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Elder (original) version (Sisters below!

Car(enter As $o) *o+e to t%e one,$ear +ar- o. $o)r +ission/ I a+ sending
$o) t%is *a+el to re+ind $o) %ow .ar $o) %ave *o+e/ and w%ere $o) are
going' T%ere are +an$ si+ilar *%ara*teristi*s o. a great +issionar$ and a
*a+el' T%e 0rst is t%e 1%)+(1' Yes/ $o) %ave *rossed t%e +ar- and now are
over t%e %)+( o. t%e 0rst $ear' B)t re+e+ber t%e %)+( o. a *a+el is )sed
to store .ood .or t%e long 2o)rne$' Ca+els *an go .or long (eriods o. ti+e
wit%o)t .ood/ b)t %e +)st store %is .ood in %is %)+(' A Missionar$ %as
learned .ro+ so +an$ e3(erien*es/ b)t a wise Missionar$ will store t%e
-nowledge %e %as gained/ and ()t it to greater )se t%e se*ond %al. o. %is
+ission' Anot%er i+(ortant s$+bol is w%at t%e *a+el does to be (re(ared
to *arr$ %is load .or %is Master' A *a+el so+eti+es (rotests %is %eav$ load/
b)t %e dro(s to -nees .or %is Master/ and on*e started/ %e (atientl$ *arries
%is load' As a +issionar$ so+eti+es t%e load see+s %eav$ and di4*)lt to
*arr$' B)t w%en $o) dro( to $o)r -nees and s)**)+b to t%e Master5s will/ %e
will *are.)ll$ lead $o) and $o) *an bear t%e load (atientl$/ and do $o)r
at%er in Heaven5s wor- as %e wo)ld %ave $o) do' T%is is w%$ t%e *a+el5s
-nees are %eavil$ (added/ as a Missionar$/ $o)r -nees are *allo)sed .ro+
t%e +an$ %o)rs o. -neeling in (ra$er' T%e *a+el %as %ig% set e$es t%at
enable %i+ to see long distan*es' A Missionar$ %as %is e$es set on %ig%er
t%ings/ %e .ollows t%e S(irit t%at enables %i+ to see t%e C%ildren o. 6od/
t%ose w%o are see-ing answers/ and %e tea*%es t%e+ t%e 6os(el o. 7es)s
C%rist' T%e *a+el %as broad/ two,toed .eet t%at -ee( it .ro+ sin-ing in
desert sand' A +issionar$ %as a broad -nowledge and a 0r+ testi+on$ o.
t%e 6os(el' T%is enables %i+ to tea*% wit% boldness and stand 0r+ in %is
testi+on$' T%e (eo(le $o) tea*% do not $et %ave t%e blessing o. s)*% a
s)re,.oot/ b)t as $o) tea*% wit% love and t%e S(irit/ $o) will %el( t%e+ gain
t%eir own testi+on$ t%at will %el( t%e+ wal- on 0r+er gro)nd/ one t%at will
lead t%e+ ba*- to t%eir at%er in Heaven' So $o) see/ a Missionar$ %as a lot
in *o++on wit% a *a+el' 8)t t%is *a+el w%ere $o) *an see it o.ten'
"edi*ate $o)rsel. to do as t%e *a+el does' Serve $o)r Master well and
(atientl$ over t%e long 2o)rne$' Yo) %ave *o+e a long wa$9 t%ere is still
+)*% gro)nd to *over' Contin)e to +ove .orward/ serving wit% love/ )ntil
$o)r +ission is *o+(lete and $o)r at%er in Heaven will sa$/ 1:ell done/
t%o) good and .ait%.)l servant'
Sister Missionar$ ;ersion<
Car(enter As $o) *o+e to t%e %al.wa$ +ar- o. $o)r +ission/ I a+ sending
$o) t%is *a+el to re+ind $o) %ow .ar $o) %ave *o+e/ and w%ere $o) are
going' T%ere are +an$ si+ilar *%ara*teristi*s o. a great +issionar$ and a
*a+el' T%e 0rst is t%e 1%)+(1' Yes/ $o) %ave *rossed t%e +ar- and now are
over t%e %)+(' B)t re+e+ber t%e %)+( o. a *a+el is )sed to store .ood .or
t%e long 2o)rne$' Ca+els *an go .or long (eriods o. ti+e wit%o)t .ood/ b)t
s%e +)st store %er .ood in %er %)+(' A Missionar$ %as learned .ro+ so
+an$ e3(erien*es/ b)t a wise Missionar$ will store t%e -nowledge s%e %as
gained/ and ()t it to greater )se t%e se*ond %al. o. %er +ission' Anot%er
i+(ortant s$+bol is w%at t%e *a+el does to be (re(ared to *arr$ %er load
.or %er Master' A *a+el so+eti+es (rotests %er %eav$ load/ b)t s%e dro(s to
-nees .or %er Master/ and on*e started/ s%e (atientl$ *arries %er load' As a
+issionar$ so+eti+es t%e load see+s %eav$ and di4*)lt to *arr$' B)t w%en
$o) dro( to $o)r -nees and s)**)+b to t%e Master5s will/ He will *are.)ll$
lead $o) and $o) *an bear t%e load (atientl$/ and do $o)r at%er in
Heaven5s wor- as He wo)ld %ave $o) do' T%is is w%$ t%e *a+el5s -nees are
%eavil$ (added/ as a Missionar$/ $o)r -nees are *allo)sed .ro+ t%e +an$
%o)rs o. -neeling in (ra$er' T%e *a+el %as %ig% set e$es t%at enable %er to
see long distan*es' A Missionar$ %as %er e$es set on %ig%er t%ings/ s%e
.ollows t%e S(irit t%at enables %er to see t%e C%ildren o. 6od/ t%ose w%o are
see-ing answers/ and s%e tea*%es t%e+ t%e 6os(el o. 7es)s C%rist' T%e
*a+el %as broad/ two,toed .eet t%at -ee( it .ro+ sin-ing in desert sand' A
+issionar$ %as a broad -nowledge and a 0r+ testi+on$ o. t%e 6os(el' T%is
enables %er to tea*% wit% boldness and stand 0r+ in %er testi+on$' T%e
(eo(le $o) tea*% do not $et %ave t%e blessing o. s)*% a s)re,.oot/ b)t as
$o) tea*% wit% love and t%e S(irit/ $o) will %el( t%e+ gain t%eir own
testi+on$ t%at will %el( t%e+ wal- on 0r+er gro)nd/ one t%at will lead t%e+
ba*- to t%eir at%er in Heaven' So $o) see/ a Missionar$ %as a lot in
*o++on wit% a *a+el' 8)t t%e *a+el w%ere $o) *an see it o.ten' "edi*ate
$o)rsel. to do as t%e *a+el does' Serve $o)r Master well and (atientl$ over
t%e long 2o)rne$' Yo) %ave *o+e a long wa$9 t%ere is still +)*% gro)nd to
*over' Contin)e to +ove .orward/ serving wit% love/ )ntil $o)r +ission is
*o+(lete and $o)r at%er in Heaven will sa$/ 1:ell done/ t%o) good and
.ait%.)l servant!=

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