.o# refran from these techn8ues for a perod of tme#
ta+e a brea+ for a .ee+ or t.o# and resol)e to assume a fresh
start later.
'racttoners often stop usn& these techn8ues after
ntal results as later effects become elus)e and the
fre8uency of dream conscousness rapdly declnes. These
techn8ues should not be abandoned after frst yeldn&
results# thou&h a &radual decrease n practce s &enerally
'erce)n& the state of dream conscousness as a non4
phase state e)en thou&h ths phenomenon s one and
the same .th the phase.
Dttemptn& dream conscousness .hle performn&
other phase entrance techn8ues .hen t s better to
focus on dream conscousness alone.
@hen falln& asleep# lac+n& suffcent desre to
e1perence conscous dreamn& e)en thou&h ths s
Contnun& to yeld to the plot of a dream e)en after
ache)n& dream conscousness# .hereas subse8uent
actons must be ndependent and based on free .ll.
(Table of Contents)
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0ncorrectly ans.ern& the 8ueston 3Dm 0 dreamn&L5
.hle dreamn&.
For&ettn& to mmedately be&n deepenn& techn8ues
.hen dream conscousness has been ache)ed.
@hen e1ercsn& memory de)elopment# recalln& the
most ))d dreams nstead of e)ery dream.
0nconsstent concentraton .hle practcn& dream
conscousness techn8ues.

$. @hat s the dfference bet.een an out4of4body e1perence
and dream conscousnessL
!. Dfter attann& dream conscousness# does the realstc
8ualty of the surroundn&s dffer from that of
:. @hch techn8ue can be used n a dream to become
conscous n tL
4. 0s t possble to ache)e dream conscousness after the
frst attemptL
9. 0s t true that not all people dreamL
<. @hy s learnn& to remember as many dreams as possble
mportant for becomn& conscous .hle dreamn&L
=. @hat s dream carto&raphyL
>. To e1perence dream conscousness# .hat must be done
.hle falln& asleepL
?. Could a tape measure become an anchor used to ache)e
dream conscousnessL
$". @hat e1perences n dreams often spontaneously &)e
rse to a state of conscous a.arenessL
$$. @hat must mmedately be done after becomn&
conscous .hle dreamn&L
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$. Try to ache)e at least one nstance of dream
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,&a*ter : M No-autoo)ou! $et&od!
@on-autonoous ethods of entering the phase are
various types of e4ternal influences that are able to help put
a practitioner into the phase state. Computer pro&rams#
de)ces# )arous physcal actons# the ad of a helper# or e)en
chemcal substances are e1amples of non4autonomous
methods. 0n rare cases# these methods actually help# .hle
some hnder the possblty of a &enune phase e1perence.
7e)er count on a ma&cal substance or machne to
automatcally elmnate the dffcultes assocated .th phase
entrance. 0f such a substance e1sted# the .hole topc of
phase e1permentaton .ould e1st at an ad)anced le)el of
de)elopment and pre)alence n socety.
0n actualty# there are no de)ces or methods able to
consstently pro)de access to the phase state. Dt best# these
e1st n a lar&ely supplementary capacty# and the more a
practtoner s able to do on hs or her o.n# the more helpful
and effect)e these supplements are. 0f phase entry has not
been mastered autonomously# then results throu&h the use of
supplements .ll be totally accdental.
The reason behnd the .ea+ effect)eness of non4
autonomous methods of phase entrance rests n the fact that
the physolo&cal process responsble for the phase e1perence
cannot be e1actly defned. Only &eneraltes are +no.n#
nothn& else. 0n order to &an a clear understandn& of the
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state# the processes that &)e rse to t must be dscerned and
analy,ed. Dll e1stn& technolo&es ha)e ether blundered
do.n a clearly msta+en path (synchron,n& the hemspheres
of the bran)# or tra)eled to.ard the detecton and use of
ndrect ndcators (cuen& technolo&es).
Of all non4autonomous assstance methods# cuen&
technolo&es yeld the best results. The operatn& prncple
behnd cuen& technolo&es s 8ute smple: a de)ce detects
rapd eye mo)ement (RE%) and sends s&nals to a sleepn&
practtoner# promptn& dream conscousness or an a.a+enn&
that may be follo.ed by ndrect techn8ues. Cuen& pro&rams
or de)ces may also send ndcators o)er specfc nter)als of
tmeH these are rece)ed durn& RE% sleep and are meant to
cause a sleepn& practtoner to a.a+en and attempt ndrect
%ore sophstcated RE%4detectn& technolo&es may be
purchased at specal,ed stores or throu&h onlne
merchandsers. RE%4detectn& technolo&es .or+ by )rtue of
specal n&ht mas+ e8upped .th a moton sensor that
detects the fre8uency of specfc eye mo)ements that occur
durn& RE% sleep. @hen the eye mo)ements reach RE%
8ualty# the de)ce sends dscreet s&nals to the practtoner
throu&h l&ht# sound# )bratons# or a combnaton of these. 0n
turn# the practtoner must dscern the s&nal and react to t
.hle sleepn& .th the &oal of phase entry throu&h dream
The effect)eness of RE%4detectn& de)ces s more
plausble n theory than n practce. The mnd 8uc+ly de)elops
a tolerance for these types of e1ternal stmul and stops
reactn&# and# as a result# such technolo&es are hardly used
more than one or t.o n&hts per .ee+. *econdly# a
practtoner .ll detect only a small porton of the s&nals# and
conscous reacton occurs n e)en nstances.
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Cuen& technolo&es are best used to send s&nals that
allo. a practtoner to a.a+en .thout mo)n& durn& RE%
sleep# .hch facltates a h&h probablty of phase entrance
throu&h ndrect techn8ues.
'rcn& of these 3mnd4machnes5 (the common mon+er
of any de)ce that purports to produce altered conscousness)
.dely )ares and s determned by 8ualty of RE% detecton
and s&naln&. D)alable models nclude: Gream*tal+er#
Gream%a+er (7o)aGreamer)# RE%4Greamer# Dstral Catapult#
amon& many others. *nce the use of these de)ces does not
&uarantee ncreased success n practce# n)estn& money n
the technolo&y s not recommended. 0f a practtoner s
curous about cuen& technolo&es# smlar de)ces may be
constructed at home usn& a specal computer pro&ram and a
run4of4the4mll optcal mouse. Ges&ns for a home&ro.n setup
are easly located on the 0nternet.
Dnother do4t4yourself .ay of e1permentn& .th cuen&
s throu&h the use of a computer# a musc player# or e)en the
alarm cloc+ functon on a moble phone. The practtoner
sa)es short sounds or phrases# played as an alarm e)ery $9
to :" mnutes .hle sleepn&. These sounds .ll s&nal the
practtoner to .a+e up and attempt ndrect techn8ues.
0f the practtoner decdes to use cuen& technolo&y#
se)eral fundamental prncples should be consdered as
results .ll be less l+ely f they are &nored. Frst# mnd4
machnes should be used no more than t.ce a .ee+. too h&h a tolerance .ll be bult up# rendern& the
machnes neffect)e. *econd# use cuen& technolo&y n
combnaton .th the deferred method# .hch .as co)ered n
the secton on ndrect techn8ues. 0t s better to sleep for s1
hours .thout dstracton and then# after sleep has been
nterrupted# put on a sleep4mas+ or earpece and contnue
sleepn&. *leep .ll be l&ht for the remann& t.o to four
hours as there .ll be more RE% sleep# ma+n& t easer for
the mnd to detect cuen& s&nals. Fnally# master ndrect
techn8ues before ma+n& use of cuen& technolo&es to attan
dream conscousness and subse8uent phase entrance.
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@or+n& n pars s consdered the second most effect)e
non4autonomous method of entern& the phase. One
practtoner s to be the act)e one# and the other flls the role
of helper. The act)e practtoner attempts to enter the phase
.hle the helper pro)des )arous types of support to ths end.
For e1ample# the act)e practtoner les do.n n bed
.hle the helper stays nearby# .atn& for the act)e one to
fall asleep. @hen sleep occurs# the helper obser)es the eyes
of the act)e# .atchn& for the s&ns of RE% sleep# .hch s
manly character,ed by 8uc+ eye mo)ements. @hen RE% s
apparent# the helper .hspers to the sleeper# communcatn&
that e)erythn& the practtoner s e1perencn& s a dream.
The helper may )ary the )olume of the .hsper# use touch to
stren&then the s&nal# or shne a flashl&ht on the sleeperJs
eyelds K .hch s )ery effect)e.
The act)e practtoner should detect the s&nals .thout
.a+n& and ndcate a state of conscous a.areness by
performn& 8uc+# cyclcal eye mo)ements. 0f no such
ndcaton s &)en# the helper contnues to rouse the act)e
practtoner# .ho may fnally .a+e.
0f the act)e practtoner s unable to stay n the dream#
ndrect techn8ues should be performed. The act)e
practtoner should under no crcumstances mo)e upon
a.a+enn& or .aste )aluable seconds before transtonn& to
ndrect attempts. 0f phase entrance does not occur after
e1ercsn& the techn8ues# the practtoner should a&an fall
asleep .th the ntenton of ma+n& another attempt.
Fenerally# se)eral such attempts are enou&h to &lean
results. @or+n& n pars s best performed 6ust pror to a
daytme nap# or .th the same deferred method used for
ndrect techn8ues 4 an early4mornn& nterrupton of a
practtonerJs n&httme sleep.
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The ambton to create a de)ce that facltates 8uc+ and
easy phase entrance has led to the appearance of assorted
technolo&es that clam to fulfll such a role. Ds already stated#
none of these de)ces has been pro)en effect)e.
The most famous of these s the Bem4*ync system#
.hch purports to synchron,e the t.o hemspheres of the
bran. Bem4*ync .as de)eloped by Robert %onroe# an
Dmercan esotercsm e1pert and researcher. The dea behnd
Bem4*ync s that out4of4body sensatons may be nduced by
ache)n& synchron,aton of the branJs t.o hemspheres.
Bo.e)er# ths type of approach yelds a parado1 for the lac+
of scentfc (or pseudo4scentfc) e)dence that hemspherc
synchron,aton nfluences sensory percepton. Dctually# t s
the cerebral corte1 and consttuents that are prmarly
responsble for sensory percepton. Dt the be&nnn& of the
!"th century# t became clear that the +ey roles n sensory
processes are played by )aryn& le)els of nhbton and
act)ty n the cerebral corte1. *ynchron,aton de)ces ha)e
no effect on the operaton of the cerebral corte1.
The dea of usn& sounds of )arous fre8uences to nduce
a specfc le)el of electrcal act)ty n the bran s# so far#
consdered mpossble. Thus# the sounds and noses used to
assst separaton from the body cannot drectly affect the
process# but merely ser)e as cuen& s&nals. *uch a system
.or+s only after ha)n& been used for a lon& tme# f t .or+s
at all. %oreo)er# t m&ht only .or+ once or t.ce. 2sually# t
ne)er .or+s at all. 7e)ertheless# synchron,aton systems are
able to help practtoners reach a free floatn& state of
conscousness snce the systems pre)ent sleep or nduce
.a+efulness# pro)dn& fertle &round for drect phase entry.
The dea of nducn& )arous phase states throu&h sound
has &aned .de attenton. %any other pro&rams and
technolo&es ha)e appeared as a result# ncludn&# for
e1ample# the Bran @a)e Fenerator (B@F)# .hch allo.s the
(Table of Contents)
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practtoner to ndependently e1perment .th a .de array of
sounds and fre8uences and )arous methods of transmsson.
The effect s the same: cuen& durn& sleep or the
mantenance of a transtonal state. Thus# there s no
notceable dfference bet.een usn& machnes and lstenn& to
smlar sounds or muscal compostons.
0nasmuch as the de)ces descrbed abo)e ha)e not
del)ered notable result# the search for ne. technolo&es
contnues unhndered. The number of deas for e1ertn&
nonn)as)e nfluence o)er the bran and ts consttuent parts
s ncreasn&. For e1ample# there s a theory that phase
e1perences may be nduced by electroma&netcally
stmulatn& the left an&ular &yrus. Bo.e)er# ths# l+e all other
non4autonomous methods# s strctly based on theory. Dt
present# consstent# focused# and unasssted practce s the
smplest and only &uaranteed means to ache)n& phase
Bypnoss s a lttle4studed method of entern& the
phase. The dea s that a hypnotst s able to cause a person
to enter the phase throu&h su&&eston or affrmaton. There s
no doubt that hypnoss s an nterestn& concept# especally
for persons .ho easly yeld to of su&&eston. Bo.e)er#
such nd)duals account for only $; of the populaton.
Gue to specfc characterstcs of human percepton# the
chances are nl that hypnoss s a l+ely condut to phase
entrance. *o# t seems unl+ely that hypnotc techn8ues .ll
become .ell4+no.n# or that a top4notch hypnotst .ould#
throu&h su&&eston# easly be able to lead a sub6ect drectly
nto the phase.
Bo.e)er# t s completely feasble that hypnotc
su&&eston may promote ncreased fre8uency of dream
conscousness or a.a+enn& .thout mo)n& (and
remembern& to do ndrect techn8ues). Bere a&an# ths
(Table of Contents)
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method s only a facltator# .hle actual phase entrance
depends on the efforts of the practtoner.
The smplest .ay to supplement the practce s
establshn& a remnder that prompts conscous a.a+enn&
and subse8uent ndrect techn8ues. Ths may be
accomplshed by blndfoldn& the eyes or tyn& a cord taut
around an arm or le&. The dea s that the remnder s
mmedately felt .hen the practtoner .a+es# promptn& the
attempt of ndrect techn8ues. 0n actualty# mnd4machnes
.or+ usn& the same prncple snce these are most effect)e
as cues that arouse an ntenton to perform a specfc acton.
D more sophstcated e1ample of a remnder s .hen a
practtoner do,es off n a poston meant to cause numbness
to a certan body part. @hle a.a+enn&# the practtoner .ll
ta+e the physcal numbness as a cue to practce ndrect
techn8ues. D secondary beneft to ths method of
physolo&cal s&naln& s that the numb body part may easly
be used to perform phantom .&&ln&. Falln& asleep .hle
lyn& on the bac+ .th an arm behnd the head# or by lyn&
drectly on an arm are effect)e e1amples. These and other
postures .ll mpede crculaton# cause numbness# and
promote a.a+enn&. 7aturally# the numbness should not be
G)erse e1perments that e1plot physolo&cal needs are
especally popular for nducn& conscous a.a+enn& or
becomn& conscous .hle dreamn&. For e1ample# a
practtoner may for&o .ater o)er the course of the day
before attemptn& to enter the phase. The effect s an acute
thrst .hle dreamn&# .hch may be used to communcate
that the dream state has ta+en o)er. Or# thrst causes
repeated a.a+enn&s# durn& .hch the practce of ndrect
techn8ues may commence. Dn alternat)e to depr)n& the
(Table of Contents)
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body of .ater s ncludn& more salt n foods consumed before
&on& to sleep.
Dnother method s to drn+ a lot of .ater before sleep#
causn& the practtoner to a.a+en# naturally producn& an
opportunty to perform ndrect techn8ues. 2sn& ths has
been +no.n to result n dream conscousness.
Dnother popular method helps .th drect techn8ues. 0t
.or+s by falln& asleep .hle +eepn& the forearm propped up
at the elbo.. @hen the practtoner falls asleep# the forearm
falls to the bed as the body shuts do.n. Feeln& the arm fall
s&nals a lapse of conscousness# after .hch drect techn8ues
may be attempted. 0f ths method fals to produce results on
the frst try# t may be repeated by rasn& the forearm before
falln& asleep a&an. Ths method helps some# but rarely on
the frst try. 0t should not be counted on as panacea.
(+e all other non4autonomous methods# practcn&
phase entrance usn& physolo&cal s&nals should not be done
on a re&ular bass. There are more pleasant# autonomous
techn8ues that only re8ure natural and healthy
Out of all of the substances used for practcn& the
phase# only coffee s readly obtanable. Bo.e)er# t should
only be ta+en by no)ces .ho sleep too hard. For e)eryone
else# thereEs no sense n usn& t# as oneEs practce should be
The essence of the ths tactc s to use the deferred
method n con6uncton .th ta+n& coffee. For e1ample: a
practtoner sleeps for < hours# &ets up# drn+s coffee# and
&oes bac+ to sleep .th the ntenton of catchn& the ne1t
a.a+enn& n order to use ndrect techn8ues or n
e1pectaton of becomn& conscousness .hle dreamn&.
Than+s to coffeeEs n)&oratn& propertes# one .ll be at a
h&her state of a.areness durn& subse8uent a.a+enn&s# and
(Table of Contents)
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a.a+enn&s themsel)es .ll be more fre8uent. There .ll also
be a h&h l+elhood of becomn& conscousness .hle
@hle some hold tEs best to ta+e a double dose of the
drn+# such thn&s are purely nd)dual# and e)eryone has to
fnd .hat .or+s for them. *ome en6oy the same le)el of
success .hen drn+n& blac+ tea nstead of coffee.

*nce the be&nnn&# the hstory of ad)ances n phase
entrance methodolo&es has ncluded a drect ln+ to the use
of consumable supplements# startn& .th plants and
mushrooms n ancent tmes. The use of specal,ed herbs#
mushrooms# and cact s stll practced n solated cultures:
*beran shamans and 7orth Dmercan 0ndans# for e1ample.
Dmd the hun&er for altered states of a.areness# these
chemcal supplements ha)e reached e)ery corner of the
de)eloped .orld. Bo.e)er# the prolferaton of these
substances has caused a mar+ed de&radaton n the pro&ress
of modern phase practce.
The names and descrptons of these )arous chemcal
concoctons# herbs and plants ncluded# are not .orthy of
ncluson n ths te1t. They are offcally consdered lle&al n
some countres .hle stll a)alable n the pharmaces of
othersH ne)ertheless# they are all dan&erous.
There are t.o prmary problems .th usn& such
supplements. Frst# practcn& the phase throu&h the
consumpton of chemcal substances and )arous herbal
supplements s not a path to de)elopment# but to run. Gru&
abuse and personal de)elopment are polar oppostes# n no
.ay compatble. Cheap thrlls are consstently follo.ed by
chemcal dependences and health problems.
*econd# althou&h a user may e1perence phase
sensatons under the nfluence of such substances# the 8ualty
(Table of Contents)
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of e1perence s completely dfferent. 0t s not only the
stablty or depth of the phase that are affected by these
supplements# but also a userJs conscousness and a.areness.
The use of substances and the resultant alteraton of mental
processes ne&at)ely mpact self4a.areness. The phase must
be accompaned by t.o thn&s: out4of4body sensatons and a
complete# conscous a.areness. 0f one of these s mssn&#
then the state e1perenced# by defnton# s not the phase.
@hen descrptons of these chemcally 3enhanced5
e1perences are studed# the hallmar+ of e)ery one s a
complete lac+ of control.
2sn& any type of chemcal or herbal substance to reach
the phase must be ruled out. *ummarly# these ma+e t
mpossble to e1perence the phase and ultmately destroy
physcal and mental health.
E)en thou&h no benefcal non4autonomous technolo&es
currently e1st# the future s .de open for them.
@th the de)elopment of effect)e technolo&es# the
phase .ll cease to be the e1clus)e doman of the ntated
and become a .despread practce. Only then .ll the
(sometmes 6ustfed) stereotypes and pre6udces connected to
the mystcal nature of the phenomenon be dspelled# and only
then .ll the phase &an the necessary attenton from
researchers needed to ably de)elop the scence of phase
@hen e1ternally appled methods that cause phase
entrance are dsco)ered# the human e1perence .ll drastcally
chan&e. Those technolo&es for nducn& and montorn&
phase e1perences .ll open up ncredble possbltes. For
e1ample# t .ll be possble to partcpate n a mo)e nstead of
6ust .atchn& tH people .ll be able to try and e)aluate
products .thout lea)n& homeH tra)el throu&hout des&ned
(Table of Contents)
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.orlds .ll ta+e placeH computer &ames .ll be substtuted
.th analo&ous e1perences ncludn& real physcal sensatons.
The ultmate step .ould be the unfcaton of phase
e1perences nto a collect)e# parallel .orld nte&rated to
e1stent d&tal net.or+s: the %atr1 (the %ndnet). 2sn& ths
%atr1# t .ll be possble to communcate .th someone on
the other sde of the planet 4 not 6ust throu&h a broadband
)deo ln+# but lterally tLte M tLte.
Ths )son of the future s a drop n the ocean of
possbltes that .ll open .th phase entrance technolo&es.
The frst step to.ard the future s a thorou&h# pra&matc# and
correct applcaton of the techn8ues no. a)alable.
The belef that de)ces are able to cause phase
entrance f autonomous techn8ues fal# e)en thou&h t
s much easer to enter the phase throu&h strctly
nd)dual efforts.
@astn& a lar&e amount of tme and effort on )arous
technolo&es to create a phase state.
2sn& cuen& technolo&es on a daly bass# e)en thou&h
they arenJt supposed to be used more than t.ce a
2sn& cuen& technolo&es all n&ht lon&# .hen t s
much better to use these n con6uncton .th the
deferred method.
2sn& cuen& technolo&es .thout affrmn& a personal
ntenton of approprate reacton to the s&nals: ths s
crucal to cue effect)eness.
@or+n& n pars durn& the frst hours of n&httme
sleep# e)en thou&h RE% sleep occurs nfre8uently
durn& them# and at that for only short perods of tme.
(Table of Contents)
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@hle .or+n& n pars# the helper &)n& an act)e
practtoner too stron& a s&nal. *&nals should be +ept
dscreet to pre)ent .a+n& the sleeper.
Employn& an amateur hypnotst to ncrease the
fre8uency of dream conscousness.
The use of hypnotc su&&eston on a practtoner .ho s
not susceptble to hypnoss.
2sn& physolo&cal s&nals on a daly bass and thus
causn& physcal dscomfort )ersus &ettn& en6oyment
out of the practce.
The belef that chemcal substances are the normal
path to dssocat)e e1perences. Dctn& on ths belef s
e8u)alent to dru& abuse.
$. Dre techn8ues based on breathn& be consdered non4
autonomous methods of entern& the phaseL
!. @hch non4autonomous and non4chemcal means allo.
phase entrance after the frst attemptsL
:. @hy s t stll not possble to create a de)ce that causes
phase entryL
4. Dre cuen& technolo&es benefcal to o)ercomn&
dffcultes .th conscous a.a+enn&L
9. @hat happens f a practtoner uses cuen& technolo&es for
se)en days n a ro.L
<. Can cuen& technolo&es ma+e use of l&ht s&nalsL
=. Can feastn& on peanuts before sleep help the process of
phase entryL
>. @ll puttn& a t&ht rubber band around an an+le promote
phase entryL
?. @hle .or+n& n a par# are both practtoners re8ured to
enter the phaseL
(Table of Contents)
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$". Can the helper be compared to a cuen& de)ce .hle
.or+n& n a parL
$$. @hen should the helper &)e the s&nal that the act)e
practtoner s dreamn&L
$!. @ould a hypnotst ma+n& su&&estons about entern&
the phase be helpful to e)ery practtonerL
$:. @hy do phase4nducn& technolo&es sometmes .or+#
e)en thou&h these are based on fla.ed theoresL
$4. @hat s absent n a phase nduced by chemcal
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translation into other languages this free ebook
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$aa1i1 t&e Out-o"-.od' E+*eriece
,&a*ter 5 M Dee*ei1
5eepening refers to techni0ues that induce realistic
perception and awareness in the phase state.
The phase s not an e1act# f1ed state .here a
practtoner s ether present or not. 0t s a realm of states
character,ed by a transton from the usual percepton of the
physcal body to a complete alenaton from t# .hle
mantann& conscousness and realty of percepton# albet n
a dfferent frame of space. The transton be&ns .th
percepton of the natural# physcal body follo.ed by a
moment of amb&uty .here a clear e1perence of body s
ntermn&led .th a sense of the perce)ed body. Dfter.ard#
the perce)ed body enters the phase space# .hle the physcal
body becomes a memory. Dt ths pont# the perce)ed senses
may be 8ute dullH for e1ample# )son may be blurred or
completely absent. Geepenn& techn8ues sol)e the problem
of dmnshed or absent sensory percepton n the phase.
*ensory e1perences .thn a fully real,ed phase
e1perence are as realstc as those n e)eryday realty. 0n
almost one4half of all cases# practtoners obser)e that realty4
based surroundn&s pale n comparson to the )brant detal
(Table of Contents)
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and color of the phase space. To ths end# after entern& the
phase# a practtoner must perform deepenn& techn8ues to
enhance and soldfy the de&ree and 8ualty of phase realty.
Full spatal percepton n the phase only occurs after
deepenn& techn8ues ha)e been appled. There .ould be no
pont to remann& n the phase .thout deepenn&. For
e1ample# .hat s the pont n fndn& a person n phase# f t s
not e)en possble to dscern hs or her eyes thereL
/n a considerable nuber of cases, deepening is not
necessary, since the phase e4perience is copletely realistic,
if not hyper-realistic. /n cases like these, deepening ay be
Geepenn& s also related to the len&th of tme a
practtoner may reman n the phase. 0f an acton s ta+en
.thout a deep# realstc phase# the e1perence .ll al.ays be
se)eral tmes shorter n duraton than a phase .here
deepenn& techn8ues had been appled. The propertes of the
phase space )ery much depend on ts depth. @hen
surroundn&s are blurry and unclear# the stablty of ob6ects s
)ery .ea+.
There s a drect correlaton bet.een the realsm of a
phase and a practtonerJs le)el of a.areness# so t s
e1tremely mportant to ensure a deep phase n order to
promote ma1mum a.areness.
(Table of Contents)
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Interesting Fact!
The realis of a deep phase space is
often so great that it causes uncontrollable
fear or shock.

Geepenn& should only be performed follo.n& complete
separaton from the body. 0f ntated before separaton# the
phase may end prematurely. 0f complete separaton does not
occur# prmary deepenn& should be used. Ds re&ards the
deepenn& techn8ues themsel)es# there s one man one and
there are se)eral subsdary ones. The man techn8ue# .hch
does not present any dffcultes# s suffcent for ha)n& a
successful practce.
Interesting Fact!
/gnorance of deepening techni0ues has
led to a great nuber of baseless theories
and superstitions. Soe practices treat
differing phase depths as various states and
(Table of Contents)
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even worlds. /n reality, there are siple
actions that ensure a singular phase
The &oal of prmary deepenn& s to ache)e complete
separaton from the body# allo.n& further actons .thn the
phase. 'rmary deepenn& entals ache)n& t.o prncpal
ob6ect)es: complete separaton from the physcal body and
anchorn& the perce)ed body .thn the phase space.
@hen separaton from the body occurs throu&h the use
of a separaton techn8ue# a posture must be assumed that s
completely dfferent from the posture of the real# physcal
body. The &reater the de&ree of postural smlarty bet.een
the physcal and perce)ed bodes# the more shallo. and bref
the phase .ll be. For e1ample# n the case of hor,ontal
le)taton# a ?" de&rees turn must mmedately be performed#
arms and le&s spread# adoptn& a )ertcal posture. 2nder no
crcumstances should a practtoner n the phase reman n a
posture dentcal to that of the physcal body.
0f a practtoner s pulled bac+ to.ard the body after
separaton# anchorn& should be ntated that facltates
standn& or sttn& n the phase. Resstn& the &ra)ty of the
physcal body s paramount to remann& n the phase. The
result of .llful resstance s drectly proportonal to the
de&ree of appled effort. 0t .ll help to &rab hold of
surroundn& ob6ects and hold on to themH any means of
anchorn& the perce)ed body .thn the phase are
approprate. 0t s possble to start rotatn& around an a1sH not
smply ma&nn& the rotaton# but performn& t .th the
perce)ed body as .ell.
(Table of Contents)
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The more a phase s e1perenced by the sensory
facultes# the deeper and lon&er the phase .ll be. *ensory
amplfcaton n the phase s the most effect)e deepenn&
techn8ue precsely because t allo.s the act)aton of prmary
nternal sensatons durn& the transton from realty to the
phase. There are se)eral .ays to perform sensory
=alpation s the frst deepenn& techn8ue that should be
recalled .hen entern& the phase.
Vson may be absent at the be&nnn& of a phase
e1perence# but the sensaton of occupyn& a defned space s
almost al.ays present. 0n the case of a completely absent
sense of s&ht# only tactle4+nesthetc percepton s possble.
That s# mo)ement throu&hout a space and touchn& ob6ects
there s the only opton .hen )son s absent. The sense of
touch plays a +ey role n the percepton of e)eryday realty.
Ths s elo8uently demonstrated by 'enfeldEs cortcal
homunculus featurn& the parts of the body that correspond
(Table of Contents)
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to cortces of the bran responsble for ther operaton. 0t
demonstrates ho. our actual self4percepton s completely
dsproportonal to the s,e of parts of the body. Dccordn&ly# f
the sense of touch s act)ely used n the phase space# t s
only natural that the phase .ll deepen and reach ts
ma1mum potental.
'alpaton s performed by fleetn&ly touchn& anythn&
that may be found n the mmedate surroundn&s. Ths should
be done by 8uc+ly but carefully perce)n& the feel of
surfaces and shapes. Bands should not reman on a partcular
place for more than one second# remann& constantly n
moton to locate ne. ob6ects. The &oal of palpaton s to touch
and also to learn somethn& about encountered ob6ects or
shapes. For e1ample# f one feels a mu&# one may touch t not
only from the outsde# but also from the nsde. Once a
practtoner has rolled out of the body# the bed may be
touched# as .ell as the floor# the carpet# nearby .alls# or a
bedsde table.
(Table of Contents)
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Dnother palpaton techn8ue s performed by rubbn& the
palms a&anst each other as f tryn& to .arm them on a cold
day. Blo.n& on the palms also produces sensatons that .ll
help deepen the phase. *nce tactle percepton of the .orld s
not lmted to the palms# the hands should be mo)ed o)er the
entre body .hle n the phase to e1cte and fully act)ate the
sense of touch.
Ds soon as palpaton be&ns# the feeln& that the phase s
deepenn& and becomn& f1ed soon follo.s. 2sually# t ta+es
f)e to $" seconds of palpaton e1ercses to reach the
ma1mum le)el of deepenn&. Dfter performn& ths techn8ue#
the pseudo4physcal sensatons .ll be ndstn&ushable from
those of e)eryday realty. 0f )son s absent on phase entry# t
8uc+ly emer&es durn& palpaton.
=eering s the prmary techncal )araton of sensory
amplfcaton. Bo.e)er# t s not al.ays ntally accessble
snce t re8ures )son# .hch may be&n as absent n the
phase. Once )son appears or has been created usn& specal
techn8ues (see Chapter >)# peern& may be&n. The
effect)eness of ths techn8ue or&nates n the fact that
)son s the humanJs prmary nstrument of percepton.
Therefore# by e1ctn& )son to ts ma1mum potental .thn
the phase# t s possble to attan a fully mmers)e phase
state that s completely apart from normal realty.
'eern& should be done at a dstance of four to s1 nches
from ob6ects .thn the phase. D practtoner should &lance
o)er the mnute detals of ob6ects and surfaces to brn&
defnton to the phase space .hle ncreasn& the 8ualty of
)son. @hen loo+n& at hands# the lnes of the palm or the
fn&ernal and cutcles should be e1amned. 0f obser)n& a
.all# study the te1ture of ts .allpaper. @hen loo+n& at a
mu&# one should loo+ carefully at ts handle# the cur)e of ts
rm# or any nscrptons. Dttenton should not reman on one
area of an ob6ect for more than half a second. Dct)e
obser)aton should constantly mo)e to ne. ob6ects and ther
mnute detals# approachn& ob6ects or pc+n& them up to
(Table of Contents)
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dra. them nearer. 0tJs best .hen ob6ects are near one
anotherH too much tme s spent mo)n& around.
'eern& brn&s 8uc+ and clear results. 2sually# f )son
s blurry and there s a yearnn& to return nto the physcal
body# .th 6ust :4$" seconds of peern& all of ths .ll be &one
.thout a trace. Dfter peern&# )son ad6usts as 8uc+ly and
clearly as f a camera lens .as correctly nstalled n front of
the eyes# capturn& the ma&e n the sharpest of focus.
Siultaneous peering and palpation pro)de the
ma1mum possble deepenn& effect n the phase. Ths
method of sensory amplfcaton en&a&es the t.o most
mportant perceptons# thus the effect s t.ce &reater than
.hen the t.o actons are separately performed. 0f )son s
present n the phase# smultaneous peern& and palpaton s
an absolute necessty because t facltates &ood phase depth
n the 8uc+est and smplest manner.
(Table of Contents)
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The combnaton of palpaton and peern& must not only
be performed smultaneously# but also upon the same
ob6ects. For e1ample# a practtoner may loo+ at hs hands
and smultaneously rub them a&anst each otherH or .hle
loo+n& at a coffee mu&# all of ts parts may be obser)ed and
touched at the same tme. 0t s necessary to mantan
dynamsm of acton# remembern& that feeln&s should be
e1perenced not half4heartedly# and remembern& that full
concentraton on sensory amplfcaton s an e1cellent means
to a deep# 8ualty phase.
*ensory amplfcaton comes ntut)ely .hen you
remember a smple rule: f some sensatons are lac+n& or f
one of the f)e senses s dull and )a&ue# then that sense
needs to be he&htened as much as possble usn& the phase
space. The pre)ously lac+n& sensaton .ll become ntense
and h&hly4char&ed. 0n case of dm )son# for e1ample# one
ou&ht to scrutn,e somethn& more and more f1edly from a
close dstance. @hen e1perencn& .ea+ bodly percepton#
palpate your body and mo)e t n as many dfferent .ays as
you can.
Di#i1 Head"ir!t
G)n& headfrst s used f sensory amplfcaton
techn8ues do not .or+# or .hen the practtoner n the phase
s located n an undefned space .here there s nothn& to
touch or loo+ at. Ths techn8ue .or+s than+s to the unusual
)estbular sensatons that t causes# .hch help to enhance
percepton. Ths techn8ue s performed .th the eyes shut f
)son s a)alable and the practtoner lterally d)es headfrst
nto the floor or space at the feet. D feeln& of mo)ement
a.ay from the physcal body .ll mmedately arse durn& the
fl&ht do.n# and the d)e tself .ll be e1perenced as f t s
really happenn&. *multaneously# the surroundn& space may
dar+en and become colder. D&taton or fear may also appear.
(Table of Contents)
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Dfter 9 to $9 seconds of fl&ht# the practtoner ether arr)es
n an undetermned place n the phase or hts a dead end# l+e
a .all. 0n the case of a dead end# a translocaton techn8ue
should be used. Translocaton may also be attempted f
deepenn& does not occur durn& the fl&ht# f sense
percepton stops mpro)n&# or f a &ood de&ree of realsm has
already been ache)ed. Dn alternat)e to the translocaton
techn8ue: hold the hands about four to s1 nches n front of
the face and try to obser)e them .thout openn& the eyesH
ths .ll mo)e the practtoner to another random locaton.
@hen falln& headfrst# do not thn+ about the floorH
assume that t .ll be penetrated. Ths )ery effect)e f the
phase has not reached a fullness of depth.
D desre to not smply fall do.n obser)n& oneJs
perceptons# but nstead race s.ftly do.n.ard .hle tryn& to
mo)e a.ay from the body s e1tremely mportant. 0n case of
falure to do so# nstead of deepenn&# such a fall may lead to
a return to the state of ben& a.a+e# .e. to a foul.
(+e falln& headfrst# the )braton techn8ue should be
used f sensory amplfcaton techn8ues do not .or+# or .hen
the practtoner n the phase s located n an undefned space
.here there s nothn& to touch or loo+ at. Ths techn8ue
.or+s than+s to the unusual )estbular sensatons that t
causes# .hch help to enhance percepton.
Dfter separatn& from the body# t s normally 8ute easy
to create )bratons by thn+n& about them# by strann& the
bran# or by strann& the body .thout usn& muscles. The
occurrence of )bratons pro)des a s&nfcant opportunty to
deepen the phase. Dn ad)anta&e of ths techn8ue s that t
does not re8ure any prelmnary actons and thus may be
practced at any moment.
The bran s straned to the ma1mum e1tent possble#
.hch causes )bratons that may be ntensfed and mana&ed
throu&h spasmodc or prolon&ed strann&.
(Table of Contents)
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0f ths techn8ue does not produce deepenn& after 9 to
$" seconds# the techn8ue has to be chan&ed or acton should
be ta+en at the practtonerJs current depth n the phase.
A11re!!i#e Actio
Ths techn8ue may be used as an alternat)e to any
other deepenn& techn8ue snce t can be used at any
moment. 'ractcn& ths techn8ue only re8ures a&&ress)e
acton of the perce)ed body. D practtoner may run# roll on
the floor# perform &ymnastcs# or mo)e the arms and le&s.
%a1mum act)ty and a&&resson are paramount to the
successful use of ths techn8ue.
0f the practtoner s stuc+ n a dar+ space# .a)n& the
arms and le&s from sde to sde s approprate. 0f the
practtoner s n .ater# s.mmn& .th determned# po.erful
stro+es .ould be sutable recourse. The type of acton )ery
much depends on the specfc stuaton alon& .th an
a&&ress)e desre on the part of the practtoner.
Ds a rule# the effect of such mo)ements and relocatons
comes 8ute 8uc+ly# especally f attenton s focused on all
the accompanyn& sensatons.
I)a1ii1 Realit'
Ths nterestn& techn8ue should be used by e1perenced
practtoners# or f all other deepenn& techn8ues fal.
D practtoner a&&ress)ely ma&nes ben& located n the
physcal .orld# e1perencn& ts ntrnsc realty of percepton#
and not n the phase. Ths should be done .hle n a state of
separaton from the body .th a sense of )son present. 0f
successful# the surroundn& phase space .ll mmedately
br&hten and sensory percepton of the phase .ll e1ceed the
normal e1perence of realty.
0f ths techn8ue produces no clear results after a fe.
seconds# another techn8ue should be used.
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Dll deepenn& techn8ues should be practced .th a h&h
le)el of a&&resson# and .th no pauses# only contnuous#
delberate acton. 0f techn8ues are practced n a calm#
rela1ed manner# then deepenn& attempts .ll most often
result n falln& asleep or returnn& to the body.
Dny deepenn& techn8ue should be performed 8ute
ntensely. The entre process should be some.hat hurred and
a&&ress)e. There should be no pause# but only act)e# flud#
and concentrated effort# preferably coupled .th constant
maneu)er and mo)ement around the space one s n.
0n addton# t should be +ept n mnd that no deepenn&
techn8ue should be performed Cas a choreC# but .th the
ntense desre and ntenton of deepenn&. 0f ths s done# the
techn8ues .ll be start to be performed n an deal .ay. The
phaser must try no matter .hat to mer&e nto the phase
.orld .th all of hs senses4 t .ll become all the more
Interesting Fact!
There are known cases of certain
swear words being used as a deepening
techni0ue to help e4press out one>s
intention to deepen. Such an approach ay
be used during phase entrance in order to
aintain and control the phase space.

For&ettn& to perform deepenn& techn8ues .hen
Baltn& deepenn& techn8ues before reachn&
ma1mum realsm n the phase.
(Table of Contents)
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Carryn& out unnecessary deepenn& .hle at a
suffcent depth.
Carryn& out man deepenn& techn8ues pror to ha)n&
become completely separated from the body# althou&h
at ths tme only prmary deepenn& should be used.
Contnun& deepenn& techn8ues .hen results ha)e
already been ache)ed.
Dlternatn& too 8uc+ly bet.een deepenn& techn8ues
nstead of concentratn& on each of them for at least 9
to $" seconds.
'erformn& the techn8ues and calmly nstead of
Obser)n& ob6ects located too far from the eyes durn&
)sual sensory amplfcaton nstead of the re8ured four
to f)e nches.
@hen peern&# scrutn,n& a sn&le detal of an ob6ect
for too lon& .hen t s necessary to 8uc+ly s.tch from
one detal to another.
Ta+n& n a .hole ob6ect .hen peern& .hle only parts
of t should be obser)ed.
Concentratn& too lon& on the detals of a sn&le ob6ect
nstead of focusn& on dfferent ob6ects n 8uc+
(on& palpaton of a sn&le ob6ect durn& sensory
amplfcaton nstead of rapdly s.tchn& from one
ob6ect to another.
Geepenn& .hle standn& n place .hen t s mportant
to mantan constant moton.
Falln& headfrst .th the eyes open# althou&h the eyes
must be shut to a)od crashn& nto the floor.
Falln& headfrst .thout the desre or ntenton of
falln& far and 8uc+ly.
For&ettn& to use translocaton techn8ues after httn&
a dead end.
For&ettn& to alternate deepenn& techn8ues f some of
them are not .or+n&.
(Table of Contents)
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Fear of the hyperrealsm of the e1perence and haltn&
deepenn& nstead of calmly contnun& .th the
$. Dfter .hch phase entrance techn8ues s deepenn&
!. @hy s phase deepenn& necessaryL
:. Dre there cases .here phase deepenn& s unnecessaryL
4. @hat le)el of realty should be ache)ed by deepenn&L
9. @hen should deepenn& be&n after entern& the phaseL
<. Goes deepenn& nfluence the len&th of a phase
=. @hy s prmary deepenn& necessaryL
>. %ay one touch oneJs head .hen the performn& sensory
?. *hould a practtoner loo+ at curtans .hle peern&L
$". 0s t effect)e to apply peern& at phase ob6ects from a
dstance of $ to $.9 yardsL
$$. Can peern& be used durn& palpatonL
$!. @hen should the eyes be closed .hle falln& headfrstL
$:. @ould thro.n& punches l+e a bo1er help a practtoner
to deepenL
$4. Bo. calmly should the deepenn& techn8ues be
$. Ge)ote the ne1t three successful phases to perfectn&
deepenn& techn8ues# usn& all of the methods
descrbed n ths chapter.
!. Try 6ud&n& .hch techn8ue suts you best from
personal e1perence.
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter J M $aitaii1
=hase aintenance or 6aintaining7 refers to techni0ues
that allow a practitioner to reain in the phase for the
a4iu aount of tie possible. @thout +no.led&e of
3mantann&5 techn8ues# the duraton of the phase .ll be
se)eral tmes shorter than t could be. The shortest
phases last 6ust a fe. seconds. Be&nnn& practtoners usually
fear not ben& able to e1t a phaseH ths shouldnJt e)er be a
concern because the real challen&e s ben& able to mantan
the phase state# .hch s easly lost unless phase
mantenance techn8ues are used.

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'hase mantenance conssts of three prmary prncples:
resstn& a return to the .a+eful state (+no.n as a foul)#
resstn& falln& asleep# and resstn& a false e1t from the
Resstance to returnn& to the body s self4e1planatory#
.hereas resstance to falln& asleep s unclear to many. 7ot
e)eryone +no.s that almost half of phase e1perences usually
end n a 8ute tr)al .ay 4 falln& asleep. D person usually
loses attent)eness# hs or her a.areness dsspates# and
e)erythn& around &radually loses clarty and turns nto .hat
s for all ntents and purposes a usual dream.
Resstn& a false e1t from the phase (false a.a+enn&s)
s a lot more surprsn& and dramatc. *ometmes a
practtoner detects an mpendn& e1t from the phase and
subse8uent deepenn& techn8ues fal to .or+# resultn& n
.hat seems to be a return to the body and physcal realty.
*ure that the phase has ended# a practtoner may stand up
and then fall asleep after perce)n& a fe. steps. 0n such
cases# falln& asleep most often happens .thout any
mo)ement# but .hle stll lyn& n bed. The problem s that the
dfference bet.een the phase and realty can be so subtle that
n terms of nternal or e1ternal ndcators# the phase
practcally canJt be dstn&ushed from realty. Therefore# one
must +no. the necessary actons to ta+e n the e)ent that the
phase ceases# snce the end of a phase could actually be a
trc+ and purely ma&ned.
There are specfc solutons for the three problems
descrbed n addton to &eneral rules that apply to any phase
e1perence. *tudyn& these rules should be &)en 6ust as h&h
a prorty as studyn& the specfc solutons# snce only some
of them# .hen appled separately# may help one to reman n
the phase se)eral tmes lon&er than usual.
0n some cases# techn8ues for mantann& are not
applcable. Bo.e)er# +no.led&e of ho. to mantan s useful
for the ma6orty of e1perences. Dlso# there m&ht be
stuatons .hen someone need only resst a foul# .hle
someone else may need to resst falln& asleep. Dll of ths s
(Table of Contents)
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)ery specfc to each case and can be determned only n
@th perfect +no.led&e of all the techn8ues for
mantann&# a phase may last t.o to four mnutes# .hch
doesnJt sound l+e an e1tended duraton# but really s. D
partcularty of the phase space s that ache)n& somethn&
and mo)n& around n t ta+es a mnmum amount of tme#
mere seconds. Thus# so much can be done durn& : mnutes
n the phase that one lterally needs a lst# so as not to .aste
any tme.
There are theores that ha)e nether been pro)en nor
dspro)en clamn& that tme n the phase contracts and
e1pands relat)e to real tme. Thus# one mnute of real tme
.hle n the phase may feel much lon&er n terms of phase
'ercepton of tme )ares from practtoner to
practtoner. 7o)ces especally perce)e a real mnute as
more l+e 9 to $" mnutes n the phase. Ths s determned by
the partculartes of nd)dual psycholo&y# state of mnd# and
the type of e)ents that occur n the phase.
0n order to understand ho. lon& a phase really lasted#
one does not need to try usn& a stop.atch n the real .orld.
0t s better to count ho. many actons too+ place n t and
ho. much tme each of them could ha)e ta+en. The result .ll
dffer from oneJs frst rou&h estmate se)eral tmes o)er.
The ma1mum duraton of the phase depends hea)ly on
the ablty to apply phase mantenance techn8ues. *ome
practtoners ha)e dffculty brea+n& the t.o4mnute barrer
.hle some fnd t easy to reman n the phase for $" mnutes
or lon&er. 0t s physcally mpossble to reman n the phase
fore)er because e)en a !"4mnute phase s unheard of.

(Table of Contents)
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Of the follo.n& techn8ues# constant sensory
amplfcaton and as4needed sensory amplfcaton are appled
the most often .hle performn& phase mantenance.
Bo.e)er# unl+e .th other techncal elements of phase
e1ploraton# secondary techn8ues of mantann& often
become the most used and the most approprate for certan
nd)duals. Thus# all the techn8ues should be studed# but
the frst t.o should be consdered )ery carefully.
,o!tat Se!or' A)*li"icatio
The same sensory amplfcaton descrbed n the chapter
on deepenn& (Chapter <) also apples to 3mantann&5. 0n
essence# ha)n& ache)ed the necessary depth of phase# one
should not stop to act)ely a&tate hs or her percepton# but
should +eep on don& ths all the .hle# albet not as act)ely
as durn& deepenn&.
The dea s that durn& the entre duraton of the phase#
all acton should be focused on e1perencn& the ma1mum
possble amount of tactle4+nesthetc and )sual perceptons.
Ths entals constantly touchn& and e1amnn& e)erythn& n
mnute detal. For e1ample# f passn& by a boo+case# touch
and e1amne some of the boo+s n t# ncludn& ther pa&es
and corners. Tactle obser)aton should be performed on
e)ery encountered ob6ect.
'alpaton may be appled separately as a bac+&round
sensaton. Ths s done n order not to o)erload the sense of
s&ht. The hands should be touchn& somethn& all the tme#
or better stll# rubbn& each other.
A!-Needed Se!or' A)*li"icatio
Dpplyn& the as4needed sensory amplfcaton techn8ue
s no dfferent than constant sensory amplfcaton. 0t s used
only .hen a foul (a return to a .a+eful state) s mmnent or
.hen phase )son starts to blur and fade. For e1ample# .hle
tra)eln& n the phase e)erythn& may start to blur# s&naln&
a .ea+enn& of the phase. Dt ths moment# the practtoner
should touch e)ery a)alable ob6ect and obser)e e)erythn& n
(Table of Contents)
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fne detal. Ds soon as e)erythn& returns to a clear and
realstc state# actons may be contnued .thout needn& to
perform amplfcaton.
,o!tat Bibratio
Ths techn8ue s used to mantan constant# stron&
)bratons n the phase. Ds pre)ously noted# )bratons are
&enerated by strann& the bran or tensn& the body .thout
usn& muscles. %antann& stron& )bratons .ll ha)e a
post)e effect on the len&th of the phase.
Stre1t&ei1 Bibratio! a! Needed
0n ths case# )bratons are created and stren&thened
only f s&ns of a foul become apparent. E1amples of foul
ndcators nclude dualty of percepton or blurred )son.
(Table of Contents)
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*tren&thenn& )bratons .ll help to deepen the phase#
allo.n& a practtoner to stay and contnue .thn the phase.
Di#i1 Head"ir!t
Ths techn8ue s the same as the deepenn& techn8ue
of the same name. 0f a phase s about to dssol)e# d)e
headfrst .th the eyes shut and a desre to d)e as 8uc+ly
and deeply as possble. Ds soon as phase depth returns#
translocaton techn8ues may be used to +eep from arr)n& at
a dead end.
Forced Falli1 A!lee*
Ds soon as ndcators of a foul appear# mmedately le
do.n on the floor and attempt forced falln& asleepH the same
as the phase entry techn8ue. Dfter successfully performn&
the techn8ue (:4$"sec.) # a practtoner may &et up and
contnue to tra)el throu&h the phase snce the percepton of
realty and ts depth .ll most l+ely be restored. Resst
actually fall asleep.
0f ndcators of a foul appear# the practtoner should
start rotatn& around the head4to4feet a1s. 2nl+e the phase
entry techn8ue of the same name# the mo)ement does not
ha)e to be ma&ned. Ths s an absolutely real rotaton n the
phase. Dfter se)eral re)olutons# depth .ll be restored and
actons may be contnued. 0f ndcators of a foul persst#
rotaton should contnue untl proper depth s ache)ed.
Gurn& the entre phase# count to as lar&e a number
possble 4 not 6ust for the sa+e of countn&# but .th a stron&
desre to reach the h&hest number possble. Countn& may be
performed slently or out loud.
Ths techn8ue .or+s by creatn& a stron& determnaton
to reman n the phase by pro)dn& a &oal that re8ures
acton n the phase.
(Table of Contents)
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4i!tei1 i
0f there are any bac+&round sounds smlar to those
heard .hle entern& the phase 4 rumbln&# .hstln&# rn&n&#
bu,,n&# or s,,ln& K these sounds may be used to prolon&
duraton of the phase by a&&ress)e attempts at lstenn& n#
hearn& the entre ran&e of nternal sounds. The forced
lstenn& n techn8ue may also be used for phase
Hooki1 oto t&e *&a!e
Dnother nterestn& method of 3mantann&5 s hoo+n&
onto the phase. 0n the e)ent of an mpendn& foul# &rab onto
an ob6ect n the phase act)ely palpate or s8uee,e t. E)en f a
return to the body occurs durn& ths techn8ue# the hands .ll
contnue to hold the phase ob6ect and the physcal hands .ll
not be perce)ed. Be&nnn& .th these phantom feeln&s n
the hands# separaton from the body s possble. Dny nearby
ob6ect may be hoo+ed: the le& of a char# a drn+n& &lass# a
door+nob# a stone# or a stc+. 0f there s nothn& to &rab hold
of# clasp the hands to&ether or bte do.n on a lp or the
T.o rules apply to usn& the techn8ues that help to
resst a phase e1t. Frst of all# ne)er thn+ that the phase
m&ht end and result n a return to the bodyH thou&hts l+e
ths are l+e pro&rammn& that mmedately send the
practtoner to a .a+ened physcal state. *econdly# do not
(Table of Contents)
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thn+ about the physcal body. Gon& so .ll also nstantly
return the practtoner to the body# e)ery tme.
,o!tat /der!tadi1 o" t&e Po!!ibilit' o" Falli1
%ost of the tme# falln& asleep .hle n the phase can be
o)ercome by a constant a.areness that sleep s possble and
detrmental to a contnued phase. D practtoner must al.ays
consder the probablty of falln& asleep and actons must be
carefully analy,ed to ensure that they are based on real
desres and not on the parado1cal notons common to
Periodic Aal'!i! o" A(aree!!
'erodcally as+n& the 8ueston# 3Dm 0 dreamn&L5 .hle
n the phase helps apprase stuatons and the 8ualty of the
actons ben& performed at any moment. 0f e)erythn& meets
the standards of full phase a.areness# actons may be
contnued. Ds+ed on a re&ular bass# ths 8ueston becomes
habt automatcally used .hle transtonn& to the phase
state. 0f you +eep as+n& ths 8ueston re&ularly# sooner or
later t .ll arse automatcally at the moment .hen you are
actually transtonn& nto a dream. Ths .ll then help one to
3.a+e up5# after .hch t s possble to contnue to reman n a
full4fled&ed phase.
The fre8uency of the 8ueston should be based on a
practtonerJs ablty to consstently reman n the phase. 0f a
phase usually lasts f)e to $" mnutes or more# t s not
necessary to as+ the 8ueston more than once e)ery !
mnutesH ths 8ueston has to be as+ed fre8uently#
lterally once a mnute# or 6ust a lttle less often.
.e Ob!er#er
(Table of Contents)
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There s another mportant rule related to resstn&
falln& asleep: no practtoner should en&a&e or partcpate n
spontaneous e)ents occurrn& n the phase. E)ents that are
not planned or delberate lead to a h&h probablty of ben&
mmersed n the sde acton# .hch results n a loss of
concentrated a.areness.
*nce the techn8ues for testn& the realness of the end
of the phase are a lttle a.+.ard and demand addtonal
attenton to actons# they should only be used n those cases
.hen they are ndeed re8ured. 2ntl then# one should smply
bear them n mnd and use them only n moments of doubt.
The same methods may be used to safely determne .hether
or not the practtoner s n the phase .hen usn& techn8ues
for entern& t.
*nce the cessaton of the phase e1perence may be
smulated and no dfferent n terms of percepton from a real
e1t# dfferences bet.een the physcal .orld and the phase
.orld must be act)ely dscerned. 0n other .ords# a
practtoner must +no. ho. to determne .hether a &enune
phase e1t has occurred.
Dt present# only one e1perment s +no.n almost to
&uarantee an accurate result. The phase space cannot
.thstand prolon&ed close )sual attenton to the mnute
detals of ob6ects. @thn se)eral seconds of acute
e1amnaton# shapes be&n to dstort# ob6ects chan&e color#
produce smo+e# melt# or morph n other .ays.
Dfter e1tn& the phase# loo+ at a small ob6ect from a
dstance of four to s1 nches# and reman focused on t for $"
seconds. 0f the ob6ect does not chan&e# a practtoner can be
assured that the surroundn&s are realty. 0f an ob6ect s
someho. dstorted or as+e.# a practtoner +no.s that the
(Table of Contents)
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phase s ntact. The smplest opton s to loo+ at the tp of the
fn&er snce t s al.ays close at hand. 0t s also possble to
ta+e a boo+ and e1amne ts te1t. Te1t n the phase .ll ether
blur or appear as alphabetcal &bbersh# or be full of
ncomprehensble symbols.
Au+iliar' Tec&i0ue!
There are a )arety of other procedures to test for the
occurrence of a foul. Bo.e)er# snce any stuaton# any
8ualty# or any functon can be smulated n the phase# these
procedures are not al.ays applcable. For e1ample# some
su&&est that t s suffcent to attempt don& somethn& that s
realstcally mpossble# and# f a practtoner s n the phase#
the mpossble acton .ll be possble. The problem .th ths
su&&eston s that the la.s of the physcal .orld may be
smulated n the phase# and so flyn&# passn& throu&h .alls
or tele+ness may not be possble n e)en the deepest phase.
0t has also been su&&ested that loo+n& at a cloc+ t.ce n a
ro. may help a practtoner determne .hether or not the
phase s ntactH alle&edly# the cloc+ .ll dsplay a dfferent
(Table of Contents)
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tme each tme t s obser)ed. Bere a&an# the cloc+Js dsplay
may not chan&e n the phase.
One of the most undeser)edly popular realty chec+s
conssts of tryn& to breathe out throu&h a pnched nose. 0f
you are able to do so# consder yourself n the phase.
Bo.e)er# f there s serous doubt re&ardn& the nature of the
space you are n# ths method may yeld a false post)e o)er
one4thrd of the tme. That s# you may be unable to breathe
out throu&h a pnched nose e)en .hen n the phase.
Of all the au1lary procedures# one deser)es menton
and .or+s n the ma6orty of cases: searchn& for
nconsstences .th realty n the surroundn&s. Dlthou&h the
usual surroundn&s of a practtoner may be $""; accurately
smulated n the phase# t s )ery rare. Therefore# t s possble
to f&ure out .hether a phase s ntact by carefully e1amnn&
the room .here e)erythn& s ta+n& place. 0n the phase#
there .ll be somethn& e1tra or somethn& .ll be mssn&H
the tme of day or e)en the season .ll be nconsstent .th
realty# and so on. For e1ample# .hen )erfyn& .hether a foul
occurred# a room may be mssn& the table supportn& a
tele)son set# or the table may be there# but be a dfferent
There s also a 8ute lo&cal method for determnn&
.hether or not a practtoner s n the phase. 0f an
e1perenced practtoner e1perences doubt as to .hether the
phase has really ended# then that one doubt s nearly al.ays
suffcent to conclude that e)erythn& around s stll the phase.
The rules for mantann& the phase deal .th resstn&
all or most of the problems .hch cause a phase to end. *ome
of these rules are capable of ncreasn& the len&th of stay n
the phase by many tmes and must be follo.ed.
T&e *ractitioer !&ould ot look ito t&e di!tace%
0f fara.ay ob6ects are obser)ed for a lon& perod of tme# a
(Table of Contents)
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foul may occur# or one may be translocated to.ards these
ob6ects. 0n order to loo+ at dstant ob6ects .thout problems#
a practtoner has to employ techn8ues for mantann&. For
e1ample# from tme to tme the practtoner should loo+ at hs
hands# rub them a&anst each other# or mantan stron&
,o!tat acti#it'% 2nder no crcumstances should a
practtoner reman pass)e and calm n the phase. The more
actons performed# the lon&er the phase s. The actons
K the shorter the phase. 0t s enou&h to pause for thou&ht#
and e)erythn& stops.
Pla o" actio% There should be a clear plan of acton
consstn& of at least !4: tas+s to be carred out n the phase
at the earlest opportunty. Ths s necessary for se)eral
mportant reasons. Frst# the practtoner must not pause n
the phase to thn+ about 3.hat to do ne1t5# .hch fre8uently
results n a foul. *econd# ha)n& a plan# the practtoner .ll
subconscously perform all of the actons necessary for
stayn& n and mantann& the phase to carry out all the tas+s
that ha)e been planned. Thrd# ntell&ent and pre4planned
actons permt focused ad)ancement of purposeful actons
)ersus .astn& phase e1perences on .hate)er comes to mnd
at a &)en moment. Fourth# a plan of acton creates necessary
mot)aton and# conse8uently# pronounced ntent to perform
the techn8ues to enter the phase. 0n other .ords# ha)n& a
clear and )ery nterestn& plan of acton can substantally
ncrease odds of landn& n the phase# sometmes manyfold.
%ean.hle# the plan tself should be actually nterestn&#
curous# or e1tremely mportant# as .ell as 4 and ths s )tal 4
Interesting Fact!
:pon three-day School of Out-of-Body
Travel seinars achieving consistently high
effectiveness (a 8- - D-2 success rate$,
group success began being evaluated not
only by the fact of phase entrance, but also
(Table of Contents)
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copletion of the group>s shared plan of
action. :p to a third of participants usually
achieve both. Such ephasis during
training sessions has been able to double
the average duration, 0uality, and
fre0uency of novices> initial attepts.
Sto**i1 t&e ID% The less nternal dalo&ue (0G) and
reflecton that occurs n the phase# the lon&er t lasts. Dll
thn+n& must be concentrated on .hat s ben& ache)ed and
perce)ed. Tal+n& to oneself s completely prohbted. The
reason for ths s that many thou&hts may act as
pro&rammn& n the phase and e)en announcn& them
nternally may ntroduce alteratons# ncludn& ne&at)e ones.
For e1ample# thn+n& about the body cause a return to t. The
practtoner may also &et lost n thou&ht# .hch .ll lead to a
foul. Dlso# sporadc thou&hts usually and 8ute easly cause
the practtoner to smply fall asleep.
Itetio% Dny techn8ue or method for mantann& the
phase must be accompaned by f1ed and clear ntent to stay
n the phase for as lon& as possble. *ometmes the mere
ntenton of ha)n& a lon&4lastn& phase s enou&h# and no
mantann& procedures are necessary.
A *ractitioer )u!t tr' to re-eter t&e *&a!e a"ter
e+*erieci1 a "oul% Dl.ays remember that a typcal phase
e1perence conssts of se)eral repeated entres and e1ts.
Essentally# n most cases t s possble to re4enter the phase
throu&h the use of separaton or phase state creaton
techn8ues mmedately after returnn& to the body. 0f the
practtoner has 6ust left the phase# the bran s stll close to t
and approprate techn8ues may be appled n order to
contnue the 6ourney.
(Table of Contents)
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For&ettn& to try to re4enter the phase after t s o)er#
althou&h don& so &reatly helps to ncrease the number
of e1perences.
*tayn& focused on techn8ues for 3mantann&5
nstead of performn& them as bac+&round tas+s.
Fettn& dstracted by e)ents and droppn& phase
mantenance techn8ues nstead of contnually
performn& .hatJs needed to mantan the phase.
*uccumbn& to the dea that mantann& s not
necessary .hen the phase appears )ery deep and
stable# e)en thou&h these could be false sensatons.
2sn& the necessary techn8ues too late.
*toppn& due to uncertanty about further actons#
.hle there must al.ays be a plan.
For&ettn& that t s possble to fall asleep n the phase
.thout real,n& t. Reco&n,n& the rs+ of falln&
asleep must be a prmary focus.
Fettn& pulled nto e)ents occurrn& n the phase
nstead of obser)n& and controlln& them from the
For&ettn& that techn8ues for 3mantann&5 must
al.ays be used to reman n as deep a phase as
possble# and not 6ust for mantann& any odd state.
*toppn& the use of techn8ues for 3mantann&5 durn&
contact .th l)n& ob6ects# .hen the techn8ues must
be used constantly.
Countn& .thout the desre to count as h&h as
'erformn& ma&ned rotaton nstead of real rotaton.
'ass)eness and calmness nstead of constant act)ty.
E1cess)e thn+n& and nternal dalo&ue .hen these
should be +ept to an absolute mnmum.
(Table of Contents)
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$. @hat s a foulL
!. @hat s the mnmum duraton of the phaseL
:. @hat do phase mantenance (3mantann&5) techn8ues
counteract besdes fouls and falln& asleepL
4. @hy m&ht a practtoner thn+ that the phase has ended
.hen t actually s stll n pro&ressL
9. *hould 3mantann&5 techn8ues al.ays be usedL
<. @hat prmary techn8ues .or+ a&anst the occurrence of
=. Bo. can a practtoner hoo+ onto the phaseL
>. @hle n the phase# .hat do thou&hts about the body lead
?. @hat 8ueston should be as+ed n the phase n order to
reduce the probablty of falln& asleepL
$". @hat happens to an ob6ect durn& hyper4concentratonL
$$. Bo. else# apart from hyper4concentraton# m&ht a
practtoner effect)ely reco&n,e a false foulL
$!. @hle n the phase# s t permtted to loo+ nto the
dstance for a lon& tmeL
$:. @hat s 0G and ho. does the de&ree of t affect the
duraton of a phase e1perenceL
$4. @hat should a practtoner al.ays do after an
nad)ertent return nto the bodyL
$. Gurn& the ne1t fe. phases# dedcate yourself to the
sn&le &oal of mantann& as lon& as possble# usn&
as many mantann& techn8ues as you can.
(Table of Contents)
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!. F&ure out .hch techn8ues ha)e pro)en the most
effect)e and comfortable for you# so that you may
use these later.
:. 0ncrease the duraton of your a)era&e phase to at
least ! mnutes (e)aluated ob6ect)ely).
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter K M Pri)ar' !kill!
@hen dealn& .th a fully4real,ed phase# re8uste
+no.led&e s not lmted to entry techn8ues# deepenn& and
mantenance of the state# translocaton# or fndn& and
nteractn& .th ob6ects. 0n order to feel comfortable# a
practtoner has to master or at least acclmate hmself to a
.hole seres of techn8ues to correctly react n any number of
stuatons. For e1ample# a practtoner needs to +no. ho. to
create )son# f t s absent. Dctons ncludn& passa&e throu&h
a .all or ta+n& fl&ht n a deep phase do not happen easly#
althou&h these actons may be assumed natural occurrences#
snce the phase e1sts apart from the physcal .orld. 0n
addton to techn8ues that allo. nteracton .th the physcal
settn& and surroundn&s of the phase# methods must learned
and appled to counteract fear f t forces a practtoner to
conscously and consstently lea)e the phase.
D practtoner does not ha)e to +no. all the prmary
s+lls by heart# but t s necessary to pay close attenton to
some of them: emer&ency return# creaton of )son#
translocaton throu&h ob6ects# and contact .th anmate
ob6ects. For many# s+lls dedcated to f&htn& fear .ll also
pro)e e1tremely rele)ant.
The fnal choce of methods that re8ure added focus on
the part of the practtoner must be made on the bass of
personal e1perences and problems faced .hle n the phase#
snce dfferent practtoners often ha)e completely dfferent
types of problems.
(Table of Contents)
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'roblems .th phase dentfcaton durn& entry often
arse at the ntal sta&es of studyn& the phase. D practtoner
smply cannot understand .hether or not he or she s already
n the phase. Ths uncertanty can manfest .hle lyn& do.n
or .hle practcn& n other postures.
0f a practtoner s smply lyn& do.n# physcally
perce)n& hs o.n body# and don& nothn&# then t s ndeed
dffcult to determne .hether or not he s present n the
phase. 0t s suffcent to note that there m&ht be no s&ns of a
phase state. On the contrary# there may be a host of s&ns
and unusual sensatons# but they by no means necessarly
ndcate the onset of the phase.
The problem of the uncertanty of a phase state s
al.ays sol)ed throu&h actons. 0f the practtoner s lyn&
do.n# then standard separaton techn8ues may produce
ndcaton of phase ache)ement 4 n the ma6orty of cases K
snce such techn8ues may often be ncorrectly performed.
0t s possble to perform techn8ues that are only
ache)able n the phase state. 0f a practtoner stands up and
does not reco&n,e hs surroundn&s# then t can be assumed
that the practtoner s standn& up n the phase. Bo.e)er#
often based on the obser)aton that 3e)erythn& s as n
realty5# a practtoner may stand up and note that e)erythn&
s n fact 3as n realty5 smply because the practtoner s stll
n 3realty5. 0n to ths dlemma# the phenomenon of
hyper4concentraton has been pre)ously mentoned n
relaton to mantann& phase. By usn& hyper4concentraton#
t s al.ays possble to ascertan .hether the practtoner s n
the phase. Bo.e)er# as a rule# hyper4concentraton s rarely
necessary. %ost often# the follo.n& s&ns ndcate that
separaton has occurred n the phase: unusual sensatons n
the body durn& mo)ement# e1treme t&htness durn&
mo)ement# a stron& physcal ur&e to le bac+ do.n#
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ds6ontedness of surroundn&s# and blurred or complete
absence of )son.
Often# the problem resdes n the use of drect
techn8ues .here the practtoner e1pects fast results and
attempts to determne .hether the phase has been ache)ed.
Ds a prncple ths should not be done. @hen usn& drect
techn8ues# the phase manfests tself clearlyH therefore# f an
attempt to determne ts presence s made# t s an ndcator
that the phase s 8ute l+ely stll far off.
*tatstcs sho. that n one4thrd of ntal phase
e1perences# a practtoner s faced .th a de&ree of fear that
forces a return to the body. 'erodcally# e)en e1perenced
practtoners face stuatons that re8ure an abrupt return to
.a+efulness. Ths presents a number of concerns.
0n and of tself# returnn& to the body s almost al.ays
unproblematcH remembern& and thn+n& about the body
often suffces and .thn moments the practtoner s returned
to the body from .hate)er locaton n the phase. Ddmttedly#
t s ad)sable durn& ths type of stuaton to shut the eyes
and abstan from touchn& anythn&. Ds a rule# .hen these
actons are performed# smply standn& up n the physcal
.orld s all that s re8ured to complete a returnH ho.e)er#
ths s not al.ays smply ache)ed.
*ometmes after reentern& the body# the practtoner
suddenly real,es that physcal functonalty has ceased due to
the onset of sleep paralyss# or the sensaton that the body
has been s.tched off. Gurn& sleep paralyss# t s mpossble
to scream# call for help# or e)en mo)e a fn&er. 0n the
ma6orty of cases# t s also mpossble to open the eyes. From
a scentfc pont of )e.# ths s a case of an abrupt# unnatural
nterrupton of the rapd eye mo)ement (RE%) phase of sleep#
durn& .hch ths paralyss s al.ays present# and t can
persst for some tme after the phase s nterrupted.
(Table of Contents)
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Ths s .here t &ets nterestn&. 'eople n the physcal
.orld are accustomed to an mportant rule: f you .sh to
ache)e somethn&# then do t# and do t as act)ely as
possble. Ths rule# thou&h &ood# s not al.ays applcable to
certan condtons ln+ed to the phase# and apples least of all
to e1tn& the phase. *ometmes e1treme effort ma+es t
possble to brea+ throu&h sleep paralyss and resume
mo)ement# thou&h most of these efforts tend to e1acerbate
Gue to the unusual nature of a ne&at)e stuaton
follo.n& a delberate# fear4nduced return to the body# the
depth of the phase may &reatly ncrease because of the
bodyJs natural# protect)e nhbton of functons or&natn& n
the cerebral corte1H ths results n e)en &reater a&taton and
&reater fear. The paralyss &ro.s stron&er. Ths s a )cous
crcle that leads to unpleasant feeln&s and emotons# .hch
may e)aporate any desre to practce the phase.
0&norance of correct procedures has led to the
.despread opnon that such ad)erse stuatons may ma+e t
mpossble to come bac+ from the phase at all. These opnons
suppose that t s# therefore# dan&erous to &et n)ol)ed .th
the practce. Bo.e)er# the soluton to ths problem rests n
)ery smple actons and procedures that can pre)ent a lar&e
number of ne&at)e e1perences:
,o)*lete Rela+atio
0n the secton on deepenn& and mantann&# t .as
noted that the more act)e a practtoner s .hle n the
phase# the better. Con)ersely# f there s less act)ty# the
8ualty of the phase declnes# allo.n& for an easy e1t. Thus#
n order to lea)e the phase# the practtoner only needs to
completely rela1 and &nore any perce)ed sensatons#
actons# or thou&hts. D practtoner may also recte a prayer#
mantra# or rhyme# snce that helps the conscousness to be
dstracted from the stuaton more 8uc+ly. Of course# one
needs to calm do.n and try to &et rd of the fear# .hch n
and of tself s capable of +eepn& such a state &on&.
(Table of Contents)
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'erodcally# the practtoner should try to mo)e a fn&er n
order to chec+ .hether attempts at rela1aton ha)e had an
,ocetratio o a Fi1er
D practtoner e1perencn& sleep paralyss should try
mo)n& a fn&er or a toe. Dt frst ths .onJt .or+# but the
practtoner has to concentrate precse thou&ht and effort on
the acton. Dfter a lttle .hle# the physcal fn&er .ll be&n to
mo)e. The problem .th ths techn8ue s that the practtoner
may accdentally start ma+n& phantom motons nstead of
physcal mo)ements# .hch s .hy an understandn& of the
dfference bet.een the t.o sensatons s necessary# snce t s
often not )ery ob)ous.
,ocetratio o Po!!ible $o#e)et!
The physolo&y of sleep paralyss# the phase state# and
dreams are such that .hen the practtoner s n one of these
states# some actons are al.ays assocated .th mo)ements
made n the real body. Ths s true .hen mo)n& the eyeballs#
the ton&ue# or .hle breathn&. 0f the practtoner
concentrates attenton on these processes# t s possble
counteract nhbtons to physcal mo)ementH as a result# a
sleep4paraly,ed practtoner .ll become able to mo)e n
Ree#aluati1 t&e Situatio
2nder normal crcumstances# delberate e1t from the
phase s not the norm. Gelberate e1t s commonly caused by
certan fears and pre6udces. 0f a practtoner s not able to
act)ate the body usn& other emer&ency return techn8ues# a
careful consderaton of the possbltes offered by the phase
s recommended. There are many nterestn& and useful
thn&s that can be e1perenced n the phase. @hy run the
possblty of &reat opportunty because of a baseless fearL
To be far# t must be noted that emer&ency e1t
techn8ues do not al.ays .or+. Ds a rule# after a lon& perod
(Table of Contents)
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of sleep depr)aton# or at the be&nnn& of or n the mddle of
a n&htJs sleep# the ur&e to sleep s so &reat that t s dffcult
to resst the sleep paralyss phenomenon. 0n ths respect#
ree)aluatn& the stuaton s h&hly recommended so that a
practtoner s able to ta+e ad)anta&e of the stuaton )ersus
suffern& by t. *leep paralyss s easly transmuted nto a
phase state by means of ndrect techn8ues.
By the way, knowing how to e4it paralysis is iportant
not only for practitioners of the phase, since such paralysis
occurs even without the phase for appro4iately one-third of
the huan population at least once in a lifetie. /t usually
happens before or after sleep.
Fear n the phase s a )ery common occurrence. The
practtoner may e1perence fear at any sta&e# althou&h t s
e1pressed much more clearly durn& ntal practce. The
causes of fear are )ery d)erse: a feeln& that returnn& to the
body s mpossbleH a fear of deathH .orryn& that somethn&
bad s &on& to happen to the bodyH encountern& somethn&
scary and terrble n the phaseH panful sensatonsH o)erly
sharp# hyper4realstc sensatons.
Interesting Fact!
'ear is often specific in the phase and
depends on the practitioner>s current life
situation. 'or e4aple, young others
often begin to fear entering the phase ;ust
as they>re entering it out of a sense that
they would risk leaving their children
behind. /t often worry that they siply
ight not return or undergo an unsafe
(Table of Contents)
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One fear domnates all others: the nstnct of self4
preser)aton# .hch# .thout any apparent reason# can nduce
a feeln& of absolute horror K a feeln& that cannot be
e1planed or controlled.
For a no)ce strc+en by nsurmountable fear that causes
paralyss# there s only one .ay to &radually o)ercome t.
Each tme a no)ce enters the phase# an attempt should be
made to &o a step further than the pre)ous tme. For
e1ample# n spte of feeln& terrfed# the practtoner should
try to rase the hands and then mo)e them bac+ to the ntal
poston. The second tme# the practtoner should attempt to
st do.n. The thrd tme# standn& up should be attempted.
The fourth tme# .al+n& around n the phase s ad)sed.
Then# after ncremental steps to.ard e1perencn& the
harmlessness of the phase state# product)e# calm acton may
Interesting Fact!
'ear itself can be used to enter the
phase and reain there for a long tie.
Once the phase is entered, fear should be
allayed if it begins to cause probles for
the practitioner.

For a practtoner .ho faces perodcal fears# real,n&
that there s no real dan&er encoura&es pro&ress n practce.
2r&es to rapdly return to the body are then made baseless.
*ooner or later# calmer thou&ht domnates e)ents n the
phase# and fear happens less often.
@hen dealn& .th momentary fear caused by e)ents n
the phase# the smplest soluton s to tac+le t head4on and
follo. throu&h to the end n order to a)od a fear4dr)en
precedent. 0f a practtoner al.ays runs a.ay from
undesrable e)ents# the e)ents .ll occur more and more
fre8uently. 0f a practtoner s ncapable of facn& fear n the
phase# t s best to use the translocaton techn8ue to tra)el
(Table of Contents)
Buy a hard copy on althou&h ths soluton only produces temporary
0tEs .orth ta+n& a moment to &o nto detal on phase
ob6ects beha)n& a&&ress)ely to.ards practtoners# as many
are concerned about ths ssue. Bo.e)er# one fact that says a
lot should be consdered mmedately: these types of ssues
usually concern or are encountered by the esotercally4
mnded# or those .ho ha)e read much eclectc lterature on
the sub6ect of phase states. *uch ssues are rare amon& those
.th a materalst outloo+.
Bere# phase ob6ects are pro)o+ed to react ad)ersely by
ncorrect beha)or on the part of practtoners. 0tEs enou&h to
note that many authors .rtn& on the phase de)ote up to half
of ther boo+s to the sub6ect of protecton from such attac+s.
Of course# a ne&at)e e1perence s sure to follo. a close
readn& of such materal. %oreo)er# the ne&at)e e1perence
.ould occur .thout ade8uate understandn& of the
occurrence 4 and such understandn& .hch .ould
remedy the ssue.
The frst thn& to +no. n ths re&ard s: no thn& and no
person n the phase presents any real threat. The practtoner
hmself s able to control e)erythn& that occurs. ThatEs .hy
thereEs no pont n fearn& anybody or anythn& n the phase#
no matter ho. threatenn& they may seem or .hat someone
may ha)e sad or .rtten about t.
The second thn& to +no. s: the only thn& that can and
does attac+ s the practtonerEs o.n fear# be t conscous or
unconscous fear. The propertes of the phase space are such
that a no)ceEs nablty to control the process .ll lead to hs
subconscous e1pectatons causn& much to happen to hm.
ThatEs precsely .hy a stll C&reenC phaser .ho has read much
about Castral attac+sC .ll encounter materal,ed and hyper4
realstc fears that not only terror,e# but also cause true pan:
(Table of Contents)
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beatn&s# abuse# torture# suffocaton# and the l+e. 2ntl the
reason for them s understood# the problem .ll reman
unsol)ed. %oreo)er# all +nds of absurd theores about e)l
ben&s thus fnd confrmaton# .hch s .hy old .)esE tales
contnue to ha)e .de currency# e)en n our modern era.
Dn e1perenced practtoner controls hs entre
e1perence from be&nnn& to end# and hs subconscous
e1pectatons donEt nterfere .th the beha)oral mechansms
of the phase space. Thus# attac+s are a rarty. Dnd e)en f
they occur# ths problem s easly resol)ed by counteract)e
assert)eness or a smple attempt to face the unpleasantness
head on.
Vson s often a)alable at the )ery be&nnn& of a phase#
especally .hen the practtoner uses ma&e obser)aton and
)sual,aton techn8ues to enter. *ometmes )son appears
.thn the frst fe. seconds. Other tmes# t manfests durn&
the deepenn& process. Bo.e)er# there are cases .here
)son s not a)alable and must be created 8uc+ly# at any
cost. Vson may arr)e as soon as t s thou&ht about# but f
ths does not occur# a specal techn8ue s necessary.
To create )son# a practtoner needs to brn& the hands
four to s1 nches n front of the eyes and try to detect them
throu&h the &rayness or dar+ness. 'eern& a&&ress)ely and
(Table of Contents)
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attent)ely at the mnute detals of the palms .ll cause them
to become )sble# much l+e f they .ere ben& de)eloped on
'olarod flm. Dfter se)eral seconds# )son .ll become clear#
and alon& .th the palms# the surroundn&s .ll also become
2nder no crcumstances should the physcal eyelds be
opened. Vson .ll appear on ts o.n and .ll not dffer from
that of realtyH mean.hle# the physcal sensaton of opened
eyes .ll emer&e. 0t s possble to shut the eyes n the phase
an nfnte number of tmes# e)en .thout ha)n& opened
them at all# snce the latter s not needed for creatn& )son.
Bo.e)er# the eyelds may only be opened .hle e1perencn&
a )ery deep phase# as openn& the eyes .ll cause a return to
.a+efulness durn& a shallo. phase.
The practtoner must also +eep n mnd that )son
should only be created after a complete separaton from the
body and a subse8uent translocaton has been ache)ed.
Dttemptn& to )e. the hands durn& fl&ht or .hle ho)ern&
n an undentfed space leads to arbtrary translocaton.
T.o problems may surface .hle con)ersn& .th
anmate ob6ects n the phase: slence or a return to the body.
0n )e. of the fact that many phase applcatons are based on
contact .th people for one purpose or another# t s
necessary to understand ho. to correctly mana&e contact
.th l)n& ob6ects.
0n order to a)od a foul (e6ecton from the phase nto
realty)# the elementary rules of 3mantann&5 must be
obser)ed. For e1ample# act)ely obser)e the facal features or
clothn& of a person you .ant to communcate .th. @hle
communcatn&# the practtoner should constantly rub the
hands to&ether or mantan stron& )bratons by strann& the
bran. Remember to perform the techn8ues to a)od
becomn& absorbed n communcaton.
(Table of Contents)
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D more comple1 problem s o)ercomn& the
communcat)e unrespons)eness of ob6ects n the phase. 0n
many cases# the speech of an ob6ect s bloc+ed by the nternal
stress of the practtoner. *ometmes the problem stems from
an e1pectaton that an ob6ect .ll not be able to communcate
n the phase.
0t s mportant to treat the ob6ects n a calm manner.
There s no use tryn& to shout or beat the ob6ect to force
communcaton. On the contrary# t s much more effect)e to
treat the ob6ect &ently# .thout applyn& pressure. Go not
peer at an ob6ectJs mouth e1pectn& sounds to emer&e. 0t s
better to loo+ else.hereH ta+n& a pass)e nterest n
communcaton &enerally yelds the best results.
Ds a rule# after the frst tme that communcaton .th a
l)n& ob6ect s successful# future attempts &o unhndered.
Communcaton methods n the phase should be no
dfferent than those used n ordnary lfe: tal+n&# facal
e1pressons# &esturn& .th the hands# body lan&ua&e.
Telepathy may be used too.
(Table of Contents)
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Readn& te1t n the phase may be accompaned by a
number of dffcultes. Frst# small prnt becomes lle&ble
because the effects of hyper4concentraton may dstort te1t.
Ths problem s sol)ed by usn& lar&e4font te1tual sources of
nformaton. For e1ample# the te1t of a normal boo+ blurs
.hen obser)ed too attent)ely# but the lar&e font on the co)er
of a boo+ s easly read snce ts s,e s suffcent for rapd
readn& .thout detaled scrutny.
The second problem encountered .hle readn& n the
phase s .hen te1t s le&ble but s completely meann&less n
composton# .e. &bbersh. Ths problem s sol)ed by turnn&
o)er the pa&es# loo+n& for a readable messa&e. 0t s also
possble to fnd another copy or create t ane. usn& the
ob6ect4fndn& techn8ues. The same apples to cases .here
the te1t s seen as a set of ncomprehensble symbols or
@hle readn& n the phase# the practtoner should not
for&et about performn& 3mantann&5 techn8ues to pre)ent
a foul by becomn& too rela1ed.

The phase s often accompaned by an unfor&ettably
unusual sensaton that may be used successfully to enter#
deepen or mantan t. 0t s dffcult to descrbe t better than
the sensaton of a hea)y current passn& throu&h the entre
body .thout causn& any pan. 0t may also feel l+e the .hole
body s contractn&# or a tn&ln& sensaton smlar to
numbness. %ost often# the sensatons are smlar to h&h4
fre8uency )bratons of the body# .hch e1plans the or&n of
the term 3)braton5.
0f the practtoner s not sure .hether or not he
e1perenced )bratons# then there s a &ood method to sol)e
hs problem: real,e that f he really dd# he .ll not ha)e any
doubts about t. 0n all other cases# .hen there are doubts and
(Table of Contents)
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uncertanty# the practtoner s defntely not dealn& .th
)bratons# or s dealn& .th another form thereof.
0f you ha)e e1perenced )bratons at least once# the
recollecton of these sensatons helps &reatly durn& the
smultaneous applcaton of ndrect techn8ues. Vbratons are
created# supported and stren&thened by strann& the bran or
tensn& the body .thout usn& the muscles. For )bratons to
appear# t often suffces merely to thn+ about them. Gurn&
the frst e1perence# one should e1perment .th them for a
.hle by rolln& them around the body and ts parts# as .ell as
stren&thenn& and .ea+enn& them.
Gowever, one should not think that the presence of
vibrations is a necessary condition for being in the phase.
%any no)ces often str)e not for the phase but for )bratons#
after .hch the former must supposedly follo.. That should
not be the case. There are ndeed specfc techn8ues that
ma+e t possble to &et nto the phase by creatn& )bratons#
but n all other cases they are not necessary and some
practtoners may ne)er ha)e them at all.
0n a deep phase# the propertes of the surroundn&
en)ronment become )ery smlar to the physcal .orld.
Bo.e)er# t may sometmes be necessary to pass throu&h a
.all or translocate to a)od a physcal barrer n the phase.
There are t.o basc optons for passn& throu&h barrers l+e
.alls. 2sually# mastern& these re8ures se)eral attempts.
Interesting Fact!
/f a practitioner concentrates on the
physical sensations associated with passing
through a wall, it is possible to get stuck. A
practitioner ay even e4perience the
feeling of obstructed breathing when this
(Table of Contents)
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Ra*id De"ocu!ed Peetratio
Run or 6ump at a .all .th a burnn& desre to penetrate
t. GonJt focus on the .allH nstead concentrate on the
mmedate surroundn&s. Go not try to ta+e anythn& from the
current locaton snce ths may mpede a successful passa&e
throu&h the .all.
T&e ,lo!ed E'e! Tec&i0ue
@hen approachn& a .all# the practtoner must close hs
eyes and completely focus on a desre to pass throu&h t .hle
ma&nn& that the .all does not e1st# or that t s transparent
and penetrable. *urface resstance should be pressed
throu&h# contnun& on .th the a&&ress)e desre and
Ta+n& fl&ht n the phase s a smple matter of
remembern& past dreams of fl&ht. 7othn& needs to be
tensed# no .ord needs to be sad. Dttemptn& fl&ht .th
closed eyes produces a h&h rate of success# but presents an
ncreased probablty of nad)ertent translocaton.
0f a fl&ht attempt s unsuccessful# a practtoner may try
6umpn& from a h&h ele)aton or from a .ndo.. The natural
nstnct of dream fl&ht ta+es o)er and the fall becomes a
controlled fl&ht. Bo.e)er# 6umpn& from .ndo.s or other
ele)atons s ad)sable only to practtoners .th e1perence#
snce no)ces may not al.ays be able to determne .hether
they are n the phase or n realty.
0n case of dffcultes .th ta+e4off# you can also try to
6ump up and stay arborne for as lon& as you can. 0tEs better
to do t n ncremental bounds# as that +eeps you more act)e
4 .hch s safer n terms of mantann& the phase.
@hen flyn& n a deep phase# another problem besdes
ta+n&4off may arse: mantann& the phase state. 0n order to
(Table of Contents)
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a)od a return to the body or sleep# flyn& has to be as
ener&etc and sensaton4nfused as possble. To that end you
can also +eep up )bratons# as .ell as perodcally rub
to&ether and scrutn,e your hands. 0n certan condtons#
flyn& n the phase can not only +eep the state stable# but also
e)en deepen t. Ths happens durn& a&&ress)e fl&ht .th
sharp turns and constantly flyn& close4by )arous ob6ects n
order to )sually nspect them.
The most mportant thn& s to try not to fly n a rela1ed#
lad4bac+ manner or ta+e n the scenery# as ths .ll 8uc+ly
lead to the end of the phase.
The realsm of the phase space does not mpose lmts
on the ablty to perform actons that cannot be performed n
the physcal .orld. 0t s mportant to remember that only a
practtonerJs apprehenson places lmts on .hat may be done
n the phase.
For e1ample# f a practtoner needs to &et to a locaton 4
e)en )ery far a.ay 4 t may be reached by teleportaton. 0f an
ob6ect needs to be mo)ed from one sde of the room to the
other# t may be mo)ed by tele+ness. One of the ma6or
benefts of the phase e1perence s unencumbered freedom of
To master unusual abltes# only a fe. phases need to
be spent on concentrated de)elopment of the methods.
0n order to learn tele+ness (mo)n& ob6ects by
thou&ht)# the practtoner concentrates on an ob6ect .hle
e1perencn& a deepened phase# and attempts to mo)e the
ob6ect by thn+n& about the mo)ement. The only re8ured
acton s a&&ress)ely .lln& the ob6ectJs mo)ement. 7o
specfc e1ternal actons are re8ured. E)eryone nherently
+no.s ho. to do ths. 0f attempts are unsuccessful at frst#
(Table of Contents)
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press on. Before too lon&# the full effect of the practtonerJs
.ll yelds results. 2sn& ths ablty helps to encoura&e a &ood
phase e1perence by pro)dn& a tool for carryn& out planned
0&ntn& an ob6ect n the phase 6ust by starn& at t
re8ures a stron& desre to heat up and set fre to the ob6ect.
'erformed successfully# an ob6ect .ll smo+e# dstort# dar+en
and then burst nto flames.
To de)elop telepathy n the phase# t s necessary to peer
at anmate ob6ects .hle lstenn& n surroundn& e1ternal and
nternal sounds .th the ntenton of ther hearn& thou&hts.
E)en e1perenced practtoners encounter dffculty .hle
de)elopn& telepathy# but .hen successful# contact .th
people n the phase s substantally smplfed. 2sn&
telepathy# dscernn& the thou&hts of people# anmals# and
ob6ects s possble. Bo.e)er# ths should not be ta+en too
serously# snce t s merely the nature of the phase to
smulate .hat s e1pected.
D crucal factor n de)elopn& phase abltes s self4
confdence n the ablty to use the s+lls. 0ntally# these
abltes are absent because the human bran# tuned n to
ordnarness# bloc+s confdence n the ablty to do anythn&
unusual. Ds soon as stron& confdence s reached n the
performance of phase abltes# e)erythn& becomes easy to
Dlthou&h confdence n phase abltes may &ro. stron&#
practtoners should reman soundly a.are that abltes n the
phase are lmted to the phase. Dttemptn& tele+ness#
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pyro+ness# or transmutaton n the real .orld may .aste
tme and ener&y.
%any practtoners act)ely e1perment .th ther bodly
form durn& the phase# .hch can ta+e on any appearance
than+s to the propertes of the phase space. *uch
e1permentaton# despte ben& some.hat dffcult# s 8ute
popular and nterestn&. 7early e)ery ad)anced phaser
e1perments .th t sooner or later.
Interesting Fact!
=eople appear in huan for while in
the phase only because they are
accustoed to it fro everyday life.
Actually, you can feel every fine detail while
inhabiting any body or any thing, as there is
no personal 6body7 as such in the phase.
D dstnct)e trat of e1perments .th altered physcal
percepton s the unbele)ably fne detal of sensaton. 0f a
phase practtoner ta+es on the form of a l,ard# he .ll be
able to feel not only hs tal# but also that hs ton&ue s no.
for+ed. %ean.hle# f a practtoner ta+es on the form of a
.olf# then he .ll feel the nals on hs pa.s# and e1perence
ncredbly he&htened sense of smell. The same apples to
e)ery possble sense# the true4to4lfeness of .hch depends on
oneEs mastery o)er ncarnatn& n the phase.
One feels as f ne. parts of the bran act)ate that are
responsble for the sensory percepton of body parts that
humans donEt ha)e. *uch body parts can then not only be
felt# but also controlled. For e1ample# f a practtoner has
become a brd n the phase# then he .ll not only feel hs
.n&s# but also be able to control them as f he had been born
.th them. *uch reor&an,aton of percepton s possble for
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all human sensatons and ths apples not only to anmate
ob6ects# but also to nanmate ones: stones# trees# furnture#
@thout further ado# here are the techn8ues for
transformn& oneEs embodment:
Tra!)utatio u*o Se*aratio
0mmedately after separaton# the practtonerEs attenton
s focused on hs already ha)n& ache)ed hs desred
embodment. Ths must not merely be ma&ned 4 nstead#
one must try to feel the ne. embodment mmedately. For
e1ample# f a phaser .ants to transform nto a sna+e# then
after rolln&4out he must try no matter .hat to mmedately
feel hmself rolln& out .hle n the elon&ated body of a sna+e#
and not of a person. 0f ths s not successful# then other
transmutaton techn8ues need to be tred# as ths one s to be
used only at the be&nnn& of a phase entrance. 0f
transmutaton s successful# then one should mmedately
mo)e on to deepenn& the phase .hle n the obtaned
embodment# l+e after a con)entonal separaton.
D'a)ic Tra!)utatio
@hle stll n human form n the phase# one should
brs+ly mtate the mo)ements of the tar&et anmal .hle
ta+n& on ts e1ternal appearance. Gurn& ths process# tEs
mportant to not only mtate the mo)ement of the creature#
but also try to feel oneself ben& t. The practtoner .ll
&radually ta+e on all of the anatomcal sensatons and
e1ternal appearance of the tar&et form. For e1ample# f the
practtoner has decded to become a t&er# then he should try
to run n leaps on hs four e1tremtes# tryn& to feel the entre
body of the b& cat alon& .th ts sensatons# startn& from the
touch of ts pa.s and cla.s on the earth to the tp of ts tal.
Tra!)utatio u*o Tra!locatio
@hen usn& the techn8ue of translocaton )a
teleportaton .th eyes closed# you need to focus your
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attenton not so much on the translocaton destnaton as on
your e1ternal appearance and nternal sensatons. Once
translocaton has ta+en place# the phaser .ll turn up n the
r&ht place and n the r&ht form. For e1ample# f a practtoner
has decded to become a dsemboded sphere# then he should
close hs eyes n the phase and focus on both the thou&ht4
form of the place .here he .ants to appear and on hs
sensatons. Dn mmedate sensaton of fl&ht and &radual
feeln& of transformaton of bodly percepton .ll arse.
Gependn& on the de&ree of concentraton# the fl&ht may
come to an end at the desred place .thn se)eral seconds#
and the practtoner .ould mmedately ha)e sphercal )son
and correspondn& bodly sensatons.
Tra!)utatio t&rou1& Itetio
E1perenced practtoners or those .ho can easly
concentrate ther .ll are often able to ta+e on the form they
.ant .thout usn& any specal techn8ues. 0t s often enou&h
for them to smply ntensely desre to ta+e on one form or
another# and that form comes to them# be t abruptly or
&radually. 2ltmately# ths s .hat all phasers should str)e
for. For e1ample# f a practtoner has decded to transform
nto a dra&on# then he .ll concentrate hs ntenton on that
desre# and hs bodly sensatons .ll &o nto a state of flu1#
and then stabl,e a&an once he has already transmutated.
Dlternat)ely# he .ll smply be&n to perce)ably mutate nto
a fre4breathn& dra&on. Dlso of &ood help .hen performn&
ths techn8ue are el1rs# tablets# and potons that can be
pro&rammed n the phase to ha)e a specfc effect .hen
@th all such techn8ues 4 and the entre practce of the
phase tself 4 ntenton# self4assurance# desre# and
purposefulness ha)e s&nfcant mportance. Rno.n& specfc
techn8ues s often unnecessary f you ha)e a frm desre that
you unhestatn&ly .ant to ache)e no matter .hat. 'roblems
.th ntenton and self4assurance al.ays le at the root of lac+
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of success at transmutatn& n the phase. 'hasers often
smply lac+ confdence n ther ablty to transmutate# .hch
fnds e1presson n faled attempts to ta+e on another bodly
Dny lac+ of confdence .hen performn& the
transmutaton techn8ues n the phase .ll al.ays be e)dent
n the fnal result. %ean.hle# lac+ of confdence ndcates a
certan le)el of self4analyss# .hch n turn s a symptom of
nsuffcent concentraton on the techn8ue. ThatEs .hy total
concentraton on and puttn& oneEs all nto a techn8ue
practcally &uarantees successful results.
@hen t comes to deepenn& and mantann&# t s
mportant to ma+e the transformaton of oneEs e1ternal
appearance 8uc+ly# or .hen feeln& constantly ))d
sensatons and actons. a foul .ll occur f one
dra&s out transmutaton or performs t
Dlon& .th all the post)e e1perences and sensatons
that may be en6oyed n the phase# e1perences of a panful
nature may also manfest. 'unchn& a .all n a deep phase
state .ll cause the same pan as f a .all had been struc+ n
physcal realty.
*ome actons n the phase may una)odably cause
unpleasant feeln&s of panH therefore# t s necessary to +no.
ho. to a)od panful actons. Focusn& on an nternal
confdence that pan .ll not result from an acton .ll
alle)ate the problem. D practtoner may e1perment .th ths
type of focus by pummeln& a .all .hle resol)n& that there
s no pan. 0f the e1perment succeeds# then obtann& the
same result .ll ne)er a&an re8ure the same le)el of effortH
thn+n& that the phase s panless .ll suffce.
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From the )ery be&nnn&# t should be understood that
the moral compass of the phase space has nothn& n
common .th the socetal norms and la.s of the physcal
.orld. The phase space seemn&ly mtates the physcal .orld
.th all ts propertes and functons only because .e are
accustomed to them and are not e1pectn& anythn& else.
%oral prncples and rules apply only to the place .here they
.ere de)eloped. 0t does not ma+e sense to profess them
.hle n the phase.
The practtoner should not refran from certan actons n
the phase because some .ould be unacceptable# mproper# or
bad n the real .orld. These are merely beha)oral patterns
that are hardly suted to the .orld of the phase# .here
e)erythn& operates on the bass of entrely dfferent la.s.
The only moral rules that m&ht e1st n the phase are
those that the practtoner establshes. 0f desred# complete#
unhndered freedom may be e1perenced.
7o)ce practtoners should not mmedately rush
to.ards a sn&le specfc &oal f lon&4term practce s desred.
0t s better to e1tens)ely n)est&ate the phase and ts
surroundn&s before focusn& on accomplshment. Ths .ll
buld ntmacy .th the e1perence and allo. unhndered entry
and nteracton .th the phase.
Ds n realty# learnn& .hate)er frst re)eals tself s the
+ey to ncreasn& and specal,n& +no.led&e. D be&nnn&
practtoner should at frst en6oy the smple fact of actually
ben& n the phase# then learn ts detals and functons. Once
nsde the phase# a practtoner should e1plore t# e1amnn&
and nteractn& .th e)erythn& encountered.
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Be should also try to fully sharpen all the feeln&s
possble n the phase n order to fully understand ho. unusual
t s n ts realsm. D practtoner must e1perence mo)ement:
.al+n&# runnn&# 6umpn&# flyn&# falln&# s.mmn&. Test the
sensatons of pan by str+n& a .all .th a fst. The smplest
.ay to e1perence taste sensatons s to &et to the
refr&erator and try to eat e)erythn& that you fnd there# at
the same tme not for&ettn& to smell each tem. @al+
throu&h the .alls# translocate# create and handle ob6ects.
E1plore. Dll these actons are )ery nterestn& n and of
themsel)es. The possbltes really are nfnte. Bo.e)er# only
.hen they are .ell understood and thorou&hly e1plored can t
be sad that the practtoner really +no.s .hat the phase s
@hen tryn& to dscern .hether or not a phase s ntact#
6ud&ment s based on smlarty to the departed
physcal en)ronment. 0n the phase# physcal attrbutes
are smulatons.
Byper4concentratn& on an ob6ect for too short a tme
.hle tryn& to determne .hether the surroundn&s are
n the phase or n the physcal .orld.
Gelberately attemptn& to end the phase prematurely
.hen the entre natural len&th of the phase should be
ta+en ad)anta&e of.
'anc n case of paralyss nstead of calm# rela1ed
Refusal to practce the phase because of fear# thou&h
ths problem s temporary and resol)able.
Openn& the eyes at the ntal sta&es of the phase#
snce ths fre8uently leads to a foul.
(Table of Contents)
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'remature attempts to create )son n the phase#
.hereas separatn& from the body and deepenn&
should occur.
E1cess)e haste .hle creatn& )son# as n the ma6orty
of cases )son appears naturally.
@hle concentratn& on the hands to create )son#
don& so at an e1cess)e dstance )ersus the
recommended four to s1 nches.
For&ettn& about the techn8ues for 3mantann&5 .hle
n contact .th l)n& ob6ects.
For&ettn& to shut the eyes or defocus )son .hen
translocatn& throu&h .alls or other sold ob6ects.
Gesrn& to do somethn& superhuman n the phase
.thout the re8ured nternal desre and confdence.
Fear of e1perencn& pan n the phase nstead of
learnn& to control t.
Obser)n& moral standards n the phase .hen they do
not apply.
D tendency to mmedately use the phase for somethn&
practcal nstead of frst thorou&hly e1plorn& and
nteractn& .th the surroundn&s.
$. Dre there s+lls n the phase that must frst be mastered
before the phase may be used to ts full e1tentL
!. 0s t possble to understand .hether a phase s ntact by
attemptn& to flyL
:. Bas a practtoner most l+ely &otten up n the phase or n
realty f there are doubts about thsL
4. 0s t suffcent to thn+ about the body n order to return to
t# and s t only re8ured to return nto the body n order to
control tL
(Table of Contents)
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9. @hch arm should be act)ely and a&&ress)ely mo)ed to
o)ercome sleep paralyssL
<. 0s t possble to tell 6o+es to oneself to o)ercome sleep
=. 0s t possble to mo)e the physcal eyes .hle n the phaseL
>. @hat should be done f sleep paralyss cannot be
?. Can sleep paralyss occur .thout practcn& the phaseL
$". @hat f fear s not addressed and con8ueredL
$$. 0s t possble to &radually master the phase n order to
o)ercome fearL
$!. 0s there cause for fear of anythn& n the phaseL
$:. Dt .hat pont can )son be created n the phase by
openn& the eyelds and not throu&h the use of specal
$4. @hat .ould happen .th an attempt to open the eyes
after sttn& up n bed# .e.# before becomn& completely
separated from the bodyL
$9. @hy may contact .th l)n& ob6ects n the phase cause
a return to the bodyL
$<. @hat problems m&ht occur f a practtoner studes the
mouth of a tal+n& ob6ectL
$=. 0n the phase# ho. 8uc+ly can small te1t be readL
$>. @hch s easer to read n the phase: te1t n a
ne.spaper or te1t on a lar&e bllboardL
$?. 0s t possble to see hero&lyphs nstead of te1t .hle
readn& n the phaseL
!". 0s t possble to burst throu&h a .all after runnn& up to
t .th the eyes shutL
!$. @hch muscles of the body must be tensed to start
flyn& n the phaseL
!!. Dre there any e1trasensory abltes that are
naccessble n the phaseL
!:. Can a practtoner transform nto a ball .hle n the
!4. Bo. does pan n the phase dffer from pan n the
physcal .orldL
(Table of Contents)
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!9. *hould a practtoner &)e up a seat to an elderly
person .hle n the phaseL
!<. Gue to moral consderatons# .hat s prohbted n the
$. Gurn& your ne1t phase sesson# .al+ around your
home n)est&atn& the rooms# +tchen# and
bathroom n detal.
!. (earn to pass throu&h .alls. Completely dedcate
one lon& phase e1perence to perfectn& ths s+ll.
:. (earn to fly n the phase.
4. @hle n a deep phase# learn to control pan by
httn& a .all .th your fst.
9. @hle n the phase# learn tele+ness (the ablty to
mo)e ob6ects by thou&ht) and pyro+ness (settn&
ob6ects on fre# also performed by thou&ht).
<. Gedcate a len&thy phase e1perence to an
e1perment .th )son: create t f t s not already
a)alable# and then shut your eyes and recreate
)son. Go ths at least ten tmes o)er the course of
a sn&le phase
=. Gedcate a lon& phase to searchn& for dfferent
+nds of te1ts n order to e1perment .th readn&
)arous s,e fonts.
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,&a*ter H M Tra!locatio ad Fidi1 ObNect!
(+e e)eryday realty# the phase space cannot be used
for certan purposes f t s not +no.n ho. to mo)e around
and fnd necessary thn&s. 0n a .a+eful state# t s more or
less +no.n .here somethn& s located and ho. to reach t.
0n the phase# the same assumptons cannot apply snce phase
mechansms .or+ by dfferent prncples.
The reason for addressn& translocaton and fndn&
ob6ects n the same chapter s because both techn8ues rely
on the same mechancs. 0n other .ords# the same methods 4
.th mnor e1ceptons 4 can be appled to both translocaton
and fndn&.
Dfter studyn& the techn8ues descrbed n ths chapter# a
practtoner n the phase .ll be able to &o to any locaton and
fnd any ob6ect. The only lmtatons that e1st are those of
the ma&naton and desreH f these are unlmted# so are the
Re&ardn& translocaton# attenton should not be focused
on methods for tra)eln& throu&h nearby spaces. For
e1ample# a practtoner may smply .al+ nto an ad6acent
room# or out to the street )a the corrdor or throu&h the
.ndo.. These are natural# easy actons. D practtoner should
nstead concentrate attenton on ho. to mo)e to remote
destnatons that cannot be 8uc+ly reached by physcal
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0t s mportant to menton the necessary safety
procedures for translocaton. *ometmes# due to a lac+ of
e1perence# a practtoner may msta+e the phase for realty#
and realty may be msta+en for the phase. %sta+n& the
phase for realty mples no dan&er snce a practtoner smply
bele)es that an entry attempt .as unsuccessful. Bo.e)er# f
realty s msta+en for the phase# a practtoner may perform
dan&erous or e)en lfe4threatenn& actons. For e1ample# after
&ettn& out of bed n a .a+eful state# thn+n& that e)erythn&
s happenn& n the phase# a be&nner may approach a
.ndo. and 6ump out of t# e1pectn& to fly# as s customary
n the phase. For ths reason alone# shortcuts to fl&ht should
only be ta+en after &ann& a le)el of e1perence that ma+es t
possble to unamb&uously dstn&ush the phase from a
.a+eful state.
0f a &ltch occurs .hen practcn& translocaton
techn8ues (for e1ample# landn& n the .ron& place)# a
practtoner should smply repeat the techn8ue untl the
desred result s obtaned. Ether .ay# ntal trann& s a must
n order to ma+e e)erythn& easer for you later on.
Ds far as ob6ect4fndn& techn8ues are concerned# these
are used for both nanmate and anmate ob6ects. 0n other
.ords# these techn8ues are e8ually effect)e for fndn&# for
e1ample# a person or a utensl. Bo.e)er# there are se)eral
techn8ues that are only sutable for fndn& l)n& ob6ects.
Dll methods for controlln& the phase space stem from a
prmary la.: the de&ree of chan&eablty of the phase space s
n)ersely proportonate to the depth of the phase and the
stablty of ts ob6ects. That s# the deeper and more stable the
phase# the more dffcult t s to perform somethn& unusual n
t because n a deep# stable phase# the la.s of t be&n to
closely resemble those of the physcal .orld.
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Dll translocaton and fndn& ob6ects techn8ues are
based on +no.led&e of methods that e1plot ths prmary la..
The secret les n the fact that not only phase depth affects
the controllablty of the phase# but so does phase stablty#
.hch n turn depends to a lar&e e1tent on the number of
sensatons e1perenced n the phase. The techn8ues for
translocaton and fndn& ob6ects are used .hen these
e1perenced sensatons are .ea+ened throu&h certan actons.
0n other .ords# f a practtoner located n the phase
holds a red pencl and e1amnes t# tactle and )sual
perceptons are en&a&ed# .hch under sharp a&taton cause
the ob6ect to e1st n ts complete form. Bo.e)er# as soon as
the eyes are shut# the stablty of pencl ma&e .ea+ens. 0n
ths stuaton# t .ll be enou&h for the practtoner (after
suffcent trann&) to concentrate on bele)n& that the pencl
s dar+4blue n order for t to appear dar+ blue after openn&
the eyes. Ths phenomenon occurs because the color of the
pencl s no lon&er determned by perceptual areas of the
bran and# therefore# t s possble to chan&e t.
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0f a red pencl s placed on a table and the practtonerJs
eyes are shut# and there s concentraton on a thou&ht that
the pencl s no lon&er on the table# then after openn& the
eyes# the practtoner .ll fnd that the pencl has dsappeared.
0n essence# .hen the pencl s lyn& on the table and the
practtonerJs eyes are closed# no percepton s ben& n)ested
n the pencl 4 the practtonerEs eyes do not see t and hs s+n
does not touch t. The pencl only remans as a memory#
.hch the practtoner modfes usn& autosu&&eston.
2sn& certan techn8ue4related methods# a practtoner
may cause the stablty of the phase state to reman n flu1
usn& techn8ues that best sut the practtonerJs nd)dual
Tra!locatio duri1 Se*aratio
The easest .ay to translocate s to do so .hle
separatn& from the body. Employn& ths techn8ue s
e1tremely smple and con)enent. 0t may be combned .th
almost any separaton techn8ue and s performed by focusn&
on the ma&e and feel of a desred locaton durn& the ntal
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sta&es of e1tn& the body. 0t s e)en better to ma&ne that
phase entry .ll occur and separaton .ll complete n a
chosen locaton.
Interesting Fact!
After having changed place of
residence, the practitioner will very often
continue for soe tie to separate fro the
body in the sae house where he was used
to doing this previously.
D dra.bac+ of ths techn8ue s that separaton occurs
only n the be&nnn& of the phase e1perence and# therefore#
can only be used once. Other optons should be consdered
after the frst translocaton.
Tra!locatio t&rou1& a Door
0n order to use ths techn8ue# approach any door .th
the stron& belef that t leads to the re8ured locaton. Dfter
openn& the door# the practtoner .ll see and be able to step
nto the destnaton. 0f the door .as or&nally open# t must
be completely shut before applyn& the techn8ue.
D dra.bac+ to ths techn8ue s that ts practce al.ays
re8ures a door. 0f there s no door# users of ths translocaton
techn8ue should create one usn& an ob6ect fndn&
Tra!locatio t&rou1& Tele*ortatio
To apply ths techn8ue# shut the eyes (f )son s
present)# and then concentrate attenton on a thou&ht4form
or ma&e of a locaton n the phase. Dt ths
moment# there .ll be a sensaton of s.ft fl&ht and .thn !
to $" seconds# the destnaton .ll be reached.
The success of ths techn8ue depends on a stron&
concentraton upon a sn&le &oal: the desred locaton. The
techn8ue must be performed )ery clearly# confdently#
a&&ress)ely# and .thout dstractons. Dny unrelated
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thou&hts ha)e a profoundly ne&at)e nfluence on ts
performance. They unnecessarly prolon& the fl&ht# cause a
foul# or result n arr)n& at an undesred locaton.
Tra!locatio t&rou1& Tele*ortatio (it& t&e E'e!
Ths techn8ue s dffcult because t re8ures an unstable
phase space caused by a stron& desre to translocate to
another locaton. @hereas durn& teleportaton by fl&ht .th
eyes shut the practtoner dsentan&les hmself from the
current locaton# that s not the case here. Therefore# ths
techn8ue should be used only by e1perenced practtoners
.ho are confdent that they are capable of remann& n the
Ds far as mplementn& the techn8ue s concerned# the
practtoner smply needs to stop and concentrate on the
thou&ht that he s already present n the desred locaton and
focus on ts ma&e. 0t s mportant to not stare at or touch
anythn& durn& the thou&ht. *urroundn& space .ll dm# blur
and then dsappear durn& ths tme# and then the ntended
locaton .ll &radually start to appear. The rate of space
metamorphoss depends on the de&ree of desre to reach the
re8ured locaton.
0f concentraton s .ea+ or phase depth s poor# then
after space destabl,es# t m&ht not be restored 4 and a
return to the .a+eful state .ll occur.
Tra!locatio (it& ,lo!ed E'e!
Ths s one of the easest techn8ues. To use ths
techn8ue# the practtoner smply needs to shut the eyes and
ha)e an ntense desre that# .hen the eyes are ne1t opened#
the re8ured locaton .ll be reached. 0n order to consderably
ncrease the effect)eness of ths techn8ue# t .ould be useful
to ma&ne# at the moment you close your eyes# that you
ha)e already reached the desred locaton. 0n order to stay n
the phase# tEs better to perform ths techn8ue .hle mo)n&#
.e. .al+n&# runnn&# or flyn&. For e1ample# n order to &et to
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3pont D5# close your eyes# focus your attenton on already
ben& n 3pont B5# and then open your eyes there.
Tra!locatio b' ,ocetratio o a Re)ote
To perform ths techn8ue# the practtoner should peer
from a dstance at a mnor detal of the desred locaton. The
&reater an ntenton to see an ob6ectJs detal# the 8uc+er the
arr)al at the ob6ectJs locaton.
D dra.bac+ to ths techn8ue s that ths type of
translocaton s possble only for places that are already
)sble# albet from a &reat dstance.
Tra!locatio b' Pa!!i1 t&rou1& a Wall
Ths techn8ue s performed by .al+n& or flyn& throu&h
a .all .th the eyes shut and a frm con)cton that the
re8ured locaton s behnd the .all. The barrer does not
necessarly ha)e to be a .all. 0t can be any non4transparent
ob6ect throu&h .hch a practtoner may .al+ or fly: a screen#
a .ardrobe# and so on.
The man dra.bac+ of ths techn8ue s the necessty of
approprate s+lls for penetratn& throu&h sold ob6ects of the
phase. Dnother necessary condton for applyn& ths
techn8ue s the presence of barrers to pass throu&h.
(Table of Contents)
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Tra!locatio t&rou1& Di#i1
Ths techn8ue s dentcal to passn& throu&h .alls .th
the only dfference ben& that nstead of a .all 4 .hch may
not al.ays be a)alable 4 the practtoner .ll use the floor or
the &round. The practtoner must d)e headfrst .th the eyes
shut and ha)e complete confdence that the re8ured locaton
s underneath the sold surface. The ablty to pass throu&h
sold ob6ects s# naturally# also re8ured.
D practtoner may d)e throu&h the floor or the &round#
and also nto any flat hor,ontal surface: a table# a char# a
bed# and so forth.
Tra!locatio t&rou1& Rotatio
To apply ths techn8ue# a practtoner n the phase .ll
start rotatn& on an a1s .hle smultaneously concentratn&
on a belef that a desred locaton .ll be reached once
rotaton s stopped. The eyes must be shut durn& the
rotaton# or )son must not be focused on anythn& n
partcular. Ds a rule# t.o to f)e re)olutons on an a1s are
suffcent. Once a&an# e)erythn& depends on the ablty to
fully concentrate on a desred &oal .thout any dstractons.
Tra!locatio t&rou1& a $irror
Gue to the specal propertes of mrrors and peopleEs
supersttous belefs about them# they can be used to easly
translocate n the phase. To that end tEs enou&h to 6ump or
d)e nto any lar&e mrror encountered alon& the .ay.
%ean.hle# you can focus your attenton on the locaton you
.ant mmedately ben& behnd t. Gue to the propertes of
mrrors# you often donEt e)en ha)e to close your eyes or turn
around .hen penetratn& ther surface.
Interesting Fact!
<hen novices at School of Out-of-Body
Travel seinars are asked to take a look in
the irror during their first phase, it is rare
for two descriptions of the event to be
(Table of Contents)
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siilar, as everything happens differently
for each person? soe see their actual
reflection, others see nothing, still others
see different people, and in soe cases the
oveents of the reflection don>t atch
those of the practitioner, etc. Once at a
seinar, +8 were able to look at a irror
while in the phase, and no two people had
siilar e4periences.
Tec&i0ue o" Tra!locatio
Dll translocaton techn8ues are also applcable to ob6ect
fndn& techn8ues snce the use of both techn8ues re8ures
altern& the surroundn& space. 0nstead of concentratn& on a
locaton# the practtoner s to focus on the specfc detal of a
space that s to be found or chan&ed. Ds a result# fndn& the
necessary ob6ect (pro)ded ths techn8ue has been mastered)
s &uaranteed# but mantann& the or&nal locaton .here the
acton be&ns s not &uaranteed.
0f the &oal s to fnd an ob6ect .hle remann& n the
present locaton# use the specal,ed techn8ues descrbed
later on: techn8ues that chan&e only a porton of the phase
Fidi1 b' ,alli1 a Na)e
Ths techn8ue s only used to fnd l)n& ob6ects. The
practtoner must call a person or an anmal by name to cause
the anmate phase ob6ect to enter or appear nearby. The call
should be loud# nearly a shout# t .ll not al.ays
.or+. Fenerally# t s often enou&h to pronounce a name
se)eral tmes to ache)e results.
0f the desred anmate ob6ect does not ha)e a name or
the practtoner does not +no. t# then any name or &eneral
summonn& .ll do# l+e# 3Come here-5 Ths should be done
(Table of Contents)
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.hle mentally focusn& on a clear ma&e of the desred
person or anmal.
Fidi1 b' I0uir'
To perform ths techn8ue# approach any person n the
phase and as+ hm (or her) .here to 8uc+ly fnd a desred
ob6ect. Dn accurate s usually &)en stra&ht a.ay#
and t should be follo.ed. Bo.e)er# to a)od .astn& tme# do
not for&et to menton that the ob6ect must be found 38uc+ly5#
or specfy that the ob6ect should be 3nearby5. Gurn& ths
communcaton# under no crcumstances should there be a
doubt about the accuracy of the nformaton# snce
t may lead to a smulaton of .hat s e1pected.
The dra.bac+ of ths techn8ue s that t re8ures the
presence of an anmate person and &ood s+ll at
communcatn& .th ob6ects n the phase# .hch can pro)e
Fidi1 b' Turi1 Aroud
0n order to use ths techn8ue# the practtoner must
concentrate and ma&ne that the re8ured ob6ect s located behnd hs bac+# and after turnn& around he .ll
actually see t there# e)en f t .as not there 6ust a moment
earler. Ths .or+s best f the practtoner# pror to turnn&
around# has not seen the place .here the ob6ect s e1pected
to appear.
Fidi1 Aroud a ,orer
@hen approachn& any corner# concentrate and ma&ne
that the re8ured ob6ect s 6ust around the corner. Then# after
turnn& the corner# the ob6ect .ll be found. Dnythn& that
lmts space )sblty may be re&arded as a corner. Ths does
not ha)e to be the corner of a house or another type of
buldn&H t could be the corner of a .ardrobe# the corner of a
truc+# etc.
(Table of Contents)
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The dra.bac+ of ths techn8ue s that t re8ures the
a)alablty of a suffcently lar&e corner that bloc+s the )e.
of anythn& around the other sde of t.
Fidi1 i t&e Had
Ths techn8ue s# n essence# only applcable to fndn&
ob6ects that can ft n or be held by the hand. To perform ths
techn8ue# concentrate on the dea that the ob6ect s already
n hand. Dt that moment# the practtoner must not loo+ at t.
*oon after be&nnn& to concentrate on ths dea# the
practtoner .ll at frst feel a sl&ht sensaton of the ob6ect
lyn& n hs hand# follo.ed by a full sensaton and appearance
of the desred ob6ect.
Fidi1 b' Tra!)utatio
Ths techn8ue dstorts the phase space .hle not
completely dsen&a&n& a percepton of the space. The
practtoner must &)e stron& attenton to a thou&ht that a
re8ured ob6ect s &on& to appear n a desred locaton. There
must be suffcent confdence that the practtonerJs desres
.ll be real,ed. Dt ths moment# the process of
metamorphoss .ll be&n: space .ll dstort and dm# and the
re8ured ob6ect .ll be&n to manfest tself. Dfter ths#
br&htness and focus .ll be restored .th necessary
alteratons made present n the phase space.
Ths techn8ue s relat)ely dffcult to perform n
comparson to others# and# therefore# t s better to use t only
after a h&h le)el of e1perence has been reached# as t s
dffcult to reman n the phase durn& any metamorphc
Ds s e)dent n the name of ths techn8ue# t can be
used to fnd ob6ects and also create ne. ob6ects from found

(Table of Contents)
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Dpplyn& translocaton and ob6ect fndn& techn8ues
.thout the precondton of a steady phase.
0nsuffcent concentraton on a desre to tra)el to a
locaton or to fnd an ob6ect.
Goubtn& that results .ll be ache)ed nstead of ha)n&
complete confdence.
'ass)e performance of the techn8ues nstead of a
stron& desre and h&h le)el of a&&resson.
For&ettn& to repeat translocaton or ob6ect fndn&
techn8ues .hen the techn8ue dd not .or+ or .or+ed
ncorrectly durn& the frst attempt.
Fettn& dstracted by e1traneous thou&hts durn& the
len&thy process of teleportn& .th eyes shut. Total
concentraton s re8ured at all tmes.
Dpplyn& the techn8ue of teleportaton .th eyes open
.thout ade8uate e1perence.
Faln& to mmedately translocate .hen usn& the
closed eyes techn8ueH ths may nduce flyn& a la
teleportaton techn8ue.
Flossn& o)er mnute detals or only obser)n& the
broad features of a remote ob6ect .hle applyn&
translocaton by concentraton.
D delayed desre to mo)e .hle translocatn& durn&
separaton. Dn nstantaneous desre to mmedately
mo)e s necessary.
For&ettn& to frst shut a door completely .hen usn&
translocaton throu&h a doorH there .ll be
contact .th .hat s already behnd t.
2sn& a translocaton techn8ue to &o throu&h a .all
.thout +no.n& ho. to pass throu&h sold ob6ects.
'ayn& too much attenton to the process of
translocaton throu&h a .allH ths leads to ben&
trapped n the .all.
(Table of Contents)
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For&ettn& to shut the eyes .hle translocatn& d)n&
headfrst. The eyes should reman closed untl after the
techn8ue s complete.
0nsuffcent nternal assocaton .th an anmate ob6ect
.hle fndn& t by calln& ts name.
Tryn& to fnd an ob6ect )a nterro&aton nstead of
pass)ely communcatn& .th l)n& ob6ects of the
2sn& dstant corners .hen applyn& the techn8ue of
fndn& an ob6ect around the corner. Choose nearby
corners to a)od .astn& precous tra)el tme.
Dpplyn& transmutaton techn8ues .thout possessn&
suffcent e1perence n mana&n& the phase space.
$. @hat becomes possble .th the ablty to translocate n
the phaseL
!. @hat becomes possble .th the ablty to fnd ob6ects n
the phaseL
:. @hat do translocaton and fndn& ob6ects techn8ues ha)e
n commonL
4. @hat s the sole lmtaton on the possbltes offered by
translocaton and fndn& ob6ectsL
9. Bo. may one translocate across )ery short dstancesL
<. @hen may the techn8ue of fl&ht by 6umpn& out of a
.ndo. be attemptedL
=. @hat should be done f translocaton and ob6ect fndn&
techn8ues do not yeld the re8ured resultL
>. 0s t possble to fnd a person from real lfe usn& the
techn8ue of fndn& ob6ectsL
?. Goes the stablty of space decrease n a deep phaseL
(Table of Contents)
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$". @hat are the fundamental components of space and
ob6ect stabltyL
$$. Bo. lar&e s the role of audtory percepton n the
stablty of spaceL
$!. @hat s most mportant .hle usn& a teleportaton
$:. @hat does speed of mo)ement depend on durn&
$4. *hould a no)ce apply the techn8ue of teleportaton
.th open eyesL
$9. @hat techn8ue m&ht the translocaton .th closed
eyes techn8ue turn ntoL
$<. *hould lar&e or small detals be scrutn,ed .hle
translocatn& by concentraton on remote ob6ectsL
$=. 0s the techn8ue of translocaton durn& separaton
appled after separaton or .hle be&nnn& to separateL
$>. @hen applyn& the techn8ue of translocaton throu&h a
door: s t better f the door s open or closedL
$?. @hy m&ht translocaton by passn& throu&h a .all falL
!". @hen usn& translocaton by d)n&# s t mportant to
be n a place .here there s somethn& to stand onL
!$. @hle applyn& the techn8ue of rotaton# should
rotaton be ma&ned or realL
!!. 0s t possble to use a translocaton techn8ue to
attempt fndn& ob6ectsL
!:. @hen usn& the techn8ue of calln& by name# .hat
should be done f the name of a desred person n the
phase s un+no.nL
!4. @hle loo+n& for an ob6ect usn& the method of n8ury#
s t mportant to specfy that the ob6ect needs to be found
!9. Bo. far bac+ must a turn occur .hen the techn8ue of
fndn& ob6ects by turnn& s ben& usedL
!<. @ould the corner of a fence be sutable for applyn& the
techn8ue of fndn& ob6ects around the cornerL
!=. 0s t necessary to shut the eyes .hle usn& the
transmutaton techn8ueL
(Table of Contents)
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$. Gedcate the ne1t three phases to e1perments .th
translocaton techn8ues# usn& all of them and
tra)eln& .here)er you .ant.
!. Dfter e1perencn& three phases dedcated to
translocaton# select the techn8ues that .or+ best for
:. Gurn& the ne1t phase# tra)el to the Effel to the
%oon# and to the homes of some of your relat)es.
4. Gedcate the ne1t three phases to e1perments .th the
full ran&e of techn8ues for fndn& ob6ects# ncludn&
translocaton techn8ues.
9. Dfter three phases dedcated to fndn& ob6ects# select
the techn8ues that you are most comfortable .th.
<. 0n the ne1t phase that you e1perence# fnd your
mother# and then at the same locaton locate ths
te1tboo+# a red &lobe# and a &reen rose.
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 3@ M A**licatio
'hase percepton ntally causes so much emoton and
)arety of e1perence that the practtoner s often not
concerned .th the 8ueston of ho. the phase m&ht be
purposefully used. The crtcal 8ueston of applcaton
becomes e)en more crucal as e1perence ncreases.
Dpplcaton of the phase becomes more ))d a&anst the
bac+&round of understandn& ho. the phenomenon can
pro)de a means of &ann& nformaton and ne. e1perences.
*ome approach the phase practce .th a predetermned
&oal# unnterested n anythn& else. @th a specfc &oal# the
problem of .here the &oal came from m&ht arse# as the
phase phenomenon s .rapped n a thc+ layer of pre6udces
and stereotypes# .hch often ha)e no bearn& on the realty.
The prmary purpose of ths chapter s to precsely separate
realty from fcton. 0ts second purpose s to pro)de a detaled
descrpton of .hat may be obtaned from the practce of
phase e1perences.
E)ery pro)en and accessble practcal applcaton of the
phase s based on three 8ualtes: a) applcaton founded on
the phaseJs ablty to smulate any ob6ect and any space .th
any propertes and functonsH b) applcaton based on the
opportunty to connect .th the subconscous mnd n order to
obtan nformatonH c) applcaton based on the phaseJs ablty
to mpact a practtonerJs physolo&y.
%ost mportantly# nothn& descrbed n ths chapter s
dffcult to ache)e. Dny applcaton may be ache)ed durn&
(Table of Contents)
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the )ery frst phase f a practtoner mana&es to focus and
apply the approprate techn8ues for translocaton or fndn&
ob6ects. Re&ardless of .hether the practtoner adheres to a
mystcal or pra&matc .orld)e.# a full ran&e of access s
nherently possble.
'ossble applcatons of the phenomenon certanly
e1ceed the scope of descrptons related throu&h ths chapter.
0t s possble that other applcatons smply ha)e not been
pro)en yet# and# so far# the correct methods of practcn&
these are stll un+no.n. Only the practtoner may determne
the lmts of possblty .thn the phase. Of course# common
sense should be appled 4 t .ould be lo&cally and
psycholo&cally dffcult to dsen&a&e msconceptons. The
goal of this book is to provide a real (though inial$
foundation that is fir and unyielding, whatever the
circustance. /f the practitioner follows a strict approach to
practice, it will be uch ore difficult to becoe lost during
further practical and theoretical studies.
%any .onder about the nature of the phase state n
relaton to the bran# .e. .hether or not the phase s all n
oneJs head. But n the conte1t of applyn& the phase# ths s
not a )ald concern. 'ercepton of the entre physcal
en)ronment s performed throu&h sensory or&ans. 0n the
phase# percepton s the same# sometmes e)en more
realstc. @hether e)erythn& descrbed n ths chapter occurs
n realty or s merely smulated ma+es no dfference n terms
of the encountered sensatons.
Around the world? 0t s possble to reach any pont of the
planet# and t s partcularly nterestn& to re)st places
.here the practtoner once l)ed or )sted# and )st
(Table of Contents)
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places that the practtoner has a stron& desre to )st.
E)ery s&ht and beauty of the Earth become accessble# be
t the Effel or an sland n Oceana# the 'yramds of
E&ypt# or Dn&el Falls.
Through Outer Space? Dlthou&h human+nd s not &on& to
reach %ars any tme soon# any practtoner may stand on
ts surface and e1perence ts un8ue landscape throu&h
the use of translocaton n the phase. There s nothn&
more ama,n& than obser)n& &ala1es and nebulae#
planets# and stars from the )anta&e pont of deep space.
Of all phase applcatons a)alable# ths one pro)des
practtoners .th the most str+n& aesthetc e1perences.
To different places in tie? Ths ma+es t possble to )st a
chldhood# to see .hat a person .ll loo+ l+e n the futureH
a pre&nant .oman n the phase may see .hat her chld
.ll loo+ l+e. Tra)el far bac+ n tme and .tness the
constructon of the 'yramds at F,a# see 'ars n the $=th
century# .ander amon& the dnosaurs of the Iurassc
Through different worlds? Tra)el a .orld that has been
descrbed n lterature or 6ust n)ented by the practtoner#
de)eloped n the ma&naton. These could be
e1traterrestral c)l,atons# parallel .orlds# or un)erses
from fary tales and flms. Dny destnaton s nearby.
<ith relatives? *nce relat)es cannot al.ays see each
other# there s the remar+able possblty to meet each
other and tal+ n the phase. Of course# ths does not ental
mutual presence. 0t s enou&h for one person to possess
the re8ured desre 4 the second person may ne)er e)en
+no.. Real,n& the desre to contact a close relat)e and
e1chan&e nformaton s a treasure.
<ith ac0uaintances? Crcumstances often pre)ent seen&
people .ho are mportant. Ths s an opportunty to real,e
a desre and fnally meet that certan person a&an.
(Table of Contents)
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<ith the dead? Re&ardless of the nature of the phase
phenomenon# nothn& else yelds the possblty to see#
tal+ to# and embrace a deceased lo)ed one. These are
))d# personal e1perences# accessble to e)eryone# and
ache)n& these encounters does not re8ure ma6or
dffculty. Coura&e s the only necessty. From a techn8ue4
related pont of )e.# a stable phase and applcaton of the
fndn& ob6ects techn8ue sets the sta&e for .hat at frst
may seem mpossble. 0t should be noted that .hen a
deceased person s encountered n the phase# the
dstortons caused by the ob6ect fndn& techn8ue may
lead to some )ery undesrable occurrences.
<ith celebrities? Throu&h the use of ob6ect fndn&
techn8ues# a practtoner has the opportunty to meet any
famous person. Ths could be a hstorcal persona# a
contemporary poltcan# or an artst. 0n the phase state#
they are all accessble for any type of nteracton. For
e1ample# a practtoner could meet Iulus Caesar# Iesus
Chrst# 7apoleon# Churchll# *taln# Btler# El)s 'resley#
%arlyn %onroe# and a &reat many others.
Reali9i1 De!ire!
E)eryone has dreams. Re&ardless of .hether they e)er
come true n realty# ther real,aton may at least be
en6oyed n the phase. *ome dream of a )st to (as Ve&as#
some to dr)e a Ferrar# some )st Outer *pace# others
.ould l+e to bathe n a ple of money# and some desre
se1ual e1perences .thout lmts. Dll of these may fnally
be e1perenced n the phase.
Alterati#e to t&e Birtual World
0n the phase# youn& men may partcpate n &ame battles
as f the battles .ere real. D practtoner can )st unusual
.orlds and places .hle en6oyn& completely realstc
sensatons# feel a .eapon n hs hands# and e)en the smell
of &unpo.der. 0f desred# e)en the sensaton of battle
(Table of Contents)
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.ounds may be e1perenced. Famn& possbltes n the
phase are not lmted by the of a mcroprocessor#
but the e1tent of a practtonerJs ma&naton.
0f obtann& access to nformaton n the phase seems
natural from a mystcal or esoterc pont of )e. (n l&ht of
)arous felds of nformaton and other such phenomena)#
then ho. .ould t be for a materalst .ho doesnEt e)en
bele)e n such thn&sL
Dssume that the phase state s 6ust an e1ceptonally
unusual state of bran and that percepton .thn t s no more
than an unusually realstc play of ts functons. Dssume that a
practtoner n the phase decdes to tra)el to a forest. To do
so# the translocaton .th closed eyes techn8ue s used# and#
as a result# a forest appears.
@hat happens f the )son contans )ery detaled
+no.led&e of forests# .hat forests consst of# and .here
forests or&nateL The bran creates a hyper4realstc space
superor to that of e)eryday realty# consstn& of mllons of
blades of &rass# lea)es# hundreds of trees# and a multtude of
sounds. Each blade of &rass has depth and buld# not 6ust a
pont. Each leaf also conssts of component parts. D un8ue#
natural pattern ma+es up the bar+ of each tree.
*uddenly# a .nd be&ns to blo. throu&h the forest# and
mllons of lea)es and blades of &rass# follo.n& a
mathematcal model of the propa&aton of ar masses# be&n
oscllatn& n a .a)el+e fashon. Thus# a certan resource
nsde us s capable n mere seconds not only of creatn&
mllons of detals n the desred scene# but also to control
each of those detals nd)dually-
E)en f the phase s 6ust a state of mnd# ths does not
mean that there are no sources of nformaton .thn t. The
mnd possesses &reat computn& ablty and s e8upped to
(Table of Contents)
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ma&ne the full e1tent of the mpossble. 7o computer#
ho.e)er po.erful# s capable of smlar feats. D practtoner s
able to someho. tap nto ama,n& resources .hle n the
phase. 0t only remans to learn e1actly ho. to ache)e
0t s possble that the phase space s &o)erned by the
subconscous mnd. Ths means that the practtoner s able to
contact the subconscous .hle n the phase state. Gurn&
e)eryday lfe# the subconscous mnd sends nformaton based
on calculatons determned by enormous capabltes.
Bo.e)er# humans nether hear nor perce)e these s&nals
because people are accustomed to rece)n& nformaton
ln&ustcally. The subconscous mnd hardly operates .thn
the lmtatons of lan&ua&e. Communcaton .th the
subconscous mnd on a conscous le)el s only possble .thn
the phase. 0f all phase ob6ects are created and controlled by
the subconscous mnd# then t s possble to use them as
translators. For e1ample# .hen tal+n& to a person n the
phase# normal .ords are heard .hle the ob6ect and
communcated nformaton s controlled by the subconscous
(Table of Contents)
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Dn e1planaton of ho. nformaton s obtaned n the
phase can hardly be une8u)ocally pro)en. 'erhaps there are
other undsco)ered resources. But that s not so mportant.
The most mportant thn& s defntely +no.n: ho. to obtan
nformaton n the phase.
The al&orthm for obtann& nformaton from the phase
s not comple1. Dfter entern& the phase# only the techn8ues
for obtann& nformaton and the methods of )erfyn& t need
to be learned n order to ncrease the amount of +no.led&e
&leaned from the phase.
Based on the pra&matc e1planaton of the nature of the
phase as an unusual state of bran controlled by the
subconscous# t may be assumed that the amount of
nformaton obtaned n the phase s lmted. 0f the phase
e1sts .thn the confnes of the bran# then the bran can only
operate on data that has been rece)ed by t snce brth.
0ndeed# t appears that e)erythn& perce)ed throu&h the
sensory or&ans s remembered and correlated .th other
data. Ths s true not only of the perceptons .e are a.are of#
.hch comprse only a small fracton of total sensory nput#
but also the enormous )olumes of nformaton re&stered at
the subconscous le)el.
0f any e)ent s actually a conse8uence of other e)ents#
.hch .ere# n turn# also conse8uences of pre)ous
happenn&s# then nothn& occurs by chance. The ntal data s
+no.n 4 therefore t s possble to calculate .hat s mpled by
Ds a result# f e)erythn& s based solely on the resource
of the subconscous mnd# then nformaton may be obtaned
about e)erythn& that s related to an nd)dual lfe: the
practtonerJs e1perences and the e1perences of those .th
.hom the practtoner e1perences lfe. Both our o.n future
and past# and the future and past of others can be f&ured
out. Dll n all# n order to approach +no.n& the .hole of the
nformaton a)alable n the phase# personal +no.led&e
capacty .ould need to ncrease by $"" or e)en $#""" tmes.
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The only nformaton that s not a)alable n the phase s
that about .hch the subconscous mnd does not ha)e any
prelmnary nformaton. For e1ample# .here to purchase a
.nnn& lottery tc+et that .ll .n mllons of dollars cannot
be learned snce there s no data that could support the
necessary calculaton. The subconscous mnd .ll also not be
able to sho. the practtoner .hat a random street n a small
to.n on the other end of the Earth loo+s l+e. D practtoner
should not try &uessn& .hat nformaton the subconscous
mnd has to offer and .hat t doesnJt because msta+es are
easly made. For e1ample# f a practtoner has ne)er been to
'ars and ne)er seen the Effel t m&ht be assumed
that the practtonerJs subconscous mnd +no.s nothn&
about t ether. Bo.e)er# o)er the course of hs lfe# hs mnd
has already rece)ed an enormous 8uantty of nformaton
about t from pctures# photo&raphs# stores# )deos# boo+s#
and so forth.
There are three basc techn8ues for obtann&
nformaton n the phase. Each of them has ts ad)anta&es
and dsad)anta&es that must be studed and learned before
Ai)ate ObNect! Tec&i0ue
To perform ths method of obtann& nformaton# the
practtoner# n a full deep phase# must locate a person by
techn8ues for fndn& ob6ects and procure the necessary
nformaton from that person throu&h the use of smple
8uestons. 0f the re8ured nformaton s ln+ed to a certan
person# then that person should be located n the phase. 0f
the nformaton s not related to anyone n partcular# then t
s possble to create a un)ersal nformaton source# .hch
must be assocated .th .sdom and +no.led&e. For
e1ample# ths could be a .se recluse# a .ell4+no.n
phlosopher# or a &uru.
The ad)anta&e of ths techn8ue s that t s easy to pose
addtonal 8uestons and t s also easer to )erfy .hate)er
nformaton s obtaned. D dra.bac+ of ths techn8ue s that#
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for many# t s dffcult to communcate .th l)n& ob6ects n
the phase because of an ob6ectJs unrespons)eness or a
practtonerJs problems .th mantann& the phase .hle
tal+n& .th ob6ects.
Iai)ate ObNect! Tec&i0ue
2se techn8ues for fndn& ob6ects n order to locate
nformaton from sources l+e nscrptons# boo+s# or
ne.spapers. @hle tryn& to locate the source of nformaton#
remember to concentrate on a belef that .hat s found .ll
ha)e the desred nformaton. *ource types are not lmted to
paper medaH e)en rados or tele)sons may be .atched or
lstened to# and computer search en&nes and fle systems
also may produce results.
D hu&e dra.bac+ of ths techn8ue s that consderable
complcatons arse f an addtonal or a follo.4up 8ueston
emer&es# .hch may cause the practtoner to ha)e to stop
and repeat the searchn& process.
The upsde to ths techn8ue s that f a practtoner has
problems communcatn& .th anmate ob6ects# ths techn8ue
can temporarly ser)e as a reasonable alternat)e.
E*i!ode Tec&i0ue
0n order to rece)e nformaton usn& ths method#
ma&ne an e)ent or seres of e)ents that .ll communcate
the desred nformaton. Then# mo)e to the area .here
predetermned e)ents are e1pected to ta+e place by usn&
translocaton techn8ues. Dfter arr)n& at the destnaton# use
)sual obser)aton to understand .hat s ta+n& place and the
nformaton that the e)ents are communcatn&. The epsode
techn8ue s sutable only for cases .here nformaton can be
obtaned by obser)aton.

Gow to verify the inforationN The techn8ues for
rece)n& nformaton n the phase are not comple1 and pro)e
successful after 6ust a fe. attempts. Bo.e)er# as .as already
mentoned earler# the propertes of phase spaces that do not
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fall under the cate&ory of ))d percepton are not partcularly
stable 4 not only n terms of appearance# but also n terms of
ther propertes. Correctness of nformaton also depends on
the ob6ects themsel)es. The problem rests n that the
practtoner may not be able to properly control the ob6ect n
8ueston and may rece)e false nformaton.
Interesting Fact!
The phase space is not everyday
realityH therefore, it should not be treated
with the noral belief that every
observation should be regarded as fact.
E)en .hen a practtoner has learned to fnd anmate
and nanmate ob6ects .th an absence of doubt# there s stll
no &uarantee that the rece)ed nformaton s al.ays
accurate. D fe. techn8ue4related trc+s are able to test an
ob6ectJs ablty to spea+ the truth.
For e1ample# an ob6ect can tal+ about somethn& .th
absolute confdence# but that does not mean that .hat t
communcates s all true. 0f doubt s e1perenced .hle fndn&
the ob6ect# then doubt may ha)e an effect on .hat the ob6ect
says. Ths s .hy doubt must be a)oded at all costs 4
althou&h be&nners are bound to ntally ha)e problems .th
To determne .hether an ob6ect s able to &)e accurate
nformaton# a control 0uestion should be as+ed. 0t essentally
conssts of as+n& some )ery smple 8uestons and obser)n&
the ob6ectEs reacton. For e1ample: CBo. much s t.o tmes
t.oLC# C@hatEs my nameLC# CBo. old am 0LC# and C@here do 0
l)eLC# and so on. 0f the ob6ect s unable to e)en such
smple 8uestons correctly# then there s no sense n tryn& to
obtan further nformaton from t. The practtoner must ha)e
made commtted some errors .hen creatn& the ob6ect. D
proper ob6ect .ll reman slent or say that t does not +no.
the to the control 8ueston.
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Dfter any nformaton s obtaned# t must be confrmed.
Ths s done by means of a clarifying 0uestion. The
practtoner needs to as+ the ob6ect .here the nformaton
came from to fnd out the detals that offer proof of the
nformatonJs authentcty n the real .orld. The ob6ect may
also be as+ed the same 8uestons more than once# pro)ded
they are re.orded. The ans.ers to re.orded 8uestons must
be dentcal.
Remember# the more mportant the nature of the
nformaton and the more serous acton t mples# the more
effort needs to be n)ested n )erfyn& t n the real .orld
snce a certan percenta&e of the nformaton s bound to be
ncorrect despte correct performance of nformaton4related
Dpproachn& the obtanment of nformaton .th as
smple 8uestons as possble s also e1tremely mportant. The
smpler the nformaton that needs to be found out# the
better. Ds soon as a phaser becomes able to do ths n hs
practce# he can mo)e on to more dffcult and more mportant
tas+s. ThereEs no sense n be&nnn& such e1perments .th
somethn& ncredbly dffcult. 0f a practtoner s unable to
count ho. many pars of shoes there are n hs foyer# then
heEll hardly be able to fnd out ho. to become a mllonare.
0n addton to e)erythn& else# tEs mportant to consder
ho. specfc the needed nformaton s. 'racttoners 8ute
often see+ ans.ers to totally )a&ue or abstract 8uestons
.hle n the phase# .hch leads to a lac+ of success. The more
specfc the 8ueston# the &reater the odds of obtann& an to t. For e1ample# t hardly ma+es sense to e1pect a
specfc and clear to a )a&ue and all4encompassn&
8ueston l+e# C.hat a.ats me n the futureLC 0tEs many tmes
better to as+ a 8ueston re&ardn& ho. to ache)e some
e1tremely specfc &oal n the future. Other e1amples: nstead
of Cho. do 0 &et a rase at .or+LC as+ Cho. can 0 ma+e my
current pro6ect as successful as possbleLC 0nstead of Cho. do
0 &et healthyLC as+# Cho. do 0 &et rd of my headacheLC and
so on.
(Table of Contents)
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The ablty to obtan undstorted nformaton from the
phase s consdered to be a masterful s+ll of nearly the
h&hest order. *o .here do problems occurL Ds has already
been noted# obtann& nformaton s not anythn& dffcult
from a techncal pont of )e. 4 t suffces to &et nto the
phase and fnd somethn& out from ob6ects or the phase
space. 'roblems occur on a completely dfferent plane# one
that s much more dffcult for people to control 4 the plane of
thou&ht# mood# and belef 4 both the superfcal and deep4
founded )arety.
One of the most e1ctn& and nterestn& tas+s of
on&on& modern research s the study of ho. the phase
space# ts propertes# and functons depend on the nternal
mental bac+&round of the practtoner. Ths tas+ s made
partcularly clear by the follo.n& e1ample. Ths e1ample .ll
assume that the phase space s controlled by the
subconscous mnd. 0t .ll also assume that a practtoner has
&otten nto the phase usn& an ndrect techn8ue and has
rolled out of hs body .hle n hs bedroom. 0t turns out that
the subconscous .as able to &enerate the entre room alon&
.th mllons of mnute detals .th e1act precson n a matter
of seconds# perhaps n a mere fracton of a second.
2nma&nable s the amount of computaton that had to occur
n order to so 8uc+ly &enerate e)erythn&# up to e)ery thread
n the curtans and e)ery dot of n+ on the .allpaper# .thout
)olatn& any la.s of physcs. 0tEs dffcult to e)en fathom.
7e1t# the practtoner decdes to perform a .ell4+no.n test
.th a calculator. To ths end# he needs to fnd that
computatonal tool and punch n the numbers to be crunched.
Be .ll then )erfy the calculatorEs n the real .orld.
Dnd so# he uses the techn8ue of fndn& and fnds a
calculator. Be fnds the real thn&# and not 6ust a mere
representaton of t. Ths ob6ect# despte ts s,e# s 8ute
complcated 4 yet the phase creates t .th sn&ular accuracy
and precson. Dll of ts lnes# buttons# and cur)es are
&enerated 4 all much more accurately than could e)er be
dra.n. %oreo)er# ths calculator can e)en be ta+en apart# and
(Table of Contents)
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ts nternal components may be e1amned. E)erythn& here s
&enerated n only an nstant.
But then the trouble starts. The practtoner multples !
by ! and &ets some odd result# e.&.: D':49B# 9LeE=4"4=...
etc. That s# the result s anythn& but the correct product.
D parado1cal stuaton no. arses: the subconscous
mnd &enerates a space around the practtoner# accurate to
an mpossble de&ree and up to the mnutest detal. Bo.e)er#
ths )ery same subconscous mnd s unable to multply smple
numbers to&ether# a smple math problem that the
practtoner hmself can sol)e .thn a second. GoesnEt ths
stuaton seem stran&eL Dctually# not at all. The phase space
and ts computn& resources are not at ssue here. For the
phase# ths calculaton s not dffcult at all. Ths s really a
mere trfle for the resource that the practtoner has at hs
dsposal# e)en f he hmself has dffcultes .th multplcaton
The cru1 of the problem les n the mnd of the
practtoner .hen he s performn& ths &)en test. Be may
smply lac+ confdence (and ths doubt .ll be reflected n the
result). 0n addton# there may be a mass of other thou&hts
and feeln&s &on& throu&h hs head# .hch may brn& all of
hs efforts to nau&ht. For some reason# t sometmes seems
that a smlar phenomenon pertans not only to the phase# but
also to the e)eryday physcal .orld...
D 8ute smlar stuaton arses .th the techn8ue of
translocaton n the phase .th eyes closed. 0t s enou&h to
thn+ of somethn& e1traneous# enou&h to ha)e some doubt n
the outcome of the fl&ht# and that fl&ht .ll then ta+e much
lon&er# or e)en e6ect one nto a dfferent place# or smply
return one bac+ to the physcal body. The )ery same
mechansms and systems are at play .hen obtann&
nformaton. @hle .th teleportaton tEs enou&h to
translocate se)eral tmes n order to understand the essence
the sou&ht# or to feel t# more protracted problems
may de)elop .th obtann& nformaton.
(Table of Contents)
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One of the pro)en propertes of the phase state s that
ts stablty and steadness are drectly proportonal to those
of the person e1perencn& the sensatons t offers. For ths
reason# the e1ternal characterstcs of ob6ects tend to be )ery
stable and unchan&n&. For e1ample# one cannot put oneEs
arm throu&h a .all .hen n a deep phase. But at the same
tme# the propertes and n)sble functons of those same
ob6ects can be )ery unstable and senst)e to any mental
dsturbance. That s .hy t s dffcult to nstantly e)aporate
.ater or turn t nto blue brc+ .hle n the phase# but .ater
can easly be turned nto )od+a 4 a transubstantaton
accompaned by chan&e not only n taste and smell# but e)en
n propertes .hch affect the mnd of a person .ho drn+s t.
Dfter all# .ater and )od+a ha)e the same out.ard
appearance# but only dffer n terms of propertes. Dnd 6ust as
.ell# an ob6ect created n the phase for the purpose of
obtann& nformaton s e1tremely dependent on the nternal
state of the practtoner. D polluted mnd muffles 6ust .hat
the practtoner .ants to learn# and bloc+s .hat phase ob6ects
could easly con)ey to hm.
For that )ery reason# a practtoner desrn& to obtan
nformaton n the phase should remember one mportant
thn&: one must be not only e1ternally# but also nternally as
ndfferent as possble to the nformaton one obtans. 0n
parallel .th ths# t s necessary to ha)e full and complete
confdence that e)erythn& .ll .or+. the ob6ect
.ll )acllate bet.een .hat one .ants to hear and .hat one s
afrad to hear# nstead of a smple transmsson of nformaton
occurrn&. Ths problem s o)ercome n lar&e measure throu&h
practce# but there are some trc+s that facltate ths tas+.
The smplest of these s as follo.s: the practtoner as+s the
ob6ect hs 8ueston nether pont4blan+ nor r&ht a.ay# but
une1pectedly durn& con)ersaton on a sde topc. Ths
approach smply allo.s the practtoner to rela1 and reman
ndfferent to .hat s happenn&# f at least for a short .hle.
(Table of Contents)
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*urely# any creat)e person readn& ths te1tboo+ has
had deas occur more than once re&ardn& the broad
possbltes of usn& ths phenomenon for artstc and cultural
purposes. Dnd ndeed# t s dffcult to ma&ne any lmtatons
n ths feld. 0n addton to there ben& no boundares from a
techncal standpont# there are also no lmts re&ardn& the
type of creat)e output. The artst# the muscan# the sculptor#
and the des&ner .ll all be able to apply the practce of the
phase to ther purposes. The e1perences offered by the
practce of the phase are suffcent n and of themsel)es. They
ndeed allo. one to &an access to the &ushn& fountan of
nspraton that s the human ma&naton.
)reating works of art? 2sn& the methods of ob6ect fndn&
or translocaton# an artstc practtoner can purposefully
see+ an ob6ect n the phase that may be composed n real
lfe. 0f necessary# t s possble to easly return to study an
ob6ect n the phase. For e1ample# a panter may fnd a
stunnn& landscape and put t to can)as n the real .orld
.hle perodcally returnn& to the same landscape n the
9iewing future copleted works of art? 0f an artst s n the
process of real,n& an dea# then a prelmnarly loo+ at
the end result of a des&n may be seen n the phase. D
panter can e1amne a pantn& n ad)anceH a sculptor may
see a completed sculpture# and an archtect .ll be able to
.ander throu&h a house that s stll n the early sta&es of
des&n. Dny creat)e .or+ can be smulated n the phase.
A source of inspiration and fantasy? The phase practce
mparts deas and desres that post)ely affect creat)e
endea)ors. Furthermore# the real,aton of desres and
tra)els throu&h unusual spaces e)o+e &reat emotons#
.hch pro)de e1cellent nspraton.
(Table of Contents)
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The dea of employn& the phase to model creat)e
output s ob)ous# as absolutely e)erythn& may be created n
ths state. The artst may create a landscape that he s only
6ust preparn& to pant# or has already partally s+etched out.
Ths &)es hm an opportunty to assess the result n ad)ance#
and ntroduce any chan&es as necessary. Or he may re)e.
all of the landscapes that he ntends to pant# and then choose
the most promsn& one to start .or+ on. Or# he can
smultaneously e1amne all the landscapes that he has e)er
seen# as the phase space easly reproduces them for hm n
fne detal.
Ths possblty offered by the phase s 8ute useful for
the muscan# as t allo.s hm to create muscal scores of any
comple1ty# ncludn& those ma+n& use of an orchestra or
chorus# .hose members can led be easly and freely# .thout
.orryn& about ho. dffcult t s to do ths or that# and
.thout ha)n& to a)od o)er4strann& those muscans .ho
must comply to hs e)ery demand. Dlso# he does not ha)e to
.orry about .hether the orchestra# for e1ample# .ll able to
mmedately play the notes 6ust as he .ants# because the
output .ll al.ays comply .th hs .shes. 7aturally# to ths
end the student must frst master ho. to control the phase#
but s that really an obstacleL
D sculptor or an archtect can easly create anythn& n
the phase and re)e. t n e)ery detal# and thus ha)e an
ad)ance opportunty to unco)er any .ea+ aspects of hs
des&n. ThereEs no pont n descrbn& ho. artsts of e)ery
medum can ma+e use of the propertes of the phase# because
such people can f&ure out those uses for themsel)es.
2ndoubtedly# an artst .or+n& n any medum can fnd
somethn& there for hmself.
0t must also be emphas,ed that .or+s of art created n
the phase state .onEt dsappear That s# there s
no need to .orry about recastn& .or+s of art already created
n pre)ous phase e1perences. They are preser)ed there
fore)er# and can al.ays be found there a&an. 0n other .ords#
any and all nformaton can be stored .th perfect fdelty.
(Table of Contents)
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The only thn& a creat)e person may ha)e to .orry
about s ho.# n the real .orld# to reproduce those .onderful
masterpeces that he creates so easly n the phase. The fact
s that the phase space s much more po.erful than our
.a+n& conscous a.areness 4 that s# our capabltes are
much reduced durn& .a+n& lfe. Bo.e)er# there .ll al.ays
be a chance to &o bac+ nto the phase and .or+ out the
detals. 0n essence# e)erythn& s lmted only by our prmt)e
memory# .hch s often unable to recall such lar&e amounts of
nformaton durn& .a+n& lfe.
0n many spheres of human act)ty# s+ll at comple1
physcal mo)ements s 8ute mportant 4 sometmes
e)erythn& can depend on t. %ean.hle# motor s+lls are the
most mportant factor n the ma6orty of sports# from martal
arts of any +nd to fencn&# &ymnastcs# .e&htlftn&# f&ure
s+atn&# and so on. 0n many .ays# playn& these sports
depends on learnn& to perform certan mo)es automatcally.
Dnd so# &ymnasts perform somersaults or some other feat
do,ens of tmes o)er the course of a trann& sesson# and
bo1ers de)ote half of ther .or+outs for months on end to
practcn& one and the same punch.
For such people# there s one addtonal type of
mo)ement trann& that may be performed n the phase. The
potental for such trann& n the phase may not ntally be
ob)ous# but mo)ement n the phase sets off the same bran
act)ty as t does n .a+efulness# only ner)e mpulses are not
sent to the muscles. Dccordn&ly# any mo)ement that has
been .ell practced n the phase .ll reman almost e8ually
.ell practced n the real .orld. Ths phenomenon allo.s the
trann& routne to be supplemented# or e)en substtuted
.hen n6ured or unable to tran for any reason.
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Of course# one .ll ne)er become an Olympc champon
by trann& e1clus)ely n the phase# but don& so s stll
e1tremely effect)e.
0t turns out that practtoners of East Dsan martal arts
are especally dra.n to the phase. Thus# many +arate
enthusasts ether perfect techn8ues .hle n the phase# or
smulate &on& up a&anst stron&er r)als. E)en more
nterestn&ly# some fnd .orld4reno.ned masters for personal
nstructon. Especally popular phase traners are *te)en
*ea&al# Iac+e Chan and# of course# Bruce (ee.
*port n the phase can be combned .th the techn8ue
for obtann& nformaton# .hch s descrbed n ths boo+. The
student can use that )ery techn8ue to fnd out e1actly ho. to
tran# and .hch technolo&es and opportuntes can be ta+en
ad)anta&e of n order to mpro)e and become more successful
at a &)en sport. Ths assumes# of course# that the student
plays sports# somethn& al.ays recommended.
@hen n search of ne. sensatons and addn& color to
lfe# a practtoner can fully counter any nclnaton to ta+e
narcotc substances. The phase s essentally an ndependent
and safe .ay to ha)e far more po.erful e1perences than
could be had usn& any narcotc. The same may also partally
apply to alcohol# as nterest n t m&ht be dslod&ed by self4
de)elopment throu&h the phase.
The opportunty to use narcotcs .hle n the phase and
ha)e the same sensatons and e1perences m&ht also ser)e
as a .ay &et out of a dru& habt n real lfe.
E)en more pressn& s the need for the phase to ma+e
nroads nto mystcal schools .hose practces are often much
based on )arous herbal or chemcal substances. 'eople often
do not scorn controlled substances n the pursut of Cpersonal
de)elopmentC# CsprtsC# or C&ettn& n touch .th ther h&her
(Table of Contents)
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sel)esC. Bo.e)er# ths s nearly al.ays due to the smple
reason that such people are smply una.are of the e1stence
of other methods for e1perencn& a profoundly altered state
of conscousness. Tal+ .th any mystc burned4out by the use
of )arous po.ders# tablets# &rasses# cact# or mushrooms#
and theyEll freely admt that they .ould ne)er ha)e
underta+en such e1permentaton f they had +no.n that
there are smple and easly4accessble phase entrance
'eople ha)e &ro.n accustomed to the belef that ancent
shamans and %a& +ne. somethn& specal and that ther
techn8ues .ere 8ute ad)anced. Bo.e)er# n nearly e)ery
culture they manfested ther abltes nearly e1clus)ely
than+s to the use of )arous stmulants. They .ere essentally
al.ays ta+n& the easy route of de&radaton# nterpretn&
narcotc4fueled hallucnatons nstead of the pursun& the +nd
of personal de)elopment that modern people str)e for.
2nfortunately# lac+ of .despread +no.led&e re&ardn&
ndrect techn8ues for entern& phase states has led to a
stuaton .here a mar+et has formed n the @est for chemcal
substances for the practcn& the phase. E)en thou&h success
s &uaranteed ?"; of the tme .hen correctly performn&
ndrect techn8ues# people are ndoctrnated to bele)e that
e1perences are not a matter of techn8ue or method# but
rather of the presence or absence of some substance or
another n the body. Ds a result# purely psycholo&cal
dependence on the use of such substances de)elops# and
pro&ress usn& techn8ues to enter the phase s stunted.
There canEt be any tal+ of a real practce at an ad)anced le)el
.hen any au1lary substances are ben& used. The most
mportant characterstc of the phase s the fact that t can be
ache)ed ndependently.
(Table of Contents)
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'eople often approach the practce of )arous phase
states .th deep4rooted msconceptons about .hat can
actually be ache)ed throu&h practce. E)erythn& lsted n ths
secton refers to these msconceptons. 0t has not been
pro)en that any of these thn&s s mpossbleH ho.e)er#
actons should be based on pro)en and )erfed methods n
order to a)od ma+n& msta+es and .astn& tme.
=hysical e4it? 0f the frst e1perence .th the phase
phenomenon happens by accdent# t s almost mpossble not
to nterpret t as a real separaton of the soul from the body K
a physcal e1t. Ths s ho. the ntal phase e1perence really
feels. @th e1perence t becomes easly notceable that
certan thn&s n realty do not match thn&s n the phase# l+e
the placement of ob6ects or furnture n the house .here a
phase s frst encountered.
7o actual physcal e1t from the body has e)er been
pro)en throu&h scentfc e1permentaton and obser)aton.
For e1ample# n the phase# t s not possble to fly around to
locatons n physcal .orld# althou&h t may seem soH the
locatons that are e1perenced are produced .thn the mnd.
7or s t possble to pnch someone n the phase and then to
fnd a bruse on the person .hle n realty.
Other worlds? The phase space s smlar to the physcal
.orld# and a practtoner may be nclned to thn+ that the
soul has left the body. *ometmes the phase ta+es on an
absolutely unnatural form. Ds a result# the practtoner may
decde that a parallel .orld has been entered: the .orld
beyond# the astral plane# mental space# or the ether.
Dlthou&h tra)el n the phase can lead to many places# ths
does not mean that the phase allo.s tra)el throu&h or use of
actual# alternate .orlds. The practtoner should be
5evelopent of super-abilities? 0t s partally correct to
consder the practce of the phase as an e1trasensory ablty
snce t s an actual de)elopment of e1tremely unusual s+lls
that ha)e al.ays been consdered mystcal. Tmes ha)e
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chan&ed# and the phase should hardly be shuttled off to the
esoterc# obscure corners of +no.led&e.
There e1sts an unpro)en theory that the practce of the
phase can mpart unusual abltes. @hle lterature s full of
references to ths effect# these abltes ha)e not yet been
pro)en by anyone. The same apples to ntentonally
de)elopn& unusual abltes n the phase. Aes# these may be
traned .hle n the phase# but ths does not mean that
trann& n the phase .ll yeld the same results n the real
.orld. 'ractce should not be for the sa+e of ache)n& super4
abltes snce there are many pro)en applcatons that do
translate to realty n )aluable .ays. Be realstc.
@hle practcn& the phase may stll be )e.ed by the
ma6orty as entertanment or an element of self4de)elopment
at best# phase practce ta+es on a .hole ne. meann& for the
physcally dsabled. For them# the phase may be the only
place .here the handcaps of realty dssol)e and dsabled
practtoners e1perence a ran&e of possblty &reater than
that of the lfe e1perenced n realty.
D blnd person .ll see a&an n the phase# e)en more
clearly than seen& people do n realty. *omeone .ho s
paraly,ed .ll be able .al+# run# and also fly. D deaf person
.ll hear the murmur of streams and the chrpn& of brds. For
the dsabled# the phase practce s a chance to dsco)er ne.#
ncomparable .orlds free of physcal lmtaton.
7aturally# there are some nuances that must be
understood. Frst# for e1ample# f a person .as born blnd#
then there s the 8ueston as to .hether or not they .ould be
able to see n the phase n the same .ay ordnary people see.
Bo.e)er# ths ssue has not been fully studed# and blnd
people should smply carry out ther o.n ndependent
research. *econd# some types of dsabltes can ne&at)ely
affect the practce of the phase states. For e1ample# people
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.ho ha)e &one blnd ha)e &reater dffcultly catchn& the
ntermedate state bet.een sleep and .a+efulness snce#
unl+e seen& people# they may a.a+en .thout openn& ther
eyes to the percepton of sound. Thrd# psycholo&cal factors
may play a pronounced ne&at)e role. Certan belefs and
atttudes that may present an obstacle.
@hate)er the nd)dual ssues# ths partcular area of
phase applcatons re8ures addtonal study. 0t deser)es
s&nfcant attenton because t s a )ald tool for the
rehabltaton of the dsabled. 0t s .or+able# un8ue# and
e1tremely surprsn& n terms of the e1perences that t offers.
There are three man elements that# .th the help of the
phase# may nfluence the physolo&y n )ery benefcal .ays.
Frst# t s possble to contact the subconscous mnd to learn
ho. to nfluence physolo&y. *econd# the bran reacts more
stron&ly to sensatons than to real e)ents. For e1ample# f
runnn& .hle n the phase# the physcal processes of the body
.ould be consstent .th the processes occurrn& n the body
of a person runnn& n realty: respraton accelerates# blood
pressure ncreases# the heartbeat 8uc+ens# and e)en blood
flo. to the feet becomes &reater. Thrd# .hle the practtoner
e1perences profound chan&es of conscousness n the phase#
ths s .here all drect and ndrect forms of autosu&&eston
are most effect)e.
7ot all nfluences on physolo&y are $""; effect)e.
Bo.e)er# e)en .thout a &uaranteed rate of success# the
effort to nfluence physolo&y s .orthy of attenton because
ama,n& results can be obtaned. Dl.ays remember that
ache)n& a &ood result may re8ure repeated nfluence from
the phase. E)en n the physcal .orld# medcatons re8ure
repeated n&eston.
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0f the &oal s to affect the course of a dsease# do not
place all your hopes on the phase. The ser)ces of medcal
doctors must be the frst recourse. The more serous the
llness# the more stron&ly ths rule apples.
Obtaii1 I"or)atio
0nformaton on health problems may be obtaned usn&
the same techn8ues used for obtann& nformaton. 0t s also
possble to learn methods to remedy health problems# f such
methods e1st. Both of these possbltes apply to thrd
partes ben& helped by efforts n the phase. 0nformaton
&athern& s the only pro)en .ay to nfluence the physolo&y
of other people by usn& the phase. For e1ample# t s possble
to fnd a .ell4+no.n healer n the phase and as+ about
personal health problems or the problems of a frend or famly
member. D clarfed may be used n the assstance of
tradtonal medcal treatment.
Attetio "ro) Doctor!
Fnd a doctor n the phase by usn& the techn8ue of
fndn& ob6ects and as+ the doctor to ta+e e1amne or treat a
+no.n llness or other health problem. For e1ample# n case of
abdomnal pans the doctor may palpate the belly# apply
pressure to )arous ponts# and perform a specal massa&e.
Dny actons are possble# ncludn& an operaton. Dfter lea)n&
the phase# the practtoner .ll feel a post)e result.
Taki1 $edicie!
The placebo effect s much stron&er n the phase than n
realty snce all actons occur n a h&hly modfed state of
conscousness and are perce)ed drectly. Ob6ect locatn&
techn8ues may be used to fnd medcatons used to treat
e1stn& problems. 0t s also possble to create self4made
substances to produce the desrable effect. For e1ample# n
case of an acute headache n realty# a practtoner may ta+e
a pan+ller .hle n the phase and ts effect .ll be partally
felt n the .a+eful state.
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Direct E""ect
Dn llness or problem may be drectly affected by actons
n the phase. For e1ample# a sore throat may be .armed by
en)sonn& a burnn& sensaton n the throat or by mo)n& to
a hot locaton# l+e a sauna. 0f a practtoner .ould l+e to
ncrease physcal fle1blty# then stretchn& n the phase .ll
cause the body to ad6ust to the none1stent acton by rela1n&
and tensn& the correspondn& tendons and muscles.
Ths s nothn& more than normal autosu&&eston or
auto4trann& n the phase# .hch s more potent n the phase
than realty. D practtoner should repeat a desred &oal
slently or aloud and# f possble# should ma&ne e1perencn&
the desred result. For e1ample# f the am s to alle)ate
depresson# a practtoner should attempt to recreate a happy
mood n the phase# e1perencn& t to the fullest e1tent
possble. *multaneously# slent repetton of a &oal .th
complete understandn& and e1pectaton that e)erythn& .ll
be alr&ht and that e)erythn& s .onderful .ll undoubtedly
produce the desred effect.
/!e"ul E+*eriece!
E)erythn& .th useful propertes n realty should be
e1perenced as useful n the phase snce the body .ll react n
practcally the same manner. 2seful e1perences may nclude
e1ercsn&# &on& to the &ym# ha)n& a massa&e# ta+n& mud
or salt baths# and e1perencn& pleasant emotons.
'ractcn& phase4related techn8ues fa)orably affects the
psycholo&y because t offers ne. opportuntes and e)o+es
ne. emotons. Bo.e)er# there are specfc applcatons of the
phase that produce dffern& psycholo&cal effects. For
e1ample# t s possble to use the phase space as a brd&e for
dealn& .th phobas by facltatn& a settn& .here a
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practtoner may confront and deal .th certan fears. Varous
comple1es may be defeated n a smlar manner. The use of a
.ell4+no.n techn8ue called re4)stn& (recaptulaton)# .here
a person re4e1perences ad)erse e)ents .hle tryn& to relate
to them n a ne. .ay# has been used successfully n the
Obtaii1 i"or)atio
Actions. The essence of ths techn8ue s to obtan useful
nformaton n the phase that can be appled to self4healn&.
The nformaton obtaned may pertan not only to actons to
be mplemented n real lfe# but also to actons to be
performed drectly .hle n the phase. 0tEs possble to learn
ho. to help another person# or learn .hat that other person
needs to do to n order to o)ercome hs llness. For e1ample#
f the practtoner has some llness or other health4problem#
he can learn n the phase .hch medcnes .ould ha)e the
best effect n the physcal .orld# or .hch actons ta+en n the
phase could help hm to reco)er from hs llness or afflcton.
Therapeutic indications. The therapeutc ndcatons are
endless. Ds the techn8ue concerns obtann& nformaton and
+no.led&e# t can be used for any self4healn& case# no matter
.hat ts &ra)ty or )arety# and no matter .hether the ntent
s to heal n realty or .hle n the phase.
(4aple. For e1ample# a practtoner has hurt hs le&
.hle at .or+. ThereEs a bad panful bruse# and tEs ta+n& a
lon& tme to heal. Dnd so the 8ueston arses as to ho. to &et
the bruse to start healn& faster and become less panful. The
practtoner enters the phase and employs the techn8ue for
obtann& nformaton throu&h anmate ob6ects# and to that
end summons a sur&eon. Be brefly descrbes the problem
and as+s for ad)ce. The sur&eon recommends that the
practtoner frst &o for a short run n the phase n order to &et
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rd of the pan or smply stop feeln& t# and then# before
returnn& to realty# smear some cooln&4a&ent onto the
bruse and n6ect a lar&e dose of no)ocane nto t. The phase
sur&eon m&ht also ad)se hm to apply a compress usn&
n&redents that he had ne)er e)en thou&ht of# or ta+e a
specfc medcne. The result s that all of the abo)e s
mplemented both n the phase and n realty# ache)n& a
result commensurate .th the 8ualty of those actons.
(ffectiveness. Effect)eness (n ths conte1t: the
accuracy of +no.led&e obtaned throu&h the phase) s h&hly
dependent on oneEs le)el of mastery 4 that s# on the ablty of
the practtoner hmself to obtan nformaton from the phase.
For a no)ce# no more than !" to 4" percent of ad)ce
obtaned may be accurate# but .th e1perence that number
may reach =" or e)en $"" percent. Consdern& ths# t s )tal
to use the techn8ues for )erfyn& obtaned nformaton.
5ifficulties. The man dffculty .th ths type of healn&
usn& the phase les n the fact that the practtoner must
posses an addtonal s+ll: the ablty to obtan correct
nformaton from the phase and# by corollary# the ablty to
)erfy that nformaton. 0tEs usually necessary to smply enter
the phase# deepen t# and then perform the actons one
planned to do# all the .hle mantann& the phase. But n ths
case# e)erythn& s much more dffcult.
The )ery accuracy of +no.led&e obtaned s h&hly
dependent on ho. mpartal the practtoner s to the
nformaton he s rece)n&# and ho. confdent he s that he
.ll be able to obtan accurate nformaton. Be should not
ma+e the source of nformaton feel pressured to say .hat he
.ants to hear. By don& so# the practtoner .ould cho+e off
the flo. of accurate nformaton. 0tEs hard for the a)era&e
person to Cturn4offC habts l+e ths .thout serous trann&#
as e)eryone s accustomed to contemplatn& somethn& n the
bac+ of oneEs mnd# or ha)n& some desred outcome for a
Accessibility. Of course# obtann& nformaton n the
phase for the purpose of healn& s one of the most dffcult
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processes of all# and so the no)ce s better off shyn& a.ay
from t f he doesnEt ha)e a pressn& need to &o throu&h .th
the process. 2nl+e many other methods for healn& throu&h
the phase# t s necessary here to master the separate and
dffcult techn8ue of obtann& nformaton.
Taki1 )edicie!
Actions. %ost people are a.are of the so4called placebo
effect that occurs .hen su&ar4plls admnstered nstead of
real pharmaceutcals .or+ 6ust as .ell as dru&s about one
8uarter of the tme. 0n the phase# ths feat can be pulled off
much more mpress)ely and .th much &reater effect)eness#
as not only may any pll (or other dosa&e form) be &enerated#
but ts effects can also be felt mmedately. The physcal body
smply has no other choce .hen t s &)en a pll .th ascrbed
propertes. Dll of ths forces the physcal body to react to the
e)ents ta+n& place n the phase and recreate the effect n
e)ery possble .ay n the practtonerEs real4lfe or&ansm.
Ths s a &reat method.
The physcal body s totally fooled# and forced to .or+ n
a one .ay or another# sol)e a specfc problem# or complete a
certan tas+. The +ey to understandn& ho. ths occurs les n
the follo.n& fact: the physcal body reacts to all e1perences
n the phase state as f they .ere actually occurrn& n realty#
and attempts to physcally adapt to phase e)ents by tryn& to
create the needed and htherto nsuffcent effect.
Ths s made clear by the follo.n& smple lab
e1perment: .hen obser)n& a practtoner .ho s runnn&
.hle n the phase# chan&es n breathn& patterns are
recorded# as s ncreased heart4rate# ele)ated blood4pressure#
and e)en blood rushn& to the le&s. Dnd these are only
e1ternal ndcators. Dlon& .th them come the same nternal
endocrne secretons that .ould occur f the practtoner .ere
actually runnn& a race. These nternal processes can be
understood throu&h the follo.n& e1ample: ta+n& a shot of
)od+a n the phase. One not only smells and tastes the
)od+a# but also nstantly feels the correspondn& effect of
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ha)n& a shot# .hch may partally ln&er on after ha)n&
returned to the .a+n& state. But the )od+a may ha)e no
nfluence f the practtoner focuses on t ha)n& the same
propertes as .ater. That s# the )od+a tself can thus lose ts
natural propertes. Dnd so# .hen ta+n& medcne n the
phase# one ou&ht try r&ht then and there to feel ts effect#
and as ntensely as possble.
For a lon& tme# there .as no e1planaton as to ho.
ta+n& medcne n the phase n the form of placebos could be
effect)e and .or+. Ths s especally consdern& that the
practtoner +no.s that he s ta+n& a placebo# no matter ho.
))d the sensatons and reactons that accompany t. The came n late !"$" .hen yet another test on placebos
.as performed at Bar)ard %edcal *chool on patents
suffern& from rrtable bo.el syndrome. The e1perment .as
un8ue n that the patents +ne. that they .ere ta+n& a
placebo 4 that s# a su&ar pll. 7e)ertheless# the &roup ta+n&
the pseudo4medcne e1perenced nearly t.ce the symptom
reducton as the control &roup not &)en anythn&. Dnd n a
!""> Gu+e 2n)ersty e1perment on placebos# people .ere
&)en fa+e pan rele)ers of supposedly dfferent prce ran&es.
0t turned out that the Ce1pens)eC pan4+llers .or+ed on >9;
of test sub6ects# .hle the CcheapC ones .ere effect)e only
for <$ percent. 0t s nterestn& to note not only the
dfference n effect)eness bet.een the same su&ar plls# but
also that they .ere so effect)e to be&n .th. Ths
e1perment demonstrates that tEs actually better to ta+e .ell4
+no.n# .ell4ad)ertsed# and e1pens)e dru&s n the phase n
order to obtan ma1mum effect.
The procedure for self4healn& n the phase throu&h
ta+n& medcne s as follo.s: the practtoner must fnd (usn&
the techn8ues for fndn& ob6ects) specfc medcnes or
create them# and then ta+e them n the usual .ay# act)ely
tryn& r&ht then and there to mmedately feel the
correspondn& effect. 0f t s not possble to feel the prmary
effect of a medcne# then the most stron&ly assocated sde
effects ou&ht be felt. The medcne or healn& substance tself
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may ta+e any form: tablets# plls# drn+able nfusons#
balsams# potons# etc. @hen a person ta+es these substances
n the phase# the body .ll be&n to reproduce ther effect and
assocated sensatons. 0n addton# a correspondn& reacton
.ll occur at the le)el of nternal bodly functons 4 the same
effect that the medcnal substance .as to ha)e brou&ht
about. Ths s all 8ute smple.
Of substantal s&nfcance s the ablty to create oneEs
o.n remedes .th the desred set of healn& propertes. For
e1ample# one can create and ta+e a pll that has been
pro&rammed .th the fndn& ob6ects techn8ue to
smultaneously treat t.o or more dseases# e)en f no such
dru& e1sts n the physcal .orld. %ean.hle# t s .orth notn&
the re&ularty .th .hch n)ented substances are less
effect)e than e1stn& or .ell4+no.n ones 4 ths phenomenon
s due to practtoners ha)n& psycholo&cal bloc+s.
Of course# n most cases t s not enou&h to ta+e a sn&le
dose of a medcne .hle n the phase. Therefore# tEs a &ood
dea to &o on a +nd of treatment re&me# ta+n& doses at
re&ular nter)als# 6ust as f .th a real pharmaceutcal
prescrpton. 0n some complcated stuatons# t s necessary to
ta+e medcne re&ularly n the phase o)er oneEs .hole lfe 4
6ust as n the physcal .orld.
0t s .orth mentonn& one mportant tem on the sub6ect
of dosa&e: t s n fact possble to stll obtan a desred effect
.thout ta+n& any medcne n the phase. Bo.e)er# t s
dffcult for a practtoner to ma+e hs or&ansm .or+ n the
desred .ay .thout a supportn& anchor. The medcnes
themsel)es are .hat &reatly facltate the act)aton of the
desred self4healn& pro&ram by actn& as anchors. Ds t turns
out# the dosa&e amount does not ha)e any mportance at all.
Bo.e)er# tEs better to follo. establshed norms at the
be&nnn& of oneEs practce# as ths act)ates subconscous
pro&rammn& correlatn& 8uantty .th 8ualty. 7onetheless#
an o)erdose may ha)e ad)erse effects. Once a practtoner
learns to ndependently reproduce the effect of medcnes on
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hs body# t .ll be possble to use preparatons n mnute
@hen choosn& amon& )arous medcnes# the 8ueston
may arse as to .hether or not the sde effects that many of
them ha)e .ll also occur n the phase. 0t can be confdently
stated that the ncdence of sde effects s reduced here by 9"
to $"" percent# because as far as the subconscous mnd s
concerned# any medcne should heal frst and foremost.
%ean.hle# the body may not be pro&rammed to produce sde
effects. F)en ths stuaton# t s better not to use medcnes
.hose sde effects are .ell +no.n# as n that case sde effects
may not only arse# but also be domnant .hen certan
techn8ue4related msta+es are made. That s# the medcne
may do more to cause harm than to heal n the phase.
Therapeutic indications. Therapeutc ndcatons for
ta+n& any medcne n the phase +no. practcally no lmts.
Ds .th obtann& nformaton# the phase can be employed
to.ards accomplshn& any ob6ect)e or tac+ln& any llness.
(4aple. *uppose a practtoner catches a bad cold#
resultn& n the symptoms of headache# runny nose# cou&h#
and fe)er. Be enters a deep sta&e# and# usn& the techn8ue
for fndn& ob6ects# fnds on the n&htstand a bo1 of .ell4
ad)ertsed cold relef medcne# the +nd that s dssol)ed nto
a &lass of .ater. Be then &oes nto the +tchen and drops a
tablet nto a &lass of .ater# .hch starts f,,n& and
dssol)n&. Ds soon as the tablet dssol)es# he drn+s do.n the
entre &lass# tryn& at the same tme to mmedately feel ts
effect: .armth courses throu&h hs body# a certan feeln& of
.ell4ben& arses# hs temperature &oes do.n# post4nasal drp
eases# and so on. Dfter returnn& to the physcal .orld# the
practtoner ether mmedately feels better# or the relef
comes &radually from that pont on. The procedure s then
carred out se)eral tmes o)er the course of the ne1t se)eral
days. The practtoner may then separately mplement a
pre)entat)e course of treatment# ma+n& future colds mlder
and much less fre8uent.
(Table of Contents)
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Of course# the techn8ue for fndn& ob6ects can be
employed to.ards a )arety of ends. For e1ample# you may
fnd a &lass .th a cold4relef tablet already dssol)ed nto t#
and thus sa)e tme.
(ffectiveness. For the no)ce# the effect)eness of ta+n&
medcne n the phase as a means for healn& ran&es from
appro1mately 9" to =" percent. That s to say# n the
ma6orty of cases there s a clear and stable effect.
Consdern& that plls# for e1ample# are rarely ths effect)e n
real lfe# t turns out that n many cases ths s the best of all
a)alable .ays to heal oneself. For e1perenced practtoners#
effect)eness reaches ?" to $"" percent. 0t s necessary at
tmes to ad6ust the re&ularty .th .hch medcnes are ta+en
.hle n the phase# as dosa&e ncrements are often crucal to
optm,n& the effect.
5ifficulties. There are no substantal dffcultes .th
ta+n& medcne n the phase. Re8ured here are the basc
s+lls of fndn& ob6ects and the ablty to reproduce medcneEs
effect .hen ta+n& t 4 ths s accomplshed by smply
deepenn& oneEs desre for ths to happen. 0f ths s not
ache)ed on the frst try# then t .ll .or+ by the second or
thrd attempt.
Accessibility. %edcnes are the basc means of
nfluencn& the or&ansm .hle n the phase state. Ds ths
techn8ue s both accessble and easy to master# e)en for
no)ces# one should add t to oneEs repertore r&ht a.ay and
try to ache)e results from the )ery frst attempts. Ths s
especally true# n )e. of the techn8ueEs h&h le)el of
Direct i"luece
Actions. Grect nfluence on the or&ansm .hle n the
phase s attrbuted to the effect of the body reactn& at all
le)els to the mpact of phase e1perences# as .as descrbed n
the secton re&ardn& the techn8ue of ta+n& medcnes. That
s# .hen somethn& s done to the or&ansm .hle n the
phase# the effect s mmedately felt there# and# at the same
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tme# there s a real effect on the body n the physcal .orld#
6ust as f e)erythn& .ere happenn& n real lfe. The man
dfference .th techn8ues for drect nfluence s that the
problem s approached not throu&h an ntermedary
(medcne)# but s nstead tac+led drectly. Ths s essentally a
more thorou&h method# but also a more dffcult one.
0n practce# t .or+s l+e ths: a person &oes nto the
phase state and be&ns to drectly nfluence the sc+ or&an or
or&ansm usn& all means at hs dsposal 4 both those that
e1st n the physcal .orld and those that do not. %oreo)er#
he can nfluence the body smply at the le)el of percepton#
.thout e1ternal contact. The )ery percepton of drect
nfluence s the +ey factor here. @thout t# thereEs no real
pont to applyn& the techn8ue 4 nota bene.
There are many optons for drectly nfluencn& the
or&ansm as a .hole or nfluencn& ts nd)dual parts:
heatn&# cooln&# releasn& ener&y# numbn&# massa&n&#
admnstern& n6ectons# smearn& ontments# radaton
treatment 4 n &eneral# e)erythn& that s possble or
mpossble n real lfe. Ths process re8ures both ta+n& the
ntat)e and a creat)e approach.
One may nfluence ether the entre or&ansm as a
.hole# or any separate part of t .hle n the phase. For
e1ample# one can easly .arm up the entre body# heat up
only the bran# or e)en massa&e t# as ncredble as that may
sound. Thou&h ths may str+e some as unbele)ably stran&e#
one may actually put oneEs hand throu&h the body .hle n
the phase# feel any or&an# and nfluence or affect t as
necessary. Gon& ths feels so realstc that people are often
lon& unable to brn& themsel)es to attempt t# f only out of
the fr&ht that str+es them .hen they feel ther o.n hand
passn& throu&h ther o.n body and touchn& ther nternal
or&ans. For e1ample# f a person .ants to ha)e an affect on
the l)er# he .ll be able not only to hold t .th hs left hand#
but also to drectly feel the l)er tself# as .ell as the
sensaton of holdn& t. Ths may be partcularly fr&htenn&
.hen actn& on the heart or the bran. The phase s the only
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place .here one may do all ths. Dnd ths s truly more than
6ust an ncredble e1perence that lea)es an emotonal
mpresson lastn& oneEs entre lfe. *&nfcantly# one can
affect not only a dsease# but also ts symptoms. By
alle)atn& and elmnatn& symptoms# one .ll
nfluence ther source. Ths s especally mportant .hen the
source of the symptoms themsel)es s not .ell understood.
Of course# as .th most other techn8ues for nfluencn&
the body .hle n the phase# a sn&le drect treatment s often
not enou&h. Ds a rule# the procedure should be performed
se)eral tmes by entern& the phase for se)eral days n a ro.#
or e)en mplementn& a treatment re&me. Ether .ay# all ths
depends on a practtonerEs le)el of s+ll n employn& the
techn8ue. 0t &oes .thout sayn& that an e1perenced
practtoner need perform far procedures than a no)ce.
Therapeutic indications. Grectly nfluencn& the
or&ansm s easest .hen t comes to a problem .hose
local,aton s +no.n. 0t s )ery dffcult to drectly nfluence an
mperceptble llness of an un+no.n nature that e1hbts fe.
(4aple. The e1ample of an n6ured le& .ll no. be
ta+en up a&an. The practtoner enters a deep phase and
mmedately be&ns manpulatn& the le& n e)ery .ay
possble. Frst# he concentrates on hs le& not hurtn& and
ben& already healed# and tres to crculate nternally4
&enerated therapeutc heat and )bratons about t. The
healn& effect must be felt mmedately. 0f there s tme left#
the practtoner uses the techn8ue for fndn& ob6ects to
summon a syrn&e loaded .th pan+llers and fast4actn&
bruse4treatn& medcaton. Be n6ects the entre does nto hs
le&# tryn& to mmedately feel the effect of the preparaton.
Ths comes easly: the practtoner feels numbness and
pleasant sensatons emanatn& from the shot. 0f possble# he
fnally rubs n a specally created ontment onto hs le&#
further acceleratn& the healn& process. @hen the
practtoner returns from the phase# he s l+ely to
mmedately feel that hs le& hurts a lot less# and that t .ll
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soon be&n to reco)er. 7e)ertheless tEs best to perform the
same procedure se)eral tmes.
Dnother e1ample: +dney stones. The practtoner enters
nto a deep phase# and for se)eral mnutes tres to CblastC the
+dneys .th .arm )bratons that dssol)e the stones. To do
ths# he frst tres to smply feel hs +dneys# and then n)o+es
the necessary processes n them by force of a stron& desre to
do so. Dfter.ards# he slps hs hands nto hs abdomen# holds
one +dney n each hand# and starts massa&n& them n such
a .ay as to dssol)e the stones n them. Then# he carefully
slps hs fn&ers nto hs +dneys# and uses them to rub the
stones nto a harmless po.der. For ma1mum effect# the
practtoner should carry out ths procedure re&ularly and
consstently on ths problem# as t s not one that s 8uc+ly
(ffectiveness. 0n most cases# the techn8ue of drect
nfluence s a )ery effect)e means of treatment. Ths s
especally true .hen the problem s palpable and ob)ous.
Effect)eness can reach <" to >" percent e)en for a no)ce# to
say nothn& of .hat more e1perenced practtoners can
5ifficulties. Grectly nfluencn& the or&ansm .hle n the
phase n)ol)es no substantal dffcultes. 0t s only necessary
to feel the effect of such nfluence# .hch s easy to do .hen
desre s stron& enou&h# e)en .thout pror trann&. There
remans the mnor problem of fear arsn& .hen hands are
nserted nto the body# a phoba that tends to be dffcult to
o)ercome. Bo.e)er# the fear often becomes surmountable
.hen oneEs &oal s serous enou&h. *ometmes curosty alone
s not enou&h to brn& oneself to ha,ard the )enture.
Accessibility. Grectly nfluencn& an llness or health
problem s suffcently easy n the phase# n addton to ben&
8ute effect)e. Therefore# e)en be&nners are encoura&ed to
use ths techn8ue from ther )ery frst attempts and ne)er
for&et about t# e)en after ha)n& mastered other techn8ues
for healn& themsel)es .hle n phase states. Ths techn8ue s
one of the fundamentals.
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Actions. The effect)eness auto4trann&# self4
pro&rammn& and self4hypnoss ha)e been lon& establshed.
They ha)e been pro)en to brn& results e)en .hen performed
.hle a.a+e. The deeper the trance state that they are
mplemented n# the more effect)e they are. From ths
perspect)e# the dea cannot but occur of also usn& smlar
techn8ues to heal throu&h the phase# as the phase state s
the deepest hypnotc trance state that can be ache)ed
conscously and ndependently. %oreo)er# the usual trance
state n .hch self4hypnoss s performed does not e)en be&n
to compare .th the phase n terms of substance or
effect)eness. Therefore# self4pro&rammn& s many tmes
more effect)e n the phase than n any other state. Ths s#
for all effect)e purposes# a ne. era of de)elopment for these
+nds of technolo&es.
'ro&rammn& n phase conssts of creatn& self4fulflln&
subconscous resolutons. *nce a person n the phase s n the
deepest of all possble altered states of conscousness# ths s
the most effect)e place for such pro&rammn&. F)en the fact
that much human llness s psychosomatc n nature# and yet
stll causes real suffern&# pro&rammn& techn8ues employed
n the phase can destroy such CdseasesC at the root.
0n practce# one &ets nto the phase and ntroduces a
resoluton drectly at the subconscous le)el to remedy a
specfc health problem. There are se)eral )aratons of ths
acton n the phase. Frst# one smply can frmly state oneEs
resoluton aloud re&ardn& remedyn& a problem or re&ardn&
oneEs .ell4ben&. *econd# pro&rammn& can also be effected
.ordlessly# at the le)el of speechless understandn& and
ntenton. Ths second )araton s much more dffcult than
)erbal su&&eston# so t s better for the no)ce to shy a.ay
from t.
The duraton of one attempt should not ta+e up an entre
phase# as .hat matters here s not the len&th of an attempt#
but tEs 8ualty. @hatEs mportant s that the pro&rammn&
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occurs n the subcorte1 at the deepest and most meann&ful
le)el# e)en f t lasts for only $" to $9 seconds. GonEt assume
that se)eral .ords pronounced half4heartedly .ll do all of the
.or+ on ther o.n# as f ths .ere the same thn& as castn& a
spell. These .ords need to be e1perenced and felt at all
le)els of percepton and conscousness a.areness.
@hen pro&rammn& your subconscous# t s )ery
mportant to note that )erbal formulas should not contan
ne&atons. For e1ample# one should not say# C0 do not ha)e
nsomna.C 0nstead# t s much better to affrm# C0 sleep deeply
and soundly# 0 fall asleep 8uc+ly.C Ds .th other techn8ues
for self4healn& n the phase# actn& on a problem 6ust once s
often not enou&h .hen pro&rammn&. 0t s better to ntroduce
resolutons se)eral tmes on dfferent days. *ometmes tEs
ad)sable to mplement an entre treatment re&me.
Therapeutic indications. 'ro&rammn& for self4healn& n
the phase can be appled to almost any dsease or alment#
but t .or+s best of all for problems of personal psycholo&y or
&eneral .ell4ben&. For e1ample# one may use t to mpro)e
o)erall .or+n& capacty# alle)ate fat&ue and an1ety#
ncrease stamna# mpro)e o)erall health# bolster the mmune
system# and much more.
(4aple. D practtoner has an llness that s at a serous
sta&e and accompaned by fat&ue as .ell as rrtated mood#
but has no possblty of ta+n& sc+4lea)e to &et better# as he
needs &o to .or+ e)ery day. Dnd so# he enters a deep phase
and be&ns to say aloud the follo.n& .ords: COnce 0 e1t the
phase# .thn a day 0 .ll feel buoyant# healthy# and act)e. 0
.ll be n a &ood mood and ha)e deal o)erall .ell4ben&. 0 am
healthy. 0 am act)e. 0 am happy. 0 ha)e boundless ener&y#
and 0 am full of )talty.C %ean.hle# he does not merely utter
these .ords# but also tres to feel them# to e1perence them.
Of course# tEs better for hm to ntate further procedures to
treat the dsease tself before e1tn& the phase. 0n any case#
repeatn& such an affrmaton almost mmedately after
returnn& to realty may also brn& sold results.
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(ffectiveness. The effect)eness of pro&rammn& for self4
healn& throu&h the phase s not )ery h&h# as most people
are unable to feel the self4pro&rammed resolutons fully and
deeply. Effect)eness for be&nners s .thn the
bounds of :" and 9" percent. Effect)eness ncreases .th
practce. 0nterestn&ly# a sn&le sesson s )ery often enou&h
for e1perenced practtoners 4 unl+e the case .th other
methods for self4healn& throu&h the phase.
5ifficulties. The man dffculty arsn& .hen usn&
pro&rammn& techn8ues occurs .th ben& able to sncerely
feel the resoluton ben& made. Ths can be an
nsurmountable obstacle for many due to ther psycholo&cal
ma+eup or dffcultes n understandn& .hat s &on& on. 0t s
also necessary to ma+e separate note of the fact that the
process of pro&rammn& may e6ect a practtoner from the
phase# as t tends to be rela1n&. Thus# t s mportant not to
for&et to employ some of the techn8ues for mantann& the
phase .hle pro&rammn&. For e1ample# one m&ht constantly
rub the hands to&ether# scrutn,e somethn& up4close# or
+eep )bratons &on& the .hole tme.
Accessibility. Consdern& l+elhood of effect)eness and
techncal dffcultes# self4healn& n the phase throu&h
pro&rammn& s often not )ery accessble for be&nners.
Therefore# unless there s some specfc &oal that can only be
sol)ed only n ths .ay# t s better to use other techn8ues.
P!'c&olo1ical i)*act
Actions. @hene)er t s necessary to sol)e problems
related to psycholo&cal or psychosomatc llnesses# usn& the
phase for psycholo&cal mpact s the most effect)e# clear#
and pro)en .ay to nfluence the or&ansm. 0tEs not for nothn&
that scence has documented ts effect)eness n studes on
lucd dreamn&.
The operatonal prncples of ths techn8ue are smple:
-The physical body adapts to events e4perienced
in the phaseH
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-&e-e4periencing negative events of the past
erases the ipression ade by the at the
physiological levelH
0t .ould ser)e .ell to start by notn& that practcn& the
phase# e)en outsde the conte1t of self4healn&# n and of
tself has a po.erful# post)e# and fa)orable effect that .ll
manfest tself n any nd)dual pursun& t. The pont s that
once someone has e1perenced the phase and real,ed the
true e1panse and endlessness of the .orldEs hor,ons# he or
she be&ns to relate to real lfe n a dfferent .ay. Be becomes
more open# has ssues .th hmself and the .orld# and
more socable. %oreo)er# practcal mastery of the phase
bulds nner centeredness 4 thou&h tEs real .or+. 'ractcn&
the phase cannot but ha)e a benefcal effect on the
nd)dual# as t s a real form of self4actual,aton n and of
tself. 0t s both authentc and lastn& self4actual,aton 4
unl+e other practces that )er&e on deluson and con6ecture.
Therapeutic indications. The follo.n& types of problems
may be acted upon .th the help of psycholo&cal mpact n
the phase: mental llnesses and other problems (ncludn&
phobas# fears# comple1es# ndecson# depresson# socal
an1ety# and much more). Ths techn8ue for self4healn& n
the phase s ll suted for condtons that are not of a
psycholo&cal nature. The e1ceptons to that rule are llnesses
caused by factors of a psychosomatc nature (accordn& to
some reports# up to 9"; of all dseases fall nto ths cate&ory#
but such dstnctons are dffcult to cate&or,e on a case4by4
case bass).
(4aple. D person s afrad to tra)el by arplane
(aerophoba). To sol)e ths problem# the person should enter
a deep phase# and# by employn& the techn8ue of
translocaton# fnd hmself n an arplane &on& throu&h rou&h
turbulence. Gespte the fact that all ths s not really
happenn& n the physcal .orld# the fear e1perenced .ll be
>" to $!" percent that of a smlar real4lfe stuaton# as the
realsm of the phase state s e1tremely ele)ated. There s
practcally no dfference bet.een sensatons e1perenced n
(Table of Contents)
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the phase and those of real lfe. Bo.e)er# there s no actual
threat to lfe and lmb n the phase 4 the practtoner
understands ths subconscously# and tres to stay n the
arplane as lon& as possble# &ettn& used to ts s.ayn&#
sha+n&# and sudden dps. Only a couple of such r)etn&
smulatons are usually enou&h to at least ta+e any phoba out
of the forefront of oneEs mnd and stop t from causn& further
dstress# f not ndeed bansh t.
The ne1t e1ample to be consdered s a scenaro .here a
person had a )ery stressful e1perence .hle stll a chld: the
death of a fa)orte puppy. 0n such cases# an a&e4old method
.or+s 8ute .ell 4 communcatn& .th the &est of the
departed (ths also .or+s .th human ben&s). Ths s 8ute a
sure method# especally consdern& that there s nothn&
dffcult about t from a techncal pont of )e.. One need only
enter a deep phase and apply the techn8ue for fndn&
ob6ects. The e1act same puppy remembered from chldhood
.ll appear. 0t .ll also lc+ oneEs face# play# bar+# and loo+ at
ts o.ner .th loyal eyes# .a&&n& ts lttle tal all the .hle.
The practtoner .ll be able to once a&an pc+ t up# pet t#
touch ts fur# and feel ts .e&ht and .armth. The puppy .ll
be 6ust the same as f encountered n real lfe. E)en .hen t
playfully nps at the hand# the o.ner .ll feel t. The frst such
meetn& .ll naturally cause some sadness and tears# but
from then on# once one real,es that one can contnue to
meet .th ths pet n phase# sadness .ll 8uc+ly recede to the
bac+&round (as .ll all psychosomatc complcatons caused
by the death of the belo)ed anmal). The practtoner .ll
be&n to feel that the puppy s really al)e. Dfter all#
percepton arses from sensory nput# and not deduct)e
(ffectiveness. The nstruments for psycholo&cal mpact
n the phase are 8ute effect)e. Ds psycholo&y s ben&
dscussed# t s dffcult to compare the effect)eness of ths
techn8ue .th other methods of treatment. 7onetheless#
e)en for be&nners the rate of success reaches $""; durn&
(Table of Contents)
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the )ery frst applcatons. ThatEs somethn& that really stands
5ifficulties. Ds t s the psyche and the mnd that are
ben& mpacted by these techn8ues for self4healn&# a certan
amount of nternal effort s necessary to ache)e results. For
e1ample# f a person s tryn& to o)ercome claustrophoba#
then real fear .ll arse .hen he fnds hmself n enclosed
spaces .hle n the phase. Be .ll stll ha)e to confront hs
phoba on hs o.n. The phase here only pro)des a
sprn&board for .or+n& on oneself. 0t should ne)er be
assumed that the ncredble effect)eness of ths method
comes out of thn ar# .thout effort on the part of the
Accessibility. *elf4healn& n the phase usn& the
techn8ue of psycholo&cal mpact s readly accessble to
be&nners# startn& from ther frst phase entrances. Ths s
because t does not re8ure any specal s+lls e1cept the ablty
to translocate# and so ths course can be ta+en r&ht from the
Heali1 Ot&er!
0n addton to self4healn&# the phase state of the mnd
also pro)des some possbltes for ha)n& an nfluence on the
health of others.
0tEs not ne.s that most people are frstly nterested not
n self4healn&# but n helpn& others. Ths s understandable#
as perhaps they ha)e lo)ed ones .ho are for .hate)er reason
unable to use the phase# or are e1tremely ne&at)ely
pre6udced a&anst such thn&s. 'erhaps the reader of ths
boo+ s a professonal .ho treats dseases n non4tradtonal
.ays# or s a no)ce healer hmself.
0t s .ell to frst emphas,e that only one of the .de
)arety of theoretcal .ays to ha)e an nfluence on another
person n the phase s pro)en and absolutely practcable# and
t s techn8ues for obtann& nformaton. @hle the effects of
all the other techn8ues on the practtoner hmself are
beyond doubt and ha)e been pro)en e1permentally# ther
(Table of Contents)
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nfluence on other people remans theoretcal 4 as of yet# no
one has been able to pro)e remote nfluence on another
person n a controlled e1perment. For e1ample# f you fnd a
frend n the phase and &)e hm some medcne# the effect of
that medcne on hm .ll reman theoretcal.
0t s mportant to real,e that tryn& to employ anythn&
but the techn8ue for obtann& nformaton rs+s tme and
ener&y ben& spent n )an. *ome certanly .ll clam to ha)e
pro)en that t s possble to ha)e a drect affect on another
person throu&h the phase. Bo.e)er# only .hat each and
e)ery person can accomplsh 4 lterally from the frst tme 4
.ll be dscussed here. @hate)er the case may be# t can be
defnt)ely stated here that ether nfluencn& another person
remotely s mpossble# as fe. ha)e reported results# or t
smply remans unclear ho. to do t. Ether .ay# n embar+n&
upon such htherto unpro)en e1perments# one does so at
oneEs o.n rs+ and perl. 0f remote nfluence throu&h the
phase ne)ertheless sho.s tself to be .or+n&# then t s
already the practtoner hmself .ho .ll ha)e to +no. .hat
needs to be added so that the mpact on the other person
brn&s stable results.
OneEs theoretcal )e. on the nature of the phase
phenomenon .ll play an enormous role n oneEs choce of a
course of acton. The materalst .ll not ha)e any .ay of
helpn& another person besdes obtann& nformaton. The
occultst s hardly l+ely to encounter barrers to hs practce.
Ths s a choce for each person to ma+e. 0t should be
understood that e)en f other techn8ues allo. some nfluence
on others# the results are clearly far from stable 4 as many
.ll doubt the results due to a lac+ of emprcal e)dence# and
not out of ther o.n )e.s or theores. That )ery lac+ of
emprcal e)dence forbears a defnt)e statement here.
*centfc e1perments ha)e del)ered no confrmaton to date.
Of course# f one .shes to help another person# there s
another pro)en .ay to do so besdes obtann& nformaton:
con)ncn& hm to practce the phase and employ the
approprate techn8ues for self4healn& hmself. From a
(Table of Contents)
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pra&matc pont of )e. on the phenomenon# ths s a much
surer .ay than tryn& to nfluence another person from the
The techn8ue of obtann& nformaton .ll be of help for
the practtoner .ho has decded to heal another person. Ths
techn8ue s descrbed n detal n ths boo+# alon& .th ho. to
use t. The only dfference s that nformaton must be sou&ht
on a partcular person# and not on oneself. The practtoner
may learn not only ho. to pro)de treatment n real4lfe# but
also ho. to obtan a comprehens)e da&noss.
0t .or+s l+e ths: usn& the techn8ue for obtann&
nformaton# one fnds a specalst .ho .ll help deal .th the
problem that oneEs ac8uantance s e1perencn&. One then
spea+s .th ths doctor about ho. to help hm# about .hat
can be done n realty# and so on... The phase doctorEs
prescrptons andPor ad)ce are then relayed to the person for
.hom they .ere obtaned. Dlternat)ely# the entre phase
e1perence s related to the person n need.
From a materalst pont of )e.# t s necessary to note
the fact that far from e)eryone can be helped usn& the
phase. @thout &on& nto detaled e1planatons# t .ll smply
be stated that the more one +no.s about a person# the more
one .ll be able to fnd out about hm n the phase. E)en f
one has only seen the personEs pcture# t s possble that one
.ll nonetheless fnd out somethn& about hm# and be able to
help hm n some .ay. But f one +no.s ths person
personally# then the amount of nformaton obtaned about
hm throu&h the phase .ll ncrease drastcally. D practtoner
should at least tal+ for a short .hle .th a person before
attemptn& to obtan nformaton n the phase about hs
health# or treatment methods best suted to hs condton.
T&eoretical (a'! to &eal ot&er!
The follo.n& methods ha)e n no .ay been pro)en to
.or+ n practce. One may e1perment .th them at oneEs o.n
personal dscreton. %oreo)er# f a practtoner ntends to help
people n these .ays# he should ne)er under any
(Table of Contents)
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crcumstances promse to sol)e all of ther problems# because
they should not for&o more tradtonal methods of treatment.
D student ou&ht be sensble and realstc n e)aluatn& hs
capabltes# especally f he s only 6ust startn& out .th hs
practce# and most of hs )e.s are based on borro.ed
theores# rather than on personal e1perence.
Dlso# all of these techn8ues re8ure the ablty to fnd
ob6ects. To better understand the essence of techn8ues for
treatn& other people# t s best to learn them by practcn& on
oneself. Ths chapter .ll only brefly descrbe adaptn& some
techn8ues for .or+ .th others.
Dlmost e)eryone as+s the 8ueston# C@ho are these
sub6ects that .e are to fnd n the phase and healLC Ths
8ueston arses for one smple reason: there are no clear
common defntons re&ardn& the nature of the phenomenon
tself that .ould allo. one to spea+ confdently on ts
partculars. %any people (up to !9; of the .orld populaton)
stll do not +no. that the Earth re)ol)es around the sun#
rather than )ce )ersa. *o tEs 8ute a transton from there to
the phenomenon at hand...
2pon dsco)ern& .ho or .hat these phase sub6ects and
ob6ects .ere# the e1planaton for the nature of the
phenomenon tself .ould at last be at hand. For the
materalst# people n the phase# no matter .hat ther
e1ternal realsm or bele)ablty of beha)or# .ould be merely
smulated clones that ha)e no relaton to people or ob6ects n
the real .orld. For the esoterc# the person or ob6ect n the
phase .ould be the soul of a real person. *o tEs the same as
usual: each person sees the .orld n accordance .th hs
assumptons and +no.led&e. But cauton s al.ays ad)sed n
such matters# as people all too easly succumb to the
of ptfalls of )arous +nds# some of .hch they cannot escape
for the rest of ther l)es.
Taking edicines. Ddaptn& ths techn8ue to treatn&
another person means that that person must frst be found n
the phase (usn& the techn8ue of fndn&). 0t s then
necessary to admnster approprate medcaton dependn& on
(Table of Contents)
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the nature of the health problems. 'ossbltes nclude not
only pharmacy dru&s# but also any possble fol+ remedes. For
e1ample# f the other person has prolon&ed headaches# then
he should be &)en po.erful pan+llers to s.allo.# as .ell as
other dru&s that str+e at the headacheEs cause (f +no.n).
5irect /nfluence. @th drect mpact on another person#
after frst fndn& hm n the phase# t s necessary to .or+
drectly and f1edly on the problematc or&ans# or on hs
&eneral condton. To ths end# one may use offcal
prescrptons or fol+ remedes# )arous +nds of massa&es# as
.ell as anythn& else that comes to mnd. For e1ample# a
patent has bad sunburn. 0n addton to all the other optons
for treatment# one m&ht run oneEs hand o)er hs dama&ed
s+n# thus restorn& t (ths comes easly)# &)e hm n6ectons
to accelerate the healn&# or use ontments# and so on.
=rograing. Dfter ha)n& found someone n the phase#
one smply loo+s hm n the eye and mpresses upon hm that
he does not ha)e a partcular problem# that t .ll pass
8uc+ly# that he s healthy# )&orous# happy# etc. 'erhaps a
practtonerEs frend s chroncally fat&ued. 0n that case# after
fndn& hm n a phase# the practtoner needs to con)nce hm
that he s full of ener&y# act)e# has boundless ener&y# stron&
mot)aton# s more &oal4determned than e)er# and so on. Dll
ths must be sad r&ht to hs face .th a frm )oce. There .ll
hopefully be an mmedately chan&e to hs countenance# thus
confrmn& the nstant effect. One may also obtan )erbal
confrmaton from hm that the pro&rammn& s .or+n&.
=sychological /pact. 0n adaptn& ths healn& techn8ue
to .or+ .th another person# one need frst fnd that sub6ect#
and then mmerse hm n the necessary feeln&s and
e1perences. For e1ample# a person s afrad of do&s. *o# the
practtoner fnds hm usn& the techn8ues for fndn& ob6ects#
and then places hm n a stuaton .here there are many do&s
and they all are frendly to hm# nu,,ln& up to one another#
and playn&. Con)ersely# the practtoner could place hm n a
stuaton .here there are do&s beha)n& )ery a&&ress)ely#
threatenn& to bte. Bo.e)er# the am here s to ensure that
(Table of Contents)
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the person ben& helped doesnEt &et ner)ous# but nstead
coolly beats off the do&s .thout e1perencn& fear. 0t m&ht
not be that easy# but the practtoner should try to chan&e the
atttude of the other person to the problem.
0t s also .orth notn& a&an that ths techn8ue can be
appled n the most pra&matc .ay possble 4 as+n& the
person .th health problems to ta+e up the practce of the
phase hmself. *mply ha)n& the phase tself n oneEs lfe has
an ndelbly post)e effect# not to menton the possbltes for
self4healn& that come .th t. 'ractcn& the phase s one of
the most nterestn& e1perences one .ll e)er encounter.
/f the goal is to affect the course of a disease, do not
place all your hopes on the phase. The services of edical
doctors ust be the first recourse. The ore serious the
illness, the ore strongly this rule applies.
Dttemptn& an appled use of the phase .thout
reachn& a &ood depth. Geepenn& must al.ays be
performed before applcatons are attempted.
Ben& so n)ol)ed n phase applcatons that
3mantann&5 techn8ues are for&otten.
For&ettn& to consder ho. to breathe .hen tra)eln&
throu&h Outer *pace or under.ater# .hch may lead to
a feeln& of asphy1aton.
Concentratn& on a certan ob6ect .hle tra)eln&
throu&h tme nstead of concentratn& on tme tra)el#
.hch should be the focus snce t s the pont of
performn& the applcaton.
For&ettn& techn8ues for 3mantann&5 .hen anmate
ob6ects are encountered# .hen these techn8ues must
al.ays be +ept n mnd.
(Table of Contents)
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Dn nablty to o)ercome fear durn& contact .th
deceased people. Ths fear must be o)ercome once and
t .ll ne)er resurface a&an.
(mtn& desres .hle practcn& the phase. There s no
lmt to desre .thn the phase.
(mtn& the performance of certan actons# althou&h
there are no customary norms of beha)or n the
phase# unless the practtoner decdes upon specfc
@hle loo+n& for nformaton n the phase# attemptn&
to obtan +no.led&e .hch clearly e1ceeds the scope of
the subconscous mnd.
Dpplyn& the techn8ue of obtann& nformaton from
anmate ob6ects .thout +no.n& ho. to communcate
.th them.
For&ettn& to chec+ the ablty of an ob6ect to con)ey
)ald +no.led&e. The probablty of bad nformaton s
much h&her f t s not )erfed.
Faln& to )erfy nformaton n the phase before usn& t
n realty.
For&ettn& to )erfy serous nformaton n realty before
usn& t. Verfcaton absolutely must be performed to
a)od usn& bad nformaton n realty.
D sn&le attempt to nfluence the physolo&y throu&h
the phase. 0n the ma6orty of cases# results are &aned
throu&h repeated effort.
Dn attempt to cure some dsease only usn& the phase#
.hereas t s compulsory to see+ medcal ad)ce.
0ntally bele)n& that the phase s the e1t of the soul
from the body# .hle ths s easly refuted n practce.
Concentratn& only on unpro)en applcatons# despte
all the e)dence out there that ths s most l+ely a
.aste of tme.
(Table of Contents)
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$. @hat are the three basc applcatons of the phaseL
!. Dre pro)en practcal phase applcatons accessble to any
:. @hle n the phase# s t possble to tra)el throu&h DfrcaL
4. 0s t possble to .al+ on the moon n the phaseL
9. 0s t possble# .hle n the phase# to appear at the tme of
the EarthJs creatonL
<. 0n the phase# s t possble to appear n the ma&cal .orld
behnd the loo+n& &lassL
=. @hch relat)es can be met n the phaseL
>. 0s t possble to meet and tal+ to your fa)orte actor n the
?. @here can one real,e any chershed dreamL
$". Can a practtoner appear n the computer &ame GoomL
$$. Can a muscan use the phase for creat)e purposesL
$!. Goes the practcn& the phase nfluence a personJs
$:. @hat most probably &o)erns the phase spaceL
$4. @hat +nd of nformaton s obtanable n the phaseL
$9. @hle n the phase# s t possble to fnd out .here the
lost +ey to an apartment s locatedL
$<. @hat +nd of people can dsco)er .here treasure s
hdden n the phaseL
$=. *hould any nformaton obtaned n the phase be
construed as accurateL
$>. *hould nformaton obtaned n the phase be )erfed
after .a+n& up# e)en f tJs already )erfed n the phaseL
$?. *hould obtann& nformaton occur before deepenn&
has been performedL
!". To obtan nformaton .hle usn& the anmate ob6ects
techn8ue# .ho should be tal+ed to f the &oal s to fnd out
the thou&hts of a boss at .or+L
(Table of Contents)
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!$. Bo. m&ht nformaton from an anmate ob6ect be
!!. Can an nscrpton on a .all be used as an nanmate
source of nformatonL
!:. 0s t possble to use the epsode techn8ue to learn
.here one has lost the +ey to oneJs apartmentL
!4. *hould a doctor be consulted before tryn& to cure a
dsease throu&h phase practceL
!9. Dre results from nfluencn& physolo&y n the phase
al.ays $""; &uaranteedL
!<. @hat phase techn8ues m&ht be used to nfluence the
bodes of other peopleL
!=. 0s t possble to obtan nformaton that can be used to
nfluence the body and ts functonsL
!>. 0s t possble to ta+e a .ell4+no.n pan+ller n the
phase and feel ts effects on e1tL
!?. 0s t possble to use autosu&&eston n the phaseL
:". Can athletes use the phase to de)elop ther s+llsL
:$. 0s t realstc to e1pect that the soul .ll e1t the body
.hle practcn& the phaseL
:!. 0s t possble to enter a parallel un)erse throu&h the
::. *hould a practtoner hope to de)elop super4abltes n
the phaseL
$. %eet your fa)orte sn&er and tra)el to your dream
house n the phase.
!. @hle n the phase# fnd a .se person .ho s an
authorty on matters of the phase and learn from
them .hat entrance techn8ues .ll best sut your
:. Try to perce)e heat throu&hout the entre body by
translocaton to a sauna or throu&h auto4su&&eston.
(Table of Contents)
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4. (earn to mo)e ob6ects by smply starn& at them n
the phase# and apprecate the e1tent to .hch ths
s+ll s reflected n realty.
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We believe that everyboy i! "oi#" to e$i!t
i# t%o %orl! !oo#
Sponsors and investors are needed for
translation into other languages this free ebook
and other our books, videos, et! "lso #e need
finanial support to pro$ote the phase
#orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together'
(ake a part in it'
obe4u@obe4u. com
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Au+iliar' I"or)atio
,&a*ter 33 M /!e"ul Ti*!
The only sure .ay to &et practce .thout unnecessarly
.astn& tme s to ha)e a pra&matc and ratonal approach to
the nature and possbltes of the phase phenomenon.
The ma6orty of a)alable nformaton re&ardn&
dssocat)e phenomena s naccurate. Ths becomes ob)ous
durn& ntal entres nto the phase. Ths s .hy practce
should be&n from the perspect)e of a clean slate# usn& a
lo&cal bearn& n thn+n&: everything not confired by
personal e4perience should be taken with a grain of salt. Ths
means only personal e1perence should be ta+en serously#
not the e1perence of ac8uantances# authors# teachers# blo&s#
or forums.
To err s humanH thus# t s also human to pass on
errors. Ds a result# many parado1cal old .)esJ tales
concernn& the phase phenomenon ha)e become accepted a
7ot e)erythn& .rtten n esoterc lterature should be
thro.n out. *ome thn&s may possbly be dra.n from t. Dfter
(Table of Contents)
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readn& such lterature# a practtoner should not assume that
the ne. +no.led&e s a un)ersal truth.
For a house to stand frm# t needs a sold foundaton.
The only .ay to buld a &ood foundaton for phase practce s
to approach the phenomenon n a do.n4to4earth manner#
from a scentfc perspect)e# dscountn& any purported
supernatural phenomena. Once a sold foundaton has been
establshed# e)eryone has the r&ht to buld ther o.n truth on
0f a practtoner s only nterested n ha)n& phase
e1perences# then the smple study of ths &udeboo+ and
other materals may suffce. Bo.e)er# f a practtoner .ants
to ache)e the best results# ample focus must be &)en to
nd)dual thou&ht and formaton of opnon based on personal
2ntl all 8uestons are ans.ered throu&h a search for
ans.ers n )arous sources of nformaton# no real pro&ress
should be e1pected. %any thn&s cannot be descrbed or
e1planed. The resoluton of many ssues .ll al.ays reman
up to nd)dual 6ud&ment and understandn&. Fndn& all of
the ans.ers s mpossble. %oreo)er# tryn& to possess all of
the ans.ers s a serous nhbtor to real pro&ress because the
practtoner .ould ha)e to d&ress nto dubous lterature and
con)ersaton asde from real# format)e practce.
The ad)ce and e1perences of others may lead to error.
0n no case should there be any authortes or unache)able
deals. D lo&cal# e)en s+eptcal approach should be ta+en
durn& research and practce. The &oal of ths &udeboo+ s to
pro)de the reader .th lnear# factual nformaton suffcent
for the de)elopment of ndependent analyss.
Each tme a practtoner encounters some
ncomprehensble phenomenon or problem .hen performn&
phase techn8ues# an ndependent analyss of the
(Table of Contents)
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phenomenon should be formed before loo+n& for
the cause. 0f a see+er loo+s for ans.ers outsde of personal
reasonn&# there s a h&h rs+ of assmlatn& and actn& upon
a fallacy.
%any practtoners are not .lln& to analy,e personal
successes and falures# and nstead search all sorts of boo+s#
.hch often contradct one another. 2sn& a hod&e4pod&e of
e1traneous# un)erfed nformaton can only lead one to
further# and 8ute nfectous# fallacy.
Scale "or Di!co#eri1 ad Aal'9i1 $i!take! i P&a!e
Etrace $et&od! ad P&a!e E+*eriece!
0ndrect method
.hle dreamn&
Grect method
Ba)e an attempt
upon a.a+enn&
Ba)e a frm
Ba)e lapses n
Ba)e any
techn8ue .or+
.hen alternatn&
(already n the
Ba)e a dp nto
Ba)e a deep
lapse n
(already n the
Ba)e a
Ba)e an epsode
of conscousness
.hle dreamn&
(already n the
Ba)e a
4 Ba)e a deepenn& of the phase
9 Ba)e a plan of acton real,ed
< Ba)e a phase mantaned for a lon& tme
= Ba)e a secondary e1t from the body
0n case of problems entern& the phase or controlln& t# steps
that .ere s+pped or not completed should be determned usn&
the scale.
(Table of Contents)
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(terature of e)ery sort has al.ays been the man
)ehcle for dssemnatn& nformaton about the phase state.
The phase phenomenon s referred to by other terms: astral
pro6ecton# out4of4body tra)el# or lucd dreamn&. 0n addton
to dssemnatn& nformaton# many boo+s are often )ehcles
for dssemnatn& fallaces.
Ths s easy to reco&n,e .hen researchn& se)eral such
boo+s and comparn& descrbed e)ents and theores. The
nformaton s more often than not contradctory and based on
opnons that ha)e ne)er been )erfed by anyone# ncludn&
the authors. The result s a mass of speculaton that has no
bearn& on realty# nearly al.ays accompaned by a false
certanty about the sub6ect matter. Bo.e)er# unl+e the real
.orld# the phase s not a place .here one can bele)e oneJs
eyes or feeln&s. The phaseEs appearance and 8ualtes
depend )ery much on the person e1perencn& t.
For e1ample# f a practtoner bele)es upon entern& the
phase that hs body .ll be lyn& nearby on the bed# then t
.ll al.ays be there. 0f a practtoner bele)es that the
perce)ed body should al.ays be tethered to the physcal
body# then the practtoner .ll al.ays see and e)en feel a
tether n the phase. Ths s a smple case of e1pectatons
becomn& realty. *mlarly# someone .ho has entered the
phase by accdent and thn+s that the tme of death has
arr)ed may see an&els and a tunnel .th a l&ht at the end. 0f
someone s e1tremely rel&ous# there may be a percepton
that somethn& holy# e)en Fod# has appeared. 0f entry to the
phase s construed as a result of ben& abducted by alens#
then that s e1actly .hat .ll happen.
Ths .ould all be 8ute funny f t .ere not encountered
all of the tme. 0f one has no doubts &on& n# then the only
thn& left to do s to bele)e. To bele)e# to tell others about t#
and .rte boo+s about t...
(Table of Contents)
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There are authors .ho mpart no llusons# but t s often
dffcult for a no)ce to separate the truth from lluson or
open fabrcaton# .hch s .hy a s+eptcal approach to the
contents of any boo+ s .arranted. The only truth con)eyed n
any boo+ s that .hch has been )erfed by personal
e1perence. The rest should smply be noted and possbly
ta+en nto consderaton.
0n concluson# boo+s should be studed to dsco)er
techn8ue4related nformaton that allo.s a practtoner to
enter the phase and control the e1perence. Ths s the only
pont of ntersecton amon& all belefs and theores.
*nce techn8ues used to enter the phase are assocated
.th a specfc type of mental operaton# t s necessary to
create comfortable condtons so that e1ternal dstracters are
+ept to a mnmum. D room should nether be too cold or too
hot# nor too br&ht. 'erformn& techn8ues at a comfortable
temperature n a dar+ened room or .hle .earn& a sleepn&
mas+ are .ays to promote unhndered practce.
Interesting Fact!
/n bright roos, wearing a sleeping
ask over the eyes can double the success
rate of attepts, and also help one to enter
a uch deeper and longer phase.
0nterfern& noses are often also ma6or dstracters and
solaton from such noses s necessary to successful practce.
0t s often suffcent to turn off the phone and close doors and
.ndo.s. 0f ths does not help# or f t s e1tremely loud
outsde the .ndo.# one can use standard earmuffs.
0t s also helpful to &)e ad)ance notce to people so that
they are not alarmed. 0t s also preferable that no one s n
the bed .th the practtoner. %ost often# domestc anmals
(Table of Contents)
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nterfere .th the performance of techn8ues# .hch s .hy
they should be fed beforehand and +ept out of the room
.here drect or ndrect techn8ues are practced.
Freat beneft s der)ed by dscussn& personal
e1perences .th other practtoners. Ths leads to an
e1chan&e of nformaton# ne. +no.led&e# and mutual help
concernn& certan problems and ssues.
The &reatest effect comes throu&h communcaton n
person# and not solely throu&h mal# forums# and blo&s.
%eetn& face4to4face .th l+e4mnded people promotes
camaradere and a useful +no.led&ebase to consder durn&
nd)dual practce.
Gue to the fact that +no.led&e of the phenomenon s
underde)eloped# dffcultes may arse n fndn& someone to
tal+ to. Ths can be sol)ed by personally sharn& phase
e1perences .th frends and famly members# re&ardless of
.hether they are fello. practtoners. 0t s e)en better to pass
on trann& lterature# l+e ths &udeboo+.
Interesting Fact!
%ore and ore failies all across the
world en;oy the phase together. Out of all
those registered with the OOB( &esearch
)enter, the ost interesting is a faily in
which 8 ebers representing three
generations (ages +A-83$ copetitively
practice the phase. /n another case, an 1-
year-old actively practices with his parents.
The .ebste also has a dscusson
forum de)oted to the phase# ma+n& t possble to obtan and
e1chan&e a lar&e amount of nformaton. The ste also has the
contact nformaton for the coordnators of 'hase 'racttoner
(Table of Contents)
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Clubs all around the .orld# .hch are non4commercal
assocatons of enthusasts .ho meet to e1chan&e and dscuss

Reepn& a 6ournal can be of much help .hle learnn&
and practcn& the phase. @hen properly +ept# a 6ournal can
help a practtoner to de)elop an analyss that .ll ncrease
the 8ualty of phase e1perences. By and lar&e# +eepn& a
6ournal helps to ron out a sporadc practce# turnn& t nto a
structured dscplne that can be mastered.
Dn effect)e dary should contan a mass)e amount of
ndcators that allo. a statstcal study to unco)er patterns. 0t
s essental that each entry nclude the date# tme of day or
n&ht# and a detaled account of entres nto the phase and
phase e1perences. Gescrptons of msta+es and a plan of
acton for the ne1t phase should also be recorded. Gurn& the
no)ce sta&es of practce# e)en notn& unsuccessful entry
attempts s benefcal. (ater on# only successful phase
e1perences may be recorded.

Bere s an e1ample of a proper 6ournal entry:
(4perience @o. +,
*anuary 3th, ,--1
,?+B =%
/ woke up early in the orning. After e4ercising, /
took a shower and ate breakfast. / watched T9 and read
books until lunch.
/ laid down for a nap at + =%, right after lunch. /
felt like perforing indirect techni0ues, and affired this
intention. / woke up the first tie to oveent, but
after trying to eploy forced falling asleep (in order to
(Table of Contents)
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negate the effects of the oveent$, / fell asleep. /
woke up the second tie without oveent and tried to
roll out. This didn"t work and / tried levitating and
getting up. After that, / oved on to phanto wiggling.
%oveent occurred in y right hand. After doing this for
several seconds, / decided to try listening in. Sounds
started, but / was unable to ake the louder.
Gowever, iages appeared before y eyes and / started
to view the. After they becae realistic, / decided to
try rolling out and it worked without a hitch.
%y vision was di, as if through a veil. But then,
the rest of the sensations / felt reached the verge of
reality. This is when / went to the window. 'or soe
reason, it was suer outside, and not winter. There
was a red fire-truck outside the window. There were
really low clouds in the sky. The sun was above the.
@e4t, everything 0uickly faded away and / found
yself back in y body. Then, / got up and looked at
the tie. /t was ,?+3 =%.
+. <hen the phanto wiggling worked, / should
have aggressively tried to increase the range of
oveent, and not siply done wiggling, let alone
change to another techni0ue. After all, if wiggling
occurs, the phase can always be entered. ,. The sae
with the sounds. / had no great desire to aplify sounds
or even listen in. (verything was done lackadaisically. B.
/ should have started with deepening and not actions, as
visual sensations were not vivid. A. / should have
eployed techni0ues for aintaining. 3. Eou can"t look
down for long without siultaneously using techni0ues
for aintaining, yet / took in everything outside the
window and in the sky. 8. / forgot about the plan of
action. D. / should have tried re-enter the phase.
Pla o" actio "or e+t ti)e:
(Table of Contents)
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+. 5efinitely deepen the phase as uch as possible.
,. / should try to go through a wall. B. Translocate to y
Auntie in @ew Eork. A. Translocate to the Statue of
!iberty and e4aine her crown.
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 37 M A ,ollectio o" 8: Tec&i0ue!
The techn8ues detaled belo. may be used both .th a
drect method of entern& the phase .thout pror sleep# and
.th an ndrect method performed upon a.a+enn&. The
e1ceptons are the dream conscousness techn8ues# .hch
are lsted separately# althou&h they cannot but ha)e a drect
nfluence on the probablty of success of the other methods.
Con)ersely# all of the other techn8ues cannot but ha)e the
sde effect of ncreasn& the probablty of dream
conscousness arsn&. @th a fe. e1ceptons# the lst does not
nclude non4autonomous phase entrance techn8ues based on
e1ternal physcal factors or chemcal nfluences.
The specfcs of usn& each method are descrbed n
detal n ts correspondn& secton. Dll of the techn8ues lsted
belo. are to be used n accordance .th the nstructons for
each method. Bo.e)er# t s necessary to frst understand a
fundamental dfference here. @th an ndrect method upon
a.a+enn&# the &oal s to fnd a techn8ue that .or+s by
8uc+ly alternatn& throu&h the most nterestn& and ntut)e
ones. Ds soon as a techn8ue starts .or+n&# +eep .th t and
ntensfy the effort# and then try to separate r&ht a.ay. 0t .ll
become apparent ho. .ell a techn8ue s .or+n& by the
ntensty of ts effects. For e1ample# some ma&ned
mo)ement may become real. Dny real sensatons arsn& from
the techn8ues upon a.a+enn& mean that they are .or+n&#
and that the practtoner s already n the phase.
(Table of Contents)
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The techn8ues play a secondary role .th the drect
method# and ser)e to create a free4floatn& state of mnd
(fadn& out or act)atn& conscousness# dependn& on the
type of techn8ue ben& performed) that s conduc)e to bref
lapses n conscousness. The deeper a lapse# the better the
chances of mmedately entern& the phase .hen resurfacn&
from t. %ean.hle# techn8ues may .or+ from be&nnn& to
end. Bo.e)er# ths means nothn& .thout lapses n
conscousness# unl+e .th ndrect techn8ues.
0tEs also mportant to remember that drect techn8ues
performed .thout pror sleep ha)e one4tenth the success
rate of ndrect ones performed upon a.a+enn&. ThatEs .hy
all the techn8ues belo. can easly brn& results upon
a.a+enn&# but be useless for no)ces .hen used at other
Each techn8ue s descrbed only n &eneral terms# and t
s assumed that the practtoner already has a basc
understandn& of all of the mechansms by .hch the phase
occurs and s able to fll n all of the addtonal nuances on hs
*e)eral techn8ue4based trc+s can be used to
substantally mpro)e the odds of success of practcally all of
the techn8ues lsted belo.. Frst# you should try to not smply
perform the techn8ues Cfor the sa+e of appearancesC# but
rather &)e them your all# tryn& to become one .th them
and put all of your sensatons nto them. 7e1t# you can mo)e
your &a,e up sl&htly# as naturally as possble. Thrd# be&n to
use the techn8ues by frst ma&nn& yourself don& a $>"
de&ree turn alon& your head4to4toe a1s. Fourth# .hle youEre
performn& your techn8ues al.ays try to recall sensatons of
ho. they had already .or+ed n the past# or of past phase
occurrences. Ffth# you should al.ays ha)e a clear mot)aton
for entern& the phase. That mot)aton may perhaps arse
from the most nterestn& plan of acton you can thn+ of.
(Table of Contents)
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The techn8ues descrbed belo. are but a drop n the
ocean of ther myrad possble )aratons. 0t suffces to say
that practcally e)ery phaser .ll come up .th some
techn8ue elements ndependently and be successful at usn&
them n practce. Consdern& the many )aratons of certan
techn8ues and the fact that se)eral of them can be used at
the same tme# the total number of possble techn8ues
numbers n the thousands. Bo.e)er# all of them only dffer n
se)eral fundamental .ays# and +no.n& ho. they dffer .ll
allo. you to easly create as many techn8ues as you .ant on
your o.n. %oreo)er# understandn& the prncples of creatn&
techn8ues ma+es t substantally easer to conceptual,e and
understand the techn8ues themsel)es.
D table for creatn& techn8ues s presented belo.# but t
s not to be o)erused 4 after all# techn8ue s n the end a
matter of secondary mportance .hen t comes to entern&
the phase. The most mportant thn& s to understand ho. the
phase state arses# and then all of the techn8ues .ll .or+. you could +no. do,ens or hundreds of them# but
to no practcal end.
Table "or ,reati1 P&a!e Etrace Tec&i0ue!
ad Ho( T&e' Work i Practice
$ *&ht
! Bearn&
(stenn& n
: Rnesthesa
(Table of Contents)
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Vbratons Cell phone
E1amples of m1ed techn8ues:
Vsual,n& the hands techn8ue
*.mmer Techn8ue
Dlen Dbducton Techn8ue
Rope Techn8ue
*ensory4%otor Vsual,aton Techn8ue
$D# :B# !B(C)H
:B# 9B(C)H
4B# 9BH
$B# :B# 4B# 9BH
$B# !B# :B# 4B#
@otes? This table does not include the sense of sell due
to its rare use, nor eotional sensations due to difficulty in
con;uring the. %eanwhile, soe other eleents are also left
Se*aratio tec&i0ue
The practtoner tres to mmedately separate from hs
body .thout usn& any techn8ues for creatn& the phase
state: smply roll out# le)tate# stand up# cra.l out# etc.
P&ato) (i11li1 tec&i0ue
The phaser tres to mo)e some part of hs body .thout
mo)n& a muscle# and mean.hle .thout ma&nn& or
)sual,n& anythn&. For e1ample# ths could be an arm# le&#
shoulder# the head# or e)en the 6a.. @hen mo)ement arses#
the man am s to ncrease the ran&e4of4moton as much as
possble# but not necessarly the speed of mo)ement or the
porton of the body part ben& .&&led.
I)a1ied )o#e)et tec&i0ue
D phaser tres to realstcally feel some mo)ement that
he starts off by smply ma&nn&. For e1ample# ths could be
s.mmn&# runnn&# .al+n&# flyn&# or peddln& .th the le&s
or arms. The practtoner doesnEt ha)e to )sual,e the
(Table of Contents)
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techn8ue .hen performn& t# as mo)ement tself s most
mportant here.
Ob!er#i1 i)a1e! tec&i0ue
The phaser peers nto the )od before hs eyes .thout
openn& them. Ds soon as he be&ns to see any ma&ery# he
tres to dscern t better by defocussn& hs s&ht# as f he .ere
loo+n& beyond the ma&ery. Ths ma+es t become steader
and more realstc.
Tec&i0ue o" #i!uali9atio
The phaser tres to realstcally see and dscern an ob6ect
no more than < nches from hs eyes.
Tec&i0ue o" i)a1ied rotatio
The phaser tres to ma&ne that hs body s rotatn&
alon& hs head4to4toe a1s. The end &oal s to replace
ma&ned sensatons .th real ones. Rotaton may &enerally
ta+e place on any plane# but one shouldnEt try to )sual,e t
or try to see oneself from the sde# as the man emphass s
on oneEs o.n )estbular sensatons.
Tec&i0ue o" real rotatio
The phaser tres to rotate the sensaton of hs physcal
body alon& hs head4to4toe a1s. 0n ths case# the process
need not be )sual,ed or ma&ned. Aou should start off from
real sensatons# althou&h the plane of rotaton may be
chan&ed at .ll.
S(i1-!et tec&i0ue
(Table of Contents)
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The phaser tres to feel that he s rdn& a s.n&4set# or
that hs body tself s roc+n& .th the same ran&e of moton.
The prmary &oal s to ache)e the realstc sensaton of
s.n&n& and try to ma+e :<"o re)olutons.
Tec&i0ue o" li!tei1-i
The phaser lstens nsde hs head# tryn& to hear f there
s any nose or bac+&round statc. 0f sound s heard# one must
try to amplfy t as much as possble throu&h the same
pass)e lstenn& n.
Tec&i0ue o" "orced li!tei1-i
The phaser tres act)ely# and e)en strann&ly# to hear
sounds nsde hs head or bac+&round statc .th all hs m&ht.
0f ths .or+s# he tres to amplfy those sounds as much as
possble usn& the same act)e lstenn& n.
Tec&i0ue o" i)a1ii1 !oud!
The phaser tres to hear some specfc sound nsde hs
head. *omeoneEs )oce# famlar musc# and the sound of
oneEs o.n name ben& called .or+ best of all. 0f such sound
arses# then the practtoner tres to ma+e t as loud as
,ell-*&oe tec&i0ue
The phaser tres to feel some ob6ect lyn& n hs hand#
e.&. a cell4phone# an apple# a TV remote control# etc.
%ean.hle# one should try to ache)e realstc sensatons n
full detal.
(Table of Contents)
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Tec&i0ue o" i)a1ied !e!atio
The phaser tres to feel tactle sensatons on hs body#
startn& .th the sensaton that someone or somethn& s
lyn& on hm# and endn& .th the feeln& of touchn& someone
or somethn&.
Straii1 t&e brai tec&i0ue
The phaser tres to stran hs bran ether spasmodcally
or contnually# as f t .ere a muscle. Ths brn&s a feeln& of
real stran nsde the cranum# n addton to pressure# nose#
and )bratons. Ths s essentally a techn8ue of creatn& and
ntensfyn& the )bratons that enable phase entrance.
Tec&i0ue o" !traii1 t&e bod' but ot t&e
(+e strann& the bran# but .th the .hole body. One
tres to stran the body# but not the physcal muscles. Ths
causes nternal tenson# nose# and )bratons# .hch can
e)entually lead to the phase.
Tec&i0ue o" bodil' *erce*tio
The phaser tres to authentcally feel that hs body s
ben& stretched apart# compressed# nflated# deflated# t.sted
or dstorted n some .ay.
Tec&i0ue o" e'e )o#e)et
The phaser ma+es abrupt left4to4r&ht or up4and4do.n
eye mo)ements. The eyes are +ept closed the .hole tme.
@hen properly performn& the techn8ue# )bratons and
possbly separaton .ll occur.
Fore&ead dot tec&i0ue
(Table of Contents)
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@thout openn& hs eyes# the phaser drects hs &a,e
to.ards a dot on the center of hs forehead. Ths s not to be
a forced or e1cess)ely a&&ress)e mo)ement. Ths .ll brn&
the eyes nto a poston they naturally ta+e durn& deep sleep#
.hch may lead to a refle1)e entrance nto the phase or
facltate the performance of other techn8ues.
Tec&i0ue o" breat&i1
The phaser focuses hs attenton on the process of
breathn& and all of ts aspects: the e1panson and contracton
of the chest ca)ty# the lun&s flln& .th ar# and the passa&e
of ar throu&h the mouth and throat. D flud transton to the
phase may occur or )bratons may arse.
Rai!ed &ad tec&i0ue
The phaser rases hs forearm from the elbo. .hle lyn&
do.n and smply falls asleep. Once the practtoner fades out
of conscousness# hs forearm .ll drop# notfyn& hm that he
can perform another techn8ue or mmedately separate# as
the r&ht transtonal state may ha)e occurred durn& the
lapse n conscousness.
Tactile irritatio tec&i0ue
The practtoner loosely tes hs an+le or .rst .th a
cord# or puts on a sleepn& mas+. The sensatons created by
these fore&n ob6ects can remnd the practtoner to perform
the r&ht actons ether upon a.a+enn& or mmedately after
a lapse n conscousness.
Tec&i0ue o" *&'!iolo1ical di!co)"ort
The practtoner eats lttle throu&hout the day or drn+s
lttle .ater .hle eatn& lots of salty thn&s. Con)ersely# the
practtoner m&ht drn+ too much .ater o)er the course of
the day before ma+n& an attempt to enter the phase. The
resultn& physolo&cal dscomfort .ll often a.a+en the
practtoner# nduce conscousness .hle dreamn&# or +eep
(Table of Contents)
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hm from falln& nto deep sleep .hen performn& the drect
Tec&i0ue o" "orced "alli1 a!lee*
The phaser mmcs natural sleep .hle mantann&
control of hs conscous mnd# and then ether employs
techn8ues or mmedately tres to lea)e hs body at the last
second before fadn& out. Ths techn8ue can be used ether
on ts o.n# or n parallel .th any other techn8ue.
Tec&i0ue o" itetio
The practtoner enters the phase only throu&h an
ntense and focused ntenton of mmedately e1perencn& the
phase. Dlternat)ely# ths may also be a calm but constant
desre felt o)er the course of the day. 0ntenton s especally
effect)e not only durn& an attempt or lon& before one# but
also e)ery tme you fall asleep# as ths moment can be ta+en
ad)anta&e of usn& the drect or ndrect method.
Tec&i0ue o" recalli1 t&e !tate
@hen attemptn& phase entrance .th or .thout
techn8ues# the practtoner tres to recall 4 and thus nduce 4
the sensatons of a pre)ously had phase e1perence.
Tec&i0ue o" recalli1 #ibratio!
0n order to nduce )bratons# the phaser tres to smply
recall the sensaton of them n as much detal as possble.
0ntensely desrn& )bratons can also nduce them.
Tec&i0ue o" tra!locatio
The practtoner mmedately tres to employ the
translocaton techn8ue n a stubborn and self4assured
manner .thout usn& a phase creaton or separaton
(Table of Contents)
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Tec&i0ue o" )oti#atio
0n order to ha)e a phase entrance occur spontaneously
or &et techn8ues .or+ better# the practtoner creates a most
nterestn& and mportant a plan of acton for the phase that
he .ants to carry out no matter .hat.
Tec&i0ue o" "ear
The phaser tres to recall somethn& as scary# a.ful# or
&ra)eyard4l+e as possble# and ma&nes t r&ht ne1t to hm 4
ths s meant to e)o+e pure terror and horror# .hch .ll
ele)ate to a phasc state at the r&ht moment. The man
defcency of the techn8ue s that fear can ln&er on nto the
phase# and the practtoner m&ht subse8uently try to &et out
of the state.
Tec&i0ue o" "li1&t
@thout usn& a phase creaton or separaton techn8ue#
the practtoner tres to con6ure the sensaton of flyn& r&ht
from the start.
Tec&i0ue o" couti1
0n order to enter the phase# the practtoner counts do.n
from $"" to $. Gependn& on the phase entrance method to
follo.# he should ether try to +eep hs attenton focused on
countn&# or# con)ersely# try to ache)e lapses n
Tec&i0ue o" dotti1
The practtoner mo)es hs attenton to ponts on the s+n
atop of the lar&est 6onts of the body# or mo)es hs a.areness
to nsde the 6onts themsel)es. Aou should pause at each
pont for se)eral seconds or breaths# tryn& to feel them as
dstnctly as you can.
(Table of Contents)
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S(i))er tec&i0ue
The phaser tres to ma&ne the process of s.mmn& n
as much detal as possble# tryn& to feel all of the physcal
sensatons of the process and e)en feel the .ater surroundn&
hs body. Dny s.mmn& style may be used. (Best techn8ue
of !"$" and !"$$ at *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el semnars)
Ro*e tec&i0ue
The phaser ma&nes that a rope s dan&ln& abo)e hm#
and that he s clmbn& up t. %ean.hle# one should try to
feel oneEs o.n arm mo)ements# the touch of the rope# and
the sensaton of he&ht. Vsual,aton of the process may
occasonally be added n.
Tec&i0ue o" #i!uali9i1 t&e &ad!
The phaser tres to feel that he s rubbn& hs hands
to&ether# as f tryn& to .arm them. %ean.hle# tEs mportant
to try to feel the mo)ement of your hands# the feeln& of
them comn& nto contact# the sound of rubbn&# and also try
to see the .hole process n front of you. The ma&ned hands
should be rubbed at a dstance of no more than < nches from
your eyes.
Se!or'-)otor #i!uali9atio tec&i0ue
The phaser should try to ma&ne as f1edly and act)ely
as possble that he has already separated from hs body and
s employn& a techn8ue for deepenn& the phase# ncludn&
the ntensfcaton of e)ery sensaton possble. Be should
ma&ne that he s .al+n& nsde a room# scrutn,n&
e)erythn& from a close dstance# touchn& somethn&# and so
on. That s# he should mmedately deepen the phase .thout
usn& techn8ues to create the state or separate.
(Table of Contents)
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Alie abductio tec&i0ue
The practtoner ma&nes that alens ha)e n)aded hs
bedroom and are &rabbn& hs an+les and pulln& hm out of
hs body. Dlternat)ely# he ma&nes that he s ben& pulled
out by a beam emanatn& from a spaceshp.
Se+ tec&i0ue
The practtoner tres to feel the ntmate sensatons of
the copulat)e act n as much detal as possble. Ths .or+s
better for .omen n the pass)e form.
Toot&bru!& tec&i0ue
The practtoner tres to feel that he s brushn& hs
teeth. Be tres to feel the mo)ement of hs hand# the
sensaton of the brush n hs mouth# and the taste of
toothpaste. Be can also try to add n sensaton by ma&nn&
hmself standn& n front of a mrror n a bathroom.
W&i!*eri1 *illo( tec&i0ue
(yn& .th hs ear to hs pllo.# the practtoner tres to
hear sounds# melodes# and )oces comn& from t. Be can try
to hear specfc sounds# or smply pass)ely lsten n to .hatEs
Ac&or tec&i0ue
Gurn& .a+efulness# the practtoner de)elops the habt
of analy,n& hs state .hene)er he encounters specfc
anchors: hs hands# the sound of .ater# peopleEs faces# etc.
Ths practce .ll &radually transton o)er nto dreamn&#
&)n& hm a chance to react to an anchor and real,e that
(Table of Contents)
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e)erythn& around hm s a dream. Dn anchor should be
somethn& encountered nether rarely nor fre8uently both
.hen dreamn& and durn& .a+efulness. 0n order to &et a
clearer understandn& of .hether one s surrounded by realty
or the dreamscape# one should try to le)tate or &o nto
hyperconcentraton .hene)er an anchor s encountered.
Drea) )e)or' de#elo*)et tec&i0ue
The practtoner recalls all of hs latest dreams both n
the mornn& and n the e)enn&. For more sold results# one
should +eep a dream 6ournal and try to enter as many dream
epsodes nto t as possble. The more dreams that the
practtoner remembers# the more ))d future ones .ll
become# and the more fre8uently he .ll become conscous
durn& them.
Tec&i0ue o" drea) )a*-)aki1
Bere# the practtoner not only +eeps a dream 6ournal#
but also tres to mar+ all of the places he dreamt he .as n on
a specal map. The man &oal s to create an nte&rated plane
.here dream places mer&e to&ether nto a unfed .orld.
Tec&i0ue o" drea) aal'!i!
@hene)er performn& dream analyss# be t mentally or
.hen +eepn& a dream 6ournal# the phaser should ta+e as
crtcal a stance as possble to.ards the lo&cal nconsstences
that &o unnotced .hle dreamn&# as they can ser)e as a
clear mar+er that one s n a dream. *uch crtcal a.areness
.ll &radually .or+ ts .ay nto oneEs dreams# enabln& one to
turn dreams nto the phase. Ths techn8ue s especally
effect)e .hen analy,n& dreams mmedately upon
T&e &i1&e!t ui#er!al tec&i0ue
(Table of Contents)
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D practtoner .ell ac8uanted .th the phase .ll try to
not use techn8ues to create the necessary state. Be .ll
attempt to obtan t mmedately. Ths s smlar to ntense
ntenton to e1perence the phase coupled .th focused
recollecton of the sensatons assocated .th t. Ths
techn8ue s only sutable for phasers .ho ha)e formdable
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 33 M Putti1 a Face o t&e
*tephen (aBer&e .as born n $?4= n
the 2nted *tates. Dt the a&e of $?# he
rece)ed a BachelorJs Ge&ree n mathematcs
from Dr,ona *tate 2n)ersty# after .hch he
enrolled as a &raduate student n the
Chemstry pro&ram at *tanford 2n)ersty. 0n
$?<?# he too+ an academc lea)e of absence.
Be returned to *tanford n $?== and
be&an studyn& the human mnd# ncludn&
sub6ects related to dreamn&. (aBer&e rece)ed hs 'h.G. n
psychophysolo&y n $?>". Be founded the (ucdty 0nsttute n
*tephen (aBer&e has made the lar&est scentfc
contrbuton to the study of phase states. 0t suffces to say
that (aBer&e .as the frst n the .orld to pro)e durn& a full4
fled&ed scentfc e1perment that t s possble to become
conscous .hle dreamn& Ths .as done throu&h lo&&n&
specfc s&nals made .th the eyes by a person dreamn&
.hle sleepn& under measurement nstruments. These
e1perments also pro)ed that eye mo)ement n the physcal
body and perce)ed body are synchronous.
!ucid 5reaing# frst publshed n $?>9# s (aBer&eEs
most .ell4+no.n boo+. (4ploring the <orld of !ucid
5reaing# a boo+ that (aBer&e .rote .th Bo.ard Rhen&old#
(Table of Contents)
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.as publshed n $??". 0t .as manly than+s to the efforts of
(aBer&e that mnd4machnes for ache)n& dream
conscousness .ere created# such as Gream(&ht#
7o)aGreamer# and Gream%a+er.
The +ey feature of (aBer&eJs .or+ and ache)ements s
an absolutely pra&matc approach to the nature of the
phenomenon. Dr&uably# he s one of the fe. authors and
researchers totally lac+n& n rratonalty. E)erythn& that can
be read and learned from hs boo+s s )erfable and
accessble for e)eryone# .th no peddln& of out4of4ths4.orld
Gue to Carlos CastanedaJs desre to
follo. the sprtual practce of the @arrorJs
'ath# .hch entals erasn& oneJs personal
hstory# the detals of hs bo&raphy are
unclear. Ds far as CastanedaJs early years
are concerned# t can only be stated that he
.as born outsde of the 2nted *tates
sometme bet.een $?!9 and $?:9. Be
enrolled at the 2n)ersty of Calforna# (os
Dn&eles (2C(D) n the $?<"s# .here he rece)ed a 'h.G. n
anthropolo&y on the bass of hs boo+s.
CastanedaJs entre lfe path .as de)oted to studyn& the
teachn&s of a certan Iuan %atus or Gon Iuan Cachora. 0t s
more than l+ely that hs persona s a composte4ma&e of an
0ndan *haman# a sorcerer# and an her of the culture of the
ancent 3Toltecs5.
Castaneda .rote a do,en boo+sH ho.e)er# the boo+ The
Art of 5reaing ($??:) has the most to do .th the phase
state. 0t contans se)eral effect)e techn8ues for entern& the
phase throu&h dream conscousness. Bs sub6ect matter s
soa+ed n a lar&e amount of mystcsm and )rtually de)od of
any pra&matsm.
(Table of Contents)
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Gespte the fact that the man orentaton of CastanedaJs
.or+ dd not touch upon the phase state# he ne)ertheless
became one of the foundn& fathers of ths feld# as hs
&eneral popularty reached mass)e proportons
Carlos Castaneda passed a.ay n $??>.
Robert %onroe .as born n the 2nted
*tates n $?$9. 0n $?:=# he &raduated from
Oho *tate 2n)ersty .th a de&ree n
En&neern&. Be .or+ed for some tme as a
rado pro&ram producer and drector untl he
establshed hs o.n rado company n 7e.
Aor+# .hch rapdly e1panded.
0n $?9<# hs company also conducted a
study about the effect of sound .a)es on the
abltes of the mnd.
0n $?9># %onroe had an accdental personal e1perence
.th the phase phenomenon# .hch stron&ly sto+ed hs
nterest n the sub6ect to .hch he .ould de)ote hs entre
career. 0n $?=4# he founded the %onroe 0nsttute# .hch .as
entrely de)oted to studyn& unusual states of conscousness
and the ablty to nfluence them throu&h audo stmulaton
and other technolo&es. One of ts man ache)ements .as the
creaton of the Bem4*ync system# .hch .as des&ned to
help a person reach altered states of conscousness# ncludn&
out4of4body states# by synchron,n& the t.o hemspheres of
the bran.
Bs frst boo+# *ourneys Out of the Body# .as publshed
n $?=$. T.o boo+s then follo.ed: 'ar *ourneys ($?>9) and
:ltiate *ourney ($??4).
Robert %onroe has# so far# made the lar&est contrbuton
to.ard popular,n& the phase state. Bo.e)er# he understood
the phase more as an actual e1t of the mnd from the body#
.hch s .hy the term 3out4of4body e1perence5 (OBE) .as
(Table of Contents)
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ntroduced. The boo+ *ourneys Out of the Body .as such a
mass)e success that %onroe 8uc+ly became an undsputed
authorty n the feld.
Bo.e)er# the lar&e nfluence of mystcsm on %onroeJs
.or+ and )e.s cannot be &nored. Ths s especally apparent
after hs second boo+. The ma6orty of phenomena descrbed
n the boo+ ha)e not been )erfed n practce. The only
attempt at conductn& a full4fled&ed scentfc e1perment
pro)n& that the mnd left the body .as unsuccessful. 0n the
end# typcal msconceptons about the phase became
.despread# as dd a.areness of the e1stence of out4of4body
Robert %onroe passed a.ay n $??9.
'atrca Farfeld .as born n $?:4 n the
2nted *tates. From the a&e of $4# she +ept
an unnterrupted daly dream 6ournal that
.ould allo. her and all of humanty &reat
ns&ht nto dream phenomena assocated .th
the phase.
*he .as one of the founders of The
Dssocaton for the *tudy of Greams. Gr.
Farfeld holds a 'h.G. n clncal psycholo&y.
*he s the author of a &reat number of boo+s# .th the
$?=4 best4seller )reative 5reaing ben& the most .dely
lauded. 0t .as one of the frst peces of lterature to approach
the phase state n a practcal and non4specalst .ay# and
rece)ed nterest and apprecaton. The boo+
contans &ood practcal &udelnes and also descrbes the
dreamn& practces of )arous cultures.
(Table of Contents)
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*yl)an %uldoon .as born n the 2nted
*tates n $?":. Be s consdered to be the
Dmercan poneer n the study of the phase#
althou&h he used the esoterc term astral. Be
nad)ertently .o+e up n the phase at the
a&e of $!# .here he sa. a cord connectn&
hs perce)ed body to hs real body. %uldoon
frst thou&ht that he .as dyn& durn& the
e1perence# althou&h he e)entually
concluded that ths .as an nstance of 3astral
pro6ecton5. Be had repeated e1perence .th the
phenomenon# but .as stll unable to become an ad)anced
practtoner due to a lac+ of full control o)er the practce.
Dfter coordnatn& efforts .th Bere.ard Carrn&ton# the
famous Dmercan n)est&ator of the un+no.n# the t.o
publshed the sensatonal# 6ontly authored boo+ The
=ro;ection of the Astral Body n $?!?. The authors publshed
t.o other boo+s: The )ase for Astral =ro;ection ($?:<) and
The =henoena of Astral =ro;ection ($?9$).
Gespte a lar&e ser)n& of esotercsm# %uldoonJs boo+s#
(especally the frst one) contan a lot of helpful# practcal
nformaton and e1planaton of the most d)erse phenomena
that can occur durn& the phase. Bo.e)er# %uldoon s
consdered to be the &reatest popular,er of rratonal esoterc
terms and theores# .hch subse8uently became 8ute
*yl)an %uldoon passed a.ay n $?=$.
Charles (eadbeater .as born n En&land n $>4= ($>94
accordn& to some sources). Dfter droppn& out of O1ford due
to hard tmes# (eadbeater became an ordaned prest# but
(Table of Contents)
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then became 8ute act)e n the occult. Ths led to hs
becomn& a member of the Theosophcal *ocety n $>>:.
(eadbeater became one of ts most famous partcpants.
The combnaton of a br&ht mnd#
scentfc +no.led&e# and nterest n the
paranormal led hm to publsh many boo+s on
many d)erse topcs. One of them# 5reas?
<hat They Are and Gow They Are )aused
($>?>)# .as one of the frst .or+s to touch
upon the phenomenon of the phase.
(eadbeaterJs .rtn& s saddled .th a ton of
esoterc terms and theores. 0n t# the term
astral plane s predomnantly used for the
phase. 7e)ertheless# the boo+ s not .thout some helpful
&udelnes concernn& techn8ues.
Charles (eadbeater passed a.ay n $?:4.
Robert Bruce .as born n En&land n
$?99. Be has performed hs lfeEs .or+ .hle
l)n& n Dustrala. Dfter studyn& and
promotn& dssocat)e phenomena for many
years# by the be&nnn& of the !$st century
he had become one of the leadn& authortes
n the astral pro6ecton feld. Be s also a
specalst n many other paranormal felds of
Robert Bruce .rote se)eral boo+s# the most mportant
and .ell +no.n of .hch s Astral 5ynaics ($???). The
author holds 8ute open esoterc )e.s# .hch are )ery
stron&ly reflected n hs theores and termnolo&y. The helpful#
practcal &udelnes n hs boo+s are 8ute often loaded .th a
lar&e amount of nformaton that has not been )erfed or
pro)en by anyone. Robert Bruce s also a propa&ator of
(Table of Contents)
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typcal supersttons and stereotypes concernn& the phase
Rchard @ebster .as born n 7e.
Qealand# .here he stll resdes.
Be s the author of about 9"
publcatons that ha)e sold many mllons of
copes around the .orld. *ome of them# l+e
Astral Travel for Beginners# are completely
de)oted to the phase state. Bo.e)er# the
boo+ s saturated .th .despread
msconceptons about the phase
phenomenon and ms&uded theores tryn& to e1plan t. The
techn8ue4related aspect of the boo+ s also presented
0t s 8ute l+ely that the author hmself has no practcal
e1perence# .hch can also be sad for the contents of hs
other do,ens of boo+s de)oted to )arous topcs.
Charles Tart .as born n the 2nted
*tates n $?:=. Be rece)ed hs 'h. G. n
psycholo&y n $?<: at the 2n)ersty of 7orth
Carolna. Tart also rece)ed trann& at
*tanford 2n)ersty. Be .as one of the
founders of transpersonal psycholo&y.
Be became one of the most preemnent
researchers of unusual states of a.areness
after the publcaton of Altered States of
)onsciousness ($?<?)# the frst boo+ that he .or+ed on. 0t
.as one of the frst boo+s to e1amne entern& the phase
(Table of Contents)
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throu&h dream conscousness. The boo+ rece)ed popularty
.hen the use (*G and %ar6uana .ere often )e.ed as
)ehcles to ele)ated conscousness# and the boo+ e)en
descrbes the use of chemcal substances n the conte1t of
phase states.
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 38 M Fial Te!t
The 8uestons on the test may ha)e one or more correct
ans.ers# or none of the ans.ers may be correct. Thus# the
8uestons must be read completely throu&h# and attenton
must be pad to ther mplcatons and fner ponts.
D studentJs theoretcal +no.led&e s consdered to be
satsfactory f the correct ans.ers to at least one4half of the
8uestons are &)en. 0f a score of less than 9"; s rece)ed# a
student should study the .ea+ ponts a&an or re4read the
entre &udeboo+. t s 8ute probable that
fundamental msta+es .ll be made# .hch .ll n turn
nterfere .th nd)dual practce.
0f a score of at least >"; s ache)ed# then a theoretcal
+no.led&e of the practce s at an ad)anced le)el# .hch .ll
surely ha)e a post)e effect on the practtonerJs drect
e1perences n the phase.
Dns.ers are n the append1 at the end of the
3% Noi!e ad reali!tic i)a1e! ue+*ectedl' ari!e
(&e *er"or)i1 t&e idirect tec&i0ue o" *&ato)
(i11li1% W&at ca be doe<
D) Contnue .th phantom .&&ln&.
B) *.tch to obser)n& ma&es or lstenn& n.
C) Try to do all or some of the techn8ues
G) Choose the techn8ue .th the stron&est precursors
and contnue .th that one.
(Table of Contents)
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7% A *ractitioer uitetioall' o*e! t&e e'e! "or
!e#eral !ecod! u*o a(akei1% W&at i! t&e be!t (a'
to !tart idirect tec&i0ue! i t&i! ca!e<
D) Dttemptn& to separate.
B) The obser)n& ma&es techn8ue.
C) The rapd eye mo)ement techn8ue.
G) The forced falln& asleep techn8ue.
E) 0tJs best to not start any techn8ue and fall bac+ to
sleep .th the ntenton of rea.a+enn& and tryn& to
do e)erythn& a&an .thout frst mo)n&.
3% W&ic& actio! are *re"erable "or *er"or)i1 a
direct tec&i0ue be"ore "alli1 a!lee* "or t&e i1&t a"ter
a lo1 *eriod o" !lee* de*ri#atio or e+&au!tio<
D) %onotonously performn& the obser)n& ma&es
B) Ben& attent)e and concentratn& on actons.
C) The absence of a free4floatn& state of
G) Suc+ly alternatn& techn8ues.
E) B&h48ualty rela1aton.
8% $ild #ibratio! occur (&e *er"or)i1 a direct
tec&i0ue% ,a t&e !traii1 t&e brai tec&i0ue be
u!ed to a)*li"' t&e #ibratio!<
D) Aes.
B) 7o.
C) 0t may be used# but for practcal purposes 4 only
.hen a practtoner s e1hausted or sleep4depr)ed.
G) 0t may be used# as lon& as the attempt to enter the
phase s not ben& made durn& the day.
:% W&ic& o" t&e actio! 1i#e belo( icrea!e t&e
likeli&ood o" eteri1 t&e *&a!e t&rou1& drea)
co!ciou!e!! (&e u!ed ri1&t be"ore "alli1 a!lee*<
D) 'erformn& drect techn8ues.
(Table of Contents)
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B) 0ntendn& to perform ndrect techn8ues upon
C) Recalln& dreams from the n&ht before.
G) Creatn& a plan of acton for use n case of entrance
to the phase n such a .ay.
5% I" a(aree!! occur! at t&e #er' la!t )o)et o"
a drea) t&at "ade! a(a'2 (&ic& o" t&e actio! 1i#e
belo( !&ould be udertake i order to eter t&e *&a!e
a! !oo a! *o!!ible<
D) Try to fall asleep a&an n order to once a&an become
self4a.are .hle dreamn&.
B) 0mmedately perform ndrect techn8ues.
C) Ta+e a brea+ and perform drect techn8ues later.
G) *tart to recall that n&htJs dreams.
J% W&ic& o" t&e!e are )o!t likel' to *roduce a
0uick *&a!e etr' (&e a(akei1 i a !tate o" !lee*
D) Rela1aton.
B) Falln& asleep .th the ntenton of becomn& self4
a.are .hle n a dream.
C) %o)n& the physcal eyes and ton&ue.
G) Grect techn8ues.
K% W&at !&ould be doe (&e !*otaeou!l'
t&ro( "ro) t&e bod' (&ile l'i1 do( or (aki1 u* i
t&e )iddle o" t&e i1&t<
D) Return to the body and perform approprate
separaton techn8ues.
B) 0mplement a predetermned plan of acton for the
C) Geepen mmedately.
G) Try to 8uc+ly establsh )son# f t s not already
E) Employ the forced falln& asleep techn8ue.
(Table of Contents)
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H% W&ile tr'i1 to eter t&e *&a!e2 rolli1 out
(ork! at "ir!t2 but ol' *artiall'2 ad t&e )o#e)et
caot be e+teded a' "urt&er o )atter (&at e""ort
i! )ade% W&at i! it be!t to do i t&i! !ituatio<
D) Try to turn bac+ and roll out further once a&an# and
repeat se)eral tmes.
B) *tart don& cycles of ndrect techn8ues.
C) Ta+e a brea+ and try to separate after se)eral
G) Try to separate by le)tatn&# &ettn& up# or clmbn&
E) 2se any ndrect techn8ue for phase entry and
attempt rolln& out a&an.
3@% A *ractitioer ue+*ectedl' 1et! !tuck i t&e
"loor or (all (&ile rolli1 out% W&at !&ould be doe to
re!u)e t&e *&a!e<
D) Force throu&h the obstacle.
B) Employ translocaton techn8ues.
C) Dttempt to return to the body and roll out a&an.
G) 'erform sensory amplfcaton.
33% Ho( )a' a *ractitioer dee*e t&e *&a!e
(&ile "l'i1 t&rou1& a dark "or)le!! !*ace (&ile
D) Employ the techn8ue of falln& headfrst.
B) There s no .ay to do ths.
C) Create and amplfy )bratons.
G) Be&n self4palpaton.
E) Translocate to another area n the phase and deepen
t throu&h sensory amplfcaton.
37% I" dee*ei1 tec&i0ue! do ot co)*letel'
(ork (it&i 3: to 3@ !ecod!2 (&at ca be doe<
D) Contnue tryn& to &o deeper.
B) E1t from the phase.
(Table of Contents)
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C) Dttempt to return to the body and once a&an use
phase entrance techn8ues.
G) 'roceed to performn& predetermned actons.
33% W&ic& tec&i0ue or (a' o" )aitaii1 t&e
*&a!e !&ould be u!ed (&e tele*orti1 !o)e(&ere
(it& clo!ed e'e!<
D) The techn8ue of amplfyn& and mantann&
B) Tactle sensory amplfcaton# feeln& the sensaton of
rubbn& the hands to&ether.
C) 7o techn8ue.
G) The techn8ue of rotaton.
E) Repeatn& aloud the desre to reman n the phase.
38% I (&ic& !ituatio! i! "alli1 a!lee* i t&e
*&a!e )o!t likel'<
D) @hen loo+n& for a desred person.
B) @hen communcatn& .th anmate ob6ects.
C) @hen completely calm# ha)n& completely halted all
G) @hen tra)eln& amlessly.
E) @hen ta+n& part n sde e)ents.
3:% W&ic& o" t&e "ollo(i1 idicator! 1uaratee!
t&at t&e *&a!e &a! bee e+ited ad t&e *ractitioer i!
i realit'<
D) D cloc+ sho.s the r&ht tme# and the same tme e)en
f a practtoner turns a.ay from t and then loo+s at t
B) *ensatons are completely realstc.
C) The presence of frends or famly n the room .ho
communcate .th the practtoner.
G) Dn nner feeln& that the phase has ended.
E) 7othn& happens after starn& at the end of a fn&er
from close dstance for f)e to $" seconds.
(Table of Contents)
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35% I (&ic& !ituatio! !&ould tra#eli1 i t&e
*&a!e be deliberatel' di!cotiued<
D) @hen a fear that a return .ll be mpossble# or a
drect fear of death arses.
B) @hen there s a real possblty that the practtoner
.ll be late for somethn& n the physcal .orld.
C) @hen fr&htened by some stran&e e)ents or ob6ects.
G) @hen there s an ne1plcable mortal fear of
somethn& un+no.n or ncomprehensble.
E) 0f someone n the phase stron&ly nssts that the
practtoner should return to realty.
F) 0f sharp pan occurs n the body that s not caused by
nteracton .th ob6ects n the phase .orld.
3J% W&at (ill )o!t likel' occur (&e tr'i1 to
e#ade !o)e a("ul bei1 or da1erou! *er!o<
D) The ob6ect .ll &et bored and stop.
B) Fear of the ob6ect .ll &o a.ay.
C) The phase .ll occur more fre8uently# as .ell as be
lon&er and deeper than usual.
G) The practtoner .ll become calmer and unner)ed
less fre8uently.
E) The more fear there s# the more often the ob6ect .ll
chase the practtoner.
3K% W&e !&ould e!tabli!&i1 #i!io i t&e *&a!e
be co!idered2 i" it &a! ot occurred o it! o(<
D) 0mmedately upon separaton .thout deepenn&.
B) 0mmedately after deepenn&.
C) @hle flyn& throu&h dar+ space durn& translocaton.
G) @hen there s a desre to mmedately e1plore the
surroundn&s after separaton has occurred.
3H% Ho( i! it *o!!ible to *a!! t&rou1& a (all (&ile
!tadi1 clo!e to it2 (it&out !to**i1 to look at it "ro)
clo!e ra1e<
(Table of Contents)
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D) By &radually pushn& the hands and arms throu&h t#
and then the entre body and head.
B) By &radually pushn& the head throu&h t at frst# and
then the entre body.
C) By tryn& to put a hole n t# and then e1pandn& the
hole and clmbn& throu&h t.
G) By rammn& t .th a shoulder# tryn& to brn& t

7@% W&ile i t&e *&a!e2 a *ractitioer i! i a
!ituatio (&ere t&e ar)! are totall' *aral'9ed ad
i))obili9ed% T&i! &a**e! i a roo) (it& a !i1le e+it:
a door t&at &a! !tarted to clo!e% W&at are t&e t(o
ea!ie!t (a'! to kee* t&e door o*e<
D) Order the door to stay open n a loud# mperous# and
assert)e manner.
B) Free the arms and hold bac+ the door.
C) *top the door .th tele+ness.
G) Create a person throu&h the method of fndn&.
73% W&at di""icultie! )a' ari!e "or a *ractitioer i
t&e *&a!e (&ile u!i1 t&e door tec&i0ue o"
D) The door .ll not open.
B) The .ron& place s behnd the door.
C) 0t s not possble to use the hand to pull the door
handle because the hand &oes throu&h the handle.
G) Gffcultes .th nternal concentraton occur at the
crtcal moment.
E) D blac+ )od often appears on the other sde of the
77% W&at are ece!!ar' coditio! "or 1etti1
re!ult! (&e tra!locati1 i t&e *&a!e a"ter rolli1 out
duri1 iitial !e*aratio "ro) t&e bod'<
D) Dbsence of )son.
B) 'ractcn& after sunset.
(Table of Contents)
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C) D frm ntenton to end up
G) Certanty of the fnal result.
E) The presence of )bratons.
73% A *ractitioer i! i a dark roo) i t&e *&a!e
(&ere e#er't&i1 i! *oorl' #i!ible% T&ere i! a
c&adelier2 but o li1&t !(itc&% W&at i! t&e "a!te!t (a'
to tur o t&e c&adelier to li1&t t&e roo)<
D) Translocate throu&h teleportaton to the place .here
the to&&le or s.tch for the l&ht n 8ueston s located.
B) Fnd a flashl&ht throu&h the method of fndn& and
llumnate the room .th t.
C) Rub the l&ht bulbs n the chandeler .th the hands.
G) Create a l&ht s.tch n the room usn& the method of
fndn& an ob6ect.
E) Close the eyes and ma&ne that the room s already
lt# and then open the eyes.
78% W&e co))uicati1 (it& a ai)ate obNect
i t&e *&a!e2 a de!ire to add a !*eci"ic *er!o to t&e
!cee ari!e!% W&ic& o" t&e "ollo(i1 actio! are
ad#i!able ol' "or be1ier! i t&i! ca!e<
D) 'ropose &on& to a ne&hborn& room .here the
needed sub6ect .ll be presented throu&h the use of the
door or corner techn8ue.
B) *ummon the needed person by calln& ther name
C) Translocate bac+ to the same place# and ha)e both
anmate ob6ects present there upon your return.
G) Ddd the needed person throu&h the closed eyes
E) Ds+ the anmate ob6ect that you are tal+n& to f t
does not mnd addn& someone to the scene.
7:% W&ere i! oe ot allo(ed to 1o u!i1
tra!locatio tec&i0ue!<
D) 0nsde a mammoth.
(Table of Contents)
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B) To the past or the future.
C) To hea)en.
G) To an epsode of the mo)e *tar @ars.
75% Ho( (ill a decea!ed *er!o i t&e *&a!e di""er
"ro) t&eir li#i1 !el" (&e correctl' *er"or)i1 t&e
tec&i0ue "or "idi1 t&e *er!o<
D) Only the practtoner hmself can con6ure up
dfferences# or not see or perce)e them.
B) The deceased .ll ha)e a dfferent tmbre of )oce.
C) There .ll be a radant halo around the deceasedJs
G) 'hyscal percepton of the deceased .ll be less
realstc than n real lfe.
E) The deceased .ll not remember anythn&.
7J% W&at di""icultie! ca ari!e i t&e *&a!e (&ile
obtaii1 i"or)atio "ro) ai)ate !ource! o"
D) 0nablty to remember nformaton obtaned.
B) *ources of nformaton are slent.
C) 0nade8uateness of the sources of nformaton.
G) *e1ual attracton# f the source of nformaton s of
the opposte or desred se1.
E) Ben& &)en false nformaton.
7K% Ho( )i1&t a *ractitioer accelerate t&e
&eali1 *roce!! o" a cold t&at i! c&aracteri9ed b' a
!tu""' o!e ad a !ore t&roat<
D) %antann& and amplfyn& )bratons for the entre
len&th of the phase# and entern& t o)er se)eral days n
a ro..
B) Ta+n& asprn and entern& the phase o)er se)eral
days n a ro..
C) Tra)eln& to hot places n the phase and entern& t
o)er se)eral days n a ro..
G) E1perencn& stressful stuatons o)er se)eral phases.
(Table of Contents)
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E) Fndn& a doctor n the phase and as+n& hm .hat t
s best to do n real4lfe or e)en n the phase tself.
7H% W&ic& o" t&e "ollo(i1 ac&ie#e)et! belo1 to
Ste*&e 4a.er1e<
D) Foundn& the (ucdty 0nsttute.
B) D 'h.G. n anthropolo&y.
C) *centfcally pro)n& that lucd dreamn& s possble.
G) D 'h.G. n psychophysolo&y.
E) 'ro)n& that eye mo)ements n the phase and n
realty are synchron,ed.
3@% W&o o" t&e "ollo(i1 a**roac&ed t&e !tud' o"
t&e *&a!e !tate "ro) a *ra1)atic *oit-o"-#ie( t&at
(a! totall' de#oid o" occulti!)<
D) *tephen (aBer&e
B) Robert %onroe
C) *yl)an %uldoon
G) Charles (eadbeater
E) 'atrca Farfeld
F) Carlos Castaneda
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 3: M T&e Hi1&e!t 4e#el o" Practice
Ben& &enerally ac8uanted .th the ndrect techn8ues
as .ell as the elementary rules of deepenn& and mantann&
the phase may be consdered the threshold le)el of practce.
Getaled +no.led&e of the techncal aspects of the practce
may be consdered the basc le)el. To be dscussed no. s the
h&her le)el of practce# .hch dffers substantally from
le)els on e)ery front.
/f a practitioner is still unable to intentionally enter the
phase at least several ties a week, then he should not read
this section. /t ay cause his ind additional confusion and
distract hi with things that are not yet necessary and
difficult to understand. /f he decides to read on anyway, he
does so at his own risk and fully responsible for the
conse0uences of his decision.
@hen mastern& the practce of the phase# the process s
se8uental: one starts .th smple bac+&round +no.led&e and
techn8ues# and then .or+s oneEs .ay up to ncreasn&ly
dffcult thn&s. Bo.e)er# once a certan le)el s reached# the
process &oes bac+ the other .ay: oneEs entre approach
smplfes as one dscerns the underlyn& prncples. One
cannot start off from those prncples# as they can only be
dscerned throu&h nd)dual practce upon ha)n& mastered
the bascs. Ths comes naturally for many practtoners. The
am of ths secton s only to h&hl&ht thn&s that .ll be
real,ed conscously or subconscously by a person constantly
practcn& the phase.
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0f a practtonerEs mnd and attenton4span become
ne)tably o)er.helmed .th a lar&e body of theoretcal
+no.led&e# no need to .orry 4 e)erythn& .th become
smpler .th e1perence# and the dscplne of practcn& tself
.ll brn& much more en6oyment. 'erhaps only the dscplne
n ts h&her form should be consdered the real practce of the
phase# as only then does t harmon,e .th real lfe and brn&
no dscomfort.
D h&h le)el practtoner can ache)e the follo.n&:
/ndirect techni0ues work no less than .-2 of the tie.
)onsciousness while dreaing can be obtained 1-2 of
the tie that one desires it.
5irect techni0ues work no less than 8-2 of the tie.
5eepening takes a inial aount of tie and is
perfored while accoplishing a plan of action.
%aintaining is less energy-consuing and its effects
ore prolonged.
The phase can be applied in one way or another as
soon as one desires to do so.
(ven a oderate-level practitioner can enter the phase
any ties a day (B-8 ties, not counting secondary
entrances$. At a high level of practice, this should be
0f a phaser has not reached such a le)el n e)ery aspect#
then he s stll ma+n& some fundamental msta+es and
therefore has somethn& to .or+ to.ards. 0f he has reached a
h&h le)el# then he s already l)n& n t.o .orlds# and before
hm les an unlmted 2n)erse# .here no. only he alone can
determne hs actons and fnd meann& n them. Be s at a
pont .here no one or anythn& can ma+e any substantal
correctons to hs e1perence.
(Table of Contents)
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'ure desre s one of the core prncples of a h&h le)el of
practce. The practtoner already +no.s .hat e1actly he
needs from one techn8ue or another. Be str)es to drectly
ache)e hs am throu&h a combnaton of specfc# focused
desre and recall of the state. 0n other .ords# the phaser no.
str)es to.ards a desre to accomplsh or e1perence
somethn&# and not to.ards &on& throu&h rtuals n pursut of
some )a&ue &oal.
0n order to ache)e somethn&# the practtoner no.
smply .lls t. 0t s obtaned .thout any other actons. There
s no lon&er any pont to most of the techn8ues# .hch only
become necessary n specal cases .hen they are the only
.ay to ache)e a result n dffcult stuatons.
@hen at a h&h le)el of practce# a phaser s not
surprsed by the phase tself (as s the case at other le)els).
The only surprse comes from unsuccessful attempts .hen he
s unable to enter t. Ths s especally true re&ardn& ndrect
techn8ues. Three +ey factors lead to such a success rate.
0f techn8ues performed upon a.a+enn& do not .or+
due to an a&&ress)e approach# ths s al.ays remeded by
correct use of forced falln& asleep n parallel to the
techn8ues. They al.ays start to .or+# and so choce of
techn8ue s not mportant here. Dnd f a techn8ue has
started .or+n& upon a.a+enn&# then thatEs a clear s&n of a
deep phase. That s# .or+n& techn8ues are mar+ers of the
phase. %any e1perenced practtoners mmedately be&n to
use forced falln& asleep n parallel .th performn& the
ndrect techn8ues# .hch s .hy they are ether mmedately
able to e1t the body# or the frst techn8ue that they use
(Table of Contents)
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Dn e1perenced phaser does not perform ndrect
techn8ues n order to obtan the r&ht state. Be mo)es
drectly to.ards that state# and m&ht perform some
techn8ue n order to control hs conscous mnd. The tas+ s
to obtan the r&ht state 4 a certan physolo&cal process 4
upon a.a+enn&. Dnd f that stateEs already there# and f that
state s already 8ute famlar# then t only remans to &o for
t- ThatEs the .hole secret. 0tEs almost mpossble to descrbe
ho. t feels n .ords# yet many do t ntut)ely n practce.
0tEs usually more a combnaton of recollecton of the state#
forced falln& asleep# and an ntense desre to enter the phase
no matter .hat. The most mportant thn& s to am r&ht for
the phase.
2nderstandn& a lo&cal fact dramatcally ncreases the
effect)eness of ndrect techn8ues: practcally e)ery tme a
practtoner s .a+n& up# he s already n the phase# be t a
deep or shallo. form of t. 'hysolo&cally spea+n&# a person
.ho has 6ust .o+en up s n the phase by defnton. Once a
practtoner understands ths# he .ll act n a much more self4
assured and focused manner durn& attempts# and results .ll
follo.. 0tEs no secret that a substantal porton of unsuccessful
attempts 4 f not ?"; of them 4 are unsuccessful due not to
any acton# but because lac+ of confdence fnds e1presson n
the results. Ths s due to the phaseEs tendency to model
e1pectatons. Aou e1pect nothn& to happen# and so e)en f
you are n the phase 4 nothn& .ll happen. Bele)e that you
.ll do t r&ht here and no. because you are already n the
phase 4 and en6oy the result- @e are actually already n the
phase upon e)ery a.a+enn&. One can e)en ta+e the
follo.n& approach to ths understandn&: .hen .a+n& up#
our tas+ s not to enter the phase# but to deepen t. Ths s
easly obser)ed .th the techn8ue of sensory4motor
)sual,aton# .hch essentally conssts n performn&
deepenn& .thout any separaton or pror employment of
techn8ues. ThereEs a reason .hy ths techn8ue .or+s .ell
for e1perenced practtoners# and no)ces ha)e a hard tme
&ettn& t.
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The man concluson that an e1perenced practtoner .ll
come to s that drect techn8ues are actually easy# and not
much more dffcult than any other ones. The problems only
les n understandn& certan subtletes. Ds soon as they
become clear# results are easy to obtan.
Gespte t ben& constantly emphas,ed that the free4
floatn& state of mnd s of decs)e mportance# nearly all
no)ces stubbornly loo+ throu&h all the )arous techn8ues n
search of a sl)er bullet. Bo.e)er# an ad)anced practtoner
.ll hardly e)er use techn8ues. Be .ll mmedately &o for the
free4floatn& state of mnd .th practcally no effort or stran.
ThatEs .hy the same phrase al.ays comes from the mouths
of e1perenced practtoners: CThatEs r&ht# 0 donEt do anythn&
at all. 0 smply le do.n and .at for the phase.C Dnd t 6ust
comes 9"4="; of the tme. Ths comes n sharp contrast to
some no)ces .ho smply .aste much tme and ener&y
ban&n& ther heads a&anst the .all tryn& to lea)e ther
bodes# and as a result only $4!; of ther attempts result n
success# .hch s at best purely ncdental.
(etEs ta+e up an e1ample of drect phase entrance by the
ad)anced practtoner. The phaser determnes the nterestn&
thn&s he .ll do n the phase# les do.n at bedtme n an
uncomfortable poston for sleepn&# and smply tres to fall
asleep .hle holdn& on to the thou&ht that tEd be s.ell to
enter the phase. ThatEs all- Three to ten mnutes later# and
heEs already cau&ht a lapse of conscousness nto the phase.
%ean.hle# f he felt that he .ould fall asleep 8uc+ly# heEd
use cycles of techn8ues to +eep hs conscous mnd focused.
0f# on the other hand# hs mnd .ere e1cess)ely act)e# then
he .ould monotonously perform some techn8ue .hle lyn&
n as comfortable a poston as possble for sleep. But n most
cases# the 8untessence of drect techn8ues conssts n
attemptn& to fall asleep n an uncomfortable poston# all the
(Table of Contents)
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.hle ha)n& the thou&ht of the phase n the bac+ of oneEs
mnd. Or at least thatEs ho. tEs supposed to be# and thatEs
6ust ho. t often .or+s 4 for the smple reason that those are
the best condtons for ha)n& the r&ht +nd of prere8uste
lapses n conscousness# on the rebound from .hch the phase
arses. 0f ten or ffteen mnutes &o by .thout result# then the
phaser smply &oes to bed or stops .th the attempt# as a
drect phase entrance attempt should be done .th
en6oyment. 0f the phaser s not en6oyn& hmself# then thatEs a
s&n that heEs ma+n& msta+es.
%ean.hle# the most mportant mpro)ement a phaser
can ma+e s n hs atttude to.ards the end &oal of an
attempt. ThereEs a reason .hy he holds on to the thou&ht#
CtEd be s.ell to enter the phaseC. That should be n the bac+
of hs mnd# but not at the center of hs attenton. The
practtoner should be ndfferent as to .hether or not
anythn& happens. Be should let &o of control# desre# and the
feeln& that tEs mportant 4 and then e)erythn& .ll .or+. 0f
he les do.n to perform a drect techn8ue .th ntense desre
to enter the phase r&ht then and there and no matter .hat#
then nothn& .ll happen. There .onEt be any phase .thout a
cool# ndfferent atttude. 0f there s an1ety or e1pectaton#
nothn& .ll happen. Dn ad)anced practtoner .ould not e)en
attempt drect techn8ues f he felt e1cess)e an1ety or desre
re&ardn& phase entrance. Be only ma+es attempts .hen heEs
cool and collected# as .ell as more or less ndfferent to the
result. Geep do.n# of course# heEs not ndfferent. Bs desre s
deeply held 4 t s not of the superfcal type that
physolo&cally nterferes .th obtann& results. Ds soon as
the practtoner understands the s&nfcance of ths prncpal#
the effect)eness of hs phase entrance attempts .ll suddenly
The only e1cepton m&ht be usn& the drect method to
enter the phase n con6uncton .th the deferred method. 0n
ths case# the techn8ues can ta+e on substantally more
mportance# and deeply4held ntenton less mportance. Ths
depends on ho. lon& one has been a.a+e after sleepn&.
(Table of Contents)
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*uch attempts are more smlar to the ndrect method n
terms of effect)eness.
For the e1perenced practtoner# becomn& conscous
.hle dreamn& re8ures the least effort and attenton of all.
Be essentally only does t.o thn&s n order to &uarantee
dream conscousness durn& the mddle of the n&ht# or better
yet 4 .th the deferred method. Frst# he creates an
nterestn& plan of acton that .ll lure hm nto a dream.
7e1t# .hle falln& asleep# he smply desres to e1perence
dream conscousness# but .thout d.elln& on t too much or
ben& obsess)e about t. ThatEs all- The practtoner .ould be
8ute surprsed f nothn& .or+ed at all.
Once a&an# e)erythn& depends on correctly formn& an
ntenton. Dn e1perenced practtoner forms an ntenton n a
fundamentally dfferent .ay than a no)ce. D no)ce .ould
thn+ to hmself# C0 .ant to become conscous n a dreamC#
.hle a phaser .ould tell hmself# C0Ell soon become conscous
durn& my dreamC# .hch allo.s for the pro&rammn& to ma+e
t much deeper nto hs subconscous mnd. %oreo)er# hs
pror practce has already traned hm for that moment# and
thereEs nothn& else that he needs to do.
E1perenced and ad)anced practtoners .ho ha)e
ache)ed a h&h le)el of control o)er phase entrance ne)er
use any au1lary means# be they de)ces# .or+n& n pars
.th frends# audo fles# chemcal preparatons# herbal
substances# etc. ThereEs smply no need for them. 0f tEs much
easer for a no)ce to enter the phase by hs o.n efforts
alone# then the same s true for an ad)anced phaser# but all
(Table of Contents)
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the more so. The use of non4autonomous methods s al.ays
the lot of those .ho search for an e1traneous soluton to ther
o.n common msta+es n usn& re&ular techn8ues# nstead of
correctn& those msta+es l+e e)eryone else.
The deepenn& techn8ues used by an ad)anced
practtoner essentally dffer lttle from those used at the
basc le)el. Bo.e)er# there are t.o fundamental dfferences
n the .ay these techn8ues are performed. Frst# an
e1perenced phaser .ll prefer to perform deepenn& at the
same tme he be&ns to mplement hs plan of acton. That s
to say# he doesnEt do as a no)ce does: separate# deepen# and
then mplement the plan of acton. 0nstead# he separates and
mmedately mplements hs plan of acton# n parallel to
ntensfyn& the realness of hs sensatons. Ths has benefcal
effect on the 8ualty of the deepenn&# and t smply sa)es
tme for other thn&s n the phase.
*econd# ad)anced practtoners and no)ces dffer n
ther ntent to deepen and ho. t they real,e t. 0f# .hen
performn& a deepenn& techn8ue# a no)ce .ll often e1pect
results from the smple fact of mechancally performn& some
acton# then an ad)anced phaser .ll perform deepenn&
techn8ues .th the focused am and desre of obtann& a
hyperrealstc phase# as f ben& pulled to.ards t by the
techn8ues themsel)es# all .hle recalln& the sensatons of
pre)ous e1perences. The techn8ues merely ser)e to help
hm better e1press hs ntenton.
'erhaps the only thn& that an ad)anced practtoner
m&ht stll ha)e to stru&&le .th s mantann& the phase.
(Table of Contents)
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Bo.e)er# tEs only a stru&&le n a relat)e sense# and more of
a stru&&le for perfecton. Dn essental .ay that an
e1perenced phaser dffers from a no)ce s that the len&th of
tme that he stays n the phase s fully suffcent for hs needs.
7o matter ho. lon& he stays n the phase# ths duraton s
multpled by hs many phase entrances o)er the course of
e)en a sn&le day. Ds a result# he al.ays accomplshes all of
the tas+s he has set for hmself# and often 8ute 8uc+ly. Dnd
f a practtoner accomplshes all hs ob6ect)es# .hy should he
be dssatsfed .th the duraton of a phaseL
The frst s&n of an ad)anced practtoner s that he
al.ays has a plan of acton for the phase. Dn nterestn& and
useful one. Be al.ays +no.s .hat he .ll do n the phase and
ho. he .ll apply t. Be al.ays .ants to enter the phase# as
he al.ays has many thn&s to do n t# e)en f they sometmes
ha)e nothn& to do .th the physcal .orld. %oreo)er# many
ad)anced practtoners underta+e ther o.n studes of the
phase# .hch ser)es to further stmulate ther o.n practce
and personal de)elopment.
The man problem no)ces ha)e n mantann& the phase
parado1cally conssts n fear of a foul# .e. an n)oluntary
return to the body. Ths usually causes them to perform the
mantann& techn8ues ncorrectly# and they nearly al.ays
lac+ the ntenton of mantann&# not to menton confdence n
ther o.n abltes. But ths s a decs)e factor .hen t comes
to mantann& the phase.
A novice perfors aintaining techni0ues in order to not
be returned back to the body or not fall asleep, while an
e4perienced practitioner perfors aintaining techni0ues in
order to aintain his presence in the phase.
Ds a result# the former s often soundly thro.n out of the
phase# .hle the latter has e1perences that are many tmes
lon&er and more rela1ed. E)en thn+n& of oneEs o.n body
.hle n the phase s frau&ht .th the dan&er of returnn& to
t# to say nothn& of techn8ues .hch are focused on the
conscous ablty to reenter the body.
(Table of Contents)
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@hle n the phase and .hen performn& any mantann&
techn8ue# a practtoner should be e1tremely confdent that
he .ll be n the phase for 6ust as lon& as he needs to be.
*uch confdence alone s suffcent to substantally prolon& the
a)era&e phase.
Bo.e)er# .hen mantann& the phase# ad)anced
practtoners ha)e to face the real ssue of +eepn& ther
mnds out of ther bodes 4 and ths means false fouls. The
absolute ma6orty of returns to the body from the phase are
false. Gependn& on oneEs personal characterstcs and le)el of
practce# from 9" to ?"; of all returns to the body can be
false. ThatEs precsely .hy the mandatory rule s: upon
returnn& to the body# one must try to separate from t a&an.
E)en .hen follo.n& ths rule# the e1perence nonetheless
often ends n a false a.a+enn& that s only reco&n,ed some
tme after the fact.
The problem s partally resol)ed by understandn& that a
return to the body from the phase means nothn& at all. 0f t
happens# tEs but a trfle for oneEs practce not .orthy of the
sl&htest attenton. 0f you .ere 6ust n the phase# then t canEt
end so easly or 8uc+ly. An e4perienced practitioner should
always (always#$ try to re-enter the phase and do it with as
uch self-assurance as possible. And if one is at last unable
to leave the body again, then one ust perfor at least two
reality checks (hyperconcentration, breathing out through a
pinched nose, looking for inconsistencies, etc.$, as there is a
high likelihood that one is still nevertheless in the phase.
Realty chec+s alone can prolon& a phase e1perence by up to
!" percent. 0n summary# at h&her le)els of practce# a phaser
must try to re4e1t hs body. 0f he s unable to# then he must
perform realty chec+s.
There are se)eral reasons .hy practcally all
practtoners ha)e such problems .th false returns to the
body. One of the man ones s a certan lac+ of confdence n
oneEs o.n po.ers .hen mantann& the phase# .hch s
remeded by ntensfyn& oneEs ntenton and concentraton.
Bo.e)er# there s also a certan problem that s practcally
(Table of Contents)
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resstant to controllable soluton and s brou&ht about by the
astoundn& characterstcs of human conscousness durn&
altered states: false memory.
*ometmes# a cluster of false memores 4 yet 8ute
detaled and emotonally4char&ed ones 4 .ll suddenly appear
n a phaserEs memory durn& a phase e1perence. Ths
ndcates that he has lon& been n the phase# and thus 8ute a
psycholo&cally acceptn& state. Ds a result# a phaser may not
put up much resstance to a foul# or e)en control the foul
hmself. Ds soon as he returns to the body# heEll real,e that
the phase .as actually much shorter than t seemed to hs
mnd. *ometmes only a detaled analyss can unco)er ths
uncommon problem and brn& the practtoner to understand
that he .as not n the phase for the seemn& 9 mnutes# but
merely $" seconds. The prescrpton for ths stran&e trc+ of
the human mnd s ne)ertheless the same: mandatory re4
e1ts from the body no matter .hat t seems or .hat one
thn+s# and f ths s unsuccessful 4 realty chec+s.
Dn e1perenced practtoner .ll translocate .thn the
phase and fnd ob6ects n t upon frst attempt .hen usn& any
techn8ue# or 6ust pure .thout usn& techn8ues at
all. 0tEs not hard at all for hm to lft a house or a mountan
.th one fn&er# as hs mnd no lon&er harbors the bases and
patterns of the e)eryday .orld. Be can ta+e on any bodly
form and con6ure any sensaton# ncludn& those alen to
human e1stence or human +no.led&e. 0n other .ords# f
there s somethn& a practtoner canEt do n the phase# that
means he hasnEt reached a h&h le)el of control o)er t# and
has somethn& to .or+ on.
The thn&s he has to .or+ on are 8ute clear: ntenton#
self4assurance# and desre. Those are the )ery factors that
determne e)ery facet of controlln& the phase. 0f somethn&
doesnEt .or+ out# then msta+es are to be sou&ht not n oneEs
(Table of Contents)
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techn8ue# but n ho. t s performed nternally# nsde oneEs
subconscous mnd 4 .hch .ll ne)er &ro. accustomed to the
fact that the lmtatons of the physcal .orld no lon&er al.ays
Gespte the fact that tEs not dffcult for an ad)anced
phaser to apply the phase to.ards any .ell4+no.n practcal
applcaton# heEs unl+ely to do ths often. There are se)eral
reasons for ths. Frst# .hen your tally of phase e1perences
numbers n the thousands# and you do t many tmes per day#
your needs smply cannot +eep up .th your e1perence.
*mply put# the phaser has already accomplshed e)erythn&
that he needed to# and returns to practcal applcaton only
rarely. *econd# ad)anced practtoners rarely see the phase
as a means to sol)e some tas+ or problem. For them tEs
smply a lfe to l)e. Dfter all# .e donEt l)e here n the physcal
.orld for the sa+e of ache)n& somethn& n the phase .orld.
@e l)e for ths .orld. 0tEs the same .th the phase. 0tEs &ood#
mraculous# and ma&cal only because t e1sts# and .e can
nhabt t. ThatEs .hy ad)anced practtoners see+ nothn& n
the phase. They are content .th the )ery fact of l)n& n t.o
Obtann& nformaton from the phase s ts most dffcult
applcaton. Dll of the other applcatons present lttle
dffculty# e)en for moderately ad)anced practtoners.
Bo.e)er# mastern& the s+ll of obtann& credble nformaton
s a 6ob thatEs ne)er fnshed.
Techn8ues ha)e been smplfed as much as possble
here. Dfter all# techn8ues for obtann& nformaton are
needed to create ntermedares bet.een the practtoner and
hs subconscous mnd (or felds of nformaton# as some
bele)e them to be). These ntermedares are necessary n
order to better understand and clearly Csee and hearC the
nformaton. But n the end# all these are ntermedares and
(Table of Contents)
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rtuals for no)ces .ho donEt understand .hatEs &on& on
nternally. Bo.e)er# they do understand .hatEs &on& on
e1ternally# and so thereEs no other .ay to e1plan t to them.
0n most cases# an e1perenced phaser .ll use the most clear4
cut .ay of obtann& nformaton: &ettn& t drectly. The
practtonerEs 8ueston s rased as a thou&ht4form# and the to t nstantly appears n hs memory# as f t .ere
somethn& already +no.n. Ths s smlar to the lon&4
reco&n,ed phenomenon of false memory# but n ths case the
memory doesnEt ha)e to be false 4 t can contan truly useful
nformaton. the tas+ of fndn& somethn& out can
be set before entrance nto the phase# and the to t
can be found n oneEs mnd mmedately upon separaton.
0nfluencn& physolo&y occurs n the same .ay. The
desred effect s ache)ed not by ta+n& plls or other
measures n the phase# but throu&h drectly nducn& t.
%ean.hle# due to the specal .ays n .hch the subconscous
mnd .or+s# tEs stll sometmes recommended to use
addtonal CcrutchesC n the form of plls or the l+e n order to
ncrease the effect)eness of the physcal bodyEs reacton.
D h&h le)el phaser l)es n proper balance bet.een the
practce and real lfe. Ths s reflected n a successful and
content physcal lfe that nether nterferes .th the practce
nor detracts from t# but nstead enrches t .th emoton. The
phase enrches physcal lfe# and physcal lfe enrches the
phase. 'roblems n day4to4day lfe ha)e a catastrophc effect
on oneEs practce. Thus# e)en .hen n pursut of a better
phase practce# one should ne)er for&et the real .orld# .here
conscousness frst arose. 0n the same )en# the phase tself
can be used .th .de applcaton for oneEs career or
Dn e1perenced practtoner al.ays +no.s .hen tEs tme
for real lfe and .hen tEs tme for the phase. E)erythn& &oes
(Table of Contents)
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best .hen the t.o are +ept separate# and not ntert.ned. For
e1ample# durn& the .or+n& day one must try not to thn+ of
the phase# but nstead concentrate on more )tal matters.
@hen the tme comes to enter nto oneEs practce# t s
necessary to turn oneEs attenton to only t# and put asde any
pressn& problems. D practtoner .ll feel most comfortable
.hen he clearly separates hs t.o l)es# and thus a)od the
&aps n practce that ne)tably occur unless ths phlosophy s
Bo.e)er# ths s not to &)e the mpresson that
ad)anced phasers must enter the phase e)ery day .thout
e1cepton. They too ta+e brea+s# .hether by choce or due to
e1ternal crcumstances. TheyEre sometmes smply not up to t
for physcal reasons. On a &ood .ee+ theyEll de)ote maybe :4
9 days to t# and be able to enter the phase from : to < tmes
or more on each of those days. ThatEs about f)e hundred full4
fled&ed phase e1perences per year# enou&h to ta+e lon&
strdes to.ards mastern& the phenomenon.
Once a phaser has ache)ed a h&her le)el of practce#
heEs no. a ne. type of person# and perhaps 4 n terms of the
e)oluton of human conscousness 4 a man or .oman of the
future. Be s the +eeper of rare +no.led&e re&ardn&
techn8ues that s au&mented by hs personal practce. Be
must real,e and understand that hs s a 8ute rare and
precous s+ll# one that most can only dream of. Ths
+no.led&e should not be appled merely to.ards personal
betterment and l)n& fully n t.o .orlds at once. The .orld s
.onderful only .hen nternal and e1ternal harmony are n
D practtoner should therefore al.ays pay more
attenton to those around hm and ther ta+e on the
phenomenon. The more people there are around the
practtoner .ho understand and practce the phase# the more
(Table of Contents)
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comfortable he hmself .ll feel. Of course# +no.led&e of such
hdden human abltes should only be passed on under the
banner of theoretcal neutralty and as pra&matc a poston as
possble# ensurn& the .dest possble recepton and
a)odance of the socetal re6ecton that has been the bane of
the practce snce tme mmemoral.
One can not only teach oneEs frends and famly# but also
head a local 'racttonersE Club# open a branch of the *chool
of Out4of4Body Tra)el# .rte boo+s and artcles# launch
.ebstes# and )olunteer to partcpate n OOBE Research
Center e1perments. Ds your ache)ements &ro.# you could
e)en underta+e your o.n research at the Center.
The most mportant thn& s not to let your e1perence
and +no.led&e &o to .aste- Fnd a .ay to apply them
to.ards helpn& all of humanty. AouEre no. a specal person#
and tEs your turn to chan&e ths .orld-
(Table of Contents)
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0f youE)e been able to e1perence out4of4body tra)el
(enter the phase)# then the OOBE Research Center s al.ays
nterested n studyn& your e1perence# as .ell as possbly
usn& t n ts .or+. 'lease send your the frst and most
nterestn& 6ourneys by emal to obe4u/ GonEt
for&et to nclude your full name# a&e# country and cty# as .ell
as professon.
$. D#B#C#GH
!. GH
:. B# C# GH
4. CH
9. D#B#C#GH
<. BH
=. K
>. CH
?. D# G# EH
$". B# CH
$$. D#C#G#EH
$!. D#G#DXGH
$:. CH
$4. G# EH
$9. EH
$<. B# FH
$=. C# EH
$>. BH
$?. K
!". D# CH
!$. D# B# GH
!!. D# C# GH
!:. EH
!4. BH
!9. KH
!<. DH
!=. B#C#G#EH
!>. B#C#EH
!?. D#C#G#EH
:". D# EH
(Table of Contents)
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2pon a.a+enn&# .thout mo)n& or openn& the eyes#
mmedately try to separate from the body. The separaton
attempt should be carred out .thout any ma&nn&# but
rather .th the desre to ma+e a real mo)ement .thout
strann& the muscles (rolln& out# le)taton# standn& up#
0f separaton does not occur .thn three to f)e seconds#
mmedately try alternatn& se)eral of the most effect)e
techn8ues for three to f)e seconds each. @hen one of the
techn8ues .or+s# contnue t for a lon&er perod of tme:
Ob!er#i1 i)a1e!: Try to e1amne and dscern the
pctures arsn& before closed eyes.
4i!tei1 i: Dttempt to hear sounds n the head and
ma+e these louder by lstenn& n or stren&thenn& the
Rotati1: 0ma&ne rotatn& around the head4to4foot
P&ato) (i11li1: Try to mo)e a part of the body
.thout strann& the muscles# and try to ncrease the
ran&e of mo)ementH
Straii1 t&e brai: Try strann& the bran# .hch .ll
lead to )bratons that may also be ntensfed by further
strann& the bran.
Ds soon as one techn8ue clearly starts to .or+# contnue
.th t as lon& as pro&ress s apparent# and then try to
separate. 0f separaton fals# return to the techn8ue that .as
Go not &)e up alternatn& throu&h techn8ues untl one
mnute has elapsed. *eparaton from the body may be
attempted perodcally# especally f nterestn& sensatons
(Table of Contents)
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@hen ma+n& attempts to enter the phase# the
practtoner should ha)e complete confdence that he .ll be
mmedately successful n e)erythn&. E)en a shroud of doubt
.ll +eep the practtoner n hs body# ths s especally true
.hen t comes to ndrect techn8ues.
Four typcal barrers to mastern& the phase encountered
by ?"; of practtoners are:
+ - 'orgetting to deepen the phaseH
, - 'orgetting to aintain the phaseH
B - Absence of a plan of action when in the phaseH
A - 'orgetting to try to re-enter the phase after a foulH
Gue to the nature of ths practce# the techn8ues n ths
boo+ are not copyr&hted. 2p to !9; of the techn8ues n ths
boo+ may be encountered pecemeal n other sources.
%ean.hle# e)en the procedures de)eloped by the author and
the OOBE Research Center cannot be copyr&hted# as n most
cases they are ntut)e and ha)e probably struc+ somebodyEs
mnd n the past.
Ths boo+ contans a composton of both compled and
ndependently de)eloped methodolo&es .hose man
dstncton conssts n ha)n& tested them under real
condtons .hen teachn& them to a mass audence of no)ces
and e1perenced practtoners. 0n other .ords# ths boo+
contans only )erfed nformaton on techn8ues that .ll be
the most up4to4date untl the ne1t edton of the boo+. @th
such an approach# copyr&ht s not e)en a secondary concern
4 tEs practcally a moot pont.
(Table of Contents)
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%chael Radu&aJs *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el conducts
trann& semnars n many countres around the .orld. The
course.or+ allo.s students to master the phase phenomenon
and hone ther s+lls at tra)eln& n the phase. 0nformaton on
e1stn& branches and semnar schedules are a)alable on the
.ebste @e also .elcome potental partners
nterested n or&an,n& *chool of Out4of4Body Tra)el
branches and semnars. Dll correspondence re&ardn&
semnars# partnershps# and proposals related to the
translaton of ths boo+ may be handled by e4mal at
The OOBE Research Center .as founded n !""=. 0ts
ntal tas+ .as to conduct mass e1perments at the *chool of
Out4of4Body Tra)el amed at de)elopn& smplfed
methodolo&es for teachn& the phase phenomenon. Ths boo+
s the result of that research. 0t subse8uently too+ up the
study of all aspects of ths phenomenon# and s currently
underta+n& e1permental .or+ on: determnn& and .or+n&
.th the fundamental propertes of the phase# see+n& out
and de)elopn& the best methods for controlln& the state#
practcal applcatons of the phenomenon# and ts
popular,aton# amon& other pro6ects.
Volunteers for e1perments are al.ays ben& sou&ht- 0n
order to partcpate# ablty to enter the phase at least once a
.ee+ and basc +no.led&e of the En&lsh lan&ua&e are
necessary. Than+s to modern means of communcaton# you
can be located GonEt let your e1perence &o to
.aste 4 put our e1perments on your plan of acton-
(Table of Contents)
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For more nformaton# )st:
Out-o"-bod' e+*eriece =O.E>2 lucid drea)i1 =4D>2
a!tral *roNectio K a number of terms unted by t&e *&a!e
that refer to the state n .hch a person# .hle ben& fully
conscous# real,es conscousness outsde the normal ran&e of
physcal percepton.
Idirect tec&i0ue! K entry nto the phase .thn f)e
mnutes of a.a+enn& from sleep of any duraton 4 pro)ded
there has been mnmal physcal mo)ement.
Direct tec&i0ue! K entry nto the phase .thout any pror
sleep# after e1cess)e physcal mo)ement upon a.a+enn&# or
ha)n& been a.a+e for at least f)e mnutes.
Drea) co!ciou!e!! K entry nto the phase throu&h
becomn& conscously a.are .hle a dream epsode s
,'cle! o" idirect tec&i0ue! 4 the easest .ay to enter the
phase# employed by rapdly alternatn& certan techn8ues
upon a.a+enn& from sleep untl one of them .or+s.
Di!!ociatio K separatonH n ths case# a scentfc term
descrbn& e1perences n the phase.
Slee* *aral'!i! K a stuporH the complete mmobl,aton that
often occurs .hen falln& asleep# a.a+enn&# and entern& or
e1tn& the phase.
Stecil K the real physcal body that s no lon&er perce)ed
.hle n the phase.
Dee*ei1 t&e *&a!e K methods for ma+n& the phase as
realstc as possble by stabl,n& the surroundn& space.
$aitaii1 t&e *&a!e K methods for mantann& the phase
state by pre)entn& a lapse nto sleep# a return to realty# or
an ma&ned return to realty.
(Table of Contents)
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RE$ K rapd eye mo)ement sleep (RE% phase)H a sleep
phase character,ed by ncreased bran act)ty that s
accompaned by rapd eye mo)ement and dreamn&.
SO.T K School of Our-of-Body Travel.
Foul K an nad)ertent termnaton of the phase throu&h a
spontaneous return to e)eryday realty.
FFA K forced falln& asleep.
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We believe that everyboy i! "oi#" to e$i!t
i# t%o %orl! !oo#
Sponsors and investors are needed for
translation into other languages this free ebook
and other our books, videos, et! "lso #e need
finanial support to pro$ote the phase
#orld#ide! %et&s hange the #orld together'
(ake a part in it'
obe4u@obe4u. com
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Or W&at t&e .ible2 Alie Abductio! ad Near-Deat&
E+*eriece! All Ha#e i ,o))o
(Table of Contents)
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Ths artcle s not about Fod# alens or lfe after death. 0t
s about a phenomenon that left hu&e traces to be seen n all
these topcs# as .ell as n many others# but usually people
cannot see ths fact.
0 thn+ that sometmes .hen people clam to see Fod#
alens or ha)e near death e1perences# they made ncorrect
nterpretatons of our hdden ablty. @e should +no. the
truth and thn+ about e1planatons of the phenomenon.
0 +no. almost e)erythn& about the OBE because 0 l)e
n ths topc !4P=. 0t s my lfe. 0 analy,e do,ens of out4of4
body e1perences e)ery day that s .hy 0 can see ob)ous
traces of the phenomenon n many aspects of e)eryday lfe. 0
can pro)e t n ths artcle.
Dctually# the out4of4body phenomenon s so normal that
t may be a s&n of the ne1t step of the e)oluton of
conscousness. %aybe# n the future our conscousness .ll be
present not only n the .a+eful state of the physcal body but
(Table of Contents)
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e)en outsde of t. 0t seems that .e are really )ery close to
the ne1t step of our conscous e)oluton.
$ K Suotes from The BibleH
! K @ell4+no.n cases of abductons by alens from the
ste (the cases)
: K Suotes from !ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oodyH
4 K One lon& thread about frst4tme out4of4body
e1perences (9""X cases) from a dscusson board on
the .ebste (the thread)H
%ichael &aduga
'ounder of the OOB( &esearch )enter
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 3% .iblical A!tral Tra#eler!
Ri1&t "ro) t&e !tart2 I !&ould )ake it *er"ectl'
clear t&at IL) ot 1oi1 to !a' t&ere i! o God% 0Jll smply
be dscussn& specfc nd)dual cases n .hch a
msnterpretaton of e)ents has possbly occurred# and
nothn& more. 0 .ould ha)e .rtten a dfferent artcle f 0 had
.anted to dscuss the e1stence of Fod.
0 frst read the Bble .hen 0 .as ? years old out of sheer
curosty and personal desre. E)en bac+ then# a natural
8ueston occurred to me: donJt the prota&onsts of bblcal
stores )ery often f not almost al.ays encounter h&her
ben&s .hle dreamn& or .hen n states close to that of
(Table of Contents)
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(Second Book of Sauel# Chapter =)
A And it cae to pass that night, that the word of the
!O&5 cae unto @athan, saying,
(Acts of the Apostles# Chapter $<)
. And a vision appeared to =aul in the nightH There
stood a an of %acedonia, and prayed hi, saying,
)oe over into %acedonia, and help us.
(Acts of the Apostles# Chapter $>)
. Then spake the !ord to =aul in the night by a vision,
Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace?
('irst Book of the Torah? Fenesis# Chapter 4<)
, And Fod spake unto /srael in the visions of the night,
*acob, *acob. And he said, Gere OaP /.
('irst Book of )hronicles# Chapter $=)
B And it cae to pass the sae night, that the word of
Fod cae to @athan, saying,
0 ha)enJt e)en bothered to lst e1amples .here t .as
.rtten out n blac+ and .hte V The (ord appeared to hm n
a dream and sad... There are multtudes of such passa&es. 0
.ould 6ust lea)e t at that# but for the fact that my students
and 0 already use techn8ues for lea)n& the body upon falln&
asleep and a.a+enn&# as .ell as becomn& conscous .hle
(Dl %a&co)
...This night it finally happened consciously#...
.../ was awakening at night in y bedroo. /t was dark.
/ tried to turn on the lights, but the light-switch wasn"t in
(Table of Contents)
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its usual place, and / realiCed that / was dreaing. /t
was so dark that / started to get really scared...
/ was unable to do astral pro;ection for over a year, until
/ started doing indirect techni0ues ore often and ore
intensely. /t happened this orning at . A%...
But thatJs 6ust the be&nnn&. %ost nterestn&ly# 0 ha)e
found at least four clear descrptons of spontaneous e1ts
from the body upon falln& asleep or .a+n& up n the Bble.
%ean.hle# there are clearly more of them# but the rest are
only descrbed n bref and are thus less ob)ous e1amples.
The four passa&es .e .ll loo+ at smply contan the most
detal# and e)erythn& adds up n them.
('irst Book of Qings# Chapter $?)
A But he hiself went a day>s ;ourney into the
wilderness, and cae and sat down under a ;uniper
tree? and he re0uested for hiself that he ight dieH
and said, /t is enoughH now, O !O&5, take away y lifeH
for / OaP not better than y fathers.
3 And as he lay and slept under a ;uniper tree, behold,
then an angel touched hi, and said unto hi, Arise
OandP eat.
8 And he looked, and, behold, Othere wasP a cake baken
on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he
did eat and drink, and laid hi down again.
And the angel of the !O&5 cae again the second tie,
and touched hi, and said, Arise OandP eatH because the
;ourney OisP too great for thee.
*ound famlarL Go you remember your parents e)er
.a+n& you up to &o to school# and then ha)n& dressed and
&otten your boo+s to&ether# only to ha)e your parents .a+e
you up a&anL Ths may ha)e happened to you se)eral tmes.
Or do you remember e)er ha)n& turned off the alarm cloc+#
(Table of Contents)
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only to ha)e t bu,, once a&an and .a+e you upL ThatJs a
typcal false a.a+enn&. Aou encounter false a.a+enn&s
nearly e)ery day# but they are far from al.ays ))d. Ths lac+
of ))dness s .hy people often do not reco&n,e that a false
a.a+enn& has occurred. 2p to one4thrd of all sensatons and
mo)ements that occur upon a.a+enn& do not happen n the
real .orld# they 6ust seem to be.
.../ was soewhere between 1 and +- years old. The
alar clock went off, / was having a hard tie getting
out of bed. / thought for a few oents about how it
was tie to go to school... Then / got up out of bed,
already wide awake, and went to the bathroo... All of
the sudden o cae into the roo and asked e to
wake up and go to school... And this happened ore
than once...
(etJs ma&ne that El6ah fell asleep not under a 6unper
tree# but n a comfortable apartment# and that hs thou&hts
upon falln& asleep had turned not to Fod# but to the fact that
he had to &o to school the ne1t day. @ould an an&el ha)e
)sted El6ah n that caseL Or ma&ne Ed&aras n El6ahJs
place. Thn+n& about lea)n& the body .hle falln& asleep s
one of the +ey secrets to ha)n& an out4of4body e1perence
upon later a.a+enn&. %ean.hle# you can thn+ not only
about lea)n& the body# but also about .hat you .ant to
obtan from the e1perence tself... ThatJs .hy t s not at all
surprsn& that the an&el came to El6ah 4 .ho had been
pondern& hs relatonshp .th Fod 4 not durn& an afternoon
.al+# but 6ust after he had fallen asleep. But El6ah dd not
reco&n,e that hs subse8uent a.a+enn&s .ere false#
because an out4of4body e1perence can outmatch .a+n& lfe
n terms of ))dness of sensaton.
('irst Book of Sauel# Chapter :)
(Table of Contents)
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+ And the child Sauel inistered unto the !O&5 before
(li. And the word of the !O&5 was precious in those
daysH Othere wasP no open vision.
, And it cae to pass at that tie, when (li OwasP laid
down in his place, and his eyes began to wa4 di, OthatP
he could not seeH
B And ere the lap of Fod went out in the teple of the
!O&5, where the ark of Fod OwasP, and Sauel was laid
down Oto sleepPH
A That the !O&5 called Sauel? and he answered, Gere
OaP /.
3 And he ran unto (li, and said, Gere OaP /H for thou
calledst e. And he said, / called notH lie down again.
And he went and lay down.
8 And the !O&5 called yet again, Sauel. And Sauel
arose and went to (li, and said, Gere OaP /H for thou
didst call e. And he answered, / called not, y sonH lie
down again.
D @ow Sauel did not yet know the !O&5, neither was
the word of the !O&5 yet revealed unto hi.
1 And the !O&5 called Sauel again the third tie. And
he arose and went to (li, and said, Gere OaP /H for thou
didst call e. And (li perceived that the !O&5 had called
the child.
. Therefore (li said unto Sauel, Fo, lie down? and it
shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak,
!O&5H for thy servant heareth. So Sauel went and lay
down in his place.
+- And the !O&5 cae, and stood, and called as at
other ties, Sauel, Sauel. Then Sauel answered,
SpeakH for thy servant heareth.
++ And the !O&5 said to Sauel, Behold, / will do a
thing in /srael, at which both the ears of every one that
heareth it shall tingle.
Dccordn& to my research# no less than 9"; of those
sur)eyed ha)e reported hearn& smlar )oces at least once n
(Table of Contents)
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ther l)es .hen falln& asleep. %oreo)er# they remember
hearn& reco&n,able albet ma&nary )oces. @eJre not e)en
ta+n& nto account that all of you ha)e heard unreal sounds
hundreds of tmes .hen falln& asleep and upon a.a+enn&#
but thou&ht nothn& of them# as you thou&ht that they .ere
real (assumn& them to be ne&hbors tal+n& or sounds from
outsde the .ndo.). Ths s all normal for .hen
conscousness s fadn& out or comn& bac+ on a&an.
.../ decided to lie down at about ,=%. About , inutes
later, after / had ;ust started lying in bed, / heard a
voice. / soehow sensed that soeone was sitting on
the chair ne4t to the couch...
...!iterally ;ust seconds before / fell asleep, it was as if
soeone was calling e... =lease note that / was not
yet asleep. At first it was a noral 6voice7... then it got
bossier, and then it started ordering e about. And
then it was as if soething was pulling e into the
There s e)en a specal techn8ue for nducn& such
sounds and usn& them to e1t the body. 0t s called the
techn8ue of lstenn& n. There are many )aratons to t.
They nclude tryn& to hear someone calln& your name .hen
you are falln& asleep# and especally upon .a+n& up. 0f you
hear your name called# you can separate from the body.
'racttoners usually set themsel)es &oals other than meetn&
Fod. On the other hand *amuel rece)ed a clear order from
hs mentor to do 6ust that: (3Fo# le do.n: and t shall be# f
he call thee# that thou shalt say# *pea+# (ORGH for thy
ser)ant heareth.5)
7o. tJs tme for the ne1t t.o bblcal passa&es. They
are both )ery smlar. For no less than a thrd of us they recall
a completely famlar stuaton that .e ha)e found oursel)es
(Table of Contents)
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n at one tme or another: sleep paralyss (sleep stupor#
catalepsy)# .hch s nearly al.ays accompaned by a .ld
terror and often occurs .hen falln& asleep or .a+n& up.
(Book of *ob# Chapter 4)
+, @ow a thing was secretly brought to e, and ine
ear received a little thereof.
+B /n thoughts fro the visions of the night, when deep
sleep falleth on en,
+A 'ear cae upon e, and trebling, which ade all
y bones to shake.
+3 Then a spirit passed before y faceH the hair of y
flesh stood up?
+8 /t stood still, but / could not discern the for thereof?
an iage OwasP before ine eyes, Othere wasP silence,
and / heard a voice, OsayingP,

('irst book of the Torah? Fenesis# Chapter $9)
+, And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell
upon AbraH and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell
upon hi.
+B And he said unto Abra, Qnow of a surety that thy
seed shall be a stranger in a land Othat isP not theirs,
and shall serve theH and they shall afflict the four
hundred yearsH
@eJll e1amne a select fe. modern accounts out of
hundreds that 0 ha)e. They .ll surely str+e you as 8ute
smlar to the Bble passa&es cted abo)e# especally n terms
of the emotons felt.
....There was a sharp crack, and the feeling of falling
down. Soeone"s unintelligible whisper in y right ear
changed into a screa, which died down for a second,
only to blast in again fro all sides. / was panicking in
ortal fear.
(Table of Contents)
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.../ was being awoken by an acute fright that had begun
while / was dreaing... A wild terror suddenly overcae
e. Soething started to ake a lot of noise in the
....!ast tie, having been struck by sleep paralysis
together with an awful fear, / rolled out of bed...
Fear and dar+ness upon a.a+enn& or falln& asleep...
These are all completely typcal thn&s for the practce of out4
of4body tra)el. 7o)ces report e1perencn& them n a thrd of
all cases- %ean.hle# they rarely e1pect an encounter .th
Fod after.ards# .hch s .hy he usually doesnJt appear to
Ths &ets r&ht to the essence of the phenomenon.
Gurn& a spontaneous and uncontrolled out4of4body
e1perence# you &et e1actly .hat you fear or e1pect at the
moment. Ths .ll be demonstrated a&an and a&an belo..
%ean.hle# n the bble e1cerpts abo)e# the reason .hy the
prota&onsts met the (ord s completely clear and
understandable 4 f they but only thn+ of Fod# they cannot
but meet hm. 0t .as completely normal for them to ha)e
seen Fod.
Dnd hereJs .hatJs most mportant 4 ths all may seem to
be empty tal+ or senseless theory# but hear me out: not only
bblcal characters ha)e had encounters .th Fod. Bo. many
smlar stores are there n other sourcesL Tons. Dnd they all
contan the same telltale characterstcs 4 lyn& do.n# falln&
asleep# .a+n& up# and so on. %oreo)er# one can meet Fod
each and e)ery tme one en&a&es n the practce of lea)n&
the body. The procedure s smple: use techn8ues to &o out4
of4body# and then use techn8ues to fnd the ob6ects that you
are loo+n& for. ThatJs all there s to t... Bac+ n my youth
.hen 0 .as frst &ettn& nto out4of4body tra)el# 0 met Fod
(Table of Contents)
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se)eral tmes out of sheer curosty. 0J)e met scores of
practtoners .ho ha)e done the same. Aou can e)en try t
But .ho or .hat s ben& encounteredL 0s t really FodL
ThatJs for you to decde. *ome practtoners .ould say that t
s a smulaton &enerated by the subconscous mnd# .hch
controls e)erythn& durn& the out4of4body e1perence. Others
mantan that they )st a parallel .orld nhabted by many
Fods. Aet others say that the same Fod that e)eryone tal+s
about s encountered durn& all of these e1perences. Bere
e)eryone nterprets .hat occurs as they see ft. The most
l+ely e1planaton s that no real &od s at play n such
phenomena. Fod may )ery .ell e1st# but n these cases
somethn& a lttle dfferent s &on& on.
Concluson: at least a porton of the accounts of the (ord
appearn& n the Bble .ere hardly )statons by the creator
hmself. The most l+ely e1planaton s that they .ere
spontaneous and unreco&n,ed e1perences of the out4of4body
state# .th ensun& numnous epsodes nduced by fath n and
e1pectaton of the Dlm&hty. The .e&htest ar&ument
supportn& ths stance s the fact that anyone can reproduce
such e1perences hmself. @ho +no.s# .ere t not for
spontaneous out4of4body e1perences# perhaps the Bble tself
.ould ne)er ha)e been .rtten.
Dnd snJt the Bble tself a hnt at our possessn& latent
abltesL Dbltes so mportant and specal that .e cannot but
assocate them .th the d)ne.
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,&a*ter 7% A**licatio to .e Abducted
b' Alie!
T&e 0ue!tio o" (&et&er or ot e+traterre!trial
ci#ili9atio! e+i!t i! out!ide o" t&e !co*e o" t&i! article#
but 0 .ould l+e to note that the ma6orty of 2FO abducton
reports n)ol)e the same ncorrect nterpretaton of the
spontaneous out4of4body state as s the case .th the Bble.
Each era has &ods of ts o.n. 0 do bele)e that there are other
c)l,atons out there# but doubt that they are as n)ol)ed n
home )statons as one .ould nfer from readn& thousands of
3abducton reports5.
Ds .th FodJs appearances n the Bble# 0 ha)e al.ays
been made uneasy by alen abducton stores# because both
nearly al.ays occur .hen the sub6ect s falln& asleep or
(Chrstna C#
.../ woke up because / heard hi crying, it was dark,
;ust a little light shining through the drawn window
shades. / went to his crib and reached down to pick hi
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up, but he was not there# / yelled to his father but he
never oved. / went to the other side of the roo to
turn on the light, but it would not coe on# / went back
to the crib, a bright light flashed on and was beaing
through the window, and there he was, still crying, very
upset, / picked hi up and hugged hi close... 5irectly
above the house was a very large triangle shaped
(@htley *treber#
...After a couple of hours, he was awakened by an
unusual sound. Ge felt that the security of his cabin had
been breached. Ge was soon shocked to see a creature
in his bedroo...
0f you are stll harborn& hope that 0 .as n error .th
the conclusons reached n the chapter abo)e# then .hat 0Jm
about to say may totally unner)e you. Dt a&e $9 0 .as also
3abducted5. Bo.e)er# t.o years later# after ha)n& &aned
s&nfcant out4of4body and lucd dreamn& e1perence# 0 came
to the real,aton that t had all been a spontaneous e1t from
the body. Bad the e1perence not repeated tself and had 0
not started e1permental research on the phenomenon .th
dabolcal persstence# then to ths )ery day 0 .ould stll be
$""; con)nced that 0 had been abducted by alens. Dfter all#
t felt totally real 4 and ho. can one not but bele)e oneJs
sensesL 0 had al.ays had 8ute ))d and lucd dreams# but
ths .as nothn& l+e a dream by any measure.
The a.a+enn&# falln& asleep# fear# and paralyss that 0
encountered durn& the 3abducton5 are typcal features of
alen abducton stores that you .ll read o)er and o)er a&an
across many sources. For e1ample:
...One night / awoke about B?-- A.%., terrified. / sensed
two beings in y bedroo at the foot of the bed. / did
not try to look at the because / was afraid of what /
(Table of Contents)
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would see. / saw the glow of the clock and *eff, (y
husband$ sleeping ne4t to e. / tried to turn (/ was on
y stoach$ to wake hi up but / was paralyCed. / then
tried to screa but no sound would coe out...
...5uring the last part of *une (+.1D$ as she was lying
down on her bed, she felt soewhat uneasy, as if
soeone was watching her. The tie was +-?-- =%.
She then heard a voice say, I<e have coe for you...
Eou will not be hurt.I She then realiCed that her entire
body was paralyCed, and that she could only ove her
.../ was sitting outside one night reading. All of the
sudden it felt as though soething was
sothering e. / started to panic because / couldn>t
breathe. / tried to screa but nothing cae out...
('eter Rhoury#
...<hile lying on his bed, he felt soething grab his
ankles. Ge suddenly felt nub and paralyCed, but
reained conscious. Then he noticed three or four sall
hooded figures alongside the bed...
%ean.hle# the characterstc features of the abo)e
accounts are also typcal for out4of4body tra)el and lucd
dreamn&- 0snJt that stran&eL 0snJt t a lttle odd that my
practtoners also encounter ben&s durn& e1perences that
e1hbt the same characterstc tratsL The dfference s smply
that my practtoners donJt sensatonal,e .hat happened# as
they already understand that an out4of4body tra)eler m&ht
e1perence anythn& durn& hs or her frst ad)entures. The
follo.n& are only a sampln& of le&on e1amples to be found
on our nternet forum:
(Table of Contents)
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.../ had only ;ust fallen asleep when soething changed.
/ heard the sound of what seeed to be soeone
;uping fro the chair in the bathroo, but there were
no cats in the house. And then / heard steps. / had
never e4perienced such ortal fear before in y life, nor
would / ever thereafter. / was sleeping in the living
roo, and could see y hoe"s front door. The door
started to open, but / couldn"t see who it was. Only once
they started coing towards e fro the left was / able
to catch sight of the by looking to the side. They were
about 8 feet tall and translucent, / could see the wall
through the. They had radiant alond-shaped eyes
that were of a beautiful tur0uoise color. / wanted to get
up or call for help, but / couldn"t even ove a finger...
.../ was sleeping on the floor. / woke up. !ike on any
other orning, / was lying in bed half-awake and
looking up at the ceiling, planning out y day. /
suddenly heard soeone walking in the hallway. / had
spent the night in the office... The arored door was
locked fro inside... The windows were reinforced with
steel webbing. / was paralyCed with fear... The door
started to open slowly, and a being about 8 feet tall
cae into the roo. Ge had yellow-greenish skin and a
large, slender head...
(Roman !<)
.../ had ;ust shot up awake at night after sleeping on
the couch. Still not 0uite understanding what had
happened, suddenly an oinous and frightening dwarf-
like being appeared in the corner away fro e.
(verything was so real that / froCe out of fright and got
goosebups everywhere.
(Table of Contents)
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There was a sharp bang, and then the feeling of falling
down... / was panicking, afraid for y life, and also had
the feeling that they were going to take y soul.
Attepts to get up, open y eyes, or ove yielded no
results. / could feel that y whole body was paralyCed,
which ;ust agnified the fear...
The abo)e s 6ust a small sampln& of the frst4hand
accounts posted on our forum# but no one .ould say that our
.ebste .as de)oted to 2FOs. 'eople are smply de)elopn&
ne. abltes. 0 .ould su&&est that the dfference bet.een
3abductons5 and the practce of e1tn& the body conssts only
n the nterpretaton of e)ents. Of course# you may say that
the phenomena are not mutually e1clus)e# and that
e1traterrestrals m&ht be usn& ths ablty of ours to facltate
3abductons5. Bo.e)er# f you left your body of your o.n free
.ll# and then proceeded to loo+ for the alens yourself and
ha)e a con)ersaton .th them# .ould that be 3abducton5L
%ean.hle# thereJs nothn& stoppn& you from don& .hate)er
you .ant .th the alens... Once 0 understood that 0 really
hadnJt been abducted# 0 .ent out of my .ay to encounter
e1traterrestrals n a bd to o)ercome my fear of them. Dnd
.hat does t say f a sold ma6orty of my practtoners ha)e
delberately encountered alens at least onceL
0n at least a thrd of all reported 2FO and alen
encounters# youJll fnd telltale e)dence of a spontaneous out4
of4body e1perence. 0n at least another thrd of such reports#
e)en thou&h an out4of4body e1perence s clearly the
underlyn& phenomenon# detals are ether mssn& or omtted
(often on purpose# n order to co)er up dscrepances). Bere s
the most smple e1ample of ho. t can happen:
(Relly Cahll#
...After idnight the )ahills were on their ;ourney hoe
when they first noticed the lights of a rounded craft with
windows around it. <ithin what seeed only a second or
two, Qelly was now very rela4ed, suddenly caled by
(Table of Contents)
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the disappearance of the intense, glowing light that had
turned night into day for a brief few oents. The first
words out of Qelly>s outh Oto her husbandP were,
I<hat happened, did / blackoutNI Ger husband said
nothing, as he had no answer to give his wife. Ge
cautiously drove his faily hoe.
0 thn+ that by no. t has already become ob)ous that
Relly had smply do,ed off bac+ at the )ery be&nnn& of the
story# lulled nto sleep by the n&ht dr)e# and that e)erythn&
happened outsde of the physcal .orld# and only to her alone.
Bo.e)er# the sensatons .ere so realstc that she had a
dfferent nterpretaton: her husband had smply had hs
memory erased. Dnd the result s shoc+n&: one of the most
.dely crculated accounts substantatn& the e1stence of
e1traterrestral c)l,atons.
But .hy do these 3abductons5 happenL The mechansm
s 8ute smple: sometmes the conscous mnd a.a+ens
before the body# or the body falls asleep before the conscous
mnd. Dt that moment# people fnd themsel)es outsde of the
physcal .orld# e)en thou&h nothn& may ha)e chan&ed n
terms of sensory percepton. 0t s spontaneous out4of4body
e1perences. 0f oneJs suspcons are aroused by .hatJs &on&
on# then nternal fears and e1pectatons mmedately come to
the surface and materal,e n the most realstc .ay. 0f an&els
and &ods pre)ously )sted the l)n&# then n an era .hen
tal+ of e1traterrestrals flls the TV ar.a)es# there s nothn&
else to e1pect.
@e ha)e already dscussed .hat a spontaneous e1t
from the body leads to .hen one e1pects Fod or &uests from
%ars. But no.# as e)dence of .hat happens .hen oneJs mnd
s occuped by thn&s other than alens or an&els# letJs
ntroduce an account &)en by a chld .ho also spontaneously
fell nto such a state:
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.../t happened late at night in wintertie when / was 1
years old. / woke up and was surprised at how light it
was outside for the iddle of the night. / walked to the
bathroo... / got soe water and went to the window,
and then / alost dropped the glass once / saw
soething the siCe of a dwarf noisily running across the
windowsill. /t was about the sae height as the window.
The creature had a huanoid for, it was wearing sall
black boots, striped bright green stockings, a bright red
;acket, and a hooded cap of the sae color... / was so
scared that / figured / should run and hide, but out of
sheer curiosity / decided to ove closer to the window
and ascertain whether or not / had ;ust been seeing
things. Foing to the window, / saw how a strange ob;ect
flew out fro one corner of the house. / iediately
recogniCed it fro its outline and shape? this was
Santa"s sleigh#
Thousands of people ha)e attended my semnars# and a
&reat deal of them had ntally become nterested n out4of4
body tra)el after ha)n& e1perenced sleep paralyss#
spontaneous e1t from the body# or e)en 3alen abducton5.
The ET abducton nterpretaton of the spontaneous out4of4
body e1perence s 6ust as .despread as the e1perence
tself. Dccordn& to sur)eys n the 2nted *tates alone# $"; of
Dmercans clam to ha)e been abducted by alens at least
Concluson: n most cases# ths phenomenon s not proof
of the e1stence of curous e1traterrestrals# but does pro)e
that .e are more than smply the physcal body n .hch .e
are usually trapped. %ean.hle# ths s all easly pro)ed n
practce. Dnyone can ma+e contact .th e1traterrestrals
usn& out4of4body tra)el techn8ues
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 3% Ho( to See t&e .ri1&t 4i1&t
at t&e Ed o" t&e Tuel (&ile YouLre Still
7ear4death e1perences are ndeed the only more or less
stra&htfor.ard &lmpse of lfe after death. 2nfortunately# .e
.ll no. be dscussn& 6ust that phenomenon. 32nfortunately5
because you .ll ha)e to e1amne ts nature from a
completely dfferent pont of )e.. *mply put# t s clear that
both out4of4body tra)el and lucd dreamn& are of the same
nature as near4death e1perences at clncal death. Bo.e)er#
the frst t.o someho. fal to pro)e the e1stence of an
afterlfe. They e)en refute some commonly ad)anced clams.
.e"ore e+a)ii1 t&e i!!ue2 I (ould like to !tart b'
!a'i1 u*"rot t&at I a) ot tr'i1 to *ro#e t&at t&ere
i! o a"terli"e% 0 .ould only l+e to demonstrate that one of
the phenomena assocated .th the lfe4after4death ssue may
possbly be of a .holly other essence and s&nfcance.
(Table of Contents)
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'erhaps .e could start by sayn& that from a purely
lo&cal pont of )e.# t .ould be ncorrect to consder 3near4
death5 e1perences to happen near the moment of actual
death# as accounts of them are al.ays related by l)n&
people... %aybe ths all has more to do .th lfe than death. 0
.ould also l+e to note that Raymond %oody# .hose boo+ .e
.ll be ctn&# dd not &o so far as to state that the accounts
he &athered .ere unamb&uously conclus)e e)dence of the
sur))al of the soul and lfe after death. Be merely made a
hypothess and bac+ed t up usn& the e1cellent testmones
he collected.
AouJll ha)e to admt that f you hadnJt +no.n beforehand
that the follo.n& accounts belon&ed to people .ho .ere at
the ed&e of death# t .ould ha)e been easy to assume that
they .ere .rtten by al)e4and4.ell practtoners of out4of4
body tra)el:
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
.../ could feel yself oving out of y body and sliding
down between the attress and the rail on the side of
the bed-actually it seeed as if / went through the rail-
on down to the floor. Then, / started rising upward,
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
... At that point, / kind of lost y sense of tie, and /
lost y physical reality as far as y body is concerned-/
lost touch with y body. %y being or y self or y
spirit, or whatever you would like to label it-/ could sort
of feel it rise out of e, out through y head. And it
wasn>t anything that hurt, it was ;ust sort of like a lifting
and it being above e...
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
... / was above the table, and / could see everything
they were doing. / knew that / was dying, that this
would be it. Eet, / was concerned about y children,
(Table of Contents)
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about who would take care of the. So, / was not ready
to go...
Con)ersely# .hen readn& the e1perences of out4of4body
practtoners# one m&ht smply assume that they are
descrptons of stuatons e1perenced at the moment of
death# especally consdern& the fact that the feeln& of
mmnent death s one of the most common sensatons
e1perenced .hle out4of4body.
Gurn& an uncontrolled e1t from the body# that .hch
you fear or e1pect the most s e1actly .hat .ll happen to
you. Dnd thatJs .here reports of &ods# fl&hts of the soul# and
2FOs come from. To put t smply# e1t from the body occurs
.hen the conscous mnd s 3on5# but the body s 3off5.
Dpparently# the same thn& can happen .hle under
anesthesa or dyn&# and often does. That s# people fall nto
the same state that practtoners of out4of4body tra)el do. 0f
you happened to fnd yourself n such a stuaton .hle on the
operatn& table or durn& a serous llness# n the
o)er.helmn& ma6orty of cases your thou&hts .ould turn to
Fod# an&els# and a tunnel .th a br&ht l&ht at the end 4
.hch s e1actly .hat you .ould &et.
There s no trat characterstc of near4death e1perences
that s not also characterstc of out4of4body tra)el. For
e1ample# seen& oneJs o.n body on the bed:
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
...Ge were Iable to see everything around e -including
y whole body as it lay on the bed without occupying
any spaceI...
(%ster *0F%D)
R/ felt like y body was going through the ceiling, and
even so / was pulled up higher and higher. / was afraid
that this was already death, and was afraid not so uch
of death as of the unknown. (verything was happening
(Table of Contents)
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so rapidly, and / wasn"t ready for such changes... / flew
about y roo and saw yself lying in y bed...
Flyn& orbs radatn& l&ht:
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
R<hen / woke up in severe pain, turned over and tried
to get in a ore cofortable position, but ;ust at that
oent a light appeared in the corner of the roo, ;ust
below the ceiling. /t was ;ust a ball of light, alost like a
globe, and it was not very large, / would say no ore
than twelve to fifteen inches in diaeter... / had the
feeling of being drawn up and of leaving y body, and /
looked back and saw it lying there on the bed while /
was going up towards the ceiling of the roo...
.../ was levitating about one foot over the bed... /
couldn"t figure out why everything was lit underneath
y back. / looked over y left shoulder and saw a
sall, bright, white orb about si4 inches fro y
shoulder blade - that"s what was illuinating the rooR
'erodc lac+ of bodly percepton:
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
...5ying persons whose souls, inds,consciousnesses (or
whatever>> you want to label the$ were released fro
their bodies say that they didn>t feel that, after release
they were in any kind of IbodyI at all....
.../t was incoprehensible, there was no feeling, /
couldn"t see y own hands. / was like an orb,
transparent and hanging on the wall over the bed...
(Table of Contents)
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%ean.hle# e)en the )aunted tunnel of l&ht s not the
e1clus)e doman of near4death e1perences:
(!ife after !ife by Raymond D. %oody)
.../ was oving through this-you>re going to think this is
weird-through this long dark place. /t seeed like a
sewer or soething. / ;ust can>t describe it to you. / was
oving, beating all the tie with this noise, this ringing
...<hen flying through the tunnel, / noticed that it had a
lot of spurs and paths. There was a bright light at the
end. / becae interested in what was going on, and fell
into another realityR
The smlarty bet.een the t.o e1perences s
nescapable. 0t s ob)ous e)en to someone .ho has
e1perenced nether frsthand. Ds the number of out4of4body
practtoners contnues to ncrease# 0 ha)e been meetn& more
and more people .ho ha)e had both types of e1perence. Dnd
do you +no. .hat they sayL That the e1perences are one
and the same- There s no fundamental dfference bet.een
them# e1cept that there s no rs+ of death .hen one practces
on oneJs o.n.
There s another stron& ar&ument n fa)or of near4death
e1perences and out4of4body tra)el ben& the same thn&:
false near4death e1perences. There s no dfference
.hatsoe)er bet.een them and ther bona4fde near4death
counterparts. For e1ample# once a person came up to me and
started telln& me about ho. he had e1perenced clncal
death# an e1t from the body# tra)el throu&h a tunnel# etc. But
after as+n& hm some 8uestons# t became clear that no
clncal death had occurred# and that the rest of the
e1perence had happened durn& a standard# spontaneous e1t
from the body. Ths s because clncal death s .hen doctors
(Table of Contents)
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establsh the fact of cardac arrest# .hch s dfferent than
do,n& off after a sumptuous brea+fast of 6am dou&hnuts.
@hatJs more# tJs easy to come to the concluson that
youJre dyn& .hen ha)n& an out4of4body e1perence. *uch
thou&hts occur n about a ffth of all e1ts from the body. E)en
after ha)n& had thousands of OBEs# 0 stll fall nto such terror
myself from tme to tme. ThatJs to say nothn& of no)ces#
.ho often bac+ nto the body after ha)n& 6ust left t:
.../ actually fell onto the floor, but felt no physical
sensation fro it, ;ust a panicky fear and oen of
looing death...
...:pon becoing fully aware of y nature, / clearly
understood that / didn"t have a body, it was siply
gone# %y first thought was, 6so this is what death"s like#7
...That"s when it hit e that / was dying. / ran to the
living roo and saw yself lying on the bed. And /
;uped back into yselfR
Bo.e)er# you m&ht ar&ue that .th all of the abo)e 0
ha)e 6ust pro)ed that there s lfe after death. Dctually# the
correct deducton s that .e can ha)e near4death e1perences
.thout the threat of dyn&. %ean.hle# there s one more
+c+er here. Gurn& my frst years of practcn& out4of4body
tra)el# 0 .as sure that my soul .as actually lea)n& my body
and that 0 .as therefore mmortal. But after underta+n&
endless e1perments# t turned out that my 3soul5 .as not
tra)elln& throu&h the physcal .orld at all# but throu&hout
somethn& else entrely. 0tJs possble that ths s all 6ust a
mental pro6ecton# albet a more realstc one than the
physcal .orld. %any bele)e that tJs a parallel .orld. But
thatJs not mportant here. @hatJs mportant s that ths s a
(Table of Contents)
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)ery complcated 8ueston and that many ans.ers are
Concluson: tJs possble that near4death e1perences are
mportant not as proof of lfe after death# but as e)dence that
.e all ha)e a &reat many more abltes n the physcal .orld
than .e are a.are of# e)en f .e only real,e ths n crtcal
stuatons. Ths s renforced by the fact that any person can
e1perence such a 3near death5 by follo.n& specal
techn8ue4based procedures# and .thout any threat to lfe or
(Table of Contents)
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,&a*ter 8% E#olutio
@hat .ould happen f .e combned three e1cerpts: one
from a bblcal appearance of Fod# one from an alen
abducton story# and one from a near4death e1perence
R/n thoughts fro the visions of the night, when deep
sleep falleth on e, fear cae upon e, and trebling,
which ade all y bones to shake. Then / heard a voice
say, I<e have coe for you... Eou will not be hurt.I /
could feel yself oving out of y body and sliding
down between the attress and the rail on the side of
the bed-actually it seeed as if / went through the rail-
on down to the floor. Then, / started rising upward,
(Table of Contents)
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Ba)n& had thousands of my o.n out4of4body
e1perences and ha)n& analy,ed those of thousands of
others# 0 can defnt)ely state that the abo)e .ould be a
classc e1ample of a frst4tme e1t from the body typcal for
0tJs )ery l+ely that such phenomena are )ery closely
nterrelated. 0tJs possble that they are of one nature. Dnd
thatJs not consdern& hundreds of mystcal and occult schools
n .hch the same practce# under the most d)erse names#
stands apart from all the others as the pnnacle of
D fe. .ords on the mass scale of the phenomenon#
.hch s not .thout mportance. One person n four has
e1perenced lea)n& ther body upon falln& asleep or .a+n&
up. One n three has e1perenced sleep paralyss at least
once. One n t.o has reported ha)n& become conscous .hle
dreamn&. Dnd e)eryone has encountered ths hundreds of
tmes n a superfcal or unreco&n,ed form. For e1ample# up
to a thrd of all actons and sensatons upon a.a+enn& are
not real. Dnd ho. many tmes ha)e you .o+en up# done
somethn&# and then &one bac+ to sleep# not e)en suspectn&
that none of ths occurred n the physcal .orldL
By all accounts ths s clearly a mass phenomenon# an
ablty nherent n each person. 0 can )ouch for ths as 0 am
able to teach anyone to ha)e an out4of4body e1perence.
Ths ablty of ours has al.ays accompaned us#
nfluencn& us all the .hle. But t .asnJt untl no. that .e
ha)e loo+ed n the r&ht drecton and fnally seen ths
elephant n the room# a htherto secret phenomenon
confoundn& the mnds of mllons. 0snJt t tme .e reco&n,ed
ts due and lo&cal role as the common denomnator of a lon&
lst of phenomena that had untl no. al.ays seemed
(Table of Contents)
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unrelatedL @ouldnJt the .orld become smpler# and .ouldnJt
.e then understand oursel)es much betterL
Ds t turned out# certan commonaltes of se)eral
completely dfferent# but htherto uncompared# phenomena
became clear and stra&htfor.ard to me# than+s to both my
act)tes and personal e1perence n the feld. 0 couldnEt but
conclude that there .as some common denomnator at .or+.
%an has e1traordnary ablty to adapt and s constantly
e)ol)n&. Dlthou&h tJs hard to ma&ne no.# 6ust se)eral
thousand years a&o our conscousness and self4a.areness
loo+ed totally dfferent. They smply dd not e1st n ther no.
famlar form. @hat s &on& on today can be alternat)ely
nterpreted as ether natural e)oluton or socal (cultural)
0tJs entrely possble that conscous a.areness# once
ha)n& de)eloped and then ha)n& proceeded to consume our
entre .a+n& lfe# s actually e)ol)n& nto those states of
conscousness .here t .ould seem to ha)e been mpossble:
those occurrn& .hle our body s asleep. To put t bluntly#
conscousness ran out of room n our .a+n& mnd and
contnues ts e1panson nto the bran. There s only one pece
of e)dence of ths process: half of all people report
e1perencn& $""; conscous a.areness flarn& up nto ther
%ean.hle# another ta+e on the or&n of the out4of4body
phenomenon loo+s to fundamental transformatons n scence
and culture. E)en three or four hundred years a&o# the
a)era&e le)el of ntell&ence .as hardly one4half of .hat t s
today. Than+s to modern educaton systems# enormous floods
of nformaton# and l&htnn&4fast communcaton# our
conscous mnds ha)e had to use ther resources to ther full
capactes. 'erhaps those capactes are not enou&h. Our
cranums are o)erfull# and perhaps thatJs .hy conscousness
s o)erflo.n& to .here t seemn&ly .asnJt meant to be or
couldnJt ha)e been. @th the o)erloads ntroduced by modern
socety# t smply has left to &o. ThatJs .hy
spontaneous dssocaton .hen a.a+enn& and throu&hout
(Table of Contents)
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dreamn& occurs ncreasn&ly often. 0t also happened n the
past# but rarely. But no. tJs ta+n& on an ncessant nature.
By all accounts# .e are no. at the brea+throu&h sta&e of
a ne. era: the entrenchment of a ne. state of mnd and
conscousness# .hch has become the ne1t lo&cal outcome of
human e)oluton.
Chldren# .th ther predsposton for out4of4body
e1perences# deser)e specal attenton. %ost adults smply
for&et that ha)n& out4of4body e1perences .as the norm for
them durn& early chldhood. 0J)e met many people o)er the
course of my practce .ho remember ho. often t happened
for them at an early a&e. 0J)e had the opportunty to spea+
.th chldren .ho mantan that they .ere able to do t on
command before they could e)en spea+# but that later t
started happenn& ncreasn&ly rarely .th a&e and that they
&radually for&ot about t. Ths spea+s ether for the natural
e)oluton of conscousness# or# con)ersely# for re&ressonO
Ether .ay# .e may turn our attenton to ths ne. state
of conscousness that .e ha)e. Dnd t has possbly 6ust be&un
to de)elop. 0f earler .e only had three prmary and
completely dfferent states 4 .a+efulness# RE% sleep# and
non4RE% sleep 4 then no. .e ha)e somethn& n4bet.een
.a+efulness and RE% that ncludes features of both. The frst
steps n scentfcally pro)n& the e1stence of ths state .ere
ta+en by *tephen (aBer&e at *tanford 2n)ersty n the
be&nnn& of the $?>"s. D successful e1perment .as
conducted re&ardn& conscousness .hle dreamn&.
%ean.hle# today t s clear that the e1permentJs result has
mplcatons for a far &reater number of phenomena. 0t has
become fully apparent that conscousness .hle dreamn& s
practcally the same thn& as out4of4body tra)el# but that t
occurs as a result of dfferent method. Dnd .e ha)e already
dentfed spontaneous e1t from the body n a .hole sle. of
Bo.e)er# .hen you see the .ord 3dreamn&5 n the
conte1t of all of the abo)e# donJt thn+ that e1perencn& the
phenomenon tself feels l+e ben& n a dream. @e ha)e
(Table of Contents)
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dentfed a .hole number of cases n .hch super4realstc
sensatons made people thn+ that they .ere dyn&# seen&
Fod# or encountern& alens. The term 3hyper4realsm5 s
often brou&ht n to descrbe the e1perence: n most e1ts
from the body# e)ery sensaton s so he&htened that the
physcal .orld seems l+e a fant dream n comparson.
0 ha)e no nterest at all n dscussn& .here .e actually
&o .hen .e lea)e our bodes. %y tas+ s only to nform people
of the opportunty to do so and to teach them ho. to ta+e
ad)anta&e of t. %ean.hle# practtoners can decde for
themsel)es .hat s actually &on& on. *ome bele)e that they
are tra)elln& n sprt form throu&h the physcal .orld. Others
hold that ther soul tra)els about parallel .orlds. *tll others
consder t all to be only a mental state.
0t s entrely possble that .e .ll all be l)n& n t.o
.orlds .thn a certan perod of tme. 0n fact# practtoners of
out4of4body tra)el and lucd dreamn& already do. But here
.eJre not dscussn& the practce# but rather an ordnary
ablty that .ll be completely normal for us.
For e1ample# .hen someone &oes to bed n the e)enn&
or n the afternoon# he .ll easly be able to lea)e hs body
mmedately and then do a .hole number of nterestn&
thn&s. Dnd before mornn& a.a+enn&# he .ll sometmes be
able to conscously spend tme outsde of hs physcal body#
and then return to t. 'ractcally spea+n&# .e .ould ha)e ! to
: e1tra hours n our l)es each day. Consdern& the
hypertrophed percepton of tme outsde of the body# those
t.o hours .ould be more l+e a double lfe. @e should call t
nothn& other than l)n& n t.o .orlds at once. Dnd ths .ll
be a completely ordnary phenomenon.
Bo. lon& .ll ths process ta+e and .hen .ll t become
natural for all of humantyL 'erhaps a fe. decades. %aybe a
century or another mllennum. That means that n any case
.e .ll ha)e to .at for the passn& of a number of
(Table of Contents)
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&eneratons for ths ablty to become nborn and normal for
e)eryone. Bo.e)er# than+s to techn8ue4based procedures t
s already accessble to all. 0t only re8ures a certan amount
of effort. Dll of the nstructons are a)alable on my .ebste at
@e .ll use ths s+ll for the most d)erse purposes#
.hch are already a realty for out4of4body tra)el
practtoners: tra)elln& n tme and spaceH meetn& any
person# l)n& or deceasedH obtann& nformatonH self4
healn&H artstc applcatons# entertanment# and much more.
0n essence# a ne. .orld s openn& up n front of us# the one
.hch .e read about n fary tales. 0t s lmtless and deal#
there all thn&s are possble and accessble. Dnd ths s all .th
full conscous a.areness and .th bodly perceptons more
))d than n the physcal .orld. 'erhaps ths s hea)en tselfL
*ome bele)e that .e enter some parallel .orld .hen
e1tn& the body# one .here e)erythn& s controlled by
nformatonal felds and other such thn&s. D pra&matc
poston .ould lean more n fa)or of calln& t a
de)elopn& mental state and for all e)ents n t ben&
controlled by our o.n e1ceedn&ly po.erful subconscous#
.hch .elds fantastc computatonal resources. 7o
supercomputer has a fracton of the computatonal of
our o.n subconscous mnd. *een& t n acton .ll electrfy
you. Ths s such a profound state that the ancents seemed to
ha)e ascrbed ts occurrence to Fod. Ths .as nearly drectly
alluded to n +ey Bble )erses that specfy the deal tme for
ha)n& a spontaneous out4of4body e1perence:
(Book of *ob# Chapter ::)
1 For !od spea"eth once# yea t$ice# %yet man&
percei'eth it not(
1) In a dream# in a 'ision of the night# $hen deep
sleep falleth upon men# in slum*erings upon the
1, Then he openeth the ears of men# and sealeth
their instruction(((
(Table of Contents)
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(Gares of practtoners on our .eb4ste)
PART I: GET PHASE WITHIN 3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5
TH PH!"#!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6
TH $!%$RCT #TH"%& STP'B('STP $!STR)CT$"!S!!!!!!!!8
STP *& S+P , H")RS -!% TH! .-/ )P
.$TH -! -+-R# C+"C/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9
STP 0& 1" B-C/ T" S+P .$TH -! $!T!T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10
STP 2& SP-R-T TH $!ST-!T (") -.-/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
STP 4& C(C+$!1 TCH!$3)S -4TR -TT#PTS T"
STP 5& -4TR TH -TT#PT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16
P+-! "4 -CT$"! $! TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17
%$%!6T ."R/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18
TH 4")R PR$!C$P+S "4 S)CCSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23
$T ."R/%8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23
PART II: 100 PHASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!25
CHAPTER 1. MY FIRST OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26
SP-R-T$"! $##%$-T+( )P"! -.-/!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26
#P+"($!1 TH $!%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!30
H$!TS 4R"# TH #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!36
BC"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R-#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!38
%$RCT 9$T 4R"# TH B"%( .$TH")T PR$"R S+P!!!!!!!!41
SP"!T-!")S 9PR$!CS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!51
CHAPTER !. THE AUTHOR"S EXPERIENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!139
PART III: A PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!174
(Table of Contents)
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ENTERING THE PHASE STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!175
CHAPTER 1 # GENERAL BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!175
TH SS!C "4 TH PH-S PH!"#!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!175
SC$!C -!% TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!177
S"TR$C -!% #(ST$C-+ 9P+-!-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!179
.H( !TR TH PH-S7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!181
TH +$4ST(+ "4 - PR-CT$T$"!R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!182
PR-CT$C R1$#& 0 T" 2 %-(S PR ./!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!185
-+1"R$TH# 4"R #-STR$!1 TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!187
T(PS "4 TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!190
RC"##!%-T$"!S 4"R )S$!1 TH 1)$%B""/!!!!!!!!!!!!194
CHAPTER 2 # INDIRECT METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!197
TH C"!CPT "4 $!%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!197
PR$#-R( $!%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!199
S+CT$!1 TH R$1HT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!205
SP-R-T$"! TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!207
TH BST T$# T" PR-CT$C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!215
C"!SC$")S -.-/!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!217
-.-/!$!1 .$TH")T #":$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!222
C(C+S "4 $!%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!224
H$!TS 4R"# TH #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!231
-11RSS$"! -!% P-SS$:$T(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!233
TH BR#)%- TR$-!1+ "4 -TT#PTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!234
4"RC% 4-++$!1 -S+P ' #-9$#)# 44CT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!236
STR-T1( 4"R -CT$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!241
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .$TH $!%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!242
CHAPTER 3 # DIRECT METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!247
TH C"!CPT "4 %$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!247
(Table of Contents)
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TH BST T$# T" PR-CT$C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!249
$!T!S$T( "4 -TT#PTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!250
%)R-T$"! "4 -! -TT#PT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!251
B"%( P"S$T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!252
:-R$-T$"!S "4 )S$!1 %$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!254
TH 4R'4+"-T$!1 ST-T "4 #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!256
-)9$+$-R( 4-CT"RS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!259
STR-T1( 4"R -CT$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!263
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .$TH %$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!264
TH C"!CPT "4 TCH!$3)S $!:"+:$!1 BC"#$!1
C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R-#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!267
BST T$# 4"R BC"#$!1 C"!SC$")S!SS .H$+
TCH!$3)S 4"R BC"#$!1 C"!SC$")S $! - %R-#!!!!!270
-CT$"!S T" B %"! .H! BC"#$!1
C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R-#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!275
STR-T1( 4"R -CT$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!276
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .H! PR-CT$C$!1 BC"#$!1
C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R-#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!276
CHAPTER $ # NON-AUTONOMOUS METHODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!279
TH SS!C "4 !"!'-)T"!"#")S #TH"%S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!279
4"R !TR$!1 TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!279
C)$!1 TCH!"+"1$S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!280
."R/$!1 $! P-$RS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!282
TCH!"+"1$S 4"R $!%)C$!1 TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!283
H(P!"S$S -!% S)11ST$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!284
PH(S$"+"1$C-+ S$1!-+S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!285
TH C"44 #TH"%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!286
CH#$C-+ S)BST-!CS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!287
(Table of Contents)
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TH 4)T)R "4 !"!'-)T"!"#")S #TH"%S 4"R
!TR$!1 TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!288
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S
.$TH !"!'-)T"!"#")S TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!289
MANAGING THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293
CHAPTER % # DEEPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293
TH C"!CPT "4 %P!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293
PR$#-R( %P!$!1 TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!296
%P!$!1 THR")1H S!S"R( -#P+$4$C-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!297
SC"!%-R( %P!$!1 TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!301
1!R-+ -CT$:$T(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!304
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S %)R$!1 %P!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!304
CHAPTER & # MAINTAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!307
TH 1!R-+ C"!CPT "4 #-$!T-$!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!307
TCH!$3)S -!% R)+S -1-$!ST RT)R!$!1
T" TH B"%(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!309
TCH!$3)S -!% R)+S
4"R RS$ST$!1 4-++$!1 -S+P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!314
TCH!$3)S -1-$!ST 4-+S -.-/!$!1S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!315
1!R-+ R)+S 4"R #-$!T-$!$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!317
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .$TH #-$!T-$!$!1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!319
CHAPTER ' # PRIMARY SKILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!323
TH SS!C "4 PR$#-R( S/$++S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!323
%$SCR!$!1 TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!324
#R1!C( RT)R!. P-R-+(S$S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!325
4$1HT$!1 4-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!328
PH-S "B;CT -11RSS$"! -!% -TT-C/S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!330
CR-T$"! "4 :$S$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!331
C"!T-CT .$TH +$:$!1 "B;CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!332
(Table of Contents)
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TCH!$3)S 4"R TR-!S+"C-T$!1 THR")1H "B;CTS! !335
TH $#P"RT-!C "4 C"!4$%!C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!338
TR-!S#)T-T$"! $!T" -!$#-+S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!339
C"!TR"++$!1 P-$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!342
#"R-+ ST-!%-R%S $! TH PH-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!343
ST)%($!1 P"SS$B$+$T$S -!% S!S-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!343
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .$TH PR$#-R( S/$++S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!344
TH SS!C "4 TR-!S+"C-T$"!
-!% 4$!%$!1 "B;CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!348
B-S$C PR"PRT( "4 TH PH-S SP-C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!349
TCH!$3)S 4"R TR-!S+"C-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!351
"B;CT 4$!%$!1 TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!356
T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .$TH TR-!S+"C-T$"!
-!% 4$!%$!1 "B;CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!359
CHAPTER 10 # APPLICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!363
TH SS!C "4 -PP+$C-T$"!S "4 PH-S ST-TS !!!!!!!!363
-PP+$C-T$"!S B-S% "! S$#)+-T$"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!364
-PP+$C-T$"!S B-S% "! C"!T-CT .$TH TH
S)BC"!SC$")S #$!%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!367
CR-T$: %:+"P#!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!377
SP"RTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!379
TH PH-S ' -! -+TR!-T$: T" !-RC"T$CS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!380
)!PR":! 44CTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!381
)S "4 TH PH-S B( TH %$S-B+%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!383
-PP+$C-T$"!S B-S% "! $!4+)!C$!1 PH(S$"+"1(
<SH"RT :RS$"!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!384
-PP+$C-T$"!S B-S% "! $!4+)!C$!1
PH(S$"+"1( <4)++ :RS$"!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!387
(Table of Contents)
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T(P$C-+ #$ST-/S .H! )S$!1 -PP+$C-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!407
AUXILIARY INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!413
CHAPTER 11 # USEFUL TIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!413
- PR-1#-T$C -PPR"-CH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!413
$!%P!%!T -!-+(S$S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!414
-PPR"-CH T" +$TR-T)R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!416
PR-CT$C !:$R"!#!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!417
T-+/$!1 .$TH +$/'#$!%% P"P+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!418
TH R$1HT .-( T" /P - ;")R!-+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!419
CHAPTER 12 # A COLLECTION OF !$ TECHNI)UES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!422
1!R-+ PR$!C$P+S R1-R%$!1 TH TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!422
T-B+ 4"R CR-T$!1 (")R ".! TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!424
TCH!$3)S B-S% "! #":#!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!425
TCH!$3)S $!:"+:$!1 S$1HT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!426
TCH!$3)S B-S% "! :ST$B)+-R S!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!426
TCH!$3)S $!:"+:$!1 H-R$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!427
TCH!$3)S B-S% "! T-CT$+ S!S-T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!427
TCH!$3)S B-S% "! R-+ #":#!TS -!%
S!S-T$"!S "4 TH PH(S$C-+ B"%(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!428
TCH!$3)S B-S% "! $!T!T$"! -!% 4+$!1S!!!!!!!!!!!430
BST "4 TH #$9% TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!432
)!C"!:!T$"!-+ TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!433
TCH!$3)S 4"R BC"#$!1 C"!SC$")S
.H$+ %R-#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!433
TH H$1HST TCH!$3)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!434
STPH! +-BR1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!436
C-R+"S C-ST-!%-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!437
R"BRT -. #"!R"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!438
P-TR$C$- 1-R4$+%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!439
S(+:-! #)+%""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!440
(Table of Contents)
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CH-R+S +-%B-TR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!440
R"BRT BR)C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!441
R$CH-R% .BSTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!442
CH-R+S T-RT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!442
CHAPTER 1! # FINAL TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!444
TH PR"4SS$"!-+'C+-SS PR-CT$T$"!R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!454
TH -BS"+)T PR$!C$P+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!456
$!%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!456
%$RCT TCH!$3)S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!458
BC"#$!1 C"!SC$")S .H$+ %R-#$!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!460
!"!'-)T"!"#")S #TH"%S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!460
TH P+-C "4 TH PR-CT$C $! +$4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!466
-B$+$T( T" T-CH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!467
S!% $! (")R 9PR$!CS8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!469
-!S.RS T" TH 4$!-+ TST <CH-PTR *4=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!469
- S$#P+$4$% %SCR$PT$"! "4 TH -S$ST #TH"%!!!!!!470
TH SCH""+ "4 ")T'"4'B"%( TR-:+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!472
""B <")T'"4'B"%( 9PR$!C= RS-RCH C!TR! !472
BR$4 1+"SS-R( "4 TR#S -!% %4$!$T$"!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!473
PART IV: CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!476
CHAPTER 1. BIBLICAL ASTRAL TRAVELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!479
(Table of Contents)
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CHAPTER !. EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!502
TABLE OF CONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!508
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