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For internal use only

1 Nokia Siemens Networks

R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:
New CD Releases
Bharti Account
Soubhik Bhadra
For internal use only
2 Nokia Siemens Networks
R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:
MF3I2A00 + MF3I2B00 + MF3I2BP1

The above CDs contain following important correction.

1) MF04423: After M14 to M15 SW upgrade few M13 MSS nodes in few
circles were having 1016 alarm and as a result, loss of redundancy was
there as far as MB is concerned. The WA solution was to de-activate the
SMS measurement. However, this CN is the permanent solution.

Apart from this, there are some important corrections related to CC 719, CC
603 etc. Please refer to respective CD documents for further details.

For internal use only
3 Nokia Siemens Networks
R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:
MG3I2A00 + 2AP1 + 2AP2

The above mentioned CDs contain following important correction.

1) MG03991: Earlier we have seen some missing sequence numbers in CDRs and
also alarm 3648 (Charging record inconsistency) to be generated. On further
analysis we have found that, whenever call rerouting is taking place, there is a
chance of lost CDR. This CN will resolve the issue.
2) PDC6922: This PDC found missing in Bharti package which is a pre-requiste for
our next planned SW upgrade Ma16.2. After the CD installation, we have to
follow the activation instruction for this PDC and accordingly some
announcement related configuration need to be changed and then, need to be
3) MG04027: Earlier we had 2 incidences when working CMM took restart because
of overloading of CCD PRB, resulting in complete system outage. This CN is
suppose to resolve this issue.

For internal use only
4 Nokia Siemens Networks
R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:
ME3IA600 + ME3IA6P1

The above CDs contain following important corrections.

1) OLCM DB size is increased from current 5K capacity to 30K capacity.
2) ME19611 & ME19393: Earlier MML command ZVWQ was not getting
executed. These CNs will resolve the issue.

Also there are some important CDR related corrections apart from other
important corrections. Please refer to CD document for further

For internal use only
5 Nokia Siemens Networks
R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:
HLRi (M15)
MF3I27P6 + MF3I27P7

The above CDs contain following important corrections.

1) MF04499: During DR test we have observed that, the EPS data is not
getting updated in the R-HLR for a 4G subscriber. This CN will resolve
this issue.

2) MF04553: The LIR feature, version 2 (FN133) has been delivered
through this CN. This is delivered as per the new requirement from

For internal use only
6 Nokia Siemens Networks
R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:

The above CD contains following important correction.

1) U5_1932: Alarm 2380 (CPU time differs from Calender time) has been
observed in few nodes in different circles. This CN will resolve this issue.

There are many other important corrections/improvements in this CD, for
which please refer to the CD document.

For internal use only
7 Nokia Siemens Networks
R 255
G 211
B 8
R 255
G 175
B 0
R 127
G 16
B 162
R 163
G 166
B 173
R 137
G 146
B 155
R 175
G 0
B 51
R 52
G 195
B 51
R 0
G 0
B 0
R 255
G 255
B 255
Primary colours: Supporting colours:
ATCA MGW + + (EP2)

The above CDs contain following important corrections.
1) Ui5_0114: We have earlier seen that, a wrong command sequence
could cause outage. This CN will resolve the issue. Also many times, we
have seen that some signaling links are not coming up after media
outage etc. This CN has general improvement as far as signaling of
AMGW is concerned.
2) Ui5_0129: This problem we have faced while doing expansion at
Asansol MGW in ROB circle. That time we have found that, when we
have manually restarted one TCU, many other units were also restarted.
This CN will help us to avoid recurrence of the same issue.

Apart from this, there are other important corrections for which, please refer
to respective CD document.

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