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We Are Gearing Up for 2014!!

And we need your help!

Help elect pro-womens health candidates by canvassing, phone
-banking, and other grassroots activities while working with
local and statewide candidates to help ensure their victory

Represent Planned Parenthood Advocates at candidate forums,
fundraisers, and other campaign events

Conduct voter registration drives, voter identification and
targeting projects, and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities

Track, analyze and develop effective campaign strategies,
including new media organizing (facebook, twitter, etc), for
state/federal elections

Learn in-depth strategies and skills on the front line of the
progressive movement on issue-based campaigns in Kansas
and/or Missouri! Internships available for Summer and Fall!

For More Information or to Fill Out An Application
Contact Vicky Leitnaker or 913.312.5100 x228

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