English10syllabus2014 15

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English 10
Mrs. Megan Walck

Class Description

English 10 is designed to promote independent thinking and life-long learning through the acquisition and
utilization of reading, writing, critical thinking, and listening skills.
Content that may be covered (but not limited to):
Various short stories
Romeo & Juliet
Literary devices & elements
The writing process


The content of this course is aligned with the PA Common Core Standards and the Keystone Exam Assessment Anchors.
The Keystone Exams will be administered to students upon completion of this course.

Throughout the year, we will be embarking on several major assignments/projects that are designed to prepare students for
future classes, career skills, and life. These projects may include, but are not limited to research papers, group/independent
projects, independent novel studies, etc. Rubrics and other appropriate paperwork will be given in advance, but it is of the
utmost importance that students take the initiative to stay on top of these assignments. As these assignments will make up a
large portion of the marking period grade, these assignments should be submitted in such a way that shows student
dedication and pride.

Grading Policy **YOU** determine your grade. Your teacher does not. If you are willing to try your best, you will have the opportunity
to earn an A. However, this is totally up to you.
Homework/Classwork: 5-10 points
Quizzes/Tests: 15-100 points
If you talk during quizzes/tests, you will be given a zero. No exceptions.
Cumulative tests will be given during midterms and finals.
Major Assignments/Papers/Projects: 50-100 points
Because due dates are given well in advance, projects and papers are expected to be turned in on the
assigned due date. Any late assignments will be graded at the discretion of the teacher, with the
minimum penalty being a loss of 50%.
Work is considered late if it is not complete when you enter the room.
Extra Credit: 1-10 points

Given in the following forms, and only at the discretion of your teacher
Bonus questions on quizzes/tests
Attendance at school functions with a formal review and ticket/program attached
A Light Bulb moment in class
Various extra assignments offered in class
Finding a spelling/grammar error on an assignment
Completion of flashcards/study guide

Make-up Work Students who miss class are expected to make up their work according to the student handbook. If you find that you are
falling behind or need more time, please see your teacher, and we will work out a game plan. However, we WILL NOT
hunt you down to retrieve missing assignments. This is your responsibility.
Page 5 of the Student Handbook states,
Any student who has an absence from school may make up classwork and assignments missed if the
request is made within one school day of the students return. The time allowed to complete make-up
work will equal the time missed or five school days whichever is longer. It is the students responsibility
to take advantage of this opportunity. The students grade should reflect a failure to comply.
Unexcused absences result in no credit awarded for the missed school work [].

Classroom Rules and
In order to get the most from our independent studies and from working together, our classroom requires a set of guidelines.
These rules and procedures will allow everyone to participate and be successful.
Arrive on time and be ready to work.
Come prepared with the following REQUIRED items for each class:
Students are expected to maintain a notebook that is useful for studying. It should be legible,
organized, and updated daily.
Independent Novel
Spare time is to be utilized for reading time.
If you complete an assignment and others are still working, you are expected to be reading.
The textbook does not count as additional reading materials.
Good Attitude
Rules of the Couch/Floor/Cushions:
Sitting on the special furniture/floor is a PRI VI LEGE and not a right.

You may ONLY sit on the special furniture/floor with teacher permission.
Permission may be revoked at any time, for any reason.
The bell DOES NOT dismiss you. Your teacher dismisses you.
Substitute Teachers/Special Guests must be treated with the utmost RESPECT and courtesy.
Disciplinary action will occur if student behavior is not in accordance with the classroom teachers expectations.

August 27, 2013

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please read the following statement, and sign and return this page by Friday, August 30,
2013. The attached syllabus is for your records. Thank you for supporting your childs education.
We look forward to a productive year of learning.
Mrs. Megan Walck

I have read the attached syllabus for English 10 in its entirety. I understand its contents and have
discussed it with my child. I agree to contact Mrs. Walck at Northern Potter High School if any
questions or concerns should arise.

Parent signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________


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